HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1615 Contract No //-00/ Riverside Co. Transportation AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF e , ` 6t ROAD MAINTENANCE This Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 2 day of No , 2014, by and between the County of Riverside ("County") and the City of Cathedral City, a municipal corporation ("City")("Record Date"). Said Agreement shall become effective on the date as provided in Section 21 herein ("Effective Date"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the City submitted an application to the County's Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCO") for annexation into the City's jurisdictional boundaries of approximately 670 acres of vacant land located in the unincorporated jurisdictional boundaries of the County, north of the centerline of Interstate 10, generally south of Varner Road, generally west of Rio Del Sol Road, and generally east of DaVall Road, with the proposed property to be annexed ("Annexation Property") more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, on or about September 25, 2014 through LAFCO's Case No. 2014-08-4, LAFCO approved the City's application for annexation of the Annexation Property into the jurisdictional boundaries of the City, subject to certain "Specific Recommendations"; and WHEREAS, annexation of the Annexation Property as proposed in LAFCO's Case No. 2014-08-4 would result in boundaries that would create an inefficient maintenance pattern on a portion of Varner Road due to ownership of portions of Varner Road being staggered in a way that portions of Varner Road from Rio Del Sol Road to approximately 2.6 miles west of Rio Del Sol Road, would be owned by both the County and City; and WHEREAS, Specific Recommendation No. 5e as contained in LAFCO's September 25, 2014, staff report, states that "Prior to the recordation of a Certificate of Completion for this proposal, the City of Cathedral City shall enter into an agreement with the County of Riverside requiring the City to assume responsibility for maintenance of the full width of Varner Road from Rio Del Sol north to the current City boundary", and WHEREAS, annexation of the Annexation Property as proposed in LAFCO's Case No. 2014-08-4 would result in the northern half of the Bob Hope Drive and Interstate 10 interchange being within the proposed City boundaries which contains certain aesthetics features including intricate bridge fencing and decorative colored patterns on concrete features on both the northern and southern half of the interchange that are currently maintained by the County through a maintenance agreement with Caltrans and a funding agreement with the Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians ("Tribe"), and 1 NOV 2 4 2014 WHEREAS, Specific Recommendation No. 5d as contained in LAFCO's September 25, 2014, staff report, states that "Prior to the recordation of a Certificate of Completion for this proposal, the City of Cathedral City shall enter into an agreement with the County of Riverside to assume responsibility for maintenance of decorative features on the Bob Hope Drive overcrossing structure within the boundaries of the annexation", and WHEREAS, the County and the City have determined that it would be best and more efficient for the County to retain the responsibilities for maintenance of the decorative features on the Bob Hope Drive overcrossing structure for the areas within the boundaries of the annexation due to the funding agreement that the County already has with the Tribe and to prevent the bifurcation of any claijns for reimbursements submitted to the Tribe, and WHEREAS, the City desires to satisfy Specific Recommendations Nos. 5d and 5e as contained in LAFCO's September 25, 2014 staff report, and is hereby entering into this Agreement with the County, subject to the terms and conditions noted herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the County and City agree as follows: AGREEMENT Section 1. RECITALS The Recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, as though fully set forth herein. Section 2. MAINTENANCE OF ROAD AND TERM a. The City shall perform routine maintenance services, as described below, on the following described portions of Varner Road that are within the County's jurisdiction: 1. Those portions of Varner Road within Sections 2 and 12, in Township 4 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino Meridian; 2. The Northeasterly half of Varner Road, in Section 11, in Township 4 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino Meridian. Such routine maintenance shall be provided in perpetuity. This Agreement shall remain in effect until such time the City acquires jurisdiction over the above described portions or until this Agreement may be modified or terminated pursuant to Section 6 herein. The entire length of Varner Road, from Rio Del Sol Road northwesterly to the current City boundary, over which the City shall have routine maintenance responsibilities shall hereinafter be referred to as the 2 "Maintained Annexation Road," which is depicted in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. b. The above-referenced routine maintenance services shall be performed at the same level of service as that provided throughout the City's boundaries. The City and its contractors, agents, and employees, at the sole cost of the City, shall perform routine maintenance services, as necessary, to the Maintained Annexation Road. Said routine maintenance shall be limited to patching pot holes, sealing cracks, slurry work, replacing signs and markers, providing repair of the road surface and shoulder area as a result of storm or other damage, and cleaning culverts and removing debris from the right-of-way. The County shall be responsible for any and all additional maintenance services to the portions of the Maintained Annexation Road within its jurisdiction; all betterments as part of the County's Capital Improvement Program; and shall also perform annual inspections of those portions of the Maintained Annexation Road that are within its jurisdiction and submit those findings to the City, which findings must include any improvements and maintenance that may be reasonably necessary, as determined jointly by the City and the County. The City and County agree that both agencies shall have the authority to close the above road in the event of an emergency. Section 3. MAINTENANCE OF ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENTS AT THE BOB HOPE DRIVE/I-10 INTERCHANGE The County shall continue to be fully responsible for the maintenance of the decorative features located at the Bob Hope