HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-06-27 i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 i 1 1 I I 1 1 C4 1 it t t rated 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL 1 SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND AS THE BOARD FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY DOWNTOWN FOUNDATION AND THE CATHEDRAL CITY PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY . (Copy) l 1 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Wednesday, June 27, 2012 MEETING BEGINS AT 3:00 p.m. IN THE CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012 I Closed Session at 3:00 p.m., followed by Study Session at approximately 5:00 p.m. or at i such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda and Regular Meeting at 1 6:30 p.m. in Third Floor Council Chambers i 1 CLOSED SESSION Mayor DeRosa called the Closed Session portion of the meeting to Order at 3:02 p.m. City Clerk Hammers advised that we were calling the Roll for the Closed Session portion 1 of the meeting of the City Council and the City Council serving as the successor Agency 1 to the Redevelopment Agency Board and as the board for the Cathedral City Downtown Foundation and for the Cathedral City Public Finance Authority. City Clerk Hammers 1 called the Roll and the following were present: Council Members England, Pettis, Toles, 1 Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa. There were none absent. Mayor DeRosa , opened and closed Public Comments without comments. City Attorney deemed a summary of Closed Session Items were read into the record. There were no changes to the 1 Agenda. The City Council moved to Closed Session to deal with the Closed Session Agenda. 1 I RECESS i Following the Closed Session meeting, the Council will convene to the Council Chamber on the third floor for the Study Session and Regular Meeting. 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I BOARD AND AS THE BOARD FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY DOWNTOWN 1 FOUNDATION AND FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY c I i i i g i I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 4 1 1 1 c Council Chambers -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1 June 27, 2012, at approximately 5:00 p.m. or at such time as the City Council completes the I Closed Session Agenda. i I STUDY SESSION 1 CALL TO ORDER i Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. I 1 ROLL CALL Present: Council Members England, Pettis, Toles, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa 1 Absent: None 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. i C INVOCATION Council Member England offered the Invocation. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS I PUBLIC COMMENTS { At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. p t I. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond I briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. t Mayor DeRosa Opened and Closed Public Comments without comment. 1 r t a k 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... j : c STUDY SESSION AGENDA Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations I will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. 1. Presentation by Donna King, Executive Director on Hanson House. (Mayor DeRosa) Donna King - Palm Springs. Ms. King is the Executive Director of the Hanson House. "Before I can talk about the Hanson House I must first talk about the Desert Regional = Medical Center because we are the only Trauma Center, we are a level 2 Trauma Center, and the only one in 8,000 square miles. We handle every kind of trauma except Pediatric trauma. We Air Vac these patients to Loma Linda. So every trauma that is going to happen in this area is going to come to Desert Regional Medical Center. Ever critical injury is going to come to Desert Medical Center. Everyone of those critical injuries, have I family members that love them, that care about them, and that want to be with them during their time in the Hospital. And we, as Medical staff want those family members to be there." Under the direction and guidance of Dr. Frank Erkele, came about the Hanson House (similar to the Ronald McDonald House). Except we are available for family members and loved ones for all critically ill and injured patients who may be at Desert Regional Hospital, but could also be at other facilities. Geographically we are on the Campus of Desert Regional Medical Center. We handle cancer patients that are receiving treatment at the cancer center. We handle all of the military families that come down from giro 29 Palms and we handle Hospice Family members who are in town to visit their loved ones. No matter what I tell you about the Hanson House you can't really appreciate it unless you come and visit. It is not a place that you ever want to go there, but if you do I f have a love that is critically ill or injured you will be happy to be there. It is a sixteen unit casita facility. Everybody has their own room with two queen sized beds in each. Private bath, meditative gardens, little chapel, We have a kitchen. We have a pantry that is 1 stocked, mostly by the Rotary Club in Palm Springs. We have non - perishable there so our guests can go to the kitchen and get "grab and go items ", little things of cereal, or Mac and Cheese. We want them to have a place where they can get strength and rest at the Hanson House. Ms. King advised that Mayor DeRosa had visited and the Mayor interjected that it is beyond special, a real sanctuary. Mayor DeRosa also advised that Ms. Kings passion for the place was very special. We have a special rate for the families of first responders. I work in the Emergency room along along with the Hanson House, and I have had the pleasure of meeting your Police, your Fire - fighters, you Paramedics and they are fabulous. They take such good care of people when they come in, it is a pleasure to see them. They are wonderful. If you ever have need of our services, please call me and I will make sure they get the room. Mayor DeRosa thanked Ms. King for her kind words about our Police and Fire - fighters, as they do a great job. I would encourage my fellow Council Members if you have not seen Hanson House, to go and take a look at it. 2. Interview of applicants for appointment to serve on Cathedral City's Commission or t Committee. (P. Hammers) (Pg. 1 -37) 1 C 3. City Council /Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. i 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 I 7 i i RECESS ! G 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND AS THE BOARD FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY DOWNTOWN FOUNDATION AND FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY i Council Chambers -- Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27., 2012 - 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Regular portion of the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. i PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 6 4 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 i 1 City Attorney Green advised there were no reportable actions out of Closed Session this 1 evening. 1 At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed i G on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a 'Request to Speak' form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please 1 come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. 1 1 In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond I briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct 1 staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. { PUBLIC COMMENTS - Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments i 1 Chip Yarborough - Cathedral City. On a more serious note tonight, Agenda Item 8, I'm not talking on that right now, but I as a citizen, but we are going to loose a number of employees and as a citizen I want to say thank you for all of those who have served a number of years in the city, we are going to be loosing a great deal of experience, and I J know that some of the people thought maybe they were not noticed. I am here to assure them as a citizen, I do notice them. I notice the Parks, I notice the job that they do in the , parks, I notice the Fire Dept. responding on Medical Aids, I notice the Police Department i G responding in my neighborhood. All those things are going to change, but the point of my I 3 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... ING... f i 1 comment is to thank those who will be laid off, for their services. ' C And Jessup - Rancho Y p Mirage - My first moments of comment are representing the Cathedral City Auto Mall, which we were five sales shy of 1000 last month. These are the i best quarters we have had in last four years. In May we secured 52% against 13 other dealerships from Palm Springs out thru LaQuinta. If Palm Springs Ford were included it would have pushed us to 60% of the market. Look no further than the City of Cathedral City Auto Mall. Imagine of up to 60% of residents buying consumer goods $10,000 to $100,000. As the Representative of the Chamber of Commerce, and as Board Chair I am speaking on behalf of the Board Members that are here this evening, I want to share with I the members in the community that three weeks ago the Board assigned several members to a CEO search committee to search for a news CEO/President. After an exhaustive I search for a qualified CEO/President with candidates wishing to be considered, the next I new leader of this chamber, of those we interviewed we found one who stood far and well above all. This committee will present its recommendation to the Board tomorrow morning for the formal approval for our new and next CEO/President. I am confident that at the next Council Meeting I will be given the pleasure of introducing our next CEO/President. This leader shares the same values of, and has earned the respect of your community leaders, local business owners, and our chamber members. With strengths of excellent team leadership, a decade long record of successful event planning and marketing, strong motivational skills and a ability to manage in a crisis. All of us here at the Chamber are certain that this skill set will position the Cathedral City Chamber of 1 Commerce to be the envy of every city in the Coachella Valley. Our Chamber of Commerce is about this city's business, and this Chamber is in business for business. We I C are about local networking, marketing, and business referrals. It is about putting business in front of other businesses and to define its value. You have the my word that through the new leadership we will be strengthened. Going forward we will give to our members more 1 than we expect from them. Larry Davis - Indio - my wife and I are looking for property here in Cathedral City. I am Vice President of Forrest Lawn - thanks for coming for the Memorial Day service. We are honored to host the event, and are extremely happy, we thank the father of Council Member Pettis for his service to the Coast Guard, he is there to represent them every year. We thank the men and women on the Rifle detail and the Fire Dept. who did the Flag detail. We want to thank the city for your support. Chief Soqui is the best. Paul Marchand - As a constituent, as a sometime member of the Cathedral Family - it is never easy to see one go, whose present is always taken for granted. Bitter sweet moment - some to retire some to look for other opportunities. This will be a tough time for many. I want to thank every single person who I have worked with, Special thank you to Chief Soqui, and to Mr. Malacoff. Many other whose friendships I treasure. AGENDA FINALIZATION 1 At this time, the City Council may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. URGENCY ITEMS 1 s 1 4 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... { a. a. i a : C COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, 1 permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda l only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all :9 members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council's attention after the agenda is posted. COUNCIL COMMENTS a Y 1 Council Members comments on items not on the agenda. 