HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 178 ORDINANCE NO. 178 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP 87-21 FOR THE AREA GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF DATE PALM DRIVE , SOUTH OF VISTA CHINO ROAD, NORTH OF LOS GATOS ROAD AND EAST OF AVENIDA MARAVILLA . WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter , for the area generally located north of Los Gatos Road , west of Date Palm Drive , south of Vists Chino and east of Avenida La Vista ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the state of California , this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal , with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report to this City Council , regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan of land use ; and that said plan is consistent with the City ' s adopted General Plan ; NOW THEREFORE, The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows : SECTION 1 . Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines , it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved . SECTION 2. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No . 87-21 dated April 20, 1987, Revised May 6, 1987, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Plan and generally located west of Date Palm Drive , south of Vista Chino Road , north of Los Gatos Road and east of Avenida Maravilla as shown on Exhibit A, dated April 28, 1987 ; and said real property shall be 1: developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City . SECTION 3. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No . 87-21 shall be as prescribed in the PCC and the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided . The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No . 87-21 in combination with those regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said PCC and R2 regulations , but shall supersede the same to the extent of any ci A-4 inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion . SECTION 4. The Official Zoning Map of the City , Division B of Article II of Ordinance No . 80 , the Cathedral City Zoning I: Ordinance , hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation PCC-S and R2-S and showing in lieu thereof a letter S within a circle , with regard to the real property encompassed by Specific Plan No . 87-21 as shown on Exhibit A dated April 28, 1987 and comprising the area generally located west of Palm Drive , south of Vista Chino Road , north of Los Gatos Road and east of Avenida Maravilla . SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 1 . c . (2 ) of Division B of Article V of Ordinance No . 80 , the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance , the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause Specific Plan No . 87-21 together with a certified copy of this Ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County , and said Specific Plan No . 87-21 shall not become effective until thirty (30) days after the date of adoption of this Ordinance or until the date of recordation , whichever is later . SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage . SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance , cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance ; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification , together with proof of posting , to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City . The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on May 20 , 1987 by the following vote : Ayes : Council members Krings, Hillery, DiGrandi & Mayor Paquette Noes : None Absent : Council Member Murphy I: I(( s la rd - I 6 J%' ��','t' !/! AY, ' ir ATTE T: .l _ MA L DEPUT CLERK APPROVED AS TO FO'M : A PP' it d AS TO CON ENT: . dart& I '1 : ALI CITY ATTORNEY / T MANAGER k I HEREBY RTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. J WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY C OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL C(?U!�i„.I. CITY, CAM NIA, I� A MEETING THEREOF HEM ON THE .� DAY Or _y,.. 198x, AND THAT SAME WAS POSTED AT LFASi THE 'IUD.: . PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL 1 ;r .,:= V` CITY C ERK 4 66 U J 0�j 44 _ TI 1'AFa1.1[ I C-T-1_ I L I I 1 1 I11 I I. :1 ' • :11. ■ ; RI 11111 I_vI ......HERMOSURA ROAD••u d t 4 a�ADELiNA ROAD 10g•. R �■■� � �,`I RAPOSA OAD Z#4 , uIIIIa _ WAIllr.--1._.u, :1 rik 4, �� • •/ age ■ iP A 4=5= i3 ■■ b r00 ,, em =s . , 'j ■■ ■► i ADA RD- :: :: ■m ,■■ f4OU:, , ■■ ■■ ■■ lb 41. 1 I I �� ■■�■■ ■`i. .� .IN= ■■u■!J_ , . ■■ ' ■■ ■■<■ o ♦ ♦ * 1; -111•1=1 MIN - 90, !!V4_10I . sm. mi. R w. ..■■ ■■ E ,0 ,ei I ■■e■■2 ' ♦ —•r—1 1 .