HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 187 ORDINANCE NO. 187
The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as
SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental
guidelines, it has been determined that the regulations
encompassed in this ordinance are not considered to have a
significant impact on the environment and therefore a negative
declaration is approved.
SECTION 2 . The city council hereby finds that development
regulations are necessary for recreational vehicle parks to
protect the health and safety of the community for the following
a. Recreational vehicle parks generally are oriented to
vacationers and do not necessarily provide proper
amenities for long-term residency; and
b. Many families do live for extended periods in
recreational vehicle parks in the City of Cathedral City
and therefore a certain level of amenities and safety
provisions are necessary; and
c. During the height of the tourist season in the City of
Cathedral City the recreational vehicle parks are filled
to near or full capacity; and
d. The concentration of activities especially during the
tourist season requires proper recreational vehicle park
development to properly provide safety services and to
serve the residents of the park; and
e. Because the state allows recreational vehicles that are
only mobile on highways with special permits, many units
are permanently kept on the lots and require year-round
maintenance; and
f. Permanently placed recreational vehicles reduce open
areas and add to safety concerns.
SECTION 3 . Article III, Division B of the Cathedral City
Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is amended by the
addition of the following section (91A) :
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Section 91A. Park Trailer
A park trailer as defined in subsection (b) of Section
18010 of the California Health and Safety Code is a unit
designed for human habitation for recreational or
seasonal use only, which meets all of the following
a. It contains 400 square feet or less of gross floor
area measured at the maximum horizontal
projections. However, it may not exceed 12 feet in
width or 40 feet in length when in place.
b. It is built on a single chassis.
c. It may only be transported upon the public highways
with a permit.
d. It is constructed in accordance with Standard No.
A119.5 of the American National Standards
Institute, as it may be changed by the regulations
of the State Department of Housing & Community
SECTION 4. Section 100 of Article III, Division B of the
Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is
amended to read as follows:
Section 100. Recreational Vehicle
A recreational vehicle means, as defined by Section
18010 of the California Health and Safety Code, a motor
home, travel trailer, truck camper, or camping trailer,
with or without motive power, designed for human
habitation for recreational or emergency occupancy,
which meets all of the following criteria:
a. It contains less than 320 square feet of internal
living room area, excluding built-in equipment,
including, but not limited to, wardrobe, closets,
cabinets, kitchen units or fixtures, and bath or
toilet rooms.
b. It shall not exceed 8 feet in width as measured at
maximum horizontal projections, with the exception
of one slide-out not exceeding 20 sq. ft. in area
c. It is built on a single chassis.
d. It is either self-propelled, truck-mounted, or
permanently towable on the highways without a
e. It is constructed in accordance with Standard No.
A119.2 of the American National Standards
Institute, as may be changed by the regulations of
- 2 - s i __ ':
the State Department of Housing & Community
For the purposes of this definition, the term "park
trailer" as contained in the State definitions is
specifically omitted.
SECTION 5. Article III, Division B of the Cathedral City
Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is amended by the
addition of the following section (100A) :
Section 100A. Recreational Vehicle Campground
An area or tract of land or portion of a Recreational
Vehicle Park where one or more campsites are rented to
visitors or tourists who will reside at the campground
in recreational vehicles (not including park trailers) ,
or tents. A tent for the purpose of this definition is
any enclosed shelter fabricated entirely or in major
part of cloth, canvas, or similar flexible material.
SECTION 6. Section 101 of Article III, Division B of the
Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is
amended to read as follows:
Section 101. Recreational Vehicle Park
A recreational development containing active
recreational amenities and lots for the parking of
recreational vehicles, and park trailers where
specifically permitted, as temporary residences. For
the purpose of this code, recreational vehicle parks are
further defined as either:
a. Rental parks, where the recreational vehicle park
is owned by a single owner or organization and all
recreational vehicle lots are rented or leased for
a period not exceeding 180 days in a calendar year.
