HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 222 ORDINANCE NO. 222 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND STAN- DARDS, 1985 EDITION; UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1985 EDITION; UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 EDITION; UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE AND STANDARDS, 1985 EDITION; NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1987 EDITION; UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1985 EDI- TION; UNIFORM SIGN CODE (RESERVED) ; UNIFORM FIRE CODE; SYSTEMS FOR STREET NUMBERING (RE- SERVED) ; EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN EXIST- ING BUILDINGS AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Title 8 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby amended with the amendment of Chapter 8.04, Uniform Building Code and the addition of Chapter 8.06, Uniform Administrative Code, Chapter 8.08, Uniform Plumbing Code, Chapter 8.10, Uniform Mechanical Code, Chapter 8.12, National Electrical Code, Chapter 8.14, Uniform Housing Code, Chapter 8.16, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Title 8 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION Chapters: 8.04 Uniform Building Code 8.06 Uniform Administrative Code 8.08 Uniform Plumbing Code 8.10 Uniform Mechanical Code 8.12 National Electric Code 8. 14 Uniform Housing Code 8.16 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 8.18 Uniform Sign Code (Reserved) 8.20 Uniform Fire Code 8.22 Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings 8.24 System for Street Numbering (Reserved) Chapter 8.04 BUILDING CODE Sections: 8.04.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.04.020 Board of Appeals 8.04.025 Organization and Enforcement 8.04.030 Fences 8.04.040 Retaining Walls - 1 - 8.04.050 Definitions 8.04.060 Finished Floor Elevation 8.04.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Building Code" including Appendix Chapter 1, Division 1 (Life Safety Requirements for Existing IL Buildings other than High Rise Buildings) ; Appendix Chapter 7, Division 1 (Covered Mall Buildings) ; Appendix Chapter 23, Division II (Earthquake Recording Instrumentation) ; Appendix Chapter 32 (Re-roofing) ; Appendix Chapter 51 (Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walls) ; Appendix Chapter 55 (Membrane Structures) ; Appendix Chapter 70 (Excavation and Grading) ; and the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 Edition are adopted. Subject to the particular amendments and deletions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, " including the appendices as listed above and the tables thereof, as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials and in that document entitled and designated "Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 Edition" including the illustrations thereto and the tables thereof, copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of each of said documents being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Building Code and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth at length herein. 8.04.020 Board of Appeals. Section 204 of the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition is amended to read as follows: In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Division, there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals, consisting of five members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the City Council . Board members shall not be employees of the City and shall serve without compensation. Members may be dismissed by a majority vote of the City Council , but otherwise shall serve a term of two (2) years or four (4) years. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. All matters before the Board shall be administered by the Chief Building Official or his authorized representative. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for hearing appeals and conducting its business and such rules and regulations shall be freely accessible to the public. The Board shall render all decisions and findings in writing with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the City Council such new legislation as is I[: consistent therewith. 8.04.025 Organization and Enforcement: A new Section 206 is added to read as follows: Section 206 Rubbish and Debris. A. Collection and Disposal . During the process of constructing a building or structure, the construction site and the general area around the site shall be kept clear of the rubbish and debris that results from the construction activities. Rubbish and debris shall - 2 - not be allowed to accumulate on, or be blown from, the site and shall be place in appropriate containers or removed from the construction site to an authorized disposal area. All containers shall be emptied periodically at an authorized disposal area so they will remain usable for the collection of rubbish and debris. When the building or structure is completed, a final clean-up of the site shall be conducted by the permittee. B. Inspections. A permit holder shall not be entitled to, and no building inspector shall make, an inspection of any phase of completed construction work, including the final inspection, if the construction site or general area thereof contains an accumulation of construction rubbish and debris. If a building inspector is unable to conduct a requested inspection because of an accumulation of rubbish and debris, a reinspection fee, in accordance with the provisions of Section 305(g) of the Uniform Building Code shall be paid at the time of the request for inspection. C. Rubbish and debris for the purpose of this section, includes but is not limited to, stub ends of cut lumber, broken lumber and other scrap wood, scrap cement and plaster, scrap metal , paper cartons, wrappings, and similar materials that result from the process of constructing a building or structure. 8.04.030 Amend Subsection 301(b) 2. to read "Fences and walls not over 2 feet high". 8.04.040 Subsection 301(b) 5. is deleted in its entirety. 8.04.050 Definitions. Section 402 Definitions of the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition is amended by the addition of the following: A. Wherever the term "jurisdiction" is used in the Uniform Building Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Cathedral City. B. Wherever the term "building official " is used in the Uniform Building Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Building Code. 8.04.060 New Section #7016 is Added to Read as Follows: Finished Floor Elevation. The finished floor elevation of all residential structures used for human occupancy shall meet the following criteria: A. If no elevations have been fixed in connection with a permit or approval , the finished floor shall be located at the highest elevation required by the following criteria: 1. Level lots shall have the finished floor elevated a minimum of 18 inches above the curb or top of crown of street immediately in front of the lot. 2. Sloping lots shall have the finished floor elevated a minimum of 18 inches above the finished pad elevation measured at the upstream edge of the structure. - 3 - 3. Where the lot drains toward the adjacent road or is subject to water impounded behind and adjacent road, the finished floor shall be elevated a minimum of 18 inches above the center line of that adjacent street. B. The requirements of this section may be waived or modified by the IL Building Official if a proposed method of construction, prepared by a registered civil engineer, provides equivalent flood protection or if the unique characteristics of a building site make the requirements unnecessary. Chapter 8.06 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sections: 8.06.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.06.020 Definitions 8.06.030 Board of Appeals 8.06.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Administrative Code" with all appendices and standards is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition", as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Administrative Code and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. 8.06.020 Definitions. Section 105 of the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition is amended by the addition of the following: A. Wherever the term "jurisdiction" is used in the Uniform Administrative Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Cathedral City. B. Wherever the term "building official " is used in the Uniform Administrative Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Administrative Code. 8.06.