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Ord 219
ORSP30 8/29/88 ORDINANCE NO. 219 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY RESCINDING i. 1: ORDINANCE 117 (SPECIFIC PLAN 10-008) AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SPECIFIC PLAN 88-30 FOR THE AREA NORTH OF EAST PALM CANYON DRIVE AND SOUTH OF BOLERO ROAD (PALM SPRINGS), IN THE VICINITY OF CREE ROAD. WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to herein after for that certain area in the City of Cathedral City consisting of approximately 53 acres north of East Palm Canyon Drive, south of Bolero Road (Palm Springs) in the vicinity of Cree Road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the state of California, this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal , with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report to this City Council , regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan for land use, and that said plan is consistent with the City's adopted General Plan; NOW THEREFORE, The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact on the environment and therefore a Negative Declaration is approved. SECTION 2. Ordinance 177 (Specific Plan 10-008) is hereby rescinded; and SECTION 3. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No. 88-30 dated August 23, 1988, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Plan and generally located north of East Palm Canyon Drive and south of Bolero Road (Palm Springs) , in the vicinity of Cree Road shown on Exhibit A, dated July 13, 1988; and said real property shall be IL developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 4. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the areas of Specific Plan No. 88-30 shall be as prescribed in the R3 & PCC zoning district except as otherwise herein provided. The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No. 88-30 in combination with those regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R3 and PCC regulations. To the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion the provisions of the specific plan shall prevail . - 1 - ORSP30 8/29/88 SECTION 5. The Official Zoning Map of the City, Division B of Article II of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation R3 and PCC by adding the notation "SP" after irlb; the zone designation of the areas which Specific Plan 88-30 encompasses as shown on Exhibit A, dated July 13, 1988, comprising the area generally located north of East Palm Canyon Drive and south of Bolero Road (Palm Springs) , in the vicinity of Cree Road. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on September 7 , 1988 by the following vote: Ayes: Council members DiGrandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Hardie Noes: None Absent: None ,/‘// M' •R ATTEST: CIT CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APP'IVED AI TO $ TENT: CITY ATTORNEY Cl R HEREBY CERTIFY, UNDER PENAL OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL HEDRRAEL CITY CALIFORNIA. A MEETING THEREOF HELD DAY OFf 2-' ,198 , AND THAT SAME WAS POSTED IN AT LEAST THE THREE PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. r' CITY CLERK - 2 - 30 8/29/88 SPECIFIC PLAN 88-30 Jones Road/Carey Road/Cree Road Area August 23, 1988 SP PROJECT LOCATION The Specific Plan is located on the north side of East Palm Canyon Drive, south of Bolero Road (Palm Springs) , east of Cree Road and west of the Eldorado Mobile Home Park, depicted in Exhibit A, dated July 13, 1988. SPECIFIC PLAN STATE LAW COMPLIANCE This Specific Plan has been prepared pursuant to California Government Code Section 65451 and includes all the required components and General Plan Elements except for the following: Energy Solid Waste Disposal These are not included in the Specific Plan due to the residential nature of the plan area. GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE This Specific Plan is in compliance with the provisions of the adopted General Plan. The General Plan does permit multifamily residential land uses and commercial land uses. All necessary public facilities required by the General Plan shall be installed. PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL A To facilitate the comprehensive development of the site while allowing various housing types permissible in the R3 zone. No changes or enhancement of the PCC zoned portion of the site is proposed. OBJECTIVE To allow for the