HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-05-29 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 Ci 1 e y� 1 ' S l �x 'r. r " ! A i'3 fi 1 t ' 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (Copy) 1 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 1 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 CLOSED SESSION MEETING BEGINS AT 3:00 p.m., IN THE CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1 PLEASE NOTE - Council Member Greg Pettis will participate via telecom from: Holiday Inn Hotel- Washington Capitol, 550 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024,1- 202 - 479 -4000 WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012 PLEASE NOTE: Closed Session at 3:00 p.m., followed by Study Session at approximately 1 1 - 4:00 p.m. in the STUDY SESSION ROOM or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda and Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in THIRD FLOOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. Roll Call was taken by 1 the City Clerk, with Council Members England and Toles present, Mayor DeRosa was also Present. Absent were Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez who was ill. Council Member Greg Pettis will participate via telecom from: Holiday Inn Hotel- Washington Capitol, 550 C Street SW, I Washington, DC 20024, 1- 202 - 479 -4000. Mr. Pettis answered the Roll Call via telephone. Council Member England moved to excuse Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, there was no objection. Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. See no one wishing to speak, Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments. City 1 Attorney Green deemed a summary read ino the record for the Items on the Agenda. There were no changes to the Agenda and City Council moved into the Closed Session part of the meeting at 3:12 p.m. RECESS Following the Closed Session meeting, the Council will convene the STUDY SESSION MEETING IN THE STUDY SESSION ROOM at 4:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as adjournment of the Closed Session Meeting. THE REGULAR MEETING will convene in the COUNCIL 1 CHAMBERS, third floor at 6:30 p.m., or as soon as possible after the Study Session meeting is adjourned. s I 1 i 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 STUDY SESSION PORTION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD I STUDY SESSION 1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the Regular Meeting to Order at 4:10 p.m. There were approximately 45 visitors in the Study Session Room. 1 ROLL CALL City Clerk Hammers announced the Roll was being called for the Study Session portion of the meeting of the City Council, and the City Council serving as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board. Those Present were Council Members England and Toles, Mayor DeRosa. Absent were Council Member Pettis who is out of town, and Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez who is not well. Council Member England moved to excuse Mr. Pettis and Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, there i was no objection. 1 i PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS i PUBLIC COMMENTS 1 G 1 Mayor DeRosa opened and closed the floor to Public Coments without any comments. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed l on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak? form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. a In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be 1 limited to three minutes. STUDY SESSION AGENDA Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. i ‘ t J 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i 1 1 1. Discussion of Animal control field and shelter services with Riverside County Department , G of Animal Services. (K. Conner) Lt. Earl Moss advised the Council that the best contract that they could negotiate with the Riverside County Animal Campus was $925,498. for four years. Field Services is $333,984 and is included in that amount. The Shelter is where there is such a big increase and it in Incremental Increases, because they say the are loosing none. Lt. Moss thinks this is the best situation for us right now because we have a Termination Clause. In 1 conversations with Palm Springs, they are not ready to take us on. Council Member England wanted to ask if these charges are consistent with other cities? He was advised they were, he asked about Desert Hot Springs, they also have 2 field officers and use the 4 shelter in Thousand Palms just like us. Council Member England seemed very stressed with this contract and feels it doesn't work. Chief Conner spoke and since Palm Springs had a no kill shelter, they were inundated with animals. We were hoping we could get in with Palm Springs, but our new contract is what every other city has been paying now for two years. Due to the very long term contract we were able to stay at the former prices for an additional two years. 1 Mayor wanted to take a few minutes and make a presentation of a Proclamation to Chief J Building Official, Gilbert Estrada. This is Building Safety month and Mayor DeRosa i 3 presented the Proclamation to Mr. Estrada. 3 1 2. Receive and discuss 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 two -year operating budget. (T. Scott) (Under Separate Cover) s 1 Mr. Bradley, City Manager introduced the next item advising that what Council had in front of them is a draft of the Budget Working Document. He advised that 1. Tami Scott i will give overview, 2. Various Departments will make presentations, and 3. then we will 1 open up for comments. Mayor DeRosa felt that the UUT was projected too high? Also felt the projection on planning fees was too high. Council Member Toles was concerned that after the propose budget contained a number of changes the budget was still at 4.3 million 4 over where I budget needed to be There was lengthy discussion on the Council Budget, J they tried to set a minimum that the Council budget was to be cut. There were minimums of 20 %, some suggested it should be the same as the highest department budget cut, there I was no actual decision, it was suggested to give up Council Dinners, perhaps cut tech stipends, reduce Council pay. The Marketing budget was discussed, it was advised that they had met that day, Mayor DeRosa wanted to know if there money had been 4 redirected? Ms. Scott said there had been a suggestion that the city offer Wi -Fi in and around city hall. She felt it was could be a problem, and cost prohibitive and people can't s get on to our internal Wi -Fi, because of security reasons. Mayor said to take it out the $ proposal. The City Clerk's budget of $77,000 was questioned. The budget continues a s $50,000 cost figure for the November 2012 Election, which is in the new Fiscal Year There is a smaller sum in the next year's budget in case something has to go to ballot I after the regular election. The Police Chief explained their efforts in forming a JPA of the , cities of Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, and Beaumont. Cathedral City is the backbone of ERICA, and felt that a Regional Dispatch Center, probably located in Cathedral City, could become a reality in, perhaps, six months. There is a high probability J that Indio would want to join this center. This would be a regional effort to centralize 1 j s i 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Dispatch services. In the review of the Fire Budget, Chief Soqui projected much longer response times, especially with a closed Fire Station. Mayor DeRosa doesn't want a closed Fire Station. She asked Chief Soqui if he couldn't sell the Tiller Fire Truck, and s Chief Soqui advised there was not a big business in used fire equipment. Mayor DeRosa felt it was not being used and when we ever needed one we could buy a new one. Chief Soqui said he felt we could not get very much for the use truck and it would cost even more to build a new one. Last time it was more than a million dollars and took quite a I long time to design, and then build the Truck. Mayor still thought it might be sold. A gentleman in the audience remarked that we shouldn't sell the truck, Fire Departments got credit for their equipment even if we stored it now, and still kept it for the future. Every Budget line was looked at, question were asked and answered. At the end of this discussion, the Mayor made it quite clear that the budget did not work for her, she is very unhappy, and would find it difficult to vote for it, if it were not changes substantially. 3. City Council /Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. RECESS Mayor DeRosa recessed the Study Session meeting at 6:55 p.m. so that everyone could go I I to the 3rd floor Council Chambers for the Evening Meeting. g g REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL 3 SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD - Council Chamber -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero., 1 1 C Cathedral City, CA 92234 - WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. I CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Regular portion of the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member England, Toles, Mayor DeRosa Absent: Council Member Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez Council Member England moved to excuse Council Member Pettis (traveling) and Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez (Ill), motion seconded by Council Member Toles, motion carried with no objection. PRESENTATION OF COLORS Cathedral City High School Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Guard PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the fourth grade Webelo 1 Cub Scout Group from 1 Den 5 Sunrise Pack 205, Palm Springs.' C [ I i t 6 q f 1 . 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i 1 p 1 j INVOCATION : C The Invocation was offered by Council Member England. Mayor DeRosa asked the Leader of the Cub Scout Group to come forward and introduce all of Y p the boys. We are from Den 5 Sunrise Pack 205, Palm Springs, fourth grade Webelo 1 Cub Scout Group. Kent, Brennan, Matthew, Adam, Charles, Max. Mayor DeRosa thanked the group for being here this evening. The group is working on their Citizenship Badges. 