b. Ownership/Membership parks, where the recreational
vehicle lots are owned by individuals, but the park
itself and the amenities, including common areas,
are maintained by a homeowner association or other
organization in which all recreational vehicle
owners must maintain membership, or in which the
IL individual lots are owned by an overall membership
organization, of which individual recreational
vehicle owners are members, provided in any
circumstances the lots are not occupied for a
period exceeding 180 days in a calendar year.
c. Extended occupancy parks, where the recreational
vehicle lots are owned by individuals, but the park
itself and the amenities, including common areas,
are maintained by a homeowner association or other
organization in which all recreational vehicle
- 3 rti ;
owners must maintain membership, or in which the
individual lots are owned by an overall membership
organization, of which individual recreational
vehicle owners are members, provided in any
circumstances the lots are not occupied for a
period exceeding 270 days in a calendar year.
All existing recreational parks, mobile home parks,
trailer courts and other uses containing recreational
vehicle spaces for rent, lease or sale not meeting these
definitions are considered nonconforming for the purpose
of this code.
SECTION 7. Section 102 of Article III, Division B of the
Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is
amended to read as follows:
Section 102 . Recreational Vehicle Lot
A Recreational Vehicle Lot means that part of a
recreational vehicle park for the exclusive use of the
occupants of a recreational vehicle. The recreational
vehicle lot shall include the exclusive adjoining
parking space and the required open space around the
recreational vehicle. An RV lot may be rented, leased
or, if permitted herein, purchased as a separate parcel
of land. Except as otherwise expressly noted within the
regulations of the zoning code, the definition of a
recreational vehicle lot includes park trailer lot.
SECTION 8. Section 129 of Article III, Division B of the
Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is
amended to read as follows:
Section 129. Travel Trailer Park
An area or tract of land that was established prior to
City incorporation (Nov. 16, 1981) as a place for the
renting or leasing of space for the placement of travel
trailers, recreational vehicles, mobile homes and other
similar dwelling units. For the purpose of this code, a
travel trailer park is not a mobile home park or a
recreational vehicle park.
SECTION 9. Subsection (b) of Section 7 of Article IV,
Division A, of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning
Zoning hereby is amended as follows:
Delete "Recreational vehicle parks;"
SECTION 10. Subsection c of Section 7 of Article IV,
Division A, of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning
Zoning hereby is amended as follows:
Add "Recreational Vehicle parks subject to
provisions of Article V, Division N. "
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Add "Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds"
SECTION 11. Division N of Article V of the Cathedral City
Zoning Ordinance concerning General Provisions hereby is amended
to read as follows:
Division N. Recreational Vehicle Park
1. Purpose
2. Permitted Zone Districts
3. Permitted Uses
4. Occupancy
5. Prohibited Uses
6. Accessory Structures
7. Prohibited Accessory Structures
8. Coverage
9. Density
10. Area of Parks and Lots
11. Frontage of Parks and Lots
12 . Yards and Setbacks
13 . Landscaping
14 . Common Recreation Area
15. Screening
16. Lighting
17. Improvement of Spaces
18. Automobile Parking
19. Roads
20. Roadway Names and Addressing
21. Outdoor Storage
22. Trash Removal
23 . Drainage
24. Utilities Serving Recreation Vehicle Lots
25. Movement of Recreational Vehicles
26. Subdivision of Lots
27. Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds
28. Existing Recreational Vehicle Parks & Campgrounds
29. Existing Travel Trailer Parks
30. Conflicts with Zone District Requirements
Section 1. Purpose
This division is to define various types of recreational
• vehicle parks and recreational vehicle campgrounds, and
to provide for their proper development, as opposed to
mobile home parks, and to provide a reasonable
compatibility with adjoining properties while allowing a
diversity of uses. Furthermore, these provisions
provide for the continuance of existing travel trailer
parks and recreational vehicle parks not in compliance
with this code.
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Section 2. Permitted Zone Districts
A recreational vehicle park is permitted in the RR,
OS-R and CTR districts by an approved Conditional
Use Permit. Such a use is not permitted in any
other district.
