HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 180 ORDINANCE NO. 180 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE ORDINANCE NO. 577 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ENTI- TLED: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING AMBULANCE SERVICES." The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That certain Riverside County ordinance entitled: "ORDINANCE NO. 577. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING AMBULANCE SERVICES", at least one copy of which is filed in the office of the City Clerk, hereby is adopted as an ordinance of the City of Cathedral City by reference, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 50022.1 et seq. of the California Government Code. Said ordinance shall remain in effect until appropriately repealed, amended or superseded by this City Council. SECTION 2. The penalty clause of said Riverside County Ordinance No. 577 hereby is enacted by setting the same forth in full, as follows: "Section 32. Violation. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period of not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment." SECTION 3. In interpreting said Riverside County Ordinance No. 577, substitution of terms shall be made, when appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.02.030 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. SECTION 4. Section 16.02.010 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code hereby is amended by adding thereto a listing of said Riverside County Ordinance Number 577 as one which has been adopted as an ordinance of the city by reference. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 6. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was introduced after reading of the title and of the title of the County ordinance adopted thereby, before the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, at a regular meeting of the City Council, ti and thereafter, following the public hearing pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.3, the foregoing Ordinance was finally adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on June 17 , 1987 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Paquette Noes: None Absent: Councilmember Di Grandi / --> /V "� MAYOR ATTEST / ' - A CI Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED jr C LATENT: CITY ORNEY C MANAGER ter. 1''". I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. / !a WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY CCU E.;L OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFOR1Hf, IN A Y MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE /7 ' DAY O;= __. _�,� nc _, 198_2, AND THAT SAME WAS POSTED IN Al LEF'�'i 1 'r'_ PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY ,E SAID CITY COUNCIL \\‘' '''. -. :/ ://-'-e' ' eL7-z/ •>Y CITY CLERK 6irsiG r) e, .... ' eS _ 2 3 ORDINANCE NO. 577 .. 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE I: 5 REGULATING AMBULANCE SERVICES 6 The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, 7 Sate of California, do ordain as follows: 8 Section 1. Definitions. Whenever in this ordinance the 9 following terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively 10 ascribed to them in this section. 7 , . 11 (a) "ALS or LALS Ambulance" shall mean an advanced life 12 support or limited advanced life support ambulance 13 • which has additional equipment and supplies as 14 specified by the Health Officer. . 15; (b) "Ambulance" shall mean any vehicle or boat specially 16 ; designed, constructed, modified, equipped, arranged, 17 maintained and operated for the -sole purpose of 18 transporting any sick, injured, wounded, invalid, • 19 incapacitated or convalescent person, or expectant mother. 20 (c) "Ambulance Service" shall mean the operation, for . • 21 monetary or other consideration, of ambulances for 22 the purpose of transporting any sick, injured, wounded, 23 invalid, incapacitated or convalescent person, or 1 24 ' . expectant mother, from any location in the unincorporated 25I area of the County of Riverside to any destination, 26 regardless of location. 27 (d) "Ambulance Service Areas" shall mean all of those I 28 , portions of the unincorporated area of the County of MES H.M G=_LL :CU..TY COU.S EL AV/ttt2P•.ir:1L:.'i 1 ERSICE.CALI;C4Y.1 1 NOV 91979 0 0 WI.G" Riverside divided into ambulance service areas as 2 shown on the map entitled "Ambulance Service Areas of . 3 Riverside County" on file in the Office of the Clerk 4 of this Board and in the Office of the Health Officer * I: 5 of Riverside County. 6 (e) "BLS Ambulance" shall mean a basic life support 7 ambulance which has equipment and supplies as specified 8 by Title 13, California Administrative Code. • • 9 (f) "Class of Service" shall mean the level or levels of 10 complexity of field emergency medical services that 11 may be provided by a permittee, and shall be specified 12 as basic life support provided by EMT-1A personnel 13 conforming to Section 1760. 