maximum density yield permitted in the base R3 zone. The Specific Plan should encourage development based on the General Plan's High Density Residential range of 10-20 units/acre. OBJECTIVE To provide housing opportunities for various age groups. GOAL B To assure the development of a public road system planned in accord with the areas existing opportunities and constraints. OBJECTIVE To provide a plan for a public road system including dedication and right-of-way location which will be adequate in serving the area's development potential including residential and commercial development. - 1 - SP30 8/29/88 OBJECTIVE To require the dedication of right-of-way and construction of off-site improvements or payment thereof to complete the public infrastructure, commensurate with each phase of development of the area. GOAL C To assure the development of adequate public facilities coordinated with future development and existing facilities. OBJECTIVE To require the extension of all public facilities including, drainage, sewer and water, commensurate with the level of proposed development and provide for logical sizing and line extensions for future development. GOAL D To capitalize on the existing attributes of the site. In particular, the existing character of the date groves should be perpetuated where possible. OBJECTIVE To retain as many date palm trees as possible by employing them within project and landscape design. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are the development conditions that will implement the above mentioned goals and objectives. 1. Allowable land uses shall be as prescribed in the R3 & PCC zoning districts. Furthermore, all applicable regulations of the Zoning Ordinance or any other city codes, ordinances and resolutions shall supplement the R3 and PCC regulations. 2. No project within the Specific Plan area shall be occupied until all conditions of approval of the subject project including applicable conditions contained herein, are met or otherwise satisfied as indicated herein. 3. The site shall consist of two planning units as depicted in Exhibit A, dated July 13, 1988. The base zones are as follows: Planning Unit Base Zone 1 R3 2 PCC PLANNING UNIT 1 4. At the time of development street frontage dedication and improvements shall be provided consistent with the designated improvement standards noted in Condition #5, including off-site street improvements in a manner and time schedule determined by the City Engineer and Fire Marshall . - 2 - SP30 8/29/88 5. At time of development any property fronting on Carey Road, Cree Road or Clareta Road (Palm Valley School Road, relocated) shall dedicate right-of-way and construct half street improvements which conform to the specific plan as depicted in Exhibit B, dated August 23, 1988 and Exhibits Cl, C2, C3 & C4, dated June 15, 1988. 6. Any improvement which occurs within Jones Road, shall as a minimum, improve Jones Road within the southerly 40 feet of the right-of-way, with a concrete curb and gutter and asphalt pavement, to city standards, to a width as determined by the City Engineer. 7. If AP 681-310-019 & 25 (Palm Valley School parcel ) is developed based on the high density land use designation and the City Engineer determines that the land use change requires improved access and circulation to the property, the public road system shall be extended to include 60' right-of-way connecting the Carey Road cul -de-sac to Bolero Road. 8. If AP 681-310-016 (eastern most Heltzer parcel ) is developed separately from AP 681-310-014 (Heltzer parcel to the west) , Jones Road shall be extended approximately 330 feet and terminated in a cul -de-sac to serve the eastern most parcel . 9. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the City Engineer shall be furnished with suitable evidence from a title company showing that the property, and each unit thereon, has insurable, legal road access, by means of a public road at least 30 feet wide, to an improved public street, and that such access is in a form which can be conveyed to the property or unit owners. 