HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 256 ORZOA133 5/22/89 ORDINANCE NO. 256 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CATHED' 'L CITY AMENDING DIVISION B OF ARTICLE III (DEFINITIONS), AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 3 OF DIVISION A OF ARTICLE IV CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED AND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES RESPECTIVELY, AMENDING DIVISION D OF ARTICLE IV CONCERNING OPEN SPACE ZONES, AND DELETING DIVISION E OF ARTICLE IV CONCERNING UNCLASSIFIED, OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS. The city council of the City of Cathedral City does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Division B of Article III of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Definitions hereby is amended by the addition of or amendment to the following definitions: Section 45A. Family Day Care Home Family day care home means a home which regularly provides care, protection, and supervision of 12 or fewer children, in the provider's own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians are away, and includes the following: 1. "Large family day care home" which means a home which provides family day care to 7 to 12 children, inclusive, including children who reside at the home, as defined in regulations. 2. "Small family day care home" which means a home which provides family day care to six or fewer children, including children who reside at the home, as defined in regulations. Section 68. Lot, Flag A lot so shaped and designed that the main building site area is set back from the street on which it fronts and includes an access strip not less than twenty feet in width at any point connecting the main building site area to the frontage street. The area within the access strip shall not be considered in calculating the area of the lot. For purposes of setback calculations, the front yard of the lot shall be the narrowest property line dimension nearest the access drive. Section 69. Lot, Interior A lot other than a corner or reverse corner lot. - 1 - Section 70. Lot, Key The first lot to the rear of a reverse corner lot and not separated by-an alley. Section 71. Lot, Reverse Corner A corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot lines of the lot to its rear, whether across an alley or not. Section 72. Lot, Through A lot having frontage on two dedicated parallel or approximately parallel streets. Section 73. Lot Depth The average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines. Section 74. Lot Line Any line bounding a lot as defined in Section 66. "Property line" means the same as "lot line". Section 75. Lot Line, Front On an interior lot, the front lot line is the property line abutting the street. On a corner or reverse corner lot, the front lot line is the shorter property line abutting a street, except in those cases where the subdivision or parcel map specified another line as the front lot line. On a through lot or a lot with three or more sides abutting a street or a corner or reverse corner lot with lot lines of equal length, the Director shall determine which property line shall be the front lot line for the purposes of compliance with yard and setback provisions of this ordinance. On a private street or easement, the front lot line shall be designed as the edge of the easement. Section 76. Lot line, Interior A lot line not abutting a street. Section 77. Lot Line, Rear A lot line not abutting a street, which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line; in the case of an irregularly shaped lot, a line within the lot, having a length of not less than ten feet. A lot which is bounded on all sides by streets may have no rear lot lines. Section 78. Lot Line, Side Any lot line not a front lot line or rear lot line. - 2 - SECTION 2. Section 1 of Division A of Article IV of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning the Residential Unclassified Zone hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 1 RE - Residential Estate a. Purpose and Intent: To provide for appropriately located high quality family residential areas with very low densities, retention of open and natural areas and reduction of grading. b. Permitted Uses: I. One one-family dwelling per legal lot; 2. Home occupations; and 3. Small family day care home. c. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit: I. Guest home, provided the unit does not exceed 600 sq. ft. in area and has at least one covered parking space in addition to the required space for the main residence; 2. Large family day care homes; 3. Public utility structures and public service facilities; however transmission lines serving only the immediate area are permitted without a conditional use permit; 4. Public parks and recreation facilities; 5. Private recreational facilities and ancillary commercial use; 6. Schools, either public or private, but not including art, business or trade schools; and 7. Planned residential developments. d. Prohibited Uses: Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. - 3 - e. Density: The density in any subdivision of land shall not exceed one