HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2018-06 RESOLUTION 2018- 06 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF CALIFORNIA DROUGHT, WATER, PARKS, CLIMATE, COASTAL PROTECTION, AND OUTDOOR ACCESS FOR ALL ACT OF 2018 — PROPOSITION 68 WHEREAS, the Legislature adopted and governor signed SB 5, a $4 Billion General Obligation Bond to be placed on the June 2018 ballot entitled the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018; and WHEREAS, SB 5 represents the first legislatively authorized debt instrument for parks, resources and environmental improvements since 2002; and WHEREAS, investments in California's urban, suburban and rural park and resources-related landscapes promote the notion of community and provide health, environmental and aesthetic benefits; and WHEREAS, California Outdoor economy is a $92 Billion economic driver, partly responsible for the continued health and growth of many of California's local economies; and WHEREAS, SB 5 contains $215 Million in Per Capita funding to assist all of California's communities in underwriting priority park-related improvements; and WHEREAS, an additional $40 Million shall be available in block grant awards for communities that self-tax for park related improvements; and WHEREAS, SB 5 invests no less than $1 Billion in California's most economically challenged communities, eradicating blight and promoting greater access to the outdoors and health-related pursuits; and WHEREAS, SB 5 expends $200 Million on California's State Park system, addressing a greater than $1 Billion backlog in deferred maintenance which will translate into greater tourism and visitorship opportunities in adjacent communities; and WHEREAS, SB 5 invests $30 Million in trail network improvements promoting non-motorized recreational and commuter opportunities throughout the state; and WHEREAS, SB 5 recognizing the importance of California's rural spaces and invests $25 Million through a competitive grant program to prop-up and enhance rural park infrastructure; and WHEREAS, SB 5 expends hundreds of millions on other important investments in resource-related infrastructure including California's rivers, coast, and other waterways, the state's mountainous settings such as the Sierra and wildlife and fish- dependent habitats; and WHEREAS, SB 5 invests heavily in combatting global warming through investments in urban greening projects, promoting healthy forests and carbon farming applications; and WHEREAS, SB 5 underwrites investments in improving local water systems, promoting access to safe drinking water in some of California's most economically challenged communities; and WHEREAS, SB 5 commits to a robust investment in groundwater improvements and sustainability to diversify water sources and recharge groundwater tables; and WHEREAS, SB 5 underwrites improvements in the state flood management systems, armoring against calamities that beset the state including Oroville and elsewhere. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City of Cathedral City hereby supports Proposition 68, The California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018. 2. That the City of Cathedral City supports and can be listed as a member of the Californians for Clean Water and Safe Park coalition. 3. Staff is directed to email a copy of this adopted resolution to the League of California Cities at cityletters(aD-cacities.org. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 14TH day of March, 2018 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Aguilar, Carnevale and Kaplan; Mayor ProiTem Pettis and Mayor Henry NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Stanley E. Henry, May r ATTEST: APPROVED FORM: Gary F. Howell, City Clerk Eric S. Vai , City Attorney