HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-06-13 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i Ike 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD (CORRECTED Copy) l 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero I Cathedral City, CA 92234 Wednesday, June 13, 2012 CLOSED SESSION MEETING BEGINS AT 3:00 p.m., IN THE CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM. 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012 Closed Session at 3:00 p.m., followed by Study Session at approximately 5:30 p.m. or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda and Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Third Floor Council Chambers In response to any public comment on an item or matter on this Closed Session agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Roll Call was taken 1 by the City Clerk, with Council Members England, Toles, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, and Mayor DeRosa present. Council Member Toles moved to excuse Council Member Pettis, $ motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, there were no objections. Public Comments opened and closed without comment. City Attorney Green deemed a summary of the Closed Session items into the record. There was one change to the Agenda, City Attorney advised they were not ready for Item 7, so it was pulled from the Agenda. City Council moved into Closed Session at 3:12 p.m. RECESS ry Following the Closed Session meeting, the Council will convene to the Council Chamber on the third floor for the Study Session and Regular Meetin2. i , C REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL j 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... { SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD, Council Chamber -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 STUDY SESSION - June 13, 2012, at approximately 5:30 p.m., or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda. CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. ROLL CALL The City Clerk called the roll for the Regular Meetinf of the City Council and the City Council serving as the Successor Agency to the Refevelopment Agency Board. Present: Council Members England, Pettis, Toles, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa Absent: Council Member Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem moved to excuse Mr. Pettis, Motion seconded by Council Member England, their was no objection. Mayor DeRosa noted that Council Member Pettis was traveling on City Business. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Council Member England. OATH OF OFFICE CEREMONY None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Special Presentation (MPT Vasquez) Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - Good evening, I have a very special presentation, but first, it is seldom that I have so many of my family here, I would like to take a minute for a couple quick introductions. After introducing Pastor Chesterman and his family, he welcomed his niece to join him at the podium. Cecelia Echenique came forward to receive a Proclamation, which Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez read to the audience. You may watch this presentation on www.cathedralcity.gov Cecelia has graduated and is going into the Military very soon, she will come back to us and join the local Police Department. She has received high honors in the Cathedral City Air Force Junior ROTC. She has done so 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... many amazing things with her life. Cecelia offered a few words saying "first she wanted to C le thank God, it wasn't always easy, sometimes it was extremely hard, some how it all came, I want to thank you and I appreciate it, thank you for recognizing me, I am ready to challenge with everything I have." Mayor DeRosa again congratulated "CeCe" telling her, her Cathedral City family stands ready, so if there is anything we can do for her, we will. Good luck in your future. Mayor DeRosa and the City Council Members came forward for more presentations. In Light of the drastic changes that have been happening here in Cathedral City we have had a life long learning experience that we try to move through. It has been necessary for all local governments to put up with demands of what has been going on. Cities, Municipalities have continued to ask our employees to do more with less. City Staff has continued to shrink over the years, we have gone from close to 250 employees down to about 195 employees. When all is said and done we could easily see ourselves around 140 employees. You can see, we have continued to shrink staff immensely. What that means is the level of service here in the community really has not changed. The community has not seen much of a difference in the level of service. What you haven't seen is the enormous pressures that has been placed on the staff here in Cathedral City. The amount of extra work that every single employee here in the city has had to do. I don't think that there is one employee that has a single role to play in this city. Every