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Minutes - Study Session/Regular Meeting Minutes - 09/11/2024
att I 1 - t r- 1 it Study & Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2024 3:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lao Guerrero Cathedra! City, CA 92234 STUDY SESSION 3:00P • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Mark Carnevale called the Study Session portion of the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. • ROLL CALL Council Present: Mark Carnevale, Mayor Raymond Gregory, Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember Rita Lamb, Councilmember Council Absent: Nancy Ross, Mayor Pro Tern • AGENDA FINAL! TON There were no changes to the Agenda. Public Comments Robert McCormick, submitted a letter to the City Council detailing the details of what his girlfriend and he have experienced the last 6 years. Bob McKechnie and Karen Riley announced upcoming International Day of Peace. 2. CLOSED SESSION There were no closed session items. 3. STUDY SESSION A. Esperanza Park - Construction Update September 2024 Cathedral City Page 1 Andres Perez, Assistant Engineer, provided an update on the Esperanza Park construction. The following points were presented: • Project Location • Background • Construction Updates September 2024 • Site Preparation • Park Improvements • Park Equipment and Amenities • Park Safety and Security • Remaining Construction Tasks • Fiscal Impact This item was a presentation for information and discussion only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. B. Downtown Dog Park - Design Update September 2024 Andres Perez, Assistant Engineer, provided an update on the Downtown Dog Park design. The following points were presented: • Project Location • Background • Design Milestone • Building Assessment • Maximize Park Space • Updated Site Plan • Summary Park Amenities • Cost Estimates • Current Tasks • Fiscal Impact This item was a presentation for information and discussion only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. C. Update on the August 5, 2024 eeting of the Cannabis Task Force Charles McClendon, City Manager, provided an update on the Cannabis Task Force which met on August 5, 2024. The following points were presented: • Background on the Cannabis Taskforce • Discussion o State of the Cannabis Industry in Cathedral City o Update on the ordinance governing cannabis businesses o Update on odor control issues This item was a presentation for information and discussion only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. RECESS The City Council recessed at 3:43 p.m. Cathedral City Page 2 EGU R EETING - 5:30 P • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Mark Carnevale called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. • PRESENTATION OF THE COLORS AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Police Department and Fire Department Honor Guard — In recognition of the 9-11 Fallen First Responders Mayor Mark Carnevale announced that in remembrance of all first responders and civilians who lost their lives on 9/11/2001, the Cathedral City Police and Fire Department Honor Guard will present the colors for the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Rita Lamb led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION ( 0 ENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Council Present: Mark Carnevale Raymond Gregory Ernesto Gutierrez Rita Lamb Council Absent: Nancy Ross • AGENDA FINALI TION There were no changes to the Agenda. 1. PUBLIC CO MENTS Jimmy Barela, requested ALS interpreter services for various upcoming city events. Ron Oden, provided an update on the Roadrunner Motors Project. Enrique Chia, discussed speed bumps, street sweeper, and wild animal issues in his neighborhood. Jens Mueller, expressed his concern related to the Council's vote to place Measure W on the ballot. Cathedral City Page 3 Dorian Whitney, thanked the City for the traffic calming in his neighborhood. He would like to see a more permanent solution. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez reported on the following: • No vacation this summer, family health issues • His TV interview where he discussed the City's Additional Dwelling Unit program • The upcoming Coachella Valley Conservation Committee meeting • The upcoming All Valley Mayors and Tribal Leaders Luncheon • The resident concerns he received • His tour of his district and the violations he reported to the City • The upcoming birthdays in the month of September Councilmember Raymond Gregory reported on the following: • His participation in the panel interviews for Deputy Police Chief • His attendance at the Visit Greater Palm Springs Mixer at the DoubleTree • His attendance at the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Transportation Committee Meeting • His attendance at the Riverside County Transportation Commission Meeting • Today is 9/11, and we will never forget Councilmember Rita Lamb reported on the following: • Her absence from the last Council meeting. • She discussed the process for the Strategic Plan, and thanked staff • Her attendance at the Senior Center's Food Bank • She discussed moments that alter her sense of community • She recited a quote by Sandy Dahl, wife of Jason Dahl who was the pilot of flight 93 • She recited a quote by Barak Obama Mayor Carnevale reported on the following: • His attendance at the Palm Springs Board of Realtors Breakfast at the Mitzel