HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 179 ORDINANCE NO. 179 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE NO. SP 87-22 FOR AN AREA NORTH OF GERALD FORD DRIVE , BETWEEN DATE PALM DRIVE AND PLUMLEY ROAD. WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter , for that certain area generally located on both sides of Converse Road between Date Palm Drive and Plumley Road and northerly of Gerald Ford Drive ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the state of California , this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal , with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report to this City Council , regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan of land use ; and that said plan is consistent with the City' s adopted General Plan ; NOW THEREFORE, The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows : SECTION 1 . Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines , it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved . SECTION 2. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No . 87-22 dated April 20, 1987 , revised May 6, 1987, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Plan and generally located within that area on both sides of Converse Road between Date Palm Drive and Plumley Road and northerly of Gerald Ford Drive as shown on Exhibit A, dated March 11 , 1987 ; and said real property shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 3. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No . 87-22 shall be as prescribed in the basic RM zone , but as may be modified in planning unit areas identified in the said Specific Plan text . The overall density of said plan area shall be as prescribed in the RM zoning district except as otherwise herein provided . The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No . 87-22 in combination with those regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall I: supplement the basic RM regulations , but shall supersede the same to the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion . SECTION 4. The Official Zoning Map of the City , Division B of Article II of Ordinance No . 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance , hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation RM-S and showing in lieu thereof a letter S within a circle , with regard to the real property encompassed by Specific Plan No . 87-22 as shown on Exhibit A, dated March 11 , 1987, generally located within that area on both sides of Converse Road between Date Palm Drive and Plumley Road and northerly of Gerald Ford Drive . SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 1 . c . (2 ) of Division B of Article V of Ordinance No . 80 , the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance , the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause Specific Plan No . 87-22 together with a certified copy of this Ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County , and said Specific Plan No . 87-22 shall not become effective until thirty (30) days after the date of adoption of this Ordinance or until the date of recordation , whichever is later . SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage . SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance , cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance ; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification , together with proof of posting , to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City . The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on May 20 , 1987 I: by the following vote : Ayes : Councilmembers Krings, DiGrandi & Mayor Paquette Noes : None Absent : Council Member Murphy Abstain: Council Member Hillery C1,0'&47 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of May , 1987 . • MAYO • ATTEST: ►�/,..11111.. II A Ll PEPU Y CLERK al APPROVED AS TO FORM : APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : CITY ATTORNEY Ty MANAGER WA i I I\ V' I] I et II 4Ic I op I CE idifi) .1. ■---■—•---;i" �. a I_ F L ifr -.. — T 1 A L 'Mt—� ,, ---- -- I l l - ( II I , � — \ 1 I Abi i E! TT rt - --Re ------9RI 1 _ _ fN I . • • .....-IF AREA OF SPECIFIC PLAN fre)�•1""e '1's 400' Cathedral city SPEC�IC PLAN 87-022 oa.� 3-1 i-t�e7 • ! NM PIM 1 EXHIBIT A i C•f1yMN WIT. G. 11231 ! Std. .N0 321- DEFT. 0f COMA DEYEuptAENT 4 r 0 r.---' v: SPECIFIC PLAN 87-22 April 20, 1987 Revised May 6, 1987 PROJECT LOCATION The Specific Plan area consists of approximately 54+ acres and is located north of Gerald Ford Drive , west of Plumley Road , north and south of Converse Road , as depicted in Exhibit A, Vicinity Map , dated 3/11/87 . SPECIFIC PLAN STATE LAW COMPLIANCE This Specific Plan has been prepared pursuant to California Government Code Section 65451 and includes all the required components and General Plan Elements except the following : Solid Waste Disposal Energy Financing Measures These are not included in the Specific Plan due to the residential nature of the project . GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE This specific Plan is in compliance with the provisions of the adopted General Plan . The General Plan does permit multifamily residential land uses and all the necessary public facilities required by the General Plan shall be installed . PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL A To facilitate the comprehensive development of the site while allowing various housing types permissible in the RM zone . OBJECTIVE To allow for the maximum density yield permitted in the base RM zone , while protecting the adjacent R1 residential tracts , the specific plan should encourage the transfer of housing densities