5 of the Health and Safety 1S Code, full advanced life support provided by California 151 licensed physicians or by paramedics and mobile 16 intensive care nurses certified by the Health Officer 17 under Section 1481 of the Health and Safety Code, or • 18 limited advanced life support provided by EMT- II 19 personnel authorized under Section 429.73 or 1760.5 20 of the Health and Safety Code. 21 (g) "Emergency Call" shall mean a request for the dispatch • 22 of an ambulance to transport or provide other assistance 23 to a person who has an apparent sudden or unforeseen 24 need of medical attention. 25 (h) "Emergency Service" shall mean the functions performed 26 in response to an emergency call. 27 (i) "EMT II " shall mean an emergency medical technician II 28 certified by the State as authorized to provide limited ,MES H.ANGELL County CouysEL ♦Y.UeaAHt etcc -2- ,EASIOE.GwuFoRNIA rfy . ' 1 advanced life support (LALS) under Section 429.73 or 2 1760 (g) of the Health and Safety Code. 3 (j ) "Health Officer" shall mean the Health Officer of the .4 County of Riverside, or his designated representative. I 5 (k) "MIC Nurse" shall mean a mobile intensive care nurse 6 who has been certified by the Health Officer as 7 qualified in emergency cardiac and noncardiac care in 8 the issuance of emergency instructions to MIC paramedics. ' 9 . (1) "MIC Paramedic" shall mean a mobile intensive care 10 paramedic trained in emergency cardiac and noncardiac 11 care certified by the Health Officer. 12 (m) "Patient" shall mean a sick, injured, wounded, invalid, 13 incapacitated or convalescent person, or expectant • 14 mother. • 15 (n) "Permittee" shall mean any person who has been issued 16 a permit to operate an ambulance service in the County 17 of Riverside. 18 (o) "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, • 19 joint venture, corporation, association, club or 20 organization. 21 Section 2. Ambulance Services Areas. The Board of 22 Supervisors of the County of Riverside hereby declares that the 23 unincorporated area of the County of Riverside is divided into 1[ 24 Ambulance Service Areas as shown.on the map entitled "Ambulance 25 Service Areas of Riverside County" on file in the Office of the 26 Clerk of this Board and in the Office of the Health Officer of 27 Riverside County. The Board of Supervisors finds that because of • 28 the large size of Riversid.2 Coazty and because an unlimited right At.. -H.ANGELL COUN n.COUNSEL 1...A.Y1laa.w.B r _3_ 'Y Eii$10�.CALIF C.CA 111A O Ct O 0r , I • 1 to a person to operate an ambulance service anywhere in the County • 2 may result in substandard ambulance service and a lack of uniform. 3 service throughout the County, it is in the interest of the publi•L . ' 4 health, safety, welfare, convenience and necessity to establish a • I: 5 permit procedure whereby the number of ambulance services in 6 specific areas of the County can be regulated and the quality of 7 ambulance service controlled. 8 Section 3 . Permit Reauired. It shall be unlawful for 9 any person to operate, conduct, advertise, or otherwise engage in - . 1 0) or profess to be engaged in an ambulance service within the unin- 11 corporated territory of the County of Riverside, except in 12 conformance with a current, unrevoked permit issued pursuant to _ 13 the provisions of this ordinance. - 14 Section 4. Permit-Exceptions. The provisions of Section- 15 3 and 5 of this ordinance relating to permits and fees shall not ; 16 apply to: 17 (a) Ambulances operated by a public entity. - 18 (b) Vehicles operated as ambulances at the request of 19 local authorities during any "state of war emergency, " duly • 20 proclaimed "state of emergency" or "local emergency, " as . 21 defined in Section 8558 of the Government Code. 22 With the exception of permits and fees , all other provisions of 23 this ordinance shall be applicable to such entities and vehicles. 24 Section 5. Permit Fees. 25 (a) Permits shall be issued to expire at the end of the 26 calendar year, and the annual fee therefor shall be $250.00 27 plus $50.00 for eachlambulance to be operated under a permit, 28 which may be prorated on a quarterly basis for the first year TAMES H.ANGELL cOL,NrrccuNsiL -4- LAw119c/•ar 8L:4 •rvEASJOL CAu,,?,.., 1 1 - 1 (b) Temporary permits shall be issued in accordance. with 2 the provisions contained in Section 25 of this ordinance, 3 and the fee therefor shall be $25. 00 plus $5.00 for each A ambulance to be operated under a permit. • :1:, •5 (c) The provisions of this Section 5 shall not be 6 applicable to nonprofit volunteer ambulance services. 7 (d) The provisions of this Section 5 shall not be • 8 operative until January 1, 1980. 