HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 211 ORDINANCE NO. 211 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 158 AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE NO SP 88-29 FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY 30TH AVENUE, AVENIDA LA PAZ, PELADORA ROAD AND N: LANDAU BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, a prior Specific Plan (SP 10-013 amended) was adopted by City Council pursuant Ordinance No. 158, dated November 19, 1986; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter, thereby amending Specific Plan SP 10-13(A) for the area generally located north of 30th Avenue, west of Avenida La Paz, south of Peladora Road and east of Landau Boulevard; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the state of California, this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal , with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report recommending approval to this City Council , regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan of land use and that said plan is consistent with the City's adopted General Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 158 is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 3. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No. 88-29, Exhibits A, B & C, dated February 8, 1988, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Specific Plan and generally south of Peladora Road, west of Avenida La Paz, north of 30th Avenue and east of Landau Boulevard; and said real property shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 4. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No 88-29 shall be as prescribed in the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided. The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No. 88-29 in combination with those regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R2 regulations. To the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion the provisions of the specific plan shall prevail . - 1 - 001151 SECTION 5. Specific Plan No. 88-29 shall be deemed to supersede and repeal Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended) which was adopted by Ordinance No. 158. SECTION 6. The Official Zoning Map of the City, Division B of Article II of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation R2-SB by adding the notation "SP" after the Lzone designation of the area which Specific Plan 88-29 encompasses as shown on Exhibit A, dated February 8, 1988, comprising the area generally bounded by 30th Avenue, Avenida La Paz, Peladora Road and Landau Boulevard. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 8. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on April 6, , 1988 by the following vote: Ayes: Council members DiGrandi Krings, Hillery, Murphy and Mayor Paquette Noes: none Absent: none e __d'. AYIR / ATTEST: ' 40. -,0� - C C ERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: AP' 'IVEI AS T(/CONTEN adOL /614 CITY ATTORNEY ,/VV ANAGE' HEREBY CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. ; i/ WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY CALIFORNIA.IN A MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE Lo ' DAY OF _ ,198 t , AND THAT SAME WAS POSTED IN AT LEA T THE THREE PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. ,/ /4d7 ' ice. OILZii CITY CLERK - 2 - CC1152 SPECIFIC PLAN 88-29 FEBRUARY 8, 1988 PROJECT LOCATION Specific Plan 88-29 is generally located south of Peladora Road, west of Avenida La Paz, north of 30th Avenue and east of Landau Boulevard as depicted in Exhibit A, Vicinity Map. SPECIFIC PLAN STATE LAW COMPLIANCE '�g This specific plan has been prepared pursuant to California Government Code 65451 and includes all the required components and General Plan Elements except the following: Energy Financing Measures Utilization of Natural Resources These are not included in the Specific Plan due to the residential nature of the project. GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE This specific plan is in compliance with the provisions of the adopted General Plan. The General Plan does permit multifamily residential uses and all the necessary public facilities required by the General Plan shall be installed. PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL A To encourage owners to consolidate lots of record or assemble parcels through acquisitions and trade into larger parcels to maximize development potential. OBJECTIVE To allow