HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-02-09 Cathedral 1. ity CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was called to order by Mayor /Chairman /President Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on February 9, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. The regular evening meeting at 7:30 p.m. was opened by Mayor /Chairman /President Amy, with invocation by Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers /RDA -CSD Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor /Chairman /President Gary L. Amy Absent: None AGENDA FINALIZATION: One Closed Session Urgency Item was announced as Item No. 5. This item was added at the meeting and therefore required a two - thirds vote of Council to be heard. Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote to add Item No. 5, noted below, to the Closed Session Agenda. 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNCIL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). (1 -Dave Faessel) No. of Cases: One CLOSED SESSION AGENDA: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). (1 -Paul Shillcock) No. of Cases: One CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PAGE 2 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). (Gary Amy) Names of Parties: Perez Images (Steve Wiener) v City of Cathedral City Case No.: United States District Court Case No. 98 -0037 DDP (SHx) 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). Names of Parties: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City v. Black, et al. Case No.: RSC 007824 4. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (City Manager) Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association (CCFFA); and, 3) Police Officers Association (POA) Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to adjourn to the Study Session Conference Room to hear the following Closed Session Agenda items: CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: City Council voted 5 -0 to join the Cities of La Quinta and Indian Wells in an Amicus Brief supporting the cities' position that cities have the authority to require the water district to apply for and obtain encroachment permits before performing any construction and /or excavation activities on a city's public right -of -ways. Mayor Amy further stated that this is an existing law suit and we are just joining it. There will be no expense or other costs to Cathedral City. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Warren Bayless, Cathedral City - Presented a proposal to the Council for a formation of a study committee for the examination of historical artifacts and properties, streets, streams, etc., and that we follow what has been happening at recent events. This historical committee would prepare our citizens to take stock in their future providing a vision for many avenues of expression by being certain we do not eliminate some of the history of Cathedral City. Mr. Bayless announced to the Council that a meeting has been called for interested citizens, past or present, at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PAGE 3 February 27, 2000, in the Community Room of the Cathedral City Library. He noted that they will invite, by mail, some persons who do not live in the area, but have been citizens and residents in the past. All persons are invited and an invitation is being given to the tribal council leaders and members of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians as they were the first residents of our area. Anyone interested can call 328 -4262, Ext. 2, at the Cathedral City Library and ask for Mr. Bayless. Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - invited anyone interested in becoming a volunteer at the Santa Rosa Mountains National Scenic Area Visitor Center to call 862 -9084. Mr. Cohen also read a letter he had written to the Desert Sun regarding a young man who taken it upon himself to clean up around the Cathedral City Library feeling that he should be recognized for his good deed. AGENDA FINALIZATION: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Sarah Di Grandi - Ms. Di Grandi requested that Police Officer Corwin Deveas please approach the podium. She went on to advise everyone that Officer Deveas was honored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Moose Lodge for making a difference in the community and for his outstanding leadership. Officer Deveas responded to this acknowledgment. Robert Gomer - Announced the coming weekend's Desert Aids Walk. He advised that the Desert Aids Project has had a considerable impact and continues to provide services for the entire valley and especially for many citizens right here in Cathedral City. He urged members of the public to be aware and take part in the walk which starts at the Desert Museum in Palm Springs. Registration is at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and the walk starts at noon. Gary Amy - Announced that the 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians were holding a Proposition 1A Rally on February 29 at 5:30 p.m., with a guest speaker at 7:00 p.m. and urged everyone to participate. Advised everyone about Proposition 17 which is a State Constitutional Amendment allowing private, non - profit groups to conduct raffles for charitable purposes, which is currently illegal. He urged everyone to support Proposition 17 as many of our local charities lost many fund - raisers because of this. Mayor Amy then read a letter CC /RDA/CSD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PAGE 4 into the record from Bickler & Associates who expressed the appreciation of their firm and their client for the most helpful assistance and cooperation which was received by them from the City's Planning Department. They specifically praised Associate Planner, Rebecca Maddox, for her assistance and professionalism throughout the process. Mayor Amy stated that he is constantly hearing positive comments about our Planning, Building and Engineering Departments. He noted that they do a fantastic job and thanked them all. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: ear Presentation was made to owners of The Perfect Touch and Geraldine's Costumes in Appreciation of Each of Their Continued Support to the Cathedral City Fire Department by Fire Chief Steve Sowles. Proclamation Declaring February 6 -12, 2000, "National Burn Awareness Week" was presented to representatives of a local Shiner organization. Proclamation Declaring March 15 Through April 15 , 2000, "Be Counted Month" was presented to Gordon Bleil of the U. S. Census Bureau. CALL FOR CORRECTIONS /APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of City Council /Redevelopment Agency /Community Services District Boards Meeting held January 26, 2000, were approved as submitted. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Received and Filed Claims and Demands incurred by the City Council, Redevelopment Agency and the Community Services District Boards in the total aggregate sum of S1,601,725.04 for the month of December, 1999, by Minute Order Nos. 3101, R -792 and C -327. 2. Adopted Ordinance No. 519 approving that certain Amended and Restated Development Agreement by and among Royale Mirage Partners, L.P., Cimarron Resort Condominium Association and the City of Cathedral City (Cimarron Resort Condominium Project).(2 " Reading) 3. Request for $500.00 Contribution as Sponsorship to the Desert Valley All Star Cheerleaders who will be representing the entire Coachella Valley at the Nationals Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida, on March 10, 2000, to be taken from the Council Contingency Fund was approved by Minute Order No. 3102. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PAGE 5 4. Approved the assignment and amendment of the existing Subdivision Agreement for Tract 25804, from Cimarron partnership to the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation, in a form approved by the City Attorney, subject to the same obligations and responsibilities as contained in the Agreement by Minute Order No. 3103. 5. Request from Mark Pisano, Executive Director of Southern California Association of Governments, that the City Council support Assembly Bill 1744 (Longville) which provides for a six -month extension of the due date for completion of local housing element revisions was approved by Minute Order No. 3104. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: 6. Proposed Ordinance to levy special taxes within Community Facilities District No. 2000 -1 (Rio Vista Village). Report by given by City Attorney Steve Quintanilla. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to waive further reading and introduce the ordinance. 7. Authorized the Redevelopment Director to submit an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a 1999/2000 tire recycling grant for surfacing at the base of the Fountain of Life. by Resolution No. R -299. Report was given by Senior Engineer Bill Bayne. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve the above noted request. 8. Authorized the City Manager to submit an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a 1999/2000 tire recycling grant for ground surfacing of the Community Center Tot Lot and Century Park Playground by Resolution No. 2000 -11. Report was given by Senior Engineer Bill Bayne. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PAGE 6 Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve the above noted request. 9. Proposed Resolution supporting passage of Proposition 26: The Let's Fix Our Schools Initiative. Report was given by City Manager Donald Bradley. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to support the above request by Resolution No. 2000- 12. 10. Proposed Resolution supporting passage of Proposition 12: The Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Act of 2000; and, Proposition 13: The Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act. Report was given by City Manager Donald Bradley. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, carried by a 5 -0 vote to support Proposition 12 by Resolution No. 2000 -13, and Proposition 13 by Resolution No. 2000 -14. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, this meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. .-, S' / , ..."6:47: Donna M. Velotta City Clerk