HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-01-11 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... E 3 i I X t t i I , 1 x rr: Y1'n , A I 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY i COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (Copy) p i 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 i , CLOSED SESSION PORTION OF MEETING - Starts at 3:00 p.m. Please Note: The New Procedure: The Agenda for the Closed Session Meeting is loaded as an Attachment to this Agenda - it is not taped at all in Granicus Recording. It will be printed out at the end of the Minutes for future Reference. Again, CLOSED SESSION Starts at 3:00 Also please note that attendance was taken at the Closed Session portion of the meeting. The following is a short report on the Closed Session portion of the meeting. 1 G Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session portion of the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Council Members/RDA Board Members England, Pettis, Toles, Mayor/RDA Chair DeRosa answered the Roll Call, Mayor Pro Tem/ RDA Vice Chair Vasquez did not I answer the roll, Mr. Vasquez joined the meeting at approximately 3:15 p.m. There were no Public Comments, there was one added item to the Closed Session Agenda, that was properly noticed for this meeting, Item 7b. City Attorney Green deemed a summary of the Closed Session items read into the record. The City Council moved into the Closed i Session. STUDY SESSION PORTION OF MEETING - Starts at approximately 5:00 p.m. OR at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda (in Council Chambers) 1 STUDY SESSION i CALL TO ORDER i Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. t 'k Present: Mayor/RDA Chairman DeRosa, Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Vice Chair Vasquez, Council/RDA Board Member Pettis, Council/RDA Board Member i England, and Council/RDA Board Member Toles. I C if ,' \ Absent: None. 1 1 d 1 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... 1 PRESENTATION OF COLORS Cathedral City High School Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Guard 1 I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE i I Mayor Pro Tem Vasqauez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION i Council Member England offered the Invocation. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS i Presentation of CORE Award to City of Cathedral City. Welton Smith, V.P. Development, CORE and George Searcy, Executive Director of our Hope through Housing presented Mayor DeRosa and the City Council the CORE award, thank you for your vision, thank you for your partnership, and most of all thank you that von care so much about your residents of lesser income. CORE has a relationship that goes back over 15 years with Cathedral Palms, which provides clean, safe housing for seniors. We follow that up with i Co River Canyon, and we are working very diligently to make Cimmaron Heights happen, despite some incredible set - backs. The award says to commend you on our partnership, on , your friendship, and your vision. The award states in Honor of Cathedral City for your commitment to our shared vision of building Healthy Communities through affordable housing and social service. i Presentation to Cathedral City's Fire Department of Pet Life Saving Masks from Thomas I i Daves, Save -A -Pet, Desert Hot Springs, CA. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN PULLED TO A k e FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING AS MR. DAVES IS UNABLE TO ATTEND TODAY. t CATHEDRAL CITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT REPORTS E Alma Perez and Astrid Barajas - Cathedral City High School Students came to update the 1 City Council ad the audience on what is happening at Cathedral City High School. Their presentation may be watched on the city web -site. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a Request to Speak form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. i i PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed I I i t i f t I 1 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a Request to I Speak form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, I please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. 