lot per each gross acre of land in the project. f. Lot Dimensions: All newly-created lots shall meet the following minimum net dimensions: 1. Area: 40,000 square feet; 2. Depth: 200 feet; 3. Width: 100 feet along a dedicated street frontage property line; however, if it is found that the frontage of the lot must be narrowed because of street design or topographical constraints, the minimum lot width at the street frontage property line shall be 50 feet. g. Yard Requirements: All newly-developed lots shall have the following minimum yard dimensions: 1. Front yard: 30 feet. However, garages can be placed in the front yard up to 10 ft. from the property line with side access or 20 ft. with perpendicular access if the Planning Commission finds that such design is necessary to reduce grading on the lot. 2. Side yards: 15 feet each. 3. Rear yard: 50 feet. h. Coverage and Building Height: 1. Maximum building coverage shall be 25 percent; 2. Building heights shall not exceed 26 feet. i . Parking: All dwellings shall have parking as follows: 1. Main Dwelling: Two car parking spaces within a garage. 2. Guest Dwelling: One car parking space within a garage. 3. Location of Parking: No vehicles shall be parked in any area except within the garage, improved driveway, or improved accessory parking spaces. - 4 - 4. Maximum parking spaces: The maximum number of parking spaces per lot shall not exceed 4 covered spaces (200 sq.ft. each) and open parking not greater than 1000 sq.ft. excluding driveways. j. Access to Parking (Driveways) : All parking spaces and structures shall be served by a driveway that meets the following standards: 1. Minimum width of driveway: 16 feet; 2. Driveways shall be constructed of portland cement concrete; and 3. Driveways shall not cover more than 30% of the required front or street side yard area. k. Fencing: None required. 1 . Patios: None required. m. Landscaping: There shall be an approved landscaping and irrigation system installed within the front and street side yards at the time of construction of the main building. Driveways and open parking shall not exceed 50% of the front and street side yards. City parkways shall be included in the landscaping. Natural areas may be integrated into the landscape plan provided such natural areas are free of invasive weeds or a source of blowsand. n. Dwelling unit size: The minimum dwelling unit size requirements based on number of bedrooms are as follows: Minimum Dwelling Bedrooms Unit Size 4 or more 3000 sq. ft. 3 2500 sq. ft. 2 or less 2000 sq. ft. SECTION 3. All areas noted RU of the official zone map shall be changed to RE. Any overlay zone attached thereto shall be retained. - 5 - SECTION 4. Section 3 of Division A of Article IV of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Single Family Residential zones hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 2. R1 - Single Family Residential a. Purpose and Intent: To provide a living area within the city where development is limited to low density concentrations of one-family dwellings and to promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life, to provide space for community facilities needed to complement urban residential areas and for institutions which require a residential environment and to minimize traffic congestion. b. Permitted uses: I. One one-family dwelling per legal lot; 2. Small family day care homes; and 3. Home occupations. c. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit: I. Large family day care homes; 2. Public utility structures and public service facilities; however transmission lines serving only the immediate area are permitted without a conditional use permit; 3. Churches, convents, monasteries and other religious institutions on a minimum of two acres; 4. Schools, either public or private, but not including business or trade schools; 5. Public parks and recreation facilities; 6. Private recreational facilities and ancillary commercial uses; and 7. Planned residential developments. d. Prohibited Uses: Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. - 6 - e. Density: There shall be three density categories in the R1 zone. These categories will be distinguished on the zone map by a numerical notation following the R1 symbol which will provide identification of the minimum net lot area. The density categories are: Min. Net Category size of lot 7.2 7,200 sq.ft. 8.5 8,500 sq.ft. 10 10,000 sq.ft. 12 12,000 sq.ft. 15 15,000 sq.ft. f. Lot Dimensions: All newly-created lots shall meet the following minimum dimensions: 1. Area: As noted under density requirement; 2. Depth: 100 feet; 3. Width: 70 feet along a dedicated street frontage property line; however, if it is found that the frontage of the lot must be narrowed because of street design or topographical constraints, the minimum lot width may be reduced provided that the dimension at the street frontage property line is not less than 35 feet. g. Yard Requirements: All newly-developed lots shall have the following minimum yard dimensions: 1. Front yard: 20 feet; 2. Side yards for lots whose width is 60 feet or less shall not be less than 5 feet. However, side yards for a lot over 60 feet in width shall be 15 feet combined, one of minimum 5 feet and the other of minimum 10 feet. On corner lots the 10-foot setback shall be along the street side; 3. Rear yard: 15 feet, except that garages or carports may be located up to 5 feet from a rear property line. h. Coverage and Building Height: - 7 - 1 . Maximum building coverage shall be 40 percent; 2. Building height shall not exceed 26 feet. i . Parking: In addition to all the requirements of Division A of Article V, the minimum parking shall be as follows: 1. Main Dwelling: Two car parking spaces within a garage. 