employee wears multiple hats. Every employee has stepped forward to play those multiple roles knowing they are part of the larger community. We are a family whether you work for, or live in, the city, or work someplace in the city, you are a member of the Cathedral City family. Staff is going to do everything within their power to make sure that they meet the needs of you, your family or your business. We have an employee I would like to take a moment to recognize tonight, who has done just that." Mayor asked Lynn Mallotto to join the Council at the podium. Lynn has just earned her designation as a Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC). It took dedication, the help of the city clerk office, Pat who mentored her through this whole thing. "And quite frankly the demands of school, not only did Lynn work here as the Events Coordinator, handling Special Use Permits, handling press releases, working on a number of items, but Lynn has also spent time and also been great mentor to others in the city to show that they cannot only work, but also go to school. If it weren't for the city clerks office to help make sure that happened, Lynn would not be receiving this designation. So Lynn, on behalf of city council, I want to offer you a small token of our appreciation, so for all you continue to do for Cathedral City, this designation is something that you can take with you forever. Congratulations." Lynn said with special thanks to Pat Hammers, who is a Master Municipal Clerk, and if it wasn't for Pat I wouldn't be here today, but also with special thanks to the Management and Council, they .3, gave me the opportunity to attend school, it has really been an experience and thank you so very, very much. Certificate of Recognition for their work with the Cathedral City's Boys and Girls Club: } Terry Nelson, Sam Pace, Stacey Wessman & Michael Genova (Council) Scott Robinson - Boys & Girls Club. Proud of our city and the help they have given us. We have an amazing city that supports us and I do want to thank you. These last few years has been a real challenge for everyone financially, to stretch the dollars, and try to just 4 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... survive has been a challenge. We did an outreach to our business community and said the r kids still need us, we need the quality and impact for the kids. I am so proud of our Cathedral City community that we are honoring three businesses tonight. Business that have done outreach programs to our teens. The magic at the Boys and Girls Club come from the relationships with the adults who come and spend time and put their arms around a kid and say "we believe in you ". Our first partner is from Pacific Premier Bank - Michael Genova and Stacey Wessman. They taught as a money management class, something we all can use They talked about budgeting, avoiding debt, and planning for college and the future. We have T -Shirts for all of our community partners, so when we sit back down, you can choose your size. Also there are certificates from the city, this one goes to Michael Genova and Stacey Wessman - Pacific Premier Bank. Ms. Wessman advised the kids were great and if you have an opportunity to stop by and do something with them, it will be a highlight of your day. Mr. Genova advised we learned as much as they did. Our second partner is from Trilussa Restaurant, Mr. Sam Pace. Mr. Pace said working with these kids was amazing, they are going to be our 10th contestant in our Meat Ball Contest. I am really proud to be a partner with this. He thanked the Boys and Girls Club and the City for their help. And finally our partners from Windemere Real Estate, they wanted to make a difference and they are sharing their making of a video production with the kids. One of the things that happened through this program, I have a kid that I am really proud of, how I can reach pretty much every child up there, and I had a kid I wasn't able to reach. All the vehicles and mechanisms I could use wasn't able to touch this kid. He was really hurt, this volunteer came in and this kid was off and crying by himself, I tried everything but I couldn't reach him. He wandered into this program and found himself, found his self worth with the next person, he found a mentor and is now blossoming, an amazing child and he just needed someone to believe in him. I am actually calling two people up for this because right next to him has been his brother who has helped with the equipment, has helped all the computers, helped us at our teen center, which will be open before the end of the summer. This is their project and I am going to give one to each Council Members, this is a video presentation Orientation given to the new kids at the center. The teens wanted to know how to succeed. I want to call up Mr. Terry Nelson and Mr. Dale Nelson. Terry Nelson said he was a little taken back by what had been said, Dale has helped me with the computers and we have a bit of the way to go. I want to tell you that these kids provide you with such energy, and as you get to know them, they are all special and