HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2013-231 GREEN FOR LIFE RESOLUTION NO. 2013- �J/ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN AND GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORY, THE ENERGY ACTION PLAN, ENERGY BENCHMARKING PRACTICE FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, AND COMMISSIONING/RETRO- COMMISSIONING PRACTICE WHEREAS, the City of Cathedral City is committed to the long-range goal of protecting the natural environment, increasing sustainability efforts and improving overall quality of life; and WHEREAS, the carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have been found to have a profound effect on the Earth's climate and reducing the potential magnitude of climate change may lower its harmful effects on public health and safety; and WHEREAS, in September 2006, the State of California adopted the Global Warming Act of 2006 (AB 32) which created a statewide greenhouse gas emission requirement and goal to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2020; and WHEREAS, at the 2009 Coachella Valley Energy Summit all CVAG jurisdictions signed the Coachella Valley Sustainability Pledge committing all to take leadership roles and commit to a valley wide effort to ensure the maintenance of our air quality, encourage sustainable use of resources, and preserve our environment for future generations through collaboration on regional greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of energy efficiency and clean alternative energy; and WHEREAS, the City of Cathedral City authorized participation in the Coachella Valley Association of Government's coordinated application and subsequent award from Southern California Edison via the California Public Utilities Commission for a coordinated suite of energy efficiency and sustainability elements known as Green for Life; and WHEREAS, the City's elected officials, appointed committees, staff and residents helped to determine climate action efforts included in the Climate Action Plan that contain numerous community co-benefits such as utility savings, better air quality, reduced traffic congestion, local economic development, and improved quality of life; and WHEREAS, the City of Cathedral City, as a member of the Desert Cities Energy Partnership with partners Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Co, and Imperial Irrigation District joins all CVAG Jurisdictions in a regional effort to promote energy independence by the adoption and implementation of the elements contained in this document; and WHEREAS, the greenhouse gas reduction activities contribute to the achievement of many of the City's environmental values and is consistent with the city's environmental programs, including promoting clean and efficient energy use, commuter trip reduction efforts and other clean air initiatives, solid waste reduction and recycling; and promoting low-impact economic development; and WHEREAS, technologies to promote green building, energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gases will also contribute to the economic vitality of the area through the development and use of clean technologies and the addition of jobs; and WHEREAS, the City shall amend its General Plan to confirm its adoption of this Climate Action Plan endorsing measures for climate protection and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, noting that the Climate Action Plan and all future amendments to such plan shall remain in effect and applicable to all development within the City; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Initial Study and Negative Declaration, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq., (CEQA Guidelines); and WHEREAS, the Planning Manager has determined that said project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore has prepared a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the City provided copies of the document at the Planning Department for public review; and WHEREAS, the City published a City Council Public Hearing Notice to adopt the Initial Study and Negative Declaration in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 11, 2013, and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did adopt a Negative Declaration for the Climate Action Plan subject to the following findings: 1. The record as a whole, including the initial study and any comments received, demonstrates that no substantial evidence exists that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; 2. The Negative Declaration reflects the lead agency's independent judgment and analysis; 3. This project will not individually or cumulatively affect wildlife resources as defined in Section 711.2 of the California Fish and Game Code; and 4. The City of Cathedral City Planning Department is custodian of the documents or other material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this decision is based. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct, and constitute the findings of the City Council. 2. Based on its consideration, the City Council hereby determines that the adoption of the Green for Life elements is consistent with the provisions of the General Plan, State law, and is in the public interest. 3. It is also understood that where measures require ordinance or zoning code amendments further evaluation and analysis will be conducted to determine adequacy prior to implementation. 4. Adoption includes a Climate Action Plan with accompanying Greenhouse Gas Inventory and an Energy Action Plan with accompanying Benchmarking Practice and Commissioning/Retro-Commissioning Practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will pursue the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals highlighted in the Energy Action Plan for City operations through City activities and programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will pursue the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals highlighted in the Climate Action Plan for non-City "community" goals through the various actions and policies as well as cooperative incentive-based programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will monitor and report progress towards meeting the State's commitment to reduce GHG emissions. Since all levels of government will continue to monitor, lead and participate in these broader emission reduction activities, it may be necessary to adjust the measures described therein as necessary to ensure AB 32 and other related legislation if fully implemented. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, at a regular meeting held on this 13" day of November 2013. Kath -en J. D-asa Mayo y ./ 405e/, V�?s , AYES: /46:111-Li; To4 s NOES: . ABSENT: .% f G fi/S ATTEST: 4 l Gary F. H.' ell City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TS CONTENT: /%1LL ao Charles R. Green Pat Milos City Attorney Community Development Director REVIEWED BY: Roderick ood, City Manager