1 PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor DeRosa asked the students from the ROTC to come back to the podium, as she had a Proclamation for them and their fellow Members of the ROTC. We are very honored and blessed to have the Cathedral City High School Jr. Air Force ROTC students come 1 here to present the Colors at each meeting. This was a tradition I started as Mayor. Mayor DeRosa had each Cadet introduce themselves and tell their rank, year in school, if they were going on to college to indicate that and where they planned to attend. 1 (www.cathedralcity.gov) I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: Receive presentation by Dr. Branka Lothrop, General Manager, Jeremy Wittie, Scientific i ID Operations Manager, and Gary Howell, Vice President, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control (CVMVCD) regarding Laboratory upgrade /expansion and current state 1 and federal regulations regarding Vector Control Districts. (Council) Gary Howell - Cathedral City. Representative for Cathedral City on the Coachella Valley Mosquito Vector Control District. I want to discuss a little about the building of the new lab. Then I will introduce Dr. Blanka Lothrop, our General Manager and Jeremy Wittie, Scientific Operations Manager. The entire presentation may be watched on www.cathedralcity.gov. � Receive presentation by Cathedral City High School students regarding their highly successful efforts at the 45th Annual State Leadership Conference and Ski11sUSA 1 Championships. (Council) Dennnis Keat - Cathedral City - President kills USA, thank you for letting us speak tonight. Each student participant introduce them selves and tell what their job was in the competition This is a presentation from the Broadcast News Team. Through this program, students can earn the opportunity to compete at regionals, in San Diego at the California 1 championships, or at Nationals in Kansas City, MO. Last year we had one Gold Medal winner. This year we have 7 Gold Medal winners who are eligible to compete in the 1 Nationals in Kansas City, MO. The students are looking for financial assistance to travel to the National Competition in Kansas City, Missouri, all donation will be appreciated. A complete presentation may be seen at www.cathedralcitv.gov J C l 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS i C Deputy City Attorney von Tongeln advised there were no reportable actions out of Closed 1 Session. 3 3 PUBLIC COMMENTS 1 At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or anv item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak? form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. i Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. 1 G Dennis Bowen - Cathedral City - First and foremost, I would like you thank you all for Y your Y Y Y 1 perseverance and your diligence in creating solutions to difficult Redevelopment issues and i drafting this proposed five year plan. Moreover, I thank you on behalf of the low income 1 and fixed income home owners in Cathedral City. Four months ago, there was no assistance 1 program and quite frankly, no options for those who needed to comply with the septic tank 1 abandonment ordinance. Now, because of this Council efforts, those home owners who have not { yet complied have been given a financial option in a form of a special needs agreement to stretch out the cost of the fees CVWD and DWA, allowing them to get their permits and begin the process of hooking up to the sewers. This five year plan will include further financial assistance for low income and fixed income homeowners, for grants for "sewer abandonment" funds, for those who qualify, is another fine achievement. It is in great pride in my City Council that I, and 1 many other Cathedral City residents, urge a unanimous yes vote to adopt this proposed five year plan. When we all work together there is nothing that we can't all accomplish. Thank you. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments. AGENDA FINALIZATION 1 At this time, the City Council may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. I Mayor DeRosa advised that we would be pulling Item 4 from Consent Calendar, to be 3 heard at a later date. There are no other changes. } I I l 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... URGENCY ITEMS 1 c Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council ?s attention after the agenda is posted. There are no Urgency Items. Council Members comments on items not on the agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Sam Toles - Today has been an interesting day. It reminds me of the great promise the city has as well as the great challengers that lay in front of us immediately. I have spent the majority of my day here, since about noon here in this building. The first 3 -4 hours looking at "going forward plans, talking about business development and how we can attract new businesses and all the assets that this great city has. They are many and sometimes we forget about them. WE are moving forward. And 1 the last 2.5 or 3 hours we have spent going thru our budget, line by line. Even with all of that we are coming up 4 million short. We will balance the budget. I will do my utmost trying to do what is right for the citizens and the employees. It will require sacrifice, even after all the proposed lay -offs and everything is factored in, we are still coming up four 4 million dollars short. So I urge my colleagues to think boldly, we will get thru this, we will balance the budget, and we will do it the right way, you have my utmost word that this process is something I am paying attention to, and trying as best as I can, and I know my colleagues are doing the same, to do what is right for the citizens, for our employees, 1 1 during these difficult times. We will get thru this, it will require sacrifice, and it will require leadership and boldness. Hopefully at the end of this, we will be on a path not only 4 to sustainability, but growth and a very bright future. Thank you. 1 I Council Member England - In lieu of the time I am going ahead and hold my comments. Mayor Derosa - Thank you again for being here this evening. I had an opportunity to I spend last week at the Fallen Peace Officers Memorial up in Sacramento. Chief Conner, along with a number of our Police Officers. I don't even know where to begin to explain to you the type of event it was, honoring the fallen officers who have died in duty, not only in 2011 but those who passed, and had not been recognized before, all the way back to the 1 1800's. It was two days of incredible ceremonies, and yet to see the comradely of the l I families, and our men and women in blue. Pretty amazing. These men and women put their lives on the line for us every single day. We own them a debt of gratitude. I had an opportunity yesterday to attend two events, one was the First Annual Creative Summit. When I chaired the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, the Creative Economy 1 became one of the elements back then, we saw some significant opportunities and advantages to help cities and help the Coachella Valley increase business opportunities here. I don't have the statistics, I will get them from the presenters, but it is a staggering amount of money the creative economy can bring to the Coachella Valley. I think it is one . 1 I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i I we need to continue looking at, and certainly these young men and women are a testimony 3 C to the creative abilities out there. Yesterday I also had the opportunity to represent the 1 city, I chaired the Visitors and Convention Bureau, a Joint Powers Authority - yesterday was the unveiling of their new brand, their new image, again it was a great j opportunity to be part of the tourism community. I also attended the trade show travel 1 I trade show called "Pow -Wow" a couple of weeks ago. There were 6,000 attendees, i Mayors from across the Country were invited to be a part of it, to learn about the trade industry. And to see the competition quite frankly, that we in the Coachella Valley are I i fighting against, to bring tourists and tourism here. Tourism is our number one generator 1 for the Coachella Valley. Cathedral City certainly needs to be a part of that, and have an opportunity to secure some of those dollars. To see what is going on out there in the global economy just reinforced that we can't live in our four walls of Cathedral City, we 1 need to be part of the global economy and need to be a part of everything else that is going on. I have spoken before, and I will tell you again, I am passionate about regionalism, I have said it in the past, we need to begin looking at ourselves as an economy of 1/2 million people here in the Coachella Valley, not 10, 15, 20 thousand people in our community. We will always be nine cities, we will always be nine jurisdictions. We all have our own set of identity, who we are, and what we want to be, and what we want to do with our cities. If we really want to grow an economy here in the Coachella Valley, year round economy, a robust economy, to provide services to our employees, and to have things here for our students to do, places for people to work so they do not have to travel outside the valley,we need to start thinking more globally, and definitely start thinking more regionally. I have a passion for that, and I will continue to working on that for the betterment of 1 C Cathedral City in the end. d COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS ' I See last page of Agenda Book MINUTES Mayor advise there were several typographical errors that have been corrected, unless there are any other corrections, the minutes from City Council Meeting for April 25, 2012 stand approved as corrected. i CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves 4 unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. 1 3 A. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 1 1. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Received and Filed payment of Claims and Demands in the aggregate sum of $3,554,909 for the month of April 2012 by M.O. 4974 and M. O. SA -0008. T. Scott) (Pg. 1 -2) 1 C 2. COUNCIL. Approved a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, 1 1 1 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 California, amending the No Standing, Stopping, or Parking Zones on portions of ley Perez Road, south of East Palm Canyon Drive front of 36 -550 Perez Road by Resolution No. 2012 -162. (T. Scott) (Pg. 3 -11) 3. COUNCIL. Aapproval to enter into a Joint Agreement by and between the City of Cathedral City and the City of Rancho Mirage for the maintenance of five (5) existing traffic signals bordering both jurisdictions M. 0.4975. (T. Scott) (Pg. 12 -20) 4. COUNCIL. Approved agreement by and between the City of Cathedral City and County of Riverside, Department of Animal Services, for a) scope of Animal Field Services effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015; and b) scope of Animal Shelter Services effective January 16, 2012 through June 30, 2015 by M.O. 4976-A and M.O. 4976 -B. (K. Conner) (Pg. 21 -45) Item Pulled from Consent to be heard at a future meeting. 5. COUNCIL. Authorized the Police Department to extend the current personnel agreement with the City of Desert Hot Springs Police Department for Cathedral City to provide police personnel to Desert Hot Springs for an additional one year period by M.O. 4977. (K. Conner) (Under Separate Cover) 6. COUNCIL. Authorized submitting a grant application for Fiscal Year 2012 for Edward Byrne Memorial Assistance Grant Program with Riverside Police Department acting as Fiscal Agent for the 15 disparate agencies by M.O. 4978. (K. Conner) (Pg. 46 -68) 7. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Approved the award of a contract Matich Corporation to construct the Ramon Road East widening and rehabilitation improvements in the contract bid amount of $1,825.000.00 plus a 10% contingency by M.O. 4975 and M.O. SA -0009. (B. Simons) (Pg. 69 -74) 8. COUNCIL. Received report of intended travel from Council Member Pettis a) Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute (New York), May 3 -8, 2012 and Coalition for America's Gateways & Trade Corridors, Washington, DC, May 9 -10 (SCAG is paying for most of the expenses); and b) League's 2012 Annual Conference & Expo, September 5 -7 2012, San Diego, CA. 9. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit 12- 015 -The Barracks, May 11 -13, Michael Brandon Party Weekend/Charity Fundraiser by M.O. 4980. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 75 -84) 10. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit 12- 016 -The Barracks, May 25 -27, Annual Memorial Day Weekend Celebration by M.O. 4981. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 85 -89) 6 fi' 11. COUNCIL. Approved recurring Special Use Permit 12- 017 -Ultra Star Mary Pickford Theatre, Hot Hollywood Summer Promotion, Mav 4 -Aug. 3 by M.O. 4982. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 90 -95) 12. COUNCIL. Approved a) SUP 12- 023 -Big League Dreams July 21& 22, Late Night Tournament; and b) SUP 12- 024 -Big League Dreams Aug 18 & 19, Late Night Tournament by M.O. 4983-A and 4983 -B. (L. Mallotto) I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 i (Pg. 96 -104) Approve SUP 12- 026- Cathedral City Rotary Nov. 4 -10 Healing Fields 13. COUNCIL. pp ty ry g , I Patriot Park by M.o. 4984. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 105 -115) MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA 1 Council Member Toles moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items 1 -3, and 5 -13, 1 motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried 3 -0 with 2 absent. i PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. COUNCIL. Consider approval of Community Development B Grant (CBDC) Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (A. Hall) (Pg. 116 -140) a. Report was given by Andy Hall. I 1 Andy Hall advised that his end of the bargain was to present the report, but he had not done a stitch of work on it. He thanked Phenvana Panpradith for her efforts and proceeded. She did a lot of work for us to do or annual pland and put together the action plan. Mayor DeRosa said they had all gotten this report and have gone thru it, so before lets see if this Council has any other questions? Mr. Hall said he would go thur just a couple of 1 requirements first: This is a Public Hearing, this is just a proposal from staff. E would 1 G like to know if their are any other projects they might like to consider, ther City Council actually sets the action plan when they vote on it. Mayor asked Mr. Hall to explain what CDBG funds are so that the audience know what we are speaking of. Because of our population, we have reached a population of 50,000+ with the last census, so we can now be an entitlement city, which allows us to get funds directly from the Federal Government, rather than competing with other jurisdictions in Riverside County. It did increase our allotment slightly, this year we will get, roughly, $492000, We also have some carry over 1 funding from a previous grant that we have received from the Riverside County Program, 1 about $268,000. Then we must do an action plan. First action, what staff is proposing that we create a revolving loan fund for sewer connection for low and moderate income people I needing to install a sewer. Our allocation to Roy's Resource Center of $51,000 has been included to this years budget. If we were to use the entire 15% of the Social Program set - I aside, we could use up to $73,000 dollars. So roughly there could be some $22,000 for some other Social Programs, but esentially the expenditures in CDBG will be about I i $760,000. First we need to have a Public Hearing to make sure we receive any public 1 comments on programs and projects the Public would like to see. We also need to 1 authorize the agreement prepared between Cathedral City and Riverside County, the City 1 Attorney May sign that form on his review and the City Attorneys agreement that the form is correct according to their review and that will transfer the $268,000 that is left in 1 Riverside County to our Project. All this must be done prior to May 15, that is why it is on your agenda tonight. Mayor DeRosa had one question of Mr. Hall: for information for the I public, what this money cannot be used for: The Funds must be used to benefit low and moderate income persons in our community. Or targeted groups, so essentially Senior I C Citizens, persons with a disability. It cannot be used for staffing purposes. We are i i 1 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... allowed to use some of the money for administration costs of the program, that has been included in the annual action plan as well b. Open Public Hearing Mayor DeRosa opened the Public Hearing. Mayor DeRosa seeing no one wishing to speak, Closed the Public Hearing. Council Member England Move to approve the plan brought forward with regard to the CDBG program, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, motion carried 3 -0 with s two absent, by M.O.4985 LEGISLATIVE ACTION 15. COUNCIL. Consider approval of Street Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District (SSLMD OR LLD) No 1: and adoption of Resolutions to renew the annual assessments with Street Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District No 1 (Zones 1 through 21). These resolutions include: 1. Resolution Initiating Proceedings; 2. Resolution approving the Preliminary Engineer's Report; and 3 Resolution of Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments for fiscal year 2012/2013, and set a Public Hearing for Wednesday, June 13, 2012. (T. Scott) (Pg. 141 -171) a. Report by Tami E. Scott, Administrative Service Director. These are LLD's Landscaping and Lighting District Zones, that have now been in place for a variety of time, 6 -10 years, We are required to do this annually. The City shares in some of the Maintenance costs, it varies from District to District and covers various items. There will be a posted public hearing for the first meeting in June, so this is part of the process. 1 Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. 1 Mayor DeRosa seeing no one wishing to speak, closed Public Comments. Council Member Toles moved approval of the three Resolutions listed for this action, and adopt the SSMD and the LLD,motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried 3 -0 with two absent, by Resolution 2012 -163, Resolution 2012 -164 and Resolution 2012 -165. COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor DeRosa adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. NOTES TO THE PUBLIC The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2012. } Y 4 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Please remember: City Hall is closed every Friday. Agendas for Council meetin2s are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcity.gov. The agenda is available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk?s office the Monday preceding the meeting. Any document or writing that relates to an agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk?s office. k Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk 1 1 1 D i i 1 I i CLOSED SESSION AGENDA — 5 -23 -2012 ,,, G A. CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY: 1 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. 1 Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. 1 Case No. BC382171 4 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court k i 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location Parcel Map 32932 Parcel 1, East of Van Fleet Avenue, 1 south of East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of 1 the City of Cathedral City and City Urban Revitalization Corporation i Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City 1 and City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations Property Negotiations a i 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government 1 Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) i C 1 Property Location APN 687 - 180 -011 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Cathedral City Little League 1 Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government 1 Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 677 - 402 -066 Negotiating Parties Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency and Moe Nasr Property Owners Cathedral Hotel Group 1 Under Negotiations Property Negotiations B. CITY COUNCIL: 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 subd. (a) (C. Green) 1 Case name: City of Cathedra City v. Far West Industries, et al Case No. INC 11008066 i Court Riverside County Superior Court, Indio Branch 1 1 Y 6. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, subd. (a) (Joe McMillin) i Case name: Chris & Nancy Rossmiller v. City of Cathedral City t Case No. INC 088884 1 1 3 Court Riverside County Superior Court, Indio Branch , C 7. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code j Section 54957.6 1 1 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager 1 Represented Employees & 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal 1 Non - Represented Employees. (AFSCME) Employees 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association ( CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association 1 (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees I i I 1 1 1 C 1 1 4 3 1 i i l i 1 1 i 1 1 Ce I 1 I 1 I I I 1 i 3 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCI... Page 1 of 16 1 I 1 i ' 4 F 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL I SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (Copy) 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 i Wednesday, April 25, 2012 p s 1 a WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2012 I Closed Session at 3:00 p.m. 1 Please Note: The procedure is: The Agenda for the Closed Session Meeting is loaded as an attachment to this Agemda. It is not aped in the Granicus Recording. It will be 1 printed out at the end of the Minutes for future reference. Again CLOSED SESSION starts at 3:00 p.m. i I CO THERE WILL BE NO STUDY SESSION - Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Third Floor Council Chambers : , i 1 CALL TO ORDER i Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session Meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. 1 CLOSED SESSION PORTION OF MEETING - STARTED AT 3:00 P.M. { Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session Meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Roll Call was taken by City Clerk, with Council Membes Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, and Mayor I DeRosa. Absent were Council Members England and Toles. Both were due here in minutes. Council Member Toles moved to excuse both Council Members England and Toles, motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Masquez, motion carried 2 -1. Mr. England I arrived about 2 minutes later. Council Member Toles arrived about 7 minutes later. Mayor DeRosa opened and closed the Public Comments without any comments. City Attorney Green deemed a summary of the Closed Session Items read ino the record. Council monved into Closed Session at 3:11 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD Council Chamber — Third Floor of City Hall 68700 Avenida Lalo I Guerrero ,Cathedral City, CA - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2012, 92234 6:30 p.m. z Y http:// cathedralcity .granicus.com/MinutesViewer.php ?print= l &clip_id= 1327 &doc id =957a... 5/2/2012 1 i 1 i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i ' CALL TO ORDER l Mayor DeRosa called the Regular Portion of the City Council Meeting to Order at 6:30 p.m. As we begin this meeting please keep in prayer the family of Scottie McGloin. Scottie is the Dad of one of our long time commissioners Shauna McGloin. She and her 1 k family are very, very active here in the community and she lost her Dad on Saturday / evening. Lets start the evening with a Presentation of Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation. Please rise. PRESENTATION OF COLORS Cathedral City High School Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Guard PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -� Council Member Toles led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Council Member England. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS i G ' ? Proclamation- Municipal Clerks Week - Pat Hammers, MMC, City of Cathedral City 1 , First presentation tonight is to Pat Hammers, The City Clerk. For those of you who do not understand what the Clerk does, the City Clerk is the Records Keeper. She also runs all of 1 the elections here in the city, she is the one responsible for the Municipal Code. It is an elected office, she is elected every four years. When Pat came to the city, while she had some Municipal background from a previous life when she lived in St. Louis. California was a little bit new, but Pat had a passion, and still has that passion for this Pat has spent 1 the last eight years taking classes to such an extend that she now has become a Master Municipal Clerk, It is the highest designation in the state of California. Pat has done this on her own time, she has spent an incredible amount of time as if she were an employee, getting paid pennies on the hour. Pat has a passion because whe believes in the city, because she believes in the importance of her roll here, Pat takes this job seriously and has been by far an incredible City Clerk. We would like to recognize not only her, but his is Municipal Clerks week from April 29 to May 5, 2012. Pat, there are many Where As's, I I don't know where to begin to say thank you to you, for all that you have done for the City, your time, your talents, your treasurers, your efforts. Not only are you recognized in Desert Hot Springs, they took you away from us for what, a year of so, so that you could get them straightened, which you have done. You have taught other City Clerks in the Valley, you have become a mentor to many of them, you have become a mentor to others here within the city, knowing that you don't have an Assistant City Clerk, we want to thank you very much for who you are and all that you do. On behalf of City Council please accept this Proclamation with our very, very deep thanks. The response was "the c I s I i t G 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... (# Mayor is correct, it is my passion, it was an entire new career for me, 10 g ears ago. 1 am a Y i retiree from the McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis, I spent 31 years there and this was { just totally different. I love my City, I love my home, we have been here 16 years and 1 1 love this job, even though I'm frustrated a lot of the time. Thank you very much. i i The nextpresentation is to go ahead and proclaim that May is National Mental Health Month.- Carol come on up, Carol Schaudt will be receiving this. This is those who work in Mental Health Business and Industry and to bring to the forefront the challenges of those people, those individuals that do have mental health issues, and the professionals who work so hard to help these individuals. Carol serves on the Desert Regional Mental Health as a Board Member. Carol, again, there are very many Where As's to go through, you have been a significant part of this organization. Quite frankly you and I have crossed paths for I almost 8 or 10 years. You are a community leader here in the Coachella Valley, not just in Palm Desert. I know a. ain this or . anization is a • assion for Tu. You have worked ft tirelessly for Mental Health. For all you do, and all your efforts, and to tell those at the Mental Health Association how much we appreciate all they do on behalf, not only our citizens, but on behalf of the entire Mental Healt issues, in the entire Coachella Valley. Mayor DeRosa - We have some special guests from the Elks Lodge - Palm Springs Elk 1902 - residing in Cathedral City - Mayor DeRosa thanked Kim Clark for being here and congratulated her on being the new Exalted Ruler. Mayor said "see women do rule." Mayor DeRosa said, we would like to present this Proclamation for Youth week, which is May 1st to May 7th. For those of you who may not know, the Elks Lodge has many, many programs that they do for the youth of this valley. Particularly, Cathedral City/Palm Springs. Quite frankly, anyone who wishes to partake may. They have the Hoop - Shoot, the Drug Awareness program, they have the Veterans program, Americanism, they have Scholarship programs. So if anybody out there is in need of a scholarship - the Elks Lodge is there to help. They are a Fraternal organization, whose mission is to be there for the community in many ways as possible. On June 15th they will be having Flag Day here again on City Hall steps, so we ask you to please come. Tonight we are recognizing Youth week May lst to May 7th, and we want to present you with this proclamation. And thank you for the time you spend in this community, be it the folding of pocket flags, or the dinners you have for them, we are very, very grateful. On behalf of the Palm Springs Elks Lodge which is located in Cathedral City, we just gave a $2000 donation to the Riverside County Sheriff's Department Police Cadet Academy for under privileged children to go to a summer academy summer camp. We are happy to be in Cathedral City and a wonderful relationship we have with Kathy and the City Council of Cathedral City. Thank you very I much. is CATHEDRAL CITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT REPORTS I ROLL CALL i Mayor DeRosa apologized for missing the Roll Call at the beginning of the Meeting. The City Clerk advised that we were calling the roll on behalf of the City Council, and the City 1 Council severing as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Board. Council r Members England, Pettis, and Toles. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez was absent, Mayor DeRosa was presented. Let it be noted that Mayor Pro Tem was present for the Closed i t I d i i r t i � : } # 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 G Session but not here this evening. There was a motion and a second to excuse Mr. Vasquez - there was no objection. Mayor DeRosa interjected that Mayor Pro Tem was not z feeling well and had to leave early this evening. AGENDA APPROVAL I There were no changes to the Agenda. City Attorney reminded the Council that they needed a 4/5 vote for the Resolution under item 6, which is an amendment to the General Plan. t 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak? form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to 1 Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond I briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for I 1 clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to 1 1: staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City F Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct • • staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be y limited to three minutes. Jens Mueller - Cathedral City - There are a couple of things that I am not sure the Public is 1 aware of: We are considering firing 50 employees, it is going to be absolutely t devastating. I would suggest that City Council take the first bullet so to speak. Like I mentioned before, Sam I think you have kind of taken a lead in this, if I may say so, by not taking pay. I'm saying that Council shouldn't take pay, I think that is commendable of 1 t you that you don't take pay. And City Council makes about $790 a month plus Health Insurance. But looming cuts and an absolute devastation to the 40 or 50 employees we I have, I think Council should take the first bullet, and I think someone on Council, should direct staff to study no more pensions. No more pensions for City Council. I am not sure that citizens know that, after two terms, City Council collects a pension, and I don't know 1 how much it is. And full time health benefits. I think it would be admirable, it would be a 1 ' leadership thing to do, to say to those being fired, we will take the first bullet, an we will 1 renounce our pensions. I had one more thing to say and I should always have notes with 1 me. Well we will just leave it at that. Thank you. 1 1 Tom Swann - Rancho Mirage - Veterans for Peace are here this evening. Almost eleven 1 years ago we dedicated America's first and only Gay Veterans Memorial here in Cathedral City in Desert Memorial Park. This Council supported that I am happy tonight to present each one of you, and the City Clerk, a Challenge Coin of the Memorial. Please give one to Council Member Vasquez also. They are challenge coins that we are selling, each one costs $10. It is a fundraiser for the Veterans for Peace and has Cathedral City on the Coin. If anyone wants to buy one they can contact me. Thank you for your 1 i 1 1 i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 support. Ruth Kwake - Cathedral City. Ms. Kwake teaches at Cathedral City High School, and she is here tonight to introduce, an incredible group of students, the Seniors, and others from I Cathedral City High Shool Health Academy. I am thrilled and proud of these amazing i students, young people from Cathedral City and what they are doing. I Zaida Espericveta - Cathedral City. I am a Senior at Cathedral City High School and I am E part of the Health Academy there and a member of HESA, Health Education Students if America. This is an organization that allows students from different schools, different cities to compete in Health related events. This was my first year attending the I State Leadership Conference. For my teammates it was was their 2nd or 3rd year. We competed in the Public Service announcements, for this event we had to make a 30 second video on a topic they gave us. This year it was about "Cleaning out your medicine cabinet. I My team decided on making a video that showed the "right" way and the "wrong" way to clean out the medicine cabinet. The we went out to the community to present the 1 video. Some of the places were the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership meeting, a 1 middle school, and our own high school. My team and I competed with 11 other schools 1 from California and we ended up placing First Place. Now we have the chance to go to 1 Florida to the Nationals in June, which we are very excited about because we have been � 1 given the opportunity to experience new things and meet new people from other states, we 1 r are also going to be representing our high school and our community. There are other groups that would like to share their experiences with you. 1 C Lizette Gonzales - I am also a Senior from Cathedral City High School. My team competed in Health Education which was a team that created a portfolio and taught a class to anyone you wanted to, about any topic related to the Health Field. We decided to teach a class on self - esteem because today this is a subject effecting our communities, and 1 everywhere. We decided to teach the 5th graders because they are going to transition to middle school, and that is where they start to discover who they are, and we hear about 1 1 suicide and anexoria, etc. We also taught another class of seventh and eight graders combined. We gave out charm braclets that showed in red esteeme and confidence and a 1 charm that said life, to teach them that life is precious. Out of the nineteen groups that competed we placed second in the State of California. If you would like to see a portfolio I have one I can show you Vanessa Medero - Cathedral City. My team competed in community (unclear on recording), Our topic was Emergency Preparedness, we went out into the community and i taught how to be prepared for any emergency, focused on earth quakes due to fact that we are located right above San Andreas Fault. We targeted mostly teenagers, because we felt like they were the ones mostly unprepared. We wanted to help them when adults were in a sense of a panic and we wanted them to know what they were to do to assist them. We sold first aid kits, we taught them basic first aid tips, and we presented to the Nellie 4 Coffman students and we put the note at our community health fair. We presented to the HEAL Juniors and Freshman. This is my second year going to the State Leadership Academy Conference, and it was an amazing accomplishment knowing that our team placed second place, it was incredible, but not ass much as going to Nationals this year in Florida. We all know that everything cost money we are really here to ask you if you can C I t I 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... C help us in any way possible to get there. We want to make a tremendous impact and make 1 I you guys something to be proud of, even prouder of our high school by placing at 1 Nationals. Mayor DeRosa interjected that this was not just a plea of the City Council, but to everyone, and you heard of the Elks Lodge who was just here, so someone contact the Elks Lodge, Council Member echoed the Mayors comments by saying "Yes all of you" in reference to contacting the Elks Lodge. 1 Following the three student presentation the Mayor asked the remainder of the group (twelve students) to step to the podium and give their name, year in school, and what they planned to be when they finished school. You may listen to this on www.cathedralcity.gov Agendas and Minutes. Daniell Soto - Diamond Bar. I represent the South Coast Air Quality Management District, your air quality regulation agency. I'm here to bring to your attention that our popular lawn mower exchange program is just around the comer. Registration opens on 1 i May 2nd at 8:00 a.m. and I have flyers that explain how you can register with a phone i i number or on line. Any Residents that live in the Coachella Valley could come and bring i I their old o operable gas-powered lawn mower and exchange for a cordless, battery I operated, all electric lawnmower for a much discounted price. There will be six models to choose from. This year the program will take place at the Indio Fairgrounds. That will be I on May 19th. Also we are now accepting our 2012 Clean Air Award nominations. They are due by July 13th I believe and their are five categories. Model Community I Achievement, Promotional of Environ.mental Stewardship or you might want to nominate 1 some business or group from your city, you can call me and I will do it for you i c Rodolfo Ortega - Grounds worker for Cathedral City Public Works. I know that for Council we mean nothing and we don't get noticed. We are the Blue Collar citizens of this Country. And I know if we don't pick up trash, clean up the streets, remove grafetti, maintain road signs, parks, and all that we maintain, you will notice us. The City Manager is proposing to eliminate seven groundsworkers, in order to balance the budget. As you can see, each and everyone of those is important. Keeping Cathedral City a hazard free Cathedral City. Mayor DeRosa responded to Rudolfo, don't think for a moment that we don't notice, i Jose Leon - Cathedral City. I am always proud to be a city employee. It is me back again I to beg you, we need jobs. We have family waiting at home. Every time 1 go home after I work my son askes me, "please dad tell me yes, you are still working for the city right?" So I fell kinda guilty. In the past we were already in this problem, you know? We gave up ' four (can't hear the word on the recording) before and paid 3.5 percent into , . retirement. The for the retirement we could help the City again, but we need the jobs. We I need to sleep well, help us out please. 