they are all wonderful in their own way. It has gotten to a point now, after several weeks, we get a lot of hi -fives, and knuckle bumps, but it really come when they start hugging you. That is really special, and means so much to me it has really completed my life. Feels great, but one of the points I do want to make is this Sunday is fathers day and we don't have our own father, but many of you have fathers, recognize them as special folks. What Scott is doing over there at the Boys and Girls club is something special. He is like the father that many of these kids have never had, now this fathers day, Scott you are a very special man, thank you so much. Mayor DeRosa said there was another one of our partners, the Boys and Girls Club. She asked Scott Robinson to come forward, Scott is the Executive Director of the Cathedral City Boys and Girls Club. Mayor DeRosa advised that he was going to be a bigger part of this presentation than any of the rest of us. Mayor DeRosa advised that the Boys and Girls Club in Cathedral City has been a huge part of development of our kids, being a safe place C P; to go after school. A safe place for teens, and a safe haven in the community. Scott has 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... been at the Boys and Girls Club not quite 7 years now, and it always, "what do we have to offer the kids in the community, and what can we teach them and where can we go Next." Mayor DeRosa asked Mr. Robinson to talk a little about his program. Scott introduced himself and said he was the Executive Director of YOUR Boys and Girls Club, the best { club, and encouraged applause out of the audience. We are an independent Club of the the Coachella oachella Valle and Palm Springs, we are all doing great things. We have an amazing city that has a great support system. the last few years have been a great challenge for everyone. Just stretching dollars and surviving has been a real challenge. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. Sinclair Adams - Cathedral City. It is unfortunate we have taken a bloody blow from the Governor with Re- Development. It is done and over with, what we have to do is work together. It can be done again, we have to reach out and ask those who can participate from hands on to those who have the money. Warren Horton - Cathedral City. He wanted to bring council up to date, and told about the California Public utilities Hearing. There is a current application by SCE to raise your rates. They are trying to eliminate tier 4 from the billing cycle. Edison thinks we only have two seasons in this valley. Why were the November bills higher than some of the summer? Method of billing as of 11 -06 -007. I want to make this known to the Public Advisory office. Not many people attend these Public Hearings, but we should. They need to contact the Public Utilities Commission Public Advisers office at CPUC.ca.gov or they can also write them at CPUC Public Adviser at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2103, San Francisco California 94102. It is very important to let them know how you feel about this upcoming application rate increase. Scott Robinson - La Quinta. we are doing an outreach opportunity for a car raffle. Ony 5000 tickets being sold by Variety International, the car is currently sitting in the Mary Pickford theater. there are several discount coupons with the tickets, the value for the $10 ticket is wonderful. The sales we ae doing we get a 100% of the proceeds to our 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... t organization. 32141 Whispering Palms Trail, I was trying to save the sales pitch for , Cof another time as tonight was a celebration. We can certainly use the money to continue the I great programs. £ Hearing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments. I STUDY SESSION AGENDA Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. 1. Discussion update on reduction of septic tanks in Cathedral City and discussion of parameters for the proposed CDBG assistance revolving loan fund. (A. Hall) (Pg. 1 -4) Andy Hall - Community Development Director. Mr. Hall gave the report. Update on the efforts to encourage the connection of the existing septic tanks on to an existing sewer system. This is being done in an effort to improve and protect the groudn water quality. h You may watch the entire presentation of Mr. Hall's report at www.cathedralcity.gov. Mr. Hall advised that they needed direction on the limits of citations and also the revolving loan funds that may be offered at this time. This amount would be coming from Community Development Block Grants. ; G There was considerable discussion on this problem, eventually Mayor Pro Tem moved for a one year moratorium, till July 1, 2013, and to have this item brought back for further consideration of a possible revolving load fund created out of Community Block Development Grant money (CDBG). Mayor DeRosa seconded this action, motion passed 3 -1 with Mr. Toles objecting, and Mr. Pettis absent. 