HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2018-02-06 Cathedral City
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM
Mayor Stan Henry called the Study Session Meeting of February 6, 2018, to order at 4:30 p.m.
Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis,Council Member Shelley Kaplan,Council
Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar
Erica Felci, Governmental Projects Manager with CVAG, was called. She thanked City Staff for all of the work
that they did on the recent homeless count that was conducted. She also expressed her appreciation for all of the
work that staff has been doing on CVLink. The grand opening, for the portion in Cathedra City, will be held on
February 23, 2018. She thanked the City and Council for their continued support.
Sandra Richter, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She expressed her frustration with Short Term Vacation
Rentals in the City. She stated that the Hotline is not working properly. She has been working with the Police
Department and Code Compliance, however, she feels helpless with no help. She feels that vacation rentals do
not belong in residential neighborhoods, they should be downtown where they are less disruptive. She
encouraged the City not to issue any further licenses and would like to see them banned.
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She questioned what if the purpose of recreation cannabis
lounges? She stated that they are for people to get high amongst others who are also getting high or to consume
on the premises beacuse they can't at home. She stated that she heard that driving under any amount of
marijuana is illegal. She questioned how it is measured? Will there be a imit and who determines how much is
too much? She questioned what devices are available to authorities to test drivers? If individuals drive to the
lounges aren't they expected to drive home. She questioned what is to prevent them from driving under the
influence. She questioned if an individual will be kept from leaving the premises for a certain length of time after
comsuning cannabis if so how?
2.A. 2018-28 Update from the Cannabis Task Force Regarding Consumption
Lounges and Employee Background Checks
Charles McClendon, City Manager,provided an update from the Cannabis Task Force regarding Consumption
Lounges and Employee Background Checks.
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City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 6,2018
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She stated that both marijuana and alcohol consumers
cause accidents that probably would happen had they not consumed. She suggested that a bus shuttle service
be provided so that those going to the lounges don't have to drive. She is opposed to allowing the lounges.
Council Member Mark Carneval stated that he does not support on-site consumption lounges in Cathedral City.
He does not support recreational use of cannabis, he does support medical use. He did state that if one
dispensary is allowed to have on-site consumption then all of them should be allowed to. He feels that patios
could pose an odor issue. He does not feel that there is any benefit for the City. He feels that background
checks should be necessary for employees, the responsibility should be on the owner only.
Council Member John Aguilar, stated that the City is going to have to look at something to allow businesses to be
competitive. He would support the Task Forces recommendation.
Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis, agrees with Councilman Aguilar. He also agrees with Councilman Carnevale with
regard to background checks but would also like to hear from the Police Department. He has an issue with
allowing consumption on patios.
Councilman Shelley Kaplan agrees that the consumption locations should not be limited to some of the
dispensaries, it should be all of them. He supports the continuation of back ground checks and does not have a
problem with consumption on patios.
Mayor Stan Henry, is not in favor of onsight consumption at this time. If it is allowed,he feels that all
dispensaries should be allowed to offer it not just some. He is not in favor of having a patio setting he feels that it
should be indoors with adequate ventilation. He feels that background checks should still be conducted and
suggested that reasons for denial should be aligned with prop 37 with restriction and a time frame extension.
Councilman John Aguilar, questioned how impairment can be detected.
Chief of Police Walker responded that officers have been trained on the basic level of impairment.
Councilman Mark Carnevale stated that new conditions may create issues for those with leases.
2.13. 2018-34 Status on Solar Requirements for New Construction
Charles McClendon, City Manager,introduced the item for discussion.
David Dazlich, BIA, was called to speak. He stated that mandatory solar requirements for new construction is not
an industry wide mandate.
Erica Harnik, BIA, was called to speak, she stated that they are against making solar a requirement on new
construction mandatory.
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She stated that she does not want to see solar be a
standard that is required for selling your home.
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He indicated that he supports solar but feels that it is tough
to require it.
Councilman John Aguilar, stated that in a different market this could work,however,he is not certain JA-in a
different market this could work,however, he is not sure it will work in Cathedarl City. He would like to encourage
it but not mandate it.
Councilman Mark Carnevale,stated that he is a fan of solar,however,maybe offering incentives to do solar or
encouraging it but not making it a requirement. He would be interested in getting input from the Board of Realtors
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City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 6,2018
on this topic.
Mayor Stan Henry stated that he received two letters that will be made part of the record. He suggested maybe
offering a$500.00 rebate to the builders as an incentive for solar on new construction only.
Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis stated that he agrees with the Mayor. He also feels that if we are going to give a
rebate then we should talk to local providers to match the rebate. He stated that this may be premature at this
The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 5:35 p.m.
3.A. 2018-29 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
Case Name: Alirio Moulin v. City of Cathedral City, et. al.
Case Number: PSC 1800253
3.6. 2018-32 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
Case Name: Cathedral City v. Anthony Davis, et al.
Case Number: PSC 1401152
3.C. 2018-35 City Council: Public Employee Performance Evaluation Per
Government Code Section 54957 (B)Title: City Manager
3.1). 2018-30 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Eight (8) Parcels in the area of the southwest corner
of East Palm Canyon Drive and W. Buddy Rogers with APN's of
687-195-002 through 007, 687-193-007 &010.
