HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 212 ORDINANCE NO. 212 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADDING DIVISIONS G, H & I TO ARTICLE II OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING SCOPE OF 1: ORDINANCE, CONFLICT AND CLARIFICATIONS OF REGULATIONS AND USE DETERMINATION PROCEDURES AND AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF DIVISIONS A THROUGH F, OF ARTICLE IV OF SAID ORDINANCE CONCERNING PROHIBITED USES CLAUSES AND THE HILLSIDE OVERLAY APPLICABILITY PROVISIONS AND DETERMINING PROJECT AS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the regulations encompassed in this ordinance are not considered to have a significant impact on the environment and that it is a categorically exempt project pursuant the California Environmental Quality Act. SECTION 2. Division G of Article II of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance hereby is added to read as follows: Division G. Scope No building, or part thereof, shall hereafter be erected, altered, or used, and no parcel of land shall be used, except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. The express enumeration and authorization in this ordinance of a particular class of building, structure, or use in a designated zoning district shall be deemed a prohibition of such building, structure, or use in all other zones, except as otherwise specified. Any use not listed as permitted shall be deemed prohibited, unless the Planning Commission, upon request, determines the use to be a permitted "similar use" under the procedures specified in Division I of Article II. SECTION 3. Division H of Article II of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance hereby is added to read as follows: 1: Division H. Conflicts and Clarifications The provisions of this ordinance are not intended to interfere with or void any easements, covenants, or other existing agreements which are more restrictive than the provisions of this zoning ordinance. Section 1. Conflict with other Regulations Whenever the provisions of this ordinance impose more restrictive regulations upon buildings or structures, or 1 - CJi16 on the use of lands, or require larger open spaces, yards, or setbacks or otherwise establish more restrictive regulations than are imposed or required by any other law, title, ordinance, code or regulation, the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. Section 2 . Clarification of Ambiguity If ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this ordinance, or if ambiguity exists with respect to matters of height, yard requirements, area requirements or district boundaries as set forth herein, it shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts and by resolution of record set forth the findings and the interpretations. Section 3. Statutory Authority in Case of Conflicting Provisions Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to affect, annul or abrogate any other ordinances pertaining or applicable to the properties and areas affected by this ordinance. In the event that a conflict does arise, the more restrictive ordinance requirement shall apply. SECTION 4. Division I of Article II of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance hereby is added to read as follows: Division I. Use Determination Section 1. Purpose and Initiation In order to ensure that the zoning ordinance will permit all similar uses in each district, the Planning Commission, upon its own initiative or upon written request shall determine whether a use not specifically listed as permitted, accessory or temporary use in any district shall be deemed a permitted use or conditional use in one or more districts on the basis of similarity to uses specifically listed. The procedures of this section shall not be substituted for the change of zoning ordinance text procedure as a means of adding new uses to the list of permitted or conditional uses. I: Section 2. Application Application for determination of similar uses shall be made in writing to the Director of Community Development and shall include a detailed description of the proposed use and such other information as may be required by the Director to facilitate the determination. - 2 - C31168 Section 3 . Investigation and Report The Director of Community Development shall compare the proposed use characteristics with the General Plan goals and objectives as well as the purposes of each of the use districts and may determine if the proposed use should be a permitted or conditional use in any of the districts and shall make a report of his findings to the Planning Commission. Section 4 . Decision The Planning Commission shall base its decision upon meeting the following findings: a. The use in question is similar to other permitted or conditionally permitted uses in the same district. Said use shall be of a similar or less intensive nature than uses being compared within the district. Use characteristics to be evaluated shall include, but not be limited to: typical development requirements such as access and parking demands, building enclosure/outdoor use, environmental impacts (i.e. , noise, dust, vibration, heat, glare, presence and handling of hazardous materials, etc. ) , nature of business (wholesale, retail, service, manufacturing, etc. ) , construction type, typical public service demands (water, sewer, fire protection, etc. ) . b. The use in question meets the purpose and intent of the district in which it is proposed. c. The use in question meets and conforms to the applicable goals and objectives of the General Plan. Section 5. Determination The determination of the Planning Commission by resolution shall be effective ten (10) calendar days after the date of decision unless appealed to the City Council by written appeal filed with the City Clerk. , 1: SECTION 5. Subsection f, Section 1 of Division A, Article IV (RU Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and - 3 - CalIGa improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 6. Subsection f, Section 2 of Division A, Article I: IV (R1 Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 7. Subsection d, Section 3 of Division A, Article IV (R2 Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 8. Subsection f, Section 4 of Division A, Article IV (RM Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 9. Subsection f, Section 5 of Division A, Article IV (R3 Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: - 4 - G31170 f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 10. Subsection f, Section 6 of Division A, Article IV (RH Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 11. Subsection f, Section 7 of Division A, Article IV (RR Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: f. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. SECTION 12. Subsection d, Section 1 of Division B, Article IV (PPO Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and - 5 - C311i1 improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. 3. Manufacturing uses are expressly prohibited. SECTION 13. Subsection d, Section 2 of Division B, Article IV (PLC Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. 3 . Manufacturing uses are expressly prohibited. SECTION 14. Subsection d, Section 3 of Division B, Article IV (PCC Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. 2. Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. 3 . Manufacturing uses are expressly prohibited. SECTION 15. Subsection d, Section 4 of Division B, Article IV (CTR Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses 1. Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. - 6 - G31172 2 . Outdoor advertising displays and billboards are expressly prohibited. 3 . Manufacturing uses are expressly prohibited. SECTION 16. Section 5 of Division B, Article IV (CBP-1 Zone) hereby is amended by adding a new subsection b, and reenumerating all other subsections, to read as follows: b. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 17. Section 6 of Division B, Article IV (CBP-2 Zone) hereby is amended by adding a new subsection b, and reenumerating all other subsections, to read as follows: b. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 18. Section 1 of Division C, Article IV (I-i Zone) hereby is amended by adding a new subsection b, and reenumerating all other subsections, to read as follows: b. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly I: prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 19. Subsection d of Section 1 of Division D, Article IV (OS-R Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. - - G31173 SECTION 20. Subsection d of Section 2 of Division D, Article IV (OS Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 21. Subsection d of Section 3 of Division D, Article IV (OS-W Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 22. Subsection d of Section 1 of Division E, Article IV (U Zone) hereby is amended to read as follows: d. Prohibited Uses Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. SECTION 23. Subsection b of Section 3 of Division F, Article IV (Hillside Review) hereby is amended to read as follows: b. Application: The H - Hillside Review overlay zone shall be applied in a uniform manner to those properties located in designated hillside areas of the City and as correspondingly indicated on the official zoning map. When only a portion of a parcel of land lies within the designated Hillside Review overlay, the provisions of this section shall apply only to that portion lying within the Hillside Review overlay boundaries. SECTION 24. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. - 8 - G31174 SECTION 25. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on May 4, , 1988 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers DiGrandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Hardie Noes: None Absent: None APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4th day of Ma, , , 1988.• �..� /1 /. MAYO' ATTEST: aOr A 4100. I. /!! CI, Y ' LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 46A4 r A 40/.. 41: CI Y ATTORNEY TY MANGER HER' v Crn'1FY, UN It ' PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE FORWOiNG ORDINANCE NO. 1 a-' WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA.IN A MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE W ' DAY OF ,198 . , AND THAT SAME AS POSTED IN AT LEAST HE THREE PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. 4 � " ;.,M 414 sivirimail .- 9 - G01175