10. Any subdivider or developer of property shall enter into an agreement with the City in which it is agreed that if the subdivider/developer cannot acquire the required off-site easements for road access, utilities, or other public purposes, within a specified period, then the City or Redevelopment Agency may use its eminent domain powers to acquire the needed dedication or easements, at the subdivider's/developer expense, all pursuant to the State Subdivision Map Act and Redevelopment Law. 11. A portion of the costs of signalization of Cree Road/Highway 111 shall be paid at time of building permits on a pro-rata share benefit basis. Planning Unit 1 share of benefits is determined to be 52% of total signal cost. The pro-rata shares shall be figured from the total cost of signalization at time of development and based on gross acreage as determined by the City Engineer. 1[0 12. The necessary on and off-site drainage improvements shall be constructed to accommodate the water runoff generated by the project. If downstream drainage facilities are not available to accept runoff at time of development all runoff must be retained on-site by on-site retention areas or other methods approved by the City Engineer. - 3 - SP30 8/29/88 13. 40% of the existing date palms on site shall be retained or relocated within the site unless it is determined by the Planning Commission that a lesser percentage can only be accommodated due to site design constraints. The required retention percentage may be reduced to not less than 20%. After project completion, any dead or dying date palms shall be replaced with healthy date palms of like size and height. 14. All future development shall connect to sanitary sewer. Sizing and location of lines shall be reviewed for approval by the City Engineer and Desert Water Agency. 15. Development within Planning Unit 1 of any residential project of ten units or greater shall obtain all necessary right-of-way dedications and construct full street improvements for said portion of Cree Road between Jones Road and Highway 111, unless said road has already been developed. 16. The City of Cathedral City and any future developer in Planning Unit 1 of the Specific Plan area shall enter into a contractual agreement prior to the issuance of any building permit for the proportionate reimbursement costs incurred by the developer for off-site street improvements of Cree Road between Jones Road and Highway 111. All reimbursements shall be figured at a pro-rata share based on acreage and determined by the City Engineer. Said agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and the City Engineer. This condition shall expire 15 years after the improvement of Cree Road between Jones Road and Highway 111. 17. All future development on the north side of Carey Road shall dedicate a 5' utility easement in addition to street right-of-way dedication. 18. The Carey Road cul -de-sac shall be designed so as not to conflict with existing structures on parcel 681-310-007. PLANNING UNIT 2 19. Prior to issuance of permits in Planning Unit 2, right-of-way shall be dedicated on Cree Road and Jones Road as depicted in Exhibit B, dated August 23, 1988 and Exhibit C, dated June 15, 1988, as determined by the City Engineer. 20. The most westerly parcel of Planning Unit 2 shall contribute 10% to the total cost of signalization of the Cree Road/Highway 111 intersection. 21 . In recognition of the dedication of Jones Road and Cree Road to the City at no cost, the developer of any parcel within Unit 2 shall be exempt from any street improvement requirement on Jones Road or Cree Road, south of Jones Road, unless the development of such parcel utilizes Cree Road or Jones Road for primary access purposes. - 4 - III\ c `PALM SPRIGS FIRE STATION N ./M/r5-BOLERO—_ROAD ti ^ a P11LM V4LLQ' \� V� 2' It SG Hc�O L r ck m Si I Q .. J J I y 641.1111Ls Ro*O '-CITY L/Mr ��f 4 I1.12 PLANNING 0 3 UNIT 1 ti.',, ( ' • 0 Q `J . d E la Q S !'1 :.-sr 0 ' 4 L`: G.JoNC9—.._ROAD ∎� F49r 1... A 44 PL AN-Ai�AG ` ��� UNIT Z ) ; SPEGIFI�, ... PLAN 150UNDAR`( Stir ... ov \.. ill_ of L_ C.'41 a 4:-/z / C/Tr L/MITS —•—•— SPEC/F/C PLAN BOUNOgRY �_ — -4—..— PLAN/V/n/G UA//T(5) 4;;Iiii>NORTH —THE CI SCALE fHED! ATLYC0fTy SPECIFIC PLAN 88 -30 NO scAL E 68625 PEREZ ROAD Ex}-f I Q I I DATE: 3��988 CATHEDRAL CITY, CA. 6/9) 324-8388 0 OF •_ 5oLERO Ro..c /Th - = _ �/,� Pe-M v-..mac\ N / SG r„� 11 �� 4 i , 0 /1, / FUTUfRc i --0 Lr' ri Possto�E I _ /4// ) 1 ( \ Ros�D QtTENSrON , �N ). S 1. U I Q Q c J0 0 0 I l \ [ - -, ❑ - u PLATT~ 3 00 O p o m < 006 �r b 0"_ O '` SEE E�C1rld� O lj J i 0 O\ 1 I C 0 , "G_3n - i —� — ! J_ __�—I tip % SEEM /VISIT _ �� 1 r--I I I1EY ROAD 00�J.,- a O0 t ! 