developers the opportunity to assemble lots as needed to develop parcels which provide a practical design solution for this area. GOAL B To enhance traffic safety by minimizing direct access to Landau Boulevard. OBJECTIVE To encourage rear yard access between Landau Boulevard and Avenida La Paz by the development of a common access system. r GOAL C To encourage innovative design approaches along Landau Boulevard and Avenida La Paz. OBJECTIVE To provide additional development standards for the multifamily units which will complement the surrounding single family, condominium and apartment housing styles occurring in the neighborhood. - 1 - 001153 GOAL D To relocate the overhead utility lines to provide for public safety within the future alley. OBJECTIVE To relocate the existing overhead utility lines to the east side of the future alley and provide Southern California Edison I: proper service easements. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are the development conditions that will implement the above mentioned goals and objectives. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of this Specific Plan shall be prescribed in the R2-B zoning district, except as otherwise herein. Furthermore, "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division K of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said regulations. 2. Architectural and site plan review shall be required for all projects within the specific plan area for any uses specifically required as stipulated by the Official Zoning Ordinance. 3. Prior to the initial site plan approval of any parcel on each block, the common accessway shall be designed for that block to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, the cost of which is to be borne by the developer. To defray said design costs, the initial developer may enter into a reimbursement agreement. If such an agreement is established, then each subsequent developer shall pay a pro-rata share of the cost of the engineering prior to the issuance of a building permit in an amount set forth by the reimbursement agreement. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a 20 foot wide common accessway shall be dedicated along the rear property lines as shown in Exhibit A (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988. 5. The improvement of all necessary public improvements, common accessways and utilities, to the ultimate standard, shall be guaranteed prior to issuance of building permits. b'. 6. Prior to occupancy, the common accessway shall be constructed as depicted in Exhibit A (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988, or a cash bond posted guaranteeing its future construction as determined by the Director of Community Development. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits a recordable irrevocable covenant shall be executed requesting formation of an assessment district for alley, sewer and utility relocation, and waiving protest against such formation, all in a form approved by the City Attorney. - 2 - v" 11') 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a 5 foot-wide utility easement, together with any other appurtenant utility easements required, shall be dedicated to Southern California Edison as noted on attached Exhibit C (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988. 9. The existing overhead utility poles and all appurtenances shall either be relocated or cash monies posted to guarantee the pro rata share of the relocation cost. The base cost figures shall be calculated on the assumption that each pole within the subject block will cost approximately $1, 500 to relocate based on estimates from the Southern California Edison Company at the time of the effective date of this Specific Plan. This figure will be updated from time-to-time as based upon said company's estimates due to inflation as determined by the Director of Community Development. 10. If overhead utility lines do not exist in the rear yard of a parcel, said parcel shall be serviced with underground utilities as generally depicted in Exhibit C, dated February 8, 1988. 11. All residential units shall be served by undergrounded services from the existing overhead utility lines to the residence per regulations as established by the Public Utilities Commission and City standards. 12 . A concrete sidewalk 5' wide shall be installed along all street frontages. 