■ 11\ <■♦i■■i■■ FORTUNA _ _ I ___r En OM ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ r JARANA ROAD a --i , . _ _ _ , _„_, TACHEVAH DRIVE 7I II I 1 u s. AREA OF SPECFIC PLAN SP 87-021 0 ielliN Seal.: i ; Cathedral City SPECS PLAN CABS SP 87-021 1 = 300 • �' : 84625 Perez Rood EXHIBIT •A• Dote` 4/23/87 Compere, city , Co. 92234 1 . s � 328-8384 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. D"g.W. SPECIFIC PLAN 87-21 APRIL 29 , 1987 Revised May 6, 1987 I: PROJECT LOCATION Specific plan 87-21 is located generally south of Vista Chino Road , north of Los Gatos Road , and west of Date Palm Drive . The presence of numerous individually owned lots and diverse development interest necessitate a plan which reasonably accommodates the majority of property interests based upon the General Plan designations in a unified manner . SPECIFIC PLAN STATE LAW COMPLIANCE This specific plan has been prepared pursuant to California Government Code Section 65451 and includes all the required components and General Plan Elements except the following : Solid Waste Disposal Energy Financing Measures Utilities Utilization of natural resources These are not included in the Specific Plan due to nature of the request . GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE This specific Plan is in compliance with the provisions of the adopted General Plan . The General Plan does permit single family , multiple family , and commercial land uses and all the necessary public facilities required by the General Plan shall be installed . PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL A To allow commercial development that is potentially feasible and is compatible with surrounding planned uses through the use of individual lots or combined parcels , principally along Date Palm Drive. I: OBJECTIVE To create standards which facilitate individual development interests which provide unified site plan concepts complementing the growth and development goals of the City along the Date Palm Corridor . GOAL B To encourage an expansion of single family homes north of Los Gatos Road to strengthen the developing neighborhood . U 9 Y - 1 - . ','S OBJECTIVE To ensure quality commercial and low density multiple family development with a proper transition between uses through rigid development standards and use restrictions where commercial multiple family development will abut single family lots . i I: GOAL C To encourage owners to consolidate lots of record or assemble parcels through acquisition and trade into larger parcels to maximize development potential . OBJECTIVE To allow developers the opportunity to assemble lots as needed to develop parcels which provide a practical design solution for this area . GOAL D To enhance traffic safety by minimizing direct access to both Vista Chino Road and Date Palm Drive . OBJECTIVE To provide an access alternative through common drives and accessways or alley way systems which connect and separate the various land use districts . OBJECTIVE To require reciprocal access and common parking lot arrangements for all commercial properties when individual lots or groups of lots develop . GOAL E To encourage innovative design approaches along Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino Road , two major corridors into the City . OBJECTIVE To provide an architectural theme for commercial and multiple family projects which compliment the style of housing occurring in the neighborhood . OBJECTIVE To reserve an area along Date Palm Drive for a city entry monument and backdrop setting free from competing signs and improvements . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I: The following are the development conditions that will implement the above mentioned goals and objectives . General Conditions 1 . Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of this Specific Plan shall be as prescribed in each zoning district assigned to each planning unit noted herein , except as otherwise herein provided within each specified planning units . Furthermore , "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division K of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said regulations . 6"Nl}.t - 2 - � 2. Architectural and site plan review shall be required for all projects within the specific plan area for any uses specifically required as stipulated by the Official Zoning Ordinance . Not withstanding the zone code provision for Architectural Review along scenic corridors , single and multiple family projects (4 units and less) shall be processed administratively except if it is determined by staff that site plan approval is necessary . 3 . The site shall consist of (4 ) planning units as depicted on Exhibit H, dated April 28, 1987 . The base zoning district for Planing Units 1 & 2 is PCC (Planned Community Commercial ) & Units 3 & 4 , R2 (Multiple Family Residential ) . 