HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 166 ORDINANCE NO. 166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE NO. SP 10-018 FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY GERALD FORD DRIVE, DAVALL DRIVE AND DE ANZA COUNTRY CLUB, RESCINDING SPECIFIC PLANS 10-006B AND 10-007. WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter, for that certain area and block of land in the City of Cathedral City bounded by Gerald Ford Drive on the north, DaVall Drive on the east, and De Anza Country Club on the south and west; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the state of California, this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal, with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report to this City Council, regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan of land use; and that said plan is consistent with the City's adopted General Plan; NOW THEREFORE, The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 2. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No. 10-018 dated January 28, 1987, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Plan and generally encompassing the area bounded by Gerald Ford Drive on the north, DaVall Drive on the east, and De Anza Country Club on the south and west as shown on Exhibit A, dated October 29, 1986; and said real property shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 3. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No. 10-018 shall be as prescribed in the basic R2 zone, but as may be modified in planning unit areas identified in the said Specific Plan text. The overall density of said plan area shall be as prescribed in the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided. The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No. 10-018 in combination with those regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the basic R2 regulations, but shall supersede the same to the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion. SECTION 4. The Official Zoning Map of the City, Division B of Article II of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation R2-S and showing in lieu thereof a letter S t1vrJ8 ' � within a circle, with regard to the real property encompassed by Specific Plan No. 10-018 as shown on Exhibit A, dated October 29, 1986 and comprising the area bounded by Gerald Ford Drive, DaVall Drive and De Anza Country Club. SECTION 5. Previously adopted Specific Plans 10-006B and 10-007 hereby are rescinded and of no further effect. Any existing development shall be considered legal but nonconforming and hereafter regulated by Specific Plan SP 10-018. SECTION 6. Pursuant to Section 1.c.(2) of Division B of Article V of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause Specific Plan No. 10-018 together with a certified copy of this Ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, and said Specific Plan No. 10-018 shall not become effective until thirty (30) days after the date of adoption of this Ordinance or until the date of recordation, whichever is later. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 8. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on March 4 , 1987 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None Absent: Councilmember Murphy / - I,AYOR ATTEST .11 /!' / . 0.�/i T Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT:•,C4)tr- c 191 C Y TORNEY -Ct'Y`Y MA/AGER {,8 SPECIFIC PLAN 10-018 JANUARY 28, 1987 PROJECT LOCATION The Specific Plan area is located on the south side of Gerald Ford Drive , West of DaVall Drive and North and East of De Anza Country Club as depicted in Exhibit A, Vicinity Map . PROJECT PURPOSE This specific plan has been prepared for several purposes . They are : 1 . To amend and supersede the prior specific plans affecting the site , Specific Plans 1-006 B and 10-007 2. To establish on-site land uses/Planning Units and Circulation systems . 3. To establish appropriate density patterns for each planning unit . 4. To establish a phasing concept for the provision of streets and utilities . 5. To protect adjacent developments and neighborhoods . 6 . To implement the specific Plan requirements designated by the City ' s General Plan Land Use Element Map 7. To supplement and modify zoning requirements as needed to provide a unified plan . DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 1 . Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of the Specific Plan 10-018 dated November 12, 1986 shall be as prescribed in the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided within specified planning units . Furthermore "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R2 regulations . 2. Specific Plans 1-006B and 10-007 are hereby rescinded . 3. Architectural and Site plan review shall be required for all projects within the specific Plan area for any uses specifically required as stipulated by the Official Zoning Ordinance , based upon the base zoning districts adopted within each "Planning Unit" . - 1 - 000855 4. All development shall conform to the Specific Plan Land Use and Circulation Plan Map as depicted in Exhibit B dated November 12, 1986 and Land Use Table , Figure 1 attached hereto . Said Exhibit B consists of five planning units and a circulation system providing at a minimum a singular access loop street (Street A) , a secondary access (Street 1[ C ) , and the improvement of Street B (A portion of Talbert Dr . ) . Said streets shall be constructed to a standard satisfactory to the Director of Community Development . 