HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - 10/05/2023 - 2067 AGREEMENT No.24-62-011-00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AGREEMENT FOR FUNDING UNDER SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM (Transportation Development Act Article 3;Senate Bill 821) This Funding Agreement ("AGREEMENT') is entered into as of October 5, 2023 ("Effective Date"), by and between the RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ("RCTC") and Cathedral City ("RECIPIENT"). RCTC and RECIPIENT may be referred to herein individually as a"Party"and collectively as the"Parties." RECITALS A. RCTC is a county transportation commission created and existing pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Sections 130053 and 130053.5. B. Under RCTC's SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program("PROGRAM"), cities and counties in the County of Riverside are notified of the availability of PROGRAM funding and a call for projects ("CALL FOR PROJECTS") is anticipated to be issued biennially by RCTC. C. On February 6th, 2023, a CALL FOR PROJECTS was published by RCTC seeking applications for FY 2023/24 PROGRAM funding, which applications were reviewed in accordance with the applicable evaluation criteria included in the CALL FOR PROJECTS. D. Based on the application attached as Attachment 1 and incorporated herein by this reference, RECIPIENT has been selected to receive PROGRAM funding for its proposed Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes Project("PROJECT"). E. Funding for the PROJECT shall be provided pursuant to the terms contained in this AGREEMENT and pursuant to applicable PROGRAM policies adopted by RCTC,which are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 2, NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the preceding recitals and the mutual covenants and consideration contained herein,the Parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitajs, The Parties acknowledge and agree that the above recitals are true and correct, and hereby incorporate those recitals by this reference into the AGREEMENT. 2. RCTC fuRding Mount. RCTC hereby agrees to distribute to the RECIPIENT,on the terms and conditions set forth herein, a sum not to exceed Six Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($690,000), to be used exclusively for reimbursing the RECIPIENT for eligible expenses as described herein ("FUNDING AMOUNT"). RECIPIENT acknowledges and agrees that the FUNDING AMOUNT may be less than the actual and final cost of the PROJECT, which final costs are the sole responsibility of RECIPIENT, and RCTC will not contribute PROGRAM funds in excess of the maximum authorized in this Section 2 unless otherwise 1 /7336.00005 141471305.2 mutually agreed to in writing by the PARTIES. In the event the FUNDING AMOUNT is not fully utilized by RECIPIENT for the PROJECT, the unused FUNDING AMOUNT must be returned to RCTC within ninety (90) ninety days of a written request by RCTC unless RECIPIENT can demonstrate in writing, subject to written approval by RCTC in its sole discretion, the following: (i) valid reason for why PROJECT costs were significantly lower than the estimate included in RECIPIENT's attached application for funding, and (ii)written proposal for how any unused FUNDING AMOUNT will be used for a proposal to support the PROJECT or other use that supports the goals and requirements of the PROGRAM. 2.1 Eligible Project Costs, Reimbursement for PROJECT costs ("REIMBURSEMENT") may only include those items expressly allowed for under Article 3 of the Transportation Development Act (California Public Utilities Code section 99200 et seq.), which provides that funding shall be allocated for the construction, including related engineering expenses, of facilities based on the PROGRAM policies adopted by RCTC, provided that such items are included in the scope of work included in the application, attached as Attachment I ("SCOPE OF WORK"). All PROJECT costs not included in the SCOPE OF WORK and not expressly permitted under Article 3 of the Transportation Development Act and the PROGRAM policies shall be considered ineligible for REIMBURSEMENT. In the event the SCOPE OF WORK needs to be amended, RECIPIENT shall submit a scope change request electronically via RCTC's online tracking and reporting system known as the Rivtrack system and accessible at httils://rivtrack.rcte.or!" ("Rivtrack system"). The electronically submitted scope change request must include the reasons for the requested change and confirmation that costs associated with the proposed amendment are eligible for PROGRAM reimbursement. Such request is subject to written approval by RCTC, in RCTC's sole discretion. In the event of any ambiguity between this AGREEMENT, PROGRAM policies, and applicable law, the following order of precedence will govern: (1) applicable law; (2) PROGRAM policies; (3) this AGREEMENT. In the case of any conflict between this Agreement and any of its attachments, the body of this Agreement shall govern. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of a conflict, the most stringent requirement shall govern, unless prohibited by applicable law or otherwise agreed upon by RCTC. 2.2 TiminL for Project Completion. In accordance with the PROGRAM policies attached hereto as Attachmem_2. RECIPIENT has thirty-six (36)months to complete the PROJECT from the date of this AGREEMENT, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the PARTIES. If the PROJECT is not completed within 36 months, RCTC shall have the sole discretion to delete the PROJECT from the PROGRAM and reprogram the funding for future approved PROGRAM projects. RECIPIENT will not be reimbursed until the PROJECT is accepted as complete by RCTC following the submission of the PROGRAM funding claim form completed electronically via the Rivtrack system. In the event additional time is needed for the completion of the PROJECT, RECIPIENT may submit a time extension request electronically via the Rivtrack system. Before and after PROJECT photographs must be uploaded with the CLAIM FORM upon PROJECT completion, as well as copies of paid invoices and any other backup requested for repayment and audit purposes. 