HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-02-08 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (Copy) 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Wednesday, February 8, 2012 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD Council Chambers -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 Please note: NEW PROCEDURE: The Agenda for the Closed Session Meeting is loaded as an attachment to the Agenda - it is not taped at all in GRANICUS RECORDING. It will be printed out at the end of the Minutes for future reference. Closed Session Meeting begins today at 4:30 p.m. 2 Also please note that attendance was taken at the Closed Session portion of the meeting. The Following is a short report on the of the meeting. Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session portion of the meeting to Order at 4:36 p.m. The Roll was called for the Members of the City Council Serving as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board. Present were Council Members England, Pettis, and Toles, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez and Mayor DeRosa. There were no Public Comments in Closed Session, and the City Attorney deemed a summary of the Closed Session items read into the record.1 There were no changes to the Agenda. fi ' -Y STUDY SESSION February 8, 2012 at approximately 5:30 p.m. - or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda. CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session Portion of the Meeting to Order at 5:54 p.m. ROLL CALL REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... We are calling the Roll for the Regular eeting of the City Council and the City Coluncil serving as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board. Present: Council Members England, Pettis, Toles Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa. Absent: None PRESENTATION OF COLORS Cathedral City High School Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Guard PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance INVOCATION Council Member England offered the Invocation. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Certificate of Appreciation - Bonnie Barkley and Tom Steferak, Cello's Bistro (Council) The Cello's came here five years ago and decided that they wanted to start a restaurant, so they did. More importantly they made a decision that they wanted to be a part of the fabric of this community. They started in a very small space and grew quite quickly into a larger space. They just began to get involved in the community and get involved in general. When we had that tragic fire a couple of months ago, it was Bonnie and Tom who came forward and helped those people have a Christmas, many were put out of work, and could barely survive. They started a bank account to help these families and gathered toys and helped to make these families whole again during the holidays. We thank them so much. CATHEDRAL CITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT REPORTS Our Students Alma Perez and Astrid Barajas are not here this evening. PUBLIC COMMENTS Steve Morris - Cathedral City President/CEO of your Chamber of Commerce. I want to let everyone know that this month, we are not having our regular mixer on the third Thursday, in lieu we will be Co- Presenting with Women in Film at the Pickford Sunday 26th digital projection Oscar Telecast The cost is $10 Red Carpet 5 p.m. telecast at 6:00 1 p.m. There will be raffle prizes, bottomless coke and popcorn. Juliet Rocha - Cathedral City -I am Constantly harassed by City Code Compliance Department, I am very unhappy. This has been going on since 99, I have- delayed applications for the housing program. As of 99 we went ahead and updated in 2000, I had a $65,000 contract and then all work stopped. A I got out of this was a new roof. It was fir; stopped and I am constantly being cited for what was supposed to be cited on that { i II REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... i I 4 contract. I have no driveway or carport. I purchases the house with two bedrooms and 2 i Ce baths, it turned out at the time that they converted the car port into a master bedroom, I am being sited for that, there is no car port or Driveway, so I have been sited, they cannot give me a reason why the contractor did not complete the parts that he should have completed. I am at this point being sued, I have the same violations on this form that were cited r before, and I do not know what to do. Mayor DeRosa asked the City Manager if he were aware of this problem and instructed Ms. Rocha to give the documents to the City Manager and he would look into the situation and someone would get back to her. 5 Dennis Boden - Cathedral City in the Rio Vista. You probably recognize my name since I have written a number of letters to you and to my State and Federal Representatives, no answers yet. MY Mother and Father built this house in 1989. It was suppose to be the state of the art sewer system at the time. I have been their caretaker for 7 years. Last year my father died of Alzheimer's. He had been at the Veterans Hospital for 9 months and in a nursing home for 3.5 years. Presently for the past 3 years my mother has also been in a f nursing home, she is there on Medicare and Medical, there is no estate with the exception of the house, which is held in Estate till she dies. I have had contact with Gil Estrata and he is giving me a lot of information, none of which has helped actually. I'm 64 years old, 1 I'm unemployed, I get $749 a month Social Security to live on and pay the taxes for my Mother and Fathers house. My retirement has dwindled, and I don't have that kind of money to spend. I do not even have a way to qualify to comply with the mandate. Even I though the mandate was passed in 2003 neither they could afford to have the sewer 1 connected with their