HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 144 ORDINANCE NO. 144 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHE- DRAL CITY AMENDING THE ZONING OR- DINANCE REGARDING SIGNS, AND THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ENCROACH- MENTS, BY MODIFYING REGULATIONS CONCERNING SUBDIVISION SIGNS, SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to state and local environmental guidelines, it has been determined that the regulations encompassed in this ordinance are not considered to have a significant impact and therefore a negative declaration is approved. SECTION 2. Subsection b of Section 1 of Division C of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions in connection with sign regulations hereby is amended by the addition of the following subparagraph (33a): (33a) "Subdivision Sign" means a sign specifically constructed for the temporary on- or off-site advertising of the sale of subdivided lots or condominiums. For the purpose of this definition, a subdivision is any legal subdivision of land with 5 or more lots, or condominium units, or active construction permits for 5 or more dwellings within a 1000 foot radius on previously subdivided properties. SECTION 3. Subsection e of Section 4 of Division C of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning permissible signs hereby is amended to read as follows: e. Signs in public rights-of-way Signs in public rights-of-way are regulated per Section 14.16.415 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. SECTION 4. Section 4 of Division C of Article V of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning permissible signs hereby is amended by adding a new subsection j, reading as follows: j. Subdivision Signs (Temporary) Subdivision signs may be approved by the Director of Community Development subject to the following provisions: (1) Submittal of a map showing the location and size of such signs. Such signs may be on or off-site. 000791 (2) The permissible number of such signs shall be based on the following: No. of units within project No. of signs _= 5 - 50 2 z A 50 plus 3 (3) Such signs shall contain wording limited to the name of the subdivision, its location, financial considerations, real estate description, and brief directional instruction. (4) The signs shall be limited to two earthtone colors, con- trasting only in shades. (5) Application for off-site signs shall be accompanied by written permission from the property owner. (6) Any sign permitted shall be no larger than 32 square feet. (7) The Director of Community Development may approve the signs for up to one year. (8) If a period greater than one year is requested, it may be approved as an extension by the Director of Community Development upon showing just cause, but in no case shall any subdivision sign be maintained beyond the sale of the last dwelling unit in the subdivision. (9) The applicant shall provide a bond for removal. The value of the bond shall be based on cost of erecting the sign plus 10%. Signs are to be removed within 10 days after expiration of the sign permit, or 10 days after the sale or occupancy of the last unit within the subdivision, whichever occurs first. (10) Signs shall be kept at all times in a well-maintained manner. SECTION 5. Chapter 14.16, Encroachments, of the Cathedral City Municipal Code hereby is amended by the addition of a new section, to be numbered 14.16.415, to read as follows: 14.16.415 Signs within rights-of-way. A. Official signs of any public or governmental agency, such as traffic regulating signs, trespassing signs, signs indicating danger, equestrian trail designation signs, signs providing directions to public services or facilities, signs providing direction to hospitals or emergency health clinics, or signs used as aids to service or safety are permitted and are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided their location is at all times approved by the City Engineer. 000798. B. Privately financed signs that provide overall community service such as city entrance signs and crime prevention watch groups may be permitted upon approval of the city council provided the signs will not cause safety problems or conflict with on-site signs or nearby uses. C. Off-site directional signs consisting of panels listing the names of residential tracts or developments where the original sale of new homes is 4 being conducted and major commercial projects, i.e., hotels with 50 or more rooms, restaurants with seating for 200 persons or more, convention centers, auto malls with 3 or more individual dealers and shopping centers covering 20 acres or more, shall be permitted within public rights-of-way, provided they conform with design criteria promulgated by the Planning Commission and on file with the Department of Community Development and subject to the following standards, limitations and restrictions: 1. An encroachment permit shall be obtained. 2. There shall be only one such sign per quadrant of a street intersection. 3. A sign at the intersection of two major throughfares shall not exceed 42 square feet in area or 7 feet in height. A sign at any other location shall not exceed 16 square feet in area or 4 feet in height. 4. A sign shall not be allowed in any location which causes or tends to cause any conflict with the safety of vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic. 5. No sign shall be permitted beyond 2 miles of the project it advertises. 6. The sign message shall advertise the project only, together with a directional arrow. 7. A sign may advertise a project outside the City only if such project immediately abuts the City; and such sign shall be allowed for a maximum period of one year (subject to discretionary reneweal or extension by the processing of a new permit). D. Strictly prohibited, except as provided above, are signs sponsored by private individuals or organizations that provide directions to specific privately-owned and operated commercial, industrial enterprises and facilities such as clubs, service organization meeting halls, churches, or other religious organizations. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on August 6 , 1986 by the following vote: 000799 Ayes: Councilmembers Di Grandi, Krings, Murphy, Paquette and Mayor Hillery Noes: None ,!, Absent: None /I AT47.111 ._ 6_, . -...-.41 A OR ATTEST /1/ / 0 . .,.% I Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 9 /? _ _ . ' Ir.---)e.1 sr--.-- . CITY ORNEY C C ANAGER C 000800 I , MAXINE CLEM, City Clerk of the City of Cathedral City , hereby certify that the foregoing is a full , true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 144 adopted by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City , at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of August , 1986 , and that the same was posted within 15 days of the above date in at least the three public places specified for such postings by the said City Clerk. C 2 / oce Maxin- E . Clem City Clerk 000801