2.3 Increases in Project Fundiug. The FUNDING AMOUNT may, at RCTC's sole discretion, be augmented with additional PROGRAM funds and local agency match funds proportionate to the amounts included in Section 3 if there is a FUNDING AMOUNT balance and the RECIPIENT provides justification as to the reason for the funding increase. Any such increase in the FUNDING AMOUNT must be approved in writing by 2 17336.00005\41471305 2 RCTC's Executive Director and RCTC shall be under no obligation whatsoever to approve any increase in the FUNDING AMOUNT. No such increased funding shall be expended to pay for any PROJECT work already completed. 2.4 Cost Sayings. In the event that bids or proposals for the PROJECT are lower than anticipated, or there are cost savings for any other reason, the FUNDING AMOUNT shall be reduced through an amendment to the AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT shall inform RCTC of any cost savings and any cost savings shall be returned to RCTC or may be reprogrammed with written approval by RCTC for other RECIPIENT projects that align with the PROGRAM. No PROGRAM funding may be used for projects not approved by RCTC. If RECIPIENT provides a local match commitment and there are cost savings on the PROJECT, RCTC will still be reimbursed at the matching ratio as presented in the Project application despite such cost savings in accordance with PROGRAM policies. 2.5 No Funding for Temporary Improvements. Only segments or components of improvements that are intended to form part of or be integrated into the PROJECT may be funded by PROGRAM funds. No improvement(s) which is/are temporary in nature, including but not limited to temporary lanes, curbs,or drainage facilities, shall be funded with PROGRAM funds except as needed for staged construction of the PROJECT. 2.6 Review and Reimbursement by RCTC. Upon submission into Rivtrack, of the final detailed invoice from the RECIPIENT clearly documenting work completed and corresponding costs, RCTC may request additional documentation or explanation of the SCOPE OF WORK costs for which reimbursement is sought. Undisputed amounts shall be paid by RCTC to the RECIPIENT within thirty (30)days. In the event that RCTC disputes the eligibility for reimbursement of all or a portion of an invoiced amount,the Parties shall meet and confer in an attempt to resolve the dispute. Additional details concerning the procedure for the RECIPIENT's submittal of invoices to RCTC and RCTC's consideration and payment of submitted invoices are set forth in Attachment 2. 2.7 Recipient's Funding, Obliration to Complete the Work; Limitation of RCTC Obligations. In the event that the PROGRAM funds allocated to the SCOPE OF WORK represent less than the total cost of the PROJECT, RECIPIENT shall be solely responsible for providing such additional funds as may be required to complete the PROJECT. RCTC has no obligation with respect to the safety of any work performed under the SCOPE OF WORK, for the PROJECT, or at a PROJECT site. Further, RCTC shall not be liable for any action of RECIPIENT or its contractors relating to the condemnation of property undertaken by RECIPIENT or construction related to the PROJECT. 2.8 Recipient's Obligation to Repay Promm Funds to RCTC. In the event it is determined, whether through a post-completion audit or otherwise, the PROJECT was not completed in accordance with the PROGRAM requirements or this AGREEMENT, RECIPIENT agrees that any PROGRAM funds distributed to RECIPIENT for the PROJECT shall be repaid in full to RCTC. The Parties shall enter into good faith negotiations to establish a reasonable repayment schedule and repayment mechanism which may include, but is not limited to, withholding of Measure A Local Sheets and Roads revenues, if applicable. RECIPIENT acknowledges and agrees that RCTC shall have the right to withhold any Measure A Local Streets and Roads revenues due to RECIPIENT, in an amount not to exceed the total of the PROGRAM funds distributed to RECIPIENT, and/or initiate legal action to compel repayment, if the RECIPIENT fails to repay RCTC within a reasonable time period not to exceed one 3 17336.00005 141471305.2 hundred eighty (180) days, including any good faith negotiations, from receipt of written notification from RCTC that repayment is required due to failure to comply with the PROGRAM policies or this AGREEMENT. 2.9 Records Retention and Audits. RECIPIENT shall retain all PROJECT records in an organized manner for a minimum of three (3) years following completion of the PROJECT. PROJECT records shall be made available for inspection by RCTC upon request. If a post PROJECT audit or review indicates that RCTC has provided reimbursement to the RECIPIENT in an amount in excess of the FUNDING AMOUNT set forth in Section 2, or has provided reimbursement of ineligible PROJECT costs, the RECIPIENT shall reimburse RCTC for the excess or ineligible payments within thirty (30) days of notification by RCTC. This Section 2.9 does not supersede any rights or remedies provided to RCTC under Section 2.8 or applicable law. 3. Recipient's Local Match Contribution, RECIPIENT shall provide at least Three Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Dollars ($372,000) of funding toward the SCOPE OF WORK, as indicated in RECIPIENT'S application attached as Attachment 1 and submitted to RCTC in response to its CALL FOR PROJECTS. RECIPIENT costs related to (i) preparation and administration costs related to invoices, billings and payments; (ii) any RECIPIENT fees attributed to the processing of the SCOPE OF WORK; and (iii) expenses for items not included within the attached SCOPE OF WORK shall be borne solely by the RECIPIENT and shall not qualify towards RECIPIENT's local match requirement in this Section 3. 4. Term: The term of this AGREEMENT shall be from the date first herein above written until: (i) the date RCTC formally accepts the PROJECT as complete, pursuant to Section 2.2; (ii) termination of this AGREEMENT pursuant to Section 14; or (iii) RECIPIENT has fully satisfied its obligations under this AGREEMENT. All applicable indemnification and insurance provisions of this AGREEMENT shall remain in effect following the termination of this AGREEMENT. 