1 Dan Foster - Cathedral City - Also an employee of Police Department for over 10 years. I I have a wife and four year old twins. I am also a California Justice Certified Crime I Intelligence Analyst. International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analyst, 1 Certified. Things I provide for the community and the Police Dept, 1 want bring out to i you I provide statistics to Administration of the Police Dept to help them make Policy 1 c [ : : , r ! i i i I 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... decisions. For example the Alarm Policy we had, I did an Alarm report, it took three months to complete, cost comparison analysis, would it be cheaper to get rid of our Police Dept. and go to the Sheriff Dept, you have seen the figures, it is cheaper to have our own. Pursuit report, that was something that was asked of me as well. I also attend briefings to I ¢ keep officers up to date so they know what is going on between the shifts. I research crime reports every day, looking for trends, series, and patterns. So the officers know F exactly where to focus their attention and know where to be. I produce a weekly crime I analysis report averaging about 20 pages every Thursday. Also let the officers know who l is getting out on parole so they know who they are going to be dealing with on the streets. Let the officers know who has warrants, always nice to know, a little heads up ahead of time. I also produce a daily "hot sheet ", a list of stolen vehicles out there every day. I also keep in contact with all the surrounding agencies Crime Analysts. There crooks are our 1 crooks. Also as you may know, I played a major role in the gang injunction in the Dream Homes. Since that gang injunction has been in place, gang activities in the Dream Homes i f is down by 81 %. I developed the Police Department web -site. I have assisted Detectives on numerous places and I teach at International Crime Analysis Conferences. Those are g all things that you are going to loose when I walk out the door. Along with 10 years of 1 experience which is right here (pointing to his head). When I get laid off, I don't know what you will do with a lot of my statistical reports that you guys use to make a lot of i decisions. Also, I plan on short selling my house, I will leave Cathedral City because there is no work out here in the valley in my position and I try and support a family of four on unemployment. I wanted to finish by saying thank you and I hope that the AFSCME city i employees, who have in all these years, have helped with the budget, that you guys take a hard look at what you are doing. It is not only going to impact me as an employee, it is i going to impact the community safety, The family safety in this community, and also the Police Department. t z Karen Hogan - Cathedral City - Four years ago I moved to Cathedral City from Los i i Angeles to accept the position as Administrative Assistant in the Police Department. I was 4 eager to become an active member of the Cathedral City Organization and local community. Now my position is on the list to be cut from the budget. At the Council meeting on March 28th I expressed my concerns to you on how these budget cuts will alter j my life and the domino effect of cutting of my position on the businesses I frequent as a 1 resident of Cathedral City. At this meeting I want to outline how my job responsibilities contribute to the day to day successful operations of the Cathedral City Police Dept. On 1 what the elimination of my position would mean. During 2011 I helped to file over 1,000 cases with the District Attorney's offices. These packages include reports from officers, documentation, photos, blood alcohol and drug reports from the Department of Justice, as I well as adult disposition and arrest court action forms and a District Attorney Complaint form required by the County and the State. Many of these cases are called "Last Dayers" i or "In Custody" which means the suspect is already in custody, and charges must be filed with the DA within 24 hours or the suspect will be released. Each case is reviewed by the 1 Administrative Assistant to ensure that all the paper work from the officers is in the jacket and accurate. Kick -backs of these cases by the DA are frequently returned for additional information. Many of thee cases are resubmitted several times before the DA is comfortable with filing charges and the likelihood of conviction. We complete the follow - up on these cases. After the case has been filed, supernova are sent to the Administrative , Assistant via email. We forward them on to the Officers. We also submit 1050's if the C i 1 n i 1 , 4 I . 300 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... I : officer is unable to the court session, and the DA can be informed of the officers status. In 1 I 1 1 2011 approximately 1,649 supernova were received, routed, tracked and reported to the Police Department Supervision. In addition we have extensive contact with the general I public and we are required to respond on inquiries on various law enforcement issues. Many times we are the first contact citizens or victims of a crime have with the Police 1 Department. Our skillful handling of their concerns and information translates to effective follow-up by our officers. The elimination of these positions mean much of this work will . not be done at all. Or at the very least not done with the same attention and detail that we 1 I provide for our officers so they can focus on patrolling the streets of Cathedral City. Thank you for your attention and time. 1 I Oscar Rodas - Cathedral City - I am proud to be a resident and an employee of Cathedral City. I thought I would just give you, some of you might not know what I do, by belong to i ' the Engineering Division, I am an Engineering listed to laid off. My primary function that I have done and continue to do: Reviews for Development application for consistency with the grading and drainage regulations of the city. This work requires a lot of work coordination with other agencies, like sewer and water control districts, I administer and collect Plan check fees and other fees pertaining to engineering, developers, engineers, and clients. I help the residents, the public and other either over the counter, or by telephone, or by e-mail regarding Engineering issues, questions and complaints from citizens, and flag insurance issues. I administer various programs mandated by the Federal and State governments, NPES permit, PM10 dust control plan, general construction permits, FEMA and National Flood Insurance program. I help in securing funding for the planning and the , l c site of construction, and construction of major public works facilities this, like roads and bridges, this task is not given to a contractual consultant, with Consultant fees in the range of $500,000 a year. All the capital improvement programs, I attend several meeting, like on issues with storm drains, water quality management plans, and other development services. I also attend some project review meetings for the City, Community Development. I administer the NPES under the Clean Water Act. I do administer the FEMA control plans. I urge the City to please find the solutions to these budgetary problems other than laying off dedicated community employees. We are proud of our work doing services essential to all of the residents and survival of the City. Thank You. Stan Henry - Cathedral City - I disagree we have been there, done that. How can you have better wages and benefits Nana Rodas - I am one of the biggest supporters of Cathedral City. but my question is how I , do we raise revenues. , : , Close Public Comments , , Zaida Espericueta - Cathedral City. I am a student at Cathedral City High School and I am 1 part of the Health Academy there. 1 Mayor DeRosa asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak who had not already ; spoken this evening. She said that the final chapter has not been written. We believe there I will be lay-offs, but the final chapter has not been written, we continue to look ways to see I i what can be done, and we will do that till the end. Every employee is important, in every 1 i c 1 t , 1 1 t 1 i i i [ 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... E thing you do, is noticed. So don't ever let me hear you say you don't think you are noticed. Because you are important, and you add great value. I have been over to Public Works many times, I know many of you by first name, as other Council Members do. So do not ever think that your are not noticed or important, and that what you do is not important, because you have great value. Who you are as a person and what you do for the city. r l ; 6 Mayor DeRosa asked Mr. Meuller if he had something important to add? r a Jens Mueller - Cathedral City. Thank you for your indulgence Mayor, well there is actually something we can do, and Chief, I can't believe we forgot it. I spoke with the Sheriff - Riverside County, if we could get a report of how much it would cost for getting these sworn officer, because I contend that we could save 8.8 million dollars. Some contend that there would be no savings and in fact, it would cost us more. I don't know, but the report is free, we can call in Cal -Fire to give the report, how much would it cost for 36 Firefighters and how much would it cost from the Riverside Sheriffs Departments to give us 53 sworn Officers. Palm Desert has sheriffs as does Rancho Mirage, if it is good enough for the vintage, I think it is good enough for us, anyway, the point is we could ask for a free report. Make it public, this is what it would cost, then we could put the debate to rest. Thank you Mayor. ' Mayor DeRosa again asked if there were anyone else who wished to speak on the Agenda please come forward. coe Stan Henry - Cathedral City. I disagree. We have been there and done that. The citizens of Cathedral City voted to have their own Police Department. Voted to have their own Fire Department. How can you have higher wages, better benefits, and be cheaper? It can't be done. Mayor DeRosa, any one else? Nana Rodas - Cathedral City. I am one of the biggest supporters of my city. I love Cathedral City. I am also the wife of a employee, whose city job is in danger of being cut. My question is how are we going to give 100% to Cathedral City, to raise revenues, if we do not have the business to cater to our special needs. We do not have businesses to compete with our neighboring cities, such as Department Stores like they have in Town Center in Palm Desert? Office Supplies like Staples, home improvement like Home Depot? Give us something so we won't cross the Border, so to speak. In order to spend, we need to meet the needs of this beautiful city. Thank you. Mayor DeRosa, seeing no one else wishing to speak, close Public Comments. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Green advised there were no reportable actions from City Council out of Closed Session. AGENDA FINALIZATION i 1 1 1 1 i 1 ; 1 300 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 1 I , t I Mayor De Rosa - Students to recognize recognized for photo graphs - thank the Arts Commission for the program on Agenes Pe 1ton. Team Cathedral City city attorney At this time, the City Council may announce any items bein2 pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. URGENCY ITEMS Urgency Items ("Added Starters"): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council?s attention after the azenda is posted. COUNCIL COMMENTS i 1 Sam Toles - Thank you for joining us today. I want one quick point of clarification. I actually do take a paycheck from the City of Cathedral City,I do donate 100% of that to local charities, and will be happy to help out with the kids trip, and to the Veterans c Memorial as well. I am fortunate to be in that position, I am fortunate I don't need to take the City Health Care benefits, because I do have a full time job that can offer benefits. But I do also think that, I look to someone like Pat Hammers who was honored tonight, and Pat also makes as an elected the same level of compensation that the Council does, if we had to hire a City Clerk to do that role, it would cost in the 6 figures, because that is what City Clerks get. I think based on need, I think we all have responsibility to do everything it I can, and if we can afford to, make those personal sacrifices and that way I can agree, but i also being in Public should not only be for the privileged, but it should also should be for I everybody. I want to talk a little about, we have had three community meetings now, , talking about this budget process. I have heard a few comments and I want to state a few I f i things for the record. Some of this will be shared by my colleagues and some which may not be. The first and most important thing, we have tried, and the citizens in this community, have stepped up to the place twice, to balance our budget. And every time the community has stepped up, the state has taken more. And that is just not Cathedral City. When you have our largest city the city of Los Angles threatening bankruptcy, you know that we are not just crying foul here as a single community that is dealing here with these troubles. Los Angles is a community of multiple millions of people, and they can't balance their budget, because of what the state has done. So this is not a situation that is , unique to us, to this council, and everybody needs to know that. The other thing people i . have said to me as a result of the meetings or that this is just a ploy to put another tax 1 , initiative on the ballot. I would like to dispel that myth, we have been told, under no 5 1 , uncertain terms by the residents of our community, through the surveys that we have done $ in recent months, that a tax initiative is not something that the citizens would like to see. r f They do wish to see a balanced budget. At the end of this process we will have a balanced I budget. The pain that comes from a balanced budget is what you are witnessing, what the Co i I t , , ; , , , i i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 1 employees are talking about. I as someone works in the private sector, in business development for a half of a billion dollar corporation, do understand the budget process. You have my personal assurance that I will go line by line through the budget, and I have been told by Tami Scott it is (motioned with fingers about 3 inches) this thick with a lot of reading ahead of me, and I will explore every, every g p ry, and I mean eve alternative. If there cheaper ways to do things, if there is a way to save jobs, and keep our Police t F Officers on the street, I will make sure that if my vote counts, that we look at that option. I will make sure that all options are explored. If you hear a yes vote from me on a budget, it means that that is a budget that I believe that we looked at everything and it is the right thing to do. I want to leave you with, the role of a Councilman and as an elected official is to represent the community. It is that all of us want to see the best possible service. One of the things is to speak to the groundskeeper has said earlier, is one of the things that people value the most in this community. It is clean streets and beautified roads. And a graffiti abatement, those are things that are very, very valuable to the citizens. We have I i heard that time and time again. You are very important and we do understand that. A very wise former City Manager of a town, which I will not name, who I take great Council from, told me that he went through this process several years ago and it was painful. The City balanced its budget, they ripped off the band aid, but after they did it, what they found was that the city began to grow again. They were able to get themselves out of the hole, and start a new day. I witnesses when my home town of Buffalo, New York, went through the Bankruptcy process. There are more new businesses and more new buildings and the city is in a Renaissance today, it needed to have this painful moment so that it could grow 1 1 again. I rd e this ere comty di, whatever So the look result forwa that each to th of us future that sit of h, has th own as being conscience extraor that nary they and have to deal with, and my conscience will not allow me to vote for a budget that isn't what I think is the best thing that I can do for this community. Council Member England - Without repeating everything that Sam just said, I echo all of his comments. Maybe we both know that retired ex City Manager, we probably do. I wanted to thank all of the community who showed up for those three community meetings. I can tell you that this community is very passionate about the community. They come from different positions and points, and it is so challenging to balance those f 1 various points out. AS a City Council Member, that is what we do. Some of us are a little more successful than others in weighing those things out. We are as passionate as you are about making this community as the community that you all want to live in, we all want to support, that we are all excited about. I am not going to regurgitate the problems that have rolled down from our Federal Government, down to our State Government, and then down to us. We are tasked to, in providing services to a community, and that is what our overwhelming desire is. To have a community that functions properly. As a City Council Member I can, I've been here for almost twelve years and I am very thankful for the opportunity to serve this community at this point in time. I can tell you that you are going to hear sound bites from people saying that we need to go to the Riverside County Sheriffs, or we need to go to CalFire. Or we need to do this or we need to do that to save a dollar. Unfortunately the other side of the coin is, is that yes we can, we will get less for what we already have, we had an earlier speaker that says it just doesn't make sense, and I want you to understand that, Riverside County Sheriff is a higher salary rate, better benefit package, than what we currently offer. It has been known forever, that is just the way that it is. I say more power to them. However, we in our Police Dept. have professionals, that Clo i } I i I 1 -F q k t 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i CI provide a service to our community and we are Nationally known that we have the lowest crime rate in the Valley. Nobody else shares that. They provide these services to this valley that is at a cost that is less than what it costs from Riverside County. I for one am not willing to spend more to get less. And to have the same type of crime rate that we have in other jurisdictions. I think it is important to acknowledge that and to drill that home, that we have the best Police Dept. and the best Fire Dept., we have people that in good faith, are willing to negotiate with us to make our budget work. That is the process that we are going through at this time. We all want to work together, we all want to make 1 this thing work and I am very thankful for everybody stepping up to the plate, and to agree that this is what it is going to take, we all want to to work. I wanted to say thank you for I the different groups who are out there who are working with us. I wanted to say thank you 1 for all of the citizens who have come forward at those meetings, who have pulled me in off the street, asking what about this or what about that? We are exploring everything. As Sam has said, I know for sure that the other three Council Members, we will go through the budget like we have never gone through the budget before. We will make cuts, we will I probably make cuts in our budget too, but no stone will be left unturned, that we make the tightest budget, that if we can save one or two dollars, that is what we are going to do. That is what our commitment is to this community and to the employees of this community. Thank you. Mayor DeRosa - speaking of our students, I had the opportunity with Councilman England 1 s on Saturday to recognize three Cathedral City High School student who were the recipiets of the Earth through the Lens awards, which is a National Organization, they were recognized for the photographs that they submitted. Also I want to thank the Public Arts Commission for the great presentation they did on Saturday also, for the Agnes event here in Council Chambers, and the work she has done here in Cathedral City. Tomorrow the Boys & Girls Club will be hosting a lunch over at Leons, it is a fund raiser for the Boys & Girls Club, as you heard, this is another Organization that we are having a tough time figuring how to fund or if we can fund, helping them raise money is always important. I t } want to thank the City Attorney for sponsoring Team Cathedral City in the CalState event, which the money goes to Scholarships for young men and women. Team Cathedral City brought home the Cathedral City Trophy, took third place overall and placed first in the City Team, so our name will be on the big cup