HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-01-12., Cathedral it CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2000 This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was called to order by Mayor /Chairman /President Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on January 12, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. The regular evening meeting at 7:30 p.m. was opened by Mayor /Chairman /President Amy, with invocation by Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers /RDA -CSD Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem /RDA -CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor /Chairman /President Gary L. Amy Absent: None AGENDA FINALIZATION: Two Legislative Action Added Starterswere announced as Item Nos. 9 and 10. Item No. 9 was posted prior to the 72 -hour posting requirement for this meeting and did not require a vote of the Council for the item to be heard. Item No. 10 was announced at the meeting and therefore required a two- thirds vote of Council to be heard - Mayor Pro Tern Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, which was carried by a 5 -0 vote to hear the matter under Item No. 10. 9. Approval to retain the firm of Brown, Chudleigh, Schuller, Donaldson and Associates to perform real estate appraisal services related to the formation ,• and financing of the Community Facilities District for the sum of $17,500, in accordance with its proposal dated January 4, 2000, contingent upon the successful formation of the Rio Vista Village Community Facilities District. (David Faessel) Report was given by the City Engineer, David Faessel. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 2 .. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to approve this request by Minute Order No. 3097. 10. Designation of Santa Rosa Mountains as a National Monument. Mayor Amy reported that our City Council originally voted in support of this; however, some additional information has come about in thatthe boundary lines of the National Monument will impact not only the Ritz Carlton Golf Course, but other properties within our City limits. The recommendation is to take the same approach as some of the other cities, who have since changed their position, and to have Congresswoman Bono, who is pushing the legislation, to exclude any incorporated land within any city. He noted that the proposal tonight is to change our recommendation to exclude any land within the incorporated boundaries of Cathedral City. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to amend the previous resolution in support of the designation to make the Santa Rosa Mountains a National Monument to reflect exclusion of incorporated areas of Cathedral City by Resolution No. 2000 -6. One Closed Session added starter was announced as Item No. 5. This item was added at the meeting and therefore required a two - thirds vote of Council to be heard. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Di Grandi, carried by a 5 -0 vote to hear Item No. 5 of the Closed Session Agenda. 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (Paul Shillcock) Property: Location: Western Portion of the Cove; West Side of Flood Control Channel. APN #687- 040 -017 Negotiating Parties: Agency: ,-� Property Owners: Under Negotiation: CLOSED SESSION AGENDA: Redevelopment Agency Palm Hills Development Purchase Terms Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Councilmember /RDA -CSD Board Member Pettis, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to adjourn to the Study Session Conference Room to hear the following Closed Session Agenda items: CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 3 ,-� 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Issue for Discussion: Conference with Labor Negotiators for the Police Officer's Association; Firefighters Association; and, Public Safety Management 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) Property: Location: 68 -780 Buddy Rogers Drive 36 -850 East Civic Center Negotiating Parties: Agency: Redevelopment Agency Property Owners: Palm Canyon Partners, LLC Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuantto Government Code Section 54956.8 (Susan Moeller) Property: Location: 68941 Buddy Rogers APN #687- 202 -012 Negotiating Parties: Agency: Redevelopment Agency Property Owners: Marilyn Jorgensen Under Negotiation: Property Acquisition 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). (Paul Shillcock) No. of Cases: One CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: o Luana Lewis, Cathedral City - presented a complaint regarding a claim she submitted to the City regarding an incident she experienced on Varner Road, which claim was rejected by the City's insurance entity. O Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - announced volunteers were needed to man the visitor center on Highway 74. You must be over 18 and would work the bookstore and direct tourists on a 3 -hour shift, once a week. The phone number to contact the visitor center is 862 -9084. Mr. Cohen also announced a Nifty Fifties Event happening at the Shadow Mountain Resort & Raquet Club on February 26 with tickets being $150.00 each. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 4 o Wendy Parker, Cathedral City-she noted she lived on Avenida Juarez and complained of about speeding, with cars and animals being struck. She also noted that there were no street lights on the street. She requested that the City please look into and perhaps come up with a solution to stop the speeding, update the lighting, etc. ® Gauseppe Sugameil, Cathedral City - stated there was a lot of vandalism on his street and also requested the City to close a street to prevent cars from using Willow as a throughway. o Patty Drusky, Hemet - Chamber of Commerce Executive Director - invited everyone to the "One Dream Festival" being held at the Cathedral City Civic Center on January 15 -16, 2000. She also announced that Big League Dreams has been chosen as the "Business of the Year" in Cathedral City. COUNCIL COMMENTS: ow Councilmember De Rosa wished to congratulate Big League Dreams on the Pepsi Challenge event. She noted it was a great day with a great turnout. Councilmember De Rosa congratulated Big League Dreams on being chosen the "Business of the Year" in Cathedral City. She also reminded everyone of Martin Luther King's birthday holiday on January 17 and that the City would be having a blood drive, a food drive for F.I.N.D. and a clothes drive for the Cancer Society. She thanked the folks at Cimarron Golf Course noting that we had the designation of