9 Section 6. Application for Permit. Applications for a - • 10 permit or renewal thereof to operate an ambulance service shall be 11 made to the Health Officer upon the form provided by the Health 12 Department, which shall include the following information: 13 (b) Name, business and residence address of the 14 applicant, and the fictitious name,- if an_v, under which the 151 applicant proposes to do business. i 16 (b) If the applicant is a corporation, joint venture, 17 partnership or limited partnership, the name of all corporate 18 officers, joint venturers or partners, their business and 19 . residence addresses and their percentage of participation in 20 such organization. • . 21 (c) A statement of facts showing the experience of the 22 applicant in the operation of an ambulance service and that 23 the applicant is qualified to render efficient 24-hour , 24 ambulance service. With respect to an application for 25 renewal, .copies of current valid Emergency Vehicle Permits 26 issued by the California Highway Patrol for each ambulance i 27 to be operated by the applicant. 28 • (d) The class or classes of service which the applicant P. N.ANGELL . COUNTY COUNSEL AW LIBRAcT Blc.: _5_ dapoE,CAUFCaNie i) q`t ri �J p`!i 3 r.. • 1 proposes to provide. • 2 (e) The ambulance service area for which the applicant • 3 is requesting a permit, and all facts which the applicant 4 believes will prove that the public health, safety, welfare, 5 convenience and necessity require the granting of a permit 6 - to operate an ambulance service in the proposed service area_ 7 (f) . A statement that the applicant will own or will 8 have under its control equipment to adequately conduct an . 9 ambulance service in the service area for which it is 10' applying, which meets the requirements established by the • 11 Vehicle Code and Title 13, California 'Administrative Code, and 12 that the applicant owns or has access to suitable and safe . 13 facilities in order to maintain its ambulance service in a • • 14 clean and sanitary condition. 151 (g) A complete description of each ambulance to be • 16 operated by applicant, including an itemization of the 17 equipment therein, the patient capacity thereof, and with 18 respect to an application for renewal, a copy of the most 19 recent Ambulance Inspection Report issued by the California • 20 Highway Patrol:for each vehicle. • 21 (h) An affirmation that each ambulance to be operated 22 by the applicant, and the equipment therein, conform to all • 23 the applicable provisions of this ordinance, the Vehicle Code, 24 the California Administrative Code, and other State of Califon 25 nia and County directives. 26 (i) A statement that the applicant shall employ 27 sufficient personnel adequately trained and available to 28 deliver ambulance services of good quality at all times JAMES H.ANGEIL COUNTY COU`.Sil Uw 6- • UakAM!910; •vERSIOE•CAUFCaNIA • 1 within the applicant' s proposed service area. 2 (j) With respect to application for renewal, a list 3 containing the 'description of the level of training for each • • d_ ambulance employee and a copy of each certification or license IL 5 issued by the State and the County establishing qualifications 6 of such employees in ambulance operation. 7 (k) The schedule of rates to be charged by the 8 applicant for its ambulance services. 9 (1) A statement signed by the applicant that as a 10 condition of the County' s issuing a permit, the applicant • 11 shall indemnify and hold the County, its officers, agents and 12 employees free and harmless from any liability whatsoever, 13 based or asserted upon any act or omission of applicant, its 1A officers, agents or employees, relating to or in anywise' 15 connected with or arising from the operation of its ambulance 16 service under such permit, and the applicant shall defend at 17 its expense, including attorney fees, the County, its officers 18 agents and employees in any legal action based upon such 19 alleged acts or omissions. 20 (m) Such -other facts or information as the Health 21 Officer may require. - 22 Section 7 . Investiaation, Recommendation and Determina- 23 tion. Upon the receipt of a completed application the Health 24 Officer shall conduct an investigation to determine if the public rr 25 health, safety, welfare, convenience and necessity require the 26 granting of a new permit for the ambulance service area for which • • 27 the application has been made and shall further determine if the • 28 applicant meets all the requirements of this ordinance. Upon A. ,H.ANGELL cour.n ccuNsa LAW LI9AJNy 8t00 -�- IVERS+OE.UU.Oa•9iA • 1 completion of his investigation, the Health Officer shall recommend 2 to the Board of Supervisors that a permit be granted or denied for 3 the requested ambulance service area. No permit shall be issued. 