HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-06-19 actd,deffy MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF CATHEDRAL CITY AND CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD 68700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO, CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 JUNE 19,2012 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 5:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION 6:30 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session portion of the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members England, Pettis and Toles, Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa. CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENTS None. CLOSED SESSION A. CITY COUNCIL 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 subd. (b) Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager Represented Employees & Non-Represented Employees 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. (AFSCME) 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association (CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police/Fire Management Association (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association(CCPOA) 5)Non-Represented Employees Mayor DeRosa recessed the Closed Session at 4:45 p.m. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 2 of 7 STUDY SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CALL TO ORDER Mayor De Rosa called the Study Session to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members England, Pettis and Toles, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened public comments. There were no public comments. Mayor DeRosa closed public comments. ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeRosa adjourned the Study Session at 5:05 p.m. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 3 of 7 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND AS THE HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Special meeting of the City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION Councilmember Toles gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS None. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Green stated there were no reportable actions. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened public comments. There being no speakers, Mayor DeRosa closed public comments. LEGISLATIVE ACTION 1. COUNCIL. Consideration of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 two-year operating budget (D. Bradley) City Manager Bradley presented the staff report. He presented the proposed layoffs and reduction in work force. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, City Manager Bradley explained the possible joint powers authority for police dispatch services. City Manager Bradley continued explaining the need to cut public safety services. He discussed awards received by the City. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 4 of 7 Administrative Services Director Scott presented the proposed budget and explained revenues and expenditures. She discussed modifications based on the prior meeting. Council Member Pettis stated he had additional line item questions that he would provide to staff. He asked about special funds such as the vehicle replacement fund and technology improvements. Administrative Services Director Scott explained that there were no proposed expenditures in those funds. He asked how much was in the vehicle replacement fund. Administrative Services Director Scott stated there was $2 million in the fund. She explained the upcoming need to replace vehicles. Council Member Pettis stated the Council could make a policy decision to take $300,000 from the vehicle replacement fund. He asked if the City Attorney and contract engineer had been asked to take the same cut as the other employees. Administrative Services Director Scott stated staff was working with the contractors on possible reductions. Council Member Pettis questioned the $1 million increase in risk management. Administrative Services Director Scott stated it was related to unemployment expenses. In response to Council Member Pettis, the Police Chief discussed take home of emergency vehicles for faster response time. The Fire Chief explained the use of City vehicles. Administrative Services Director Scott explained insurance expenses. In response to Council Member Pettis, Administrative Services Director Scott stated there was approximately $4 million in unfunded liability for sick and vacation time. She stated the total legal fees was approximately $775,000. Council Member Pettis questioned the leased copiers. Administrative Services Director Scott stated a request for proposals was recently issued. She stated fleet and facility insurance was approximately $300,000. In response to Council Member Pettis, Administrative Services Director Scott discussed audit requirements. She discussed the redevelopment agency and successor agency dissolution audits. In response to Council Member Pettis, Community Development Director Hall discussed the engineering operating budget. He discussed the NAI agreement and upcoming review of a new contract. Council Member Pettis questioned the tripling of operating expenses. Community Development Director Hall explained that building plans would be sent out for review but personnel funding was reduced. Mayor DeRosa questioned the increase in professional services and legal services. Community Development Director Hall explained the increase in legal due to sewer connections. In response to Council Member Pettis, City Manager Bradley stated the discussion of reduction on the VanSkoic and Associates agreement had been considered in closed session. Council Member Pettis suggested adopting a one year budget. He questioned whether vehicles should be replaced or refurbished. He expressed concern regarding reductions in bilingual services, website maintenance, and recruitment. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez stated the state of the economy prevented balanced budgets. He stated the goal should not be entirely based on balancing the budget. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 5 of 7 Council Member Toles stated it was necessary to get the City's finances in order. He discussed sacrifices necessary to live within the City's means. He stated the Council owed it to the community to live within the dollars allocated. He stated his vote would be contingent on a balanced budget. Council Member England thanked staff for the proposed budget with a $677,000 deficit. He expressed concern regarding relying on Creekside. He anticipated a one year budget could be balanced. He thanked the bargaining units. He stated people had asked what the Council would give up. He stated the Council had to take part in the budget reduction. He suggested an overall 25% Council budget reduction. He stated he did not want to take away salaries because some Council Members gave theirs away. He suggested medical insurance be considered and on par with other employees. He stated the retirement benefit was approximately$70-90 per month but could be discussed. City Attorney Greene discussed Council salaries. In response to Mayor DeRosa, City Attorney Greene explained that a salary reduction would apply to each office as it were up for reelection. Council Member England suggested membership, air and hotel allowances be considered. Administrative Services Director Scott stated medical benefit modifications would be effective January 2013. In response to Council Member England, Administrative Services Director Scott stated the Council's medical benefit was the same as the other bargaining units. Council Member Toles suggested leadership by example. He stated he did not take medical benefits and gave 100% of his salaries to charities. He stated the Council's medical benefit was .04%of the budget. Council Member Pettis stated the Council made $10,000 a year and it cost Council Members to serve the City. He discussed the travel budget. He suggested cutting the lobbyist. He stated a 25% reduction in the Council budget was not realistic. He stated the Council took a 10% cut in pay due to the elimination of the Redevelopment Agency. He stated he would not support reducing Council medical benefits or salaries. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, Administrative Services Director Scott stated the Council generally came in under budget. Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez stated he did not use the majority of his travel budget. He stated the Council salary was reduced by 10%. He stated his gas expenses were not covered. He stated he did not join the Council to make money. He stated the Council came in under budget each year. He stated the cuts were already made by the reduced salary from loss of RDA and limited use of travel budgets. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 6 of 7 Council Member England stated it was important to discuss the Council's efforts to give back. In response to Mayor DeRosa, Kevin Biersack stated the utility franchise tax revenues. Mayor DeRosa discussed the elimination of the lobbyist. She stated she did not support a two year budget. She stated Creekside and Heritage could be considered one year items. She stated she had reviewed the capital improvement budget. Kevin Biersack explained that the capital improvement plan would carry over two or three years. Mayor DeRosa stated a budget was a working tool. She asked why there were no administrative costs associated with the capital improvement projects. Administrative Services Director Scott explained that administrative costs for each capital improvement project would be determined at the time the project was bid. Mayor DeRosa explained proposed updates to the website and integration of social media. She thanked the employees for their participation in shouldering the burden. She stated she would match the bargaining units reduction. Mayor DeRosa opened public comments. Steve Ellington, Cathedral City, thanked Council Member Toles. He suggested the management step down, excluding Council Member Toles. He expressed concern about public safety and road conditions. Chip Yarborough, Cathedral City, discussed Council compensation. He stated the Council should not receive retirement or health benefits. He stated he was offended that Council Member Pettis would leave during the meeting. He stated the staff should not be used to balance the budget. He stated eliminating the Fire Chief was a bad decision. He discussed a public records request he had submitted. He expressed concern with eliminating fire stations. Susie Genero, Cathedral City, discussed negotiation efforts by City employees. She requested the City Manager protect the vital services by not eliminating positions. Theresa Hooks, Cathedral City, stated Cathedral City was the lowest paid Council in the Coachella Valley. She commended the Council for its contributions. She discussed the redevelopment agency. She discussed Measure H and Measure L and need to cut bargaining units. She indicated support for a one year budget. Paul Marchand, Cathedral City, suggested a one year budget cycle. Scott Sharp, Cathedral City, and 23 year veteran of the Cathedral City Police Department Traffic Division, stated the division was being eliminated. He discussed the work of the Traffic unit. He discouraged the Council from disbanding the Traffic Unit. City Council of Cathedral City and City Council Serving as the Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency Board Minutes of June 19, 2012 Page 7 of 7 Andrew Diaz, Beaumont, stated he was in charge of the Special Enforcement Detail of the Police Department. He discussed the work of the unit. Paul Herrera, Palm Desert, Cathedral City Detective Bureau, discussed the effect of reducing the police force. There being no additional speakers, Mayor DeRosa closed public comments. Council Member Toles asked the last time a balanced budget was past. Administrative Services Director Scott stated she did not have that information. Council Member Toles stated it was necessary to pass a balanced budget. He stated a one year budget would not fix the problem. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez thanked the Police Department representatives. He discussed the increased homeless. He stated force reductions would eliminate assistance with Neighborhood Watch groups. He discussed release of parolees due to realignment. He stated he wanted a balanced budget but not at the devastation of the community. Council Member England requested an explanation of the capital improvement project expenses. Administrative Services Director Scott explained the five year capital improvement plan. City Manager Bradley stated the capital improvement budget was non-general fund monies. ADJOURNMENT Mayor DeRosa adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:45 p.m. KATHLEEN J. DEROSA, Mayor ATTEST: GAR F. ROWEL!, City C e k (seal)