1 X0000 -'O� p 0 / cSi % 1,' .ter I' j O n OOH n n 0.) O °10110 E o �—I \' m u7C m ' 00°i 0 r F o b r OOC w 00000 00 00 till ��c o� DOG pa > i SEE_ Exwk Oi0000 0 0 W O'OC D00 w00' W DO ~ C MAHONEY C O p O O 000 0 0 "C.-2" Mi-- _..,- :_ 4/1111Fra 1,-) ,--HI' I 0 D C 0 Q ct 0 .7;000 no DOO 0— - E le Czy ,., — �-- po O O 0000 0 M M091 E LT rt r OCO O O p I I _ Q I-1ELTZER 0 :30 O ,, / PARK DESERT 0 J 014 0 .,O r`-10 1 0l0 c_7_ PALMS Q a. 0 _ O , ¢ ' 0 '6OZ ..] sp I S I t 8 u o . O2�— OC O . G 0 O O.ULL.I g O ELTZER p oI6 l_ v —�JONES ,O \ -, . a b Dif 6 SLE ExNOrr ETBOARYGI WESSMAN T-a , -E-1 e=-1-T T- KEY s- �, U U EKrffNL,Oti9 OR PWL,C W STr.SOT SYSTEM Pnorosop P464-iG hiii, • STRC -E S fTEfl; S 9 D rF _ ~ 1 PROPOSED a �-,` TRAFFIG'61GN4L U -' Ia [ f----------.-----/ \ lZ`- • SPECIFIC PLAN 88-30 Scale III_200' Cathedral City ▪ �.� .. EXHI15IT " 5j1 Dote G_I--i_ yr. •68625 Pore: Road PROPOSED STREET S` s"MM ....u, -• :Cathedral City, Ca.92234 f ▪ 16' 324-8386 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std.Dwg.No. 1111\ c N 5 R/W 60 R/W v 20' 0......* 40' Sr ,,,ol, I0'ammo I O'-re 30' Nor I O' Ow IIIil ; lf ' M1 1 / ) li I 1 I _ C-r 1.7---ter - _ _ -71t77,77-_-1. _ MOBILE HOME �F�1g,�riRlrW����j '!" VACANT PARK -" (MAH'NEY) l I (WESSMAN) 1DE.WALK EXIST. Pic SIDE—/AL-K TYPICAL SECTION JONES ROAD IOW EAST OF CREE ROAD Oa 11.ft�' cam, .•••• Cathedral City Scale. I„ 20 \ • — JONES ROAD STREET SECTION :rr, ....,,.. • 68625 Perez Rood EXNl13IT I'c i '' Date 6/15/1988 •• Cathedral City , Co. 92234 ( I •., '•; 324-8388 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. Dwq.No. c PROP. R/W 60 _ E W R/W R/W PROP.DEDICATION 35' 10......- 2S' .•I e . 9L -i Q d i v D v ›, s'G V°' c y —c MOBILE HOME CONDO'S PARK CATHEDRAL CITY PALM SPRINGS TYPICAL SECTION CREE ROAD . 300' NORTH OF JONES ROAD f, PROP. R/W 60' nob o � PROP.DEDICATION 10' i-# r E W . `IV /� R/W 50' R/W\ I f s'—�. ,� 20 a.m.... 17 �e ... '( c, u 00 pr,'; i \ c' -°341? II1I II MOBILE HOME _+if PARK I I C 01VD0'S MA.I-hor.t�Y) I TYPICAL SECTION I CREE ROAD 50' SOUTH OF CAREY ROAD CATHEDRAL CITY PALM SPRINGS Gam►,~ • Scale: ri#:s : Cathedral City 1" . 20' • a CREE ROAD STREET SECTIONS :T r,',�,,,,„ • 68625 Perez Road E X H I BIT "C 2" Date : dY.i+ -: 6/15 / 1988 �• � Cathedral City , Ca. 92234 ( •%toe 324-8388 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. DW9.NO. PROP. R/W 60 N 9 R/= 23 -�_ PROP. DEDICATION 35' J CONDO'S -��� ��—' M08ILe HOME PALM SPRINGS I CATHEDRAL CITY PORK /TRAc-r 3c'Y—J (tnaN0t∎lE-Y) TYPICAL SECTION CAREY ROAD TO' EAST OF CREE ROAD TT. •e ,. •; Cathedral City CAREY ROAD STREET SECTION scale 1„ = 20, ••wvr 1 ••W.. 68625 Perez Road E x H;BIT C 3" Date . 6/15/1988 ;r[ • Catneara City , Ca. 92234 •.,1�`! /.• 324-8388 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. Dwg.No. c C I �C p,, , , A ///....\-.. ...it f/ 7?/ it PROP. R/W 80' DEDICATION Xr/i Dow 1l`C 1 20 sn.� 20 a _ 1\ II' Al --Ow. =NM-- 5 ' 51 DEWALK--.. C?? r L7 DATE GROVE I DATE GROVE I FP-- EXIST. P/L TYPICAL SECTION CLARETA RD. PROPOSED NEW STREET Cam• ••• PROPOSED NEW STREET Scale /. „ Cathedral City I = 20' :i:Z. '`•:; _; ° CLARETA ROAD STREET SECTION :1 .....,.,• • 68625 Perez Road Y Date Cathedral City , Ca. 92234 I E X H► B t T C 4 6/15/1988 •.•,�` i! . ' 324-8388 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. Dwg.No.• MMC28P30 8/17/88 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Dave Durflinger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Specific Plan 88-30 DATE: August 15, 1988 In response to the concerns addressed in the August 12, 1988 letters from Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. , staff has analyzed the requested modifications. The requests include altering the timing and determination which triggers the construction of a connector street between the Carey Road cul-de-sac and Bolero Road, through the Palm Valley School site. The requests also includes a reduction of right-of-way on the north side of Carey Road and clarification of the cul-de-sac alignment. The proposed changes are policy matters which can only be addressed by Council. Due to the lateness of the request, any substantive consideration for changes would require rehearing prior to second reading. Normally these types of issues are addressed by land owners and developers during the hearing process. However, staff acknowledges that there may have been some misunderstanding of the standards, since the prior assessment district engineering was based on different