HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 156 ORDINANCE NO. 156 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN OF LAND USE NO. SP 10-015 FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY 30TH AVENUE, LANDAU BOULEVARD, MC CALLUM WAY AND WHITEWATER CHANNEL. WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a specific plan of land use be adopted as referred to hereinafter, for that certain area and blocks of land in the City of Cathedral City bounded by 30th Avenue on the north, Whitewater Channel on the west, McCallum Way on the south and Landau Boulevard on the east; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requirements of the Planning and Zoning Law of the State of California, this City Council and the Planning Commission have each held at least one public hearing on said proposal, with notices thereof having been given in compliance with the applicable provisions of said Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made its report to this City Council, regarding the proposed adoption of the said specific plan of land use and that said plan is consistent with the City's adopted General Plan; NOW THEREFORE, The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the Specific Plan encompassed in this ordinance is not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 2. The Specific Plan on file with the City Clerk entitled Specific Plan No. 10-015 titled Exhibit A, dated October 1, 1986, attached hereto, including final approved conditions and exhibits hereby is adopted as the Specific Plan of Land Use for the real property shown attached herein on the Specific Plan Project Area Map, Exhibit B, and generally encompassing the area bounded by 30th Avenue on the north, Whitewater Channel on the west, McCallum Way on the south, and Landau Boulevard on the east; and said real property shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Specific Plan unless the Specific Plan is repealed or amended by the City Council of Cathedral City. SECTION 3. Allowable uses and other land use regulations within the area of Specific Plan No 10-015 dated September 4, 1986 shall be as prescribed in the R1-7.2 zoning district except as otherwise herein provided. The regulations encompassed by Specific Plan No 10-015 in combination with those "General Provisions" regulations contained in Division B of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance shall supplement the said R1-7.2 regulations, but shall supersede the same to the extent of any inconsistency between the two sets of regulations and to the extent that both such sets cannot be applied in compatible fashion. SECTION 4. The Official Zoning Map of the City, Division B of Article II of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, hereby is amended by modifying the zoning designation R1-7.2(S) and showing in lieu thereof a letter S within a circle, with regard to the real property encompassed by Specific Plan No. 000839 10-015 and comprising the area bounded by 30th Avenue, Landau Boulevard, McCallum Way and the Whitewater Channel. SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 1.c.(2) of Division B of Article V of Ordinance No. 80, the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause Specific Plan No. 10-015 together with a certified copy of this ordinance to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, and said Specific Plan No 10-015 shall not become effective until thirty (30) days after the date of adoption of this Ordinance or until the date of recordation, whichever is later. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on October 15 , 1986 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Murphy, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None Absent: None yd so 1 MAYOR ATTEST 40/ /A//« / ll I 'Y ' LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APP ' : D AS TO CONTENT: CIT TTORNEY • MANAGER HEREBY CEPTIFY THAT T THE FOP"^"Irs ^"*"- - - NO. -11- WAS DULY ADOPT 0`C r- O!+i �'I' Ct'iIrIL R:4L CITY r'.oRNIA '�1 Y 8atIAVC-2.4 #[.L�rI�rlil �� '�tr r �.'ALI r� T ERE HELD ON THE !�� �G �. t/ D IN AT LEAS PUBLIC PLACES SFLCII1ED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY ,i;' ;,-t j. CITY COUNCIL. AI/ CITY CLERK 000&4 0 Specific Plan 10-015 Exhibit A Date 10/1 /86 y SECTION I - INTRODUCTION A. Project Location and Description Specific plan 10-015 is located generally south of future 30th Avenue , north of future McCallum Way , east of the Whitewater Channel , and west of Landau Boulevard . The study area includes approximately 80 acres which was mostly subdivided in the early 1960 's into 65 foot by 620 foot single family lots further shown on Exhibit B, dated 9/5/86 attached hereto. The intention was to provide an access to each lot through a private local street but in the future a grid system of streets would be forthcoming as development occurred . In summary , it was assumed that each lot would be resubdivided at a later date into 4 standard single family lots . This proposed Specific Plan would establish developmental standards and guidelines to facilitate the redivision of