2. Receive report on the 2012 Fireworks Program participants and booth locations. (Chief VanNortrick) (Pg. 5-6) Robert Van Nortrick - Fire Marshall. He was there to provide us with a brief update on the 2012 Fireworks Program. We currently have four charities that will be participating this year. Calvary Christian at Stater Brothers North, Cathedral City Boxing Club which will be at Cardenas Market, St. Louis Church will be at Cathedral Canyon and Ramon, the Power of Salvation will be at Date Palm and Adelina. Again, we have been aggressive with our education efforts and safety pamphlets went out the last week in May to the schools, the Vinyl Bill Boards went up, I believe, yesterday. They are located at Ramon east of DeVall and Crossley and the Mid - Valley Parkway (Dinah Shore). This year we did _: something very special with the gracious assistance from Lamar Advertising. There is an electronic bill board across from Palm Springs Motors. Fire Marshall Van Nortrick held up a board with three different messages that would be rotated on the electronic bill board. 3 One of these will be displayed every 35 seconds for a seven second period. Finally a brief update on our enforcement efforts - We believe that July 3rd could possibly be a busy night, with the holiday falling on a Wednesday. We will have two patrol officers on the ' C evening of the 3rd for eight hours, just in case there is any activity. I make myself 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... available if something comes up. Then on the 4th of July, we will add four officers, one Sergeant and three officers in unmarked patrol units this year on the advice of Lieutenant Glenn Haas. On the fourth we hope to have at least 11 -12 guys on duty. Finally I can't conclude until I give recognition again to Lynn (Mallotto) she was very instrumental, she has been instrumental in helping me, I think she has trained me very well in the last couple of years of work. When she passes the torch to me, hopefully I can maintain those levels. 3. City Council /Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. Council Member England - entertain idea as we are going through this balanced budget process, that we come together in the 3rd quarter to review our goals and reevaluate what are goals are, maybe on a Saturday morning. One concern that I have had is that we always bring up new goals during the year. I would like to propose to you that if we set, lets us say, set 10 goals, that we take the top 5 goals and those would be set as our priorities, and if a new goal comes in, if it is the Councils will to interject that new goal into the top 5, that one of the top priority bumps down into the lower priority goals. Instead of adding on to staff all of these top priorities. It is one of the problems that we do to ourselves, that things become important as time moves on and we need to work a little smarter, that we will definitely reevaluate what those top priorities, if we choose to ratchet in top five or four goal. Andy Hall advise the Mayor and Council that he had received an Invitation today that I wanted to pass along. CVEP will be having their Annual Investor Meeting on June 20 8- i 10 a.m. All Council Members are invited. Their staff will be giving tours, and will also be giving updates on the Small Business District and on the iHub, CVEP, the Work Force { Development, Scholarships for the kids, and all those kind of things. Mr. Bradley asked Bill Simons to come up and give us an update on Ramon Road. Mr. Simons came forward telling us the Ramon Road Project is under way, issued Notice to } Proceed Thursday June 7. The contractor is mobilizing and in getting his preliminary work out of the way. He has been out to establish the dept of the core pavement. The signs will go up tomorrow alerting the traveling public that the road will be under construction for the next couple of months. The Contractor indicated verbally that, that he thinks he can finish well ahead of the 80 working days, that we have given him in the contract. This would be a great benefit. I know from my traveling experience coming through Indian Wells last summer, where the contractor was also Mattich Corporation, I was quite impressed on how they handled that project. Mr Bradley wanted to be sure that the Council got the invitation from Safe House of the Desert, Mayor interjected was this the one on Human trafficking? Mr. Bradley responded yes, June 20th at Desert Regional. Mayor indicated that they did have that information. Mr. England thanked staff, Public Works and the SunLine staff, Bill with Flooring Innovations, and the Property Manager, for bringing that together in moving that bus stop. We have been trying to move that bus stop for a couple of years. RECESS gg� 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... ce RECESS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD, Council Chamber -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Regular portion of the Meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS None CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Green advised there were no reportable actions out of Closed Session. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. Felix Barajas - Cathedral City. Mr. Barahaus was concerned about the amount of money the council would be spending on the synchronization of the traffic lights on Date Palm and East Palm Canyon that he read about in todays paper. He admitted to not knowing reasons and the facts about synchronization of the signals, but with dollars so tight, why are we doing this now? That was one reason why he was here this evening. Also he was here to ask about, 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i t Sinclair Adams - Mr. Adams spoke of the sewer issues, and we were some were, because of Legislation, between a rock and a hard place with the sewers. He wanted to say that monies that would be assessed would be counter productive. There is one additional partner, those who have mortgages, then we are looking at forclosure - please use outreach to those mortgage companies. I would ask that Council think and act outside of the box. 1 Gail Severence - Palm Springs. I am the acting Superintendent for California State Parks $ in this region. I am here tonight to talk about the Salton Sea State Recreation Area. We serve 125.000 visitors annually. We offered World Class bird watching, boating and , camping, fishing and nature education for tourists and local school children alike. We currently have the only boat launch ramp, open to the public, on the entire sea. The Park is an excellent tourist destination that draws people to the Region. Many come from Europe and other states, visitors spend money and do a lot to support the local economy. The State Parks Department has been legislated to make a $22,000,000 cut and the Salton Sea has been placed on the enclosure list and will be closed July 1. However, the State 1 Legislator also passed E42 which allows non - profit groups to help fund individual parks i t and helps keep them open. The Sea and Desert Interpretive Association, a local 501(C)(3) I Organization which is a long time partner with Salton Sea State Recreation Area is raising funds to help keep park open. They are asking each of the City Councils throughou the b area to step up in joining them in keeping open this key resource that benefits the entire Region. Ms. Severance gave us some financial statistics about the economy in the local R area generated by the visitors to the Park. Desert Interpretive Association id raising funds k to help keep the park open. Thus far they raised $110,000, including from one of your local cities, who has issued a challenge to other cities councils to match them if they can Here to represent the Desert Interpretive Association is Ginny Kelley, who can explain the „ Co role of their group in this helpful endeavor. Do you have any questions? Ginny Kelly - North Shore - I worked with the Desert Interpertive Association since 1977, 1 operating center there 30 years. I have worked on various commissions to save the "Sea" I also run the Salton Sea History Museum and through the research, found that in 1947- 1950, everybody was pulling their hair out, because it as going to take $50,000 to save the sea. Every year it went up and up and up. Now we are faced with the State park open, one of our issues is the need to educate them on the restoration of the "Sea ". Peeping the State ! Park open, and in doing so, keeping the visitor centers open and in doing so, we greet t thousands and thousands of visitors. One of our missions is to educate them about the need for restoration. That is critical not for just the people around the sea but for everyone. Our Desert Communities and actually both counties, without Public Support we are not looking at a good outcome for restoration. The ones who say, "just let it dry up" you are going to impact everybody in both counties with both particulates getting in the air t with the salt, the salts alone kill vegitation. It will affect gold courses, agriculture, that is why we believe it is an important mission of ours to educate people about the need for education. Rochelle Smith - Cathedral City - Ha a question about an Item on Lighting and Landscape fees, she was advise that it was on tonights Agenda as Public Hearing. Jens Mueller - Cathedral City. Nine weeks ago I proposed almost 9 million savings to our . G General Fund if we move over to County of Riverside Fire and Sherrifs, has anything been 3 , 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... } i done with regard to that? 9 million dollars Madame Mayor? Mayor DeRosa asked Mr. , G g Y Mueller to continue, please. Mr. Mueller asked "Tami did you get an email with regard to liability insurance ". Mayor DeRosa advised Mr. Mueller, "you have been asked to address the chair. This is not a time for dialogue, it is a time for your Public Comments, so we are happy to take your public comments ". Mr. Mueller, "thank you Madam Mayor. One of the reasons cities do switch over is County Services is to save on liability insurance. So I Just wanted to bring that up." 1 ' Mayor DeRosa, seeing noone else wishing to speak, closed Public Comments. AGENDA FINALIZATION At this time, the City Council may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or 1 continued to another date. t Council Member England wanted to pull item 3 on the consent agenda for discussion. 