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Cathedral City
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM
Mayor Henry called the Study Session Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis participated via telecom
Mariott Monterey
350 Calle Principal
Monterey, CA 93940
Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council
Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar
A. 2015-122 Introduction of the new Dean at Cal State San Bernardino, Palm
Desert Campus-Sharon Brown Welty
Sharon Brown Welty, Dean, Cal State San Bernardino Palm Desert Campus, gave an overview of the campus and
the programs they offer. She also shared some of their future goals and upcoming events.
B. 2015-129 FY 15/16 and FY 16/17 Biennial Budget Presentation
Tami Scott,Administrative Services Director,gave a presentation on the FY 15/16 and FY 16/17 Biennial Budget.
At the request of the City Council attached is a list of Questions and Answers that were requested to be included
in the minutes. The referenced attachments are available in the Finance Department.
Mayor Henry adjourned the Study Session Meeting at 6:28 p.m.
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City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION April 8,2015
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GARY F. MOW.- _;"City CI-rk
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Budget Questions and Additional Requests
Requested added information
1. Purchasing list of all city vendors with total payments for last fiscal year and this year
for first 6 months.
Answer— Please see the attached two spreadsheets — FY 13/14 Vendors Paid and
FY 14/15 Vendors Paid (6 months).
2. Organization charts for each Department showing last year's staffing and proposed
new staffing structure showing FTE counts (especially Economic Development and
Police Department). See attached
3. An aggregated budget line item report showing total budget (expenditures) for fy 14,
fy 15, fy 16 and fy17 with % increases — i.e. Salaries, benefits, each expense line,
total. Please see the attached expenditure budget spreadsheet.
4. What is the basis for the significant increase in projected tax revenues
Answer— (HdL) Companies estimates, State BOE (Board of Equalization) estimates,
County estimates, estimated Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases, Inland Empire
Economic Report, projected performance of auto sales.
5. What is the basis for the increase in projected fee revenues
Answer — Applying some of the estimates from the sources above. In some cases,
applying any known increases, e.g., Desert Hot Springs (DHS) contract increases
6. How much have we spent for legal fees last year and this year to date
Answer — For FY 13/14, legal costs totaled $546.314. For the first 6 months of FY
14/15, legal costs totaled$215,893. See attached for breakdown.
7. What is the staffing projected for City Clerk given proposed election changes and
how are the elections being paid for. (see 2 above)
Answer — Projected staffing is for the current elected City Clerk, a full-time Deputy
City Clerk and a 0.60 full-time equivalent (FTE) comprised of other City staff. The
City contracts with Riverside County to conduct the Election. Elections are paid for
from General Fund revenues through the City Clerk's professional and technical
services account(see 5 below).
8. What is in Professional and Technical services for the Clerks office
Answer—Primarily Riverside County Election services.
9. What is the staffing included in the CM Department(see 2 above)
Answer — Staffing includes the City Manager, Administrative Assistant,
Communications/Events Manager, Business Development Administrator,
Administrative Services Director, and the Community Development Director.
10. What is included in the special revenue expenditures for the Planning/GIS Dept.
Answer — These are expenditures associated with development projects. Example
expenditures include staff time, legal expenses and publication expenses. These
expenditures are paid for with planning deposits (revenues) made by the developers.
11. What is the basis for the increase in Prof and Tech Svcs for Building and Safety
Answer—To cover the increase in services for both building plan check and building
12. Why the increase in legal fees for Engineering and what was included in the FY 14
expenditure for this line?
Answer — Engineering legal fees were budgeted in FY 13/14 and FY 14/15 at
$10,000/year. With actual legal fees for FY 11/12, FY 12/13 and FY 13/14 above
$20,000/year due to increased development activity, the FY 15/16 and FY 16/17
budgets were increased to $20,000/year. The costs are associated with land use
activities, parcel descriptions, right-of-way acquisitions, lot line adjustments and
development agreements that are required.
13. What is included in staffing for Public Maintenance salaries(see 2 above)
Answer— Public maintenance salaries fund the grounds and facilities staffing. Note—
street maintenance staffing and operations are funded by Gas Tax (Fund 241) and
Measure A(Fund 243).