4 by the Health Officer until the Board of Supervisors has determines 5 that the public health, safety, welfare, convenience and necessity 6 require the granting of a new permit for the particular ambulance 7 service area. 8 Section 8. Denial of Permit/Recuest for Hearing. If the 9 Board of Supervisors determines that a permit shall not be issued, 10 the applicant shall have the right to demand a hearing thereon. A 11i request for a hearing shall be made in writing to the Clerk of the q g 12 Board within 15 calendar days following the decision of the Board .13 to deny the permit. Upon receipt of a written request the Clerk of 14 this Board shall set the matter for hearing on a date not more than. 15 ; 60 days following receipt of the written request. At the hearing 16 the applicant shall have the burden of proof to show facts that the 17 public health, safety, welfare, convenience and necessity require 18 the granting of a permit for the requested service area and that tr 19 applicant owns or controls equipment meeting the requirements of - 20 this ordinance, and-that the applicant otherwise meets all the . 21 requirements of this ordinance. 22 Section 9. Issuance of Permit. Upon approval by the Board of 23 Supervisors of the granting of a permit for a specific ambulance 24 service area, the Health Officer sball not issue the permit until: 25 (a) The first year' s fee, or prorated portion thereof, 26 is paid. 27 (b) The permittee delivers to the Health Officer copies 28 of the most recent Ambulance Inspection Report issued by the JAMES H.ANGELL CouNrr ccutisE% _8 Laefu9a•areLc 4vERSIDE,UU:OA4u 4' fm 1 California Highway Patrol for each ambulance to be operated 2 1 by the permittee. 3 (c) The permittee delivers to the Health Officer copies A of current, valid Emergency Vehicle Permits issued by the IL5 California Highway Patrol for each ambulance to be operated 6 by the permittee. 7 (d) The permittee delivers to the Health Officer copies 8 of policies or certificates of insurance as required by the 9 provisions contained in Section 17 of this ordinance. 10 (e) The permittee delivers to the Health Officer a list . • 11 containing the description of the level of training for each 12 ambulance employee and a copy of each certificate or license 13 issued by the State and the County establishing qualifications 14 of such employees in ambulance operations. 15 ; Section 10. Content of Permit. A permit shall specify 16 the dates of issuance and of expiration, the geographical limits of 17 the territory within which the permittee may provide ambulance . 18 service, the number of ambulances to be used by the permittee, the 19 class or classes of service to be provided, and any special condi- 20 tions regarding communications, equipment, personnel, or waiver of . 21 requirements deemed appropriate by the State of California_ 22 Section 11. Ambulance Service Area-Exceptions. Upon the 23 issuance of a permit, the permittee shall have the right to provide 24 ambulance service originating only in the ambulance service area 25 for which it has been granted a permit; however, a permittee shall 26 be allowed to provide ambulance service outside of the ambulance 27 service area for which it has been granted a permit in the 28 following cases: :A?.i H.ANGELL COu rr CCUNS EL LArvi.sAAAr2lC.: -9- • WEAS,D-z.GALIICahIA y yy r CJ I - t 1 (a) Upon request of any law enforcement or governmental 2 agency. 3 (b) Upon request of any person for emergency ambulance 4 service if an ambulance is not immediately available in anotheJ 5 permit area to provide ambulance service. 6i - (c) To provide return ambulance service to a person 7 that originally used permittee' s service for ambulance trans- 8 portation to a destination outside of permittee ' s service area provide ambulance service 9 (d) To p to any person who is a- .1 1OI resident within permittee' s ambulance service area, when such 11 person is a member of a plan operated by a permittee whereby 12 permittee provides ambulance services to plan members for a 13 fixed period, without cost or at reduced cost, upon payment 14 of a subscription fee. 15 (e) Upon request of a permittee in an adjoining 16 ambulance service area, when such permittee does not have an 17 ambulance immediately available in its ambulance service area ' 18 from which a request originates and when ambulance service 19 is immediately required. 20 Section 12. Renewal of Permits. Permits to operate an 21 ambulance service may be renewed annually by the Health Officer, 22I upon application by a permittee, if the Health Officer determines , 23 that the permittee remains in compliance with the provisions of 24 ! this ordinance. 4 25 Section 13 . Amendment of Permit. 26 (a) Upon written request by the permittee, the Health 27 Officer may amend the contents of the permit relating to class 28 or classes of service, equipment or personnel . ;MES H.ariGELL COw.rV CCVtiSEL ;/AN Llaa•wr etc —10- vERSIDE.CAUOCatilA ti. 1 (b) Upon written request by the permittee, the Health 2 Officer may amend the contents of the permit, other than as • 3 specified in Section 13 (a) of this ordinance, if the Health '4 Officer finds that such amendment will be in substantial -1: 5 compliance with the provisions of this ordinance; provided, 6 however, that no such amendment shall be valid for more than 7 30 days unless approved by the Board of Supervisors. • 8 Section 14. Transfer of Permits. No permit shall be 9 transferred to another person except upon prior approval of the 10 Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation of the Health Officer. . 