Center • The complaints he received related to cannabis odor • His administration of the Attorney Oath to Kevin Lee • An upcoming wedding, which he will be officiating • His attendance at the upcoming All Valleys Mayors and Tribal Leaders Luncheon • His meet and greet with the Riverside County Treasurer Tax Collector • The upcoming open house at the Agnes Pelton home City Manager Charles McClendon introduced Erick Becerril, the new Economic Development Manager. Cathedral City Page 4 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda Recommendation: Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda. M.O. 2024-146 B. Approve the August 14, 2024 Study Session and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Recommendation: To approve the August 14, 2024, Study Session and Regular City Council Minutes. M.O. 2024-147 C. Approve the FY 2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report for Submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Recommendation: To approve the city's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). M.O. 2024-148 D. Gift of Drone Show for Cathedral City International Hot Air Balloon Festival Recommendation: To accept a gift in the amount of $50,000 from Grizzly Entertainment for a drone light show at the 10th Annual Cathedral City International Hot Air Balloon Festival. M.O. 2024-149 E. Accept the Resignation of Baudilio Corrales from the Historic Preservation Committee Recommendation: To accept the resignation of Baudilio Corrales from the Historic Preservation Committee effective immediately and direct staff to proceed with filling the vacant seat. M.O. 2024-150 F. Ratify the Nomination of Peter Bedard by Mayor Mark Carnevale to fill the Unexpired Vacant Seat on the Planning Commission Continuing through June 30, 2026 Recommendation: To ratify the nomination of Peter Bedard by Mayor Mark Carnevale to fill an unexpired term on the Planning Commission and appoint him to serve for a term continuing through June 30, 2026. Cathedral City Page 5 M.O. 2024-151 G. Amendment to the Non-Represented Regulations Recommendation: To approve amendments to the regulations covering Executive, Administrative, Professional, Confidential and Other Particular Employees. M.Q. 2024-152 H. Approve a Resolution Adopting an Updated City-Wide Salary Schedule Recommendation: To adopt a resolution approving city-wide publicly available pay schedules in compliance with California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Sections 570.5, 571, and 571.1. This resolution will supersede all previous resolutions regarding job classifications and compensation levels to the extent they conflict with this new recommendation. Reso 2024-38 �• Reject Bids for the Construction of the Public Works Yard Fence Replacement Project Recommendation: To reject all bids received for the construction of the Public Works Yard Fence Replacement project; and direct staff to make the necessary revisions to the project specifications and to readvertise for construction bids. M.O. 2024-153 J. Designation of Voting Delegate and Alternates for the League of California Cities Annual Business Meeting on October 18, 2024 Recommendation: To adopt a Resolution designating Mayor Mark Carnevale as the Voting Delegate and Councilmembers Raymond Gregory and Rita Lamb as the Alternate Voting Delegates to represent Cathedral City at the League of California Cities Annual Business Meeting, which will be held on October 18, 2024. Reso 2024-39 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Lamb to approve the Consent Agenda. RESULT: PASS [4 TO 0] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember AYES: Carnevale, Gregory, Gutierrez, Lamb NOES: Cathedral City Page 6 ABSENT: Ross ABSTAIN: 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Specific Plan Amendment 99-58-A (Uptown Village Specific Plan) and Design Review 23-003 (Rosemount Storage Project) Recommendation: 1. Find that the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)was prepared in conformance with Section 15063 and other applicable sections of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and determine that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Measure Reporting Plan prepared for the project based on the findings contained in the agenda report; and 2. Introduce, provide first reading, by title only, and waive further reading of an ordinance adopting Specific Plan Amendment 99-55-A to the Uptown Village Specific Plan, based on the findings and conclusions contained in the agenda report; and 3. Approve Design Review 23-003, based on the findings and conclusions contained in the agenda report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. City Manager Charles McClendon introduced the item. Martin Magana, Planning Consultant, provided a presentation of the Specific Plan Amendment 99-58-A and Design Review 23-003. City Attorney Eric Vail announced that comments were received late and were not provided to the City Council due to time limits, however, will be made part of the record. Mayor Mark Carnevale opened the Public Hearing to hear from the Applicant and receive public comments. The applicant's team provided information on the proposed project. Scott Zastrow expressed his opposition to the proposed project and requested the matter be tabled for 30 days. Ahmed Kahn expressed his opposition to the proposed project. Carl Peterson expressed his opposition to the proposed project. The