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 204 to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. - 4 - Chapter 8.08 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 8.08.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.08.020 Definitions 8.08.030 Board of Appeals 8.08.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Plumbing Code" with all appendices and standards is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1985 Edition", as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Plumbing Code and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. 8.08.020 Definitions. Section 20.1 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is amended by the addition of the following: Wherever the term "Administrative Authority" is used in the Uniform Plumbing Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and other such persons that he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 8.08.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 20.14 of the Uniform Plumbing Code to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. Chapter 8.10 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE Sections: 8.10.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.10.020 Definitions 8.10.030 Board of Appeals 8. 10.040 Clothes Dryers 8. 10.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Mechanical Code" with all appendices and standards is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition", as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city - 5 - clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Mechanical Code and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. 8.10.020 Definitions. Section 201 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition is amended by the addition of the following: A. Wherever the term "building official " is used in the Uniform Mechanical Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Mechanical Code. 8.10.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 203 of the Uniform Mechanical Code to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. 8.10.040 Clothes Dryers. A new subsection 508(a) is added to read as follows: Section 508(a) . Where gas clothes dryers are to be installed in garages, the dryer must be raised on a platform at least 18 inches above the floor level . Where no platform is provided, there must be a 220 volt outlet for the dryer and a permanently affixed sign between 42 inches and 60 inches above the floor which will read "CLOTHES DRYER SHALL BE ALL-ELECTRIC OR IF GAS THE FLAME WITHIN THE DRYER MUST BE AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR. " Chapter 8. 12 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 8. 12.010 Incorporation by Reference 8. 12.020 Definitions 8. 12.030 Board of Appeals 8. 12.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1987 Edition, National Electric Code and Uniform Administrative Code Provisions" is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "National Electrical Code and Uniform Administrative Code Provisions, 1987 Edition", as copyrighted in 1987 by the National Fire Protection Association and International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the "National Electrical Code and Uniform Administrative Code Provisions, 1987 Edition" and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. - 6 - 8.12.020 Definitions. Section 103 of the Uniform Administrative Code Provisions of the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition is amended to read as follows: A. Wherever the term "building official " is used in the National Electrical Code and Uniform Administrative Code Provisions, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the National Electric Code and Uniform Administrative Code Provisions. 8. 12.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 203 of the Uniform Administrative Code for the National Electrical Code to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. Chapter 8.14 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE Sections: 8. 14.010 Incorporation by Reference 8. 14.020 Definitions 8. 14.030 Board of Appeals 8.14.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Housing Code" is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Housing Code, 1985 Edition", as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Housing Code and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. 8.14.020 Definitions. Section 201 of the Uniform Housing Code, 1985 Edition is amended by the addition of the following: A. Wherever the term "building official " is used in the Uniform Housing Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City 1E: of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Housing Code. 8.14.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 203 of the Uniform Housing Code to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. - 7 - Chapter 8. 16 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS Sections: 8.16.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.16.020 Definitions 8.16.030 Board of Appeals 8. 16.010 Incorporation by Reference. Certain documents marked and designated as the "1985 Edition, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings" is adopted subject to the particular amendments and definitions hereinafter set forth in this chapter, all the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain document entitled and designated as "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition", as copyrighted in 1985 by the International Conference of Building Officials, a certified copy of that document being on file in the office of the city clerk and any and all references thereto, are hereby adopted as the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms thereof are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as though fully set forth herein. 8.16.020 Definitions. Section 201 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is amended by the addition of the following: Wherever the term "Administrative Authority" is used in the Uniform Plumbing Code, it shall be held to mean the Chief Building Official of the City of Cathedral City and other such persons that he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 8.16.030 Board of Appeals. Amend Section 205 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings to read the same as Section 8.04.040 of the Uniform Building Code. Chapter 8.20 UNIFORM FIRE CODE Sections I[: 8.20.010 Incorporation by Reference 8.20.020 Definitions 8.20.030 Violation Penalty 8.20.040 Board of Appeals 8.20.050 Access Roadway for Fire Apparatus 8.20.060 Life-Safety Systems, Installation 8.20.070 Automatic Fire-extinguishing Systems 8.20.080 Standpipes 8.20.090 Buildings Under Construction 8.20.100 Exit Obstruction 8.20.110 Multiplug Adapters - 8 - 8.20.010: Incorporation by Reference: Certain documents marked and designated as the "Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, " including Appendix I-A (Life Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings) , Appendix I-B (Stairway Identification) , Appendix II-A (Suppression and Control of Hazardous Fire Areas) , Appendix II-B (Protection of Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Tanks in Locations That May Be Flooded) , Appendix II-C (Marinas) , Appendix II-D (Rifle Ranges) , Appendix III-A (Test Procedures for Fire Extinguishing Systems) , Appendix III-B (Basement Pipe Inlets) , Appendix III-C (Fire Alarm Systems) , Appendix IV-A (Interior Floor Finish) , Appendix V-A (Nationally Recognized Standards of Good Practice) , and Appendix VI-A (Emergency Relief Venting for Fire Exposure for Aboveground Tanks) , and the "Uniform Fire Code Standards, 1982 Edition," are adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, " and the "Uniform Fire Code Standards, 1982 Edition," published by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Officials, on file in the community development department, are referred to and made a part of this code as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 8.20.020 Definitions: Section 9. 