11 Section 15. Emergency Service. A permittee shall proviee 12 emergency service in connection with the class or classes of servicj 13 specified in its permit on a continuous 24-hour per day basis, 14 except when causes beyond its control relating to acts of God, 151 labor disputes or other similar acts prevent permittee from provid- 16 ing such service. In the event such service is not provided as 17 specified herein, permittee shall cause any advertisement of such 18 services to cease and notify the Health Officer immediately. . 19 Section 16. - Permittee Notification Requirements. In 20 addition to the requirements provided in. Section 15 of this . 21 ordinance, permittee shall notify the Health Officer immediately, 22 in writing, in the event of any interruption of ambulance service 23 of more than 24 hours duration or substantial change in personnel ' 24 or equipment, which causes the .ambulance service to be operated 25 other than as set forth in the permit or as required by the provi- 26 sions of this ordinance. 27 Section 17 . Insurance. A permittee shall during the term of 28 . j its permit: 4F H.ANGELL • COLT.iY COUNsEL —ll- vi l3a a;II 9L.J /ERSIOE.C.ALIrCMnI♦ • •.; TM^ ✓' tt • ]- (a) Procure and maintain workers' . compensation 2, insurance as prescribed by the laws of the State of California_ 3 (b) Procure and maintain comprehensive bodily injury •d liability, and property damage liability insurance as shall 5 protect permittee from claims for damages for personal I: 6 • injury, including accidental and wrongful death, as well as 7 from claims for property damage, which may arise from the 8 operation of the permittee' s ambulance services. Such ' 9 insurance shall name the County as an additional insured with 10 respect to the operation of such services. •Such insurance 11 shall provide combined coverage limits of not less than 12 $500, 000.00 per occurrence; provided, however, such limits 13 shall not be deemed as a limitation of the indemnification • 14 and hold free and harmless statement contained in the 15 permittee ' s application referred to in Section 6 (1) of this 161 ordinance, and in the event the County becomes liable for an 17 amount in excess of such insurance coverage, the permittee 18 shall indemnify and hold the County free and harmless for 19 the whole thereof. 20 (c) The permittee shall furnish the County with policies 21 or certificates of insurance to demonstrate that the permittee 22 has procured such insurance and that the County is named as 23 an additional insured with respect to the operation of the 24 permittee ' s ambulance services. Such policies or certificates y 25 of insurance shall contain the covenant of the insurance 26 carrier that 30 days written notice shall be given to the 27 County prior to cancellation, modification or reduction in 28 . coverage of such insurance. _ AMES H.ANGELL COu rvCou.sEI U.v li9MJpv CL^.G -12- vcHSiO'_.C.UFOa.i.4 .•." I _ 1 Section 18. Communications Recuirements. Each permittee . ! 2 shall establish and maintain radio contact as prescribed in the i 3, County Communications Manual. No permittee shall allow an 4, ambulance to be operated in service unless it is equipped with a 5 two-wa_y (VHF) radio which is compatible with and equivalent to the EW 6. County Emergency Medical Network as determined by the County 7i Director of Communications. I 8! Section 19. Ambulance and Personnel Chances . . 9i (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 13 of this 1O. ordinance, a permittee shall notify the Health Officer, in 11;� writing, of any changes relating to the ambulances specified . 12' in its permit. Such modification shall include descriptions I 13! and Ambulance Inspection Re_oorts as specified in Section 6(g) 14i of this ordinance and any other information pertaining to such 15 ;1 changes. I . 16 , (b) A permittee shall notify the Health Officer, in • 17 writing, of. any changes relating to its personnel. Such 18I notification shall include descriptions and copies of 19 certificate or licenses as specified in Section 6 (j) of this 20 ! ordinance and any other information pertaining to such changes, 21I Section 20. Ambulance Safety and Emercencv Eauioment 22I p. ,,len_ts . A permittee shall : 23 (a) Maintain its ambulances in good mechanical repair 1[ 241 and in a clean and sanitary, condition. 25I (b) Equip its ambulances with all the safety and 2fii emergency ecui:ment and supplies as required by the Vehicle 27 i Code, the California Administrative Code and the regulations 28 ' prescribed by the Health Officer, as the same are now written Al H.ANGELL cct"rn ccU.sv. ■AW l:e Pant E:'G -13- vtpsicE.c ufc.tiiA . 