Negotiating Parties: City Urban Revitalization Corporation & Successor
Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency
Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price&Terms on Sale of Real Property
3.E. 2018-31 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Two (2) parcels west of Van Fleet between B and C
Streets with APN's of 687-214-007 & 008
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral as the Housing Successor
Agency and Mario Perez, Inc.
Property Owner: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor Agency
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City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 6,2018
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property
The City Council reconvened at 6:30 p.m.
City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss the following items
listed on the Agenda:
Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
Case Name: Alirio Moulin v. City of Cathedral City, et. a/.
Case Number. PSC 1800253.
Case Name: Cathedral City v.Anthony Davis, at al.
Case Number. PSC 1401152
Public Employee Performance Evaluation Per Government Code Section 54957(B) Title: City Manager
Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. for the following
Two(2)parcels west of Van Fleet between B and C Streets with APN's of 687-214-007&008
Eight(8)Parcels in the area of the southwest corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and W. Buddy Rogers with APN's
of 687-195-002 through 007, 687-193-007&010.
There was no reportable action taken.
GARY F. H WELL, City Clerk
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Cathedral City
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 SPECIAL MEETING 6:30 PM
Mayor Stan Henry called the Special Meeting of February 6, 2018 to order at 6:30 p.m.
Councilman Shelley Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation.
Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council
Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar
Allen Worthy was called to speak. Spoke about a film screening and a song that he wrote that is now on
Youtube and other applications.
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He encouraged community members to go out and look at
the construciton of the Suniva building on Ramon Road. He indicated the Importance on checking out the Tesoro
Parcel. He feels that that there is a lot of misinformation out there with regard to the project. There is talk about
240 townhouses being built or a trailer park if the rezone is not approved. He feels that the better choice would
be to approve the rezoning of that land and is opposed to any housing being built on the land.
Councilman Mark Carnevale, reported that he will be attending the Agnes Pelton Home Tour this weekend as well
as the Taste of Jalisco Festival. He will be attending on behalf of the City several meetings in the upcoming
Councilman John Aguilar, stated that Riverside County is planning on building a medial facility in Cathedral City
and he is participating along with staff to help secure a location.
Councilman Shelley Kaplan,reported that he attended a RCTC workshop which had a very good presentation on
the projects they have completed and the work they are doing. Their biggest concern is the issue of S81 and the
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City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING February 6,2018
possibility of it being voted on to be withdrawn. He also attended a program at CVAG where they discussed
obtaining more cap and trade funds for the Valley. He attended the SunLine dedication for the 9th generation of
hydrogen fuel buses. He stated that SunLine was the first in the Country to have an all green fleet. He reported
that Taste of Jalisco will be held on Saturday and tickets for the Agnes Pelton Home Tour will be on sale in front
of the Senior Center. He stated that City Hall at your corner will be held on February 21, 2018 at Tacos el
Problamo and reminded everyone that the dedication of the first phase of CVLink will be held on February 23,
Mayor Stan Henry reported that he attended the RSVP luncheon. He reported that the room was packed.He
stated that two volunteers from Cathedral City were recognized, one from the Senior Center and one from the
Cathedral City Citizens on Patrol. He thanked all of the volunteers for all of the time service. He stated that the
CVLink dedication will be held on February 23, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Vista Chino and CVLink entrance.
3.A. 2018-37 City Council Minutes of January 10, 2018,January 24,2018 and
January 27, 2018
Recommendation: Approve the City Council Minutes of January 10, 2018, January 24, 2018
and January 27, 2018.
A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Mayor Henry,tp approve the City
Council Minutes of January 10,2018,January 24,2018 and January 27,2018.The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: M.O.6896
5.A. 2018-33 2017 Final Crime Statistics
Recommendation: This item is presented for information and discussion only.
Chief of Police Travis Walker provided an overview of the final Crime Statistics for 2017.
All of the Closed Session Items listed on the Agenda were heard during Study Session and the action is relected
in the February 6, 2018 Study Session Minutes.
6.A. 2018-29 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
Case Name: Alirio Moulin v. City of Cathedral City, et. al.
Case Number: PSC 1800253
6.13. 2018-32 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
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City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING February 6,2018
Case Name: Cathedral City v. Anthony Davis, et al.
Case Number: PSC 1401152
6.C, 2018-35 City Council: Public Employee Performance Evaluation Per
Government Code Section 54957 (B)Title: City Manager
6.D. 2018-30 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Eight (8) Parcels in the area of the southwest corner
of East Palm Canyon Drive and W. Buddy Rogers with APN's of
687-195-002 through 007, 687-193-007 & 010.
Negotiating Parties: City Urban Revitalization Corporation & Successor
Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency
Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price&Terms on Sale of Real Property
6.E. 2018-31 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Two (2) parcels west of Van Fleet between B and C
Streets with APN's of 687-214-007 & 008
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral as the Housing Successor
Agency and Mario Perez, Inc.
Property Owner: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor Agency
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property
The City Council Meeting adjoumed at 7:09.
F.HO LL, C tYClerk
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