standards. The proposed circulation system, as detailed within the Specific Plan, is based on adopted City standards for typical development and provides the optimum circulation system for the area. However, should the City Council wish to make a policy decision regarding the specific concerns of Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. , the following alternatives could be considered: 1st Issue: Extension of Carey Road cul-de-sac to Bolero Road. The Council may wish to change the "or" in Condition #7 to "and" . This would change the condition so that High Density development by itself would not automatically require the extension of a road from the Carey Road cul-de-sac to Bolero Road. The need to extend the road would be left for determination by the City Engineer based upon the impact of future use of the land. - 1 - MMC28P30 8/17/88 2nd Issue: 60' right-of-way requirement on Carey Road. a. Reduction of the street right-of-way requirement to 55' would match the existing dedicated right-of-way on the north side of Carey Road in the City of Palm Springs (westerly of Platt's parcel) . This alternative will also allow Mr. Platt's 25' dedication and project design (DR 88-218) to remain as proposed. Staff would, however, ask that a 5' wide utility easement be dedicated for hydrants, poles, meters and other utilities on the north side of Carey Road. Most importantly, this alternative will allow the 40' curb to curb street dimension to remain as previously proposed and would allow for sidewalks on both side of the street. Also, a condition can be added which clarifies that the cul-de-sac on Carey Road could be designed with an off-set if necessary to avoid conflict with existing structures. RECOMMENDATION IF THE CITY COUNCIL WISHES TO CONSIDER THE REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT, THE COUNCIL COULD ADOPT THE TEXT WITH PROPOSED INCLUSIONS ON 1ST READING AND DIRECT STAFF TO RENOTICE FOR A HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 7, 1988, PRIOR TO ADOPTING THE 2ND READING. - 2 - MMC28P30 8/17/88 The following conditions are those which will be modified or added into the Ordinance if the modifications to the Ordinance contained herein are requested for implementation by City Council. Modified: [1: 7. If AP 681-310-019 & 25 (Palm Valley School parcel) is developed based on the high density land use designation and the City Engineer determines that the land use change requires improved access and circulation to the property, the public road system shall be extended to include 60' right-of-way connecting the Carey Road cul-de-sac to Bolero Road. Added: 17 . All future development on the north side of Carey Road shall dedicate a 5' utility easement in addition to street right-of-way dedication. 18. The Carey Road cul-de-sac shall be designed so as to not conflict with existing structures on parcel 681-310-007. Attachment Modified Exhibit B, dated August 17, 1988 - 3 - H ` sc.Lc F.: 200' --- -� = I `oAD QrTENSiON �- 1- —z - _ c �j �. Z _ - - 2 ooG SS ,�i C•;-::.: - _ 2 N _ JJ� L "'1 I ` �� �� ,% L' ..rte^ 0 O 2 S / ' _ - `�� 1- I— SEe EA( �-1 r r� �=' �_ `°m� 30� S '=lo - _ 3„ - c- I _ Ti -- _ =CE ExwtyT _ IIG.2u r,pEr q0`p - - ._ — I ,,,, ^rte . I ,�. -.- _—_ —p 7- _�/ _ -" ' C _C-. - -- . © f ^i ` - : 1 ` g ;)= i r, v - W+SEE Ex+4115I7 � -----. Alt- ,_ 4.--r._ f-11 ' - • r; ' -;:e, 1.1',...3 CC r-:.1 '0,-2 C_I=-_ ` — fr1o� LF 4rM II uETZ ER 'C' - PARK -. CESERT Q ♦ ! 0O W � z o a O�I vpLMra C �� _ 2 J 3 . v I v ° -• NE1 TIER; os♦. __. •■'∎st- 1nlTlM _ • S.0 Ct- -•s JONES.L r (,l— i 7 PROrp,lD 3,a FRic Si6..,o� u I c__. ' ) 4 1 \---SeC CY�IeIT `' __an\ WE S S MGy c TH,_. G — 4* .oa f ^ \\� r�� - �- ; Cathedral Cit SPEC IF IC PLgN as_30 scot. - ce��.••., City G. �Z23m PROPOSED STREET 9TSTCM •.•�, '; 724-MO DEPT: of °� $-r !