1 I t Council Member Toles would like to pull items 4 and 5 from Consent for discussion. I f fr URGENCY ITEMS Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than , G all members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council ?s attention after the agenda is posted. COUNCIL COMMENTS i Council Members - comments on items not on the agenda. 1 Council Member Toles - I can very proudly that I was in Las Vegas this week -end and wanted to say Congrats to Tim Bradley, the World Welter- weight Champion, what an incredible night, I don't care what anybody says he put up a heck of a fight and deserves that title. My only other comment is with respect to the budget, we as your City Council owe you as a city, and have been talking about and promising a balanced budget. And to my mind, that means a balanced budget without gimmicks, plain and simple, zero sum, no one time monies, end of the day, year after year, balanced. It is unfair for the people, the men and women in this organization, who have received lay -off notices, to provide a budget that is not truly balanced. In my mind, unless we can get there, it is going to be a heck of a road, and I can't be supportive, we are making progress, I take my hat off to the staff who has worked tirelessly, to the City Manager and his efforts and work, I do hope by the end of June when I am sitting here again with my colleagues, to be looking to a balanced budget that I can vote for If not, we will have to see where it goes. Council Member England - state has continued to deny this city the money they promised, C f the numbers that we have been given back are a little fuzzy. I look forward to a balanced 4 k 1 i w► 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... I s budget. It is difficult and challenging. Also about SunLine, I have allready talked about Co the bus stop, so won't go back there, but wanted to let everybody there we have been in negotiations with the bargaining group and have received confirmation that we have finally come to an agreemen. That will be at our next board meeting to ratify that agreement, so wanted to thank Michael the General Manager, and his staff, in working with the barganing unit there. That we now have a contract that is workable for both the ? general public and SunLine as a whole. Wanted to say Thank You to the management of the Mary Pickford, I had forgotten that this past Saturday they were doing the Madascar OPen House, and was pleaseantly surprised to see a bunch of animals that were brought over from the Living Desert to help celebrate the movie. i Council Member England. Boys & Girls Club are looking for partners. The center is doing some amazing things and anyone is welcome to come over, show up and take a little time out of their day. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - Just a few items, recently I had the pleasure of attending the graduations for three high schools. I was a stand in at Cathedral City for 3 kids who had no parents there. I am so proud of what the kids have done, when you hear the negatives out there, it is a generalization and doesn't apply to the majority of our children. We have 1 amazing children in this community. They are doing community service, helping out, going to college. I want to recognize Tim Bradley, he participates and gives back. I want to congratulate him what he does more than being a boxer. There is not a youth event that if you call Tim, he will show up. Amazing man, above and beyond his expertise in the 1 world of boxing, and I am proud to know him and call him a friend. 1 C Mayor DeRosa - Invited everyone who is here to a Rally here in Town Square for Tim 1 Bradley. Tim is a mentor to a lot of kids here. He has certainly been a great role model. I also wanted to report that I had an opportunity to attend the Auto Dealer meeting, and they reported that they had 52% of the new care market here in the valley. We are pleased to see that their sales continue to increase, and our sales Tax revenues are coming back. Congratulations to all the high schools graduates. Jill Thetford is the recipient of the Golden Lion Award. Forest Lawn and Palm Springs Cemetery District who both had great , memorial events. One other thing. I attended Cathedral Center annual meeting, they recognized quite a number of volunteers, pretty interesting to see 60 and 70 years olds assisting 60 and 70 year olds. The Cathedral Center introduced their new Executive Director Kara Robinson, who is very dynamic. The food pantry has been a huge success, many thanks to Judie Stone for her efforts. I know we talk a lot about the youth but Jose , Reyes who attends James Workman Middle School was the recipient of this years fitness challenge, this is a challenge that the city has with the Junior High Schools, we are a 1 HEAL city, Healthy Eating and Active Living. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS See last page of Agenda Book MINUTES Approval of minutes from City Council Meeting May 23, 2012 accepted as written. 