102 Definitions of the Uniform Fire Code 1982 Edition is amended by the addition of the following: A. Wherever the term "jurisdiction" is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Cathedral City. B. Wherever the term "corporation counsel " is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the City Attorney for the City of Cathedral City. C. Wherever the title "Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention" or "chief" is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall be held to mean the chief of the fire department serving the City of Cathedral City and such other persons as he shall appoint to enforce the terms of the Uniform Fire Code. 8.20.030 Violation Penalty: Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code and this chapter or who fails to comply with any order made thereunder, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement or specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder or any certificate or permit issued thereunder from which no appeal has been taken, or who fails to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified after appeal , within the required time, is severally for each such violation and noncompliance guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the Riverside County jail for not more than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person is guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion thereof during which any violation of any provision of the Uniform Fire Code and this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person after notification of the initial violation and shall be punishable therefor as provided herein. - 9 - The application of the penalty provided in this section shall not be held to prevent the abatement of prohibited conditions as a public nuisance as provided by Section 1.01 .250 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. Section 8.20.040 Board of Appeals: Section 2.302 (Board of Appeals) of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is deleted. Hereinafter whenever the chief or his duly authorized representative disapproves an application or refuses to grant a permit or certificate applied for, or suspends or revokes any permit or certificate issued under the Uniform Fire Code, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the Uniform Fire Code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, any person so aggrieved may appeal from the decision of the chief to the City Council of the City of Cathedral City. Any such appeal shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 2.04.100 through 2.04.130 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. Section 8.20.050 Access Roadways for Fire Apparatus: A. Subsection (a) of Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, (Required Construction) is amended by adding the following: For the purpose of this section "all weather driving surface" shall mean a hard surface such as asphalt, concrete, turf block or other hard surface as approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. B. Subsection (g) is added to Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, to read as follows: (g) Fire Lanes. In all locations where access for fire apparatus for fire suppression or rescue purposes is unduly difficult or subject to obstruction, the chief may designate fire lanes and cause them to be marked and/or posted as such, according to standards required by the Fire Department. Violators shall be subject to citation for violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22500.1 . C. Subsection (h) is added to Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition to read as follows: (h) Equipment Controlling Access Into Private Developments. Whenever access into private property, other than an individual single family residence and similar small projects, is controlled through use of gates, barriers, guard houses or other similar If: means, provision shall be made to facilitate access by emergency vehicles in a manner approved by the Chief of Police. All controlled access devices that are power operated shall have a radio controlled override system capable of opening the gate when activated by a special transmitter located in emergency vehicles. Devices shall be equipped to facilitate opening in the event of a power failure. All controlled access devices that are not power operated shall be approved by the Chief of Police. - 10 - Section 8.20.060 Life-Safety Systems, Installation: A. Subsection (c) of Section 10.301 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is amended to read as follows: (c) Water Supply. An approved water supply capable of supplying required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to all premises upon which buildings or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed. When any portion of the building protected is in excess of 165 feet from a water supply on a public street, there shall be provided, when required by the chief, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow. Water supply may consist of reservoirs, pressure tanks, elevator tanks, water mains or other fixed system capable of supplying their required fire flow. In setting the requirements for fire flow in connection with new developments involving industrial or commercial projects, or involving residential subdivisions, the chief may be guided by the standard published by the Insurance Services Office, "Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow" . In setting such requirements, the following shall apply: 1. In all single family residential zones, the minimum fire protection requirements shall not be less than 1,000 GPM for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure at any given hydrant. All development shall either construct required fire flow facility or pay into the fire flow improvement fund the amount per dwelling unit prescribed by City Council Resolution provided, however, that upon the written request of the applicant, the chief may reduce such fire flow requirements on the condition that there be installed in each dwelling unit an automatic fire sprinkler system meeting the standards prescribed by National Fire Protection Association standard 13D on file in the office of the City Clerk, with any amendments thereto which may have been adopted by the City. 2. In all multiple family residential zones, the minimum fire protection requirements shall not be less than 2,500 GPM for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure at any given hydrant. For all developments with 4 or less units on a legal lot or parcel of record, the required fire flow shall either be constructed or payment made to the fire flow improvement fund in the amount per dwelling unit prescribed by 3 City Council Resolution. All developments with 5 or more units on a legal lot or parcel of record shall be required to construct the fire flow facility. 3. In any subdivision of land in any residential zone where the potential is for 5 or more dwelling units, the fire flow facility shall be constructed as required in that zone. - 11 - 4. For commercial and industrial buildings, the minimum fire flow required shall be 3000 GPM @ 20 PSI residual operating pressure for a (2) two-hour duration. The location, number and type of fire hydrants connected to a water supply capable of delivering the required fire flow shall be provided on the public street or on the site of the premises to be protected as required and approved by the chief. All hydrants shall be accessible to the fire department apparatus by roadways meeting the requirements of Section 10.207. B. Subsection (f) is added to Section 10.301 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, to read as follows: (f) Smoke Detectors. In new construction of R1 and R3 or when alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit and having a valuation in excess of $1,000 occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing Group R, Division 3 occupancies, the entire building shall be provided with smoke detectors located as required for new Group R, Division 1 or Division 3 occupancies. The required smoke detectors shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial source. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. The required smoke detector shall also be equipped with a backup battery system that will allow the detector to remain operational in the event of a power failure. Section 8.20.070 Automatic Fire-extinguishing Systems: Subsection (b) of Section 10.309 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is amended by adding the following: An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in every building hereafter constructed for Group A, B, E, H, I and R1 occupancies where the gross floor is 5000 square feet or more, regardless of stories. Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the gross floor area of the building for the purposes of this code section. NFPA Standard No. 13-D Life Safety System may be installed in Group R, Division 1 occupancies larger than 5000 square feet in lieu of normal commercial NFPA Standard No. 13 fire suppression systems. (Group R, Division 1 occupancy in the Uniform Building i Code includes hotels, motels and apartment buildings.) ii Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in all buildings over two stories in height or exceeding thirty (30) feet in height. Section 8.20.080 Standpipes: A. Subsection (b) of Section 10.312 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is amended to read as follows: - 12 - (b) Where Required. Standpipe systems shall be provided as set forth in Table No. 10.312. Such standpipe systems shall be provided with fire department inlet connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs, but in no case shall the distance from the curb line to fire department standpipe connection exceed forty feet (40') . B. Subsection (f) is added to Section 10.312 of the Uniform Fire Code, 3 1982 Edition to read as follows: (f) Replacement. Occupancies having an existing wet standpipe system which has been determined by the Chief to need replacement, shall be required to replace the hose and nozzle appliances with lined hose tested to 300 PSI and variable fog nozzle. Section 8.20.90 Buildings Under Construction: A. Subsection (c) of Section 10.313 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is amended to read as follows: (c) Where Required. Every building three stories or more in height shall be provided with not less than one standpipe for use during construction. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department hose connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs and the standpipe outlets shall be located adjacent to such usable stairs. Such standpipe systems shall be extended as construction progresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction having secured decking or flooring. In each floor there shall be provided a 2-1/2 inch valve outlet for fire department use. Where construction height requires installation of a Class III standpipe, fire pumps and water main connections shall be provided to serve the standpipe. B. Subsection (f) is added to Section 10.313 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, to read as follows: (f) First Aid Suppression. Every building less than three stories in height shall have domestic water supply available on site and garden hose installed which will reach all portions of the combustible construction areas, the purpose of which is to provide "First Aid" fire suppression. Section 8.20. 100 Exit Obstruction: A. Subsection (f) is added to Section 12. 103 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, to read as follows: (f) Windows of Sleeping Rooms. Any bars, grates or other obstructions across the opening of any window of any sleeping room of any building shall be so constructed that they may be readily opened so as to allow an occupant to use the window as a means of escape from a fire originating within the building. - 13 - Section 8.20.110 Multiplug Adapters: A. Section 85.107 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, is amended to read as follows: The use of multiplug adapters such as multiplug extension cords, cube adapters, strip plugs or any other device that does not comply with this code or the Electrical Code is prohibited. U.L. approved multiadapter outlet boxes which are enclosed in cases and have a built-in 15 ampere circuit breaker may be utilized, provided the other provisions of this section are met. Chapter 8.22 EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS Sections: 8.22.010 Purpose 8.22.015 Scope 8.22.020 Definitions 8.22.021 Rating Classifications 8.22.022 General Requirements 8.22.025 Administration 8.22.026 Analysis and Design 8.22.027 Materials and Construction 8.22.028 Information Required on Plans 8.22.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings constructed prior to 1954 (the adoption date of the Building Code requiring earthquake resistant design of buildings) . Such buildings have been widely recognized for sustaining life-hazardous damage, including partial or complete collapse during moderate to strong earthquakes. The provisions of this chapter are intended as minimum standards for structural seismic resistance established primarily to reduce the risk of life loss or injury. Compliance with these standards will not necessarily prevent loss of life or injury or prevent earthquake damage to rehabilitated buildings. This chapter does not require alteration of existing electrical , plumbing, mechanical or fire safety systems unless they constitute a hazard to life or property. This chapter provides systematic procedures and standards for identification and classification of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings based on their present use. Priorities, time periods and standards are also established under which these buildings are required to be structurally analyzed and anchored. Where the analysis finds deficiencies, this chapter requires the building to be strengthened or demolished. - 14 - Qualified Historical Buildings shall comply with the State Historical Building Code (SHBC) established under Part 8, Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. 8.22.015 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all buildings constructed or under construction prior to 1954 (adoption date of local earthquake resistant code requirements) , or for which a building permit was issued prior to 1954, which on the effective date of this ordinance have unreinforced masonry bearing walls as defined herein. EXCEPTION: This division shall not apply to detached one or two family dwellings and detached apartment houses containing less than 5 dwelling units and used solely for residential purposes. 8.22.020 Definitions. For purpose of this chapter, the applicable definitions in Sections 2302 and 2312 of the Uniform Building Code (1) shall apply: ESSENTIAL BUILDING: Any building housing a hospital or other medical facility having surgery or emergency treatment areas; fire or police stations; municipal government disaster operation and communication centers. HIGH RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified an essential building, having an occupant load of 100 or more, as determined by Section 3302(a) . EXCEPTION: A high risk building shall not include the following: 1. Any building having exterior walls braced with masonry crosswalls or wood frame crosswalls spaced less than 40 feet apart in each story. Crosswalls shall be full story height with a minimum length of 1 1/2 times the story height. 2. Any building used for its intended purpose, as determined by the building official , for less than 20 hours per week. LOW RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified as an essential building, having an occupant load of less than 20 occupants as determined by Section 3302(a) . MEDIUM RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified as a high risk building or an essential building, having an occupant load of 20 occupants or more as determined by Section 3302(a) . UNREINFORCED MASONRY BEARING WALL: A masonry wall having all of the following characteristics: 1. Provides the vertical support for a floor or roof. 2. The total superimposed load is over 100 pounds per linear foot. (1) All section-number references; e.g. , Section 2303, Section 2312, Section 3302(a) , and so forth, indicate passages in the Uniform Building Code, 1985 edition. - 15 - 3. The area of reinforcing steel is less than 50 percent of that required by Section 2407(h) . 8.22.021 Rating Classifications. The rating classifications shown in Table No. A are hereby established and each building within the scope of this chapter shall be placed in one such rating classification by the building official . The total occupant load of the entire building as determined by Section 3302(a) shall be used to determine the rating classification. EXCEPTION: For the purpose of this chapter, portions of buildings constructed to act independently when resisting seismic forces may be placed in separate rating classifications. 