->� `` tNTY DEVELOPMENT stt°,.a.tun ',,; -* Chaff e -f-c2 EX A, , 4 8/12/88 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Pat Russell, Senior Planner SUBJECT: City Council Meeting of August 17, 1988 Agenda Item 16, Second Reading Specific Plan 88-30, Area North of Target DATE: August 12, 1988 Staff has received two letters, dated August 12 , 1988, from Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. representing their clients, Palm Valley School, Stanton Platt and Robert Burnham expressing concerns with the proposed Specific Plan Text being considered for second reading. The property owners are requesting consideration of a number of issues in the proposed Specific Plan (see the attached letters) . Staff will address the issues in the letter and present their findings and recommendations to the Council on the August 17, 1988 meeting. The owners may also wish to discuss the issues with the Council prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. Attachments Two letters, Mainiero, Smith & Associates, Inc. , dated 8/12/88 cc Jere Kersnar, Acting City Manager Allen Briggs, City Attorney, Maxine Clem, City Clerk 4 MaInEiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. Civil nvironmental Engineering Bank of Palm Springs Centre • 777 East Tahquitz Way, Suite 301 • Palm Springs, CA 92262-7066 • (619) 320-9811 August 12 , 1988 [olf Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Cathedral City 68625 Perez Road Cathedral City, California 92234 Re: Specific Plan Case 88-30 Ladies and Gentlemen: As Engineers for the Palm Valley School we have been asked to request the Council ' s reconsideration of an item appearing on Page 7 under the "Proposed Circulation" Section of the referenced Specific Plan. Specifically, the School is adamantly opposed to the adoption of a Specific Plan which automatically requires the construction of a 60 ft. wide road bisecting its property and connecting Bolero Road to Carey Road. With 660 ft. of frontage along Bolero Road, the School ' s property could easily be developed in the future as a self-contained, 5 acre project, with ample ingress and egress. While it may be desirous for the future owner/developer of the School ' s property to construct this new road and to separate the two parcels by public right-of-way, it would appear that the decision should be dictated by his project design and circulation requirements . We respectfully request, on behalf of the Palm Valley School, that the Specific Plan be reworded so that this street would be constructed only if warranted and that the option be left to the future developer to design a project with or without it. The existing easements should be retained for utility purposes and for secondary access to the School. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Z2(lei//2/44r Robert S. Smith, P.E. RSS: sg cc: Al Cook Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. Civil & Environmental Engineering Bank of Palm Springs Centre • 777 East Tahquitz Way, Suite 301 • Palm Springs, CA 92262-7066 • (619) 320-9811 August 12 , 1988 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Cathedral City 68625 Perez Road Cathedral City, California 92234 Re: Specific Plan Case 88-30 Ladies and Gentlemen: We represent the owners of Assessor' s Parcel 681-310-006 (Stanton Platt) and 681-310-007 (Robert Burnham) , which are both 2. 5 acre parcels on Carey Road within the referenced Specific Plan boundaries. Our firm was also formerly the Assessment Engineers for Assessment District No. 86-3 in the Specific Plan area, which was abandoned by the City Council on April 15, 1987 . Both Mr. Platt and Mr. Burnham have concerns about two issues in the Specific Plan and respectfully request that staff and the Council review them before final adoption. Specifically, the issues are as follows: Carey Road Street Width and Cul de Sac Design The Specific Plan text refers to 60 ft. right-of-way widths throughout the area. However, the proposed street section for Carey Road per Exhibit C3 shows a 25 ft. half width on the north side. Can we assume that a 25 ft. right-of-way will be continued along the north side of Carey Road along the Platt and Burnham property or is it the intent to increase it to 30 ft? In the case of the Platt property, a 25 ft. right-of-way was required for his Tract Map 20622 approved in 1985 and street improvement plans were prepared accordingly. All discussions and preliminary plans related to Assessment District 86-3 also referred to a 25 ft. half street right-of-way. An increase to a 30 ft. right-of-way here would create substantial setback problems for his proposed development and would appear to be unnecessary in light of the 25 ft. width to the west of his property. C City of Cathedral City August 12 , 1988 Page Two In the case of the Burnham property, the half width right-of- way and cul-de-sac design were the topics of a site visit with Jon Dittmer and Dave Faessel in 1987. Mr. Burnham was concerned about the effect of the assessment district improvements on