HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 164 ORDINANCE NO. 164 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF t{ CATHEDRAL CITY AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY AMENDING REGULATIONS 7 APPLICABLE TO THE R2 ZONE DISTRICT. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the regulations encompassed in this ordinance are not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 2. Section 3 of Division A of Article IV of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning the R2 Multiple Family Residential Zone hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 3 R2 - Multiple Family Residential a. Purpose and Intent: The purpose and intent of this district is to provide appropriately located areas for families living in a variety of types of dwellings at a low to medium range of population density consistent with sound standards of public health and safety. b. Permitted Uses: 1. One-family dwellings; 2. Two-family dwellings (duplexes); 3. Multiple dwellings; 4. Household pets and gardens as permitted in the R1 district; 5. Home occupations as specified in Article V, Division G; 6. Such other similar uses as are approved by the Planning Commission. c. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit: 1. Licensed family day care for more than six children in addition to the residing family; 2. Boarding houses and transient occupancy facilities such as emergency housing; 3. Public utility structures and public service facilities; 4. Mobile home park or subdivision as permitted by Article V, Division D; 5. Churches, convents, monasteries and other religious institutions on a minimum of two acres; 6. Hospitals; 7. Schools and colleges, not including art, business or trade schools, both public or private; 8. Parks and Recreational facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools without incidental commercial uses, both public and private. 9. Planned residential developments subject to the provision of Article V, Division K. d. Prohibited Uses: The following uses are expressly prohibited in the R2 district: 1. Outdoor advertising displays or billboards. e. Density: All new residential development shall meet the following maximum density standards based on net lot area. 1. One, one-family dwelling shall be permitted on any legally created lot that has an area of at least 4000 square feet. 2. One, two-family dwelling shall be permitted on any legally created lot that has an area of at least 7000 square feet. 3. Multiple dwellings shall be permitted on any legally created lot provided that there shall be a maximum of one unit for every 3600 square feet of net lot area for interior lots and one unit for every 2400 square feet of net lot area for corner lots. For corner lots that are 14,000 square feet or more in area (existing or consolidated with development proposal), the corner lot density factor shall be used only for the first 14,000 square feet of lot area. All density calculations thereafter shall be calculated at the interior lot factor. Fractions over a whole unit shall not be considered an allowable unit. Fractions shall be the sum of the total where density factors differ. f. Lot Dimensions: All newly-created lots shall meet the following minimum dimensions: 1. Area: 7,200 square feet; 2. Depth: 100 feet; 3. Width: 70 feet; however, for irregularly-shaped lots the minimum lot width at the front property line shall be 35 feet. g. Yard Requirements: All newly-developed lots shall have the following minimum yard dimensions: 1. Front yard: 15 feet. 2. Side yard for a lot 60 feet or less in width shall be not less than 5 feet. 3. Side yards for a lot over 60 feet in width shall be 15 feet combined, each of which shall not be less than 5 feet, except a side yard providing the main front access to any unit shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 4. Rear yard: 15 feet, except garages or carports may be located up to 5 feet from a rear property line provided there is no direct access to an alley. 5. Setback to the vehicle entrance of garage or carport shall be 20 feet to any public street, alley or private street. h. Coverage and Building Height: 1. Maximum building coverage shall be 50 percent; 2. Maximum building height shall be 30 feet or 2 stories, whichever is less; Parking: Notwithstanding any different provisions in Division A of Article V, the minimum parking shall be as follows: 1. One-family dwelling: two car parking spaces within a garage; 2. Two-family and multiple dwellings up to and including four units on a legal lot: two car parking spaces per unit, at least one of which is to be in a garage. Such parking structures may be entered directly from the street or be C,98 side entered. To provide variety, the design shall vary from any existing adjacent development to the satisfaction of the approving body as noted in paragraph p. 3. Multiple dwellings of five units or more on a legal lot: one and one-half car parking spaces per unit, at least one of which is to be in a garage. 4. Open parking may be located in rear yards and any interior side yard. Required parking is not allowed in any front or street side yard. j. Access to Parking (driveways): All parking spaces and structures shall be served by a driveway, private street or easement that meet the following minimum standards: 1. Width of improved access serving one to three parking spaces: 12 feet; 2. Width of improved access serving four to eight parking spaces: 16 feet; 3. Width of improved access serving more than eight spaces: 25 feet; 4. Access with a required width 20 feet or less, the first 100 feet in length shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. After the 100 ft. distance, the driveway may be constructed of asphalt concrete or other equivalent surface as approved by the City Engineer. 