HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-02-23 Cathedral it CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2000 This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was called to order by Mayor /Chairman Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on February 23, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll CaII of all members present. The regular evening meeting was opened by Mayor /Chairman Gary L. Amy at 7:30 p.m., with invocation by Councilmember /RDA Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers /RDA Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem /RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor /Chairman Gary L. Amy Absent: None AGENDA FINALIZATION: Two Closed Session Urgency items were announced as Item Nos. 4 and 5. These two items were added at the meeting and therefore required a two - thirds vote of Council to be heard. Councilmember /RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor /Chairman Amy, carried by a 5 -0 vote to add Item Nos. 4 and 5 as follows: 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property: Location: 270 Acres North and South of Varner Road, West of the Intersection with Date Palm Drive with the following APN Nos.: 659 - 220 -001, -002, -003, -005 and 660 - 260 -009, and 660- 380 -008, -011 thru -015, -018, -022, -030, -032, and 660 - 390 -008, 014. Negotiating Parties: City: Paul Shillcock Owner: Riverside County Tax Assessor Under Negotiation: Acquisition Terms CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 2 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b). Number of Cases: 1 CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS: 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (Mike Owens) Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association (CCFFA); and, 3) Police Officers Association (POA) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). (Steve ouintanilla) Names of Parties: George F. Truppelli v. City of Cathedral City; Gary L. Amy, Gregory S. Pettis, Robert Gomer and Sarah Di Grandi, Personally and in their Official Capacities as Members of the Governing Bodies of the City of Cathedral City and its Agencies; Does 1 -10 Case No.,: EDCV -99 -238 RT (VAPx) 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). Names of Parties: Edna Talley v. City of Cathedral City; George Truppelli, Ron Garcia, S.S. & M. and Does 1 -50, inclusive. Case No.: INC 014413 (Councilmembers Pettis and De Rosa abstained from this discussion due to a conflict.) CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: Lynn Kniefel, Executive Director of Senior Center, Cathedral City - presented City Council with report on ethnic breakdown of Senior Center employees. Keith Davis, Cathedral City - complimented the City Council for the good job he felt they are doing; felt that the City has several commissions that do not really have a "say" and requested Council to change that; stated he likes the City's stand on Proposition 22 and advised everyone to vote no. Vr Ron Shonk, Cathedral City - noticed that a large number of cars are being stopped and ticketed within Cathedral City, in traffic flowing west, by the Sheriff's Department covering the Rancho CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 3 Mirage area. He wondered why that was and if we could recoup monies from those tickets to City coffers. Police Chief Stan Henry advised that the Sheriff vehicles start their stalk within Rancho Mirage City limits, but by the time the violator stops, he would be within Cathedral City's jurisdiction. Mr. Shonk was also informed that there is no way we can collect on those sort of violations. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Gomer informed everyone of the upcoming meeting being held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 27 2000 at the Cathedral City Library to discuss formation of a Historical Society for Cathedral City inviting all who are interested to attend. • Councilmember De Rosa reminded everyone of the Chamber Mixer on Thursday, February 24 at the Senior Center. She also introduced David Stiff, a student who has been taping the Council Meetings these past several months, and who has been accepted at Cal Arts College to study live arts. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: • Certificate of Recognition was presented to Christian Colin by Councilmember Robert Gomer due to the good deed performed by Mr. Colin in that he took his own time and tools to clean up the front of the Cathedral City Library. CALL FOR CORRECTIONS /APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of meeting held January 23, 2000, were approved as submitted. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember /RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve Consent Agenda Item Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 5 as submitted. Vote was 4 -1 on Item No. 3 as Councilmember /RDA Board Member De Rosa voted no. 1. Approved 1) award of contract to Sierra Pacific Electrical Contractors in the amount of $35,800 for the replacement of 100 traffic signal loops in various locations of the City; 2) approve a 10% contingency amount, making a total appropriation of $39,380; and, 3) approve a transfer of $50,000 from the Signalization Fund Balance to the Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Modifications CIP Account #322- 8909 -8802 to fund the repairs and other future signal work by Minute Order No. 3105. CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 4 2. Adopted Resolution No. 2000 -14 establishing a 4 -way stop and School Route Crosswalks at the intersection of 35 Avenue and Vaquero Road, and authorization for staff to proceed with the signage and striping installation. It is noted for the record that the 35" Avenue Neighborhood Watch Group submitted a letter to the City in favor of this request. 3. Waived further reading and adopted Ordinance No. 520 to levy special taxes within Community Facilities District No. 2000 -1 (Rio Vista Village). 4. Adopted Resolution of Intention No. 2000 -15 to approve an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and the City Council of the City of Cathedral City for General Unit and Executive, Administrative, Professional, and Confidential employees. 5. Approved acceptance of Sunline Services Groups' offer to provide street sweeping services to the City for a period of 20 months in exchange for the City owned 1997 Tymco Sweeper, and 4 months at $4,000 per month by Minute Order No. 3106. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 6. Proposed Street Name Change 99 -22: A request to change a portion of 30 Avenue between Date Palm and DaVall Drives to Bighorn Way. Report was given by Cynthia Kinser, City Planner. Public Hearing was opened: Keith Davis, Cathedral City - liked the idea of celebrity names within the City. For this particular request, he felt that all of 30 should be changed, not just a portion of it. Public Hearing was closed. Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pettis, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to table this request until such time as staff can present an ordinance to Council, in approximately six months, setting a policy for street name change requests, etc., by Minute Order No. 3107. CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 5 7. Proposed Street Name Change 99 -23: A request to consider a street name . change from Civic Center North to Officer David Vasquez Wa g q Y Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. Public Hearing was opened: war Ron Johnson, Cathedral City- expressed his opinion that this request was acceptable and should be implemented. uw Al Reshaw, Cathedral City - as a Cathedral City police officer and personal friend of Officer David Vasquez before his death, he urged Council to approve this request as it is important to all of the officers who knew and worked with him. • Mike Van Corder, Cathedral City - a police officer for Cathedral City, informed Council he was speaking on behalf of the Police Officers' Association who feel very strongly in favor of this request and urged Council to approve it. IW Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - urged Council to approve this request. Keith Davis, Cathedral City - urged Council to approve this request. Public Hearing was closed: Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Comer to approve Street Name Change No. 99 -23. Councilmember De Rosa made a motion to amend requesting that Street Name Change No. 99 -23 be tabled until such time that staff can bring forward an ordinance covering policy for street name changes, etc. Councilmember Pettis seconded the motion. Mayor Amy called for the vote on the amendment first, which carried by a 3 -2 vote, with Mayor Amy and Councilmember Comer voting no. Councilmember De Rosa's amendment was adopted by Minute Order No. 3108. 8. Proposed Street Name Change 99 -24: A request to consider a street name change from Converse Road to Hillery Trail in recognition of Willard Hillery. Report was given by Cynthia Kinser, City Planner. CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 6 Public Hearing was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to table Street Name Change No. 99 -24 until such time that staff can bring forward an ordinance covering policy for street name changes, etc., in approximately six months, by Minute Order No. 3109. 9. Proposed Resolutions authorizing a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Victor Butte for rehabilitation of affordable housing located at 68847 "C" Street. Report was given by Housing Specialist, Warren Bradshaw. Public Hearing was opened and closed without comment. Mayor Pro Tem /RDA Board Member Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember /RDA Board Member Pettis, carried by a 5 -0 vote to approve this request by Resolution No. 2000 -16 and Resolution No. R -300. 10. Conditional Use Permit Amendment 90 -140: Tract Map Amendment 26099: A request to amend the conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit 91 -140 and Tract Map 26099. Applicant: Cornerstone Developers. Report was given by City Planner, Cynthia Kinser. Public Hearing was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Comer made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 4 -0 vote, with Mayor Amy abstaining due to his residence being located in the area of this project, by Resolution No. 2000 -17. 11. Approval of Tentative Tract 29578: A request for approval of a subdivision of approximately 10 acres into 33 single - family residential parcels located south of Gerald Ford Drive and east of Plumley Road in the R2 -S (Multiple Family Residential with Specific Plan Overlay) Zone. Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 7 Public Hearing was opened: or Mario Gonzales, Cathedral City - as applicant for this project, urged Council's approval. ▪ Jerry Wilder, Cathedral City - lives in Rio Del Sol project next door to this one and had concerns regarding trees blocking his view and oleanders growing rampant on walls. Public Hearing was closed. Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 3 -0 vote, with Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer abstaining due to their residences being in the proximity of this project, by Resolution No. 2000 -18. It should be noted that City Attorney Steve Quintanilla also abstained from hearing this matter due to his residence being located in the area of this project. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: 12. Proposed Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 11.96 "Noise Control" by adding regulations pertaining to construction activities during certain hours and penalty provisions. Report by Steve Quintanilla, City Attorney. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Mayor Amy voting no, to waive further reading and introduce the ordinance. 13. Authorization for staff to contract with Arid Gardens by Navarre to install landscape and irrigation within the Century Park retention basin, using National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) funds, in an amount not to exceed $21,472.00. Report was given by Associate Engineer Jerry Jack. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve this request by Minute Order No. 3110. CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 8 14. Approval of the final map of Tract 29578, accept the street, sidewalk, and landscaping dedications made to the City on the map subject to their improvement, reject the offer of dedication of the public utilities made on the map, and authorize execution of the subdivision agreement. Report was made by Associate Engineer Jerry Jack. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 3 -0 vote, with Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer abstaining due to the fact that their residences are located in the area of this project, by Minute Order No. 3111. It should be noted that City Attorney Steve Quintanilla also abstained from discussing this matter as his residence is also within the vicinity of the project. 15. Proposed Resolution confirming that the City Council would have directed the City Clerk to cause the placement of a measure on the ballot asking the voters whether the City should permit state licensed gaming establishments on non - Indian owned land if there was not a moratorium imposed on such initiatives until after January 1, 2001. Report was given by Economic Development Manager Paul Shillcock. Lee Goodsell, representative for applicant Don Ballard, presented a short oral description of the project to Council. Public Input was opened: aw Keith Davis, Cathedral City - feels excited about the project and urged Councils' approval. m' David Berry, Cathedral City - stated Council is jumping the gun by ruling on this at this time noting that there should be public hearings first. Mr. Berry urged Council to not vote on this matter tonight. Public Input was closed. Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pettis, carried by a 4 -0 vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi abstaining due to the fact that the applicant may be doing business with her place of employment, to approve Resolution No. 2000 -19 with an amendment to Section 2 of the Resolution adding "Donald Ballard doing business as Monte Carlo Resorts ". CC /RDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 2000 PAGE 9 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business for discussion, this meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Donna M. Velotta City Clerk