1 or hereinafter amended. • 2 (c) Protect dressings, bandaging, instruments and other 3 medical supplies used for care and treatment of patients in .. 4 such a manner so that they are sterile when ready for use. . 5 Provisions shall be made to assure autoclaving or resterliza- 6 tion of emergency equipment when required. • 7 Section 21. Ambulance Personnel. No permittee shall 8 allow an ambulance to be operated in service unless : 9 (a) The driver meets the qualifications and training 10 required by the California Administrative Code, as the same 11 is now written or hereafter amended. The driver shall be 12 trained and competent in the proper use of all the safety and 13 emergency equipment and supplies referred to in Section 20 (b) 14 of this ordinance. The driver shall hold a certificate as an 15 Emergency Medical Technician lA (EMT-1A) , unless the permitter 161 has been specifically exempted from this requirement by the 17 State and the County. • 18 (b) The driver is accompanied by an attendant, unless 19 the permittee has been specifically exempted from this 20 requirement by -the Health Officer. The ambulance attendant • 21 shall be trained and competent in the proper use of all 22 safety and emergency equipment and supplies referred to in 23 Section 20 (b) of this ordinance, and shall hold a certificate 24 as an Emergency Medical Technician lA (EMT-1A) . The • 25 ambulance attendant shall occupy the patient compartment while 26 transporting any person in apparent need of medical attention. ,� 27 (c) At least one attendant holds a certificate as a 28 MIC paramedic issued by the Health Officer, if the vehicle is \MES H.ANGELL COW..TY COUSSE L ..Nw LiSA•Ht elLJ • -14- IEAS.CE•CAU.OM`IIA • ' 1 • being used as an ALS ambulance. 2 (d) At least one attendant holds a certificate as an • 3 EMT II., if the vehicle is being used as a LALS ambulance. . 1: A Section 22. Ambulance Personnel-Exceptions. . : 5 6 (b) An ambulance driver or ambulance attendant who is California licensed physician or an MI C nurse certified by 7I the Health Officer shall be exempt from the emergency medical 81 training requirement set forth in Section 21 of this ordinanc 9� (b) The provisions.- of Section 21 of this ordinance shal • 101 not apply during any "state of war emergency, " duly proclaime • 111 "state of emergency" or "local emergency" as defined in Secti 121 8558 of the Government Code. • 13 Section 23. Schedule of Rates. 14 (a) Each permittee shall post a current schedule of 151 • rates for its ambulance services in a conspicuous place withir 16 each of its ambulances and in its office. 17 (b) In the event the schedule of rates is changed or 18 modified, the permittee - shall deliver a copy of such 'changes 19 or modifications to the Health Officer forthwith. 20 Section 24. Continuation of Call. An ambulance service . • 21 based and properly licensed by the California Highway Patrol ioutside the unincorporated territory of the County shall be 2' authorized to transport a [ . P patient to or through the unincorporated 24 ' territory of the County, but shall not be authorized to transport 25 patients from the unincorporated territory of the County, e y, exc�nt 20 as prescribed under Secti dns 3 and 4 of this ordinance. In order 27 to I1:31I1taln proper*' medical support, such ambulance service shall .v.1.-:s H ANGELL i maintain communications with the ambulance coordination center for CCL'vrYCCt%5.L Uh 1.19.4A4r CICC +!HSioE,C4uioahi. • -15- 1. • 1 the County. If such ambulance service is operating an ALS ambulanc , 2 it shall establish and maintain communications with a telementry 3 base station for medical control in compliance with the regulations a prescribed by the Health Officer. 5 Section 25. -Temporary Permit. The Health Officer may 1: 61 issue a temporary permit to an ambulance service based and properly 71 licensed by the California Highway Patrol outside the unincorporate 8 territory of the County for a period not to exceed 30 days. Such 9 temporary permit shall include the contents required by Section 10 10 of this ordinance and such additional conditions as deemed appro- 11 priate by the Health Officer. . 12 Section 26. User Complaint Procedures. Any user of or 13 subscriber to an ambulance service operating within the unincorpo- 14 rated area of the County alleging that he or she has received unsat- 15i isfactory service may file a written complaint with the Health 161 Officer setting forth such allegations. The Health Officer shall 17 notify the ambulance •service of such complaint and investigate the 181 matter to determine whether or not there has been a violation of 191 any of the provisions of this ordinance. In the event it is 20 determined that there has been such a violation, the Health Officer . 21 shall take appropriate action to insure compliance as authorized 22 by this ordinance. 