between planning units provided the overall project density does not exceed the density range permitted under the General Plan ( 10-20 Units per acre) . OBJECTIVE To provide housing opportunities for various age groups . a• ,'� - 1 - GOAL B To capitalize on the existing attributes of the site . In particular , the existing character of the date grove should be perpetuated where possible . OBJECTIVE To retain as many date palm trees as possible by clustering and combining housing units . GOAL C To assure the development of adequate public facilities , coordinated and timed for each phase of development . OBJECTIVE To require the construction of off-site improvements or payment thereof to complete the public infrastructure , commensurate with each phase of development . GOAL D To assure that the ultimate development concept will be compatible with the surrounding residential uses and to provide the proper design transition with the existing single family , low density development . OBJECTIVE To provide building height and setback limitations and to provide open areas to protect views and privacy of existing single family dwellings adjacent to the site . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are the development conditions that will implement the above mentioned goals and objectives . 1 . Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of this Specific Plan shall be as prescribed in the RM zoning district except as otherwise herein provided Furthermore , "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said RM regulations . 2. Architectural and site plan review shall be required for all projects within the specific plan area for any uses specifically required as stipulated by the Official Zoning Ordinance . 3. The site shall consist of (5 ) planning units as depicted in Exhibit B, dated 3/11 /87 . The maximum dwelling unit yield within each planning unit shall not exceed that density specified in Table 1 . Densities may not be further adjusted between planning units . 4. Senior housing , as defined by Division U of Article V of Zoning Ordinance in the City of Cathedral City , shall be b a, a permitted in any of the planning units , provided that it meets all of the requirements of said ordinance. 1 5. If Planning Units 1 and 4 are not built for senior housing a ( as defined by the Cathedral City Zone Code) , they shall be built as adult housing (for 55 years and older) . All , I: development shall meet applicable City development standards for the RM zone . 6. Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions ensuring that the property shall only be used for senior housing as noted in condition 4 or adult housing as noted in condition 5 shall be recorded on Units 1 and 4 to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. 7. All development within Planning Unit 3 shall be for condominium units . Prior to issuance of a building permit, a condominium subdivision map shall be finaled and recorded with the County of Riverside Recorder . 8. The property owners of Unit 3 shall form a maintenance district or an association of owners to maintain all common areas in Planning Unit 3, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. 9. Required yards shall be 15 feet from all property lines unless greater yards are required herein . No parking of vehicles , maneuvering areas , or buildings shall be permitted within any required yard , unless otherwise specifically permitted herein . 10. All required yards shall be landscaped except for entrance driveway , and all date palms within the required yards shall be retained . 11 . All date palms within 25 feet of a property line within each planning unit and adjacent to a residential zoned parcel shall be retained . 12. Two rows of date palms shall be retained adjacent to the shared property line between the Specific Plan area and the Date Palm Estates (Tract 10650-1 ) . 13. The required building setback from all property lines I: adjacent to the Date Palm Estates (Tract 10650-1 ) shall be 100 feet . Open parking and maneuvering shall be permitted in this setback area , provided that no facility shall be closer than 15 ' to said common property line . 14. Drives , parking or other uses outside the required yard may be permitted within the required date palm retention areas . 15. No building over 1 story shall be permitted within 50 feet of any interior property line adjacent to a single family residential zone other than adjacent to the Date Palm Estates . - 3 - " 16. Building height on Unit 1 is limited to 3 stories or 35 feet , whichever is less , and , further , provided the setbacks from any property lines meet the following : one story : 25 feet from any property line two stories : 50 feet " " It three stories : 75 feet " " " It 17. No outdoor patio areas on second floor units within 200 feet of an interior property line shall orient to any adjacent single family residential zone . 18. Retention of the incremental increase in 10 year storm runoff ( between the developed and undeveloped state) storm water to the 10 year flood level shall be provided on-site . Plans for the retention shall be approved by the Department of Community Development prior to issuance of a building permit . 19. The construction of all off-site public improvements described herein , including but not limited to traffic signals , streets , drainage systems , water and sewer facilities , shall be installed at the time of development of each of the Planning Units in accordance with the timetable of development (Table 2) . 20. Prior to issuance of a building permit , a $3 , 000. 