4. All corner lots on Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino Road shall take access from side streets , future alleys or common accessways . 5. Lots fronting Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino in Units 1 and 2 shall dedicate alleys as depicted in Exhibit G, dated April 28, 1987 , unless an alternate means of access to said lots is authorized herein . 6. Temporary access will be permitted if a property owner is unable to comply with access standards contained herein . If such a temporary access is permitted , the property owner shall enter into agreement with the City , to the satisfaction of the City Attorney , to utilize the ultimately planned access to serve the property at such time as such access becomes available . The property owner shall be required to construct said permanent access at such time as deemed appropriate by the City . Further , said owner shall post guarantees for the ultimate public improvements in a manner deemed satisfactory to the City Engineer . Said agreement shall require the owner to remove the improvements for the temporary access and reconstruct and refurbish the necessary landscaping or other improvements as required on the approved plans . 7. Common Accessway and/or Alleys shall be provided as shown on Exhibit G for all lots in plannint units 1 and 2. The widths shall be : 15 feet (half width) and 30 feet ( full width) . Accessway locations shall be at the common property lines within comprehensive developments planned in conjunction with adjacent sites . The common accessway/alley alignment may deviate if provided for within the overall plan of such development . 8. The overall architectural style of the project shall consist of a California Spanish architectural motif . Said design theme shall include architectural features such as : Architectural plant-ons , wing walls , arches , sloped concrete tile roofs , heavy beam trim or patio/trellis work, heavy textured stucco exterior walls or walls of heavy textured masonry (slumpstone or split-face concrete block) . - 3 - Planning Units 1 and 2 (Commercial) Special Conditions 9 . The setback from Vista Chino Road and/or Date Palm Drive shall be a minimum of 25 feet from curb face . Said setback area shall be landscaped but driveway approaches shall be permitted to cross . The setback from Avenida La Vista shall be a minimum of 20 feet from property line to any building , however , loading , parking , and trash enclosures are allowed within this area . 10. Any commercial parcel under consideration for site plan approval or building permits shall contribute a prorata share of funds toward the installation of a future traffic signal at the intersection of Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino Road . The estimated contribution shall be based on 25 percent of the cost of installation of such said signal as determined by the City Engineer at time of building permit . Each parcel contribution toward the 25 percent figure shall be based upon said parcel ' s percentage of acreage of the total commercial area within the Specific Plan . 11 . The designated alignment of Date Palm Drive shall be based on the alignment plan adopted by Riverside County (offset centerline) . Such dedication along the project area has been completed . If any additional right-of-way dedication is deemed appropriate at a later date , such dedication shall be required , as determined by the City . 12. The minimum spacing between access driveways on Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino Road shall be 200 feet , and no access will be allowed within 200 feet of Date Palm Drive and Vista Chino Road . Each driveway shall provide direct common or reciprocal designated common accessways or alleys . 13. No access shall be allowed along the east side of Avenida La Vista . 14. No access will be allowed to Avenida Donosupa , south of Vista Chino Road , north of Adelina Road except from the common accessway or alley . 15. No access will be allowed to Adelina Road westerly of the intersection of Avenida La Vista and Adelina Road . 1: 16. No side street access will be allowed for any corner commercial lot within 150 feet from Vista Chino Road and Date Palm Drive . For the purposes of this plan those streets are : Los Gatos Road , Adelina Road , and Avenida Donosupa . 17 . Prior to any development , a design theme and plant materials streetscape plan and palette shall be established and approved by the Architectural Review Committee . Required front yard and street side yards shall be landscaped in an integrated manner with other existing and planned developments . The required street tree is Washingtonia filifer (California Fan Palm) spaced on center between 30 and 50 feet . Parking lot trees shall be predominantly evergreen canopy trees . 