5. Planning Unit 1-All development within Unit 1 shall comply with the regulations of the R2 base zone with a maximum yield of 79 dwelling units . 6. Planning Unit 2-All development within Unit 2 shall comply with the regulations of the R1-7 . 2 single family residential zone with the following exceptions : a . The minimum lot size for this planning unit shall be 6000 square feet . Smaller lots and attached dwelling units shall be subject to Architectural sand Site Plan Review. b . Yards and setbacks may be less than required in the R1 zone . Any yard less than 5 feet shall be subject to Architectural and Site Plan Review. Garages fronting directly onto a street shall be set 20 feet from street right of way/easement . c . The maximum density shall not exceed 4. 5 units per gross acre . 7. Planning Unit 3-All development within Unit 3 shall comply with the regulations of the RM Multiple Family Zone with density maximums as contained in attached Land Use Table Figure 1 . The development of this unit shall be for condominium units . Prior to issuance of any building permit , a condominium subdivision map shall be finaled and recorded with the County of Riverside Recorder . 8. Planning Unit 4-All development within Unit 4 shall comply with the regulations of the Open Space/Water base zone . 9. Planning Unit 5-All development within Unit 5 shall comply with the regulations of the R-2 (Multiple Family Residential ) Base Zone . 0 6 b st' - 2 - 10. Infrastructure Phasing - Development and provision of improvements will generally progress as shown in the Land Use and Circulation Map , Exhibit B, dated 11 /12/86 , subject to the following requirements : a ) Planning Unit 2 - Prior to occupancy of any units constructed more than 700 feet past the terminus of Street A, the remainder of the secondary access to Sunny Lane , consisting of Street A and Street C, shall be constructed (the terminus of Street A per Tract Map 19704-1 ) . b) Planning Unit 3 - Prior to occupancy of any dwelling units within Planning Unit 3(a) , construction of Street A must occur to point A as depicted in Exhibit B, dated 11/12/86 . Prior to occupancy of Planning Unit 3 (b) or 3 ( c) , Street A and Street C shall be constructed . c ) All on and off-site utilities and drainage improvements shall be provided in a manner that will support the various phases of development as determined by the Director of Community Development . d ) Prior to issuance of building permits a comprehensive drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development . 11 . The access point to Sunny Lane shall be designed as a secondary access with a key card gate that will prohibit passage of all traffic except residents of the project . 12. Street lights shall be installed at the intersections of Sunny Lane with the secondary access and at DaVall prior to activation of the secondary access . 13. Landscaping shall be provided in the medians and in the parkways of the major loop streets , Street A and Street C as shown on Land Use and Circulation Map Exhibit B, to be approved by the Department of Community Development . 14. Where the property shares perimeter property lines with an abutting off-site property or where the rear property line abuts a street right-of-way , a 6 foot high masonry wall shall be constructed on said property line except along the I: south and west boundary . The western and southern boundaries shall be supplemented with additional landscaping which contributes to the existing evergreen screen . Said landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community Development . 15. The applicant shall form a maintenance district or an association of owners to maintain all common areas and facilities to the satisfaction of the City Attorney . - 3 - 0 ' ° 1 a.e J. Attachments Exhibit A, Vicinity Map Exhibit B, Land Use and Circulation Map dated 11 /12/86 Land Use Table , Figure 1 1[ 1: - 4 - - CONVERSE ROAD , 1 C eAesSPHIC A AllikkA.n k 0 600' 120d NORTH ,,„ D ,,,, t .,,,, a ;� iv 'i G L /V ilun t' k. a ...,....... ) et II II ----is:21 t /67.4c • § i 4 o . C. ,:c *4 V ° Ili j. V/A DEL SUM I j T an ( SUNNY LANE" 1 1 ' I. PAPAYA LANE • 11 141 i Q( , POUEGRANAT( LANE 41111111111.1.1.11 42.2%•• PA INS01/77-11 111 I�,� De ANZA MHP I I • 11• CATHEDRAL C/T Y C/TYi I LINTS • ; � t ..•,, ••-,:1 Vicinty Map ,,!�:r� 3t3;e u r .;' Cathedral City SPEC/P/C PLAN —0/8 / =600 •( ...� i mug Para: ilooe M%b," A Jc'e /0/29/96 ,. cathedra City, Ca. 92234 I . ,V �' 324.0311 DEPT. of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT stl :'w9 '4o....e •1Q TIM ea `"� CO b VD o,0 ,.. AN cc cu Q • E 99 z. 0 o b � a z • o 4- •,I I II• EI____A PallS E- U x \ / as w • cn U� .ti a E---+ ,5 8 a ct Q = O cn cn c.) , - / . d .as}S >, b_.., s, r.-. ,`� S` cV, -„ 0 �♦ III n, • a er -- c i - \ lir \ — -e/ street A”}, s (7' November 12, 1986 I: . LAND USE TABLE Figure 1 • Planning No . of Dwelling Acres Unit 1/ Units 1 79 13. 6 2 262 67. 6 3 408 27. 0 (:: 4 0 3. 8 Total 750 112. 0 I: C , CtSjL125 I , MAXINE CLEM, City Clerk of the City of Cathedral City , hereby certify that the foregoing is a full , true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 166 adopted by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City , at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 4th day of March , 1987 , and that the same was posted within 15 days of the above date in at least the three public places specified for such postings by the said City Clerk. ))// 4/)0e-24f7 Maxie E. Clem City Clerk I: