HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2014-03-26 'It Cathedral City MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF CATHEDRAL CITY AND CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 MARCH 26, 2014 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 3:15 P.M. STUDY SESSION 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER Mayor De Rosa called the Closed Session portion of the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Henry, Council Member Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa Absent: Council Member Toles ACTION TO EXCUSE ABSENT CITY COUNCIL BOARD MEMBER(S) - None CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENTS - None SUMMARY OF CLOSED SESSION ITEMS AGENDA APPROVAL CLOSED SESSION A. CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY None B. CITY COUNCIL 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to government Code Section 54956.9 Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d). (C. Green) City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 2 of 11 Case Name: City of Cathedral City v. TODAZE Remedy et.al Case Number: INC 1208791 Court: Riverside County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to government Code Section 54956.9 Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d). (C. Green) Case Name: City of Cathedral City v. Desert Dank Deals et. al Case Number: INC 1300119 Court: Riverside County Superior Court ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeRosa recessed the Closed Session at 3:08 p.m. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 3 of 11 CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Henry, Toles and Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa (Council Member Toles arrived at 4:10 p.m.). Absent: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - None PUBLIC COMMENTS - None STUDY SESSION AGENDA 1. Interview applicants for consideration of appointment to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (G. Howell) (Pg. 1-5). The City Council conducted interviews with two individuals, Kendra Culbertson and Shelley Kaplan, who submitted letters of interest to serve on the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control Board. 2. Goal Setting Workshop (C. McClendon) (Pg. 6-51). The City Council identified the following list of short-term goals that they feel are feasible for Staff to accomplish during the remainder of 2014: Economic and Community Development • Secure approval of the long range Property Management Plan from the California Department of Finance. • Review and update design guidelines and development standards to promote quality development. • Begin the process to update the general plan and incorporate/consolidate specific plans. • Evaluate and improve the City development process with the goal of applying standards in a business friendly manner. • Review property marketing, sale, and lease policies and make the brokerage community aware that the City will pay commissions. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 4 of 11 • Review and update the property maintenance code and sign code provisions. • Take steps to ensure that downtown development remains an area of focus and that the community is aware of downtown development efforts. • Identify privately held properties in the downtown area that are suitable for new development. • Complete the assembly of properties downtown. • Complete the Messenger annexation. • Look for ways to light up and enliven downtown including evaluating the potential for electronic signage. Financial Stability • Develop a structurally balanced budget for the next biennium (FY 2015-2017). • Develop and adopt formal financial policies including definitions for fund balance tiers. • Develop a plan for grant funded positions upon expiration of grant funding. • Develop a priority list for future staff growth through the next biennial budget process. • Tell our fiscal story to the community as well. • Explore options to use technology to improve processes and provide operational efficiencies. • Meet with other City Manager's in the area and discuss potential JPA for service sharing in cases where it may result in cost savings. Community Relations, Image, Events, and Marketing • Evaluate various event venues and the costs to improve for festival use. • Create a one-year position to improve and continuously update the City's webpage, social media presence, media relations, etc., to tell the Cathedral City story and coordinate community events. • Develop a food truck ordinance and explore a possible Food Truck Festival. • Review the Special Use Permit process. • Review plot map of Town Square. • Talk to and engage the community on a regular basis. • Identify some low cost street beautification projects that are feasible. • Identify low cost events that can be staged with the chamber or other community groups. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 5 of 11 • Evaluate the status of East Palm Canyon and review previously completed plans. Public Safety • Maintain Cathedral City's own Police and Fire Departments. Other • Provide a study session to discuss the status of Plastic Bag Ordinances. • Explore the possibility of joining the Recreation District and present data at a Study Session. • Inventory the City's boards and Commissions and identify membership vacancies. • Hold a Study Session to present the voter's with an option to eliminate the elected City Clerk position. • Develop program parameters for a Banners for Military Members Program. 