having the 100 golf course in the valley open in Cathedral City on Saturday. On Monday, they had a media and City day where they were able to play the course. The course is wonderful and the rates are reasonable and she suggested that all golfers go take a look at it. Mayor Amy noted that he has received three letters from a concerned citizen complaining about trucks on Vista Chino. All of the letters were unsigned. He requested that if that person watches the televised program of this meeting, that he or she please call in so that we can explain the situation and hopefully answer or resolve the complaint. CALL FOR CORRECTIONS /APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes for meeting held December 22, 1999, were approved as submitted CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember, RDA -CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember, RDA -CSD Board Member Gomer, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve Consent Agenda Item Nos. 1 and 3; Councilmember, RDA -CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember, RDA -CSD Board Member Gomer, carried by a 4 -0 vote, with Councilmember, RDA -CSD Board Member De Rosa abstaining from discussion on Item No. 2 as her personal business provides professional assistance to Time - Warner Cable. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 5 1. Received and Filed Claims and Demands incurred by the City Council, ,\ Redevelopment Agency and the Community Services District Boards in the total aggregate sum of S1,412,033.38 for the month of November, 1999, by Minute Order Nos. 3091, R -789 and C -326. 2. Waived further reading and adopted Revised Ordinance No. 518 Regulating Cable Television Franchises. (Dudley Haines) (2nd Reading) Councilmember De Rosa abstained from discussing this matter as her personal business provides assistance to Time - Warner Cable. 3. Acknowledged and ratified the Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City of Cathedral City and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 3961 (AFSCME) by Minute Order No. 3092. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Proposed Adoption of a Community Facilities District for Rio Vista Village (Community Facilities District No. 2000 -1). Report was given by Deputy City Attorney Diane Holman with further information provided by Mr. Oliver Cagle, President of Burnett Corporation and Mr. David Taussig, who prepared the Community Facilities District Report. Public Hearing was opened and closed without comment. 1) Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 2000 -1 of the City of Cathedral City making certain preliminary findings and overruling protests; 2) Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 2000 -2 of the City of Cathedral City declaring and establishing the formation of a Community Facilities District and authorizing submittal of levy of special taxes to the qualified electors; 3) Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De ,-. Rosa voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 2000 -3 of the City of Cathedral City acting on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 2000 -1 canvassing the results of the election held within Community Facilities District No. 2000 -1; 4) Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 2000 -4 of the City of Cathedral City for itself and acting on behalf of Community Facilities District 2000- 1 approving a funding and acquisition agreement by and among the City, such Community Facilities District and Burnett Development Corporation; and, 5) Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 2000 -5 of the City of Cathedral City for itself and acting on behalf of Community Facilities District 2000 -1 approving a Financing Agreement by and among the City, CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 6 such Community Facilities District and the Coachella Valley Water District. , For the Record: Councilmember De Rosa stated that she wished to go on record that she is not against this project; she had voted in favor of it when she was a member of the Planning Commission. She noted that she wishes the developer well, but she is not convinced that a Mello -Roos District is the best way to go. She again wished the project well and much success and believes that it is a good project. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: 5. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) reprogramming and entitlement for Fiscal Year 2000/2001. Report was given by Recreation Manager Tony Barton. Public Input was opened: BW Patty Drusky, Hemet, CA - Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce - expressed her opinion that the use of the old library building should be brought back to Council for discussion. Cornell English, Cathedral City - Stated that when you receive a letter from the County folks denoting a deadline, that is what they mean. He advised staff to respond to them immediately. Public Input was closed. Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 4 -1 vote, with Councilmember Pettis voting no, to approve this request leaving the option open as to use of the old library building which should come back before the Council for discussion by Minute Order No. 3093. 6. Request for acceptance of bid from JDC Construction for the Date Palm /Dinah Shore Drives widening in the amount of $193,343.80 plus 10% contingencies; and, authorization for staff to proceed with the construction and peripheral contracts. Report was given by Associate Engineer Jerry Jack. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Mayor Pro Tern Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, carried by a 5 -0 vote to approve this request by Minute Order No. 3094. CC /RDA /CSD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2000 PAGE 7 7. Request for authorization to bid for blowsand cleanup in the Ventura .� Road area of the Rio Vista neighborhood and approval of budget transfer to fund the project. Report was given by City Engineer Dave Faessel. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 4 -0 vote, with Mayor Amy absent, to approve this request by Minute Order No. 3095. 8. Approval of cooperative efforts with the City of Rancho Mirage regarding undergrounding of utilities on the west side of Da Vall. Report was given by City Engineer Dave Faessel. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 5 -0 vote, to approve this request by Minute Order No. 3096. ADJOURNMENT' There being no further business to discuss, this meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. 5 / 4 1 Donna M. Velotta City Clerk .-.