Section 3 . Permitted Uses
a. Use Provisions applicable to all Recreational
Vehicle Parks:
1. Placement of recreational vehicles for
non-permanent residency. Note per City
definition a recreational vehicle does not
include park trailers or mobile homes.
2 . Permanent residency for manager or other
employees in the operation of the park,
provided they are not housed in a recreational
vehicle or park trailer.
3. Delicatessen, snack bar and food store,
provided this use is fully contained in a
social or recreation center at least 100 feet
from any property line of the recreational
vehicle park, and serving only park guests.
4. Recreational vehicle campgrounds as an
ancillary use to a recreational vehicle park
in specifically designated areas. See Section
27 for development and operational
5. Similar Uses: The Planning Commission may, by
the Conditional Use Permit approval, permit
any other uses which it may determine to be
similar to those listed above, operated
exclusively for the convenience of
recreational vehicle park residents, and not
more obnoxious or detrimental to the public
health, safety and welfare, or to other uses
permitted in the park, as provided in this
code. All uses shall be subject to the
property development standards contained
A herein.
b. Rental Parks: Additional uses applicable to Rental
recreational vehicle parks: Placement of park
trailers in lots specifically designed for such
c. Ownership/Membership Parks: Additional uses
applicable to Ownership/Membership recreational
vehicle parks: No additional uses. Note: Park
- 6 - 001';;U} . s
trailers are specifically prohibited within
Ownership/Membership recreational vehicle parks.
d. Extended Occupancy Parks: Additional uses
applicable to Extended Occupancy parks: Placement
of park trailers in lots specifically designed for
I: such units.
Section 4. Occupancy
a. Rental Parks: The length of occupancy in a
recreational vehicle in any one lot shall not
exceed 180 days in any one year.
b. Ownership/Membership Parks: The length of
occupancy in a recreational vehicle in any one lot
shall not exceed 180 days in any one year.
c. Extended Occupancy Parks: The length of occupancy
in a recreational vehicle in any one lot shall not
exceed 270 days in any one year.
d. As to a, b, and c above, the limitation upon total
number of days of occupancy shall apply to any
particular recreational vehicle or park trailer,
wherever it may be located within the recreational
vehicle park. No single recreational vehicle or
park trailer shall be permitted to be occupied more
than the specified number of days in any one
recreational vehicle park in any one year.
e. "Year" for the purpose of this section shall
include any period of 365 consecutive days.
Section 5. Prohibited Uses
a. Permanent Residency: Except for park management
and maintenance personnel, there shall be no
permanent residency in a recreational vehicle park,
nor shall any recreational vehicle or park trailer
be occupied in any such park by any person or
combination or succession of persons totalling more
than the number of days specified for that type of
park in Section 4 above.
b. Non-residential uses: Except as otherwise
expressly provided herein, no part of the park
shall be used in any way, directly or indirectly,
for any business, commercial, manufacturing,
mercantile, storing, vending or similar purpose or
any other purpose unrelated to a recreational
vehicle park.
c. Home Occupations: Not permitted within any
recreational vehicle, park trailer or residence
within a recreational vehicle park.
d. Propane: The on-site sale of propane is
prohibited, except from a mobile
commercially-licensed vendor.
Section 6. Accessory Structures
a. General: The following structures and their uses
are permitted in all recreational vehicle parks:
1. Mobile homes: Not more than one mobile home
lot for every 200 RV spaces may be placed in a
recreational vehicle park. The mobile home is
to be occupied only by the owner, the manager,
or employee in the operation of the park.
Such mobile home space and mobile home shall
comply with all requirements and definitions
set forth in Mobile Home Park Standards
(Division D of this article) .
2. One single family residence for the owner or
manager of a recreational vehicle park. The
yard requirements for this single family
residence in this zone shall be the same as
provided in the R 1-7.2 Residential district.
The minimum site area requirement for this
residence shall be 6000 square feet. The
residence may include office space for use in
connection with the park operation.
3 . Social and Recreational Center, provided such
center is at least 100 feet from any property
line of the Recreational Vehicle Park.