3. City Council/Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. None RECESS Mayor DeRosa recessed the Study Session at 6:15 p.m. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 6 of 11 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Henry, Toles and Pettis, Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION — Council Member Toles gave the invocation. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Green reported that in Closed Session, by a 4-0-1-0 (Council Member Toles was absent) vote, the City Council authorized the City Attorney to present to a court, in code enforcement matters only, copies of the City Attorney invoices to the City as necessary to prove to the court that the City has incurred expenses and therefor obtain an order for reimbursement. This action required a waiver on behalf of the City Council due to the fact that it is a privileged issue. This approval is subject to the redaction of anything that is an actual privilege matter and subject to reporting on a quarterly basis to the Council on each time this is done. PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation and Update from the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau, Scott White, President and CEO. (C. McClendon) Scott White, President and CEO, Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau (GPSCVB), presented the Council with an update on the GPSCVB. His presentation focused on what has been done for Cathedral City and all the improvements that they continue to make to improve their marketing. 2. Review proposed Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Map 21 Projects for Cathedral City. (P. Milos) City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 7 of 11 Pat Milos, Community Development Director, gave an overview of the proposed Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Map 21 Projects for Cathedral City. He indicated that there is an 11.47% match required from the City, however, the City is not obligated to accept the grant money. The deadline for the application is April 1, 2014. Any grant money that is approved by CVAG will come back to the Council for consideration. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened Public Comments. Anthony Ramirez and Jacob Jones, Students, Cathedral City High School, reported that they participate in the DARA program at the high school and that they will be attending the High School AV State Competition in San Diego. They are seeking sponsorships to pay for the attendance to the conference. They reported that they will be hosting a fundraising golf tournament. Anyone interested in sponsoring or participating should contact them. Council Member Henry, stated that he will donate $100. Council Member Toles, stated that his company will donate to the program the "Fee Pro Account" and request that they do a company sponsor for $250. He stated that if the company sponsorship does not happen, he will personally sponsor them that same amount. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, questioned what their total goal is. Jacob Jones and Anthony Ramirez, responded that it is $250 per student but they have 80 students. Mayor DeRosa, stated that if Councilman Henry will match her donation she will donate $125. Councilman Henry, responded that he would match the $125. Jens Mueller, Cathedral City, requested again that the Council request a proposal from the County of Riverside for Law Enforcement and Fire. Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comment. AGENDA FINALIZATION - None URGENCY ITEMS - None City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 8 of 11 COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Henry, wished Police Chief Conner a happy birthday. Council Member Greg Pettis, reported that he will be attending the Southern California Passenger Rail Summit on April 2nd and 3rd. It will be held at Union Station in Los Angeles. He also reported that Southern California Associated Governments (SCAG) will hold their General Assembly meeting in the Coachella Valley on May 1st and 2nd He encouraged the Council to attend. He announced that on Saturday, April 12, 2014 the Rotary Clubs of Cathedral City and the Scrap Gallery will be sponsoring the Walking for Water Event from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the Nellie Coffman Middle School. He requested a status update on the house that caught fire on F Street. Mayor Pro Tern Chuck Vasquez, reported that Cathedral City has the lowest crime rate in the Valley. The Police Department consistently has the highest numbers of recognitions for auto theft recovery finger print hits. Fire Department has one of the best response times in the Coachella Valley. The City lost a great friend, Daniel Webster (the owner of Big Mama's Soul Food), he passed away. His celebration of life will be held on April 12, 2014. Mayor Kathleen DeRosa, stated that the survey done showed that almost 80% of the residents feel that there is a significant value in maintaining local police and fire. Those individuals serve the community well and the Council will do what they can to continue to protect the services we have. On April 20, 2014 the Day of Hope will be held at Northgate Community Church. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS - See last page of Agenda Book. CONSENT AGENDA A. COUNCIL/CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 1. COUNCIL/CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Consider approval of minutes for Wednesday, February 26, 2014. (Pg. 3-13). MOTION by Council Member Henry, second by Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, carried 4-0-0- 1 (Council Member Pettis abstained), to approve the March 12, 2014 Minutes as submitted. B. CITY COUNCIL: 2. COUNCIL. Appoint applicant to fill the vacant seat on the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (CVMVCD) Board. (G. Howell) City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 9 of 11 MOTION by Council Member Pettis, second by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, carried 5-0 to appoint Shelley Kaplan to fill the vacant seat on the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (CVMVCD) Board by M.O. 6230. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. COUNCIL. Consider approval of a Resolution for a Street Name Change for East Buddy Rogers Avenue to Officer Jermaine Gibson Avenue. (P. Milos) (Pg. 10-20) Community Development Director Pat Milos gave a report on the proposed Street Name Change from East Buddy Rogers Avenue to Officer Jermaine Gibson. Council Member Henry, stated that the only business on that street is supportive of the street name change. Mayor DeRosa opened the Public Hearing. Brian Barkely, Police Officer Cathedral City, expressed the support of the street name change on behalf of the Police Association. They feel that this will memorialize Officer Gibson in a special way and thanked the Council for their consideration. Elaine Claremont, Desert Hot Springs, reminded the Police Officers that it is important to know the difference between bravery and courage. She feels that the renaming of the street is a great honor. Mayor DeRosa closed the Public Hearing. Motion by Council Member Henry, second by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Carried 5-0, to approve a Resolution changing the name of East Buddy Rogers Avenue to Officer Jermaine Gibson Avenue (Street Name Change No. 14-001) by Resolution 2014-09. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 4. COUNCIL. Consider adoption of an Urgency and Non-urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City adding Section 5.33.045 "Restriction on Same Location After Closure due to Criminal Activity" to Chapter 5.33, "Massage Therapy Permits" of title 5, "Business Regulation" to the Cathedral City Municipal code and declaring the urgency thereof pursuant to Government code Section 36937. (N. Hermsen) (Pg. 21-31) City Attorney Charles Green presented the report to the City Council. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 10 of 11 Council Member Henry, does not want legitimate businesses to be hurt by these ordinances. It's the businesses that are illegal doing businesses that this will affect. Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, stated that he believes there not a lot of these and objected to the use of"many". Council Member Pettis, does not support the Ordinances. He feels that this penalizes the property owners when we should be penalizing those doing the illegal activity. Council Member Toles, feels that the City imposes too many regulations. He does not see the urgency with having to adopt this Ordinance and does not want to penalize the property owners. Mayor DeRosa opened Public Comments. Elaine Claremont, is opposed to over-regulation. She feels that the City needs to deal with the issues at hand. Allen Carvarlo, Cathedral City, feels that prostitution should be legalized and taxed. The City can use the revenue, and should think outside of the box. Valerie Schechter, Cathedral City, questioned if commercial property owners do year leases. She feels that property owners should not be punished it Michael Arrington, Rancho Mirage, works with victims of human trafficking and also involved in an organization that educates people on human trafficking. He stated that human trafficking is a problem and it would be good to have some language included in the Ordinance that would address human trafficking. Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments MOTION by Council Member Henry to adopt an Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City Adding Section 5.33.045 "Restriction on Same Location After Closure Due to Criminal Activity" to Chapter 5.33, "Massage Therapy Permits" of Title 5, "Business Regulations" to the Cathedral City Municipal Code and Declaring the Urgency Thereof Pursuant to Government Code Section 36937. Motion died due to a lack of a second. MOTION by Council Member Henry to adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City Adding Section 5.33.045 "Restriction on Same Location After Closure Due to Criminal Activity" to Chapter 5.33, "Massage Therapy Permits" of City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of March 26, 2014 Page 11 of 11 Title 5, "Business Regulations" to the Cathedral City Municipal Code. Motion died due to a lack of a second. COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS - None ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeRosa adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m. Approved and adopted by the City Council and City Council serving as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency on April 9, 2014. r HLEEN J. ) ' ROSA, Mayor ATTEST: ��� G A F. HOWELL, City 'erk ' (seal)