Drive/Interstate 10 interchange within the City's jurisdiction and shall maintain same in good repair and good condition. It is understood that as a result of the annexation described above, the portion of the interchange northeasterly of the centerline of the Interstate 10 freeway is located within the City's jurisdiction and the portion southeasterly of said centerline is located within the County's jurisdiction. The County shall continue to be fully responsible for the maintenance of and maintain, in good repair and good condition, the architectural treatments as shown in Exhibits A-1 through A-22, as described in the Interchange Agreement for Maintenance between the County and the State Department of Transportation ("Caltrans"), dated May 19, 2009, and as described in the Funding Agreement between the County and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, dated May 10, 2011, which agreements are attached hereto as Exhibit `B" and Exhibit "C", respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. The City shall have no responsibility to maintain said architectural treatments or any decorative features at the Bob Hope Drive/I-10 Interchange within the City's jurisdiction. Section 4. INDEMNITY; INSURANCE; COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS a. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims, losses, damages, penalties, fines, injuries and judgments, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and investigative or administrative costs arising out of or relating to any portion of the Maintained Annexation 3 Road, that arises out of, pertains to, or relates to the City's acts or omissions associated with performance of routine maintenance of said road as is required in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything else herein, the City shall fully indemnify, defend and hold the County harmless from any liability imposed for any injury or damage occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the City under or in connection with any obligation delegated to the City under this Agreement. b. The County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims, losses, damages, penalties, fines, injuries and judgments, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and investigative or administrative costs arising out of or relating to (1) the County's acts or omissions on or over any portion of the Maintained Annexation Road that is within the County's jurisdiction and that do not arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the City's acts or omissions associated with performance of routine maintenance of said road as is required in this Agreement, and (2) the County's acts or omissions associated with the County's performance of maintenance services to the decorative features located at the Bob Hope Drive/Interstate 10 interchange within the City's jurisdiction, as required in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything else herein, the County shall fully indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from any liability imposed for any injury or damage occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the County under or in connection with any obligation delegated to the County under this agreement. c. If the City uses a contractor for routine road maintenance services, the services shall be administered in accordance with applicable laws, including the California Labor Code provisions regarding prevailing wages, if required. City shall also cause City's contractor to maintain in force, a policy of contractual liability insurance, including coverage of bodily injury, liability and property damage liability, in the amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) minimum single limit coverage, and a policy of automobile liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) minimum. Endorsements to each policy shall be required which name the County, its officers, agents and employees as additionally insured. The City shall also require City's contractor to maintain workers' compensation insurance. The City shall provide certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsements which meet the requirements of this section to County prior to any contractor performing services on the road within County's jurisdiction. Section 5. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this Agreement or affect the legal liability of either party to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect to the maintenance of roads different from the standard of care imposed by law. 4 Section 6. MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION This Agreement may not be modified, terminated or rescinded, in whole or part, except by a written instrument duly executed and attested by the parties hereto or their successors or assigns. Upon detachment from the City of any portion(s) of the Maintained Annexation Road within the City's jurisdiction, or any other change of organization involving the Maintained Annexation Road, this Agreement may be modified, terminated, or rescinded, in same manner. Section 7. DEFAULT a. Failure or delay by any party to this Agreement to perform any material term or provision of this Agreement shall constitute a default under this Agreement; provided, however, that if the party who is otherwise claimed to be in default by the other party commences, in good faith, to cure, correct or remedy the alleged default within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of written notice specifying such default and shall diligently complete such cure, correction or remedy, such party shall not be deemed to be in default hereunder. b. The party which may claim that a default has occurred shall give written notice of default to the party in default, specifying the alleged default. Delay in giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default nor shall it change the time of default; provided, however, the injured party shall have no right to exercise any remedy for a default hereunder without delivering the written default notice, as specified herein. c. Any failure or delay by a party in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or any rights or remedies associated with a default. d. In the event a default of any party to this Agreement may remain uncured for more than fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of written notice, as provided above, and the alleged breaching party has not commenced, in good faith, to cure, correct or remedy the alleged default, a "breach" shall be deemed to have occurred. In the event of a breach, the injured party shall be entitled to seek any appropriate remedy or damages by initiating legal proceedings. e. Neither party shall be responsible for damages or be deemed in default by reason of any delay outside of the party's control, including but not limited to delay caused by strike, lockouts, accidents, acts of God or by the timeline for the Tribe's right to review and approve any maintenance or repair work of the decorative features located at the Bob Hope Drive/Interstate 10 interchange pursuant to the above referenced Funding Agreement. Section 8. BOOKS AND RECORDS; KEEPING OF DOCUMENTS 5 Each party shall maintain any and all ledgers, books of account, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to the work completed under this Agreement for a minimum period of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of performance pursuant to this Agreement. Any records or documents either created by or provided to either party in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be kept in the ordinary course of business by that party. Section 9. DOCUMENTATION Upon request, each party shall provide the other party with documentation of work completed. Section 10. REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS FROM A NON-PARTY In the event of any request for documents from a non-party to this Agreement, related to this Agreement, such as a public records request, submitted directly to a party, that party shall be solely responsible for responding to said request. Should that party require assistance from the other party, the other party may assist the party in responding to said request. Such assistance shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 11. NO AGENCY RELATIONSHIP CREATED Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed, construed, or represented by the parties or any third party to create the relationship of principal and agent. City shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of County in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. County shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Section 12. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Section 13. NOTICE All notices to be delivered hereunder if personally delivered shall be deemed received when delivered; such notices, if mailed in the United States mail, shall be mailed postage prepaid, registered or certified, with return receipt requested, and shall be deemed delivered on the date stated on the return receipt; and no such notices if mailed in any other manner shall be deemed received on actual receipt. Notices shall be mailed in the above manner to the following addresses: County City 6 Assistant Director of Transportation City Manager Riverside County Transportation Dept. City of Cathedral City 4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero P.O. Box 1385 Cathedral City, CA 92234 Riverside, CA 92502-1385 Either party may from time to time change the address for notice by notifying the other party of such new address in the manner set forth in this Section 13. Section 14. LITIGATION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEY'S FEES In the event any action, suit or proceeding is brought for the enforcement of, or the declaration of any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement or as a result of any alleged breach of any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such suit or proceeding shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, from the losing party, and any judgment or decree rendered in such a proceeding shall include an award thereof Section 15. REPRESENTATIONS OF PARTIES AND PERSONS EXECUTING AGREEMENT a. Each of the parties to this Agreement hereby represents that all necessary and appropriate actions of their governing bodies have been taken to make this Agreement a binding obligation of each of the parties hereto. b. The persons executing this Agreement warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of and bind the parties each purports to represent. c. Both parties were involved in the drafting of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall not be interpreted against either party on the grounds that one of the parties was solely responsible for preparing it or caused it to be prepared. Section 16. VENUE All proceedings involving disputes over the terms, provisions, covenants or conditions contained in the Agreement and all proceedings involving any enforcement action related to this Agreement shall be initiated and conducted in the applicable court or forum in Riverside County, California. Section 17. SEVERABILITY If any one or more of the sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein is 7 declared invalid, void, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not affect, impair, or invalidate any of the remaining sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein. Section 18. CAPTIONS AND HEADINGS The captions and headings contained in this Agreement are provided for identification purposes only and shall not be interpreted to limit or define the content of the provisions described under the respective caption or heading. Section 19. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES Except with respect to the rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the party. Section 20. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. Section 21. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall immediately become effective upon the recordation of the Certificate of Completion by the Riverside County LAFCO, whereupon the annexation of the Annexation Property shall become effective. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] } 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Kathleen J. DeRosa, Mayor Patricia Romo, Assistant Director of Transportation Dated: \'i o \lut APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVAL: Charles P. McClendon, City Manager �� :tdan) J: e IA,airman Rive-side County Board of Supervisors Dated: NOV 2 4 2014 ATTEST: ATTEST: Gary F. Howell, City Clerk if ' 3 /1)\)- 11/1i1j ecia Harper-Ihem Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Dated: NOV 2 4 2014 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: fl. CJ Charles Green, City Attorney Gre ry P. Priamos, Count Counsel Dated: //— SYNTHgA M. GUNZEL 9 i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: 1111. wiLarAl,..47 K.thleen J. sa, Mayor Patricia Roma Assistant Director of Transportation Dated: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVAL: "/ P [ / 4. Charles P. McClendon. City Manager Jeff Stone. Chairman Riverside County Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: ATTEST: 'L-SL 4 .V.y. Gary F. Hovte'll. City Clerk Kecia Harper-lhem Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4,44,-.440405 Fac Charles Green. (it). Attorney Gregory P. Priamos. County Counsel Dated: 9 EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF THE ANNEXATION PROPERTY [SEE ATTACHED] 10 sa. e '-' 4 1 __ 1 iS° yd� "". .. .1%.,:3--,--,,,7 S 'f mZF�F � r 1 1 _ i_ t# "' ,a mss` �r. " 1 .: rV 1 __ _ �- L . S I h - rt 4 I 1 I I i- I._r _ i , i• 3 £r� �&� 3✓4 f .._ __ 1 1 1 1 1 _ p,f Per dF �3 f .f '. 1 1 1 '-•••:;',..° t 1 X tFi 4 4,_. �I 'r' " r 1 1 1 1 1 1 — / � ' '- r r 1 1 r .n a r ! 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EXHIBIT "B" AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE INTERSTATE 10/BOB HOPE DRIVE INTERCHANGE IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE [SEE ATTACHED] 11 Contract No. • ?-oV-62/40 Exhibit B Riverside Co. Transportation AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE INTERSTATE-10/ BOB HOPE DRIVE INTERCHANGE IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE THIS AG is made and entered into in duplicate, effective this / day of , 2001, by and between the State of California, acting by and through its Dep ent of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE" and the COUNTY of RIVERSIDE hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY",and collectively referred to as"PARTIES." W1TNESSETH: A. WHEREAS, Cooperative Agreement No. 1379 was executed between COUNTY and STATE to construct Interstate 10 (I-10)/Bob Hope Drive extension and interchange realignment with Ramon Road, near the Thousand Palms area, hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT',and B. WHEREAS, in accordance with the said Cooperative Agreement it was agreed by PARTIES that prior to or upon PROJECT completion, COUNTY and STATE will enter into a maintenance agreement. C. WHEREAS, the PARTIES hereto mutually desire to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility, as defined in section 27 of the California Streets and Highways Code, and their respective responsibilities as to PROJECT constructed under the Cooperative Agreement No. 1379. D. WHEREAS there is an existing Freeway Maintenance Agreement 06-08-014 with COUNTY of RIVERSIDE, dated August 29, 2006. This Agreement is not meant to replace or supersede the earlier agreement/agreements. NOW THEREFORE,IT IS AGREED: 1. Exhibits Al-A22 consists of plan drawings that delineated the areas within STATE right of way which are the responsibility of the COUNTY to maintain in accordance with this Maintenance Agreement. 2. COUNTY must obtain the necessary Encroachment Permits from STATE's District 8 Encroachment Permit Office prior to entering STATE right of way to perform COUNTY maintenance responsibilities. This permit will be issued at no cost to COUNTY. 3. VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSING 3.1 COUNTY, at COUNTY expense, will maintain the deck surfacing (and shall perform such work as may be necessary to ensure an impervious and/or otherwise suitable surface) and all portions of the structure above the bridge deck. The bridge structural maintenance shall be as provided for in Article 3.2 hereinbelow. The above deck portions include, but not limited to, screening, railing posts,illuminated pipe rails, lighting installations, all traffic service facilities provided for the benefit 1/4 MAY 1 9 2009 J.-140. Exhibit B or control of pedestrian traffic such as guide and regulatory signs, bollards and striping, debris and graffiti removal from the walls facing the freeway and the COUNTY traffic . 3.2 STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the structural integrity of the overcrossing of I-10 below the deck surface. 3.3 At such locations as shall be determined by STATE, screening shall be placed on STATE freeway overpasses on which pedestrians are allowed as directed by section 92.6 of the Streets and Highways Code. All screens installed under this program will be maintained by STATE, at STATE expense except as provided in Article 3.4.1 hereinbelow. 3.4.1 COUNTY,at COUNTY expense,will maintain the architectural treatments to the slope pavement,columns,and the chain link railing provided for pedestrian screening above the bridge deck. 4. INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is STATE'S responsibility to provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges, including ramp connections to local streets and roads. 5. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 5.1 Nothing within the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this Agreement or to affect the legal liability of a PARTY to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect to the operation and maintenance of STATE highways and local facilities different from the standard of care imposed by law. 5.2 Neither COUNTY nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury, damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by, under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that STATE shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless COUNTY and all of their officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name,kind and description brought forth under, including, but not limited to, tortious, contractual, inverse condemnation or other theories or assertions of liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under this Agreement. 5.3 Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury, damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by COUNTY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon COUNTY under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that COUNTY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless STATE and all v4 Exhibit B of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name,kind and description brought forth under, including, but not limited to, tortious, contractual, inverse condemnation or other theories or assertions of liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by COUNTY under this Agreement. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective upon the date appearing on its face, and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties or until terminated by STATE for cause. It is being understood and agreed, however, that the execution of this Agreement shall not affect any pre- existing obligations of COUNTY to maintain other designated areas until a written notice from STATE has been issued that work in such areas, which COUNTY has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terms of an agreement,has been completed. The PARTIES are empowered by Street and Highways Code section 114& 130 to enter into this Agreement and has delegated to the undersigned the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective agencies and covenants to have followed all the necessary legal requirements to validly execute this Agreement. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B t `t WILL KEMPTON •NE Director of Transportation CHAIRMAN,BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: KECIA HARPER-THEM • BY BY COUNTY rk STEPHEN R. PUSEYe7 Deputy District Director Maintenance APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY 4/Y) 9//Q/09 BY COUNTY Attorney **Legal Attorney Marsha L.Victor Department of Transportation 3/4 MAY 1 9 2009 34 Exhibit B **Approval by STATE'S Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form, in which case, the draft will be submitted to Headquarters for review and approval by STATE's Attorney as to form and procedures. 4/4 Exhibit B **Approval by STATE'S Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form, in which case, the draft will be submitted to Headquarters for review and approval by STATE's Attorney as to form and procedures. 4/4 Exhibit B < < 0 O I _ \� \ i 11 e W W < - a • a o O / iI / I ' • li u. d, t1 to < J • • i N (yA. + p N < W W ig W 8 ' -�- W W f •- / • m it _ 3F m i W W y� Z D. - - - r < it 1 t W m ■ O pp - H < F 1 '''.,...dil I I I I I I WI 0--- i g.ph,..e,0....... ' , o Y a. 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LISA. _a�����-nq I.G. :1 11.1 w I I I f. • I I *:I Exhibit B • 1 1111•a•MAL 1111111 M•11 Y f al li 1111 .11 • = W (Al fl.i IP i •-....• • ' OH Ill ••..........•... f....::.:.:,....:,....:,.:... ,....::...:....... .., ze fig I .f......f•:.:!....:f....:?-...:!-...: ••••'''..'.".'.'-"':- ... f-:..f.::: 5 . = ii". li fl k iiiii �'' - o - L riiI ii ` ii ; ; :t - e¢ p � 1 _{; i J 1,I $ lit S �_ iC o ,c iii 6 1 : !! �!. w IIi If . :I , , ! oa 1 i•• _1111111_•r111111 rliI_! ° ' ��_IL_-_��,._�� gP H rr,mu RP=Ellli■MallIMINIII II,?%iilni11,11\NMI∎�IM II/l�l //11EAI NI/i1/111i0,11101 11■l co 11111//EMMIIIE/41121/111111M11111M1. 2E 111 i . Pi, 'A ,FTIUI,_I, s■t_s I 11�®1:e ��1� c Er %r2 r1IELVII �Ifl o I i i% !! `i klealii1 cm ril_`_ _.1111• E p rimm,1--. ........_----4.----;-...9-----somh,Ncaliswitasaw i z 8 al . �EMI MEN���ii��� /��� \\0���`\�!�►'�,�i\_.\N!U I c< MIMS ��111 ■ M i h 0 ILA\\►�S\�_�MeM �— r:���1Z\\\\' NN1 11 u -,:' pil , z ag 1 i5 z d 2..- 1§. : ill ti d,_ 1 is1 iJ o i k k I i l Exhibit B • , Its t•O■MM Ma MM9,FN..tlIYV We .`app .:(:(11[,Obt 14 i_. i 1 ' i01 ifs « ; !"i , .e•. . 3 pi .,„ _., --- 0. 1 • • 1,1 x a '' �i g i g W •. LI . - . i jp o I « N I il _ °oil s r S 1 1 i 8 0t 5E, U• I ii 0 1 • L S I!j :• • li ' . . ... 1 1. . • 5� � - J. • JI i cs3. - r r z a z • a— oft 21 H. , .. il 31 • lflti . 5; � • g a g .3: a 71 Si € 8 p R R 31 I gi lii I ii 'a_ orlirje 11 1 .a' 1 Exhibit B • 1 t1G II t•�ItY1 bla Nq-nr-ai t.�LIOL lltl Iw�ya 1.' , {jVi7 W yy- Z - El 10130 1431 33S 3HI1H011'N II- Lt 30Yd .335-3N[1H�lYM 0 = :11 a. 1111 ®% ' h I , i ' r ; !b III Er'mr 1- qk rir da. I J 100 i i : . - AO ill i iiii wi I 1 jfljj s * 70:1im ` it L 4 Pr il Ma r Ts . k. tiVi3 ! a . 0 ei'f• h 11 I i ' hi‘=/ .1-i !) -it...,:. _ ill 1 9. •,y44,„ s' i) , ' 41 .0 !$ 5 *. 1 if - E„ e\, , I 17 14 16.,.• 14 at -62---- ---- op at ..- _ow e lEi cs ii.1 `■iiall 1 it 4. 0 ® 111; r -i-g i .. -4 f it Grial tij .h \-- N 1 6e'\-- ' L. 1 ell la . 1.= C E`er' OS d CrC 110 I il .- i 1 0 g p = _ p�i Ili ilei --Ar - 7767 It PO � a/ - - Piqgutiikta ie fit. •. - _ I hip` 0 O kiiiiiti lifef. TT I J . 0 3AOB, 1'-•1B .. N 'if3J. 9 I. {111 i =1 Exhibit B••' , J11•1 t•AIII LL IIII1•titiL f•2YL •`V12: ° qtr. 10139 1131 33S 3N111431V11 9 13 S5 3 �11M N I. o s C o- ti � e • N I ifli I ._..J W C 0 I 0 : I 1 ki. r A r : k ii it 0 0 I 1 } . Pihs4. I . K legit . A - -44‘, . . . - . .Ai : b4 I' QS • - , , - •_ .4 e M • Al - •, .. • ,..4„,, b b 1 110 MT , J ! W I IR 1 04 K ql 1M /011 : iill Or- Jill _ IBI - LLL, 6/ - ...h.- _ e_ ':_ ,. iiih , ,L .,„,,,„, ..; ra,..7 45 N. C'TEP-'6.7tc ® I I i , 001 . s A ,..„-AMLAi g I.,- • ,.... .e i €'.$4 i T A il r -f Jas. - - ' L.0e) ti.i l'i-m4,. ' i -. If NV . . ei h__m __..._ _. ®*no ,14411. or ON ii —' , AIM . eglidif 1 o ; e 0 921 m " _ Yp 3A0BY tl !!!!!! LYn 11 Exhibit B . ' 1 M111<�.N11111111 .Mt•M•1!a OIYL LM 1 �i. . V . ) F .11 r 1. ;1 6 IS `®� C h ,- A 01 li: [. i 2 gi 1 i flig! fi ,W' 5` 111.411 o .,,h : I ' Wk, Fr 0 q '31 tg. 4 iiii 0 iiiii . : 4 - I DJ : lk II le - —--'4.14•1,„4 ® r .ii a. . i , ill c. . -. , . Lai, 41 . '-i■ " t-7-?? CI . Id VI J. . tgl -.: 1!p - i� tilL ! ML o !L- - o . - UM/ twiria hi � � •iIN11t4P._:1-_- P.14-1`-r4 7 ! 0 hkrIPLU.1 1111 FILIF __ _ __ „ _ @ow _h_ • irl it • - ip4i-i';fit $t Ii rt • 4 i: CC°i) . 1- Ti Ii A a h .° .6C . • .,_ off` 4400. ', :.. Jahn . MI -. 40 jfiIf - r 1 _ j ,....pei L 1 AI = 1..o I O3Ar:v I. ' .- -k$ -°J9M lvi . I I . , kilt Exhibit B . i wn a Holt ss1-1 1.0•qua ur u.n.y�". 4 FCit) • •ices aas 1110171 a. i hi , : Fr 110101 c..% I r 1 . '°— 0 ' . v., . • , E:ii Ji i . tith . 11 iii t L 8 I :,a 1 ei i! lk :' k ki - 0 01 ill - ,® 1 r tint rI r f o 1 as 0,. ,! a .- ob. H y III 1. , �_ 0 ,.:sz 1110°' ktiat's.41 •>1 01 . 4 ":14 In-' *ri 6.,_ .L. I g . :if x ice- -- ,,.,�. � � � �IJ: t i g_ Iii _ 1 -I L,----- - - o i . I ill ft 'gt'AL. • e A 0 , - i %IF Of. $ V njjtb 0 0 ftfl I'1"111: it 6,_ e,_. cf) 1 tH. 1 i Exhibit B . - - l 11111/•X7101 7111 1W�w It t�tlWN 11M i`Vtw' f ;�j K if 'fl 33S 3NI1H31 a 1 3 j O W 11 1 I .t. ' it g et g c'g 0 :,1 1 an M� I �, 1 W t= e . = ll . L °o li I ,- ® fill -- - o iVI iin IA r - 0 la a�241 J �fi ir I 1,-, IL 1=4 iffs '' l Pit .,O'N. P\ ® .0 i il Co;4 .1 ' ir e M C —t.. i ? ri � y , .., f . " Hi . 44...) i . . • h 1 FF.-7 • - i Pi ' g ii - ....,... , c),,, i ow !!! ' 4 ri , IL w III II at 1 1 t . 4 6.'- . ill 1 6- ,L. 1 LEI XI e,_ .; cr6-;/7 °II ill 6. -1/ ° I ir I i! ill gt. - 4 , 1 -h • - 0 ti 1! ' i -0 r' tip el h if 0 0 ki , .4 11.0 ) knit s'fixx ht -�. Illt Y ri rGC _ ititig Iiili i - - --- ' 0 N � QE 'INS 335 111431. 1114311/ 335 314 31W1 I y Exhibit B I fl I •-ouw sru it-aiwva a auw uh i wp.��•wrr". =j ---- . c i F 10139 3$ I1H01 ii. p 1 1 1' i' ..1, if ri —--— ' —— 0 g eg : ir 411 ci iii o sr , 124; lids 1 .1 gii . 1 p . ' ri ii gi iti , I :11 il% ..si 4:E ..r-47-67 i r�` 0 g- 1 ` I s 4 A U te. iti — 1 i i or illy i 0 y EIS • •r- M V ii Nl 41 Mal D 1 1 .-- .---- ----- - - 0 11 t 1-X . il e triWil! ig i . sl - Lki di sil pi i in Pi gait 0- 0 Alp 11 0 az le .0 _ h . II 4 L ili .. __ —'L . ® 111® 111 I. . 1 4 BR i " •-1....p... i". $14 lig !I bn. ...%).L. 0 itniA • .: kg/iii' ;; _ I ' • 4 4 il:. IL i54 -Indils wef 61- a ! 1 ant 3A0811 335 NI1N0I.Y I 1 Exhibit B . )UM,t..1.111L 11.041•-a h.taL_2110 I*14114. Z it e Pi 7 � 0 :� f>'•'--- l'it _6 01 j« H . 