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... c CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. A. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 1. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AENCY BOARD Received and Filed payment of Claims and Demands in the aggregate sum of $4,795,876.for the month of May 2012, by M.O. 4991 and M.O. SA -0012. (T. Scott) (pg. 1 -2) 2. COUNCIL. Approved two Resolutions regarding: 1) Notice and call of general municipal election and request for County of Riverside to provide election service; and 2) establishment of regulations and deposit for filing of optional candidate's statement. 1. Resolution 2012 -166 and 2. Resolution 2012 -167. (P. Hammers) (Pg. 3 -8) 6. COUNCIL. Approved Recurring Special Use Permit #12 -018 , "The Barracks" hosting events July 15 -18 - Wet ?n? Wild Weekend; Aug. 30 -Sept. 2 - Labor Day Weekend Celebration; Oct. 5 -7 - Mr. Barracks Contest Weekend; Oct. 19 -21 - Tenth Anniversary Weekend; Oct. 26 -28 - Halloween Celebration; Nov. 21 -25 - Thanksgiving (11; Weekend/Charity Fundraiser by M.O. 4995. (L. Mallotto 41 -47) 7. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit # 12 -029, 10th Annual Jammin' for Jesus, produced and hosted by Reach Out Ministries, Sat. January, 19, 2013, 1 -8pm, by M.O. 4996. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 48 -53) 8. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit #12 -030, Annual Cathedral City High School 1 Homecoming Parade, and Rally to follow in Town Square, Wed. Oct. 17, 2012, 4:30 -6 p.m., by M.O. 4997. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 54 -59) 9. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit #12 -031, Annual Cathedral City Tree Lighting Event, Town Square, Thursday, December 6, 2012, 6:30pm, by M.O. 4998 (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 60 -64) 4. COUNCIL. Approve awarding a contract with Steiny & Company to Construct the East Palm Canyon Signal Synchronization Improvements, CIP 8910, B11 -143E, in the contract bid amount of $154,681.00, approve an approximate 10% contingency in the amount of $15,469.00, bringing the total encumbrance to $170,150.00. (B. Simons) (Pg. 22 -34) Felix Brahaus - thanks for explanation, read someting in paper, do know 10. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit #12 -032, 2nd Annual Perez Rd. Fall Festival, Sat., November 10, 2012, on Perez Road by M.O. 4999. (L. Mallotto) (Pg. 65 -71) MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Council Member England moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of items 3, 4, 5 which were pulled for discussion, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, motion carried 4 -0 with Pettis absent. 3. COUNCIL. Approve awarding a contract with Steiny & Company to Construct the Date Palm Drive Signal Synchronization Improvements, CIP 6506, B11 -144E, in the contract bid amount of $273,736.00, approve an approximate 10% contingency in the amount of $27,364.00 bringing the total encumbrance to $301,100.00. (B. Simons) (Pg. 9 -21) Council Member England pulled item 3 because someone in the audience questioned that they want to know where the money is going and coming from. Let the General Public know, the total dollar amount is a GRANT - requested and received the funds are being paid for from an outside congestion mitigation air quality grant by Federal legislation. No General fund for Item 3 and 4. We can not use that money for any other purpose. Mr. Bradley - explain why it is so expensive, work involves new controllers, four new video protection systems, spending about $30,000 per Intersection. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez moved to approve Item 3 in the amount of $273,736.00 with a contingency of $27,346.00 for a total sum of $301,000.00, motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried by 4 -0 by M.O. 4992. Mr. Pettis was absent. 4. COUNCIL. Approve awarding a contract with Steiny & Company to Construct the East Palm Canyon Signal Synchronization Improvements, CIP 8910, B11 -143E, in the contraCT BID AMOUNT OF $ 154,681.00, APPROVED AN APPROXIMATE 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,496 bringing the total encumbrance to $170,150.00. (B. Simonds) (Pg 22 -34) Council Member England moved to approve Item 4, in the amount of $170,150 total encumberance, motion seconded by Council Member Toles, motion carried 4 -0 by M.O. 4993. Council Member Pettis was absent. 