HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Doc 2016-356 2016-356 2016-0445787 10!12{2016 08:57 AM ***Customer Copy Label*** PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION The paper to which this label is affixed RECORDING REQUESTED BY: gas not been compared with the I document City of Cathedral City Peter Aldana CityClerk County Of Riverside Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Cathedral City 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero R A Exam: Cathedral City, CA 92234 1st Page DA PCOR Misc Long RFD Pg Adtl Pg Cert cc Attention: City Clerk SIZE NCOR SMF NCHG T: Space above this line for recorder's use only Resolution 83-23 Title of Document RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN OFFERED ALLEY EASEMENT WESTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF PEREZ ROAD AND PLAZA DRIVE. EXEMPT FROM RECORDER FEES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27383 TRA: DTT: THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ($3.00 Additional Recording Fee Applies) yACR 238(Rev.05!2015) Available in Alternate Formats RESOLUTION NO. 83- 23 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ( CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN OFFERED ALLEY EASEMENT WESTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF PEREZ ROAD AND PLAZA DRIVE. WHEREAS, there is shown on the official maps of the City of Cathedral City, California, a certain offer to dedicate an alley easement intersecting with the northerly side of Perez Road approximately 172 feet westerly of the intersection of Perez Road and Plaza Drive; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that a portion of said offered alley easement be vacated, as legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and hereby incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Director of Community Development of this City has rendered a report to the effect that the said portion of the offered alley easement as described in said Exhibit "A", and which is herein proposed to be vacated is and will be unnecessary for present or prospective public use, including use as a nonmotorized transportation facility; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cathedral City has considered this matter and has reported that the proposed vacation of said portion of the offered alley easement is consistent with the intent and purpose of the General Plan, and has recommended that said portion of the offered alley easement be ordered vacated; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (said Part 3 being the "Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law"), and subject to Section 2381 of the Streets and Highways Code, this Council, on March 16, 1983, adopted Resolution No. 83-18, declaring its intention to vacate the portion of the offered alley easement as legally described in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, this Council did, on April 6, 1983, after publishing and posting of due notice thereof, hold a public hearing in this matter; and did find and determine that all other legal requirements of the said Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law had been complied with; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, as follows: SECTION 1. This Council finds and determines that: a. The portion of the offered alley easement as legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, is unnecessary for present or prospective public use; and b. The said portion of the offered alley easement is not, and will not in the future be, useful as a nonmotorized transportation facility as defined in Section 156 of the Streets and Highways Code; and 000652 c. The said vacation of the portion of the offered alley easement is consistent and in conformity with the General Plan applicable within the area involved. SECTION 2. Subject to Section 3 hereinbelow, the portion of the offered alley easement as legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby ordered vacated and abandoned. SECTION 3. This Council hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity require, and it is accordingly ordered, that there is reserved and excepted from the vacation of the said portion of the offered alley easement, an easement for any existing public utilities and public service facilities, together with the right to maintain, operate, remove, replace, or renew such facilities, pursuant to Section 8340 of the Streets and Highways Code. SECTION 4. From and after the date this Resolution is recorded, the offer to dedicate the said portion of the offered alley easement shall be extinguished and shall no longer constitute an offer to dedicate such area to become a part of the City street and alley system. SECTION 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution, attested by her under seal, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 1983. /61/ 1-4--17 �i ATTEST: CI Y CLER APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Y ATTORNEY CITY MANA R 000653 EXHIBIT " A " Vacation of a portion of an Offered Alley Easement Legal Description True point of beginning on Exhibit "A" is the southwest corner of Lot 1 as shown on Map Book 62, Page 12 and 13, miscellaneous Maps County of Riverside. Beginning north 3 degrees, 55 minutes, 50 seconds east, a distance of 201.07 feet to the beginning of the curve concave easterly whose radius is 318 feet, whose arc length is 185.50 feet. Thence north 43 degrees, 21 minutes, 14 seconds east, a distance of 47.76 feet. Thence north 46 degrees, 38 minutes, 46 seconds west, a distance of 20 feet. Thence south 43 degrees, 21 minutes, 14 seconds west, a distance of 47.76 feet to beginning of a curve concave easterly whose radius is 338 feet along an arc length of 197.17 feet. Thence south 9 degrees, 55 minutes, 50 seconds west, a distance of 183.73 feet, the beginning of a curve concave westerly hose radius is 20 feet along an arc length of 25.37 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southerly whose radius is 550 feet along an arc length 38.06 feet to the true point of beginning. Reserving and excepting from the vacation and abandonment an easement for any existing public utilities and public service facilities, together with the right to maintain, operate, replace, remove, or renew such facilities, pursuant to Section 8340 of the Streets and Highways Code. 000654