1 Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - Tomorrow at noon, fireworks sales will start in the city. This year we have four locations, Boxing Club at Date Palm at the Taco Bell, Apostolic Church at Adelina and Date Palm, St. Louis Church at the old Salsas Market at Cathedral Canyon and Ramon, and you will have Calvary Christian Center at Landau and Vista Chino at the Stater Bros. Shopping Center. Tomorrow from noon -10:00 p.m. and every day from 8:00 a a.m. till 10:00 p.m., safe and sane fireworks up till 12:00 p.m. on the 4th of July. The last couple of years we have had absolutely no problems. We have had a dramatic drop in the use of illegal fire works in this city. The program has been very successful, all four organizations that are non - profits that are established in the city and all the funds raised i will go back to the non - profit selling the fireworks, This last week at the CVAG Homeless y committee meeting we approved our budget for Roy's Place Homeless Desert Center, the homeless center for the West end of the Valley. We have now, due to budget problems cut services in half. We have gone from 120 beds to 60 beds. Martha's has already closed all j their beds and there have been some cuts at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, so we are going to see an increase of homeless in need, we are already seeing an increase of homeless on the streets. After the layoffs and the budget passing, we will have less police 1 and fire to deal with the homeless. If you don't think they are an impact, just ask the guys out there. That is just an additional impact that we will be dealing with I'll have a lot of 1 comments on the budget, you here are some comments about our employees, I know each and everyone of the personally. Two families, due to the lay -offs, are leaving the desert, a they will be closer to family where they will combine resources. Three families are looking at loosing their home now. The stress of this has been so difficult on one family they are in counseling trying to stop a divorce. These are just six cases and how our decisions are impacting them. I Council Member Toles - This is the first budget that I have been involved with, the loss of 1 staff, the loss of talent to the community is definitely noted. I would like to say we owe it a to the people that are saying goodby, to not have left us in vain when leaving us at the end of this Fiscal Year. Then Cathedral City will have a balanced budget. Not going to 1 continue financial deception, destruction, downward. Today the city of Stockton, filed bankruptcy, and we as elected officials must right this ship. The peope here leaving will i not do so in vain. For the people left, we owe it to them that next year this time we will not leave them with their jobs at risk. We will be moving forward with an organization no I longer saddled with budget obligations. We need to have them proceed, that their jobs will 1 r { t i I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i I Y S il be safe. Again to all of those and Chief Soqui, we again thank you for all you have done. l J Council Member England - Before I go into thanking our employees, I want to acknowledge Cy Breen who passed at 100 years of age. The Mayor is closer to him because I am not that old! He was the gentleman who played a round of golf for each year of his age to raise funds for breast cancer. We will miss Cy, his cheerfulness, he was an inspiration to the community and every one younger than him. We will miss him. Moving on to thanking those people that will not be with after tomorrow I have been here 23 years in this community. I don't spend a whole lot of time down here, I run a business, a company. I've been on the council 12 years. If there were any possibility of balancing the budget, we can't balance the budget with the people we have. I wanted to acknowledge Bill Soqui, Rich Malacoff, Lynn Mallotto we are thankful for you giving us a piece of your life. We are going to fix this outside of Sacramento, when 2013 and 2014 rolls around we will not have to make these kind of cuts. Everybody who is left, thank you i for continued service to this community. As Sam said earlier, we are going to fix this deal, we are not getting any help from Sacramento. We will fix it outside of what they are 1 doing. I Council Member Pettis - I will save my comments on the budget until we get to that For Council's benefit the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) this past i week approved our Capital Improvement Budget for the next five years. Upwards of 30 million dollars, Capital Improvement Projects that will happen here in Cathedral City are funded entirely from other than the General Fund. There will be a lot of programs going on Mr. Davis mentioned my father being in the Coast Guard, Healing Fields, this year i which is scheduled for Nov 6th - 14th, a program sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cathedral City. Our speaker this year will be a female Lieutenant from the United States . Coast Guard. Mayor DeRosa - Thanks for remembering Cy Breen. As you all know Ramon Road will begin construction shortly. That is only one phase, then the second phase will start shortly after that We have a short /long agenda tonight, so I am going to move forward with this 1 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS i MINUTES 1 NONE CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be b enacted by one motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a Council Member. 4 A. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 4 4 Co 1. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Approved a service s a 1 4 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... I I Provider Agreement to provide Construction Inspection p on Services required for the Ramon i Road Widening and Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $64,600 plus an approximate 10% contingency of $6,400 bring the total encumbrances to $71,000, by M.O. 5000 and S.A. M.O. SA -0013. (B. Simons) (Pg. 1 -5) 3. COUNCIL. Approved adoption of a Resolution of the City of Cathedral City Community Facilities District No 2000 -1 establishing annual special tax for Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 by Resolution No. 2012 -171. (Rio Vista Village) (T. Scott) (Pg. 8 -13) i l 4. COUNCIL. Approved a Resolution by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, establishing the City's Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013 by Resolution No. 2012- 172. (T. Scott) (Pg. 14 -16) I 2 5. COUNCIL. Approve appointment of applicants to Commission or Committee, including confirmation of appointment of Sam Medrano to serve additional three year term on the Palm Springs International Airport Commission by M.O. 5002 for Sam Medrano, and M.O. 5003 for all others. (P. Hammers) 6. COUNCIL. Receive report of travel from Council Member Pettis June 17, 2012, San Diego, CA (RCTC funding this trip); receive report of intended travel a) League of California Cities, June 28, 2012, Sacramento, CA (LOCC is funding trip) b) League of California Cities - Latino Caucus, July 6, 2012, Monterrey, CA (LOCC- Latino Caucus funding trip); c) League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting, July 19 -20, 2012, i G Manhattan Beach, CA (City will fund one night at hotel, LOCC second night plus t incidentals). MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA - Council Member England moved approval for consent agenda items 1, and consent agenda items 3 thru 6, motion seconded by Council Member Pettis, motion carried 5 -0. i I 2. COUNCIL. Confirm policy on septic tank removal in Cathedral City and on the terms of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) revolving loan fund related to septic tank removal. (A. Hall) (Pg. 6 -7) This item pulled from Consent by Council Member Pettis. Andy Hall, Community Development Director gave the report. Mr. Hall said, at the Study Session held on June 13th, the City Council discussed the different options about moving forward with the connections to sewers and at that time, a decision was made to have staff suspend the fines at least, the fine portion of the public nuisance of not having your sewer prior to January 1st of 2012. This is a rather lengthy report and may be watched in its entirety on www.cathedralcity.gov. There were also questions and comments from City Council Members which you can see and hear on the recording. Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - had questions about the listing on the agenda, and the differing staff report. He wanted to know what they could hear, and what would have to be brought back for further consideration. Mr. Green advised that it said "confirm policy on septic tank removal ", which was the policy that the Council directed providing for a moratorium Co''' on enforcement of nuiiance /abatement actions. So I believe it is listed. I don't know that I i II 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 1 the addition of the CDBG was necessary, but it didn't harm anything to add it. Mr. Vasquez responded that he was not ready to move forward on this item beause my goal on a moratorium was strictly on the fines on owner occupied homes, I don't have information on what that number looks like and how many homes that were owner occupied, I wasn't looking to give the time to Bank Owned homes or for rental properties. Or for vacant lots, or for commercial properties. I don't have the information to deal with this issue at this time. Mayor DeRosa recommended that this item be pulled and brought back at the next Council Meeting. There were no objections, item will be brought back. 