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Contract 1358-0
Engineers, Inc. C c u' tp, � � scot .2,b 08Dtit �. Civil and Structural Engineers Mr. William O. Bayne. P.E. City Engineer City of Cathedral City 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 .10370 Hemet Street, Suite 340, Riverside, CA 92503 Phone: (951) 687 -1305 / Fax: (951) 667 -3387 / Web: www.cnteng.corn June 2.2008 Subject: Cathedral Canyon Low Water Crossing Replacement (New Bridge) at the Whitewater River Request for Contract Amendment No.1 Dear Mr. Bayne: CNS Engineers, Inc. (CNS) is pleased to submit this proposal to include additional professional environmental services for the subject low water crossing replacement project. As discussed in the Project Development Team (PDT) Meeting on May 21, 2008 in your office, our new added scope of work will include developing a draft Preliminary Environmental Study (P.ES) and a draft exhibit for Area of Potential Effect (APE) to .support a formal field review meeting with Caltrans Local Assistance. The new added task is numbered as No. 2.10A in the man hour worksheet of the attached cost proposal. We request amending our original contract amount as follows: Original Contract Amount: Proposed Amendment: 543,1 25.52 55,695.82 Total Proposed Amended Contract Amount: 546,82134 We appreciate the opportunity to work with the City. and look forward to City's approval for this contract amendment. Should you have any questions about this proposal, please feel free to contact me at 951- 687 -1005 ext. 11. Sincerely, CNS Engineers, Inc. James Lu, P.E., S.E. Project Manager / Principal Attachment: Cost Proposal ..._ Contract Amendment No. 1 A PPRrn.›� Q. J7 Cathedral Canyon Low Water Crossing Replacement (New Bridge) at Whitewater River Page I 1 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY COST PROPOSAL - Contract Amendment No. 1 Professional Engineering Services for the Cathedral Project Name: Canyon Low Water Crossing Replacement (New Bridge) at the Whitewater River C €ansultant. C \S Engineers. Inc. (Prime Consultant) DIRECT LABOR Classi ficataon Name Projec€ Manager (PM ! James Li Senior Bridge Fncincc: l SI31li Quyet Nguyen Bridge Design Engineer (13DT71 L. €Iii tilahar3at Chief Gcotechnical Engineer (- C0i[7) Lilting Y.in Senior CARD Technician (SCAM T13L) CADD Technician (CAD( TBD Project Administrator (PA( Lily 1-Itti(ng FRINGE BENEFIT` INDIRECT COSTS Overhead (OH) General and Administrative (Ci &AI Total ('' Combined FB, OH and Ci &A) FEE (PROFIT) Range Date: 5/30/2008 Initial Hourly Hours Rate Total 5 (u' $ 5 l_114 b 290.0() 0 i s S 38.00 8 1) tu: S 32.0(1 8 O ti;, S 55.20 8 II )r 5 42_,50 8 (} (a 8 ;x.50 5 (u; S 39.511 5 39.50 0 ire, S - 8 0 lu: 8 5 0 fa, S - 5 Subtotal Direct Labor Costs 5 329,50 Anticipated Salary Increases (-0`s ( 8 Total Direct Labor Costs (DLC) 5 329.50 Rate t Total Total Fringe Benefits (FB) 5 Total 140 s„ S 461.30 Total Indirect Costs (IC) 8 461.30 Rate Total 10 % $ 79.08 Fee (DLC- t-FB +IC) $ 79.08 OTHER DIRECT COSTS (ODC) E. Reproduction S 2. Plotting 5 3 Transportation/Travel 8 4. Overnight Deliveries 5. Drilling Rig Rental (Ge€atechnica1 Investigaltons)'I(uture Phases) S 6 Traffic Control (Geotechnical Investigatio ns} mire Phases) 7 1..ahoratory Sail Testin_ =, (Future Phases( SUBCONTRACTOR COSTS Terra Nova Planning & Research. Inc_ AEI -CASC Consulting KOA Corporation (F€ €wire Phase,;( Tatsunti and Partners, Inc. Future Phases) Markup on Subcontractors (- i ".5() TOTAL COST 5 Total Other Direct Costs 5 4,640.33 50.00 50.00 50.00 5 185.61 5,695.82 City of Cathedral City Cost Proposal - Man Hour Worksheet Protect Name. Professional F,fng' €steering Services for the Cathedral Canyon Low Water Crossing Replacement (New Bridge) at the Wititewater River Date 5,30)08 Consultant: CNS Engineers, Mc_ (Prime Consultant) \\ \) / /` \ \ \ .