HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-03-22 � _. >.
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This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency
(RDA) and the Public Financing Authority (PFA) was called to order by
f Mayor/RDA Chairman/PFA Chairman Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68-
700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on March 22, 2000, at the
3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. A special
meeting notice was posted to hear Public Financing Authority matters 72
hours before this meeting date. The regular evening meeting was opened by
Mayor/RDA Chairman/PFA Chairman Gary L. Amy at 7:30 p.m., with invocation
! by Councilmember/RDA-PFA Board Member Robert Gomer, followed by the
� flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-PFA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi.
ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA-PFA Board Members
�! Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S.
t Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-PFA Board Member
� Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor/RDA Chairman/PFA
; Chairman Gary L. Amy
Absent: None
� 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (Mike
; Owens)
� Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management
` Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association (CCFFA);
� and, 3) Unrepresented Employees.
' LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Subd. (b)(1).
� c2-Steven Quintanilla)
; Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw)
MARCH 22, 2000
,� locations: 68794 "C" Street
� 68825 "C" Street
}� 68856 "B" Street
68904 1 st Street
} Negotiating Parties:
€ Agency: Redevelopment Agency
; Property Owners: Carlos & Guadelupe Gallardo
4 Esteban Perezchica
� Rose Damore (et aIJ
� Roger Smith, Jr.
� Under Negotiation: Property Acquisition
� A. Recommendation: Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by
� Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0
� vote to adjourn to the Study Session
Conference Room to discuss Closed
� Session matters.
� �
� � Dick Baxley, Palm Desert - stated he is here on behalf of the
owners of the property surrounding the Perez Road extension,
' south of Highway 111. This is an agreement that this Council and
� the Redevelopment Agency approved in April of 1999. Part of
� that agreement essentially is that the City would complete all of
� the improvements; the road extension, the sewer, the water, all
' utilities to the end of the road. The participants' obligation
would be to sell those properties to users who would conform to
the uses approved thereon. At that time, we had eight of those
; parcels in escrow. We have been able to close four of them. We
have not closed four more. The reason I am unable to close those
is because the street work is not complete. In fact, it hasn't
� started. Mr. Baxley then asked the City Engineer about that and
was informed that the work started today. He noted that he was
very happy about that. Unfortunately, this has caused significant I,
delay in a lot of buildings that cannot go up. we have probably
lost a buyer of three of our lots because of the repeated delays.
� This cost us interest and, more importantly, it cost the City. They
� are always asking us what is wrong and we cannot give them
� MARCH 22, 2000
� PAGE 3
good answers. Mr. Baxley stated that anything that the City can
do to help us would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Faessel has been
real helpful and I think he is as frustrated as we are. We
understand that it is now supposed to be done sometime in May.
� It should have been done in September.
� Councilmember De Rosa: 1) Wanted to remind everyone of the
Fireman's Golf Tournament on Saturday, March 25 from 11:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. at Camelot Park; 2) The Chamber Mixer will be held at
; The Villas behind Target; 3) Wanted to let everyone know that our
; new Zoning Ordinance is now part of the City's website; 4) There
! is a Prayer Breakfast on March 31 at the Doral at 7:00 a.m.; 5)
Wanted to give a special recognition of thanks to Cimarron Golf
Course and to Mr. Sy Creen and there was a letter to the editor in
the paper. We have developers come to town and projects go on
and a lot of times you hear the negative. Cimarron has been one
of those developments that have come in and has truly been a
� neighbor and has been very much thoughtful of the people in
the surroundings around them and Mr. Green, I want to thank you
wherever you are out there for recognizing Cimarron for being
good neighbors and for giving them credit where credit is due;
6) Wanted to congratulate N. Johnson from Cathedral City High
School's Track and Field Team. She is the senior and she has been
the super star of the season and I think we need to recognize our
students when they do something commendable. 7) Wanted to
congratulate our Fire and Police Departments for the letters of
recognition commending their above and beyond work.
� Councilmember Gomer wanted to remind everyone that this
coming Sunday, March 26, is the second meeting of the formation
committee for the Cathedral City Historical Society. Itwill be held
at the Cathedral City Library at 2:00 p.m. He asked anyone who
was interested to attend and bring a friend. He noted that they
� are still in the formation stage of this committee so any
,� participation or input would be appreciated. Mr. Gomer then
� proudly introduced his motherand fatherwhowerevisiting from
Ohio and thanked them for being here.
� Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi stated that she has been participating in
the Leadership on the Move Program that is put on by our GRASP
� Unitand hasvisited Sunny Sands School, Landau School, Cathedral
City Elementary School and yesterday I was principal for a day at
� MARCH 22, 2000
Mt. San Jacinto Continuation High School. I just cannot really say
enough about the youth of today. The children that I have met
� in the schools are so well mannered. I just cannot complement
� our schools enough for the youth that are growing up to be our
future leaders of tomorrow. I am so thankful that our City is so
proactive instead of reactive. She noted that everyone of these
schools love Mike Scacco for the programs that he puts on. The
principals, the teachers, the children all know him by name. I
think it is absolutely wonderful to teach our children today while
they are still small to stay off drugs, to be good citizens and to
grow up to be leaders in their community. I had a really good
time with the children. She also noted that there would be an
Easter Egg Hunt at Panorama Park on April 22.
� Mayor Amy announced that today was the dedication of Monty
Hall Drive. we had a great affair and thanked Julie Baumer, who
did an outstanding job in setting it up; Miss Lynn Mallotto and Mr.
Tony Barton who also assisted. Our host was Jeff Edwards from
the California Lottery Big Spin and host of Channel 9's Mid-
�;, Morning L.A. Door No. 1 represented the multiple facets of
Monty Hall�s life; one being a celebrity entertainer for manyyears
and a resident of Cathedral City for 20+ years; he was game show
host for Let's Make a Deal for 22 years. Then, out of Door No. 1
stepped Jack Jones who related on their history and careers
together. Door No. 2 presented Monty Hall�s philanthropic
endeavers where he has raised over $800,000,000 over his career
for the Variety Club children's charity. He is International
President of that organization. A young lady appeared from Door
No. 2 who Mr. Hall has known since she was 18 months old and
who is severely handicapped. She sang "Wind Beneath My Wings"
for Monty and left everyone in tears. She had a spectacular voice.
Out of Door No. 3 stepped Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi with a
duplicate of his street sign. Then the sign was unveiled and
everyone had some cake and coffee. This was a very classy event.
Mr. Hall was very pleased and we are very honored to have his
' name associated with our entertainment district. Mayor Amy
� extended an extra special thanks to our Public Works Department
who built the stage we used.
� � Presentation of 10851 Awards was made by Bill Elliott of the
California Highway Patrol and Elonda Smith from AAA Auto Club
� MARCH 22, 2000
to Cathedral City Police Officers Nick Chapman, Corwin Deveas,
, Mike Van Gorder, Chuck Robinson and Kelly Murphy.
-� � Proclamation Designating the Month of April, 2000, "CHILD ABUSE
PREVENTION MONTH"was presented by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di
� Grandi to Shirley Pollinger.
; Minutes of City Council/Redevelopment Agency and Community Services
; District Boards were approved as amended. Councilmember De Rosa
� requested that it be noted that she and Councilmember Pettis tnot
+ Councilmember Gomer) abstained on Item Nos. 2 and 3 of the Closed Session
� Agenda for the meeting of February 23, 2000. The City Clerk has amended
� subject minutes as noted.
Councilmember Pettis made a motion to approve Item No. 1 of the Consent
� Agenda with an amendment to refer to "domestic partner" in Section 20.7of
� the MOU for the Police Officers' Association, and to add it in any other �
:': � location where that referral was omitted. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro
� Tem Di Grandi and carried by a 5-0 vote. i
� 1. Approved Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of
� Cathedral City and the Cathedral City Police Officers' Association
; (CCPOA), as amended, by Minute Order No. 3116.
� 2. Receive final report from Municipal Services Task Force, hear any
comments of inembers of the Task Force, invite the Task Force to
reconvene by June to review the recommendations included in the
proposed 2000-2001 fiscal year budget, and direct that staff address the
various statements and recommendations of the Task Force Report as
part of the upcoming budget process.
� Report was given by Donald Bradley, City Manager. Mr. Bradley
� reported briefly on the activities of the Task Force for the past 14
� weeks noting their ultimate goals and how they reached them by way
of the report being presented to Council at this meeting. Mr. Bradley
introduced the members of the Task Force Committee who were
�" present. For the record, Mr. Bradley read an excerpt from the Task
`�'° Force s Preamble which states: Our goal was to maintain City services
at least at their present level and to be sure funding was there to pay
for them. Sincere responsible deliberation has brought us to the
MARCH 22, 2000
� conclusion thatwith minoradaptions, sufficient monieswill beavailable
re= to finance City services at an acceptable level for the near future."