land in an orderly manner with phasing occurring to assure a proper level of public facilities , traffic circulation and access . It has been found that this project will not have an adverse impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration was adopted . B. Authority and Scope The California Government Code authorizes cities to adopt specific plans by resolution as policy or by ordinance as regulation. Hearings are required by both the Planning Commission and City Council after which the Specific Plan must be adopted by the Council to be in effect . Projects found consistent with the Specific Plan will be deemed consistent with the General Plan. C . Purpose The general capacity of the zoning ordinance to regulate 1: development problems and assure a proper level of public services and traffic circulation and access is limited . Therefore , it is the purpose of this plan to help alleviate some these problems. Among the more pertinent of these purposes is to tie in a development design which will foster growth but yet provide needed infrastructure and proper traffic circulation access for this plan and future subdivisions. SECTION II . DEVELOPMENT PLAN a0 )84 1 - 1 - This specific plan is located in an area where special design considerations need to be considered . In order to implement those standards , certain goals need to be devised . The goal of this specific plan is to supplement the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance and to: 1[ 1 . To create a neighborhood predominantly consisting of single family residential development , compatible in density with the existing R1-7 .2 base zone. 2. To assure provision of the necessary public facilities and services for residential uses , through the incentives of merging old subdivision lots which would otherwise be difficult to redevelop/resubdivide through traditional parcel map procedures . Improvements can more equitably assure formation of assessment districts , maintenance districts and development agreements within the study area. 3 . To allow phased development to occur provided the commensurate on and off-site improvements can be provided for all development within that phase , including to points of access into the phase of development in question from Landau Boulevard . 4 . To ensure a design and development concept that compliments the goals of the nearby specific plans along Landau ( i . e. Desert Princess Specific Plan , Specific Plan 10-013 between Tachevah Drive and 30th Avenue) . Such common elements may include streetscape treatment , common walls , access control , architectural themes , etc . 5 . Creation of cul-de-sacs and non-grid streets is further encouraged . SECTION III. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The purpose of this section is to specify regulations governing the use of land within the Specific Plan area . Development within the area shall comply with these regulations . Any provisions not contained herein shall be in accordance with the adopted Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance. A. General Provisions I: 1 . That any proposed development in this specific plan area shall be subject to following articles as well as the Official Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of development , including the standards of the base zone in effect for the site. 2. All requirements of this Specific Plan shall be met at time of building permits or land divisions . 069842 - 2 - B. Landscaping 1 . It shall be the responsibility of the property owner or association or assessment district of any existing or proposed development to maintain all landscaping features located on private or public property including but not limited to , plant material , signs , walkways , benches , 4. etc . , in accordance with the following criteria: 2 . All fabricated features shall be maintained in a condition as near as possible to the original state when installed , both in structural integrity and cosmetic appearance; 3 . All vegetation shall be maintained (watered , fertilized , trimmed , etc . ) 4 . That the majority of the front yard and street side yards shall be landscaped in an integrated manner with other parcels (existing and planned) . Furthermore , the street tree program shall be established for the entire area by the City prior to the development of the first parcel . 5 . That the landscape setback from Landau Boulevard on any development phase shall be a minimum 25 average feet from curb face in order to create an attractive streetscape. C . Screening/Decorative Walls/Front Yard Treatment That all side and rear yards that face 30th Avenue, Landau Boulevard , Vega Road , and McCallum Way shall either provide decorative masonry or stuccoed walls in an attractive manner subject to approval by the Department of Community Development. D . Lighting All street lighting shall be approved by Department of Community Development . E . Lot Mergers Where feasible, the existing lots to be merged . F . Aboveground Utilities The Southern California Edison Company , General Telephone Co. , CATV and all other overhead service lines along or through the site shall be installed underground. The undergrounding installation shall be completed or cash may be paid to the City in lieu thereof to secure the cost of undergrounding those aboveground utilities on the periphery of the subject property as identified above. G . Water/Sewer 06 )843 - 3 - 1 . All developments shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems as specified by the City Engineer . 