HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 130 ORDINANCE NO. 13 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AS AN URGENCY MEASURE, CERTAIN REGULATIONS PROHIBITING SUBDIVISION DEVELOPER SIGNS WHICH MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH A CONTEMPLATED ZONING PROPOSAL, SAID REGULATIONS TO BE IN EFFECT ON AN INTERIM STUDY BASIS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, and for the period during which this Ordinance remains in effect, and notwithstanding any other ordinance, resolution or regulation of the City to the contrary, no officer, employee or department administering City business shall issue or approve any sign permit for an off-site subdivision sign or for on-site flags or corner identification signs unless the same comply with the following regulations: A. These regulations relate to, and shall allow issuance of sign permits only to developers who are building and in the process of marketing twenty five (25) or more units in one location. B. Off-site directional signs. For purposes hereof, a directional sign is one displaying no more than the name of the development or developer (and logo if desired) and an arrow or other method of directing persons to the location of the development. During the period of original sale of units or lots in the development, the developer may be allowed to establish and maintain one or more directional signs with dimensions not more than four feet by eight feet (4' x 8') on any one or more of the following four major thoroughfares at a point thereon not more than one mile from any portion of the development, and not more than one such directional sign per development shall be allowed on any one such thoroughfare: Cathedral Canyon Drive, East Palm Canyon Drive (Highway 111), Date Palm Drive, and Ramon Road. Such directional signs may be located only upon private property and with consent of the property owner. No such directional sign shall be allowed upon any thoroughfare which abuts the development and upon which the developer is displaying an on-site tract sign as otherwise allowed by the City's sign regulations. C. Flags. A developer may be allowed to display on-site at the development (during the period of original sales) not more than twelve (12) flags, each of which shall not exceed the dimensions of three feet by six feet (3' x 6') and which may have imprinted thereon no more than the name of the development or developer and/or a logo. 000757 D. Corner Identification Signs. For any development in an R zone having frontage along a thoroughfare of one-half mile or more there may be allowed on that frontage two additional signs for identification purposes at the extreme corners of the development. The dimensions of any such sign shall not exceed twenty four (24) square feet in area E. Architectural and Site Plan Approval Required. The location, placement, method of display, height, copy, time to be allowed, whether illumination will be allowed, and other characteristics of any such sign or flag above permitted shall be subject to architectural and site plan approval by the staff of the Department of Community Development. SECTION 2. URGENCY. This Ordinance is adopted as an urgency measure pursuant to the authority of Section 65858 of the Government Code of the State of California, for the immediate preservation and protection of the public welfare, and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and passage by at least a four-fifths vote of the City Council. The declaration of the facts constituting the urgency is as follows: Because of current marketing conditions experienced by large-scale residential developers, and the threat of economic detriment to this important segment of the City's economy with attendant blighting influences, there is a current and immediate threat to the public welfare, and the public interest now requires a systematic review and comprehensive analysis of the zoning ordinance regulations relating to real estate and tract developers and particularly their needs and necessities regarding identifying and locating their developments in the minds of the public and leading prospective buyers and customers and clients to the sales sites. It is contemplated that from such studies, which are soon to be conducted by the City Council and the Community Development Department, there will emerge a new zoning proposal relating to the best handling of the problem for the City, and during the interim period while this can be accomplished, it is essential that the controls imposed by this Ordinance be maintained, so that uses which would otherwise be established and developed during the interim period will not thereafter be in conflict with the contemplated zoning proposal as aforesaid. It is hereby found that the issuance of additional sign permits for such uses would result in a threat to the public welfare unless such permits are in compliance with the regulations set forth hereinabove. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall remain in effect for a 45 day period pursuant to Section 65858 of the Government Code of the State of California, unless sooner repealed or otherwise modified, and subject to any extension of the effective period duly enacted pursuant to and in accordance with said Section 65858. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. 00075.8 - 2 - The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on December 18th , 1985 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Krings, Paquette, Smith and Mayor Martin Noes: Councilmember Murphy Absent: None MAYOR ATTEST / / / gZo/ CI Y CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY TORNEY / ' Y MANAGER I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. /30 , WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Th'E CITY CAF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFO IA, IN A MEETI 0 THEREOF HELD ON THE Jf DAY OF :+_ --.:ems.,- , 198`T, AND THAI. SAM WAS POSTED IN AT LEAST THE THREE PUBLIC FUCES SPECIFIED FOR SUCH POSTINGS, BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL. If), CITY CLERK 000759 - 3 -