4. Private recreation facilities for the use of
the occupants of the park and their guests,
such as swimming pool, putting greens and
shuffleboard courts.
5. Common Laundry facilities, provided there is
no dry-cleaning equipment or outdoor laundry
6. Common shower, bath, and locker room
facilities. Not permitted on recreational
vehicle lot as separate structure.
7. Structures to assist the handicapped.
b. Rental parks: No additional accessory structures
c. Ownership/Membership parks:
Storage structures, provided that:
1. The storage structure does not exceed
dimensions of 10 feet in width, 9 feet in
depth and 7 feet in height.
2. The storage structures within a given park are
similar in design, style, quality and building
I: materials to other such structures or approved
theme designs in the park.
3. The storage structures are located within the
rear half of the lot.
4. There is a maximum of one storage structure
per recreational vehicle lot.
d. Extended occupancy parks:
1. Patio covers provided that:
(a) The patio covers within a given park are
similar in design, style, quality and
building materials to other such
structures or approved theme designs in
the park. The patio covers shall meet
all construction requirements of Title 25
of the State Administrative Codes and the
building codes published by Standard Plan
Approvals for Mobilehome Accessory
Structures/Buildings (S.P.A. ) and the
International Council of Building
Officials (I.C.B.O. ) They shall not
contain electric outlets, cooling,
heating or plumbing.
(b) The patio cover is self-supporting and
not permanently attached to a
recreational vehicle. However, patio
covers may be attached to park trailers.
(c) Patio covers shall not contain any
enclosing walls except within a patio
cover that serves a park trailer. Said
enclosure shall not exceed 200 sq. ft.
The enclosing materials shall be limited
[0 to screen and removable glass panels and
meet all construction requirements of
Title 25 of the State Administrative
Codes and the building codes published by
Standard Plan Approvals for Mobilehome
Accessory Structures/Buildings (S.P.A. )
and the International Council of Building
Officials (I.C.B.O. )
(d) Patio covers shall not exceed an area of
540 sq. ft.
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(e) Automobile parking is permitted under the
patio cover.
2. Storage structures, provided that:
(a) The storage structure does not exceed
dimensions of 10 feet in width, 9 feet in
1: depth and 7 feet in height.
(b) The storage structures are similar in
design, style and building materials to
other such structures or approved design
themes in the park.
(c) The storage structures are located within
the rear half of the lot.
(d) There is a maximum of one storage
structure per recreational vehicle lot.
3. Decking no higher than the height of the
threshold of the doorway to the recreational
vehicle or park trailer.
Section 7. Prohibited Accessory Structures
The following structures are prohibited within all
recreational vehicle lots:
a. Any enclosed habitable buildings.
b. Garages and carports, except carports built as part
of a patio cover.
c. Fences.
d. Curbing for landscape areas and other decorative
curbing or containers greater than 6" in height.
e. Freestanding mailboxes.
Section 8 Coverage
The maximum coverage shall be 60% for a recreational
vehicle lot created after the effective date of this
code, October 16, 1987. For recreational vehicle lots
created prior to this date, the coverage shall not
exceed 70%. For the purpose of this section, coverage
shall include the area of the recreational vehicle or
park trailer, patio cover, storage shed and decking
outside of a patio cover.
Section 9 Density
The maximum net density in the various permitted
recreational vehicle parks is as follows:
- 10 -
a. Rental Parks: The number of recreational vehicle
lots shall not exceed 15 per acre.
b. Ownership/Membership Parks: The number of
recreational vehicle lots shall not exceed 12 per
c. Extended Occupancy Parks: The number of
recreational vehicle lots shall not exceed 10 per
Section 10 Area of Parks and Lots
a. Park area: Each recreational vehicle park shall
have a minimum of 10 acres measured from the
property lines of the park.
b. Rental park: Minimum area of recreational vehicle
lot shall be 2000 sq. ft.
c. Ownership/Membership park: Minimum area of
recreational vehicle lot shall be 1500 sq. ft.
d. Extended occupancy park: Minimum area of each
recreational vehicle lot shall be 2000 sq. ft.
e. Existing park: In parks existing at the time of
the adoption of these regulations as listed in
Section 28 herein, no park trailers shall be placed
on a recreational vehicle lot less than 1250 sq.
ft. in area.
