HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 734 ORDINANCE NO. 734 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY AMENDING SECTIONS 2.06 AND 2.19.010 OF THE CATHEDRAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO APPOINTED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES WHEREAS, the Cathedral City Municipal Code includes provisions that regulate the formation of official Boards, Commissions, and Committees and the duties and responsibilities of such bodies; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend specific sections of the Municipal Code to improve the efficiency of the development review process, and to better define the roles and responsibilities of each Board, Commission and Committee; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the amendments will serve the good order, health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the community; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 2.06.010 General rules regarding appointments, terms, vacancies. A. Unless otherwise provided by law, or by ordinance or resolution, or unless by the very nature of a situation the provisions of this section may not be made applicable, all members of boards and commissions of the city shall be appointed for three-year terms commencing on July 1st of the year of appointment; provided, that interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term of the member replaced. This rule shall not, however, apply in regard to a newly established board or commission to which initial appointments are made on a staggered-term basis; provided, that the longest such term shall not exceed three years commencing with the July 1st next following the appointment. B. Any member of a board or commission may be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the city council, except in cases where the mayor or city council are not the appointing authority (in which cases such regular appointing authority may exercise this power of removal). If a member is absent without advance permission of the board or commission or of the appointing authority, from three consecutive regular meetings or from twenty-five percent of the duly scheduled meetings of the board or commission within any fiscal year, the member's position shall thereupon become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. Except in cases where the mayor or city council are not the appointing authority, no person shall be appointed to and serve substantially more than two full consecutive terms upon any single board or commission, and any person who has served substantially two full 1 consecutive terms shall not be reappointed to the same board or commission until at least the time equal to one full term has elapsed. C. Unless otherwise provided by law, or by ordinance or resolution of the city council, all members of boards and commissions of the city appointed by the city council shall be initially, and during their incumbencies, bona fide residents and registered voters of the city, except the licensed architect and landscape architect of the Planning Commission and two members of the Public Arts Commission, may come from throughout the Coachella Valley. No such member at or during such time shall be an employee of the city. D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B of this section relating to limiting the terms of board and commission members, residency, and relating to reappointment thereof, the city council may, at any time, in the best interest of the city, upon the affirmative votes of any four members of the city council, waive the term limit provisions of subsection B, and reappoint any member of a board or commission of the city for one additional term. E. When deemed necessary or appropriate by the city council, and with the affirmative vote of not less than four members of the city council, any board or commission appointed by the city council may be placed on indefinite hiatus status. When on hiatus, the board or commission shall not hold official meetings or perform any duty or task of the board or commission. (Ord. 726 § 1, 2013; Ord. 381 § 2, 1993; Ord. 2 § 1, 1981) 2.19.010 Created. A public arts commission for the city of Cathedral City has been created which shall consist of seven members selected by the city council, serving without compensation, appointed in the manner and for the terms prescribed in Sections 2.04.060 and 2.06.010, respectively of this Municipal Code. (Ord. 457 § 3, 1997) The foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on the 12th day of February, 2014 and approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on the 12th day of March, 2014 by the following vote: AYES: CC)UV161 Metonber 1-ler)✓f j Mayo✓ P■ (_) TtevV1VL1iLez Gv1d MCa\cY NOES:9( ABSENT: CW ne-11 1'1ev i V5 �e15 CIvd TN C..5 ABSTAIN:0 _A,, __,4Palos ‘ - Kat leen J. • - "osa, Mayor 2 ATTEST: � 14 -11(M. Gary F. Howell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: —0C(E,4P44- Charles R. Green, City Attorney Charles P. McClendon, City Manager 3