1 Andy Jessup - Rancho Mirage. I am here this evening representing our Cathedral City 1 Chamber of Commerce, and our Chamber CEO Steve Morrison and Lesa Bodnar our Treasurer. I also want to speak a few minutes about the Cathedral City Auto Center and share some good news there. Regarding the Chamber, a year in re -cap., as Chambers all across the U.S. your Cathedral City Chamber has experienced a fall in Membership. In xi 2000 and 2009 we fell as much as 22% in membership. In 2011 we began to stabilize that fr decline down to 5 %. Steve and Aura (Chamber office) have managed the Chamber daily in the leanest possible fashion as a team of two, we can simply not afford even an outside I dedicated Membership sales person. Please realize these losses in Membership mirror other Chambers in our Valley. These drops in Membership remain out of control simply by economic attrition, businesses have closed, businesses relocate, others just can't afford the dues. To this troubling scenario and under Steve's Leadership along with our engaged i and active Board, we looked beyond Membership as a primary revenue source. We have taken exclusive focus away from Membership only, and combining that focus on Membership, event sponsorship, and advertising sales. This has allowed the Chamber's revenues to grow 120% since Steve's beginning tenure in 2008. We generated $22,000 in revenue, the 120% growth was in 2011 with a $48,000 revenue capture. This has enabled the Chamber to close 2011 with a positive cash flow. This is the second year in a row with positive cash. I am proud to be a member of this Chambers team, and proud to begin my second year as its Chairman. Mr. Jessup then brought Lesa Bodnar, one of the retiring :'' 4; board members of the Chamber forward to be recognized. She has spent 6 years on the Chamber Board, two terms, her dedication has left its mark on everyone on the board. . , Mirroring a bit of the National Automotive arena, your Cathedral City Auto Center again 1 stands heads and tails above any other auto center in this valley. We were able to, thru 1 9,500 car sales on an annual basis, increase year over year by 18 %. With the 18% increase and the 9,500 cars, each dealer pays into our advertising association based on how many cars they sell. Our association pooled $617,000 over the 12 month period, which we put back into this community,by marketing, by sponsorship. Mayor DeRosa thanked Mr. i Jessup for the report and said whe wanted to have a conversation with him about the Auto 1 Association participating in CVEP> 1 John Stevens - Thousand Palms. Mr. Stevens gave a Picture to Mayor Derosa. He stated that this all began in April 2008. I sent many faxes to the State Governments, also to Washington, DC. Mary Bono sent a letter to the late Roy Wilson to look into John Stevens problem. Mr. Wilson sent me a letter stating he preferred Thousand Palms be left alone, they have potential to be a city of its own in the future. John Benoit took his place being appointed by the Governor of the State of California. Mr. Benoit was to carry on with Mr. Wilson's wishes so printed in the Desert Sun. One year or less Mr. Benoit sent a letter to a chairman of LAFCO along with Mr. Wilson's Letter, stating Thousand Palms could never become a city of its own. Pauline Pearson started a protest group the night Mr. Bradley came to a Thousand Palms Riverside County meeting to thank us for the 4100 { acres which Rancho Mirage for 20 years. I thought that Cathedral City broke the Brown Act. Pauline Pearson is now one of two Pro Tem Mayors and myself, J B Stephens. She i (10 started it and I'll finish it. t 1 C I I i F 1 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... y {{ 3 1 C Lesa Bodnar - CVEP Lisa brought Joe Wallace in so he could introduce himself Mayor DeRosa welcomed Joe to our meeting. Mr. Wallace was glad to meet everyone, and hopes to work with everyone and meet their expectations. Mayor Asked Mr. Wallace that when he had a little time, they would like him to come back and tell the Council about the IHub, what your goals and objectives are and to share with Council what he was doing. Mr. Wallace agreed. 1 Steve Morrison - Cathedral City. I am the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce. I wanted to remind everyone that next week, a week from tomorrow, we have our monthly mixer at the Mary Pickfair Theater, where we'll have a Mixer and a movie of I your choice. Reminder of Orion awards 27th at the Doral Desert Princess. Please make reservations and we will see you there, we are also looking for silent auction items. 1 STUDY SESSION AGENDA I Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves 1 the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. i 1. Receive report from United States Green Building Council ( USGBC) of their 2012 1 _ oafs interactin . • lans with cities and USGBC Sustainabili Dashboard • resentation b Eric Corey Freed and William G. Kleindienst, Green Building Council. (D. Bradley) (Pg.) ;!, ce Eric Corey Freed - I am an Architect and a resident of Palm Desert, California and tonight I am here to represent the U.S. Green Building Council, the Coachella Valley Branch which is part of the overall Empire Chapter. What we do is sustain overall, Sustainability Green Building through a series of events. Here in the Coachella Valley we have a lot of complex issues. First I want to congratulate Cathedral City as the leader in the Valley on r Sustainability. What you have done already is very impressive and what you are about to do is really impressive. What will the next 50 years look like? We get these nine cities to work together we can attain great things. To