Section 11. Frontage of Parks and Lots
a. Park frontage: Each recreational vehicle park
shall have a minimum frontage on a public street of
300 feet.
b. Rental park: The frontage of a recreational
vehicle lot shall be a minimum of 40 feet on a
c. Ownership/Membership park: The frontage of a
recreational vehicle lot shall be a minimum of 30
ILfeet on a roadway.
d. Extended Occupancy park: The frontage of a
recreational vehicle lot shall be a minimum of 40
feet on a roadway.
Section 12. Yards and Setbacks
a. Minimum Yards of the Park: Setbacks in which no
recreational vehicle lot or accessory structures
except for fences are to be located:
11 -
1. Front yard. 25 Feet
2. Interior yards. 10 Feet
b. Setbacks: No recreational vehicle, park trailer or
structure may be placed within 3 feet of a roadway,
rear lot line or one of the side lot lines.
However storage structures may be placed on cement
pads that were in existence prior to the effective
date of this code October 16, 1987 regardless of
setback. Setbacks are not required where the lot
line is adjacent to a common open area that is at
least ten feet in width at that point.
c. Separations: The minimum distance between any
recreational vehicle or park trailer and any other
recreational vehicle or park trailer shall be 10
Section 13 . Landscaping
a. Park Yards: All required yards within a
recreational vehicle park shall be fully landscaped
and irrigated. No required parking or vehicular
maneuvering areas shall be permitted in required
yards, except entry roads crossing through said
b. All common open areas except for natural areas,
shall be landscaped and irrigated.
c. Each recreational vehicle lot shall contain at
least 200 sq. ft. of outdoor patio area containing
at least one evergreen tree to provide a shade
Section 14 . Common Recreation Area
Common recreation area shall be required for all
recreational vehicle parks. The recreation area may
contain social halls, swimming pools, game courts, open
areas, etc. Open areas may be either designed for
active or passive recreation, provided that the slope of
the land does not exceed a gradient of 10 percent.
Grades above 10 percent shall be common area, but not
counted as recreation area. The minimum amounts of
common recreation area shall be provided as follows:
a. Rental Parks: 200 sq. ft. per recreational vehicle
b. Ownership/Membership Parks: 300 sq. ft. per
recreational vehicle lot.
c. Extended Occupancy Parks: 400 sq. ft. per
recreational vehicle lot.
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The common recreation area shall be for the use of the
entire park and shall not be partitioned in any manner
for the sole use of any person or group of persons.
Section 15. Screening
Perimeter Screen: A perimeter screen of dense living
plant material that shall grow to at least six feet in
height shall be maintained around the perimeter of any
recreational vehicle park and a fence of at least six
feet in height shall be provided. Such a planting
screen or fence shall not exceed three feet in height
for a distance of twenty feet on either side of the
principal entrance of the park for the safety of
vehicles entering and leaving the premises, unless
otherwise authorized by the Director of Community
Section 16. Lighting
a. Lighting shall be indirect, hooded and positioned
so as to reflect onto the roadway and away from the
recreational vehicle lot and adjoining property.
b. Lighting standards shall not exceed 10 feet in
height. The height of all light standards shall be
measured from the elevation of the adjoining
pavement of the roadway. Lighting standards in
recreational areas may be higher than 10 feet if
specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
Section 17. Improvement of Lots
All recreational vehicle lots shall contain concrete
cement paved areas for automobile parking, outdoor patio
and for the parking of the recreational vehicle or park
trailer, provided that no more than 70 percent of each
lot is covered with nonpermeable material.