18. All landscape plans for Avenida Donosupa , Adelina Road , and Los Gatos Road shall include a four foot high tan slumpstone wall (4"X4"X8" block) along the frontage of the site 15 feet 1: from curb face . Along Avenida La Vista , the wall shall be six feet high . The street tree for all these streets shall be 24" box Eucalyptus microtheca at 35 foot intervals , with low maintenance , drought resistant groundcover . 19. The properties at the southwest corner of Vista Chino Road and Date Palm Drive shall dedicate necessary additional right-of-way or an easement for an entry sign program and special landscape treatment as noted in Exhibit F, dated March 20, 1987 . A maintenance district made up of all property owners in Planning Unit 1 shall be formed to maintain the entry sign area ' s common landscaping and street trees . 20 . All front and side yards that face Vista Chino Road and Date Palm Drive shall either provide decorative masonry or stuccoed walls in an attractive manner and so designed to effectively screen parking and storage areas and be an intrigual part of the project ' s architectural style . 21 . All buildings shall contain covered pedestrian arcades for the front yards facing any public right-of-way and/or private parking lot . 22. All freestanding signs shall be monument signs , and no illuminated signage shall be oriented to Avenida Donosupa and Los Gatos Road . No signage shall face Avenida La Vista . 23. The following commercial uses shall be strictly prohibited within the specific plan area : auto sales , automotive repair except where integrated and associated with an approved service station . Planning Units 3 and 41 (Residential) Special Conditions 24. Permitted residential densities based on legal lots of record : a . Lots with an area of 7200 sq . ft . or less : One unit per lot . b . Lots with areas over 7200 but less than 21 , 600 sq . ft . : One unit per 4800 sq . ft . of lot area . c . Lots with areas of 21 , 600 but less than 28 , 800 sq . ft . : One unit per 3500 sq . ft . of lot area . d . Lots with areas of 28, 800 sq . ft . or greater : One unit per 3000 sq . ft . of lot area . 25. Access will be permitted on Vista Chino Road provided design measures are incorporated so that backing of vehicles into the r. public right-of-way will not be necessary ( circular driveways will be encouraged ) . 26 . Lots on Hermosura Road and Vista Chino Road may take access from a private easement , comprehensive development plan or from Mangana Road , Avenida Donosupa and/or Hermosura Road . Attachments : Exhibit A, dated April 28, 1987 , Specific Plan Area Exhibit F, dated March 20, 1987 , Specific Landscape Treatment Exhibit G, dated April 28, 1987 , Alley Dedication Exhibit H, dated April 28, 1987 , Planning Units - 6 - llia Ltat .. i TA m ....r.........CNIVQ..r 1 1\ l‘li 1 _L_ ,1 r J I I r IMINEM...HERMOSURA ROAD...■ I Ma <urAOELINA ROAD' i a it I I r--y��� i gLOS • RAPOSA ROAD 2 O . � A OSA OAD Z I � 5 I 1177 44/F11111111111cc 1 o 1 1: < I rr74744p y,9, �----W�, 1 I —,1 1—2, , 61,••■■ e 4 gbit <=ow g i - isff A #44** ..h .01152 I TIO- V 411.vci , .. ii E & t* 1-i NEM MN MEW *MI MIMI MI. ME • 41*11 r4 MIMI 1111111<IIIM /1 . 0 e I I �. 4 4 41i *VII li EEIIE! ♦ 9II II i <�<--<-- FORTUNA ROAD � M- ME 1 \ U ... MI NM MOM MM. MEM NM f JARANA ROAD a I I , ` l TACHEVAH DRIVE 7I H 1 0.u.. AREA OF SPECFIC PLAN SP 87-021 41)::,•:- ... •; Cathedral City SPECIFIC PLAN CASE SP 87-021 1 = 300• i 66623 Perez Road EXHIBIT 4A' D°1° ¢/28/87 • i CatMdrai City , Ca. 92234 1,2, ...1 • 324-8388 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEv OPMENT Std. DwQ.No. �i DEPT. DEVELOPMENT Ciii. 4)641 'Z affil 0 I! --1,b1c—Chino I� a IND /40' , N ` r r: . 4,25' 0 w 1 0) �•; Cathedral City, special Landscape Treatment sale IM:60 14. ••mi :MU Pens Awl Exhibit F Dee !�/iO/St • Como** CDT, ca 911:34 • • ' u4. �T. at CO Y DEVELOP/1W Sta CI".Na•�.r • I DEDICATION OF 30' ALLEY LIMITED ACCESS TO COMMERCIAL PARCELS ON VISTA CHINO 1—r 1, ,1III NI ___/ ■ H_ER_ MOSURA ROAD■■ 11 m - . ■ 'WADELINA ROAD -,. , la M . 5--)---11°. ,Los•• • RAPOSA ROAD CO w § ' - ■ . ll II 9 O I E I 42 -1 Rik - Elk ie, ♦ ♦ ♦ •I < <Lill j . . II tf 'ft44, g� <II w a MO . I =I PADA RD. -- -- IW 'p ��_I V -- -- -- fi • • • , —I -- —.<-- . ♦.0�II !AdmI • sm I CO ` w. . N- -- ��<� 4 ' • q Apo 12 IHEIE ! l $if_ i �. 0 W> � -- -- — FORTUNA ROAD r <•M<II<II i . Now II II II r , JARANA ROAD a I TACHEVAH DRIVE DEDICATION OF 30' ALLEY WITH LIMITED ACCESS TO DATE PALM memo AREA OF SP 87-021 DRIVE AT 200' SPACINGS ;''rGifl'.�•.• Scots' . '• Cathedral City SPECIFIC PLAN 87-021 1 x 300 \ : •Mg : seen Perez Raad ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Date'4/28/1987 . • +J Cathedral City, Ca. 92234 i : p 4.. • el J. 324-9388 DEPT.. of COMUNI Y DEVELOPMENT Std. aMQ.41 6 641)