get these cities to work together was have developed a Sustainability Dashboard. - this dashboard is designed to aid you as a road y map. We have taken everything that you have done here in Cathedral City and everything that has been done by the other cities with the real goal of the dashboard is to lessen the I work load. Help me help you. There are ten official categories on this Dashboard and I I would like you to officially adopt this Dashboard. I am asking you to agree to use this Dashboard as a Road map, that you will commit one staff person to work with us, and that you use the U.S. Building sources to use the resources of the U.S. Building Council. We will have this meeting every December and share what has been done. We have quarterly meetings set already with flexible dates to get us going. We can discuss things that worked and things that didn't work and promote these ideas together. You can get get all I 1 info off the Dashboard.usgnccv.org starting next week. A S 2. Discussion of the Supreme Court decision to dissolve Redevelopment Agencies. (D. Bradley) g 3 3. Receive the 2010 -2011 Annual Auditor's Report. (T. Scott) , C I i ; i 1 1 1 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... p t i Tami Scott - Administrative Services Director. Gave the introduction for the Financial report on the audit. the presentation was very positive and may be watched in its entirety on www- cathedralcity.gov under Agenda and Minutes. 1 ' 4. Continued discussion and Presentation of the New World Systems Integrated Technology Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. (T. Scott 1 -3) Kevin Biersack - Accounting Manager. New World is a presentation by Henrick Bajar who lives in Dana Point. New World Systems Economic Growth - Finance Payroll, cCmmunity Development. This presentation also may be best reviewed on the Cathedral 1 City Website at www.cathedralcity.gov i 5. Discussion of having youth representation to serve as Ex- Officio members on Cathedral 1 City's Commissions and Committees. (D. Bradley) I Mr. Bradley gave the report. He advised that at the last Council meeting it was asked that this be placed on tonight's agenda. As I understand it, this would be having an ex- officio type youth appointment, yet to be defined as to who that would be or where it would come from, but allowing for more participation from the youth in community. I am not aware 1 that their would be any particular cost, it would be more the symbolism as well as getting 1 the voice from youth to be part of what ever committee or commission that is. i After lengthy discussion by the City Council members decided applicants should be a :, G Cathedral City or an Thousand Palms resident, and registered as at least a Freshman, 1 interviewed and selected by the City Council as we do all commissions. No need for College of the Desert applicants due to the fact they are old enough when in college to I I apply for the Regular seats on the Commissions. 6. Discuss recommendation from Public Arts Commission to amend the Art in Public Places ii Ordinance to allow 5% of collected fees to be used for Art Education and Performance t Art. (A. Howe) (P. 4 -5) { After discussion of this the City Council did not have a problem with this item. t a 7. Receive update on the Local Agency Formation Commission approval of Cathedral City's E expansion of its Planning Sphere of Influence to include all of Thousand Palms. (A. Hall) 1 (Pg.) i Leisa Lukes gave a detailed report. 9500 acres have been approved. We are at a crossroads. Very significant undertaking. Leadership of TP here in chambers this evening. Two Council members studying this issue. Mr. Pettis would like to see an annexations sooner than later we need to determine the dollar amount - we need to move forward. I t r Mr. England has feelings that in Thousand Palms you are really for it, or against it. Thousand Palms doesn't want to loose their identity. We have talked with the residents t and the leadership there, I would like to understand what the costs are and what the time f t t i t i t 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... 3 frame is, because it needs to work for both sides - we need time to digest and ask questions i C and this will definitely be a partnership. i Lesa added time was an essence. Council Consensus is to move forward we can only do x this once - like to see others considered than the students. Mayor DeRosa said that the concensus of Council is to move forward and get the magnitude of cost clarified. 1 8. City Council /Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. 1 RECESS 1 Mayor DeRosa recessed the Study Session Meeting at 7:58 p.m. i REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD - Council Chambers -- Third Floor of City Hall - Wednesday, January 11, 2012 -6:30 p.m. 1 CALL TO ORDER 1 1i Mayor DeRosa called the Regular portion of the Meeting to Order at 7:59 p.m. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1 Elaine Cklaremont - Received the MLK Proclamation. ; G CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 1 i City Attorney Green advised there were no reportable actions out of Closed Session. PUBLIC COMMENTS Open and Closed Public comments without comment t i CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENTS , t i In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council and /or the Redevelopment Agency Board may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or I questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. 1 i AGENDA FINALIZATION c s At this time, the City Council and /or the Redevelopment Agency Board may announce any 1 t f t 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... i F 1 items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. , co, J URGENCY ITEMS 4 i Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda 4 only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all members are present) etermine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council's attention after the agenda is posted. 1 COUNCIL COMMENTS i Council Member Toles - commented about Mr. Bradley and CA said this was like a 9.0 1 earthquake. Sacramento has done the people in this valley has done a disservice. Sacramento has stolen your money. Our situation is severe and drastic, we will get thru this and will be a stronger community - unfortunate to have ended 2011 with this story. the Challenges are now ten times greater than last year. Inefficient and ineffective, I took and sickened to my stomach. Council Member England - Few choice words to the Governor and a few others. Happy New year - first even iat the Civic Center for Jesus" concert free, no cost to city, 1 there is a unique event with our Chamber of Commerce Mixer with a movie of your i , co choice. I Council Member Pettis - I agree about what - Sister City Mayor Garcia along with 1 delegation 26 -27 Lunch at Oceans - include various leaders Orien awards out of our pocket no more than a $1000 - good opportunity to meet with them. { Chuck Vasquez - Monday Public Safety CVAG - parollees - last 90 days 1500 packets - over 200 to valley - CC was 5th on the list. 244 in Riverside County being released F Homeless. the new system that the Governor has handed is. we are trying to put programs rtogether to help them, about. Brighter side look about our Police Dept - shop with a cop 50 kids spent about $150 each - they had to be in school. Only chance to get anything got Christmas - we gave each child a card they could use to stay in touch with the officer. 3 { Burrtec, Target, employees. Desert Sands mobil Home park - I went to swear in their new Board. Mayor DeRosa - happy New Year, Friends of Library looking for book donations and t volunteers. Congratulate $25,000 from the Berger Pantry- E COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS t , l See last page of Agenda Book MINUTES C ie ) r 1 l 1 g } 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... Approval of minutes from Special City Council Meeting for November 30, 2011 and Regular Meeting for December 14, 2011. Minutes accepted as written. CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak? form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. 1. COUNCIL/RDA. Receive and File payment of Claims and Demands in the aggregate sum of $5,359,994 for the month of December 2011 by M.O. 4935 and M.O. R -1353. (T. Scott) fpg. 1 -2) 2. COUNCIL. Approval of expenditure plan appropriating Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) for 2011 -2012 by M.O. 4936. (K. Conner) (Pg. 3 -5) 3. COUNCIL. Approve an agreement with the City of Palm Springs to fund the local share of the preliminary engineering phase of the Widening of the Ramon Road Bridge over the Whitewater Channel and associated street improvements by M.O. 4937. (B. Simons) (Pg. 6 -18) 4. COUNCIL/RDA. Receive and File Quarterly Report from the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce relative to the Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Business Services and Workforce Development Program by M.O. 4938 and M.O. 1354. (A. Hall) (Pg.19 -31) Council Member England moved approval of all items on the Consent Agenda, motion seconded by Council Member Pettis, motion carried 5 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. COUNCIL/RDA. Consideration of a Second Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement (the "Agreement ") by and between the Agency and Southern California Housing Development Corporation on the Inland Empire for development of workforcehousing in the general vicinity of the Dream Homes. (D. Bradley) a. Report by Donald E. Bradley, City Manager b. Open Public Hearing 1 -11 -12 3:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL SITTI... c. Close Public Hearing d. Recommendation: Pulled at the request of the applicant q PP Mr. Green approximatley 50% of all low income housing in California are affected by RDA Funds. LEGISLATIVE ACTION 6. COUNCIL. Consider amendment of the Cathedral City Fee Schedule to increase the fee to obtain a connection permit to more accurately reflect the cost of performing necessary inspection tasks. (A. Hall) (Pg. 32 -35) a. Report by Gill Estrata who advised they were recommending the fee be brought in line to what it has become $131 from $41. He explained that there were sometimes as many as 3 or 4 inspections. b. Public Comments Public Comments opened and closed by Mayor DeRosa with no comments. c. Recommendation: Approve Resolution Council Member Pettis moved approval of this fee increase, to take effect immediately. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem England, motion carried 5/0 by Resolution N o. 2012 -154. 7. COUNCIL/RDA. Consider approval of a Resolution by the City Council of City of Cathedral City electing to serve as the Successor Housing Agency for the dissolving Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City. (J. Davison) (Pg. 36 -40) a. Report was made by Donald Bradley, City Manager. One of the steps that we have to do, is decide whether or not to take on the obligation of housing as the successor agency. While there are many questions that are unanswered as yet, we are required to make that determination by no later than January 13th, which is two days from now, my recommendation to you is, that we do declare the city as the successor agency, we will evaluate this as we go along. That action is necessary tonight so that we can notify those we need to notify, that in fact, we are stepping into that role. Council Member Toles asked about our future options if we decide against being a successor agency in the future. b. Public Comments Public Comments opened and closed without comment. c. Recommendation: Approve Resolution 1 CLOSED SESSION MEETING BEGINS AT 3:00 p.m. IN THE CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 Closed Session at 3:00 p.m., followed by Study Session at approximately 5:00 p.m. or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda and Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Third Floor Council Chambers 6 CALL TO ORDER F I ROLL CALL a) Roll call of City Council /RDA Board Members b) Action to excuse absent City Council /RDA Board Member(s) CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENTS 1 t At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter that is listed on this Closed Session agenda. Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. k In response to any public comment on an item or matter on this Closed Session agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council and /or the I Redevelopment Agency Board may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions ( posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). t ■ c SUMMARY OF CLOSED SESSION ITEMS I I i j City Attorney will read a summary of Closed Session items into the record. AGENDA APPROVAL THE CITY COUNCIL WILL MOVE TO CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION AGENDA 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Petra Mondragon, Enrique Leon, and Sonia Fabian vs. € City of Cathedral City, Officer John Fox Jr. Case No. CV1109096 Court US District Court, Central District of California i t 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (J. Davison) Property Location: APN's 677 -410 -009, 677 - 332 -003 and portion of 677 - 353 -006 and 659 - 180 -001, 659 - 180 -020, 659 - 180 -025, 659 - 190 -011, 660 - 280 -011, 670 - 020 -012, 670 - 020 -010, 675 - 030 -039, 047, 049, 050, 022, 670 - 080 -016, 670 - 197 -005, 675 - 242 -005, 675 - 271 -036, 037, 040, 041, 042, 675 - 292 -010, 675 - 302 -015, 675 - 362 -012, 677 -291- 021, 022, 677 - 373 -004, 005, 008, 677 - 381 -006, 677- 382 -005, 006, 007, 008, 677 - 383 -001, 002, 677 -393- 003, 678 - 081 -019, 680 - 251 -055, 680 - 252 -022, 680 -311- 036, 680 - 421 -031, 680 - 432 -011, 680 - 482 -018, 687 -232- 006, 687 - 233 -008, 680-301-001,002, 680 - 302 -021, 680- 401 -008, 680 - 401 -010, 687 - 214 -002, 009, 687 - 213 -001, 003, 004, 007, 008, 010, 011, 012, 687 - 215 -001, 002, 003, 004, 006. Negotiating Parties Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency and Southern California Housing Development Corporation (CORE) Property Owners Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency Under Negotiation Property Negotiations 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location Parcel Map 32932 Parcel 1, East of Van Fleet Avenue, south of East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency and City Urban Revitalization Corporation Property Owners City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (A. Hall) Property Location APN's 687 - 086 -002 thru -006 Negotiating Parties Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency and Carpet Empire. Property Owners Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency, Under Negotiations Property Negotiations