conditions, and unemployed for the past 9 years, and also the bad economy the past five years. There are literally 100's of homeowners in my area affected by this mandate. The result will be that low income and fixed income home owners won't even be able to sell their homes. Who would buy a "Public nuisance" property? The finds will begin and then go unpaid and the homeowners will eventually lose their homes, there goes more property taxes uncollected by the city, and the state. This is not the American Dream of home ownership that we all have worked to hard for. The irony is that when these homes end up abandoned, the mandate will still have to be done. And I don't think 1 the city or state has the budget to do the hook -ups either. A simple five year extension for fi low and fixed homeowners or some sort of exemption until the house is sold would at least ' help to solve this problem. Assessments and fines wont. If we can't afford to do the sewer 1 hook -ups, how can we afford to pay the assessments and fines? We need your ! representation in this matter. Thank you. 1 Susan Stone Stafford - Cathedral City for 40 years - I don't get the newspaper, did not x know of the state getting rid of Redevelopment Agency. There is no recourse for me to get my sewer hook -up My husband is unemployed and I am disabled. Mr. Estrada says the RDA was struck down and the state took the money. This has been a big part of Cathedral City building. How can Cathedral City go thru with the mandate to do the sewers? You guys are still sticking to the plan even though the parameters have changed. 3 Like the last gentleman said the fines are not going to help. Isn't there some way to help? Mr. Estrada says "well that is the way it is" and tough luck ", You guys had it on the cove and you didn't advertise it for the rest of the city at all. It is like a big shock and $10,000 s is like you need to do something. Mayor DeRosa responded, this has been on the books , , C since 2002, it has been 10 years in the making, it did not happen in a vacuum, and we we 1 continue to explore ways to find other options. At the moment there are none, but we I 1 I 1 { REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 1 l 1 I continue to see what options may be available. „ Co David Bell - Palm Springs. I have owned Dave's Towing Service for 40 years. Recently one of my drivers was cited in a residential neighborhood. Their is a waiver that tow service which says if they are engaged in towing for public safety, I talked to LT. Earl 1 Moss, who would not give us a waiver since we did not have a contract with the 1 Cathedral City Police. This law on the books is pretty discriminatory -There are also l waivers for cell phones. I have a contract with sheriffs department - really important to i meet response time. If they force me out of the area I do not know what to do.all of a sudden after five years, they have decided to enforce this. I would like to work with you for some kind of waiver, figure a way to screen the trucks. The driver is buying this house and he has been there six years and he depends on his job. Mayor DeRosa advised him to continue to work with Lt. Moss. 1 Seeing no one else wishing to speak Mayor Closed Public Comments. J STUDY SESSION AGENDA i Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. i I At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed i G on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. i In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to 1 Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council and/or the Successor 1 Agency Board may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own 1 activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter I raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. i 1. Update by Pat Queenan, General Manager, Big League Dreams on NCAA Women's Softball Tournaments. (D. Bradley) t f Pat Queenan - Big League Dreams - Mr. Bradley said Mr. Queenan is here to speak so he will turn this right over to him. Pat Queenan, I live in Perris, California. Feb 23 -26 NCAA Women's Softball Tournaments Hosted by Cathedral City and Oregon State U. Web site is cathedralcityclassa.com has all the information. This year is a better year than before as we have 35 teams this year for Thursday thru Sunday. I met with Lt. Moss and I : C Public Works, Pat Milos. The Doral and Holiday Inn Express are all sold out Mayor is thrilled that this classic has been coming here for so many years. He is meeting with Amy i f i 1 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 1 1 at the Library this week and Lt. Moss has already been over there. , G 2. Presentation of Mid -year review of 2011 -2012 budget. (T. Scott) L 1 Tami Scott - Administrative Service Director. FY2011 -2013 2nd Quarter YTD. This review was presented in a detailed report and can be seen in its entirety on www.cathedralcity.gov. Ms. Scott said the review was mixed with both good and bad news primarily because of the economy. On completion of her Power Point review Ms. Scott asked if there were any questions. 