HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2015-04 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING GOALS THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 WHEREAS, on January 23, 2015 and January 24, 2015 the City Council held a Planning and Goal Setting Study Session to establish goals for Fiscal Year 2015/2016; and WHEREAS, many of the goals identified by the City Council can be achieved with existing resources, however, in those cases where additional resources are required, the need will be addressed through the development of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council has identified the following items, by category, as their Goals for Fiscal Year 2015/2016: 1. Economic and Community Development • Look into the process for establishing an assessment district to provide necessary infrastructure in the North City and Extended North City planning areas • Review and evaluate marketing narratives that have been prepared related to the City brand and adjust as necessary to appropriately define who we are in Cathedral City • Develop a strong focus on the development and promotion of Downtown Cathedral City including: o Review, evaluate and update the existing downtown plan o Review allowed downtown land uses and densities o Obtain approval of the Property Management Plan o Plan for the relocation of the Dog Park and Fire Station 411 o Complete planning, fundraising and prepare for construction of the Festival Parks • In conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce develop a plan to contact existing businesses and gather information on how to best facilitate their retention and growth • Review and evaluate the current service and lease agreements with the Chamber of Commerce • Work with the Chamber of Commerce on ways to provide educational opportunities for businesses and consider holding a business expo • Schedule a joint meeting with the CVWD board to discuss North City infrastructure options and other issues of common concern • Plan to get the most out of participation in the May ICSC event by identifying target retailers, scheduling appointments and planning for Council involvement • Identify other groups or conferences to target i.e. Franchise, Industrial and/or Distribution conferences or conventions • Identify existing and potential business clusters in the City and ways to promote their success • Evaluate staffing needs in Economic Development 2. Public Safety • Review staffing levels in Police and Fire and identify levels of future development that might trigger the need for and generate adequate funding to support additional personnel • Reassign personnel within existing staffing levels to create a motors unit for improved traffic enforcement • Develop long-range strategic plans for both Police and Fire that consider staffing, programs and services and include the Fire Marshall and ambulance functions in Fire • Consider ways to promote pedestrian safety in Cathedral City including education and jaywalking and other enforcement as appropriate • Review the existing contract for red light cameras and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of continuing their use 3. Community Engagement and Community Relations • Form a Chiefs Advisory Council to form improved relationships between the Police department and various constituencies in Cathedral City • Promote improved relationships with the community by holding regular City Hall Comes to You opportunities across the city in coffee shops, restaurants and other businesses • Consider a monthly electronic newsletter or similar document to keep the residents and businesses updated on city events, achievements and issues: o Provide by a subscription list o Promote the opportunity to subscribe through social media and the website • Establish on-going funding for the Communications and Events Manager position • Consider ways to expand programming available on Channel 17 including the possible use of students in digital arts courses • Continue to grow and expand special events: o Reallocate existing funding by eliminating sponsorship of AMFM and potentially adding a college bowl film event o Develop a grand opening event for Whitewater Park o Begin planning for a 35th anniversary event in 2016 o Sponsor the fifth year of IMS at the previously committed level it • Expand the applicant pool for the city Boards and Commissions • Consider holding joint City Council/Commission meeting with the major city Commissions 4. Infrastructure • Develop a plan of needed Capital Improvements including streets, pavement management, parks, community center, dog park north, street lighting and 9 , p Y gp 9 9 others, regardless of available funding, then explore ways to match needed projects with funding opportunities • Review the status of the Landau and Davall Interchanges in CVAG planning documents and advocate for advancement of the projects. • Evaluate the cost and feasibility of a possible Gerald Ford extension and the potential for getting that project into regional plans • Discuss possible rezoning of some of the hillside areas in South Cathedral City 5. Governance • Hold a series of study sessions on governance issues and develop a plan to move toward a fall election on those requiring voter consideration: o Adoption of a City Charter o Elimination of direct election of the Mayor o Elimination of the elected City Clerk position o Possible elimination of elected City Treasurer o Expansion of allowed uses of Public Arts funds o Annexation into the Desert Recreation District • Continue to be involved with residents in Thousand Palms and evaluate potential annexation • Continue to enhance the transparency of city government and the availability of information to the public • Provide necessary training and development opportunities to Council and staff 6. Financial Solvency • Adhere to adopted financial policies including meeting minimum fund balance levels and moving toward the future reserve target • Work with the League of California Cities to explore options to replace Redevelopment • Work toward the implementation of a new financial backbone software system in 2016 7. Other • Continue staff recognition efforts including a possible privately funded family event in the spring or summer SECTION 2. By adoption of this Resolution, the City Council is establishing the aforementioned as the Goals for the City for Fiscal Year 2015/2016 and directs staff to move forward with implementation and completion of these goals as feasible. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on this 11th day of February, 2015, by the following vote: Ayes: COCAilCi 1 lne m b -v5 PCO Ic v- CO rnevc Ile,(tr\c\ V ocin)Nlom oir Pro-Few) Ne�-h 5 ctrl W-t40Y HtfirbrV Noes: 0 Absent: 12, Abstain: Stanley E.' enry, ayor ATTEST: ft. J Gary . Ho ell, City C -rk APPROVED AS TO FORM: / Charles R. Green, City Attorney