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. COUNCIL. Consider approving a request to change the name of Sunair Road to Gay Resort Drive between Melrose and Palo Verde Drives. (R. Malacoff) (Pg. 17 -22) 1 Note: Project description has been changed per the applicant's request a. Report by Rich Malacoff, Senior Planner - Tonight we have a continued Public Hearing about a street name change. It was continued from the May 24th meeting. The request for the street name change is from Sun Air Road to Gay Resort Drive. The process for a street name change is for the request to come into the city, for the city to hold a Public Hearing, we need to notify the people who have an address on 1 the street, which is just one business, the CCBC Resort. The other lots, which are 1 right here and right here, do not have addresses on Sun Air Road. But we did notify g fY them of the hearing, and they received copies of both sets of staff reports. The Street name change has officially been changed to Gay Resort Drive. It is only for the area between Melrose and Pala Verde, which is a private street. It doesn't really have public access, you only have access to it if you enter the resort. Mr. Malacoff showed the audience on his visual the area he was speaking to. The area on Sun Air Drive from Melrose to Bankside Drive, which is a public street, will remain the same, so there is no proposal to change that whatsoever. This is a Public Hearing so we will be able to take testimoney from the public on this. Owners of the Sunshine Cafe could not stay for the Public Hearing, they just want you to know they support the proposal. b. Open Public Hearing Richard Altman - Owner of CCBC. The reason for the change: there are four Sun Air Roads in the Coachella Valley, two in Cathedral City, one in Palm Springs and one in Indio. People coming to my resort, often they go some place else. By 4 changing the name, it would help my business, we pay TOT tax to the City, and it would help the city. It will also be good marketing tool for people who are looking for a gay resort. We are the largest resort gay in Southern California and only one left in Cathedral City. I am trying to help myself and to help the city. I own the property and the sign will be on my property, not on anyone elses. Tom Johnston - Palm Springs. I am here to support Richard's request to change the name, I think it will be good for marketing and his industry. 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Steve Rosenberg - Palm Springs. I work here in Cathedral City for Empire Carpet Plus. We are diagonally northwest to Mr. Altman's property. City Staff has been very kind ,and as amended tonight, we have no objection to the approval of this item. I will be at the next meeting to bring you up to date on our project. From the time we sat down with Andy Hall and Rich Malacoff, the entire staff has been very kind in keeping us informed about the proposed changes. As amended and presented tonight, we have no problem at all the name change. I think it will help Mr. Altman in his marketing, ultimately benefiting this city. We urge you to approve his request. I wanted to add one other quick comment, I will probably be addressing the Council, probably at the next meeting on where we are with our project. For anyone in the audience who thinks you can't get anything done in the valley, in Cathedral City, I can only point out that from the time we first sat down with Andy Hall, until the time we were able to purchase the property and own it, and then to start work, was less than six months. That is because of Mr. Hall's efforts, because of Rich Malacoff efforts. The entire staff really needs to be complimented for being cooperative, being friendly, and being positive about our entire project. Paul Marchand - Cathedral City - apparently some did not get the memo, I did get a few calls from former constituents expressing some concern about this, I think having being able to set their minds at rest. Just as a personal statement I certainly think Mr. Altman's request should be approved. Mayor DeRosa asked if there was anyone else in he audience wishing to speak and co seeing none, she proceeded to read a letter she had received from Allen Edwards, Mr. Edwards is the one of the owners of a company called IMS, a production company. Mr. Edwards was unable to attend tonight as he is currently out of town but was in support of the street name change. His whole letter may be heard on www.cathedralcity.gov Mayor DeRosa read another letter into the record from Will Page and DDG Media Group - Please consider this letter as a request that Cathedral City Board approve the request that Sun Air Road to Gay Resort Drive, between Melrose Drive and Palo Verde Drive. The entire letter can be heard on www.cathedralcity.gov Mayor DeRosa closed the Public Hearing. Council Member England - I wanted to talk about two previous street name requests, I find it kind of interesting that this is not the only time we have had street name requests. Workman Middle School made a request to rename that little portion as Big Horn Drive however it just didn't work out It had a negative impact, while I thought it was a great idea to show community and helped with identity. We were not able to accommodate the school or the boosters who were willing to pay for all the signs at no cost to the community. The second request was for street just back of City Hall to be named Office David Vasquez Drive, in honor of the Police Officer who gave his life in his service to our city. - it seemed to be such a no brainer to honor Office Vasquez, but this time the people prevailed and the street name was changed. Mr. England gave some very valid reasons for supporting this request and Ce being consistent. Mr. England moved approval of this street name request, motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, motion carried 4 -1, with 1 3 1 I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 I , I 1 Mayor De Rosa voting no. i 4 4 G 1 LEGISLATIVE ACTION I 8. COUNCIL/BOARD FOR THE CATHEDRAL CITY DOWNTOWN FOUNDATION/THE CATHEDRAL CITY PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY. a) I , I Consider adoption of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 two-year operating budget; and b) approve Resolutions. (T. Scott) (Pg. 23-30) 1 I a. Report by Tami Scott, Administrative Services Director. This became a very long discussion on the budget, you may watch the entire presentation on www.cathedralcity.gov including the report, Staff comments, City Council and Public comments and the comments from the City Attorney who advise that if the 1 budget was not adopted, the Council needed to pass a Resolution to continue services. Not passing the Budget and only passing a Resolution, how would this I affect employees who are being laid-off. The Staff advised that the lay-offs would I still happen, and would not be affected by passing the Resolution. Ms. Scott i I completed her report. 1 1 b. Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. I i I Jens Mueller - Cathedral City. We are in a real pickle here. I am going to read a I brief article from the Desert Sun. May 30th. Coachella has approved its 2012-203 FY budget beginning July 1st without lay-offs, or dipping into reserves. Coachella 1 C City Council on May 23 approved an operating Budget of $15,500 million dollars. 1 Which pays for Salaries and Services. Highlights of the budget; the addition of a 1 police officer, and an increase in funding for Police overtime. The addition of a Fire i Dept. Medic unit, elimination of furloughs, an employee merit raise increase 1 , i program, and removal of a hiring freeze. Coachella and Cathedral City both have to I return approximately 6 million dollars to the State this year, and yet Coachella is ; able to balance their budget and hire a Police Officer. Coachella has never used the 1 RDA to balance its budget. Mr. Mueller finished reading the article, asking questions? Watch on www.cathedralcity.gov. Chip Yarborough - Cathedral City. Mayor and Council I am back again. I am here once again to strongly object to the passing of this budget. I couldn't agree with Council Member Vasquez in what he said in his comments. When I first addressed Council four months ago, I pointed out several issues that I am concerned about. I have attended recent meetings and have more concerns with what you are going to do to this city and its hardworking workforce. Last week I was actually shocked with questions Council was asking staff, and more surprisingly were the answers given by staff. What you are about to do tonight does not have to happen. That is obivious by the questions being asked and the answers being given. This budget has not been vetted as it should have been, and I am not convinced that there is not more that can be cut. This is obivious by the work that Council Member Pettis and Toles did on Friday. They, using good budgeting practices, they were able to find an additional $255,525 dollars and thru a policy statement, were able to identify an (I;0' additional $400,000 dollars. They did this by using historical information. This I t 1 I i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... I I i i I should have been done by staff. Further question, with limited documentation I i have been able to get, in reading the draft budget on the web -site, it appears that someone is playing a shell game. On page 23 it is indicated that the City Attorney is taking a 38% paycut. or contract cut. But in reality it is a 19% increase over this year. And the lists goes on. Citizens are watching and this is not the time to not be transparent. Let me say I have to question the decisions that have been made by Mr. Bradley. He has decided that his Communications Officer is more important to keep that the Fire Chief. A Chief who has run a successful Department or six years, is I very active in the community in which he works, and the most important part is the thousands, and I mean thousands, of dollars the city has invested in him as a Fire i Chief. I have been told they will put a Battalion Chief in place as the acting Chief. Mr. Yarborough completed his remarks which also can be seen and heard on i www.cathedralcity.gov. Paul Marchand - Cathedral City. There seems to be a very clear trend toward not adopting the budget tonight. And that may very well be the right decision. There is clearly honest division on Council as to where you should go, and how you should get there. This is clearly not the time to point fingers, this is not the time to cast blame, instead it is the time to try and fix the problem. If you do not adopt a budget tonight, and I don't expect that you will from what I have heard from the five of you. I know four of you quite well, and one of you pretty well. I would submit to you, Council and Staff must bring back a budget that can be agreed upon as quickly as possible. If you must go out to August, I hope you can go out till July the longer you must work under a Resolution, the more problematic the situation will become. If you must have a continuing Resolution, everything you must do from now till then must be focused on a budget. Mayor DeRosa seeing no one else wishing to speak closed Public Comments. i c. Recommendation: Approve operating budget Council Member England - Anybody that knows me very well, I am a guy that does not like to listen to half - truths, I don't know, maybe this is a character flaw. Half - truth means it is half of a lie. For the Record, to maintain the integrity of the record, and to set this straight: I want to address one of our speakers that took the moment to chastise this community for not doing its job in having a balanced budget or doing whatever it could and put us up against another community, that of Coachella. There 3 is a reason why I live in Cathedral City, there is a reason why many of you live here 1 in Cathedral City and not Coachella. Coachella is a much smaller community than us, they have a much smaller budget than us. To compare us with Coachella is to a