2. Guest Dwelling: One car parking space within a garage. 3. Location of Parking: No vehicles shall be parked in any area except within the garage, improved driveway, or improved accessory parking spaces. 4. Maximum parking spaces: The maximum number of parking spaces per lot shall not exceed 4 covered spaces (200 sq.ft. each) and open parking not, greater than 1000 sq.ft. excluding driveways. 5. Vehicles shall not be parked or stored in any front or street side yard area except on driveways or open parking spaces constructed of portland cement concrete. Driveways and improved parking areas shall not cover more than 50% of the required front or street side yard area. j. Access to Parking (Driveways) : All parking spaces and structures shall be served by a driveway that meets the following standards: 1. Minimum width of driveway: 16 feet; and 2. Driveways shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. k. Fencing: 1. Fencing, at time of new construction: At the time of construction of any residence, a 6-foot high solid masonry fence shall be constructed on all rear and side lot lines. The fence shall be constructed of decorative masonry with finished appearance or wood framed with stucco exterior consistent with the architecture of the main building. 2. If a fence exists at the required location, the requirement may be waived by the Director if it is found that the existing fence is of sound construction with an expected life of at least 10 years. For the purposes of this subsection, open fences are not considered a fence meeting this requirement. - 8 - 3. The requirements of this subsection shall not apply to lots of record that are greater than 15,000 sq.ft. Further, the Director may modify any requirement herein if it is determined that meeting the requirements will adversely affect the quality of living, such as view blockage, or if the •construction of such fence is impractical due to topographical considerations. 1 . Patios: None required. m. Landscaping: There shall be an approved landscaping and irrigation system installed within the front and street side yards at the time of construction of the main building. Driveways and open parking shall not exceed 50% of the front and street side yards. City parkways shall be included in the landscaping. Natural areas may be integrated into the landscape plan provided such natural areas are free of invasive weeds or a source of blowsand. n. Dwelling Unit size: The minimum dwelling unit size, based on number of bedrooms, is as follows: Minimum Dwelling Bedrooms Unit Size 3 or more 1200 sq. ft. 2 or less 1000 sq. ft. SECTION 5. Division D of Article IV of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning Open Space Zones hereby is amended to read as follows: Division D. Open Space Section 1. OS - Open Space a. Purpose and Intent: The open space zone is to be placed on property that, by the nature of its use, such as regional transmission of electricity or other products, or its natural limitation, such as subject to flood or faulting, make the property inappropriate for habitation or intensive development. b. Permitted Uses: - 9 - 1. Agriculture; and 2. Cemeteries. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit: 1. Public utility structures and public service facilities; however transmission lines serving only the immediate area are permitted without a conditional use permit; 2. Public parks and recreation facilities; 3. Private recreational facilities and ancillary commercial uses; and 4. Other uses not involving buildings or other permanent improvements, and not involving undue present or future hazard to life or property, within the judgment of the Planning Commission. d. Prohibited Uses: Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. e. Density: Residential uses not permitted. f. Lot Dimensions: All newly-created lots shall meet the following minimum net dimensions: 1. Area: 5 acre net lot area. 2. Depth: No minimum. 