14. Why are the fleet replacement lines cut in a number of departments and why is this
not a CIP item
Answer—Fleet replacement is budgeted on a biennial basis for each department that
operates vehicles. These vehicles are tracked by the fixed asset system. Costs
charged to a department are the amortized estimated replacement cost of the
vehicle(s). The department charges are accumulated in the Equipment Replacement
Fund (Fund 612), not the CIP, where vehicles are eventually purchased and
accounted for.
Although we strive to fund 100% of the amortized estimated replacement costs, there
has been a reduction for primarily 2 reasons. First, vehicles today are lasting beyond
their normal useful life. As this happens, depreciation schedules decline per vehicle
thus reducing the allocation for the departments that are not replacing vehicles in the
current budget cycle. The second reason is fund balance in the Equipment
Replacement Fund will be just below $3 million at the close of this fiscal year;
therefore, funding priorities would be to balance the budget and not fully amortize
replacement costs as previously explained. For this biennial budget cycle, total
amortized estimated replacement costs to be funded were reduced during
management review, thereby resulting in the"cuts"to departments.
Since no vehicle purchases have been proposed, there are no vehicle replacement
costs included for Fiscal Years 2015/16 and 2016/17, (refer to Equipment
Replacement tab under Other Funds in Budget Workbook).
15. Why has maintenance and operations increased by so much under Recreation
Answer — With the opening of Whitewater Park in June 2015, there is a significant
increase to the recreation operating budget starting in FY 15/16.
16. Why have legal fees increased by$75,000 under code compliance
Answer — In the FY 13/14 and FY 14/15 budget, Code Compliance legal was
budgeted at $50,000/year. Based on actuals for these two years and the anticipated
continued level of activity, the budgeted amount was increased to$125,000/year.
17. Are there any changes included for Fire Department reorganization or revised staffing
based on new chief's review
Answer — Not at this time. If need be, a budget adjustment can be submitted to
Council for approval during FY 15/16 and/or FY 16/17.
18. Why has the FLSA Overtime increased so much under Fire Suppression
Answer—It is not that FLSA has increased but due to the work schedule deployed in
the fire dept. there is always 10 hours of FLSA Overtime per pay period and it is more
accurate to account for this under its own line item. In the past, this was accounted
for as part of salaries. FLSA overtime became segregated in FY 13/14 and is now
computed as a separate element of salaries.
19. How critical is the new Enterprise Software System.
Answer — Critical- This is consistent with Council adopted goal of "Work toward
the implementation of a new financial backbone software system in 2016"
An ERP would provide City staff with an integrated system versus individual stove-
pipe systems. Integration will increase department interaction and significantly reduce
redundant data entry and labor hours. In addition, an ERP will allow for the ability to
provide on-line functions (payments, scheduling) for our constituents. It is the future
goal to be able to allow for electronic submission of plan checks, permit issuance,
and accept online payments for such activities, electronic time keeping and this
cannot be done with our current system. This will also assist in more transparency
to the public by developing a "Dashboard" capability that certain public financial data
will be able to be accessed via the Internet to the general public that is not available
today. The last financial backbone, Cayenta, was installed in 2001 and has reached
its capacity to support today's needs.
20. How does the Whitewater Bike path project in CIP relate to the CV link project
Answer—This CIP project was a grant awarded to Cathedral City prior to CVAG's CV
link initiative. The scope of the original grant was to construct a bike trail on the east
side of the Whitewater River from Vista Chino to 30th. The second grant was to
construct the trail from 30th to Ramon Road. The design of the first segment was
nearly complete when CVAG issued an update to the Regional Non-Motorized
Transportation Plan showing the bike trail on the west side of the Whitewater River.
CVAG subsequently proposed the CV Link, multi-use trail for the west side of the
Whitewater River. Because it makes no sense for Cathedral City to construct a bike
trail along the same alignment that CVAG is going to construct CV Link, we are in the
process of requesting Caltrans to accept an alternate alignment for the two bike trail
grants. Alternative alignments are being evaluated and if approved by Caltrans, the
project title will be changed to reflect the new locations.