23 Section 27. Regulations. The Health Officer shall 24 prescribe reasonable regulations regulating ambulance service 25 operations, ambulance equipment and ambulance personnel. Any such 26 regulation shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for 27 approval before taking effect, and thereafter, filed in the Health 28 ' Officer ' s office and made available for public inspection. . 1M ES H.ANGELL couNrvCOuP.S L a -15- • ,'claw.,.btC /;r7S19[.CAuFo .IA •1 Section 28. Inspection by Health Officer. The Health • 2 Officer shall inspect the records , facilities , ambulances, .3 equipment and methods of operation of each permittee at least 4 annually and whenever such inspections are deemed necessary by the tio 5 Health Officer. 6 Section 29. Grounds for Denial of PDDli cati on and 7 Revocation or Suspension of Permit. An application for a permit, it, 8 or a renewal thereof, may be denied and an existing permit may be 9i revoked or suspended for any of the following grounds: 10 (a) The permittee or applicant has knowingly made 11 a false statement or fails to disclose facts in a material • 12 matter either in its application or in any reports 13 or other documents furnished by it to the County. 14 (b) The permittee does not maintain and operate its 15 ambulances and other equipment in the manner and in the 16 condition required by this ordinance. 17 (c) The permittee knowj.ngly employs employees who do 181 not meet the standards or requirements or have the licenses 19 required by this ordinance. 20 ' (d) The permittee or applicant is not the real party 21 in interest in the business . 22 (e) Any other grounds or conduct which materially affect 23 per:ritee's or applicant' s ability or qualifications to properly 24 i operate an ambulance service or serve the public. 25 ' (f) If the permittee or applicant: 26 (1) Is required to register as a sex offender 27 i under the provisions of Section 290 of the 28 California Penal Code; or AMES H.ANGELL CCUr.rr CCUtisEL •.Awk:9AAwyp��G vuisioE,CAUFvu.A X17_ ri r e F r" 0 • iI � 1 • (2) Habitually or excessively uses, or is 21 addicted to the use of narcotics or 3 -- dangerous drugs, or has been convicted of • 4 any offense relating to the use, sale, 5 possession, or transportation of narcotics 6 or habit-forming drugs; or 7 (3) Is a habitual user of intoxicating beverages 8 to excess; or 9 - (4) Within the three-year period immediately 10 preceding the application, has been under • 11 suspension, revocation or probation by the 12 Department of Motor Vehicles for a cause 13 involving the safe- operation of a motor • 14 vehicle, or has been convicted of any of 151 the following offenses: failure to stop and 16 render aid in an accident involving injury 17 or death; driving while intoxicated or under 18 the influence of drugs; or reckless driving 19 involving bodily injury; or 20 , (5) :Has been convicted of any offense involving 21 moral turpitude; or • 2? 1 (6) Has been convicted of any offense punishable 23 _ as a felony, or has been convicted within • 2d 25 the immediate preceding 10-year period of the crime of theft in either degree; or 26 (7) Has been involved within the two years 27 immediately preceding the application in any 28 motor vehicle accident causing death or AMES H.ANGELL COON rr ccu.s L LAW I.yN•.rCILc:. -18- vEASIOE.CAWOahiA 1 - personal injury; or 2 (8) Has been involved in three or more motor 3 vehicle accidents within the year immediately A preceding the application; or I:. 5 (9) Has operated an authorized emergency vehicle 6 in violation of any of the provisions of the 7 California Vehicle Code relating to the ' - 8 operation of authorized emergency vehicles; or 9 (10) Has operated an authorized emergency vehicle 10 - in violation .of the rules and regulations 11 relating to authorized emergency vehicles as 12 - promulgated by the Commissioner of the 13 California Highway Patrol. 1A (g) The applicant was previously a holder of a permit 151 issued under this ordinance which has been revoked or not 16 renewed based on any of the grounds set forth' in this section. 17 (h) The permittee has failed to make and retain records 18 showing its transactions, or fails to make such records 19 available for inspection by the Health Officer. 20 (i) The permittee accepts an emergency call when it • 21 is either unable or unwilling to provide the requested 221 service or fails to inform the person requesting such service 23 of any delay and fails to- obtain the consent of such person 1[ , 24 before causing an ambulance to respond from a location more 25 distant than the one to which the request was directed. 26 (j) The permittee or applicant has violated any of the 27 provisions of this ordinance or has failed to comply with any 28 of the requirements of this ordinance. IA::.L-S H.ANGLLL COuIaCCIP•SEc 1.-A%),L1rNA..eic: -19- naFisicE.CAL.004...A ( k 01(j- :r I . - • 1 Section 30. Denial of Application for Renewal and . 