Section 18. Automobile Parking
Minimum parking spaces for automobiles shall be as
a. Recreational vehicle lot: One parking space to be
provided on each recreational vehicle lot.
b. Rental Parks Visitors: One parking space for every
25 recreational vehicle lots.
c. Ownership/Membership Parks Visitors: One parking
space for every 25 recreational vehicle lots.
d. Extended Occupancy Parks Visitors: One parking
space for every 10 recreational vehicle lots.
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f. The visitor parking spaces shall be located to
provide direct access and convenient use by
g. All parking spaces shall be paved to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer and meet minimum
dimensions of this code.
Section 19. Roads
a. Entry Roads: All main entry roads to the park
shall have a minimum width of 32 feet and have a
clear and unobstructed access to a public street.
The entry road shall be paved with a minimum 3
inches of asphaltic concrete over 4" aggregate base
or equivalent as specified in an approved soil
report. The entry roads shall be at least 100 feet
in length from the property line and shall have no
access to recreational vehicle lots or roadways.
Entries shall not be more frequent than every 300
feet along a public street. No vehicular parking
shall be permitted within the roadway unless
specifically designated for parking pursuant to
City-approved plans.
b. Roadways
1. Roadways within the recreational park shall be
paved to a width of not less than twenty-four
(24) feet for two-way traffic and 20 feet for
one-way. The roadways shall be paved with a
minimum of 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 4
inches aggregate or equivalent as specified in
an approved soil report.
2 . Each recreational vehicle lot shall front on a
roadway. No recreational vehicle lot shall
take access from a public street, alley or
entry road.
3. No vehicular parking shall be permitted within
the roadway unless specifically designated for
parking pursuant to City-approved plans.
c. Curbs
Each entry road and roadway shall include concrete
curb and gutter, rolled concrete curb, or other
curb section as approved by the City Engineer.
Section 20. Road Names and Addressing
a. Roads may be named provided the names are approved
by the City and are not in conflict with another
street name within the City.
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b. Lots are to be numbered consecutively in a logical
manner as determined by the Building Official. Lot
numbers shall serve as addresses if roadways are
c. Address and/or lot numbers shall be clearly marked
in letters on contrasting color background not less
than 6 inches in height.
Section 21. Outdoor Storage
No construction or flammable material, or vehicle other
than a recreational vehicle shall be stored within a
recreational vehicle lot, road, or common areas except
in special storage areas. Storage areas shall be
screened by an opaque living hedge or masonry wall not
less than five (5) feet in height and shall be clearly
designated on the approved plans.
Section 22 . Trash Removal
A trash removal plan for the recreational vehicle park
shall be submitted at the time of application. This
plan must include the type of trash collection
facilities; location, size, and number of trash
receptacles; and frequency of removal. Trash collection
areas shall be fully screened and inaccessible to
Section 23 . Drainage
a. The recreational vehicle park shall be so graded
that there will be no depressions in which surface
water will accumulate unless approved by the Flood
Control District.
b. The ground shall be sloped to provide storm
drainage runoff by means of surface or subsurface
drainage structures.
c. The recreational vehicle lot shall be sloped to
provide drainage from beneath the recreational
vehicle to an outside surface drainage structure.
Section 24. Utilities
a. Electrical Service: Only one power supply
connection shall be made to a recreational vehicle.
Electric power supply equipment shall be located on
the rear half of the recreational vehicle lot.
b. Water Service: Each lot shall be served by a
domestic water supply system.
c. Sewer Service: Recreational vehicle parks shall be
connected to sanitary sewerage facilities. Each
lot shall be serviced to the system by a 3-inch
riser with "P" trap and basin designed to prevent
spillage from contaminating the ground area.
d. Undergrounding: All utility facilities shall be
e. Fire Hydrants: Hydrants shall be placed so that
all recreational vehicle lots and buildings are
within 165 feet of a hydrant based on a normal
travel way.
