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Ord 158
AMENDBD_RESC I LADED✓ B .DATE y-(o`W ORDINANCE NO. 158 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 151 AND ADOPTING A REVISED SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE NO. SP 10-013 (AMENDED) FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY 30TH AVENUE, AVENIDA LA PAZ, PELADORA ROAD AND LANDAU BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, a prior Specific Plan (SP 10-013) was adopted by City Council pursuant Ordinance No. 151, dated August 20, 1986; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that an amended specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter, for that certain area and blocks of land in the City of Cathedral City bounded by 30th Avenue, Avenida La Paz, Peladora Road and Landau Boulevard; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the State of California, this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal, with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report recommending approval to this City Council, regarding the proposed adoption of the said amended specific plan of land use and that said plan is consistent with the City's adopted General Plan, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 151 is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the amended Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 3. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended), Exhibit A, dated October 8, 1986 attached hereto, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown on the Specific Plan project area maps, Exhibits A, B and C, dated 7/16/86, and generally encompassing the area bounded by 30th Avenue on the south, Avenida La Paz on the east, Peladora Road on the north, and Landau Boulevard on the west; and said real property shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Specific Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 4. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended), dated October 8, 1986, shall be as prescribed in the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided. The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended) in combination with those "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R2 regulations, 0008j5 but shall supersede the same to the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion. SECTION 5. Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended) shall be deemed to supersede and repeal Specific Plan No. 10-013 which was adopted by Ordinance No. 151. SECTION 6. The Official Zoning Map of the City, Division B of Article II of Ordinance No 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation R2-SB and showing in lieu thereof a letter S within a circle, with regard to the real property encompassed by Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended) and comprising the area bounded by 30th Avenue, Avenida La Paz, Peladora Road and Landau Boulevard. SECTION 7. Pursuant to Section 1.c.(2) of Division B of Article V of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause Specific Plan No. 10-013 (Amended) together with a certified copy of this ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, and said Specific Plan No. 10-013 (A) shall not become effective until thirty (30) days after the date of adoption of this Ordinance or until the date of recordation, whichever is later. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 8. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on November 19 , 1986 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Murphy, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None Absent: None YOR ATTEST AO- C. CLER APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPOVED AS TO CONTENT: -J1 7j:, CITY ORNEY -C MANAGER 060853 SPECIFIC PLAN 10-013 (AMENDED) EXHIBIT A October 8, 1986 11, SECTION 1 . Principles and Policies : The purpose of this Specific Plan is to ensure that future development in this area occurs in a manner which is compatible with the surrounding residential community , and with the capacity of the circulation system as defined in the City ' s Circulation component . The following general policies , as implemented in this plan , shall guide development in this approximately 37 acre , 116 parcel Specific Plan area : a . The types of uses shall be consistent with the diverse character of the community of Cathedral City . b . Each new development shall be regulated , as set forth in the Specific Plan and other applicable ordinances . c . The aesthetic qualities of development shall be enhanced and the adverse environmental effects of development shall be minimized . SECTION 2. The area encompassed by this Specific Plan is depicted in attached maps labeled Exhibits A, B and C , dated July 16, 1986 . SECTION 3. CONDITIONS Miscellaneous 1 . That any proposed development in this Specific Plan area shall be subject to architectural and site plan review pursuant to the zoning regulations current at time of development . Alley 2. Prior to issuance of building permits on any property , the property owner shall , in addition to any other public 1: needs , dedicate 10 feet of width along the entire length of the rear yard property line for alley purposes . 