2 Revocation or Suspension of Permit. The Health Officer shall be •3 empowered to deny an application for renewal of a permit or to 4 suspend or revoke a permit on any of the grounds set forth in .1: 5 Section 29 of this ordinance. The Health Officer shall give the 6 permittee written notice of such denial, suspension or revocation 7 as follows: 8 (a) In the event an application for renewal of a 9 permit is denied, the notice shall set forth the reasons • 1 0 for such! c denial and shall be served as provided in Section I 11i 30 (c) of this ordinance. . 12 (b) In the event a permit is suspended or revoked, 13 the notice shall set forth the reasons for such suspension 14 • or revocation and the effective dates thereof, and shall 15 be served as provided in Section 30 (c) of this ordinance. 16 Such notice shall not be effective until 10 days after 17 service has been made or such later date as the Health 18 Officer deems appropriate. - 19 (c) The notice shall be served personally on the 20 permittee, or sent by registered or certified mail, postage • . 21 prepaid, return receipt requested, to the permittee at its 2z1 business address. 23 Section 31. Hearing/Appeal Procedure. I: 24 (a) In the event an- application to renew a permit is 25 i or a permit has been suspended or revoked, the 20 permittee shall be ehtitled to a hearing before the Health 27 Officer, by submitting a written request therefor to the 28 ' Health Officer setting forth briefly the reasons why such 'nMES H.ANG:LL I CCUNrYC344♦SCL -20- LA.%Lia.4 at&LCD rvEVS.CE.CALIF CHtiia ti. . • - • 1 denial', suspension or revocation is not proper. Such request 2 shall be submitted within 10 days after service of the notice • 3 of denial, suspension or revocation was made. The hearing •- A shall be held prior to the effective date of the suspension 5 or revocation, or if it relates to a denial, the hearing shall • 6 • be held within 10 days after the request was made. The Health 71 Officer shall give written notice of the time, date and place 8 of the hearing to the permittee. After the hearing, the 9 Health Officer may deny the application to renew the permit, 1O or suspend or revoke the permit, if he finds that grounds ii! exist therefor, . 12 (b) 'If the Health Officer denies the application . • 13 to renew a permit, or suspend or revoke a permit, after a 14 hearing had been held as provided in Section 31 (a) of this • 15 ordinance, the permittee may appeal the decision of the Health 16 Officer by filing with the Clerk of the Board: of Supervisors, 17 ' within 15 calendar days following the date of such decision, 18 a written notice of appeal briefly setting forth the reasons 19 why such denial, suspension or revocation is not proper. 20 Upon receipt of such appeal, the Clerk shall set the matter 21 for hearing on a date not more than 60 days following receipt 22 of such appeal and give notice to the appellant and the Health . 23 Officer of the date, time and place set for the-hearing. At IE 24l the hearing, the Board of 'Supervisors shall hear the appellant, 25 ! the Health Officer and any other interested person who may 26I resent evidence relovant to the decision of the Health present Officer. In conducting the hearing, the Board of Supervisors 28 shall not be limited by the technical rules of evidence, 'MES H.A G=LL . Cou.rvcouhi:L �I u.•Lieaa.•o:,.� -21- - ,EAYOE..CaU:Uni� a j• 3. Within 30 days following the conclusion of the hearing, the 2 Board of Supervisors shall issue its order as to whether or nom 3 the permit should be renewed or the suspension or revocation 4 sustained. 5 Section 32. Violation. Any person violating any of the 6 provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and 7 upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not to 8 exceed $500.00, or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period 9 of not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ' 10 Section 33. Severability. If any provision, clause, • 11 sentence or paragraph of this ordinance or the application thereof 12 to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such 13 invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of 14 the provisions of this ordinance which can be given effect without 15; the invalid provision or application, and to this end, the provi- 16 sions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable, 17 Section 34, Repeal. Ordinance Nos. 511, 511.1, 511.2, 18 511.3, 511.4, 511.5 and 511.6 are hereby repealed. 19 Section 35. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take 20 effect 30 days after' its adoption, but the provisions of Section 5 • 21 herein shall not be operative until January 1, 1980, 22 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 23 24 1 By WALT ABRAHAM 25 ) Chairman 26 ATTEST: 'HL: rmh �► ./31/79 271 DONALD D. SULLIVAN, Clerk 28 I By DeV,ana Waples tiMES H.ANGELL Deputy CovN CCLINSEt. _Art ut:r+awt 6 22- - - lOG -- 0 t�'�1f�j. G 4 _l