and thanks to Charlie Green. I spent Monday and Tuesday in L.A. at what is called POW -WOW, it is a Travel /Trade Show through the Convention and Visitors Authority: My expenses were picked up by CVA as the Chair of the Convention and Visitors Authority. It was a wonderful E opportunity to meet people in the Travel Industry from all over the world who I could tell them about Cathedral City and the Coachella Valley and try to bring them here. One of the things I was looking for Council to support is having staff look at mechanism to help 3 our Hotels through the increment TOT to refresh their hotels to bring in money, it would not take any money out of the General Fund, if anything it would be an opportunity to increase funds into the city. If Council has no objection I would like to have staff look at what that mechanisn would look like and bring back something to us to consider in an opportunity to help our hotels. It would look like having staff pull some stuff from Palm ` Springs and other cities that do this and come back to us. Usually it is incremental TOT, so it would be a base line. TOT stays where it is today and over that we have a cost split, we get some and some would rebate back to the Hotels. Last item - I attended the CVAG Homeless Committee Meeting, there is a taskforce that has been put together to look at s E ' t t ■ 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... how much money will it take to fund Roy's Resource Center. Cities have been asked for a $103,000 per year, Cathedral City does not have $103,000. We have never given them a $103,000 because we can't afford it. It cost Martha village to operate $17.00 a bed, it cost Coachella Valley Rescue Mission $13.50 a bed and it costs at Roys is $51.00 a bed. They have been asked to find out what the differences are and then the opportunity to spin off Roy's as a free standing, non- profit organization, as Martha's Village and the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission are. And get the cities out from under this potential obligation. Council Member Pettis said it was mentioned that Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez wasn't feeling well. It is important that staff is here, he was in an automobile accident a few days ago, very serious one, but he was here for Closed Session today, and it was a 3.5 hour session, mostly on personnel issues, and how we are dealing with the budget cuts, and he did leave home to come here for that meeting. But then he did need to go back home and get some rest. I did want you to know he spent the time earlier. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS See last page of Agenda Book MINUTES The Minutes the City Council Meeting for April 11, 2012 were approved as written. CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. A COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 1. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Review of the amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule ( "ROPS "), for period of January through June 2012 to be forwarded to the Oversight Board for approval per ABx1 26 - Health & Safety Code Sections 34167, 34169, 34177 by M.O. 4970 and M.O. SA -0006. (T. Scott) (Pg. 1 -2) 2. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Review of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule ( "ROPS ") for period of July 1 to December 31, 2012 to be forwarded to the Oversight Board for approval per ABx1 26 - Health & Safety Code Sections 34167, 34169, 34177. by M.O. 4971 and M.O. SA- 0007, (T. Scott) (Pg. 3 -4) 3. COUNCIL. (a) Approve final acceptance of the Dream Homes Neighborhood ADA Improvements Project by M.O. 4972, (b), authorize the City Manager to file a Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorders office by M,O, 4972 -A: and (c) E' Authorized the release of City held retention funds to Mora's Equipment and 300 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Construction., Inc. by M.O. 4972-B (B. Simons) (Pg. 5-12) 4. COUNCIL. Receive report of intended travel from Mayor De Rosa, League of California Cities Conference and Expo. September 5-7, 2012, San Diego, CA. 1 5. COUNCIL. Receive report of intended travel from Council Member Pettis, National League of Cities - Congress of Cities and Exposition 2012, November 27- December l 2012, Boston, MA. MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA - Council Member Pettis moved to annrove the Consent Agenda, motion seconded bv Council Member Toles, motion carried 4-0 with one absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. COUNCIL. Consider approving a General Plan Amendment to reduce the ultimate width half- width right-of-way of Da Vail Drive from 56 to 48 feet at the intersection of Ramon Road at DA Vall Drive and to 36 feet on Da Vall Drive between Ramon Road and McCallum Way. (R. Malacoff/ B. Simons) (Pg. 13-22) a. Report by Rich Malacoff, Senior Planner b. Open Public Hearing 4 c. Close Public Hearing 1 d. Recommendation: Approve Council Member Pettis moved to approve the General Plan Amendment to reduce the ultimate width half-width right-of-way of Da Vali Drive from 56 to 48 feet at the intersection of Ramon Road at Da Vall Drive and to 36 feet on Da Vall Drive between Ramon Road and McCallum Way, motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried 4-0 with one absent by Resolution No 2012-161. LEGISLATIVE ACTION 7. COUNCIL. Consider approving a Service Level Agreement with TelePacific (TPAC) 1 Communications to provide telecommunications services effective June 1, 2012. (T. Scott) (Pg. 23-32) a. Report by Tami Scott F Tami Scott gave the report. b. Public Comments open and closed CO I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 , 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... G c. Recommendation: Approve Council Member England moved approval of a Seervice Level Agreement with Tele Pacific (TPAC) Communications to provide telecommunications services effective June 1, 2012, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, motion carried 4- 0 with 1 absent by M.O. 4973. COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS Council Member Toles has one item, the residents of the La Pasada neighborhood requested of me a "no dumping" sign at the dead end of Da Vall, apparently their is a significant amount of dumping that goes on there. If staff could look into this? Mayor DeRosa had one other thing that should have been brought up under Council Comments, that is as long as we are going to look at the TOT, I would like to look at a rental ordinance. I was informed by the CVA that there has been a drop in TOT at the hotels at 1 the Coachella Fest and StageCoach festivals because more and more people are renting homes and condos, and I don't believe that we charge TOT on that. Many cities have found this to be an increased revenue stream. to the point that they paid the consultant a 1 considerable amount of money, so if they are paying the consultant a considerable amount of money, I figure they have to be making twice that much. City of Rancho Mirage has 1 this rental ordinance, and I would love to have the opportunity to take a look at that and see if Cathedral City might also take advantage of that and give us additional revenue because we don't charge people who rent homes for week-ends. G ADJOURNMENT Seeing no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor DeRsosa adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. i NOTES TO THE PUBLIC 1 1 1 1 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012 Please remember: City Hall is closed every Friday. Agendas for Council meetin . s are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcity.gov. The agenda is available for up_lilkinspection in the City all lobby r the office the Monday recedin the meeting. Anv document or writing that relates to an agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk?s office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City., please contact the City Clerk?s Office at (760)770-0385. Assisted-listening devices are available at this meeting. I Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. Notification at least 48 hours prior to ! the meeting or the time when services are needed will assist city staff in assuring CI; I t 1 1 1 i 1 k 44 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i C reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. `a Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk I I t { 1 1 1 t s 1 i f 1 g i s I t F i [: 1 € 4 P t 1 i 1 t L t i € E Ce 1 t i I i s i 1 i C 5 -9 -12 CLOSED SESSION AGENDA A. CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location Parcel Map 32932 Parcel 1, East of Van Fleet Avenue, south of East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of I the City of Cathedral City and City Urban Revitalization Corporation Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City and City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 1 G . 1 1 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location APN 687- 180 -011 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Cathedral City Little League Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City F Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government E Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) I . Property Location APN's: 677 - 402 -066 Negotiating Parties Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency and Moe Nasr Property Owners Cathedral Hotel Group Under Negotiations Property Negotiations i I 1 I i B. CITY COUNCIL: 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code , Cre Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager I I 1 t F I Represented Employees & 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Non - Represented Employees Employees. (AFSCME) 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association Y 9 ( CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees 6. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, subd. (a) (Joe McMillin) Case name: Chris & Nancy Rossmiller v. City of Cathedral City Case No. INC 088884 Court Riverside County Superior Court, Indio Branch c � t I E gg € g {