1 Council Member Pettis. In our projected budget you mentioned our staff positions that have been vacant, are these still remaining on the books and they show in the budget at any time would it be beneficial to to us just to eliminate them and quit saying they are not filled and accept reality that they are not going to be filled? Yes sir, that is the process that you are aware of, in the next couple of weeks we will be sending out the budget documents to the Departments, as part of that process, positions will be eliminated from a budget standpoint. Thi 36.5 million number took into consideration the many positions that are no longer, won't be filled in the very near future, or will no longer be a permanent position. Council Member Toles said that he was just curious of looking at this page the Budget Process 09 -12 we went from 253 folks down to 195 but our expenditures keep going up. We are talking about - it is nice to see from a proposed budget to a expended budget, then ; G to a anticipated for 11 -12 that there is a savings in that number. I would like to understand why that number keeps going up. Is there any way to get that number to come down? I would think with staff cuts that number would be going down. The number was the adopted budget, but the difference in expenditure typically involves overtime. Because for the demand for services, if you remember in 2010 we had a major flood. We have had a number of injuries, Public Safety out on leave, they remain on the payroll and you have to back fill with overtime. Mr. Toles advised that Tami and her staff have done an incredible job of shepherding us through unfortunate times. This is a different time, we are in a 1 completely different ballgame without the Redevelopment money. If, God forbid, we would loose the Creekside money, we will be broke essentially within the year. If we 1 don't we have maybe two or three years, we need to be able to get those numbers down, don't know how we are going to do it, I know we will go through the cycle and from my perspective, the "business as usual" is just not going to work anymore. We have to that number moving in the other direction if we have any hope of maintaining solvency. Ms. Scott advised that Mr. Toles is very much on the mark. Unfortunately, good, bad, and 1 otherwise, every community commands a certain amount of services. We have done a couple of different surveys in the last four years, what this community wants is Public Safety. That is indicative of the response times of the department as can be seen by the 1 businesses that have suffered and it could have been a lot worse fire if the department had I not responded as they had. We know by the Police Department time responses are are the 1 safest city in the Valley. The future cuts that need to be made are going to jeopardize those and the community must understand that. In whatever words you want to use, as revenue continus to stay soft, 85 percent is public safety. This is no sustainable. So there are some very critical 1 C decisions that have to be made very quickly in the upcoming to survive and manager this L y I t t REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... process. It is not pretty, it is not easy. The employees and you as a Council have mandated certain things, the employees have stepped up to the plate, city staff organizationally have tried to find ways to do things smarter, more efficient, doing more with less, doing more with technology. It makes it more difficult to do things with the i community. Being able to do economic projects, the comments you hear about the sewers, g it is going to be a very difficult process to get there. We will get there, the community does have a future. We spent 30 years doing a lot of right things. As we bounce along on 1 the bottom, there is a lot of opportunity. We have land and product to provide to t developers, the unfortunate part just doesn't end with you, now we have an oversight committee that needs to approve those transactions as we move forward the dictate under 126 is to liquidate redevelopment assets and retire debt. The sooner the debt gets retired the more that will come to the entities, in the mean time the state gets a good portion of that. Some of the law is still unclear, but effective February 1st Redevelopment in the City and State of California no longer exists. I J 3. City Council/Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. 1 f Mr. Pettis gave a very interesting report from Mondays CVAG Transportation Committee tI Proposed Electrical Vehicle. In the sake of time you may listen to his report on 1 www.cathedralcity.gov under meetings and minutes. Mayor called on Mr. Bradley, City Manager - Just to make a comment on the Executive Meeting I have sent a letter to CVAG supporting the intent of participation in the s sustainable communities planning grant incentives program. That is not necessarily in conflict of what you are discussion is, I just want you to be aware that that letter has gone out on behalf of Cathedral City. 4 a, Allen Howe You may be aware that the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership has asked I to create February Federal Application month (FASSA). they had a press conference 3 today. They asked the City Council to do a Proclamation for today and We wanted to bring that action to you. Having kids applying to college. Mayor thanked I Mr. Howe and said there was also a Ramone Road update. Thank you for your patients we I are 1/2 hour late in starting our Regular Council Meeting. it 1 RECESS x Mayor DeRosa recessed the Study Session Portion of the Meeting at 7:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD, Council Chamber -- Third Floor of City Hall - 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. ' 1 CALL TO ORDER i Mayor DeRosa called the Regular portion of the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. I 1 3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 3 , G , PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 4 CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS i Deputy City Attorney announced there were no reportable actions from Closed Session this evening. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak? p form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please I I come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. 