nice strawberry to maybe a kumquat. With no disrespect to Coachella, of who we are and how we do business. I hold in my hand right here - there are a lot of communities up and down the state of California, I hold in my hand the Orange 1 County Register, we get these articles every day, because we want to know what is 3 going on, making sure we stay on the cutting edge of what is going on within the state of California. Are there different strategies that we can employ? Are we I making the right decisions? We are always trying to find that balance point. And G sometimes it is on a razors edge, finding that balance point. I want to read form the t i 4 1 F 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i Orange County Register, that is a fairly conservative newspaper, "Orange Count i G Cities reeling from revenue lost and Public Safety costs." Spiraling Public Safety costs, and plummeting revenues has pushed Orange County Cities to the brink, 3 many cannot pay their bills without raiding reserves an analyst from the Orange County Register has found. The analyst also found that unfunded portions, some cities up in the 8.75 billion dollar range of what they are dealing of far as the losses. Most communities do not have a plan in place to address that debt. Yet we are trying to come up with plans, they might not be very popular, but at least we are coming to a resolution to sort this thing out. Declines in City revenues have pushed the city of Costa Mesa to dismantle its two area helicopters air patrols and is j considering out - sourcing half of their city hall jobs. City of Stanton, locked out the s public out of its Police Station, hoping to staff the offices with volunteers. Anaheim has cut 5 million from police and fire budgets, sidelining Fire Engines and its crews. Cuts couldn't come at a worse time. Santa Ana has spent 77% of its general I fund on Police and Fire protection. Westminster, Stanton, Garden Grove, this 4 paper talks about every community in Orange County is reeling with this; Jens, open your eyes, open a newspaper, read and become knowledgeable before you come here before the Council and make these statements, with these fictitious numbers. Please, you are doing a dis- service to the community, you are doing a disservice to yourself. I know that you want to run for Council, and I appreciate that, make sure you have your facts straight, there are communities all up and down the State that are teetering on Bankruptcy. It is real, it is happening, we do not want to go down that road, we are trying to come up with a viable budget solution, that works for five different people here, works for their business community, works for the residents 1 C out in Cathedral City, frankly for the whole Coachella Valley. Because we are so close to one another we have definite impacts on each others livelihood. i Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez - you heard some comments tonight about the previous tax measure so I kind of want to put out a challenge to everybody here, and everybody that is listening. Go out to your neighbors and friends in Cathedral City and ask them what they thought they were going to get when they voted for those tax measures? The ones I have talked to, despite of what was said or how it was presented, the ones I have talked to in the community who supported those tax measures, they were going to maintain a level of the Police and Fire Services in this 1 community. Feel free to go to the cities web site and email me back your responses, if you want to call me direct, 760 - 275 -9442 is my cell. I would be interested in hearing in what you are finding from your neighbors and friends in the community as to what they thought they were going to get from those tax measures, Now we I have taken these tremendous hits from the State, but if we are going to tout the tax measures would be, I would like to hear from the people what they really thought they were going to get from those. i 1 Council Member Toles - We do not want to go bankrupt. That is not the bottom I line. I would really like to say thank you to Chip and to Chuck specifically, because while clearly we have a difference of opinion here, you have stated tonight, very clearly, your passion and how you like to move forward with the budget. I too have stated, very clearly, and with a passion, how I would like to move forward with the a ;; budget. I have heard some of my colleagues talk about line item and what not, and I l i i l I I 1 . l 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... W it know that they want to do things, but even before the budget we have to have a i C philosophical view of what we want to do. There is a choice here, if we move thru and to Mr. Yarborough's point, I am struggling here a little, I can definitely support 1 a motion, but it is kind of - there are two different things, if we move down Mr. Vasquez's path which is certainly an admirable path, this city will be out of money next year. The city will really be dissolved and we will be where Stockton is today. I am happy to move forward with a motion. Mr. Toles moved that we throw 1 out the budget and start with a zero based budgeting approach, which means that each department based on the revenue that we have, not one time, or RDA monies, or Creekside , Heritage monies, exclude those dollars, that we are given the budget as we project it to be, and each department is given a percentage of that budget, to allocate as they deem necessary, to operate this city. So if we say, that we want to give the Police and Fire Department 85% and the remaining staff 15 %, and let those Department Heads say this is how I can run with the money which you have allocated me, and Community Development Director can do that, and Finance Director can do that for each Department, they should be able to submit a budget 1 based on the money that is coming in, I would like to submit a motion that we go to a zero based budget approach, where the Department Heads are allocated dollars, from real dollars, actual revenues that we see in the city, not Creekside Heritage which is one time money, and they come back to show us how they would run the city with those dollars. That is my motion, I am sure I will not get a second, but it is a try. Mayor DeRosa asked if there was a second to Mr. Toles motion. Hearing no response the motion dies for lack of a second. 1 1 C Mayor DeRosa had a question. Council Member Toles, you talk a great deal about one time money, and you and I had a philosophical difference on the Heritage and Creekside because it has been in the budget for at least the last five years. We still have a few more years to go on it, so this $400,000 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund, that truly is one time money. Mr. Toles said it was a good question, it is actually a swap, you have money going into the fund, the allocated dollars that would normally flow into the fund will continue to flow into the fund, and we take that money out because as Council Member Pettis suggested, and I would affirm, we have at this moment more vehicles than necessary and you can justify that upon a zero based budget. We are going to fund the vehicle replacement as we have normally done recognizing that there is probably a surplus there that can be recognized into the budget this year. Mayor DeRosa said you are not even suggesting this money for balancing the budget, but for reserves. Mr. Toles responded, further, what I would like to continue to say, with respect to Creekside, with respect with any one time money, what you do with it, there are going to be costs associated with layoffs, you have to pay unemployment, you have to pay retirement packages, buy -outs, these are one time dollars, so I have no objection to taking one time money such as the money you are talking about and the money in Creekside taking from the other side of the ledger, monies we recognize or one time money this year and utilize them because you have a one time revenue source matched to a one time expenditure. What I have an objection to is an ongoing saying we have a balanced budget based on one time lump sum, going back to the CO conversation that I believe Tami and Greg were having about the Dispatcher. You have a contract for one year, but you show money going on infinite item. That is not { t i i I 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i an appropriate way to balance the budget. A business says we have this one time Ci money, we can put it in reserves, we can balance our budget, but we are not going to ) say we are going to hire or provide a level of staff or service years and years in the future when the money won't exist. Mayor DeRosa said this is still one time money. You are not going to use it to put into the budget, you will use it to put in reserves. Mr. Toles replied, but you are not balancing the budget because next year the budget has a three million dollar hole in it. Mayor responded we are looking at a one year budget, we are talking 2012 -2013. Mr Toles, How do you fix year 2013 -2014, what is the suggestion, do we do more lay -offs, do we, Mayor DeRosa said we don't know what 2013 -2014 is going to look like. Mr. Toles, do we want to go thru this again? How many times does Cathedral City have to go thru this painful process? 1 Let's rip the band -aid off now and move forward with the monies we have, that we 1 know we have, that we know we will be moving forward. You cannot just continue I to bandage the situation. You have to have a budget that people can trust and i believe in. Mayor DeRosa replied we do have that for 2012 -2013. Why would I put ti $400,000 in reserves when I am laying people off? That to me doesn't make any sense. We are going to run the city short, we are not going to have people on the street taking care of our streets, we are not going to have Police and Fire on the street,. Mr. Toles responded why don't we spend all six million dollars, you have 1 six million dollars there, why not spend it all? Hire everybody, - Mayor DeRosa said the purpose of a reserve is for a rainy day fund. It is pouring outside. I am not advocating that we take six million dollars and we keep everybody. We need to start 1 making cuts, absolutely. Unions have come forward to make concessions. Absolutely, but if I am going to put $400,000 in reserves, I don't think so, I am 1 C going to keep employees. Mr. Toles said we will be back asking for more j concessions and asking staff for more cuts and you know that and it is going to happen next year and the citizens of this community, have to wait, yet again for a I really truly balanced budget. And that is a terrible, terrible shame. Mayor DeRosa I said I don't know that to be a fact, I don't know what tomorrow will bring. Mr. 1 Toles said I would hate to say "I told you so" but I will be sitting on this dais in a year, pass a budget with this one time money and I can be darn well assured that I will be telling you, unfortunately, I told you so. I hate to do that. Mayor DeRosa 1 said I am not balancing it on that $400,000 that I had not accounted for. This is ' $400,000 at the recommendation. Mr. Toles repeated, at 3.5 million dollars, and Mayor DeRosa replied at 3.5 million dollars which is money in the bank. It has been money in the bank since 2007, and I don't know that it won't be here next year. Council Member Toles asked what is the difference and the 6 million dollars that is also money in the bank. Mayor, It is money in the bank. Council years ago decided they would try and keep 35% of the General Fund in reserves for in case of an emergency. That is what we are still trying to do. Mr. Toles: What percent of the budget does the 6 million dollars represent? 