3. Width: No minimum. g. Development Standards: Areas within the OS district are to be protected from extensive building encroachment. Necessary amenities or appurtenant structures, i .e. , picnic shelters, mausoleums, or clubhouses, may be allowed in those areas where such facilities are warranted or necessary providing approval is granted under appropriate provisions of this code. - 10 - Section 2 OS-R - Open Space Residential a. Purpose and Intent: To preserve sensitive environmental areas while allowing high quality family residential areas with very low densities. b. Permitted Uses: I. One one-family dwelling per legal lot; 2. Home occupations; and 3. Small family day care homes. c. Conditional Uses: The following uses may be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit: 1. Guest home, provided the unit does not exceed 600 sq. ft. in area and has at least one covered parking space in addition to the required space for the main residence; 2. Large family day care homes; 3. Public utility structures and public service facilities; however transmission lines serving only the immediate area are permitted without a conditional use permit; 4. Public parks and recreation facilities; 5. Private recreational facilities and ancillary commercial uses; and 6. Planned residential developments. d. Prohibited Uses: Uses not listed in this section are expressly prohibited. No land shall be used nor buildings and structures hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified in this zoning district unless said use and improvement is in compliance with the district provisions. e. Density: There shall be 4 density categories in the OS-R zone. These categories will be distinguished on the zone map by a numerical notation following the OS-R symbol which will provide identification of the minimum net lot area. The density categories are: - 11 - Category Minimum Net Size of Lot 5 5 acres 10 10 acres 15 15 acres 20 20 acres The City shall determine the proper density factor based on the natural constraints of development, environmental sensitivity of the property and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. f. Lot Dimensions: All newly-created lots shall meet the following minimum net dimensions: 1. Area: As noted under density requirements; 2. Depth: 200 feet; 3. Width: 200 feet along a dedicated street frontage property line; however, if it is found that the frontage of the lot must be narrowed because of street design or topographical constraints, the minimum lot width at the street frontage property line shall be 50 feet. g. Yard Requirements: All newly-developed lots shall have the following minimum yard dimensions: 1 . Front yard: 50 feet. However, garages can be placed in the front yard up to 30 ft. from the property line if the Planning Commission finds that such design is necessary to reduce grading on the lot. 2. Side yards: 20 feet each. 3. Rear yard: 100 feet, except garages or carports may be located up to 10 feet from a rear property line. h. Coverage and Building Height: 1. Maximum building coverage shall be 10 percent; 2. Building height shall not exceed 26 feet. i . Parking: In addition to all the requirements of Division A of Article V, the minimum parking shall be as follows: - 12 - 1. Main D.wileTItIlloiritgh:e Tlwarondcsacrappearpklianthgl sppraocveisde lldit!lisliAnAangaatruargael . 2. Guest Dwelling: One car parking space within a garage. 3. Location of Parking: Parking of all vehicles on the property shall be limited to the garage, approved driveway, or within the required front yard and side yard setback areas. 4. Maximum Parking Area: The maximum area designed for parking of any type of vehicle shall be 1000 sq.ft. within a garage, carport or any other accessory building. j. Access to Parking (Driveways) : All parking spaces and structures shall be served by a driveway that meets the following minimum standards: 1. Width of driveway serving one to three parking spaces: 16 feet. 2. Width of driveway serving four or more parking spaces: 20 feet. 3. Driveways shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. 4. Driveways shall not cover more than 30% of the required front yard area. k. Fencing: None required. 1 . Patios: None required. m. Landscaping: There shall be an approved landscaping and irrigation system installed within the front and street side yards at the time of construction of the main building. Natural areas may be integrated areas are free of invasive weeds or a source of blowsand. n. Dwelling unit size: The minimum dwelling unit size requirements based on number of bedrooms are as follows: Minimum Dwelling Bedrooms Unit Size 4 or more 2500 sq. ft. - 13 - 3 2000 sq. ft. 2 or less 1500 sq. ft. Section 3. OS-W - Open Space/Water - Hereby is deleted. All areas noted OS-W on the official zone map shall be changed to OS. SECTION 6. Division E of Article IV of the Cathedral City Zoning Ordinance concerning the Unclassified Zone hereby is amended as follows: Division E. Reserved SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 8. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council ; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on June 7 , 1989 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers : Di Grandi, Hillery, Krings, Murphy and Mayor Hardie Noes: None Absent: None ,,,,V 7' ''',/ ,I A/ (-- / ,/,,/(Vir' ry.e ,-/ MAYOR A TES ) . /9 I '-- 1\. V) 'V - C '''_ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED S TO ONTENT: I ATTORNEY C A GER - 14 - HEREBY CERTIFY, UNDER ES ALIN OF PERJURY, THAT THE O BY THE CITY COB OIL IT OF-CATHEDRAL C , FOREGOU ADS EALIFOR ,IN SEEING THEREOF HELD ON THE , DAP OF c ANIN q ., AND THE T SA AS ;SEED N AT LEAST THEETINARESPUBLIC PLACEE SPECIFIEDSUCH POSTINGS. BY THE SAID CITY COU CIL. LET