�ca., ae . v . \...:\ 2zvzzz,»_ // \z_ ., /\ \ \} . `7 . . z .......�:.. ze_zza•,Ve. = = . =.._� �/ _ ,. �_� . ___ ,. gnverunmental Documents (CEQA /NE'.PA) & Technical Studies........ iu 11 e=1„. en VI ƒ EH ~ ° are is ran t 11 ll _2 \\ \ � / \ \ \ \, \ / ( 7 \{ \ \ ==,« \ \ \ : \ \\ \ \ = - \ =e�uv» \ \ \ © j \ \ \} \\ _ \\ \\ -� § e a. \\ / \ \ f t : \� \ :� \ \. \, =. tluatuy 1. antroJ and Quality Assurance Preliminary Engineering ,Aerial Base Mapping and Surveying Right- ot. -W'av Rfa it3e CL f(§ \ \ \ Roildw°ay Drainage and River Hydraulics Channel 1ntproveinent Requirement 'Roadway Geometric Approval Drawing Preitrninary Staging Plans Type Selection Report Budge Aesthetics and Landscape Modifications \�� �I ( ,i „ a . „ Jr . ��� „ a44444- CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY COST PROPOSAL - Contract Amendment No. 1 Professional Environmental Services for the Cathedral Project Name: Canyon Bridge at the Whitewater River: PES Form & Field Meeting Consultant: Terra Nova Planning & Research. Inc. DIRECT LABOR Classification Project Man: cr t i'ti1) Senior Evil Planner t5EP) Env Planner (EN CADD Technician 1t Af7) Project .Administator t PA) Clcricai (CLR) FRINGE BENEFITS INDIRECT COSTS Overhead (OH) General and Administrative (G &Al Total (* Combined OH and G&A) FEE (PROFIT) OTHER DIRECT COSTS I Reproduction 2. Plotting 3. Transportation/Travel 4. Overnight Deliveries SUBCONTRACTOR COSTS Urban Crossroads (Noise) CR,M Tech (Cultural) VisionScape (Visual Simulations) AMEC (Biological) TOTAL COST Nance John Cristc Laura .A1stadt LtIR �i: En n Teri Webb Nicole C'iste Range Date: 5/23 /2008 Initial Hourly H }tin Rate Total 9 �@ S 70.00 $ 630.00 0 (o $ 34.00 5 28 is $ 34.00 S 952.00 2 r'c!% $ 24.00 S 48.00 0 r : 70.00 $ - 2 a' 22,€10 $ 44.00 O '� $ $ - 0 a $ $ 0 (ac $ 4 0 (a: 5 S 0 'ce 5 5 Subtotal Direct Labor Costs $ 1,674.00 Anticipated Salary Increases (5 %) $ 83.70 Total Direct Labor Costs (DEC) 5 1,757.70 Rate Total 33 $ 1,757.70 Total Fringe Benefits (FR) S 580.04 Total 55 % $ 966.74 52 `% 5 914.00 107 % $ 1,880.74 Total Indirect Costs (IC) 5 1,880.74 Rate Total 421.85 Fee (I)LC +FB +IC) $ 421.85 6 Total Other Direct Costs $ 5 S 4,640.33 E 0 FA 0 A 0 1,1 0- 0 0 10.1. bp, E 0. 1:111 0- 0- 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. 0. 0 A A 0. t g w 0 —r 0. 0 t A2'G 1 VI 1 Bill 0. Bayne From: James Lu ]ames.lu @cnseng.com] Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 5:20 PM To: Bill 0. Bayne Cc; Bill Clapper Subject: Cathedral Canyon LWC Replacement - amendment request for draft PES and APE Bill (Bayne), I have attached a cost proposal to request an amendment to develop a draft PES and APE. Your approval will be appreciated. I have also talked to Chris Igbinedion of Caltrans Local Assistance today to schedule a field review meeting on July 8. I will keep you informed of the status. I will try to talk to him also for the Date Palm Drive Bride. Just let you know I did not forget about that bridge. Regards! James Lu, PE, SE CNS Engineers, Inc. 10370 Hemet Street, Suite 340 Riverside. CA 92503 Phone: >_ .. lgohiV 049- 69(,- ifw) www.c115-cw4..com 6/3/2008