8.22.022 General Requirements. The owner of each building within the scope of this chapter shall cause a structural analysis of the building to be made by a civil or structural engineer or architect licensed by the State of California. If the building does not meet the minimum earthquake standards specified in this chapter, the owner shall either cause it to be structurally altered to conform to such standards; or cause the building to be demolished. The owner of a building within the scope of this chapter shall comply with the requirements set forth above by submitting to the building official for review within the stated time limits: (a) Within 270 days after the service of the order, a structural analysis, which is subject to approval by the building official , and which shall demonstrate that the building meets the minimum requirements of this Chapter; or (b) Within 270 days after the service of the order, the structural analysis and plans for the proposed structural alterations of the building necessary to comply with the minimum requirements of this chapter; or (c) Within 120 days after service of the order, plans for the installation of wall anchors in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 8.22.026(c) ; or (d) Within 270 days after the service of the order, plans for the demolition of the building. After plans are submitted and approved by the building official , the owner shall obtain a building permit, commence and complete the Erequired construction or demolition within the time limits set forth in Table No B. These time limits shall begin to run from the date the order is served in accordance with Section 8.22.025(a) and (b) . Owners electing to comply with Subsection (c) of this section are also required to comply with Subsections (b) or (d) of this section provided, however, that the 270-day period provided for in such Subsections (b) and (d) and the time limits for obtaining a building permit, commencing construction and completing construction for complete structural alterations or building demolition set forth in Table No. B shall be extended in accordance with Table No. C. Each - 16 - such extended time limit, except the time limit for commencing construction shall begin to run from the date the order is served in accordance with Section 8.22.025(b) . The time limit for commencing construction shall commence from the date the building permit is issued. 8.22.025 Administration. (a) Service of Order. The building official shall issue an order, as provided in Section 8.22.025(b) , to the owner of each building within the scope of this chapter in accordance with the minimum time periods for service of such orders set forth in Table No. C. The minimum time period for the service of such orders shall be measured from the effective date of Chapter 8.22. Upon receipt of a written request from the owner, the building official shall order a building to comply prior to the normal service date for such building set forth in this section. (b) Contents of Order. The order shall be in writing and shall be served either personally or by certified or registered mail upon the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment, and upon the person, if any, in apparent charge or control of the building. The order shall specify that the building has been determined by the building official to be within the scope of this chapter and, therefore, is required to meet the minimum seismic standards of this chapter. The order shall specify the rating classification of the building and shall be accompanied by a copy of Section 8.22.022 which sets forth the owner's alternatives and time limits for compliance. (c) Appeal Form Order. The owner or person in charge or control of the building may appeal to (the Board of Appeals) the building official 's initial determination that the building is within the scope of this chapter. Such appeal shall be filed with the board within 60 days from the service date of the order described in Section 8.22.025(b) . Any such appeal shall be decided by the board no later than 60 days after the date that the appeal is filed. Such appeal shall be made in writing upon appropriate forms provided therefore, by the building official and the grounds thereof shall be stated clearly and concisely. Each appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in the code. Appeals or requests for slight modifications from any other determinations, orders or actions by the building official pursuant to this chapter, shall be made in accordance with the normal appeal procedures established in this code. (d) Recordation. At the time that the aforementioned order is served, the building official shall file with the office of the county recorder a certificate stating that the subject building is within the scope of Chapter 8.22 - Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings. The certificate shall also state that the owner thereof has been ordered to structurally analyze the - 17 - building and to structurally alter or demolish it where it is not found to comply with Chapter 8.22. If the building is found not to be within the scope of this chapter, or as a result of structural alterations or an analysis is found to be structurally capable of resisting minimum seismic forces required by L this chapter; or is demolished; the building official shall file with the office of the county recorder a certificate terminating the status of the subject building as being classified within the scope of Chapter 8.22 - Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings. (e) Enforcement. If the owner or other person in charge or control of the subject building fails to comply with any order issued by the building official pursuant to this chapter within any of the time limits set forth in Section 8.22.022, the building official shall order the entire building vacated and remain vacated until such order has been complied with. If compliance with such order has not been accomplished within 90 days after the date the building has been ordered vacated, or by such additional time as may have been granted by (the Board of Appeals) , the building official may order demolition of the building in accordance with the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings provisions of this code. 8.22.026 Analysis and Design. (a) General . Every structure within the scope of this Division shall be analyzed and constructed to resist minimum total lateral seismic forces assumed to act nonconcurrently in the direction of each of the main axes of the structure in accordance with the following equation: V = ZIKCSW (1) The value of IKCS need not exceed the values set forth in Table No. D based on the applicable rating classification of the building. (b) Lateral Forces on Elements of Structures. Parts or portions of structures shall be analyzed and designed for lateral loads in accordance with Subsections 8.22.026(a) and 2312(e) of the Uniform Building code but not less than the value from the following equation: Fp = ZICp SWp (2) For the provisions of this subsection, the product of IS need not exceed the values as set forth in Table No. E. I EXCEPTION: Unreinforced masonry walls in buildings not having a rating classification of I may be analyzed in accordance with Section 8.22.07. The value of Cp need not exceed the values set forth in Table F. (c) Anchorage and interconnection. Anchorage and interconnection of all parts, portions and elements of the structure shall be analyzed and designed for lateral forces in accordance with Table - 18 - No. F of this code and the equation Fp = ZICpSWp as modified by Table No. E. Minimum anchorage of masonry walls to each floor or roof shall resist a minimum force of 200 pounds per linear foot acting normal to the wall at the level of the floor or roof. (d) Level of Required Repair. Alterations and repairs required to meet the provisions of this chapter shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the Uniform Building code unless otherwise specifically provided for in this chapter. x (e) Required Analysis. 1 . General . Except as modified herein, the analysis and design relating to the structural alteration of existing structures within the scope of this chapter shall be in accordance with the analysis specified in Chapter 23. 2. Continuous Stress Path. A complete, continuous stress path from every part or portion of the structure to the ground shall be provided for the required horizontal forces. 3. Positive Connections. all parts, portions or elements of the structure shall be interconnected by positive means. (f) Analysis Procedure. 1. General . Stresses in materials and existing construction utilized to transfer seismic forces from the ground to parts or portions of the structure shall conform to those permitted by the Uniform Building Code and those materials and types of construction specified in Section 8.22.027. 2. Connections. Materials and connectors used for interconnection of parts and portions of the structure shall conform to the Uniform Building Code. Nails may be used as part of an approved connector. 3. Unreinforced Masonry Walls. Except as modified herein, unreinforced masonry walls shall be analyzed as specified in Section 2406, 2407, and 2408 to withstand all vertical loads as specified in Chapter 23 of the Uniform Building Code in addition to the seismic forces required by this chapter. The 50 percent increase in the seismic force factor for shear walls as specified in Section 2407(h) 4F of the Uniform Building Code may be omitted in the computation of seismic loads to existing shear walls. li: No allowable tension stress will be permitted in unreinforced masonry walls. Walls not capable of resisting the required design forces specified in this chapter shall be strengthened or shall be removed and replaced. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Unreinforced masonry walls in buildings not classified as a Rating Classification I pursuant to Table No. A may be analyzed in accordance with Section 8.22.027. - 19 - 2. An unreinforced masonry wall which carries no design loads other than its own weight may be considered as veneer if it is adequately anchored to new supporting elements. (g) Combination of Vertical and Seismic Forces. 1 . New Materials. All new materials introduced into the structure to meet the requirements of this section which are subjected to combined vertical and horizontal forces shall comply with Section 2303(f) . 2. Existing Materials. When stresses in existing lateral force resisting elements are due to a combination of dead loads plus live loads plus seismic loads, the allowable working stress specified in the Uniform Building Code may be increased 100 percent. However, no increase will be permitted in the stresses allowed in Section 8.22.017, and the stresses in members due only to seismic and dead loads shall not exceed the values permitted by Section 2303(d) of the Uniform Building Code. 3. Allowable Reduction of Bending Stress by Vertical Load. In calculating tensile fiber stress due to seismic forces required by this chapter, the maximum tensile fiber stress may be reduced by the full direct stress due to vertical dead loads. 8.22.027 Materials of Construction. (a) General . All materials permitted by the Uniform Building Code including their appropriate allowable stresses and those existing configurations of materials specified herein may be utilized to meet the requirements of this chapter. (b) Existing Materials. 1. Unreinforced Masonry Walls. Unreinforced masonry walls analyzed in accordance with this Section may provide vertical support for roof and floor construction and resistance to lateral loads. The facing and backing of such walls shall be bonded so that not less than 4 percent of the exposed face area is composed of solid headers extending not less than 4 inches into the backing. The distance between adjacent full -length headers shall not exceed 24 inches vertically or horizontally. Where the backing consists of two or more wythes the header shall extend not less than 4 inches into the most distant wythe, or the backing wythes shall be bonded together with separate headers whose area and spacing conform to the foregoing. Tensions stresses due to seismic forces normal to the wall may be neglected if the walls do not exceed the height to thickness ratio in Table No. G and the in-plane shear stresses due to seismic loads as set forth in Table No. J. If the wall height-thickness ratio exceeds the specified limits, the wall may be supported by vertical bracing members designed in accordance with Section 8.22.026. The deflection of such bracing - 20 - member at design loads shall not exceed one-tenth of the wall thickness. EXCEPTION: The wall may be supported by flexible vertical bracing members designed in accordance with Section (b) if the deflection at design loads is not less than one-quarter nor more than one-third of Lthe wall thickness. All vertical bracing members shall be attached to floor and roof construction for their design loads independently of required wall anchors. Horizontal spacing of vertical bracing members shall not exceed one-half the unsupported height of the wall nor ten feet. The wall height may be measured vertically to bracing elements other than a floor or roof. Spacing of the bracing elements and wall anchors shall not exceed six feet. Bracing elements shall be detailed to minimize the horizontal displacement of the wall by components of vertical displacements of the floor or roof. 2. Existing Roof, Floors, Walls, Footings, and Wood Framing. Existing materials including wood shear walls utilized in the described configuration may be used as part of the lateral load resisting system, provided that the stresses in these materials do not exceed the values shown in Table No. H. (c) Strengthening of Existing Materials. New materials including wood shear walls may be utilized to strengthen portions of the existing seismic resisting system in the described configurations provided that the stresses do not exceed the values shown in Table I . (d) Alternate Materials. Alternate materials, designs and methods of construction may be approved by the building official in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. (e) Minimum Acceptable Quality of Existing Unreinforced Masonry Walls. 1. General Provisions. All unreinforced masonry walls utilized to carry vertical loads and seismic forces parallel and perpendicular to the wall plane shall be tested as specified in this subsection. All masonry quality shall equal or exceed the minimum standards established herein or shall be removed and replaced by new materials. Alternate methods of testing may be approved by the building official . The quality of mortar in all E masonry walls shall be determined by performing in-place shear test or by testing eight inch diameter cores. Alternative methods of testing may be approved by the building official . Nothing shall prevent pointing with mortar of all the masonry wall joints before the tests are first made. Prior to any pointing, the mortar joints must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and deteriorated mortar. Mortar for pointing shall be Type S or N except that masonry cements shall not be used. All preparation and mortar point shall be done under the continuous inspection of a Registered Deputy Building Inspector. At the conclusion of the inspection, the inspector shall submit a - 21 - written report to the licensed engineer or architect responsible for the seismic analysis of the building setting forth the result of the work inspected. Such report shall be submitted to the building official for approval as part of the structural analysis. All testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements specified in this subsection by a testing agency L approved by the building official . An accurate record shall be kept of all such tests and of their locations in the building, and these results shall be submitted to the building official for approval as part of the structural analysis. 2. Number and Location of Tests. The minimum number of tests shall be two per wall or line of wall elements resisting a common force, or 1 per 1500 square feet of wall surface, with a minimum of eight tests in any case. The exact test or core location shall be determined at the building site by the licensed engineer or architect responsible for the seismic analysis of the subject building. 3. In-Place Shear Tests. The bed joints of the outer wythe of the masonry shall be tested in shear by laterally displacing a single brick relative to the adjacent bricks in that wythe. The opposite head joint of the brick to be tested shall be removed and cleaned prior to testing. The minimum quality mortar in 80 percent of the shear tests shall not be less than the total of 30 psi plus the axial stress in the wall at the point of the test. The shear stress shall be based on the gross area of both bed joints and shall be that at which movement of the brick is first observed. 4. Core Tests. A minimum number of mortar test specimens equal to the number of required cores shall be prepared form the cores and tested as specified herein. The mortar joint of the outer wythe of the masonry core shall be tested in shear by placing the circular core section in a compression testing machine with the mortar bed joint rotated 15 degrees from the axis of the applied load. The mortar joint tested in shear shall have an average ultimate stress of 20 psi based on the gross area. The average shall be obtained from the total number of cores made. If test specimens cannot be made from cores taken, then the shear value shall be reported as zero. (f) Testing of Shear Bolts. One-fourth of all new shear bolts and dowels embedded in unreinforced masonry walls shall be tested by a Special Inspector using a torque calibrated wrench to the following minimum torques: 1/2" diameter bolts or dowels = 40 foot-lbs. 5/8" diameter bolts or dowels = 50 foot-lbs. 3/4" diameter bolts or dowels = 60 foot-lbs. No bolts exceeding 3/4" shall be used. All nuts shall be installed over malleable iron or plate washers when bearing on wood and heavy cut washers when bearing on steel . - 22 - (g) Determination of Allowable Stresses for Design Methods Based on Test Results. 