his existing parking and structures. It was determined then that a 25 ft. right-of-way would appear to fall just outside his existing building. It was agreed by all parties at that time that the street could be constructed to preserve both his current parking arrangement and his existing structure, except for a small wing wall. We, as Assessment Engineers, and the City staff, gave Mr. Burnham assurances that a design could be developed which conformed with City standards and yet had minimal impact on his existing improvements. If the right-of-way there now needs to be 30 ft. instead of 25 ft. , his existing building would encroach into the right- of-way. Also, if a conventional cul-de-sac is used, instead of an off-set cul-de-sac as proposed on the assessment district, a substantial encroachment would occur. We wish to request on their behalf that the Specific Plan clearly specify Exhibit C3 as a typical Carey Road section for its full length using the 25 ft. half-width, and that the cul- de-sac at its easterly terminus be an approved off-set cul-de- sac to minimize impacts on existing structures. Palm Valley School Road Extension to Bolero Road The Specific Plan makes reference to the future dedication of a full 60 ft. right-of-way and construction of a roadway connecting the Carey Road cul-de-sac to Bolero Road. This presumably would require the taking of a 30 ft. right-of-way along Mr. Burnham' s east property line. This acquisition would include existing structures, a swimming pool and major landscaping. It would appear that the development of the Palm Valley School property, which according to the text would prompt the need for this new road, could be adequately served by direct access off 1: Bolero Road. Why is it necessary to bisect the School' s parcels and automatically require a new street to Carey Road? eMainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. Bank of Palm Springs Centre • 777 East Tahquitz Way, Suite 301 • Palm Springs, CA 92262-7066 • (619) 320-9811 City of Cathedral City August 12 , 1988 Page Three On behalf of Mr. Burnham, we would like to request that the Specific Plan be worded so that the decision whether or not to construct this road not be made at this time; that it will be determined by a traffic consultant at such time a specific development is proposed for the School property. This would, in effect, leave the issue open and result in construction of the street only if it is determined to be necessary to provide adequate circulation for the future development of the School ' s 5 acres. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of these two items prior to final adoption of Specific Plan Case 88-30. We would like the opportunity to review these further at the August 17 Study Session. Very truly yours, e614(//1/14 ) Robert S. Smith, P.E. RSS: sg cc: Stan Platt Robert Burnham Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. Bank of Palm Springs Centre • 777 East Tahquitz Way, Suite 301 • Palm Springs, CA 92262-7066 • (619) 320-9811 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY AGENDA REPORT DEPT: Community Development MEETING DATE: September 7, 1988 Public Hearing 1: SUBJECT: Specific Plan 88-30 (Area North of Highway 111, Vicinity of Target Store) Rehearing, Second Reading BACKGROUND SUMMARY: During the City Council's review of the proposed seconding reading of the Specific Plan on August 15, 1988, a number of property owners requested modifications concerning the width of Carey Road and the criteria to determinate whether a road would be extended from Carey Road to Bolero Road through the Palm Valley School site. Please see attached staff memorandum, dated August 15, 1988, for background information. Due to the significance of the requested changes, the Council ordered a rehearing. Should the City Council concur with the requested changes, the Draft Ordinance can be adopted, as attached, (it contains the changes requested) . RECOMMENDATION: Should the City Council wish to approve the Ordinance as requested by the property owner's, it is recommended that the attached Draft Ordinance be approved by Second Reading. FISCAL IMPACT/SOURCE: None F� nance Approved/Reviewed: Department City Attorney Ci Manager Contact Person: Bud Plender Title: Dir. of Community Development ENCLOSURES/ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance & Specific Plan Text, dated 8/23/88 Staff Memorandum, dated 8/12/88