HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2012-10-10 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... (i 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD 4:30 p.m. (Copy) 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Wednesday, October 10, 2012 SUMMARY OF THE CLOSED SESSION MEETING Mayor DeRosa called Closed Session portion of the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. City Clerk Hammers called the Roll: Present were Council Members England, Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa. Absent: Council Member Toles. MPT Vasquez moved to excuse Council Member Toles, motion seconded by Council Member Pettis, there was no objection. City Attorney deemed a summary of the Closed Session item read into the record. There were no changes to the Agenda. Mayor DeRosa opened and closed Public Comments without any comments. The City Council moved into their Closed Session. The City Council came out of Closed Session at 6:25. There were no reportable actions. Council Recessed to their Study Session Meeting in Council Chambers at 6:26 p.m. RECESS (1111119 Mayor DeRosa adjourned the Closed Session Portion of the meeting at 6:26 p.m. Following the Closed Session meeting, the Council will convene to the Council Chambers on the third floor for the Study Session and Regular Meeting_ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD - Council Chamber -Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 1 STUDY SESSION OCTOBER 10, 2012, at approximately 6:00 p.m. or at such time as the City Council completes the Closed Session Agenda. STUDY SESSION CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Study Session portion of the meeting to Order at 6:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members England, Pettis, MPT Vasquez, Mayor DeRosa. Absent: Toles Council Member England moved to excuse Council Member Toles, motion seconded by MPT Vasquez, no objection PRESENTATION OF COLORS 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... Cathedral City High School Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Guard PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In Lieu of the Pledge this evening, The Cathedral City High School Chamber Choral Group, under the direction of their leader Ms. Fides May LeRoy, performed the National Anthem and two other songs. The group was well received by Council, Staff, and audience. INVOCATION Council Member England offered the Invocation. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation Presentations (Council Members): Mayor DeRosa and the City Council Members presented a Proclamation to the family of, and in memory of US Army Master Sergeant Clifford L. Ryan. His son and his son's wife, Pat & Terry, were present for the presentation. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor DeRosa opened and closed Public Comments without any comment. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Study Session agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak' form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. f ige In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. STUDY SESSION AGENDA Normally, no action is taken on Study Session items; however, the City Council reserves the right to give specific policy direction and take specific action as necessary. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes unless other provisions are made in advance. 1. Discussion regarding the modification of the existing Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) regulations to capture revenues generated by Short-Term Rentals. (A. Hall) (Under separate cover) Andy Hall - Community Development Director gave the report. Several weeks ago we discussed the possibility of collecting the TOT from short term rentals in our Community, Private home being rented out on a weekly or longer basis. Mr. Hall advise that Kevin Biersack from the Finance Department had prepared a report to give to Council, and they we will share what other cities has done with this TOT, and how successful they have been. Kevin Biersack - Finance Dept -Mr. Biersack explained how we would go about expanding our Municipal Code for individual properties that are rented on less than 27 days. (so we could count the month of February). You may see a full version of Mr. Biersack's presentation on www.cathedralcity.gov under Agenda & Minutes. Council Member Pettis had a question. The billing that would be done, or we anticipating doing this in f 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... I i } i E house or would that be contracted out also? Mr. Biersack responded, the Billing would be done in house. Council Member England - Mr. England asked Mr. Biersack about the number of homes in the City that they I estimated were being used for rentals? Mr. Biersack advised estimated that there are 200 homes and condos that are rented out by their owners. Mr. England wanted to know how we came up with that number? Mr. Biersack advised that he would have to rely on Cindy Gosselin for that answer. 