5. Access with a required width over 20 feet, the first 25 feet in length shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. After the 25 ft. distance, the driveway may be constructed of asphalt concrete or other equivalent surface as approved by the City Engineer. 6. All access improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. k. Fencing: All two family and multiple family developments shall have fencing as follows: 1. A 6-foot high fence on all rear property lines and interior side lot lines. The fence shall be constructed of decorative masonry or wood framed with stucco exterior consistent with the architecture of the main building. 2. Front and street side yard fencing is not required. However, if constructed, the fence shall not exceed a il�"068 2 height of 42 inches in the required front and street side yard and shall be constructed of decorative masonry consistent with the architecture of the main building and the rear and interior side yard fence. 3. Open fences constructed of wrought iron and other similar materials are permitted in front and street side yards, but chain link and other wire fences shall not be permitted within any required yard. 4. If a fence exists at the required location, the requirement may be waived. Waiver to be reviewed by the reviewing body as listed in paragraph p and may be granted if it is found that the existing fence is of sound construction with an expected life of at least 10 years. For the purposes of this section, open fences made of materials such as wrought iron and chain link are not considered a fence. L Patios: 1. Each unit shall have a private patio, except that common patio or recreation areas may be substituted on an area by area basis when there are 5 or more units sharing the facilities. The common patio or recreation area must have facilities for active recreation, such as outdoor cooking and eating, pool, spa, tennis court, etc. 2. The patio shall have a minimum area of 80 sq. ft. for each dwelling unit. 3. The patio shall have portland cement concrete or equivalent decking and solid covering or trellised covering not less than 3 inch by 4 inch trellis members with 4 inch by 6 inch posts. 4. Patios shall be at least 10 feet distant from any patio serving a different dwelling unit, street, driveway or other common area, or be enclosed with a decorative masonry or wood frame with stucco exterior fence at least 5 feet in height. m. Landscaping: 1. All one and two-family dwellings shall have approved landscaping and irrigation systems installed in the front and street side yards. 2. All multiple dwelling developments shall have approved landscaping and irrigation systems installed in all yards and open areas designed for common uses. n. Dwelling unit size: C&OSf The minimum dwelling unit size requirements based on number of bedrooms are as follows: Minimum Dwelling Bedrooms Unit Size E 5 or more 1,575 sq. ft. 4 1,350 sq. ft. 3 1,100 sq. ft. 2 950 sq. ft. 1 825 sq. ft. 0 700 sq. ft. o. Trash enclosures: Trash enclosures shall be provided for all multiple dwellings per the requirements of Article V, Division P. p. Architectural and Site Plan Review: 1. Notwithstanding Article V, Division K, architectural and site plan review by the Director of Community Development shall be required for all residential projects with four or less dwelling units, except that the Director or applicant may request architectural review by the Planning Commis- sion if special circumstances exist or upon applicant's appeal of the Director's decision. 2. Architectural and site plan review by the Planning Commission shall be required for all non-residential projects and residential projects with five or more dwelling units. 3. After architectural and site plan review approval, the identical plan may be approved by the Director of Community Development for additional lots, provided the plan is not repeated more than three times within a distance of 1000 feet on the same side of a street, or twelve times within the City boundary. A plan will be considered identical if the Director of Community Development determines that the floor plan and front elevations are substantially the same. The plan may be extended beyond this limit by the Planning Commission. SECTION 3. Subsection b of Section 8 of Division A of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning access and circulation hereby is amended to read as follows: b. Access and circulation Sufficient aisle space for turning and maneuvering vehicles shall be provided. Each required parking space shall have unobstructed access from an aisle or alley without moving another vehicle. All parking spaces for non-residential uses and multifamily residential developments with five or more units shall have provisions for forward travel to and from parking facilities when access is directly onto a dedicated street. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 5. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on February 4 , 1987 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Murphy, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None Absent: None e i4L AYOR ATTEST / •CI Y ERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APP ' •� D ' S TOL • •NTENT: c� CITY TORNEY C''I Y MA AGER f !i .,' -, .I.. 7 ThAT THE FDR ! , rw''''''►,rr E�'0 SIC NO .�6_ __ 1:::'.:3 DULY PL iEP Ev: I C:i,' CILU {? L R4 ii r 19b' , Ai:i' ;; „; . ... I,OST C IN PT LEAS {HE TPREE PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFitU FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. ' / /ii _ CITY LERK 0008i'4