� Public Input was opened:
, � Tom Flanagan, Cathedral City - stated that the City Manager was
$ somewhat shy to pat himself on the back and for the record, read
� another portion of the Task Force's Preamble: "With very
competent and infinitely patient coordination of the City
� Manager, the Task Force was led through the operation of our
� City's government and the manner in which the needs of its
obligations are met. A very cooperative City Staff, at all levels
assisted us in gaining information, understanding and
appreciation of governmental operation at all City levels." Mr.
� Flanagan further commented that the best thing the City Council
� has done of late was to hire Mr. Donald Bradley.
� Public Input was closed.
� Councilmember Gomer and Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, who were Council's
� re resentatives on the Task Force, and Councilmember De Rosa all thanked
� the City Manager and the Task Force for their exceptional efforts and
personal time involved in working on such a complex task. They invited the
g Task Force Members to remain involved in their City's government.
� Councilmember Pettis made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Task
� Force Findings Final Report, invited the Task Force to reconvene by June to
review the recommendations included in the proposed 2000-2001 fiscal year
budget and directed staff to address the various statements and
� recommendations of the Task Force Report as part of the upcoming budget
process. Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi seconded the motion, which carried by a
� 5-0 vote. This recommendation was adopted by Minute Order No. 3117. ,
� 3. Merged Redevelopment Project Series B Bonds and related matters.
, �
� ��
Reports were given by Redevelopment Director Susan Moeller,
�: Administrative Services Director Dudley Haines, and Dirk ten �
Grothenhuis of Stone & Youngberg.
� Public Input was opened:
' � George Stettler, Cathedral City - stated he has lived in Cathedral
:� � City for some nine years and he believes most of those years has
� i
MARCH 22, 2000
been spent getting ready for the redevelopment of the
� downtown. He suggested that if the money is there that we get
� on with the project with no further delay.
� Public Input was closed.
(1) RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by RDA Board
Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0, vote to adopt Resolution No. R-302,
a resolution of the Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency authorizing
the borrowing of funds from the Cathedral City Public Financing
Authority for the purpose of its Cathedral City Merged Redevelopment
Project, authorizing and directing execution of related 2000
Subordinate Loan Agreement, approving sale of bonds, confirming
approval of Official Statement and providing other matters properly
relating thereto;
(2) MayorAmy made a motion, seconded byCouncilmember Pettis, carried
by a 5-0 vote to adopt Resolution No. 2000-21, a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Cathedral City approving the borrowing of funds
by the Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency from the Cathedral City
�,r Public Financing Authority and providing other matters properly
relating thereto; and,
(3) Chairman Amy made a motion, seconded by PFA Board Member Pettis
to adopt Resolution No. FA-10, a resolution of the Cathedral City Public
Financing Authority authorizing the issuance of 2000 Tax Allocation
Subordinate Revenue Bonds (Cathedral City Merged Redevelopment
Project) in the aggregate principal amount of not-to-exceed $6,000,000,
approving Indenture of Trust and 2000 Subordinate Loan Agreement,
authorizing sale of bonds, confirming approval of Official Statement
and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
4. Consideration of extension of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with Alan Wallock (Cathedral Park Properties).
Reports were given by Redevelopment Director Susan Moeller, Tony
Conzaneri, Attorney for Mr. Wallock, and Mr. Alan Wallock, the applicant.
Public Input was opened:
� Chuck vasquez, Cathedral City - questioned the location of
the In-and-Out Burger on the project site stating he did not
feel it an appropriate business in the new Downtown Area.
� � Cornell English, Cathedral City - agreed with Mr. Vasquez
stating he felt there should be no drive-thru restaurants in
the new Downtown.
Public Input was closed.
MARCH 22, 2000
` Mayor/RDA Chairman Amy made a motion to approve staff's request to deny
�� the applicant's request to extend the MOU. The motion died for lack of a
a;# second.
� Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by
� Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa to grant the request of the
� developer to extend the MOU and structure an agreement pursuant to the
� terms proposed.
� 5. Appointment of Voting Delegate at SCAG General Assembly Conference
� to be held in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 6, 2000.
� Report was given by Councilmember Pettis.
N Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
' Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di !
; � Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to appoint Councilmember Pettis as the voting
� delegate. Adopted by Minute Order No. 3119. i
� 6. Proposed Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to execute an �
� Owners Participation Agreement (OPA) with Palm-Ford Ventures, LLC,
� whereby the Agency will pay certain fees incurred by the development
.} of a Holiday Inn Express Hotel at the corner of Gerald Ford and Date
� Palm Drives. RDA Board Member Di Grandi abstained from
� discussion on this matter due to potential conflict with her
� employer.
Report was given by Economic Development Manager Paul Shillcock.
i Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
'f RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by RDA Board Member
� Gomer, carried by a 4-0 vote, with RDA Board Member Di Grandi abstaining, to
� approve this request. Adopted by Resolution No. R-303.
s 7. Proposed acquisition of 70.7 acres of land north of the I-10 Freeway and
west of Date Palm Drive from the Riverside County Tax Assessor's Office
utilizing AB939 Funds in the amount of $36,857, plus the costs incurred
� in transferring the property to City ownership. City Attorney Steve
Quintanilla abstained from discussion on this matter due to a
conflict regarding his relationship with Waste Management of the
MARCH 22, 2000
Desert. Councilmember Kathleen De Rosa abstained from
,� discussion on this matter due to the fact that she owns Waste
Management stock.
� Report was given by Economic Development Manager Paul Shillcock.
= Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember
� Gomer, carried by a 4-0 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa abstaining, to
� approve acquisition of this property. Adopted by Minute Order No. 3120.
8. Proposed Resolution authorizing the City Manager to order, on an as-
needed basis, the temporary closure of certain portions of Civic Center
� North, Monty Hall Drive, Buddy Rogers Drive, Civic Center East, Avenida
' Lalo Guerrero, George Montgomery Trail and West Buddy Rogers Drive
` to vehicular traffic during various phases of construction of each of the
construction projects located in the Downtown Area for the safety and
� � protection of the construction workers, inspectors, City Staff and City
� Consultants who are currently or will in the future perform certain
' services in connection with the various Downtown Area construction
projects and the safety and protection of the general public.
� Report was given by City Engineer Dave Faessel.
� Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
� Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di
; Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve this request. Adopted by Resolution
£ NO. 2000-22.
� 9. Proposed Ordinance to amend the contract by and between the Board
' of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement
' System (PERS) and the City of Cathedral City. (1 Reading)
� �
� �
f � Report was given by Administrative Services Director Dudley Haines.
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
� � Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa,
� carried by a 5-0 vote to Waive Further Reading and Introduce the
y Ordinance.
� MARCH 22, 2000
10. Proposed Resolution declaring that public nuisance conditions exist
with respect to specific parcels where weeds have been permitted to
grow and rubbish, refuse and dirt have been permitted to accumulate
and providing notice of the proposed summary abatement of such
public nuisance conditions by the City.
Report was given by Fire Chief Steve Sowles.
Public Input was opened:
� Tom Hallock, Cathedral City - spoke regarding problems he
has at his home construction sites with regard to persons
dropping off trash. He was advised that this was not the
appropriate spot to speak on this issue; that he should have
spoken under the Public Comments section.
Public Input was closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember
Gomer, carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve this request. Adopted by
� Resolution No. 2000-23.
11. Proposed Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City
deleting in its entirety Chapter 5.10 titled "Cable Television Systems"
from the Cathedral City Municipal Code and amending Ordinance No.
5�i8 titled "Establishing a Procedure for the Franchising of Cable
Television Systems" to establish the penalties for violation of said
Report was given by City Clerk.
Public Input was opened:
� Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - stated he had reported bad
reception to Time Warner weeks ago. They came by and
found nothing wrong, but problem still exists. Wondered
what could be done. Mr. Cohen was advised that a staff
3 person would call Time Warner and check into this situation
' for him.
Public Input was closed.
Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by
� a 5-0 vote, to Waive Further Reading and Introduce Ordinance.
MARCH 22, 2000
12. Proposed Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City
-e§ making clerical corrections to Ordinance No. 518, Establishing a
Procedure for the Franchising of Cable Te(evision Systems.
� Report was given by the City Clerk.
� Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
� Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by
� a 5-0 vote, to approve this request. Adopted by Resolution No. 2000-24.
� There being no further items for discussion, this meeting was adjourned at
� 11:35 p.m.
� � � I
� � Donna M. Velotta i
� City Clerk
; �