HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1 .r i . .y • ORDINANCE NO. 1 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE APPLICABLE BEFORE INCORPORATION SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS CITY ORDINANCES The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows : Section 1 . County Enactments to Remain in Effect . ( a) All ordinances of the County of Riverside which have been applicable within the territory now incorporated as the City of Cathedral City , to the extent that they applied before incorporation shall remain in full force and effect as ordinances of the City of Cathedral City . ( b ) Additionally , all resolutions , rules and regulations of the County of Riverside which have been so applicable in implementation of the aforesaid ordinances or of mandates of State law ( such as , but not limited to , the California Environmental Quality Act ) , to the extent that they applied before incorporation shall remain in full force and effect as resolutions , rules and regulations , respectively , of the City of Cathedral City . Section 2 . Declaration of Intent . Certain provisions of the county enactments referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance reflect the county governmental structure and contain references to officials , official titles , commissions , and other designations which are not a part of the structure of this City ' s government . In order to effectively and intelligently administer the county enactments to the extent that they are continued in effect by this ordinance , it is the purpose of this ordinance to provide for the substitution of the appropriate city official , title , or designation in county enactments . Section 3 . Substitution of Appropriate Reference to City . ( a) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside which are continued in effect by the City there is a reference to "Board of Supervisors" , this reference shall 00000j be interpreted to mean the "City Council of the City of Cathedral City" . ( b ) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside which are continued in effect by the City there is a reference to an office , official title , or other designation , the reference shall be interpreted to mean that office , title , or designation in the governmental structure of the City , or if there is none , any official or titleholder in the City who has been specifically directed by the City Council or the City Manager to perform the functions referred to or the duties imposed . ( c) Whenever it is appropriate under the circumstances , and in the enactments of the County of Riverside which are continued in effect by the City , there is a reference to the "County of Riverside" , said reference shall be interpreted to mean the "City of Cathedral City" . ( d ) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside which are continued in effect by the City there is a reference to "Planning Commission" , "Board of Zoning Adjustment" , "Board of Appeals" , or "Zoning Administrator" , this reference shall be interpreted to mean that these agencies or officials are acting as the agents of the City of Cathedral City . Section 4. Duration of County Ordinances Within City . Each ordinance of the County of Riverside which remains in effect as a city ordinance by virtue of Section 1 of this ordinance shall remain in effect as a city ordinance for a period of one hundred twenty (120 ) days or until the Council adopts an ordinance superseding it , whichever first in time occurs . Section 5 . Manner of Superseding County Ordinances Within 120-Day Period. No city ordinance enacted within the 120-day period of time shall be deemed to supersede a county ordinance unless the city ordinance specifically refers to the county ordinance and states an intention to supersede it . Section 6 . Enforcement of Continuing County Ordinances . The enforcement of the county ordinances continuing in effect in the incorporated area shall be by the City except insofar as services of enforcement are furnished by the County in accordance with Government Code Section 35448 . -2- 000002 ,4 S� Section 7. Authority for Enactment . This ordinance is adopted under Government Code Section 35441 . Section 8 . Declaration of Facts Constituting Urgency . 11 0 This ordinance is an urgency ordinance and is for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health , and safety . The facts constituting urgency are these : the City of Cathedral City is newly incorporated and it comprises territory formerly unincorporated . Government Code Section 35441 of the State of California provides that the City shall immediately upon organization and before performing any other act adopt an ordinance providing that all the county ordinances applicable before the incorporation shall remain in full force and effect as city ordinances for 120 days or until the Council has enacted ordinances superseding them. - It is necessary that this ordinance take effect immediately in order to have continuity in the existence , application , administration , and enforcement of the same ordinances in the City which applied before incorporation until the city may enact ordinances superseding them. Section 9 . Taking Effect . This ordinance , being an urgency ordinance for the immediate protection of the public safety , health , and general welfare , containing a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency , and passed by at least a four- fifths (4/ 5 ) vote of the City Council shall take effect immediately upon its adoption . -3- 000003 The foregoing ordinance was introduced , approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on November 16 , 1981 , by the following vote : LAyes : Councilmembers Case , Hollister , Krings , Smith and Mayor Murphy Noes : None Absent :None A ,. MAYOR / ATTEST: / // / , CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: e00 . ITY ATTCRNE ACTING CITY MANAGER • I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance No . 1 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California , in a meeting thereof held on the 16th day of November , 1981 , and that same was posted in at least the three public places specified for such postings , by the said City Council . Ir0 ;; 44 /4///2-7-,---"/417, g/.//..!7".72// Maxi i - E. Clem City Clerk, City of Cathedral City -4- 000004