1. Design Shear Values. Design seismic in-plane shear stresses shall be substantiated by tests performed as specified in Section (e) 3 and 4. Design stresses shall be related to test results obtained in accordance with Table No J. Intermediate values between 3 and 10 psi may be interpolated. 2. Design Compression and Tension Values. Compression stresses for unreinforced masonry having a minimum design shear value of 3 psi shall not exceed 100 psi . Design tension values for unreinforced masonry shall not be permitted. (h) Five percent of the existing rod anchors utilized as all or part of the required wall anchors shall be tested in pullout by an approved testing laboratory. The minimum number tested shall be four per floor, with two tests at walls with joists framing into the wall and two tests at walls with joists parallel to the wall . The test apparatus shall be supported on the masonry wall at a minimum distance of the wall thickness from the anchor tested. The rod anchor shall be given a preload of 300 lbs. prior to establishing a datum for recording elongation. The tension test load reported shall be recorded at one-eighth inch relative movement of the anchor and the adjacent masonry surface. Results of all tests shall be reported. The report shall include the test results as related to the wall thickness and joist orientation. The allowable resistance value of the existing anchors shall be 40 percent of the average of those tested anchors having the same wall thickness and joist orientation. (i) Qualification tests for devices used for wall anchorage shall be tested with the entire tension load carried on the enlarged head at the exterior face of the wall . Bond on the part of the device between the enlarged head and the interior wall face shall be eliminated for the qualification tests. The resistance value assigned the device shall be 20 percent of the average of the ultimate loads. 8.22.028 Information Required on Plans. (a) General . In addition to the seismic analysis required elsewhere in this Chapter, the licensed engineer or architect responsible for the seismic analysis of the building shall determine and record the information required by this Section on the approved plans. (b) Construction Details. The following requirements with appropriate construction details shall be made part of the approved plans. : 1 . All unreinforced masonry walls shall be anchored at the roof level by tension bolts through the wall as specified in Table I, - 23 - or by approved equivalent at a maximum anchor spacing of six feet. All unreinforced masonry walls shall be anchored at all floors with tension bolts through the wall or by existing rod anchors at the maximum anchor spacing of six feet. All existing rod anchors Lshall be secured to the joists to develop the required forces. The building official may require testing to verify the adequacy of the embedded ends of existing rod anchors. Tests when required shall conform to Section (h) . When access to the exterior face of the masonry wall is prevented by proximity of an existing building, wall anchors conforming to Items 5 and 6 in Table I may be used. Alternative devices to be used in lieu of tension bolts for masonry wall anchorage shall be tested as specified in Section 8808(i) . 2. Diaphragm chord stresses of horizontal diaphragms shall be developed in existing materials or by addition of new materials. 3. Where trusses and beams other than rafter or joists are supported on masonry, ledgers or columns shall be installed to support vertical loads of the roof or floor members. 4. Parapets and exterior wall appendages not capable of resisting the forces specified in this chapter shall be removed, stabilized or braced to insure that the parapets and appendages remain in their original position. 5. All deteriorated mortar joints in unreinforced masonry walls shall be pointed with Type S or N mortar (Masonry cements shall not be used) . Prior to any pointing, the wall surface must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and deteriorated mortar. All preparation and pointing shall be done under the continuous inspection of a special inspector certified to inspect masonry or concrete. At the conclusion of the project, the inspector shall submit a written report to the building official setting forth the portion of work inspected. 6. Repair details shall be prepared for any cracked or damaged unreinforced masonry wall required to resist forces specified in this chapter. (c) Existing Construction. The following existing construction information shall be made part of the approved plans: i I. The type and dimensions of existing walls and the size and spacing of floor and roof members. 2. The extent and type of existing wall anchorage to floors and roof. 3. The extent and type of parapet corrections, if any, which were performed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. - 24 - 4. Accurately dimensioned floor plans and masonry wall elevations showing dimensioned openings, piers, wall thickness and heights. 5. The location of cracks or damaged portions of unreinforced masonry walls requiring repairs. A 6. The type of interior wall surfaces and whether reinstalling or anchoring of ceiling plaster is necessary. 7. The general condition of the mortar joints and whether the joints need pointing. 'y Y - 25 - SECTION 2. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection clause or phrase of this Ordinance or of the code adopted thereby is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such a decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or of the code adopted thereby. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section or subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, and of the code adopted hereby irrespective of the clauses or phrases being declared invalid. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on November 2, , 1988, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Hardie Noes: None Absent: None //' // / , i _ f / MA Or TTEST " r6e4, CIT C ERK APPROVED AS 0 FIRM:, APPROVED ,; TO INTENT: i//' /' A CITY ATT ' ORNEY / / i "-A° ER HEREBY CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. _c2.42a WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Or TNr • - o} r'ATNEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA.IN A M ETIN6 It ;.- ..;f Ht • :;ry `wE DAY OF 19?.(t__ ANC h '1 St,MI 0AS POSTED IN AT LEAST THE THREE PL,i; • a(ty SNELINED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY Wu vCIL. /110,4_," AI; Adr,/ CITY CLERK - 26 - TABLE NO. A RATING CLASSIFICATIONS TYPE OF BUILDING CLASSIFICATION IL Essential Building I High Risk Building II Medium Risk Building III Low Risk Building IV TABLE NO. B TIME LIMITS FOR COMPLIANCE (1) REQUIRED ACTION OBTAIN BUILDING COMMENCE COMPLETE BY OWNER PERMIT CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION WITHIN WITHIN WITHIN Complete Structural Alterations or 1 Year 180 Days (2) 3 Years Building Demolition Wall Anchor 180 Days 270 Days 1 Year Installation (1) Where two or more buildings under separate ownership are to be rehabilitated simultaneously, an extension can be based on the average time requirements for the buildings involved, with a suggested minimum extension of 6 months. An extension could be granted on submission of a binding agreement between the owner involved, with the actual date of compliance to be determined by the building official . (2) Measured from date of building permit issuance. All the other time limits are measured from the date of the order. t i TABLE NO. C SERVICE PRIORITIES AND EXTENDED TIME PROVISIONS EXTENSION OF TIME MINIMUM TIME RATING OCCUPANT IF WALL ANCHORS PERIODS FOR CLASSIFICATION LOAD ARE INSTALLED SERVICE OF ORDER I Any 1 Year 0 (Highest Priority) II 100 or More 3 Years 90 Days 100 or More 5 Years 1 Year III 51 to and Including 6 Years 2 Years 99 20 to and Including 6 Years 3 Years 50 IV Less than 20 7 Years 4 Years (Lowest Priority) TABLE NO. D HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTORS BASED ON RATING CLASSIFICATION RATING CLASSIFICATION IKCS I 0.186 II 0.133 III & IV 0.100 IIk TABLE NO. E HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTORS "IS" FOR PARTS OR PORTIONS OF STRUCTURES RATING CLASSIFICATION IKCS I 1.50 II 1.00 III & IV 0.75 TABLE NO. F HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTOR "Cr FOR PARTS OR PORTIONS OF BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES (1) PART OR PORTION OF BUILDINGS DIRECTION OF FORCE VALUE OF Cp Exterior bearing and non-bearing walls, interior bearing walls and partitions, Normal to interior non-bearing walls and partitions Flat Surface 0.20 over ten feet in height, masonry fences over six feet in height. Cantilever parapet and other cantilever Normal to walls, except retaining walls. Flat Surface 1.00 Exterior and interior ornamentations Any and appendages. Direction 1 .00 When connected to or a part of a building; towers, tanks, towers and Any tanks plus contents, racks over 8 Direction 0.20 (2) (4) feet 3 inches in height plus contents, chimneys, smokestacks, and penthouses. When connected to or a part of a building: Rigid and rigidly mounted Any equipment and machinery not required Horizontal 0.23(3) for continued operation of essential Direction occupancies. (5) Tanks plus effective contents resting Any on the ground. Direction 0. 