HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2015-02-11 1 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, February 11, 2015 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Henry called the Study Session to order at 4:30 p.m. • ROLL CALL AND STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY CLERK Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Adrian Williams,representing Big League Dreams, was called to speak. He reported that the Annual Collegiate Softball Tournament will be held at the Big League of Dreams. They are looking forward to a great event. 2. STUDY SESSION 2.A. 2015-18 Gender Neutral Restrooms Thomi Clinton,presented to the Council her reason for requesting that Cathedral City adopt an Ordinance requiring gender neutral restrooms. After discussion it was the consensus of the Council that staff do the following: Request that the Chamber of Commerce conduct a survey of their member businesses on what type of restrooms they have in their facilities. Have staff do a cost analysis for chaning the plaques on the existing restroom doors. Provide a cost of buidling new gender neutral restroom or installing a urinal in an existing restroom. Have staff obtain Ordinances from other cities requiring gender neutral restrooms. 2.B. 2015-17 Proposition 47 Update Captain Chuck Robinson, Cathedral City Police Department,gave an overview of Proposition 47 and the impact that it will have on the Department and the local businesses. It was the consensus of the Council that the Department provide a report in the future to demonstrate the impact proposition 47 is having locally. 3. CLOSED SESSION The City Council temporarily convened into Closed Session at 5:24 p.m. 3.A. 2015-31 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - Cathedral City Page 1 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 11,2015 Existing Litigation (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of Government Code) Name of Case: City of Cathedral City v. Grasshopper et.al., Riverside County Superior Court Case Number: INC 1206440 3.B. 2015-32 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: NW Corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and Date Palm Drive and South Side of East Palm Canyon at Date Palm. Negotiating Parties: CURC, Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and Saxony. 3.C. 2015-33 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: APN 687-473-3008, Building Site"F" Negotiating Parties: Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and Tri-Millennium Property Owners: Successor Agency to former Redevelopment Agency The City Council reconvened at 6:30 p.m. with all Council Members present. City Attorney Charles Green announced that the Council met in Closed Session and there wea no reportable action taken. ADJOURN Mayor Henry adjourned the Study Session Meeting at 6:30 p.m. ,/ /tglit.,,v_. xamilit E E. H''RY, Mayor 1 ATTES MIL . I /1 IPPA.141k – — A 7.0: - ' 4, GARY F. .6W,EL /City Clerk. 1' Cathedral City Page 2 J Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, February 11, 2015 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Henry called the Regular Meeting of the City Council of February 11, 2015 to order at 6:30 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Aguilar led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Council Member Kaplan called for a moment of reflection. • ROLL CALL AND STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY CLERK Present: 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION Mayor Henry announced that there were no items to add or delete. 1. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Henry opened Public Comments. Karen Panico-Willis, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She spoke briefly in favor of the Chamber of Commerce and the importance of the networking that is provided to the member businesses, especially the Perez Business Partners. Nikohl Vandel, Desert Hot Springs, was called to speak. She reminded everyone of a parent involvment meeting that will be held on February 21, at Nellie Coffman Middle School and requested that Council encourage the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to do some seismic testing on the PG&E retrofit. Valerie Schechter, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She thanked the City for their support of the Agnes Pelton Society Home Tour. It was a wonderful event with an excellent turnout. Paty Salazar, Mexico, was called to speak. She represents the organization "Up with People" which is sponsored by the Berger Foundation. She indicated they are looking for host families for one-hundred and ten students during the week of March 16 through March 22, 2015. Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 2/19/2015 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 11,2015 Lynn Mallotto, Rancho Mirage, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, was called to speak. She reported on two upcoming events, the 2015 Oscars on the Big Screen at the Mary Pickford Theatre and the Orion Awards. Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He noted that there is a diferent feeling in the Council Chambers, a sense of calm,peace and moving forward and congratulated the Council. The Agnes Pelton Society home tour was a great event and he thanked the Council and Staff for all their support. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Pettis,to approve the following Consent Agenda Items.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar 3.A. 2015-23 Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands Enactment No: M.O.6356 3.B. 2015-21 City Council Minutes of January 23, 2015,January 24, 2015 and January 28, 2015 Enactment No: M.O.6357 3.C. 2015-20 Resolution Adopting Council Goals for FY 2015-16 Enactment No: Reso.2015-04 3.D. 2015-24 Ratify Council Appointments to Various Local Agencies Enactment No: M.O.6358 3.E. 2015-29 Resolution of Intent to Establish Improvement Area No. 8 -CFD NO. 2006-1 Enactment No: Reso.2015-05 3.F. 2015-35 Resolution -Cost Sharing of CaIPERS Costs& Member Contribution Enactment No: Reso.2015-06 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 5.A. 2015-16 Contract Award for the Design of the San Joaquin Sidewalk Project Nikohl Vandel, Desert Hot Springs, was called to speak. She supports the project. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 2/19/2015 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 11,2015 A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to approve the award of a Design Professional Services Agreement to Engineering Resources of Southern California, Inc.,for the design of the San Joaquin Sidewalk Project and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6359 5.B. 2015-22 Amendment No. 2 to the Transient Occupancy Tax Sharing Agreement for the Desert Princess Hotel (Doubletree) Ryan Phelps, owner, was called to speak.He gave an overview of their plans for renovation and encouraged the Council to approve Amendment No. 2 to the TOT Agreement. Nikohl Vandel, Desert Hot Springs, was called to speak. She supports the TOT Agreement. She encouraged the owner, while doing the renovation, to make it as sustainable as possible. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve Amendment No.2 to the Transient Occupancy Tax Sharing Agreement for the Desert Princess Hotel (Doubletree).The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6360 6. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember John Aguilar, reported that he attended the Agnes Pelton Home Tour, which was a great event and feels that it will grow each year. He thanked everyone for putting on the event. He also reported that he saw a Balloon Festival poster at Palm Springs Airport which provided good exposure. Councilmember Shelley Kaplan, reported that the Agnes Pelton Society Home Tour was a wonderful event. He annonced that there will be Community Meetings for public input on the Coachella Valley/San Gorgonio Pass High Speed Rail on February 23, in Banning, and on February 26, in Palm Desert at the Coachella Valley Association of Governments. He reminded everyone about the Hot Air Balloon Festival this coming weekend. He also stated he learned that the Dream Homes neighborhood was designed around the school so that the children in the community could walk to school safely. He reminded everyone about Throw Back Thursday with Jersey Shore at the UltraMax Desert Cinema and the Cathedral City Rotary's Movies in the Park hosted on the last Saturday of the month. Councilmember Mark Carnevale, attended the Agnes Pelton Society Home Tour event, which was as a great event. He also attended the Grand re-opening of Ernie s Barber Shop. He was told by the management company there are new restaurants also coming to the Mission Plaza Shopping Center complex. He and Councilmember Kaplan attended the Date Festival kick-off, they were the only two elected officials from the Valley that attended. He reported he attended his first CVAG Public Safety Commission meeting. He thanked Chris Parman for the tents at the Town Square Market, they were a great addition. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis, reported he was in Washington, DC., to attend meetings regarding transportation for RCTC and SCAG. Of particular importance they discussed the Transportation Goods Movement and more and he is very excited and glad to see all the members of the Congress on the same page.He is looking forward to all the upcoming events taking place in Cathedral City. Mayor Stan Henry, thanked the Council for their attendance at the many events they have been requested to attend, there has been something everyday. He reported that on Saturday at COD there will be a one hour event Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 2/19/2015 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 11,2015 held on the football field, which is a Global Movement to end violence against woman. He thanked Chief Muhr for coming to the rescue by putting out a vehicle fire at COD. 7. CLOSED SESSION The City Council temporarily convened to Closed Session at 7:30pm. 7.A. 2015-25 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: APN 687-215-006, 68537/68529"C" Street(Duplex) Negotiating Parties: Cathedral City Housing Successor Agency and Guadalupe Perez Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor Agency 7.B. 2015-27 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code 54956.8 Property Location: APN 687-232-006, 68676 A& B "E" Street Negotiating Parties: Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency, Manuel Flores and Juan Tinajero Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency 7.C. 2015-36 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: APN 687-216-014, 68745 "C" Street Negotiating Parties: Cathedral City Housing Successor Agency and Martin Leon Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor Agency 7.D. 2015-30 CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: Multiple Properties in the Downtown Zone along East Palm Canyon Hwy., pursuant to a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Successor Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation. Negotiating Parties: Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and City Urban Revitalization Corporation Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency The City Council reconvened at 8:35pm. Katie Podein, City Attorney's Office, reported the following: City Council, as the Successor Agency, authorizes Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 2/19/2015 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 11,2015 and directs staff to dispose of former Redevelopment Agency Parcels, as directed by the Oversight Board and approved by the Department of Finance, at the values reflected in the Long Range Property Management Plan to the City Urban Revitalization Corporation and distribute said proceeds to the Riverside County Auditor Controller. The City Council, also directs staff to transfer all approved govermental use parcels, as identified in the Department of Finance approved Long Range Property Management Plan, to the City of Cathedral City. ADJOURN Mayor Henry adjouned the City Council me: •-g at 8:36pm. STANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor • ATTEST- r1G.W _ ,Eity Clerk' Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 2/19/2015