00 per gross acre fee shall be collected to mitigate all drainage impacts as outlined in the Drainage Report dated March 16 , 1987 contained in the Specific Plan 87-022 case file . All funds collected shall be placed in a restricted fund for the eventual development of a Master Drainage system. The City Council shall review the funding program every five years . If the Council determines that a drainage program is no longer viable for the drainage area , the deposited funds shall be returned to the property owner . 21 . The public streets within the Specific Plan area shall be improved by the construction of concrete curb and gutter with 8-inch curb face where required for runoff capacity , sidewalk and pavement along the entire frontage of the project to current City standards as follows : Cameron Street Gerald Ford Drive 20 ft . half street right-of-way 50 ft . half street right-of-way 16 ft . half street travelway 38 ft . half street travelway Landscape parkway 5 ' wide sidewalk Converse Road Plumley Road 60 ft . right-of-way 30 ft . half street right-of-way 40 ft . travelway 20 ft . half street travelway 5 ft . wide sidewalk 5 ft . wide sidewalk Curb returns at street intersections with Plumley and with Gerald Ford shall be 35 ft . radius , with pedestrian ramps . 22. A traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection of Date Palm Drive and Converse Road , unless the signal has been installed or guaranteed . 23. The existing traffic signal at the intersection of Plumley and Gerald Ford shall be relocated to ultimate location when these roads are widened . 24. Vaquero Road shall be terminated with a modified cul-de-sac design within the existing right-of-way . Said designs shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Community Development . 25. Water mains , fire protection facilities and sanitary sewer lines shall be installed and extended in the Specific Plan area as required by the CVWD and Department of Community Development . 26. A grading plan and engineering hydrology study shall be approved prior to development of any planning unit . The plan and study shall address the acceptance and disposal of surface runoff from the site and from the surrounding areas . An improved drainage system shall be constructed through Planning Unit 1 to intercept the runoff from the end of Vaquero Road . 27. In accordance with Ordinance 77 all overhead utilities and service lines along all street frontages and throughout the site less than 34 KV shall be installed underground . The undergrounding installation shall be completed or cash may be paid to the City in lieu thereof to secure the cost of undergrounding those above-ground utilities as identified above . 28. A maximum of two points of access shall be permitted onto Plumley Road . Emergency access may be permitted from Gerald Ford Drive or Plumley Road as approved by the Fire Marshal . No access of any kind shall be taken from Cameron Street . 29. All points of access on opposite sides of Converse Road shall align or be located no less than 200 feet apart . - 5 - 30. A California/Spanish architectural theme making use of sloping red tile roof , heavy textured stucco and wood exteriors arches and earth tones shall be used within the Specific Plan area . 31 . A 4-foot high wall shall be located on the street frontage setback line as a part of the streetscape design . Said wall shall consist of decorative masonry or frame and stucco design elements (except where masonry wall is required for storm water control ) and shall be compatible with the building design . 32. A lot line merger adjustment shall be completed and recorded with Riverside County Recorder ' s office for Planning Units 2, 3, and 4 . 33. All fill used on-site shall be minimized to meet drainage requirements only and shall not be utilized to maximize building height . 34. There shall be 1 . 5 covered carport parking spaces per dwelling unit . There shall also be .25 open parking spaces per dwelling unit , clearly marked and displayed for guest parking . Attachments: Exhibit A, Vicinity Map , dated 3/11 /87 Exhibit B, Planning Areas , dated 3/11 /87 Table 1 , Dwelling Unit Yield , dated 3/19/87 Table 2, Improvement Matrix , dated 3/19/87 CC U'- - 6 - H ill a I i — __ y PLANNING PLANNING <IL l; UNIT UNIT I M• 5 1 1, II I �a F L PLANNING PLANNING UNIT UNIT 2 3 PLANNING UNIT t' ... 4 r MIMI — T -41M40.2.4 AVII—..... * ' a _ - 0 -1111 t M1e00 ±M L c � Ti ( ILIII [ IH . -r -GERMS--- RD --ERNE _ _ PN .. immimom AREA OF SPECIFIC PLAN •4411":1b.•••1 Cathedral City sPECiFIC pLAN 87_022 �•- - t in • 'a' 'r"' ""' EXHIBIT B'! °°i'` 3-11-1067 • .• atMNrvN City. a. 92234 :• •• '2'-•'•• DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. ao.MI 11,, 11 C 0 d ,? SPECIFIC PLAN SP 87-022 March 19, 1987 TABLE 1 Planning Acres Maximum Density Total Unit 1: Unit (Gross) Permitted Yield 1 10 25 du/ac 250 2 4 22 . 5 du/ac 90 3 20 8. 5 du/ac 170 • 4 15. 45 15 du/ac 231 5 4. 85 15 du/ac 72 54. 3 813 Calculation : 54. 3 acres x 15 du/ac = 814 dwelling units - 1 - C; re= s . _ r— r _ I7 a i iIi � i H i j N i • N a " 8 • 4 a • • 4 r • • 0) • •11 1 C >•1 „ „ w . 0 U ^� ••4 41 y O/1r w > •N 5i C 0 • 41 41 r-1 L,cio 3.i ° 5 E O G ++ 4. E a ri L w j �^ 4, — FI �� 3 1.• i 0.1 > c� 47 C u y u N ++ 3 C >, ar „ _ 19 n 1g • • > 41 • 00 •.i rn L L CO G 4J r4 Sr W =CU 0 • r1 O) n. 0 00 1 N 4) 41 0 1. C 0 s u 0. W •c s _ L C m A 0 u ca .0 00 •-c 1.1 at " ` 0 . - •1 a•1 .∎1 G o L 1.1 Q• u F ; 3 CO L o I 1 �°. ' u • O G 00 c $' w as G w •.• 41 a. I v " m m CU 3 0 v �� u > 0 1 O .c 0 1 _ w 10. w G u co ' o W 0. 30r >, w y y 0 O 1r CD m •e X be L 41 41 3 8282 O 01 •r♦ u • O p 14 CO L y J to L 1 V1 •M = 4) A C 0. 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