20 -25 %, we are way off of 35 %, if you add 3.5 million you are back in there 35% reserve. Mayor said it was more 4 important to keep employees. Mr. Toles said at some point you will have to balance the budget, you folks, - Mayor interjected her concern was that there are i recommendations being made, I don't know what these recommendations reflect. I know what the recommendations were when we did a line item budget with the majority of Council, now we have additional or maybe the same, but I don't know :t what it represents, Mr. Toles, I guess I haven't sat here long enough I have only I 3 t { i 1 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... J l i been here a year and one -half, I guess the rest of you guys being here for 12 years, I 10 years, and longer, know a heck of a lot more than I do, for me it is simple math, it is a simple equation and I guess I am the new guy and I am not to smart, but I don't like fake budgets, I don't like, like Sacramento does, I don't like silliness, and I don't like the fact that we are doing it too, so you can do what you like, and you know where I stand, and you know where Mr. Vasquez stands, decide the way you want to go and I will be happy to vote yes or no based on that. Mayor DeRosa - These recommendations may be duplicates, some of them are obiviously duplicates I guess, but I don't know what they represent. I can't pass a budget not knowing what these recommended cuts represent. Ms. Scott, Finance Director advised that we have prepared continuing Resolutions that will renew the budget until August 1 lth. That is on the theory there wouldn't be a 2nd meeting in July, because that is tradition. We are usually dark the 2nd meeting in both July and August. If council so chose to have a second meeting in July, which would be 1 July 25th I believe. The Resolution could continue till July 25th as a budget, and we could distribute a spread sheet to you that shows basically the recommendations that have come up this week to show what was in the budget, what is a duplicate, what is an add or subtract. Mayor DeRosa advised she would like to spend three hours again with all five Council Members, we all understand exactly what is being recommended. And if staff could get it all together by the 25th of July, then yes we would need to have a second meeting in July. C Council Member Pettis - I think we shouldn't be going down this path. Tami, you don't have to go thru and say what is a duplicate, and what is not. If there is a comfort level with these figures, so they were discussed two months ago or discussed Friday, come forward with a document that reflects those cuts. Same token it is $250,000. It is not six million dollars. So, if we want to do a 30 day continiung Resolution, so be it. And we have a second meeting in July, maybe we need to meet four times in July till we get this thing done. But at the end of the day, like it or not, we don't have the revenue to carry the staff that we have. I don't want to lay anyone off, but we cannot afford to keep them. Even at a 0 based budget, which I do support, for year one, we would definitely have to do it for year two. We are still going to have lay -offs, so pushing that off another month, that is a half - milion dollars. That would be a half - million dollars added to the deficit by holding off on the layoffs. Mayor interjected "we can proceed with the lay- offs ". I want to make it clear it is $500,000 if we push those off Plus it is not fair to the staff. Thirty three people have been out looking for work, some have gotten jobs, some have made arrangements, and all of a sudden we pull back and say... we are not being consistent with the decisions we are making. It is Brad's decision to do this, but if we go down that path and we wait till the very last minute, to say, oh no I don't like those things, that is unfair to Brad, and unfair to the employees. $255,000 is not enough to make an interpretation as to whether we delay or not. Sam and I disagree about the money from Creekside. It is one time money because we don't know if we are going to have it next year. It is still income to the city so we are going to spend it. About half of it will be spend on Unemployment Insurance, some counseling for employees, and those things that are one time expenses. He is right, there is still about a Million or Million and a Half in a structural problem. Using r f 1 1 i 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i that gives us that additional time so that the 2013 -2014 budget can be a zero based i C budget. I wish we would go forward and pass the budget with these additional cuts 1 tonight. I think it is the smartest way to go, and for the staff to go forward. If the Council wants to do a thirty day continuing Resolution, I can live with that as well. I do need, unfortunately, go ahead with the lay -offs. That has to be part of the long term solution. We are not going to fix anything if we continue to use those six million dollars. Mayor DeRosa said she did not disagree with him, she just doesn't know what these dollars represent. Had I known what these dollars represent, I came prepared tonight to vote in support of a one year budget. Whether I like it or I not, I came tonight to support a one year budget. I am now presented with a number of one line items which I thought many of they were already out of the budget. I knew what they represented when the three of us sat and did the line items. I don't know what this represents... Mr. Pettis commented "if it is $255,000 new items or it I is a $155,000 in new items, that should't make a difference whether we pass the budget tonight. Mayor - I don't know if these are new items or not. There are items in here I might want to defend, there are other items I might have given in to, but want to take out, but I haven't had a chance to see... Mr. Pettis said we have to blame Sacramento for having the Brown Act, so I couldn't call you and say, Oh guess what? I found a quarter of a million dollars... Mayor responded you didn't already know that we had found a quarter of a million dollars. We had already sat and done line items, unfortunately you were not privy to that. If you want a 30 day Resolution, so be it. I just don't think that is the smartest way to go. Mr. Toles interjected; If there is a majority in the group that wants to pass this budget, and then fiddle around with these little marginal side dollars later, why don't we pass the 1 C budget Ms. Scott has, I will obviously be voting no on it. If you like this idea and the way we have it, why don't we just do it and get it over with and we can go back and amend the budget with these additional items that as the Council feels at a future time is appropriate, if you fail the budget tonight, fail it because of Chucks position, I respect that, fail it because of my position, I respect that. If you fail it because we are dickering over a 1% or 1/2% of the budget, that is not respectful to this community. Let's go ahead and take a real vote on the budget there, and we can go back with amendments, with respect to these additional monies, lets stop having silly conversations, either have a principal conversation or, it just seems a waste of time to keep going. Mayor DeRosa said when is not voting on what it is that I don't understand. I am not voting on cuts, I would be happy to go back to the original budget, but I am not voting on proposed cuts without knowing what they are. Council Member Toles made a motion to vote on the budget as proposed, and go back to these cuts later. Council Member England wanted to know if Mr. Toles would be amenable to a friendly amendment? Mr. Toles agreed. Mr. England proposed, his only objections was we had some missing pieces to this puzzle that was not given to us until tonight. With respect to that, with respect to everybody who is here and out there, we need to move this thing forward. We still don't have the two bargaining units who we don't have the information... Mr. Bradley interjected that they will be meeting tomorrow, but we may not have the results tomorrow, but will have by next Council Meeting which will be July 8th I believe, ah July 1 lth. Mr. England said we need to pass... Mr. Pettis had an explanation to what the passing of the employee agreements would not come before this body until the next meeting. Mr. England now thinks we need to pass the 30 day continuing i j I i 8 i 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 I C Resolution, Mr. Vasquez interjected "we have already told our employees that they need to come to the table so we could do a balanced budget and now we have 1 a Council that is considering balancing a budget but putting money into reserves, to me that is we lied to our employees. If we are looking to put money into reserves when we told them this is how dire the situation is, and they have come to the table, and two bargaining units but all but completed their agreements, and take these cuts to keep this city whole, so we didn't have to dip into reserves, and we turn around and build our reserves? That is the absolutely the worst thing this Council has ever considered doing. Council Member Pettis said that if these figures were off the table tonight we are only looking at a $140,00 dollars... Mr. Vasquez interjected that we also had 1 potential savings figures from two more bargaining units coming forward, which more will come in, and I don't get any feeling from this Council with all that i money coming in, we would go back and rehire employees. I am not getting any 1 sense that will happen. Mayor DeRosa advised that when we talked earlier tonight about the $132,000, my questions was "what is the cost of Keeping two Public Works, what would that look like, because to me it doesn't pay to put money into reserves when we have a real need to put people on the street. As much as we need a Fire - fighter, as much as we need a Police Officer, our Public Works Dept has just I been decimated. In many respects these are first responders. They are the guys putting up the cones when there is a fatality, putting up the barricades, they are the guys shoveling the mud out of the street when we have the floods, and we have gone from 23 down to what, 10? Response was 15. So I would rather see we rehire or 1 C keep two os the Public Works employees and not put a $132,000 into reserves. As Mayor Pro Tem says, for me it makes no sense to put money into reserves when I have a real need now. If it was extra and we didn't need these people to be doing these things it would be a different story. We have a real need. Council Member Toles interjected "here is the real problem, if one of our car dealers got a big order, a one time giant order of fleet sales, and that order was 45 vehicles, one thing on the j money, I don't think there is a car dealer in this valley that would say, now I can hire 10 more sales people, because it is not fair for the