1 i Cindy Gosselin - Rancho Mirage. I am the President and CEO of Vacation Rental Compliance. Regarding i your question, I have been out working on the Internet doing this research for six years. Just from my observance, homes that are advertised under different cities, plus those that are advertised under Cathedral City, I am guessing there is more than 200 of them and there are new sites that are corning up all the time now. There is one called "Flip Key" this site is free, the person who cannot pay $700 to the RVO is coming up on this one. Homes available are just growing, growing, growing. If we can push the program, if you are 1 going to do the program, and if we can get it up and running before the Festival you will see the TOT. We had trouble with getting the Palm Desert up and running before Festival last year, they lost a lot of that t income, this year they will see it. It would be great if we could get moving on Registration by December, January, in that time frame. Mr. England did not know how Ms. Gosselin came about the numbers, and he j thinks that is great that you are monitoring websites and things of that nature. Mr. England asked how Ms. I Gosselin gained this "Compliance "? I identify the property, I will contact the Owners by different methods, 1 however, I pass everything by the city first for their approval. I make sure that the City Manager and the ! , Council see what we are sending out to the public, that the info has passed by them so they know what we 1 are sending to the property owner. Along with that, I send all the forms that are already finished, in addition, with this I like to have an Internet link -up. I give my personal company phone number so that I can address the questions to the owners, and I am not bothering staff with this cumbersome work. Mr. England asked about the rest of the valley, are we the only one not doing it or are there more who are not doing it? Indian Wells is not doing it right now, they are not enforcing their Ordinance at this time. La Quinta is actually i launching the program right before Thanksgiving. The Rental agencies are extremely happy to do this because it makes the playing field fair for them. Almost every home in Palm Springs where we have been doing this for six years is registered and they are paying the TOT tax. Mr. England verified, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio all are doing this? So only ones left out are Indian Wells and Desert Hot Springs. Ms Goslin advised that Coachella really didn't have much of this kind of rentals. The 1 estimation of how long it takes to go thru this whole process before you can actually send notices out? When she started with Rancho Mirage we started in July last year and we saw a bump in TOT, we were monitoring t individual homes, and rental agencies, individuals home went from $780 a year during the prior year, to 5 $80,000 the next year. This year we are expecting that amount to be around $160,000. Mayor DeRosa thanks Cindy very much, and advised that this had come to her attention through the CVB € and that is why I had asked staff to look into this and see how we could make this happen. I know you have been doing this for quite some time, so if Council has no other questions? Would we like to bring this back, Mr. England advised yes, no one else objected. Mr. Bradley would you put this on the next Agenda. Mr. 1 Bradley responded "we will bring it back as soon as it is ready, I don't know if it will be ready by the next meeting or not." Also when this came up at CVB if you will go on the VRBO website you will see a lot of k homes here in Cathedral City, particularly up in the cove rent out for 5, 6, 7, days at a time. I think there is a lot of revenue that we loose there. 2. City Council/Staff reports and inquiries of new or ongoing projects. a , None. RECESS i t Mayor DeRosa recessed the Study Session Portion of the meeting at 7:03 p.m. a REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD, Council Chamber — Third Floor of City Hall, 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 1 r WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. i i 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... i I CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeRosa called the Regular Portion of the meeting to Order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS None 4 CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS City Attorney Green advise there were no reportable actions out of the Closed Session this evening. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda or any item on the Consent Agenda. Please complete a ?Request to Speak' form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and city of residence for the record. In response to any public comment on an item or matter not on this agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, members of the City Council may only: 1) respond briefly to statements made or questions posed by the public; 2) ask a question for clarification; 3) make a brief report on his or her own activities; 4) provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information; 5) request staff to report back to the City Council at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter raised by the public; or, 6) direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954). Unless additional time is authorized by the City Council, remarks shall be limited to three minutes. PUBLIC COMMENTS %le Mayor DeRosa opened the floor to Public Comments. Jens Mueller - Cathedral City - This is on the Agenda but I wanted to talk briefly about what we were just talking about. With regard to the amount of the monthly income how are we going to audit that? How are we going to know that they collect $2600 or $5000? Are we going to trust them? There is a question about audit there, so, and I am opposed to the tax. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor DeRosa closed Public Comments. AGENDA FINALIZATION At this time, the City Council may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date. No Changes to the Agenda. URGENCY ITEMS Urgency Items ( "Added Starters "): The Brown Act, which governs public meetings, permits the City Council to take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda only if 2/3 of the Council (if all are present) or all members of the Council (if fewer than all members are present) determine there is a need to take immediate action on the item, and the need to take immediate action came to the City Council's attention after the agenda is posted. No Urgency items. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr. Pettis - Just one item, a little early, but November 29th the Riverside County Transportation Commission will be holding a small business expo in Moreno Valley. It is for the entire County, it is an _ e 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... opportunity specifically for Military Veterans small and disadvantaged businesses, to find how they can get job opportunities with our RCTC and other Govemmental Agencies. Consulting firms as well, to be purveyors of Agencies. It will be a good opportunity for small businesses that want to get in to doing work with government entities. Again, November 29th in Moreno Valley from 8:30 till noon. I will announce this again as it gets closer. MPT Vasquez - Nothing at this time. Council Member England - National Night Out was a great event. Special thanks to Police and Fire departments, they were both out in force. This was at big League Dreams. You get to talk to the different departments, lots of non -profit organizations there. Target brought a tremendous amount of their staff to the night out. Actually they are the ones who really fund it. Boys & Girls Club was there. Salvation Army, Stepping Stones, it is just a neat event. We have to give our Lt. Robinson who won the hot dog eating contest, devouring 13 hotdogs, and won the competition. If Council Member Chuck Vasquez had been there, you would have had to eat more, good thing he wasn't part of that. Later in the week we did a couple of Grand Openings, some really neat restaurants that are opening up in Cathedral City. A grand opening of Mr. Petrones on Ramon Road next to the Bowling Alley, myself, Greg Pettis, Chip were there, the Mayor was there doing the Grand Opening. Traditional Mexican place and the food was awesome. I went back later with my wife, we had some fish tacos and it was very pleasant and they had Karaoke if you like that. The Second event was at DISH restaurant on the corner of Cathedral Canyon and Ramon. If you really like good culinary food, this is the place to go. I took my daughter there, we had been to Share Kitchen earlier in the evening. We had lots of staff at the Share Kitchen, and Greg Pettis and myself. A lot of people there to support the idea. It is almost like a Culinary Incubator for people that are honing their skills in the cooking arena. I want to go back to DISH - it was talked about on one of the facebook pages how this Chef chose that particular location. We stopped by to look at the menu, and my daughter is studying the Culinary Arts. I can't tell you how impressed I was with the artistic way that you can prepare food. It was an experience that was incredible. They don't know me from Adam so to speak, and Katie and I had a great time there, I have never had a piece of beef that melted in my mouth. Katie had some French Chicken (Cog Au Vin). If you like great tasting food, please give DISH a call. Fire Department has the Pancake Breakfast and Open House at Station 412 at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday. It is great to see all the Fire Department workers there. Last but not least the Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Monday the 15th. Mayor DeRosa did a great job at the Doral State of the City Address. It is incredible the amount of work that is being done by our staff. We sometimes live in a vacuum, for sometimes we do not see the trees because we are in the Forrest. To sit back and reflect, not what this council does, we set all of the policy, we ask for certain things that the community needs, we give direction, but it is the staff that actually makes this stuff happen. I was impressed at the people that were at my table, we were all listening to the volume of work that has actually taken place, 1 sometimes we forget about what has happened three weeks ago, and want to know what is happening today. Mr. England ran thru a number of things going on in the city: openings, the new Sears Store in the old Wal- Mart building, Mor furniture, Volkswagen project in Plans and approved, awaiting to pull building permits, El Cielo Bakery, several new restaurants. Mayor DeRosa - Mayor said that she was "Ditto" on everything that Mr. England said. She advise that the Public Arts Commission held a reception in City Hall lobby for the art work of Val Samuelson that was on display this past month. Their reception had food from Cello's Restaurant. Council Members' comments on items not on the agenda. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS MINUTES a None CONSENT AGENDA All matters on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in nature and are expected to be enacted by one tie motion. Members of the public may comment on any item on the consent agenda. However, Council Members will not discuss individual items among themselves unless those items are pulled off the Consent Agenda by a 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... 4 E S Council Member. I A. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD: 1. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Received and Filed payment of Claims 1 and Demands in the aggregate sum of $3,868,279 for the month of September 2012 by M.O. # 5043 and I SAMO SA -0023. (T. Scott) (pg. 1 -2) 1 2. COUNCIL /CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD. Authorized the City Manager and i the City Clerk to a) grant various easements; b) approve agreements and licenses; and, c) approve other actions on Successor Agency owned land within Parcel Map 36428, as needed to facilitate recordation of the final map and development of parcels by M &M Property Company and other developers. Parcel Map: 36428: Auto Park Expansion Proiect by M.O. # 5044 and SAMO SA -0024. (A. Hall) (Pg. 3-6) 3. COUNCIL. Approved Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Cathedral City and the Cathedral City Police Management Association by M.O. # 5045. (T. Scott) (Pg. 7) , 4. COUNCIL. Authorize to extend Management Contract with Playa del sol Development Company, Inc., for Commercial space adiacent to Fire Station 413 by M.O. #5407. (T. Scott) (Pg. 8 -14) 1 5. COUNCIL. Waived further reading and adopted Ordinance 715 of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City amending section 11.08.020 ( "Limitations on Soliciting in Public Places ") of the i Cathedral City Municipal Code, including motion to waive further reading of said Ordinance. (A. Hall) (Pg. 15 -22) i 6. COUNCIL. Ratification of Tolling Agreement entered into by the City of Cathedral City and Crown Castle NG West Inc., executed by the CD Directory acting as City Manager on October 1, 2012, 1 Tolling the time that the City must act on Crown Castle's Conditional Use Permit application I i C pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Guidelines by M.O. # 5046. (A. Hall) (Pg. 23 -26) 1 E 7. COUNCIL. Received report of intended travel from Council Member Pettis for a) Brawley Bypass I 1 Ceremony, Thursday, October 18, 2012, Brawley, CA, (trip funded in full by SCAG); and b) League of i California Cities Board of Directors Meeting, November 15 -16, 2012, Sacramento, CA (trip funded in full by LOCC). i MOTION FOR CONSENT AGENDA i MPT Vasquez moved to approve Consent Items 1 thru 7, motion seconded by Council Member England, F : motion carried 4 -1 wit the exception of Item 3, where by motion carried 3 -1 -1. Council Member Pettis voted I no on Item 3, Council Member Toles was absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS i i 1 LEGISLATIVE ACTION 1 COUNCIL REPORTS ON CITIZEN INQUIRIES AND CONCERNS 1 i ADJOURNMENT Seeing no further business to come before Council, Mayor DeRosa adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. NOTES TO THE PUBLIC Please remember: City Hall is closed for lunch 11:45am to 1:15pm. We are closed every Friday. z LI The next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council /Successor Agency is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, ' OCTOBER 24, 2012. 1 i s 1 i 4:30 p.m. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SERVING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGEN... I I 1 i Agendas for Council meetings are posted at City Hall at least 72 hours before the meeting and on the ►'' Cathedral City Web site, www.cathedralcitv.gov. The agenda is available for public inspection in the City 1 Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office the Monday preceding the meeting. Any document or writing that relates , to an agenda item on the open session of a City Council meeting that is not distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting is also available for public inspection in the City Hall lobby or the City Clerk's office. l f In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (760)770 -0385. I Assisted- listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. i Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or the time when services are needed will assist city staff in assuring reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. !fit i z Pat Hammers, MMC City Clerk i i i s I I ; (1.10 I i 1 I fi r F i r r f x k F I i }