5. COUNCIL. Approved Special Use Permit # 12 -028, National Night Out, sponsored by Target Stores and hosted by Cathedral City Police Dept., at Big League Dreams, Oct. 2„ 2012, 6:30 -9:30 p.m. (L. Hanlon 35 -40) 1 This item was asked to be pulled off the consent agenda for discussion, however, this was done in error. Mr. Toles apologized for pulling this item in error, I enthuasitically endorse this, and would like to move forward. Mayor opened and closed Public Comments hearing noone wishing to speak. Council Member Toles moved to approve this Special Use Permit, motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried 4 -0 by M.O. 4994. Council Member Pettis was absent. PUBLIC HEARING 1 E 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... I 1 1 C 11. COUNCIL. Consider approving Street Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District (SSLMD OR LLD) No.1: Adoption of Resolutions to approve the final Engineer's Report and renew assessments in fifteen (15) existing benefit zones (zones 1 through 21) within the Maintenance District for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. (T. Scott) (Pg. 72 -78) a. Report by Tami Scott, Administrative Services Director. She explained this was not new money. b. Open Public Hearing Rochelle Smith - Cathedral City. I live between Date Palm and Landau off of McCallum and I do not have a Light Post even though I am charged for this through the assessment. Most Lampposts don't start till Vega Road crosses. I know that everyone has r to pay their fair share but I have never had any lamppost there. I am getting charged with something I don't use When I did try and question this when I moved here in the '80s they said a lot of people didn't want the lighting to begin with, they said they wanted to I see the stars. I don't want to be rude and disrespectful considering my neighborhood. I don't think anyone knows what this is. My consideration is why am I being charged? On i I some of the lighting I think you could turn them off, because there are five lights, and if I you can see red, green, and orange, you have a problem. i Ii Mayor DeRosa suggested she thought the best thing whe should do is make an I co, appointment with staff, the gentleman in the plaid shirt.. Tami injected that that was Patrick Milos, our Public Works manager and that he would be happy to answer your questions, regarding lights. She stated that she had a Federal Employee retirement and a I Military Retirement, but I just don't want to pay for something that somebody uses. Mayor DeRosa seeing noone else wishing to speak, closed the Public Hearing_ ' Council Member England moved approval of the Engineers Report by Resolution No. 2012 -168 and and renew assessments in the fifteen existing benefit zones by Resolution No 2012 -169, motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, motion carried 4 -0. Council i 1 Member Pettis was absent. $ LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS None COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT i Seeing no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor DeRosa adjourned the a meeting at 7:48 p.m. I NOTES TO THE PUBLIC , i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Special Meeting of the City Council scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to consider the proposed 2 -year budget covering the period July 2012 - June 2014. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012 Please remember: City Hall is closed every Friday. Agendas for Council meetings are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcity.gov. The agenda is available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office the Monday preceding the meeting. Any document or writing that relates to an agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office. f In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to p articipate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the Ci Clerk ?s Office at (760)770 -0385. Assisted - listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or the time when services are needed will assist city staff in assuring reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk ff i r f i i i : 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION C e pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. E Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 674 - 500 -012 and 674- 500 -032 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Palm Springs Ford /Lincoln Property Owners Paul Thiel Under Negotiations Property Negotiations l 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 687 - 180 -005, 687 - 180 -009, 687 - 180 -011, 687- 201 -001 —011, 687 - 202 -001 —012, 687 - 202 -015, 687 -203- 008 —687- 203 -015, 687 - 204 -001 —009, 687 - 204 -013, 687- 204 -014, 687 - 204 -016, 687 - 205 -005 —008, 687 - 206 -001 — 016 Negotiating Parties Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City and Lewis Operating Corp. t Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations A. CITY COUNCIL: 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location APN 687- 180 -011 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Cathedral City Little League Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations i 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager Represented Employees & 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal ( Non - Represented Employees Employees. (AFSCME) 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association (CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association (CCPFMA) ( 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees i 1 1 CIO i I i 1 t 1 : f i