sales people, because in six l months he will have to lay them off. That is what you are talking about, because you 1 are making people to make plans for the long time because you are hiring them, 1 when you make a decision to extend employment to somebody, I am offering you a 1 job and that job is based on long term, stable, financial information. The problem is that when you say, we found a little bit of money, lets hire somebody. We have no plans for next year or the year after that, that is not only disrespectful to the community from a budgeting perspective, but disrespectful to the person you are hiring. So I understand that we don't want to lay people off, I get that, I don't want to do that either. Real budgets require a real sacrifices and hard choices. I think i what you guys are talking about is not in the real world. It is in the government 1 world of lets do it now, and we will worry about it later. That is not what we should be doing, that is what Sacramento does, that is what Washington does, Cathedral City is at least a little bit above that or I hope it is. i l Mayor DeRosa - As a small business owner for 20 plus years, operating budgets } fluctuate and you do what you can to keep employees. Keep as many employees as : G 1 1 1 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 C possible for as long as possible. So that they continue to do a job, so that you build your revenues. And that is what I am suggesting we try to do. It has been a painful couple of years, getting the State, Governor and Legislature to recognize the value of local governments, and what we provide to our residents has been very difficult. State and Local governments serve the eo le p p ,yet the State and Legislature choose not to collaborate with local governments yet they continue to take our hard earned tax dollars from us, monies that we use to pay salaries to employees providing the services here in our community. We have gone from a community of creating quality of life now just going maintain day to day operations. We have seen spiraling costs and plummeting revenues, and they have pushed Cathedral City to the brink. I think I have made it really clear that I am not happy with the process and I am certainly not happy with the results. I am very disappointed and will seek to change Council norm and make sure that Council is involved in the process of the negotiations. The City Manager has stated this is his budget, and he is correct. It is he and staff that have been negotiating and while they have kept us informed every step of the way, I do not feel we have had a partnership in this process. That is my personal opinion. I realize there are no simple solutions and quite frankly I am heart- broken to see all this negative effect on so many of the dedicated and talented people here in our city, who have given of their time and talents, who have been a normal part of Cathedral City but we cannot continue to operate in fear, fear makes us defensive, fear keeps us distant, and you heard tonight fear keeps us demanding. This is a time to rally together and not be afraid. Our Public Safety teams will do their very best as they have always done, as have all city employees. We will continue to work to improve Economic Development, and I will continue to reach out to the retail and development community, and telling them, you heard tonight from the gentleman who was here from Carpet Empire, that Cathedral City is the very best place to do business. We will continue to work on and prioritize business retention and retraction. To our employees Thank you, each and every one of you, for who you are and for all that you have done and all that you continue to do. We would not be the city that we are if it were not for you. We are planning a session, hopefully it will be held in early August to repriortize our focus and give staff direction for our future. I don't know where this budget will go tonight but I can tell you this has been with a lot of blood, sweat and tears by a lot of people, trying to get here and trying to get to a place where we can all serve the residents. Yes we have neighboring cities that are hiring, they are in a very different position than we are. They have what are know as Enterprise funds. They do things differently and post Prop 13. Let me remind everybody again, we did not live off of Redevelopment Income. If you work for more than one employer, the company contracts with Company A, Company A pays your employer for part of the salary, that is all we did. Code Enforcement spent time doing Redevelopment work, so the RDA fund paid part of their salary, Police and Fire did some work for RDA and RDA was able to fund some of their salary. Finance had a number of accounts, some of them were RDA, RDA paid part of the salary, Council did RDA work and we got $30 apiece per meeting for doing RDA work. We did not live on RDA dollars to balance our budget just because it was a "slush" fund, it was never a slush fund, it was money that we used to build our Auto Center, it was money we used for our Auto Center that now support our City. It is money we used to help our small businesses to help improve their businesses so that we can generate more income. 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... Take a look at Don and Sweet Sue's, take a look at the Outpost, take a look at the number of projects that we have done here in city because of the good works or RDA and the money we had, and your telling me it was a "slush" fund? I am telling you it was an opportunity to create economic development here in Cathedral City. And we have lost that. We will find another way. We are already working on ways to find increased economic development. We have a structural problem, we do not have a significant stream of income, and quite frankly the taxpayers are tax fatigued. If we had a Fire District or some other district than we would have that revenue. We are not there, we are not going to the taxpayer for money. We have been asked to live within our budget and this is the reality that we now know. So we will see where the budget goes tonight. There will be next steps after that. Council Member England moved to adopt a one -month supplementary budget, with the understanding that we will all look, both staff and us, at getting to a document that we can look at the 1st meeting in July and conclude on the last meeting in July. I think it is important tonight to refocus our efforts because we are kinda all over the board, Ms. Scott asked to be recognized, if I may qualify the language for a continuing Resolution, in conjuction with what Mr. England has proposed? Ms. Scott said "what it will be is a continuing Resolution by the City, the City Public Finance Authority, The Downtown Foundation to do the daily operations required for expenditure of funds of usual and necessary expenditures including but not limited to expenditures for contract services previously authorized by City Council" Understanding we have a lot of contracts out there that you have previously approved, that is incorporated into the budget, so that it takes in to consideration the day to day things over the next 30 days and it would be to a date certain, July 25th. Mr. England said that was perfect and that would be his motion. Does that cover moving forward with the lay -offs asked Mayor DeRosa? Mr. England said yes, he didn't see how it could be done otherwise. There again I want to have a better picture of what some of our other barganing units are willing to give when they table. I have made that committment to some of our units and I will stick with that. Mr. Toles, advised, Mr. England you cut in front of me, and I just want to say one thing. I will not blame staff for this budget, Harry Truman once said the "buck stops here ". You know exactly where I stand, I am not going to look at Mr. Bradley, although he has said a number of times this is my budget. This budget belongs to the people that represent you, and if you are unhappy with the budget, act accordingly. But I take full responsibility for what happens in this chamber with every vote that I make, whether it be for something or against something. I am not just supporting the City Manager, I am an Elected Official. The buck stops here and it stops across this dais. Mayor DeRosa There is a motion by Coouncil Member England, and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez for a continuing one month Resolution include moving forward with the lay -offs. Mr. Pettis asked Mr. Bradley to repeat what he thought he heard. Mr. Bradley was very consise in his repeating the action at hand. There was a comment by Mr. Vasquez about including that Mr. England also said that they may find some money found to include some reemployments. Mr. Bradley wanted clarification from Mr. England as to was it a part of his motion or a part of his statement? 1 , , 1 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... i i . lime 1 I r . Mr. Vasquez interjected that Mr. England also stated that he would like to see us I find money some of the employees should there be money found. Mr. England said that is part of the update. Mr. Bradley asked if this was part of the motion or of your i 1 personal statement? Mr. England said he needed the information, we need to go thru with the layoffs, I think it is fair to do that, we have also discussed, that possible if we find money that we tend to bring people back. I think that will be part of my i motion. Mr. Pettis advised that Mr. England unfortunately lost his yes vote on this. 1 1 Mr. Pettis said I would love to bring the staff back, but as part of the motion, I cannot support that. It ends up to the same thing Sam was talking about, we are kicking this thing down the road, Mr. England agreed with Mr Pettis but we really 1 i need to refocus on what we are doing tonight, take a deep breath, and I think comeback. Greg advised Mr. England He agreed with him, but if we find a $130,000 extra, I don't want us to turn around and say we are going to hire two more Public Works staff, because that is what that dollar amount is going to be and then in nine months from now we are going to turn around and give them another notice. Let me redirect your statement Mr. England advised. Just because that is the 1 motion doesn't necessairly that is the scenario that is going to play out. What it is.. The votes may change. We don't know that, we might come up with something that is totally different, Five of us are going to go back thru line by line to see if we can come up with some more money. Mr. Pettis said he didn't think so. Mr. England questioned him on this, Mr. England said "I'll withdraw my motion and we will stay here all night long until we can come up with three nodding heads. Mr. England said he was trying to come up with three nodding heads, that we can come to some C sort of Resolution, so we can take a deep breath, and Mr. Pettis said he was fine with that. Mr. Pettis said a month from now I don't want the Mayor to say "OH we all voted to bring these people back." Because that is not what I am doing in passing a continuing Resolution. As long as you understand that Bud, Mr. England says "it takes three people to do that Greg. Just because Kathy says it and I say it, doesn't mean there are three people. Mr. Pettis, as long as you