13. All parcels shall take access from the common accessway along the rear of the property or from the adjacent side streets, Peladora, Tachevah or Tortuga (if a corner lot) . Access may be permitted from Avenida La Paz if the Director of Community Development determines that access from an alley is not feasible. No permanent access to Landau Boulevard shall be permitted. 14. Temporary access to Landau Boulevard will be permitted only where access to other streets or the designated common accessway is unattainable. If such a temporary access is permitted, an agreement with the City, prepared to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and City Engineer, shall be executed that stipulates and requires the use of the ultimately planned access to serve the property at such time as such access becomes available. Said permanent access shall be constructed at such time as deemed satisfactory to the City Engineer. Said agreement shall require the posting of a cash { bond to assure the removal of the improvements for the temporary access, reconstruction and refurbishing of the necessary landscaping or other improvements as required on the approved plans. A temporary access plan shall be prepared prior to the issuance of building permits. Said temporary - 3 - CC1155 access may be over one of the required open parking spaces until such time as the common accessway is completed. 15. That NO parking shall be allowed in the alley at any time and signs shall be posted specifying the parking restriction. 16. Any damaged or defective curbs, or cross gutters abutting the frontage of the development, shall be replaced or repaired as deemed appropriate by the Engineering Department. 1 17. All landscape features including, but not limited to, plant material, irrigation systems, signs, walkways, seating, fountains, pools, etc. , shall be maintained in accordance with the following criteria: a. All fabricated features shall be maintained in a condition as near as possible to the original state when installed, both in structural integrity and cosmetic appearance; b. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition (watered, fertilized, trimmed, etc. ) and replaced when damaged or dead. c. Front yard and street side yard landscaping shall consist predominantly out mounted turf and street trees. 18. All front yard and street side yard fencing shall either be decorative masonry or stuccoed to match proposed architectural features of the project. 19. The setback for all garages that enter directly from the common accessway shall be 20 feet from said accessway. 20. All garages facing the common accessway shall have automatic garage door openers. 21. Off-street parking areas shall be illuminated with fixtures producing at least 2 .0-feet candles averaged over the parking area. Such fixtures shall also be designed with or contain glare control features. 22 . All developments shall connect to a public sewer, if accessible, as determined by the Director of Community Development. Accessibility shall generally be defined as a I: site being within 200 feet of the sewer line. Where additional units are proposed on a partially develop parcel which is not connected to a public sewer, all existing and proposed units shall be connected to the sewer. 23 . All developments that have not obtained building permits prior to the effective date of this Ordinance shall be required to meet the sewer connection requirements described herein. - 4 - G0115b 24. Lot mergers (consolidations) will not be permitted within the specific plan area unless the parcels comply with sewer connection requirements. 25. Upon approval of this Specific Plan, the City Council shall consider initiation of an assessment district for the purposes iii, of constructing the common accessway providing sewer, relocation the overhead utility poles and upgrading of water as deemed necessary as generally depicted on Exhibits A, B, & C, dated February 8, 1988. Should the approval of the assessment district fail, the development conditions shall apply as to timing and responsibility for the design and improvement of the common accessway and utilities. Attachments Exhibit A, (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988 Exhibit B, (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988 Exhibit C, (3 sheets) , dated February 8, 1988 I - 5 - C0115 lr.;x:zZ:.:; - R ° r CL� 12x.sa ♦ � w h J 14} 1364 44 3 `�I0 o 30 ei I 1y 45,4+f in 11 1 I — s I I ■ ELLA VISTA-ROAD- ,n II — ° 11 — I I I i II 1 I 9 11 II I 1 3 - -1 f .MO--ROAD 1 I I I. I I 1 I I I I , I I I I I I I I „ I 1 I —MOL-43L -COURT LEGEND I I EXIST. DEDICATION z..,.... i1 FUTURE COMMON ._ I ACCESS WAY------- , , S SPECIFIC PLAN • 44 t I , 14s�_ 30 I BOUNDARY. .u.I. . ! a 1 >? ! 