1 v .. iIIIi jil VI a 1 t ii 1. \'t- jail' Ja ■■'Y14MI :15■■■I�i EISII 411N 11■S1�1■■■ ° C t_ 11■3141.a5fd•:.;liliitE■1■...181;41§111 iCA RIUMIONMIN ra I.. gr �■lo!-.► m9, muurr►mm .91m■+: tic:: lim■■■ . 0 1. ' E■■:acomr.:■6i11■'iVre NTikaillUMAISIE9■l�li EMI .r ■■i ; se 't11PA Imo/mu '91'3.1Cktltilli•SEIE■N p v ■'■ ■rob■■9;�1"skautzvo €91' !\■■gl■■1ffi■II 4 . •■'■rlfa9\►:iNtl'!i■I ■\II:' ll':,, . r13;`aMil1■Ii■ - ff• ■''ILO.- .:9:i1!* • B4 °:I!rl SitiigaR ilt■■■ #li' E- t ■■'1.1Cozd 1O±1■[irIRA::t11911IiEe41i 14s E1a11■■■' 1 d ■■'.1.\: !�11�m§fit\■\:91111*!1 .'R!��`llEl�m1�■■.i !i t f •„_1 •■''�.'MI!11��11I•51EV .?:I1 mass;$ 111■■9■ % t Is M ■'■'i3 :: .00151.491;91##�,<.IC a i :■ .;.9■■■ in U'1 al ..1 ••.,, ^_■'1AMMEMIME '1 ' Ie£I111ANi1IEIf■If:�+CdlMIEV J■■■' - I- Si W ■ ■i■!1g..: 4411047t-- • 'rc'l# 1�511'.1i1R6T :9if211■1419■■• a .`g • ■!■,B;119P ■!■I. .0 0011XIMEil��"s �teinib_l9■■■ NE -. La II° . 1...r 1 „ Ne• -� 1 ILI, 4 . . ,.... t ei, i . • =„.... E. z • X I:-111 'Oil � ��i 4 :. 11111=1.11111•1111111==.1111111 1 .11- . = I = I a IA Ellingiffirlifilaill:: iP1111 4 . . . _ as �iiiiiiiii fiftik! g I - • .. . . .. . . . , . _ . . . . 1 • li illi 1 • ' Exhibit B it III gat> i vt 0 . . Nri i , th le ; � 4 ` ii'i ' II li Ail gil low._ 13 ' 11:1 III iidb ,. t i , ...6: . 4 El:: .' 00 U' JII _ r. s $° • V w fas . ' _ :1 t .. kill • e,iii!!.� i ;. I*hi 1 1 $j _ • m__ 88 i ii 4 •1 I if JIø Oi� 3 t g !. a# .1 .1 s giit 1 ��IA 111411 S [ !JI x 11 7. + • Li iilia_ 1 i . il ut AIL CC 1,g I oi, li '41 i !a.1 AIL li ,,,, s .„,....,„:„,,,,,,,....„...,...., . i a- RFT . . , "'4LA : 0d Yg i !! ^ f r'l 6 • 1 A . it I i 1 li u le 11 f A O. 4 li w d . ` g � iItk�. ik i III ially I 1''' is i 1 j iill - ill A . . iiir.4 rgi 1. ill I .1 ., 1 Exhibit B - - -- _ _.-. _- ._.• lil • F: (Cit.) _ ...... le ; [7. rte' ' 1f. 'Vi 'i'i � : •„I if . g-�- 1' f e h i 2 -• 11!,f ill i 'IIIIIiIIIL ! W ;,4,3111 Sit 4 10■11P1 ` 1 i i 1 Wi i ` i i 1ikriaii , E. ..,..4 ii- 1 t1 .-4447/,tt31 i s iaii 1411h �, _ � tf� i 6II hi III if !i - iji /411 I ! ,aid f ) Ili FA mil ■■111111111111■■■■■■1111■i■11IItI11■11r_■f1 ^. A.A. __- 3! s _ ■■11•■11••••11■•11■■■■ems 1111E= €1 ; sib s < t ..� q i ■11.1■■il■■■11•.11■■r.- i■-g.- 1. -a AI's ■■�1,■■.11■■■■. s y s ■■11111■■►�■1111, 11■Y- Y 5 1 ' . X ■■11■►�■■►!� iii w • 4!� i ■■■►u■►r is lap. ! ! is I i ■■■mor mg ul 1111 a ❑11111{1 . F i6 _t_ ■■■■w' ,\ „„,,k:,'AM 111111111 , g WNW - ,” 0, '' Illilllll i moor Hod Vilr ft #_�� \<<�•";1111 m!lull � ! moor \\" • " „, ∎`;;1111 liIIII��I,1 Illilllll . figR a ■■V \\\ ,\‘'\`,,\ \ i)\\\\�:.11■ 1'111111111 11111111ll Y J i %elf ■ \ „ . M1■ , _ yi,n ■t \ ' , 1111 ■/ ".,a 1111 811 ■f r ";.e 1111 ,,,,EN _, is _ — \�i■ c., ,°-_,..._-,-, , .. , ...z. ,,._. -■ - `\'11■ ; ir10 . 0 — <re FL '/ ',.611111 ,- ion 1111 Y 1111 ;;.i ,.'!'- ' u ”,■■11 ■■� 1111 • 1 1111■. , '// ''1,,.,"'■■tin - .• _1 + •••■, 4,,;,;' 44 7, lam 9 _e 1■ 1111 • '''no 1 S a I illa ■■■■■!f� 1111 ■_ le • ek1 AE5611■11■■1111■111Rw' ■■ <i be ■■■■■■■■■11. is .- 1�1I 1 1111•••••11■••\. . ,;,,, 1111 '' 1118. 1 ■!1111.■1111■1111■11116. 11■ -�■ ■1E■■■■■11■■■■■■11/ _ MN a _$a .1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■11i11M ft.,.._ mi1111■■■11■■um11i■1111■■■■■rmmiss _ €� j • . . Exhibit Bli: , (6 .. • is laill 11 ! - lilt II a 11:11 t Iii .1 ..g; P.-4.f,• =i i 1-t JR I VII tsP 1: S I- I; te IIII gilt i ip g vi t g .1 t'z' ji- iikith fi ft - 1 w "• 21, % .1 , H i b . .:11.?. -4 ':III i i 111. I -EI:111" 0 .li 1 1 , - 4 a 11114A I 1 aa g 0. i II a 5 55 RH :I ,,..............„ 2 2 31 • 1 i.i. it- 1 . i "i kW- 1 so- • cz . :„......... i 'NI • _t_ s if . . 1 . . _ I ; --slk : 1 al 111 . . I it . ! 1 . , . 7 • : i :El la - I hi RI I gli I i g 6.1 ill i s-1 -ei 1.123 1 1 i :;1 itt if Ell. :. ...........m.........ms. ii 1:111101113111Migralll il 4 415 f . witimorimomn . - k- p limmulim."...m.m.... ph 1 hit II- ii I .1..........e.m............ 14 el MINIMMINKAKINOMArAMMEMI MI • I 6 ,9 „ .....•....•............•.. MIMMMIMMI4011/4MMEMOMMLIMMIMMEM ME I 3 MIKIMMK/111:1AMMIIMMOSILIMMMINI MMI jj MMWMFAIMMIMMISMIIMMZSMIIIP-r----vvii MI v • - bit - . • mulmmemminhommommbrAmiiimm. 1 ti 4 wummommummammrAlirommilmilmi ii...............osnamimum mu J !P I . ' , 1.•1.74•111111•1111•111111•:MMMEMLIMIIMMI OM 11 41 fillEMMENIMIllialii ii ra 2 D:i itt-mw....mh-omcm....1mniame Nu :kr 0 1 i r C s Enssommo.,2...sossownws.Es it 1 - jig Nrimslumurskamslisssouls Es 1 nr4 sim......ramimineinwso.Ns ix . MMEMMIMINIMMAMMIMMIMIIIZAMMOAM ME .... ...•IIIMMIMMIMMIMMILIIMAI IMO II:!!MMMMMMNIM INIMMIIIIMMIIMMMIC:.". . IIIE MilWAMMIIIIMMMIMMWMOIMMIMM 0110 > I iiiiIMMIMMINIM MMIHIMMMISMIMMIP_P-rierh OM 4--4--4 il MIIIMMUMMIMIMMIMMIMIMPMNIMINIII/MIS erimm.....m.....cAnnwacium 1.- 1 IL. WAN OM AINIIIIIIIIKIMILIVIGn.OE 2 I j U te1111111111111E1111111niCIIIEREEIMAIUMNIE MN - ilIMMINIMPIMINIMML IIINIUMMFAMMINSIMM MIS i fMILIMPLAIMMEMMOMMMKAMMMINIMMM MN S . I 111• 41111111111111111111111/11111MANIMMWAMMI OM 1 ullIPAIIMMMUMMIMML7.4110MINVIMIMM ME 1 - •MIU•NIMMIIMMINIKdislIMIMIMMIHMS MO It , MMMAMMEMIMMIMAIMI■LIMMMAIMMEM ME el • I111011••11111•1111r laIIIIIIIIIhih'.7IMIIIIIIIIM•MN ff I .....amonamminumir.e.E.Ns . 2 aiIIIIMIEEMPFAMEKEEEEErnIEEIMIZ SW m 1 •INIMMIMIIAM••MM•••WM• •MMIM MM 0 1 •IN••MM•IZIMMI •MIM•GTIMUMMMI MI MIMMINIMMIMMOMMIMMIMBRIMIliaMMO WM I •IMMINIMM•• 1101111•11AMMUNIMMIE VII L j i u INIMMIMIMMIIMMOIIMUMMIMMMEMMI OM tt 1 1-2----l'IT i EM•EENEENEEEIEEC.,111111EMEN•E EE .7 II/ I summunmommiliz.l.m.•Es mi. ij i 1 •1111111111111111111111111111•111111111111•111•1111E LEs 4 44 I Exhibit B - - - - ------- - - - ------ --- ' utut.�IIIL_ill rs. t 1 ra1.Y re „w ' (0.-- ) 6 S s ~ w.I it I z •ii` .'t ip • . � c � 1 EX 1 Ilg:lex; : :, a` s TT1 _Y tit E� ' r' 1 HAM x z 1 0 . , ILL r e ss t O °s ■■i■ I. IIIMMEMMIMMIIMMEMMEMMINI 11■■11■■■■■11IP d■■M11■■■■■■■O■ IF ■■■■■■■■■P1■■■■11i■■■■■■■r■ ■M■■■■■■IA■■■■■■A■■■■■■MME i _ ■11■■er�►:11■1111■MMEINM■1111■■■■■ I ■■■■■■lso11■■■11■■IIILv■■■1111■I■■ i! i ■■■■■KIWIMM■■■■l«/►1■■■M■M■ g�g 10 ik ■■■■/%■■■:�11■■111111■■■� ■■ . 11 w 1111■!%■■■■I•`I11■■■11U• ,a, 1111■Ii■■■■■■r ■■■r°„0,.\\ „„\\,:;,,�e:':; ■' ■%■■■■■■'1■\■ :,�:�'`;;���. �,:;�■ i � 1111 ■■G%■■■■■■IMINS 1\‘„';•:;O;";;‘‘‘',,Oa,,;;II 14 . fl WIMINIMMMOUJI .06.,v.0 ,111111 .-=. ■IE►"n■■■■■■i!f• w”,s,,\'.a.a m■ m °s . LLIII■■■■■■■!o !■ Gl■■■■■■i■ '"a ' ■■ • . (1■•1111■■■■► `':∎,‘M■. , 9 Nei■■■■■■■■ : 1■ :, •� Ii►■■11■1011■■ ";i in a a 11�!m■■■mu - •■ E- • , `fl 11■■1111•■11� ; " //MN - �-' • .. E■■■■■■■f' :",i/M■ > 4. rommimmlielliim u . i i ■1\\■ii■■■Ey u► ,,,,, ,, "/,,,'%,/ \;w■■■■■©�■i; „/ii,..' ,, ",,,."%,M■ EMAEligiMMEEMELWME ■■IM■■■Y■1111■■IA AO';,;'/i/,,:"%,;'%//,r,:,16 no ■■■\\■■11■■■■Kaur�. •■ ■■■\1111■■■■I d■■■11'N. 