HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2018-01-10 Special Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, January 10, 2018 SPECIAL MEETING 5:30 PM SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL & PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the January 10, 2018, Special Joint Meeting between the City Council and Public Arts Commission to order at 5:30 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Shelley Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance. • ROLL CALL Present 12- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis,Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, Council Member John Aguilar,Alan Carvalho, Denise Rodriguez Bowman,Josie Diaz, Pam Price,Wendy Willson, Sue Townsley, and Christian Sesma • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT 2. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION COMMENTS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL Commissioner Denise Rodriguez Bowman, stated that she feels the City needs murals for culture and diversity. Mayor Stan Henry, stated that he is in support of murals. Council Member John Aguilar stated that he is supportive of murals. He questioned if there will be a policy for quality and maintenance. He would like to see this type of program in the north part of town. Council Member Mark Carnevale,questioned if there will be themes and will they be the same? Chairman Alan Carvalho stated that the logo can be used on the,pieces as a branding. He also suggested that honoring our fallen heroes could be a suggestion. Commissioner Denise Bowman Rodriguez stated that they need to go into the commuity where the mural will be to see what they want in art so that they have some ownership it what is going on. Commissioner Josie Diaz would like the community to identify with the mural or art. Chairman Alan Carvalho suggested a mural on the wall at Ocotillo Park. Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 21612018 City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING January 10,2018 Jaime Jimenez, Highway 111 Conditioning, stated that the owner of the building has given them permission to place a mural on the building. Mayor Stan Henry stated that having a narrative of the art would be beneficial. Commissioner Christian Sesma referred to the#campaigns throughout social media. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis questioned what the current policy is related to how the commission spends their money. Charles McClendon, City Manager believes that 10%of the budget can be spent on permanent art. Council Member Shelley Kaplan stated that there are murals that are removable. Council Member John Aguilar questioned what the current balance is in the art fund. Chairman Alan Carvalho responded that he believes itis$180,000. Commissioner Pam Price stated that she is happy that the Cultural Arts Museum is open and hopes for continued support. Chairman Alan Carvalho played a video that covers all of the things that the Public Arts Commission has accomplished over the past several years. Commissioner Josie Diaz would like to do projects that includes the entire community. Our City is very diverse and made up of many. She is pushing the latino community to get involved. Commissioner Denise Bowman Rodriguez stated that the Tejano Festival was amazing. Chairman Alan Carvalho stated that he is very proud to be a part of the group. Commissioner Christian Sesma stated that he is proud to be a part of the commission and would like to see a high level film festival come to the City. Commissioner Sue Townsley stated that she is woking on a draft document which would be part of the master plan and General Plan. She is also working on a map that will include all of the art work in the City that would be available at the Library, Chamber of Commerce, etc. 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS FOR THE PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Council Member John Aguilar stated that he is thankful for the active contribution that the members on the Commission make. He is excited about the incredible opportunities that will be available in the near future. He thanked the Commissioners. Council Member Mark Carnevale echoed what Council Member Aguilar said and thanked the Commissioners as well. Council Member Shelley Kaplan stated that it is important to say that there are many things that have to happen to make the City work but feels what is truly important is how the City represents itself. He feels that it is very important to have art in all forms. He feels that what the Commission does for the community is of tremendous value. Mayor Stan Henry stated that we have gone from putting a piece of art in public places to a diversity of art. He appreciates the work that the commission is doing and wishes the community was more aware of what the Commission is doing. He thanked the Commissioners for all of their hard work. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed an 21612018 City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING January 10,2018 Commissioner Denise Rodriguez Bowman questioned if the Commission can hire someone to man the museum. Charles McClendon, City Manager, stated that staff will have to look into what the ordinance allows and what the Council would like to do. Mayor Stan Henry stated that he would rather see the money go to events and projects as opposed to staffing the museum. He suggested reaching out to the schools and others to volunteer to man the museum. Council Member John Aguilar stated that he agrees with Mayory Henry, however, maybe a blended approach. He would be open to discussion. ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjoumed the Special Joint Meeting between the City Council and Public Arts Commission at 6.25 p.m. TANLEY E. H NRY, Mayo ATTEST.- GARY F. HO LL, City C16rk Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 2/6/2018