HomeMy WebLinkAboutord 163 ORDINANCE NO. 163 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADDING CHAPTER 5.01 TO THE CATHE- DRAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO LREQUIRING ALL BUSINESSES IN THE CITY TO BE LICENSED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A new chapter, to be numbered 5.01 hereby is added to the Cathedral City Municipal Code, to read as follows: Chapter 5.01 BUSINESS LICENSING FOR REGULATION Sections: 5.01.010 All businesses to be licensed. 5.01.020 Revocation of licenses. 5.01.010 All businesses to be licensed. It shall be unlawful for any person to commence, conduct or carry on any business or business activity without having applied for and been granted a license therefor by the city manager. Licenses shall be issued in all cases where the city manager finds that the proposed business or activity will apparently be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, local, state or federal, that all state and federal licensing requirements apparently have been or will be complied with, and that the proposed business or the location or locations for the business or activity will not be detrimental to the public convenience and welfare and will be in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the city's general plan, and all other officially adopted policies and regulations of the city. Each license application, before it shall be accepted, shall be accompanied by an application processing fee in such amount as shall have been established by resolution of the city council. Before any such license application may be denied, the applicant shall be entitled to a hearing conducted under the rules of due process, by the city manager or by a hearing officer appointed by the city manager at his discretion. 5.01.020 Revocation of licenses. The city manager shall have the power to revoke any license issued pursuant to Section 5.01.010, after a hearing conducted by the city manager or by a hearing officer appointed by the city manager at his discretion, with due notice and in accordance with the legal principles of due process, and as a result of which hearing the city manager finds and determines that factual grounds exist, irrespective of when the same first arose, which would justify denial of a license in the first instance, under the criteria prescribed in Section 5.01.010. rte,,0 b 3 - 1 - SECTION 2. All businesses which, as of the effective date of this ordinance, are duly and regularly licensed pursuant to Chapter 3.28 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code pertaining to business licensing for tax purposes, shall be deemed automatically to be licensed pursuant to Section 5.01.010 above. [ SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on January 7 , 1987 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Murphy, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None Absent: None , jar AYOR ATTEST /y /dam ' . 0 'Y LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: A• • . a VED/4 TO C' TENT: CITY TORNEY " Y MANAGER I HER-3Y ERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. - WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COI. C.1._ OF CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORN?, IFA i I;',E 1/NG THEREOF HELD ON THE '74-h DAY C�- _ war 1987, AND THAT T &VIE Vi AS r _ ' PUBLIC PLACES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE & D CITY COUNCIL. CITY CLERK C E.08 - 2 -