4 4 i In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for i clarification; 3)make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to 1 staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct J staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code 1 Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. a ., G PUBLIC COMMENTS Theresa Blanco - Cathedral City - Public Notice about the sewer hook -up. I think right now it is a really hard time for the citizens to do this. We have all ready called water district, it is about $5000 and we must pay cash. Right now there is a lot of unemployment. In my case my husband - seven years ago they detected a brain tumor, it 1 has been really hard for me. I am the only one that is working, supporting our family and we are just barely making it as best as we can. I am paying the mortgage and medications, so maybe you could postpone this. Too much to ask from Cathedral City residents right i now. Y Haim Lam - Cathedral City. I have a situation like the other lady -I pay every year on the property tax bill. I don't know what that money is about, I come to the city and ask them - they don't know they tell me to go to Coachella Valley and I asked the and they said that I money collected to the improvement for the public sewer. If you receie a letter rom the city you have to pay like $5000. I wonder why I have to pay for the improvemtn of the public swere form 2003 till now on the property tax. That is a lot of money for me, right now I am on unemployment. I don't have job, and I have to pay again for the hook -up. I really am confused, I don't know what that money about on my property tax, now I have to pay for the hook -up of the sewer. I come today to see if you can help, because right now I can't pay for that. Council Member England asked for the address of this home owner, and Mayor asked Ms. Scott if whe could find out about the questions on the property tax? 3 I : co; Lorretta Block - Cathedral City in Rio Vista - I own two houses there that I invested 1 E 9 [ 3 E { F 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... J in back in 2002 -03 with my retirement money. I;ve used them as rentals and as you know they are not worth the money I paid for them. I am loosing money and I'm still paying on a 12,000 loss from my last renter trashing the house. Then I received this notice that everyone is talking about - out of the blue. I had thought my rentals were on sewer, I 4 honestly did. This is the only notice I have gotten and now I am hit with a horrendous bill that I can't afford. This afternoon I went in and talked to Mr. Estrada who signed the letter, it is from his office. He recommended I go down to CVWD, which I did, they told € me that they had been caught unaware of this particular letter. They didn't know anything 1 about it, I am just repeating what I was told. They were not sure of what to do with the people coming in they said that the CVWD itself is not imposing any requirement to the € hook up to the sewer system, they didn't care. Obiviously I must come back to Cathedral ' City. This is hugh hardship on most of us living here, because its tough, it is really tough. I I asked if there was any payment plan, I am not against paying for this, I know that is part of the responsibility for owning a house, but I am overwhelmed, honestly. Mayor DeRosa doesn't have an answer, but we continue to look for avenues to help. We hear your concerns. Mark Horton - Cathedral City also a retired peace officer. Just wanted to try and throw in a few things regarding the sewer issue, yes this has been on the books the last 10 years do to the problem in the Cove area which contaminated a well system. My wife bought her house in Rio Vista which was built in 1980. Sewers were installed on her street in 1996 and she bought the house in 1998 -89. Now as the young lady we just heard, my wife I never received the notice that there would be this problem of connecting to a sewer. When ;: 1 we got the notice last week, this caught us off guard, we have only been married 5 , C years. In all the time she lived there she thought they were on sewer, and they were on septic. There is an additional problem that Council may not be award of, we are currently working with Bank of America, that is when the house was sold to my wife the disclosure may have not been accurate. The house may have been misrepresented at the time of the sale. That is what I wanted to point out that this hardship may not be her fault. IF that was an FHA purchase that house should have been required to be connected to sewer before the house closed escrow. I just want to let the Council know that there are issues other than people just putting the installation off. I had to take out of my retirement savings to install the sever at $4231 dollars just for CVWD. Back in 1996 it was only $1100. That is only the connection fee. That doesn't include the labor, manpower and tools to uncover the septic and hook into the sewer. There are a lot of costs involved. Your staff was kind and helpful in helping me get that done. We have possible litigation against the lender. I I Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments. i I AGENDA FINALIZATION € At this time, the City Council and /or Successor Board may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. 1 Council Members - comments on items not on the agenda. i C URGENCY ITEMS s i i REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... a 1 , cf Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council ?s attention after the agenda is posted. COUNCIL COMMENTS r Council Member Toles - In the sake of time we ask that you listen to Mr. Toles comments at www.cathedralcity.gov. 1 Council Member England - I agree whole heartily with Council Member Toles. Talk about something more positive. This week -end is the Tour de Palm Springs bike ride for the benefit of all local charities. Please be extra cautious whe encountering these 10,000 3 plus riders. They spend a lot of money in this valley and they are good for the economy as well as all the money that goes to our local non - profit groups. i 1 Council Member Pettis - couple of items a sad note, Robin Lowe Hemet - her husband a passed unexpectedly. Again in the sake of time we ask that you review Mr. Pettis's comments on www.cathedralcity.gov. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - Sunday Feb 12 Walking tour of historic homes in the Cove - , gi pick up tickets at Senior Center. Cost is $10. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - Congratulations tonight, first to Council Member Pettis for 1 receiving the first ever diversity Orion Award and to Cy Green 100 years old today, and he will play 100 holes of golf. A great an inspiring man. Mayor DeRosa - Council has approved youth commissioners to sit on each one of our 1 commissions. that notice went out to the public and if you know anyone attending x y Cathedral City High School and lives in Cathedral City, they are welcome to fill out an application. There was a meetiing today on an update on Ramon Road. The meeting was to discuss the challenges we are haiving with CalTrans getting Ramon Road under Construction. Staff continues to work on that. We do hope to have the East side of I Ramon under construction in a few months. The High School students need to apply for e college as Allen Howe stated earlier. One last item, as Mr. Toles and Mr. England I mentioned, Council will continue to look for ways to help residents with the sewer hook- , up. x f COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS See last page of Agenda Book MINUTES 1 Minutes from City Council Meeting for January 11, and January 25, 2012 were approved as written. pp ' C i I REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 1 i 1 CONSENT AGENDA , G All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among 0 I themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. 1 i A. I i A. CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY: t I NONE i 1 B. CITY COUNCIL: I f 1. COUNCIL. Receive report of intended travel from Council Member Pettis for the League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting, February 9 -10, 2012, Palo Alto, CA. (Trip funded by LOCC). i 3 2. COUNCIL. Receive report of intended travel from Council Member Toles for the NLC Congressional City Conference 2012, March 9 -14, 2012, Washington, DC. 1 , ; G MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez moved to approve the Consent Agenda, motion seconded I by Council Member Toles, motion carried 5 -0. 1 E 1 Council Member Toles interjected that he would be paying for his own air fare as well as 1 lodging. 1 3 p PUBLIC HEARINGS i 1 NONE LEGISLATIVE ACTION PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. COUNCIL. Consider Introduction of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City Amending Sections 11.45.020 and 11.45.130 of the Cathedral City 1 Municipal i P Code Pertaining to the Art in Public Places Program. (A. Howe) (Pg.) a. Report by Allen Howe, Assistant to City Manager. the funds included here are NOT General Funds, but funds that have been paid by the developers of building here in the City for Public Art. b. Public Comments , G 1 i i , , REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE ... 1 i A I Public Comments opened and closed without comment. , co c. Recommendation: Introduce Ordinance for first reading by title only Council Member Toles moved approval of the first reading of the proposed Ordinance, motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, motion carried 5/0 by M.O.4942. COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT i 1 Mayor DeRosa adjourned the meeting at 7:33 p.m. 7:33 p.m. i 1 NOTES TO THE PUBLIC I Agendas for Council meetings are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcity.gov. The agenda is available for public inspection in the City Hall 1 lobby or the City Clerk ?s office the Monday preceding the meeting. Any document or writing that relates to an 1 agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk ?s office. 1 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or oth se rvices offered by this City, please contact the Ci ty_ Clerk ?s Office at (760)770 -0385. Assisted - listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or the time when services are needed will assist city staff in assuring reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. r i 1 4. , Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk i 1 3 Cri t x 1 3 € 2 -8 -12 CLOSED SESSION AGENDA A. CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (A. Hall) Property Location APN's 687 - 086 -002 thru -006 Negotiating Parties Successor Agency, the City of Cathedral City and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation. Property Owners The City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location APN's 687 - 500 -001 thru -010, and 687 - 207 -003, & -005 Negotiating Parties Successor Agency, the City of Cathedral City and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation. Property Owners City Urban Revitalization Corporation, City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 4. CITY COUNCIL — CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING ANTICIPATED LITIGATION item Pursuant to Government Code Section § 54956.9 1 subd. (b). (C. Green) No. Potential Cases: 1 B. CITY COUNCIL 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager Represented 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal { Employees & Non- Employees. (AFSCME) Represented 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association Employees (CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees } 6. CITY COUNCIL — CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING CI; ANTICIPATED LITIGATION item Pursuant to Government Code Section § 54956.9 subd. (b). (C. Green) No Potential Cases: 1 { RECESS Following the Closed Session meeting, tt 9 2 3 { 1 pp