2 . The area shall be annexed to Improvement Districts Nos. 53 and 80 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitary services . H . Cul-de-sac Lots That the "curb to curb" public cul-de-sac bulb should have a 38 foot radius (minimum) I . Drainage 1 . That a hydrology study shall be prepared for each phase of development as part of an application request as needed by the City Engineer . 2. All drainage shall be underground or closed wherever possible , to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . 3 . The Whitewater River Stormwater Channel shall be contained on the adjacent right-of-way with a concrete slope protection. All development within the Specific Plan shall be responsible for its pro-rata share of this improvement. 4 . Suitable facilities to prohibit access to the channel from the subject site shall be included in development adjacent to the right-of-way. J . Streets/Circulation In general , it is the intention of this plan to assure that each lot developed is generally served by two points of access from the city ' s present arterial system - preferably from Landau Boulevard , whether through fully improved public or private street systems . The exception to this goal is that lots within cul-de-sacs would tie into a larger circulation network meeting the multi-access goal . 1 . Public streets serving 12 single family lots or less may be reduced to 50-foot right-of-way . 2. That the proposed backbone street system ( i . e. , 30th Avenue McCallum Way , Vega Road , Landau Boulevard and other north/south streets as noted on Exhibit C , dated 9/4/86 attached hereto) shall be dedicated or "offered" for dedication and improved to City Standards in a manner deemed appropriate during land division or building permit request or when a new development abuts a particular street . 3 . That a future public street be provided along the eastern side of APN 677-410-002 on the Valley Land Co. property. 069844 - 4 - This will provide a connection between future extended 30th Avenue and future extended Vega Road . 4 . Future developments shall contribute funds for the installation of a future traffic signal at 30th Avenue and Landau Boulevard . 5 . The development concept plan , Exhibit D dated 9/4/86 attached hereto , shows a possible method of allowing infill subdivisions or resubdivisions pertaining to street patterns and configurations . However , this plan is intended to allow for alternative infill street patterns in the event that parcels are assembled into larger projects , or development occurs within existing lot lines . Cul-de-sac streets may exceed the length requirement of the subdivision regulations at the discretion of the City Engineer . 6 . No direct individual lot access shall be taken from Landau Boulevard . 7 . Temporary driveway easements may be permitted to allow the development of a lot fronting a planned street that is not yet completed . K . Reimbursement of Off-Site Improvements 1 . The City of Cathedral City and any future developer in the Specific Plan phased area shall as necessary enter into a contractual agreement prior to the recordation of any final map for the proportionate reimbursement of costs incurred by the developer for off-site improvements that are conditioned per each development request. Said agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and the City Engineer . 2. The City of Cathedral City shall pursue the adoption of one or more procedures , including but not limited to assessment districts , areas of benefit and contractual agreements to provide for the proportionate reimbursement to any developer for off-site improvements within the Specific Plan Phased areas . Phased areas are shown on Exhibit C dated 9/4/86 attached hereto. VI . SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION The implementation portion of the Specific Plan shall follow the provisions of Article V , General Provisions , of the Official zoning Ordinance of Cathedral City , as well as the city ' s subdivision and ordinance (or other applicable City Ordinances) . Attachments: Exhibit B, Vicinity Map dated 9/5/86 Exhibit C , Phasing Map dated 9/4/86 Exhibit D , Typical Street System dated 9/4/86 060845 - 5 - t' +4IS A-C (1/1‘41IV l• N —:nip _ 1 1 * .3•-v an Ti yd J r Qf 7t - • � y 1 \\ TAT ■ .•"` 4 a _ _ A�J -:SMOG- ;',9 gctT7 _L3•0— \�Faun or® ?V. ir � U 1, ifE $ t I_ t•A GRA y' I i _ I L 41 IF A f , , ;? ` —JJ I e e . - , J 30th. AVE.r. - - . • • • • 4-11_\711- . '• f- • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • ••• •.*.°• • • • • • • • - •r1 =is GIRL Boundary :':':':'•'•'•' =At i — \•' crAa . . . . - ai • ._. 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