3. Prior to issuance of building permits on any property , the property owner shall construct a 1/2 alley along the entire rear property line . The alley shall be paved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer , contain sewer lines and underground utilities . In lieu thereof , a cash bond may be placed to guarantee such construction at a later date . The property owner shall also execute a waiver of protest to form an assessment district for the alley , sewer and utility undergrounding construction . - 1 - 000857 4. That NO parking shall be allowed in the alley at any time and signs shall be posted . 5 . That when temporary curb cuts and driveways are constructed pending completion of the alley , bonds shall be required to ensure that such curb cuts will be replaced with curbs and t D3. sidewalks and that the driveway will be removed and replaced with landscaping upon completion of the alley . Streets and Sidewalks 6 . That concrete sidewalk 5 ' wide shall be installed along the property frontage , to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . 7. Access to Landau Boulevard will be permitted only where the applicant is unable to obtain proper access to other streets . Landscaping 8. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner of any existing or proposed development to maintain all landscape features located on private property , including , but not limited to , plant material , signs , walkways , benches , fountains , etc . , in accordance with the following criteria : a . All fabricated features shall be maintained in a condition as near as possible to the original state when installed , both in structural integrity and cosmetic appearance ; b. All vegetation shall be maintained (watered , fertilized , trimmed , etc . ) c . That the majority of the front yard and street side yards shall be turf . Fencing 9 . That all front yard and street side yard fencing shall either be decorative masonry or stuccoed to match proposed architectural features of the project . 1: Garages 10. Garages can be constructed within 5 feet of the future alley right-of-way , provided not more than two such garages of one vehicle space each shall be permitted within 30 feet of another such garage . All other garages that enter directly from the alley must be set back 20 feet from the alley right-of-way . 11 . That all garages shall have automatic garage door openers . - 2 - v � Lighting 12. Off-street parking areas shall be lighted with lights having an illumination of not less than 2 . 0-foot candles averaged over the parking area . 13. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of the Specific Plan 10-013 (Amended ) dated October 8 , 1986 shall be as prescribed in the R2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided . "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R2 regulations . 1: 0& 982 - 3 - c a\ - I \ ...... [1230J [1 [ NORTH ?-1.--PEL -- + —RP. 7% . 4 ( -- OA 25 4% 58 2G '� s 7 REQUIRED 20' Z7 4= sG PUBLIC ALLEY =% ` ¢ Z$ 01 SS F- —43E1-4A H'STA RP. IZ9 11 54 1 t 30 WWI k W 3/ 5i . Ik RESTRICTED o 32. %%CP Q • ACCESS TO o0 33 1t So LANDAU! i 1.- sa�rE`'"'" Rd. BOULEVARD — ... s'i h Q 35' i 18 49 0 .4t i `I 36 i 47 Q 37 '1 46 38 ;' 43' , 39 1 14 1- ,HothvOc c7'. I • 4o : 13 1 © k 1 f61/ a 87s- I. i NOTE: lots that are circled denote current applications that are under study by the City or have been issued permits. ....47...% . SPEC/FIC PLAN SP /0-0/3 • Scale: r,,,,,,w ; Cathedral City Amendment N 1'1 36.625 Peru Rood EXHIBIT A Date: 1//6//986 • rJ Cathedral City, Ca. 92234 r ••r�'r a� 324-8386 DEPT of Cot (UNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. Dwg.Nod 0,3 NORTH r TACHEVAH — + —ROAD k 87/ ; 872 y , i}.2a 870 • 873 ICZNI 874 REQUIRED SO' 868 \j 875 PUBLIC ALLEY ¢ 867 411 876 1- —ALVA C86E. 877 sP 865% 878 W 864 879 RESTRICTED • 863 ,4 880 ACCESS TO 1l 8 LANDAU ¢ ,•• 1— —M4WNA BOULEVARD---101 86/ 1 882 ?) 860 t 883 O vt - 85.9884 858 41 885 ( 7 ,; 886 856 'i 887 �' –CONCEPC/ON 855 %4 888 854 RI 889 890 a 852 .CO t . /ft b- ' TORTUGAT 4- —ROAD- / [fd 401 • *NO'T'E: LOTS WITH CIRCLED NUMBERS INDICATE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. :'4 �n7. SPECFIC PLAN SP-/D-O/3 Scale N Cathedral City AMENDMENT �0 "�!�� EXHIBIT B Dote • 68623 Peru Road 7�/6/!986 Cathedral City, Co. 92234 i % • ' " 1,9 324-8388 DEPT of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Std. Dwq.No20f3 • 0008/il. i P \ 4+ 852 J 89/ `' lz J 32 �� , E i y-- TORTU6A —c--� -4- -ROAD NORTH - "' Ws' 3 I 4% 4O :' 3 2 ilj 39 a 111 3 A 38 REQUIRED 20' 4 %� 37 PUBLIC ALLEY 5 i; 36 HERMOS CLO 6 11 35 7 I_ . II N 8 %1 33 k RESTRICTED m it i 9 32 Z ACCESS TO ; /0 1 3/ s LANDAU 1 J / / �' 30 , F R/SUE/YO BOULEVARD -o�'- /2 1 j 29 0 1 Q /3 i, 28 14 /4 II 27 /5 04 26 /6 1 25 I- DURANGO /7 ; 24 & 9 /8 111 23 k' 0 /9 '; 22 a • .. �' 20 1 2/ is` 3° iss-e i es..._ e, _ '— 30 J/►— AVENUE _r-- ���� SPEC/F/C PLAN SP—/O—O/3 / 2OO ��: C111, •;; cage •� a • Cathedral City AMENDMENT MII S 6ee25 Perez Rood EXHIBIT C Date • 7/16//986 +J • Cathedral City, Co. 92234 i r :,. "' ' ; 324-e3$$ DEPT. of COMMUNITY I DEVE OP Std. Dwy.No.3,j3 `mot O&0812 Ir0 I , MAXINE E. CLEM, City Clerk of the City of Cathedral City , hereby certify that the foregoing is a full , true and correct copy of Ordinance No 158 adopted by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City , at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of November , 1986 , and that the same was posted within 15 days of the above date in at least the three public places specified for such postings by the said City Clerk. A K71;9- Max gril/e City Clerk 1: 060863