132,21 32.24 3- TACHCVAH DRIVE I V (See sheet 2) 1 ' 1 SPECIFIC PLAN 88 29 0 1"= 100' FEB. 8, 18 Sheet Iof3 EXHIBIT A 1 031158 I (See sheet I) -■ • lir Twnuww u � _ np1 i5 8 70:0 132,43 4{ 143,22 3p p d! 1 � l ♦ 4 I ` ♦ o i C ■ \- N - ■ - LVA-COURT I -■ . . m I .- S II 4 I 1 • I1 I 1 "' 0 / -P ARINA-ROAD 110' r � I II I ' 1 11 11 1 I I I I ( LEGEND 1 1 ' EXIST DEDICATION i� iii 1 1 _ FUTURE COMMON 1 1 SI OAO ACCESS WAY ■ I 1 e - II SPECIFIC PLAN I BOUNDARY I I II i I I - II g 44 14'5.22 I I 145.2.2--I g e. SPECIFIC PLAN88-29 \ 132 At f 1 I .o1 `i C) 0 a —f—ORTUGA— - -ROAD I . -— (See sheet 3 ) 1"= 100' 1 FEB. 8, 1988 Sheet 2 of 3 EXHIBIT'A C011.59 1 I j (See sheet 2) a . r —i-TO TEIGA- — —ROAD 1 I 44 t vr.%.73 a f %t2. N. • 10.-� c1 I N 1440 re i I ISt 3 2 &s2,‘2 I I 41 , s � I I ISI,4S II Ica,ti I I ,44,7: I -1ERMOS1LLO ROAD II 1413,7t. I 111 147.80 • t4r.,tst 1 145.87 I 4 V 144,91 I R ENO ROAD i I I i8 143.9rV s II II 141.,,,z I I O - ! I 141.«, I 1 LEGEND I EXIST. DEDICATION/"""««< 140 10 I FUTURE COMMON 13� 1� I \BdRANGO-ROAD ACCESS WAY SPECIFIC PLAN I I BOUNDARY Usui•ia 130.1 I I S131,2.1 II 164,24 I I 13= I I SPECIFIC PLAN 88-29 44 ' i I 3O r. 122,0 I I 1'tL 0 LIL12.WassananEAKOW 1111 es o I"= 100' FEB. 8, 1988 a Shoot 3 of 3 EXHIBIT'A' Cairo 1- BRA— ROAD + - 5i 0 in 3 UNITS v t° 3 UNITS AO 136.44 i 44 s - .-lo' DUPLEX a' 30 30 145.4+) N ' :.. J I H FELLA VISTA--ROAD 0 I FUTURE 2 UNITS \ 0 H —6, ELMO—ROAD 1 I I I1- --M9>LINOS-COURT N LEGEND UTILITY POLE I I WITH LINE I 44 145 H 5.4T 30 30• ritiofr, R N 3 UNITS 132.21 i 2.24 r. -� DRIVC + ( See sheet B) II SPECIFIC PLAN 88-29 0 _ I�Os LAND USE MAP FEB.8,I9�88 UTILITWITH POLE OOCATION` EXHIBIT B Sheet I of 3 03 : 161 . . r 8 - DRIVE -r- 8 r i 32_,o k 132.43 #4, — . 0 e 4 UNITS g 4 K Q44 ^'• 14L22 ■ 14-5.2Z 30 30 Ce Ct 3 3 UNITS $ N W a .-lo' DEDICATION 4 UNITS o ` NN 3 UNITS $ a COURT I UNIT 3 UNITS 1 3 UNITS 43 S o 1 I UNIT I- -MARINA- ROAD 8 10'DE MCAT IQI / Co LEGEND, I UNIT UTILITY POLE WITH LINE I I L GEPSI AD I f p o $ ciiiie 44 145 W .22 5.2'2- 30 30 O SPECIFIC PLAN88-29 I UNIT 'r (21) .. 132,43 1 -z..0% w 0 k - ROAD - - (See sheet 3 ) !I' = 1001 FEB. 8,1988 Sheet2of 3 EXHIBIT IBI 031162 r TORTUGA - --ROAD T - 8 8 44 a 1i1.1, L L 130 30 2 UNIT 1o' DEDICATION et 4$,GTc +SC 3 t I52.42 151,(5 to.b9 s ,,= I- -HERMO LLO- OAD 0 MtB.7b I47.So 14.,44 145191 0 4 1 144,91 F- -R SUENO 0 I o s W2�94 14202 I 141,o(. LEGEND UTILITY POLE I 140.10 WITH LINE F DU?AN6O ROAD 13t,L , i3'1�2.1 1(4,24 i= SPECIFIC PLAN 8829 44 m 30 30 122.00 Z. S I- 30 TH. - --AL -L - — 111= IOOI FEB.8,I988 Sheet 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 113' 031163 A- RQ4D + - - , o M " I d 44 I 10' 0 D0 30 (11'Ne' 145.4 KI I ■ I 2 • I- �LLA VISTA ROAD - ; ■ 1 : 1 , I •• 1 1 • 9 12 H -- 4NFELMO ROAD 1 ; SI / • I I ; 1 . I , , 1►+ I1i 1 . ALLEY i 5 EASET i 1 , ` . inErfarK I — ifOL-1'N@rG6DRT EXIST. REAR PYL------ 1 " PROP ALLEY PROP. POLE LOCATION • EDISON EASEMENT= I I 3 ' i i 44 I )45:4 30 30 ? t 132.21 I • 152.24 .4, \ I - —TACHHEVA1+- DRIVE + (See sheet 2) SPECIFIC PLAN 88-29 L 0 ,1= 1 NEW POLE LOCATIONS G31164 1 100 FEB. 8, 1988 EDISON EASEMENTS Sheet I of 3 EXHIBIT'C' (..,e6 sneer r • r -AEMEV H - ORIVC 1- — r '347_0 l 1 32.43 ■ i W is I 1 z 4 c 9 14 IK.2Z 1 146",2.1- 30 30 I W 41 w a II ! 4 ! 'I t • ■ • O • Ii 1 ; ' m i 0 ; I s - i 20 ALLEY \ 5 EASEMENT . I1 ∎ o I F. -MARINA-ROAD ;. e e i ' ce, I I ; 1 ∎ LEGEND I I . EXIST. REAR P/L------ PROP ALLEY ∎ PROP. POLE LOCATION • EDISON EASEMENT" 1 I- PS/gN-ROW I I ; Ii I t O i La , - 44 145,22 ; 145.2Z 30 30 F. q SPECIFIC PLAN88-29 132.43 132,01 I �ORT - 0 f - (See sheet 3 ) If1 = 1001 FEB. 8, 1988 EXHIBIT 'C1 Sheet 2 of 3 Sri11G5 (See sheet 2) r RTUCA- - —ROAD -r 44 , RA•73 "' 1it 130 30, - n N 143,‘-re ! Ix isz•Qz ii s N 4. , 'go) 3 161.6s 1, 1 .. � s9,7: I- MO I LO-ROAD f r 1 NOTE: I 147.mo I THIS AREA SHALL BE SERVED BY UNDERGROUND .is4 UTILITIES ONLY. -.... I •-20•ALLEY Tan 1 i 144, -1 .1 L o f 1 es I ". 1 o 1 142 o2 I LEGEND 141.06 I EXIST REAR P/L------ PROP ALLEY PROP. POLE LOCATION • I, EDISON EASEMENT==== 1 DURANGO-ROAD tst,is I i g 1 ii,,,Z1 I 164.24 14 1 ss i SPECIFIC PLAN 8829 44 30 30 0 ‘.., 122.00 1 __ 1u .0 N. S F- 30 TH. - —AVENUE 1 slid r= 100' FEB. 8, 1988 Sheet 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 1C,