HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 196 ORDINANCE NO. 196 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY AMENDING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO ESTABLISH CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF FREEWAY-ORIENTED SIGNS. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the regulations encompassed in this ordinance are not considered to have a significant impact on the environment and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 2 . Paragraph (14) and (15) of Subsection b of Section 1 of Division C of Article V, General Provisions, of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning the definition of freeway-oriented signs and freeway-oriented uses is hereby deleted. SECTION 3 . Subsection 1 hereby is added to Section 4 of Division C of Article V, General Provisions, of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning signs to read as follows: (L) Freeway-Oriented Signs In addition to other signs permitted in the zone district, freeway-oriented signs designed to be viewed primarily from the Interstate 10 Freeway in the vicinity of its intersection with Date Palm Drive may be permitted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Design Review. The following standards are intended to restrict such signs to freeway-oriented businesses and set development standards: (1) The freeway-oriented sign will identify the name of the freeway-oriented use which occupies the same parcel on which the sign would be located unless provided otherwise herein. Said freeway-oriented use means any business or group of businesses which as their primary purpose cater to the nonresident, traveling public on Interstate 10 Freeway. Such uses shall be limited to motels, hotels, restaurants and service stations or other similar business if the Planning Commission finds that said business primarily and customarily would cater to the interstate traveler. - 1 - 001070 (2) The freeway-oriented sign identifying a freeway-oriented use will be within 1, 000 feet radius distance from the point of roadway intersection of the Interstate 10 on- and off-ramps (nearest the site) with the Date Palm Drive right-of-way. (3) A maximum of one freeway-oriented sign structure may be permitted on a legal parcel which contains the on-premise freeway business. No freeway-oriented sign structure shall be located closer than 300 feet from any other freeway-oriented sign structure not separated by a public street. Freeway- oriented sign structures shall be located in such a manner so as to not adversely block the visibility of another existing freeway-oriented sign structure from the view of the traveling public on the freeway. For the purpose of this code a freeway-oriented sign structure is the pole, or other similar structure to which the freeway-oriented sign is affixed. (4) The height of the proposed freeway-oriented sign and the sign structure shall be determined by the Planning Commission based on the height needed by the traveling public to view the sign, but shall not, for a single business, exceed 50 feet. The applicant shall furnish sight-line studies to demonstrate the sign height needs. (5) Sign structure height may be increased an additional five feet for each additional business advertised, provided the total sign height does not exceed 75 feet. (6) The distance between the lowest portion of the sign panel and ground level as measured one foot from the base of the sign structure shall not be less than half the height of the sign structure. (7) The freeway-oriented sign area shall be determined by the Planning Commission based upon the area needed by the traveling public to view the sign, but in no instance to exceed 150 square feet per business advertised. 1 A (8) A freeway sign may list adjacent or nearby off-premise freeway-oriented businesses. However, a freeway-oriented business may only be listed on one freeway sign structure. - 2 - 001071 (9) Sign information on freeway-oriented signs shall be limited to corporate logos or business names only. (10) Illumination shall be limited to internal lighting. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 5. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on December 2 I 1987 by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Paquette Noes: None Absent: None M ' _. - . //I_a_ 'YOR / A TE' T: ►.1 .111►t . . k .1■_. DEP TY CIT ALERK APPROVED AS TO FARM: . APPROI 1 TO +NTENT: al& ir fr,l4e-eu ;1/ 1-4i/7/L./ / CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER IHEREBY CERTIFY, UNDER PEN L'fY OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. WAS DULY ADOPTED L BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFOR IA_IN A MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE SlArl DAY OF ,198 , AND THAT SAME WAS POSTED IN AT LEAST THE THREE PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. Ala, MI .1. 1►. . l _ N1 , CI i LERK — 3 — 001072