will admit that I am not saying by this vote that I am committing myself, because Kathy keeps putting words in my mouth, as long as you are willing to say that I am not making that committment. I am fine with the language, we have a professional staff that has been given direction to come back to us with updates. For us to say that we are going to sit down and go thru the budget again, line by line, and find 3 million dollars. I don't know what Kevin Conner needs to run his department, the same with Robert VanNortrick, but if we don't trust them to do it, then we have a whole lot of problem with what we are talking about. Mr. England said "you are talking I about a zero based budget right now. And you are saying the Council is going to sit down again and go line by line, all over again. No that is just part of the motion, if it doesn't work out that way and we decide, as a Council, that we need to go into a [ zero based budget and it takes a little bit longer to do that, then it least it gives us the option, rather than have arguments all night long. Mr. Pettis advised tat he did not want to have long arguments, that is why I asked Mr. Bradley to tell us what he heard. He said what he had heard. the Mayor Pro Tem came back and said it also includes that we are going to hire people back. So you said the Council will do line item by line item that changes your motion Bud, that is why I want clarification so G we all know what we are voting on. Mayor DeRosa asked City Attorney Green "the I t t t , I t t t 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... motion states that we rehire people. Is that something Council has to do? or is that something that is just a recommendation. Mr. Green responded, sound to me like a direction for staff to focus on that issue in bringing back a budget. Does that mean Council bring back employees, if there is a surplus? No, because a Council has to approve a budget with regard to that. But it is a direction to staff to have to make that process focus on a particular outcome. Mayor DeRosa said that is the outcome we have focused on all along. The motion does not bind council, once there is a surplus, to using that money to hire. Mr. Green offered that the Council has to approve a budget, that budget will say whatever it says. There is no obligation based on this motion, but it is a direction to staff, to make that process a focus on a particular outcome. Mayor DeRosa says that motion n does not bind d Council ,once there is a surplus to use that money to hire? Mr. Green, the budget will g say whatever, and the Council will have to approve that budget. There is no obligation based on this motion, that has any particular provision in it. Mayor said that would then be up to Mr. Bradley to decide if he chose to, rehire employees. Mr. Bradley has made a recommendation, we must be careful here, I have made a recommendation as to the number of positions to be laid off. I stand by that. If you want to do more, or bring back more, let me know. Does the motion regarding rehiring a couple of employees, does that impact what you do? It doesn't impact what we do, it does, as the City Attorney says, it gives us guidance as to how we look at what happens if there are surplus funds. So we would be coming back to you with, I presume, if you want to save a position, or 2 or three or 10, this is what it could look like. I caution you that again we have to pay for this year. That is the reason we made these cuts, the kind of reinforce the cuts in recommendations. So any position that comes back now has to have ideally the support of income ideally for two years. Remember the second year is in the proposed budget is not balanced by any standard, it is not balanced. The Mayor turned to Mr. England and he immediately said he would restate the motion. I am tired of the posturing and people saying I'm in, I'm out. We just need a little more time to work the process. Mr. England asked for assistance in giving him the verbage again, Mr. Bradley asked to let him try: What you said as I remember was, "that there be a Continuing Resolution till July 25th, Mr. England said to leave it at that. Mayor DeRosa advised there was a motion and a second, Please vote. City Clerk restated that we are voting on a Continuing Resolution until the 2nd meeting in July, Council Member England Yes, Council Member Toles No, Council Member Pettis Yes, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez Yes, Mayor DeRosa Yes. Motion carries 4 -1, Resolution No. 2012 -170, Resolution DT- 2012 -1, and Resolution PFA -5. with Council Member Toles voting no. 9. COUNCIL. Consider approving a Service Provider Agreement between the City of Cathedral City and the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce for a Business Attraction/Retention, Workforce Development and Cooperative Marketing Program. (A. Hall) (Pg. 31 -32) a. Report by Andy Hall, Community Development Director. Mayor and Council, to move this as quickly as possible, I just wanted to point out that, for many years we have had a Service Provider Agreement with your Chamber of Commerce. For the most part the 1 Service Provider Agreement is very, very similar to the ones you have passed in the past 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... l i years, except that we no longer have a Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and before, the t C I agreement was between the RDA and the Chamber. That the basic language of the agreement has changed. For that agreement is now between the City and the Chamber i Commerce. Other than that major change, the primary difference between the past agreement and the agreement that we are looking at tonight is the scope of work which is exhibit "A" or the page directly after page 8. What Exhibit "N' represents are the specific tasks that the Chamber of Commerce will be providing to the City, in addition to the more traditional activities of the Chamber, these are specific things that they will be doing on 1 our behalf in exchange for compensation to help us accomplish some things that we need to do in our economic development. The Chamber will help us complete a commercial space inventory, they will continue to operate the Information or Visitors center, They will help us with City Events and Activities, things like our Holiday Lighting, or Homecoming parade, they will also participate and support city wide strategic marketing, including the efforts by Applied Story Telling. They will also make sure to recognize us as Sponsors in their different events, that they put on during the year. They will help us develop a Quality Work Force in our community. Those are the tasks that they will be providing to the businesses and residents of our community. In addition to that, something that is a little bit new, the negotiations between the Chamber sub - committee consisting of Council Members Toles and Pettis, and members of the Chamber Board, they wanted us to identify some additional incentives to work on throughout the year, that if they define staff capacity or ability to go out and help the city in Franchise Development, we talk a lot about the auto dealers, but for example - If thru the efforts of Mr. Jessup, they were able to bring another auto dealership to the City, and he could help us develop of a new Franchise IC and help us bring others in, that there would be some kind of an incentive for the Chamber of Commerce in doing that. Essentially, other than doing that, the scope of work changing slightly, the contract itself is very similar of what you have passed in the previous years. It does come down to a discussion that, last year the Chamber of Commerce voluntarily reduced the amount of money that they sought in the compensation from $75,000 down to $67,500. The recommendation of the sub - committee moving forward for the coming year, would be a reduction down from $67,500 down to $50,000 is included in the proposed Service Provider Agreement. So with that we have the Chairman of the Chamber Board who probably who has a few comments. Mayor DeRosa advised Mr. England had a question for you. Mr. England advised that it would be geared to Andy Jessup or Mr. Davis. 1 r Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments Allen Olson - a long time resident of Cathedral City - I am proud to be a part of the history of this Chamber, and I come before you as a member of a long line of Business Leaders, that has served the Chamber in this city for a long, long time. I was the 57th President in the years of 94 -96. I can not tell you how many years this chamber has been here. I want to remind you that the chamber has always been i a front runner and a champion of City Projects. When you proposed the building of the Civic Center, Chamber Leaders stepped up and helped guide the Downtown task force that you created. We stood behind the city, we helped everybody that was involved to understand the plans we presented to them. We backed you. When you built City Hall, the citizens wondered what in the world were you doing? They laughed and some times called it the "Taj Mahal ". We can remember that, it was the t t 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... 1 Chamber who spoke up and said its a good thing, it will be good for this C community. And it was. And now the citizens come and celebrate at our Civic Center time after time. And they are proud of it! When the dark clouds came and Law Enforcement made raids and took computers and materials from city hall, we were all over the news and the citizens were outraged, the Chamber stepped up and calmly said we are strong, we are united. We will get thru this. And we did. Over the years we have been your spokesperson, we have called the citizens, in time of trouble, we calmed them, we help celebrate the good times with you, it is now your turn to stand up and be fair to the Chamber. We have good, honest, talented Leadership now, that can again work with you to showcase all the wonderful things that this city has to offer. Thank you. Stan Henry - Cathedral City - 15 years ago, I was appointed Chief of Police. One of the Committments that I made to the Community was that we need to work with businesses. Businesses are the backbone of our Community. We have to be able to be out there and support them. We are Community Services, we are people that work for the community, the businesses are our community. We have to support them by working and being in conjunction with them we make this city prosper. We have had all this discussion tonight about budgets and all that stuff If we can't support the bussiness that support us, then we shouldn't be a city. I would suggest that you do support this and that you do support the Chamber of Commerce, which is the backbone of the businesses. Mayor DeRosa Closed Public Comments Council Member Toles - I want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for being a really true ally to the city in these difficult times. You have stepped up not just once but twice. I think $25,000 represent a 33% cut in assistance. And I believe with your new CEO in place, eventually that will get zero, your management is a team to be proud of and your board is a team to be proud of. You have gotten thru some rocky times and I salute you and thank you for stepping up and making some really hard choices to help the city. Council Member England asked Andy Jessup if $50,000 was enough - Mr. Jessup said it is an appropriate amount. F Mr. Jessup, appropriately pointed out, with my new CEO in place, I hope to go to a zero approach in the very new term. Keep it at the $50,000 request and expect it to go south from there. 1 Mr. Pettis said I will have to say that Mr. Jessup found out what it was like to negotiate with a car dealer, although the last few months it has been a very painful process. And the pain was added on by members of the City Council. Going outside of City Council norms. However the Chamber negotiators are two men that I respect more than anyone in this community. I thank them for the time and effort made. The committee and negotiators have put in a number of items that ideally will provide a significant amount of money going forward in incentives. They are able to produce, they are not only to meet last years budget but exceed that. We also 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... made some committeewomen for all five of the City Council so that we will be out there on the streets doing business with them. Without your permission City Council we said you were going to be out there also. It is a good agreement, would we have liked to do more, yes, but not after doing lay -offs and everything else. It will be into a General Fund Budget. I 4 Mr. Pettis moved to approve the Service Provider Agreement with the Chamber of Commerce, motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carries by 5- 0. M.O. 5005. 10. COUNCIL. Consider approving a Lease Agreement by and between the City of Cathedral City and the Chamber of Commerce for office space lease within the Civic Center. (A. Hall) (Pg. 33 -45) a. Report by Andy Hall, Community Development Director - Mr. Hall noted again that the hour was late and advised the Council had time to look at this lease agreement. There are a few minor changes that I want to gring to your attention: Page 2, we filled in that date to be the 1st of August 2012 as the effective date of the Lease Agreement, Page 4, we have added a section 2.4 which simply iondicates that the Chamber recognizes that the General Municipal Operations occur Monday thru Thursday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. the Chamber has different operating hours than we do, so we wanted to clarify that in the Lease Agreement. Under Item 3.1 we have modified those dates to reflect the effective date of August 1st and the termination date of this agreement being July 31, 2014. It was further suggested that under section 4.3 that the second sentence reads "Parking on the street East of the Civic Center, Pickfair Street is highly discouraged. The only other change is that , on Page 10 we have changed the Signator to be Andy Jessup, Jr. who is the Board Chair and being acknowledged by Larry Davis, who is the past president. The new CEO for the Chamber has not been named. With those minor changes I should point out that there is not a recommendation of the sub - committee, they did not reach a recommendation. It will be acted on by a majority vote of the Council. Council Member Pettis - Only because I told the Chamber Representative that I would say this before Public Comment, I am very much opposed to this, I firmly support the Chamber, I don't believe the City should be giving free rent to the Chamber of Commerce, nor should we be paying the utilities for the Chamber. I think this will bring us close to the 70% of the operating budget, between our Contract and what they would be paying in equivalent rent. I think that is wrong. I know the majority of Council disagrees with me on that. I am also concerned of how it will look to the business community, not necessarily getting free rent from the City, but by being in the same building as the City, I think it puts us too close together, and keeps the Chamber from, at least perceived, a separate free standing entity on their own. I speak for the business community and will probably be perceived as an "arm of the city ". The Council already knows my feelings on this but i did tell the Chamber I would say this first before we go into Public Comments. Council Member England - Andy, one of the things that I had also brought up, 7.1 dealing with signs, talks about Chamber not to place any signs or cause... All of these different things that they are prohibited to do, unless they have written consent of the City. I think that is ambiguous, and maybe could be considered arbitrary unless we include either i 1 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... saying "this is the Sign Ordinance" and you need to follow the Sign Ordinance. That way, it gives them clear direction, instead of going O.K. look, what kind of written consent needs to be given from the City. Clearly defined avenues that says to erect a sign that says Chamber of Commerce. I don't know if I am comfortable with "highly discouraged ", how about discouraged with the parking on Pickfare. We have people over there that use that for the Theater, we have other people coming and going, I don't want to be a bean counter and say you guys parked there one night, we should give them as many opportunities as we can to be accessible. Council Member Toles - As the other member of the Chamber sub - committee I am supportive of the move, I think the current circumstance the Chamber finds itself in, with respect to the building, down the Street is quite frankly deplorable. If we want our Chamber to succeed in attracting businesses they need to be attractive. I do not believe that this will be a permanent step, but is a good way in the interim, when we get out of this economy, we look to grow. To give them a home that when businesses come to visit they feel "year this is a great community, and this office is the City Hall and oh by the way you can go right next store and get your business lisence. So, I think it is a good interim step, I do not intend for it to be permanent. I am in support of this motion. Mayor DeRosa interjected, "I don't know if you realize it, but the City of Palm Desert build their Chamber Offices. Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. Paul Marchant - Cathedral City - I won't comment on the wisdom of the decision, I think that has been thoroughly discussed. I did notice in the draft agreement concerning Liability Insurance if the city is covering the chambers liability insurance and to what extent? Larry Davis - Indio - I just want to thank the sub - committee for working with us. I appreciate all of you and Greg knows that. I think it is a very good move for the Chamber, it is a short term move for the Chamber, we are not going to be here forever, I think it provides some real synergy for the City and the Chamber. We are here to help you and help the businesses. We need to work together on this. I represent a very prominent business here in town. I think this gives us an opportunity to work together, my goal is to be out of there and have no contract with the City. We need this time to work together on this and I think it is a good time to do it. I want you to know that there are a lot of businesses who have sat here all evening, and we have some real concerns with this budget. I am not digressing, we are here to help you and we do a lot of things in this City. I want to encourage you to do this, and Greg I want to see you vote for us. Council Member Toles moved to approve the Lease Agreement between the City and the Chamber of Commerce, motion seconded by Council Member England, motion carried 4 -1 with Council Member Pettis voting no. M.O. No. 5006. ADJOURNMENT Seeing no further business to come before City Council, Mayor DeRosa adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. } zF: 3:00 p.m.REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING... NOTES TO THE PUBLIC The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2012. Please remember: City Hall is closed every Friday. Agendas for Council meetings are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcity.gov. The agenda is available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office the Monday preceding the meeting. Any document or writing that relates to an agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (760)770 -0385. Assisted - listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or the time when services are needed will assist city staff in assuring reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 674 - 500 -012 and 674- 500 -032 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Palm Springs Ford /Lincoln Property Owners Paul Thiel Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 687 - 180 -005, 687 - 180 -009, 687 - 180 -011, 687- 201 -001 —011, 687 - 202 -001 —012, 687 - 202 -015, 687 -203- 008 — 687 - 203 -015, 687 - 204 -001 —009, 687 - 204 -013, 687- 204 -014, 687 - 204 -016, 687 - 205 -005 —008, 687 - 206 -001 — 016 Negotiating Parties Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City and Lewis Operating Corp. Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations A. CITY COUNCIL: 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location APN 687- 180 -011 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Cathedral City Little League Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager Represented Employees & 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Non - Represented Employees Employees. (AFSCME) 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association (CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees 1 1 t ( t i 1 1 . , G1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (A) (C. Green) Case name: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City vs. Tri- Millennium Cathedral City, LLC, et. seq. Case No. BC382171 Court Los Angeles County Superior Court 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 674 - 500 -012 and 674- 500 -032 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Palm Springs Ford /Lincoln Property Owners Paul Thiel Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (A. Hall) Property Location APN's: 687 - 180 -005, 687 - 180 -009, 687 - 180 -011, 687 - 201 -001 —011, 687 - 202 -001 —012, 687 - 202 -015, 687-203 - 008 — 687 - 203 -015, 687 - 204 -001 —009, 687 - 204 -013, 687 - 204 -014, 687 - 204 -016, 687 - 205 -005 —008, 687 - 206 -001 — 016 Negotiating Parties Successor Agency of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City and Lewis Operating Corp. Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City i cv , Under Negotiations Property Negotiations A. CITY COUNCIL: 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (T. Scott) Property Location APN 687- 180 -011 Negotiating Parties City of Cathedral City and Cathedral City Little League Property Owners Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations Property Negotiations 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator Donald Bradley, City Manager Represented Employees & 1) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Non - Represented Employees Employees. (AFSCME) 1 2) Cathedral City Professional Firefighters Association (CCPFA) 3) Cathedral City Police /Fire Management Association 1 (CCPFMA) 4) Cathedral City Police Officers Association (CCPOA) 5) Non - Represented Employees 1 1 G i ) i