12 Floors and roofs acting as In the plane of 0. 12(6) diaphragms. Prefabricated structural elements, Any other than walls, with force applied Horizontal at center of gravity assembly. Direction 0.30 Connections for exterior panels or Any elements. Direction 2.00 (1) See Section (b) for use of Cp. (2) When located in the upper portion of any building with a hn/D ratio of 5 to 1 or greater the value shall be increased by 50%. (3) For flexible and flexibly mounted equipment and machinery, the appropriate values for Cp shall be determined with consideration given to both the dynamic properties of the equipment and machinery and to the building or structure in which it is placed. (4) The Wp for storage racks shall be the weight of the racks plus contents. The value of Cp for racks over two storage support levels in height shall be 0.16 for the levels below the top two levels. (5) The design of the equipment and machinery and their anchorage is an integral part of the design and specification of such equipment and machinery. The structure to which the equipment or machinery is mounted shall be capable of resisting the anchorage forces (see also Section 2312(k) . (6) Floor and roofs acting as diaphragms shall be designed for a minimum force resulting from a Cp of .12 applied to Wp unless a greater force results from the distribution of lateral forces in accordance with Section 2312(e) . TABLE NO. G ALLOWABLE VALUE OF HEIGHT-THICKNESS RATIO OF UNREINFORCED MASONRY WALLS WITH MINIMUM QUALITY MORTAR. (1) (2) BUILDING WITH CROSSWALLS ALL OTHER 4 AS DEFINED BY SECTION BUILDINGS Walls of One Story Buildings 16 13 First Story Wall of 16 15 Multi-Story Buildings Walls in Top Story of 14 9 Multi-Story Buildings All Other Walls 16 13 (1) Minimum quality mortar shall be determined by laboratory testing in accordance with Section (e) . (2 Table G is not applicable to buildings of rating Classification I . Walls or buildings within rating Classification I shall be analzyed in accordance with Section (f) . TABLE NO. H VALUES FOR EXISTING MATERIALS EXISTING MATERIALS OR CONFIGURATION OF MATERIALS (1) ALLOWABLE VALUES II: 1. HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS a. Roofs with straight sheathing 100 lbs. per foot for and roofing applied directly to seismic shear. the sheathing. b. Roofs with diagonal sheathing 400 lbs. per foot for and roofing applied directly to seismic shear. sheathing. c. Floors with straight tongue 150 lbs. per foot for and groove sheathing. seismic shear. d. Floors with straight sheathing 300 lbs. per foot for and finished wood flooring. seismic shear. e. Floors with diagonal sheathing 450 lbs. per foot for and finished wood flooring seismic shear. f. floors or roofs with straight Add 50 lbs. per foot to sheathing and plaster applied to the allowable values the joist or rafters. (2) for Items la and lc. 2. SHEAR WALLS Wood stud walls with lath and 100 lbs. per foot each plaster. side for seismic shear. 3. PLAIN CONCRETE FOOTINGS f'c = 1500 psi unless otherwise shown by tests. 4. DOUGLAS FIR WOOD Allowable stress same as No 1 D. F. (3) 5. REINFORCING STEEL ft = 18,000 lbs. per square inch maximum. (3) 6. STRUCTURAL STEEL ft= 20,000 lbs. per square inch maximum. (1) (1) Material must be sound and in good condition. (2) The wood lath and plaster must be reattached to existing joists or rafters in a manner approved by the Department. (3) Stresses given may be increased for combinations of loads as specified in Section (g)2. TABLE NO. I ALLOWABLE VALUES OF NEW MATERIALS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH EXISTING CONSTRUCTION (1) NEW MATERIALS OR CONFIGURATION OF MATERIALS ALLOWABLE VALUES Y 1. HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS Plywood sheathing applied directly Same as specified in over existing straight sheathing with Table No. 25-J of this ends of plywood sheets bearing on Code for blocked joists or rafters and edges of plywood diaphragms* located on center of individual sheath- ing boards. 2. SHEAR WALLS (a) Plywood sheathing applied directly Same as values specified over existing wood studs. No value in Table No. 25-K for shall be given to plywood applied over shear walls. existing plaster or wood sheathing. (b) Drywall or plaster applied directly 75 per cent of the values over existing wood studs. specified in Table No. 47-I. 3. SHEAR BOLTS Shear bolts and shear dowels embedded 100 percent of the values a minimum of 8 inches into unreinforced for solid masonry speci - masonry walls. Bolt centered in a 2 1/2 fied in Table No. 24E. inch diameter hole with dry-pack or non- No values larger than shrink grout around circumference of those given for 3/4 inch bolt or dowel . (1) bolts shall be used. 4. TENSION BOLTS Tension bolts and tension dowels entend- 1200 lbs. per bolt or ing entirely through unreinforced masonry dowel . walls secured with bearing plates on far side of wall with at least 30 sq. inches of area. (2) s 5. WALL ANCHORS [8809(B)1.] Bolts extending to the exterior face 600 lbs. per bolt. of the wall with a 2 1/2 inch round plate under the head. Installed as specified for shear bolts. Spaced not closer than 12 inches on centers. (1) (2) 6. Bolts or dowels extending to the 1200 lbs. per bolt or exterior face of the wall with a dowel . 2 1/2 inch round plate under the head and drill at an angle of 22 1/2 degrees to the horizontal . Installed as specified for shear bolts. (1) (2) 7. INFILLED WALLS Reinforced masonry infilled openings Same as values specified in existing unreinforced masonry for unreinforced masonry walls with keys or dowels to match walls. reinforcing. 8. REINFORCED MASONRY Masonry piers and walls reinforced Same values as specified per Section 2407. in Division 26, UBC. 9. REINFORCED CONCRETE Concrete footings, walls and piers Same values as specified reinforced as specified in Division in Division 26, UBC. 26 and designed for tributary loads. 10. EXISTING FOUNDATION LOADS Foundation loads for structures Calculated existing exhibiting no evidence of settle- foundation loads due to ment. maximum dead load plus live load may be in- creased 25% for dead load, and may be in- creased 50% for dead load plus seismic load required by this Division. NOTES: (1) Bolts and dowels to be tested as specified in Section 8808(f) . (2) Bolts and dowels to be 1/2 inch minimum in diameter. { TABLE NO. J ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS FOR TESTED UNREINFORCED MASONRY WALLS EIGHTY PERCENT AVERAGE TEST RESULTS SEISMIC IN-PLANE OF TEST RESULTS OF CORES IN PSI SHEAR BASED ON IN PSI NOT LESS THAN GROSS AREAS (1) 30 Plus Axial Stress 20 3 psi 40 Plus Axial Stress 27 4 psi 50 Plus Axial Stress 33 5 psi 100 Plus Axial Stress 67 or more 10 psi max or More (1) Allowable shear stress may be increased by addition of 10% of the axial stress due to the weight of the wall directly above. IIi GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS C = Numerical coefficient as specified in Section 2312 (d) Cp = Numerical coefficient as specified in Section 2312 (g) r and as set forth in Table No 23-J D = The dimension of the structure, in feet, in a direction parallel to the applied forces f'c = Specified compressive strength of concrete, psi Fp = Lateral forces on a part of the structure and in the direction under consideration ft = Allowable tensile stress, psi hn = Height in feet above the base to level n I = Occupancy Importance Factor as set forth in Table No. 23-k S = Numerical coefficient for site-structure resonance V = The total lateral force or shear at the base W = The total dead load as defined in Section 2302 including the partition loading specified in Section 2304 (d) where applicable W = The weight of a portion of a structure or nonstructural component Z = Numerical coefficient dependent upon the zone as determined by Figure No. 1, of Chapter 23 . All areas in California are classified in Zones 3 or 4 . For locations in Zone No. 4, Z = 1 'f i