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Transportation OI'Hope Drive/140 Interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 FUNDING AGREEMENT 2 FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENTS 3 TO THE FUTURE BOB HOPE DRIVE/I-10 INTERCHANGE 4 This FUNDING AGREEMENT ("Agreement), dated I , 2011 is between the County of Riverside, 5 a political subdivision of the State of California("County')and Ague Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians("Tribe"), a 6 federally recognized Indian Tribe whose Indian Lands are located within the boundaries of the County. 7 WITNESSETH: 8 WHEREAS, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians is a Federally-recognized Indian Tribe governing 9 itself according to a Constitution and By-Laws and exercising sovereign authority over the lands of the Agua 10 Caliente Indian Reservation("Reservation"), acting through its duly elected Tribal Council;and 11 WHEREAS, the County is a subdivision of the State of California, possessing full powers with respect to 12 legislative affairs to regulate the territory under its jurisdiction and in accordance with the California Constitution 13 and State law, and acting through its duly elected Board of Supervisors("Board");and 14 WHEREAS, The Tribe hired an artist to upgrade the aesthetic design of the future Bob Hope Drive/I-10 15 Interchange ("Interchange") by incorporating architectural treatments to the slope pavement, columns, and chain 16 link railing provided for pedestrian screening above the Interchange bridge deck;and 17 WHEREAS, the Tribe coordinated with the California Department of Transpiration ('Caltrans")to incorporate 18 architectural treatments to the slope pavement, columns, and chain link railing provided for pedestrian screening 19 above the bridge deck for the Interchange; and 20 WHEREAS, Caltrans approved the incorporation of the proposed architectural treatments commissioned by 21 the Tribe,subject to a separate maintenance agreement;and 22 WHEREAS, the County has entered into an agreement with Caltrans to take responsibility for the 23 maintenance of the architectural treatments;and 24 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors("Board')of the County, has resolved to enter into this Agreement with 25 the Tribe to establish a procedure for the County to seek reimbursement for expenses associated with the 26 maintenance of the architectural treatments. 27 NOW THEREFORE,IT IS AGREED: 28 In consideration of the above recitals and the covenants hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable 29 consideration,the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged,the parties hereto agree as follows: MAY 10 2011 a () Exhibit C Bob Hope Drive/I-10 Interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 Section 1. Reimbursement Agreement for Routine Maintenance Expenses. 2 The Tribe shall, within 30 days of receipt of an invoice, reimburse the County for expenses incurred during routine 3 maintenance of the aesthetic treatments to the slope pavement, columns, and chain link railing. Routine 4 maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, graffiti removal, re-staining of faded areas, and other minor 5 repairs. The standard amount of reimbursement under routine maintenance shall be limited to $2,000 per 6 calendar year. Any routine maintenance work that exceeds this amount shall be pre-approved by the Tribe. 7 Section 2. Non-Routine Maintenance and Damage Repair or Routine Maintenance in excess of the 8 maximum yearly authorization. 9 For all non-routine related maintenance and damage repair(i.e. damage from a vehicle crash, severe weather, or 10 natural disaster) to the aesthetic treatments of the slope pavement, columns, and chain link railing, the County 11 shall prepare a scope and cost estimate for the needed maintenance or repair work and submit them to the Tribe 12 for review and approval. The Tribe shall review the scope and cost estimate submitted by the County to 13 determine if the cost estimate is reasonable and, if so, agree to reimburse the County for the maintenance or 14 repair work. In the event that actual bid amounts received exceed the cost of the estimate, County shall submit 15 the bids received to the Tribe for review and approval.The Tribe shall review the bids to determine if the costs are 16 reasonable and, if so, agree to reimburse the County for the maintenance or repair work. If the Tribe does not 17 agree with the cost estimate, scope of the maintenance or repair work or the actual bids, the Tribe shall negotiate 18 in good faith with the County to resolve the disagreement. However, nothing in this agreement shall limit the 19 County's ability to perform immediate repair work to the railings or other safety elements using the most 20 expeditious means available to protect the public health and safety. In the event of a vehicle crash or other man- 21 caused incident, the County shall make reasonable efforts to seek restitution from the at-fault party prior to 22 seeking reimbursement from the Tribe. 23 Section 3. Term. 24 Once ratified, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until Caltrans assumes maintenance 25 responsibilities for the architectural treatments. 26 Section 4. Amendment. 27 At any time, if either party to this Agreement believes that changed circumstances require an amendment to the 28 terms of this Agreement, on request by the party claiming the changed circumstances, authorized representatives 29 of the parties will meet and confer to review the claimed changed circumstances on a government-to-government Exhibit C Bob Hope Drive/-10 interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 basis to determine if this Agreement should be so amended. If so, any amendment will be in writing,following the 2 form of this Agreement, and signed by authorized representatives to this Agreement. 3 Section 5. Assignment. 4 This Agreement may not be assigned by the Tribe or the County without the formal written consent of both 5 parties, which consent shall be in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement and shall not be 6 unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. 7 Section 6. Independent Parties 8 Notwithstanding the provision of the reimbursement agreement for routine maintenance and the non-routine 9 maintenance and damage repair procedures for the architectural treatments, it is the express intent of the parties 10 that each is an independent party, and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as creating or 11 establishing a joint powers authority, joint venture, or any other relationship between the parties other than as 12 separate legal entities. 