21. I do not see any proposed project for islands on East Palm Canyon up to Date Palm
on the list
Answer - The East Palm Canyon islands/medians are included in the Date Palm
paving project that is planned to be brought to Council for approval in May and to be
completed in June/July 2015.
and would also like to see movement for a park on city land in the west wash of the
Cove along with a replacement for the Dog Park on the list.
Answer—At Council's direction we can add two new (unfunded) CIP worksheets for
1) City Park Cove West Wash, and 2) Dog Park Replacement.
Cathedral City
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM
Mayor Henry called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
Council Member Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Carnevale offered the Invocation.
Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis will participate via telecom
Mariott Monterey
350 Calle Principal
Monterey, CA 93940
Present: 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council
Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar
City Attorney Charles Green announced that a Closed Session Urgency Item will need to be added to the Agenda.
The matter involves potential litigation involving Tesoro. Adding this item to the Agenda meets all of the
requirements of an urgency item.
A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to add an
Urgency Item to the Agenda under Closed Session as item 7D.Potential Litigation involving Tesoro.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
City Manager Charles McClendon,gave an overview of the City's water conservation efforts.
Allen Worthy, was called to speak. He welcomed Chief George Crum. He stated he was glad to be able to meet
the new Dean for Cal State San Bernardino, Palm Desert Campus.
Rosario Avila, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She referred to the Jefferson Interstate Exchange and CVAG.
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City Council REGULAR MEETING April 8,2015
She indicated that there is opposition to the project that is not being reported and questioned where the Council
stands on the project. She requested that the City set-up a community meeting to receive information on the
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He congratulated the City on a very successful LGBT Days
Event Weekend and thanked everyone that sponsored and participated in the event.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the
following Consent Agenda Items.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale,and
Council Member Aguilar
3.A. 2015-127 Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands
Enactment No: M.O.6380
3.B. 2015-123 City Council Minutes of March 25, 2015
Enactment No: M.O.6381
3.C. 2015-94 Resolution for Paying & Reporting the Value of Employer Paid
Member Contributions ("EPMC")with all Costs Paid by the
Enactment No: Reso.2015-19
3.D. 2015-105 Contract Award -Americans with Disabilities Act Self Evaluation
and Transition Plan.
Enactment No: M.O.6382
3.E. 2015-107 Resolution of Intention for a Contract Amendment between
CaIPERS and the City of Cathedral City
Enactment No: Reso.2015-20
3.F. 2015-113 Authorization of Relocation and Demolition Contracts for Housing
Enactment No: M.O.6383
3.G. 2015-115 Second Reading and Adoption of the 2015 City Speed Limits
Enactment No: Ord 751
3.H. 2015-116 Ordinance Second Reading Adding Chapter 12.28.170-Parking in
Lots of Private Businesses
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City Council REGULAR MEETING April 8,2015
Enactment No: Ord 752
3.1. 2015-117 Grant from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians for Police
Motors Unit-$25,000
Enactment No: M.O.6384
3.J. 2015-118 Improvement Area No. 8 -CFD No. 2006-1 -Second Reading and
Adoption of an Ordinance Establishing a Special Tax Levy
Enactment No: Ord 753
3.K. 2015-126 Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Fire Department Grant-
Enactment No: M.O.6385
4.A. 2015-120 Introduce an Ordinance Incorporating the State Digital
Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA) into the
City's Municipal Code and Establishing a 1% PEG Fee
Tami Scott,Administrative Services Director,presented the Staff Report.
Mayor Henry opened the Public Hearing for comments, there being none, he closed the Public Hearing and
returned the discussion to the Council.
A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the
first reading,by title only,of an Ordinance repealing,in its entirety,Ordinance Nos.518,523 and 554
and amend Title 5,by repealing in its entirety,Chapter 5.11 and adopting a new Chapter 5.11 (Cable
Vision Systems)of Title 5 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code to be aligned with the State Digital
Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006(DIVCA). The motion carried by the following vote:
_ Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
5.A. 2015-140 Parks and Community Events Commission -Municipal Code Title
2, Chapter 2.18
A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to approve
the first reading,by title only,of an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 2,Chapter 2.18 to
expand the membership and duties of the Parks and Recreation Commission and renaming it the
Parks and Community Events Commission. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
5.B. 2015-114 Resolution -Authorizing the Purchase of Assessor Parcel
670-213-009-4 for Stormwater Control
A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to approve a
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City Council REGULAR MEETING April 8,2015
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to formally object to Riverside County Tax-Default Property
Sale of Assessor Parcel 670-213-009-4 and execute an application and agreements necessary to
purchase the property from Riverside County for the approximate amount of$29,715.90 plus noticing,
application and administrative costs.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale,and
Council Member Aguilar
Mayor Pro Tern Pettis,reported that he is attending a Regional Government Conference representing Riverside
County and that he will report back at the next Council Meeting.