Section 25. Movement of Recreational Vehicles
a. Wheels and/or similar devices shall not be removed
from recreational vehicles or park trailers, nor
shall any fixture be added or barrier be placed
which will prevent the recreational vehicle or park
trailer from being moved under its own power or by
a passenger vehicle. However, the "tongue" of a
park trailer may be removed and fixtures may be
placed around the foundation for aesthetic
b. Skirting is permitted provided it can easily be
removed and there are proper openings for
Section 26. Subdivision of Lots
Subdivision to create recreational vehicle lots for sale
or long-term lease is permitted within Ownership/
Membership or Extended Occupancy recreational vehicle
parks subject to all applicable codes.
Section 27. Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds
Use regulations and development standards for
recreational vehicle campgrounds shall be the same as
for recreational vehicle rental parks except for the
a. Park trailers are prohibited.
b. Length of occupancy in any one campsite shall not
exceed 90 continuous days or 180 days in any year,
as to any individual, family or other group of
c. There shall be no maximum area, number of
campsites, or frontage except as specified by the
d. Common recreation area not required except as
specified by the permit.
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e. No automobile parking required except for visitor
parking as specified by the permit.
f. Campsites need not be paved.
g. Curbs are not required on roadways.
h. Utilities not required to campsites.
Section 28. Existing Recreational Vehicle Parks and
a. Classifications:
As of October 16, 1987, the City recognizes six
recreational vehicle parks and one recreational
vehicle campground as meeting the recreational
vehicle park classification and/or recreational
vehicle campground as defined in this code. Since
these facilities were approved prior to later code
amendments, the classifications as defined herein
were not operable at time of approval. Therefore,
the following establishes the classifications for
the existing parks:
1. Rental Parks
(a) De Anza Palm Springs Oasis Recreational
Vehicle Resort (as part of the Mobile
Home Park) , 36-100 Date Palm Drive, CUP
1019 (Riverside Co. ) .
(b) Royal Palms Recreational Vehicle Park (as
part of the Mobile Home Park) , 34-851
Date Palm Drive, CUP 1880E.
2 . Ownership/Membership Parks
(a) Outdoor Resorts, 69-411 Ramon Road, CUP
3-017, Tract Map 19355.
(b) Desert Shadows Recreational Vehicle
Resort, Phase 2, 69-801 Ramon Road, CUP
3-015, Tract Map 19340.
;, 3. Extended Occupancy Parks
(a) Desert Shadows Recreational Vehicle
Resort, Phase 1, 69-801 Ramon Road, CUP
3-015, Tract Map 19340.
(b) Sungate Country, 69-333 East Palm Canyon
Drive, CUP 2175-E.
<y`�y ;;
- 17 - .b
4. Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds
Palms RV Resort, 35-091 Cathedral Canyon
Drive, CUP 1073 (Riverside Co. ) .
t: b. Non-conforming
Where the use, structure, operation or any facility
of the above parks and individual lots contained
therein does not conform to the regulations of this
code, it shall be considered lawfully existing
nonconforming and shall be allowed to continue.
However, any new use, structure or facility must
meet the requirements of this code, except where
specifically stated otherwise.
c. Converting to other Classification:
When an existing recreational vehicle park or
recreational vehicle campground as classified
herein requests reclassification to another
classification, an application for a Conditional
Use Permit shall be made to the Planning Commission
as provided in this code. All requirements of the
requested classification shall be met.
Section 29. Existing Travel Trailer Parks
All other recreational vehicle parks, areas in mobile
home parks designated for recreational vehicles, trailer
courts and other uses containing recreational vehicles
and travel trailers are, for the purposes of this code,
considered travel trailer parks. Existing travel
trailer parks shall not be expanded in area. However,
the placing of recreational vehicles and park trailers
and accessory structures is permitted provided all
applicable building codes are met.
Section 30. Conflicts with Zone District Requirements
Where the provisions of this division are in conflict
with any other provision of the zoning code, the
provisions of this division shall govern. Where the
provisions of this division are silent on a matter,
other provisions of the zone code shall govern.
SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in
full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage.
SECTION 12. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days
after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at
least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City
Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this
ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification,
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together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of
ordinances of this City.
The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting
of the City Council held on September 16 , 1987 by the
following vote:
1 Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy
and Mayor Paquette
Noes: None
Absent: None
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