13 Section 7. Notices. 14 Any written notice, statement, demand, consent, approval, authorization, offer, designation, request or other 15 communication to be given hereunder shall be given to the party entitled thereto at its address set forth below, or 16 at such other address as such party may provide to the other party in writing from time to time, namely: 17 Director of Transportation 18 County of Riverside 19 4080 Lemon Street 20 Riverside, CA 92502-1629 21 Fax: (951)955-3198 Phone: (951)955-6740 22 23 Chief Planning and Development Officer 24 Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 25 5401 Dinah Shore Drive 26 Palm Springs, CA 92264 27 Fax: (760)699-6959 Phone: (760)699-6800 28 Each such notice, statement, demand, consent, approval, authorization, offer, designation, request or other 29 communication hereunder shall be deemed delivered to the party to whom it is addressed(a)if personally served Exhibit C Bob Hope Drive/I-10 Interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 or delivered,upon delivery, (b)If given by electronic communication,whether by telex, telegram,or telecopy, upon 2 the sender's receipt of an appropriate answer back or other written acknowledgment, (c)If given by registered or 3 certified mail, return receipt requested, deposited in the United States mail postage prepaid, 72 hours after such 4 notice is deposited with the United States mail, (d) if given by overnight courier, with courier charges prepaid, 24 5 hours after delivery to said overnight courier, or (e) if given by any other means, upon delivery at the address 6 specified in this Section. 7 Section 8. Warranties and Representations. 8 Each of the individuals signing this Agreement warrants and represents (i) the full power to enter into this 9 Agreement on behalf of itself; (ii) that the Tribe is entitled to conduct business as described herein, (iii) that all 10 actions and approvals have been taken which are necessary to make this Agreement a binding and enforceable 11 obligation of each party; (iv)that the individual signing this Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement, 12 and (v)that the delivery, and performance of this Agreement is not in conflict with and wiN not cause an event of 13 default under any agreement or instrument to which each is bound. An opinion from counsel representing the 14 Tribe specifically addressing the provisions of enforceability will be delivered with the executed copy of this 15 Agreement. 16 Section 9. Consent to Jurisdiction: Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity and Exhaustion of Tribal 17 Remedies. 18 By entering into or performing under this Agreement, the Tribe does not waive, limit, or alter its sovereign 19 immunity from unconsented suit or other proceedings except as expressly stated herein. The Tribe does hereby 20 expressly and irrevocably waives its sovereign immunity from unconsented suit by the County, and only the 21 County, solely for the enforcement by the County of the express obligations undertaken by the Tribe toward the 22 County in this Agreement. For only this purpose, the Tribe hereby consents to such suits brought by the County 23 in the State courts of the State of California (including any courts to which appeals therefrom are available). 24 Subject to the same limitations, the Tribe also hereby waives any application of the doctrine of exhaustion of tribal 25 court remedies or any simNar rule of comity with respect to tribal courts. These waivers do not extend, however, 26 to any action by persons or entities not parties to this Agreement. Further, this waiver applies to permit the 27 County to enforce any final Judgment or court order against the Tribe in favor of the County pertaining to the 28 enforcement of this Agreement,as described above. 29 Exhibit C Bob Hope DrIve✓I-10 Interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 Section 10. General. 2 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters herein provided 3 for, and may only be amended by a subsequent written agreement signed on behalf of all the parties. This 4 Agreement is entered into for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and there are no third party beneficiaries to this 5 Agreement. Unless inconsistent with Federal law, which shall be supreme, the laws of the State of California 6 shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. 7 The parties to this Agreement and their counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement, and the normal rule 8 of construction to the effect that any ambiguities in an agreement are to be resolved against the drafting parties 9 shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement. If a provision of this Agreement is found to be void, 10 illegal or unenforceable, then any such provision shall be stricken and the remaining provisions hereof shall, 11 nevertheless, remain in full force and effect. Should any party to this Agreement commence a court action or 12 proceeding against any other party with respect to this Agreement,the party or parties prevailing in such action or 13 proceeding shall he entitled to receive from the losing party or parties its/their reasonable attorneys'fees, expert 14 witness' fees, court costs and other costs incurred by it/their in prosecuting or defending such action or 15 proceeding. The captions of the sections of this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not have 16 any bearing on the interpretation of any section hereof. This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire 17 written agreement between the parties hereto and constitutes the complete expression of the terms of the 18 Agreement. All prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, and negotiations are superseded and 19 merged herein. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original copy 20 of the same agreement and which together shall constitute a single agreement. 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 29 /// Exhibit C Bob Hope Drive/I-10 Interchange Maintenance Funding Agreement 1 APPROVALS 2 COUNTY AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 5 l ��8 4 .G 2 Dated: 117AI Dated:3434 7 ELA J.WALLS MICHELLE A.CARR 8 County Counsel Tribal Counsel 9 10 APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 11 APPROVED: 12 13 114 A611&(, Dated: MAY 10 2011 BOB BUSTER Ar. ! 14 PRINTED NAAS 15 Chairman, Riverside County Board of Supervisors RICHARD M. MILANOVICH 16 Chairman,Tribal Council 17 ATTEST: 18 19 20 1:.11.ii.A it 'it ,1. t Dated: MAY 10 2011 / 21 KECIA HARPER-IHEM 22 Clerk of the Board(SEAL) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MAY 10 2011