Council Member Carnevale, thanked staff for doing a great job on the LGBT Days Event, it was first class. He
reported he will be attending the Animal Campus this coming weekend in Thousand Palms. He also reported that
he will be attending the Red and Gold Apple Awards on Thursday, the Senior Inspiration Awards on Friday and the
Boys and Girls Club Event on Friday night. He announced the Fire Department will be doing their Fill the Boot
fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
Council Member Kaplan, reported that the Cathedral Center will be holding a fundraiser on April 25th. Rotary and
City Staff will sponsor Movies in the Park, at Panorama Park, on April 28th. The movie will be "Planes". He
announced he will be attending the 4th Annual Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Forecast and he, along
with Mayor Henry, attended the 20th Annual 911 Dispatcher Recognition Dinner last night. He commended Chris
Parman and the Committee for the LGBT Days weekend event. The Event went well and there was a great
turnout. He announced that he feels fireworks is a safety issue and should be addressed as such. He indicated
that he has asked City staff to place an item on the agenda for a potential vote to rescind or change the existing
Council Member Aguilar, feels that the LGBT Days Event was an amazing event. He announced that March 31st
was Cesar Chavez Day. This was a day of service and celebration in many of the communities. He feels that
Cesar Chavez was an icon that died much too young.
Mayor Henry, feels that the LGBT Days Event was a great event. He has heard comments that Cathedral City is
on the books and things are happening in the City. People have been expressing how nice it is to see the
activity going on in downtown and Town Square. He indicated that the City Council participates in many local
events. He reported that he had the opportunity to attend the Dispatchers Award Event. He will attend the
Rancho Mirage State of the City address, the Red and Gold Apple Awards, and the Senior Inspiration Awards. He
stated that Eleanor Kincannon was nominated by the City for the Senior Inspiration Awards. She has volunteered
more than 14,000 hours at Eisenhower Medical Center. He reported that the American Red Cross is starting a
new chapter in the Coachella Valley and they are looking for a Cathedral City Council Member to be on the Board
of Directors. He indicated that they will hold a meeting on May 1st and anyone interested should let him know.
The City Council temporarily convened to Closed Session at 7:25 p.m.
NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8
Property Location: Approximately 120 acres in the vicinity of Landau
Boulevard and Vista Chino
Property Owners: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC
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City Council REGULAR MEETING April 8,2015
Anticipated Litigation - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant
to paragraph (2)of subdivision (d)of Section 54956.9:
One potential Case
Facts and Circumstances: Implied threat of litigation regarding Public
Records Request from California Policy Center.
NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8
Property Location: Approximately 7.5 acres in the vicinity of Mission & San
Diego Drive: Parcel Numbers 677-410-009, 677-331-003 and
Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as the Housing Successor Agency
Negotiating Parties: Housing Successor Agency and Southern California
Housing Development Corporation (CORE)
Rosario Avila, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She stated that she would like the Council to keep in mind
that there are problems with the non-profit organization,National Community Renaissance(CORE), that they are
negotiating with, and expressed her concern with the organization. She also stated that there are conditions in the
General Plan for this area that are not being complied with.
Sergio Espericueta, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He feels that if the City is negotiating with CORE it
would be a good opportunity to enforce the Conditions of the General Plan with regard to the location being
7.D. CLOSED SESSION ITEM ADDED: Potential Litigation Involving Tesoro.
The City Council reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
City Attorney Charles Green announced that the Council met in Closed Session and there was no reportable
action taken.
Mayor Henry adjourned the meeting 8:45 p.m.
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