following comments were submitted through email: Cathedral City Page 7 The Silverstein Law Firm, requested a 45-day continuance of the public hearing on Rosemont Storage Project and its proposed Specific Plan Amendment and site plan review. They also submitted at public records request related to this project. Amy Bianco, Danny Bianco and Misha Bianco oppose the project. R.J Riso, opposes the project. Julianne Ramirez, opposes the project. The applicant's team provided a rebuttal to comments made by the public. The City Council requested clarification from the City Attorney regarding statements made related to the CC&Rs. City Attorney Eric Vail indicated that he agrees with the statement made by the applicant related to the CC&R's not being relevant in this process. He explained that the City's does not enforce or police CC&Rs. Mayor Carnevale closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the City Council. M.O. 2024-154 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Lamb to approve the following staff recommendations: 1. Allow only one self storage facility on the remaining 7.16 acre site; and 2. Allow only two drive through food restaurants; and 3. Design open space of the site consistent with Specific Plan; and 4. Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project; and Adopt an Ordinance approving Specific Plan Amendment 99-58-A to the Uptown Village Specific Plan, andl. Find that the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (lS/MND) was prepared in conformance with Section 15063 and other applicable sections of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Guidelines and determine that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Measure Reporting Plan prepared for the project based on the findings contained in the agenda report; and 5. Introduce, provide first reading, by title only, and waive further reading of an ordinance adopting Specific Plan Amendment 99-55-A to the Uptown Village Specific Plan, based on the findings and conclusions contained in the agenda report; and 6. Approve Design Review 23-003, based on the findings and conclusions presented to the Council will the following revisions: • New 4.38(v) A speed hump of size and width in accordance with city requirements will be constructed across Rosemount Road at Phase ll's northeastern boundary entering the adjacent residential Cathedral City Page 8 neighborhood, complete with solar flashing warning signs, fixed signs and legends. • Revise 4.39(viii) Prior to commencement of any planning for any improvements subject to fair share cost reimbursement ("The Intersection" of "Rosemount Storage-Wren Cooperation"), the Applicant shall submit a cooperative agreement subject to the fair share cost reimbursement, as approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, which shall specify that the city shall not have responsibility for any costs associated with the improvements plans or improvements;, including the waiving of any developers impact fees for the respective improvements. RESULT: PASS[4 TO ©] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember AYES Carnevale, Gregory, Gutierrez, Lamb NOES: ABSENT: Ross ABSTAIN: 5. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. Award a Construction Contract to Contractor for HSIP Cycle 9B: Varner Road Safety Improvements Project- GIP No. C08751 Recommendation: To award a construction contract to Granite Construction Company in the amount of$743,000 for the construction of Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Cycle 9B: Varner Road Safety Improvements project (C08751); and, approve a fifteen percent (15%) contingency in the amount of $111,450 for any unforeseeable construction costs; making the total encumbrance $854,450; and, approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $73,665 by allocating funds from the Measure A Fund with account number 243- 100-150-156-8800-8802; and, authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents; and, authorize the City Engineer to request bonds and insurance for the project and issue the notice to proceed. M.Q. 2024-155 A motion was made by Councilmember Lamb and seconded by Councilmember Gutierrez to award a construction contract to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $743,000 for the construction of Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Cycle 9B: Varner Road Safety Improvements project (C08751); and, approve a fifteen percent (15%) contingency in the amount of$111,450 for any unforeseeable construction costs; making the total encumbrance $854,450; and, approve a budget adjustment in the amount of$73,665 by allocating funds from the Measure A Fund with account number 243-100-150-156-8800-8802; Cathedral City Page 9 and, authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents; and, authorize the City Engineer to request bonds and insurance for the project and issue the notice to proceed. RESULT: PASS [4 TO 0] MOVER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Carnevale, Gregory, Gutierrez, Lamb NOES: ABSENT: Ross ABSTAIN: 6. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There was no discussion on future agenda items. 7. CLOSED SESSION There were no Closed Session items. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Mark Carnevale adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7:26 p.m. 4LL L wIL1 ,t Mayor, City of Cthhecfral City City Clerk, City of Cathedral City Cathedral City Page 10