5. Reciaient Responsibilities. RECIPIENT shall be responsible for all aspects of the PROJECT, in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, including: (i) development and approval of plans, specifications and engineer's estimate in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and building codes; obtaining any necessary environmental clearances; right of way acquisition; and, obtaining all permits required by impacted agencies prior to commencement of the PROJECT; (ii) all aspects of procurement, contracting, and administration of the contracts and claims for the PROJECT; (iii) all construction management of any construction activities undertaken in connection with the PROJECT, including surveying and materials testing; and, (iv) development of a budget for the PROJECT and SCOPE OF WORK prior to award of any contract for the PROJECT, taking into consideration available funding, including PROGRAM funds. 6. Indemnification. RECIPIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold RCTC, its officials, governing board members, officers, employees, agents, and consultants free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability,loss, damage or injury of any kind, in law or equity, to property, persons or government funding agency, including wrongful death ,arising out of or incident to any intentional or negligent acts,errors or omissions of the RECIPIENT, its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT, the PROJECT or the SCOPE OF WORK. RECIPIENT'S obligation to indemnify includes 4 17336.00005\41471305.2 without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and reasonable attorneys' fees, expert witness fees and other related costs and expenses of defense. RECIPIENT shall defend, at its own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants in connection with this AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants in any such suits, actions or other legal proceedings, including any settlement. RECIPIENT's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds. The indemnity obligation shall not apply to the extent of any negligence or willful misconduct of RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and consultants. This section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. Flckenditure of funds by_ItecipAent PSiortp_Txccutipn of Agreement. RECIPIENT may commence the Project starting July 1, 2023, and costs incurred following such date will be eligible for reimbursement under this AGREEMENT, provided they otherwise meet the requirements herein, and provided that this AGREEMENT is executed no later than October 1, 2023. 8. Complipce with Applicable Laws and Insurance. RECIPIENT agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including public contracting laws, requirements for any local state or federal funding used, and records retention and performance reporting requirements concerning the SCOPE OF WORK and PROJECT, which applicable laws and regulations shall be passed on to contractors by RECIPIENT as applicable. RECIPIENT shall have the responsibility of making sure the appropriate amounts of insurance are included in all applicable agreements for the construction of the PROJECT and RCTC shall be named as an Additional Insured on all insurance certificates obtained for the completion of the PROJECT. PROJECT insurance funds shall be looked to first for the repayment of any claims determined to have merit. 9. Representatives of the Parties. RCTC's Executive Director, or his or her designee, shall serve as RCTC's representative and shall have the authority to act on behalf of RCTC for all purposes under this AGREEMENT. RECIPIENT's representative shall be the individual identified in the Project application as RECIPIENT'S representative to RCTC. RECIPIENT'S representative, or designee, shall have the authority to act on behalf of RECIPIENT for all purposes under this AGREEMENT and shall coordinate all activities with RCTC concerning the SCOPE OF WORK under the RECIPIENT's responsibility. RECIPIENT shall work closely and cooperate fully with RCTC's representative and any other agencies which may have jurisdiction over or an interest in the PROJECT. 10. Monitorino of Progress by RCTC. RECIPIENT shall allow RCTC's designated representative, or designee, to inspect or review the progress of the work at any reasonable time with prior written notice by RCTC. RCTC may request that the RECIPIENT provide RCTC with progress reports concerning the status of the SCOPE OF WORK and PROJECT completion. 11. Binding on Successors in Interest. Each and every provision of this AGREEMENT shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of the Parties. Due to the specific obligations contemplated herein, this AGREEMENT may not be assigned by any Party hereto except with the prior written consent of the other Party. 5 17336.00005\41471305.2 12.Independent Contractors. Any person or entities retained by RECIPIENT or any contractor shall be retained on an independent contractor basis and shall not be employees of RCTC. Any personnel performing services on the PROJECT shall at all times be under the exclusive direction and control of the RECIPIENT or contractor, whichever is applicable. The RECIPIENT or contractor shall pay all wages, salaries and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of services on the SCOPE OF WORK and as required by law. The RECIPIENT or contractor shall be responsible for all reports and obligations concerning such personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding,unemployment insurance and workers' compensation insurance. 13. Conflicts of Interest. For the term of this AGREEMENT,no member, officer or employee of RECIPIENT or RCTC,during the term of his or her service with RECIPIENT or RCTC, as the case may be,shall have any direct interest in this AGREEMENT,or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 14. Termination. This AGREEMENT may be terminated for cause or convenience as further specified below. 14.1 Termination for Convenience. Either RCTC or RECIPIENT may, by written notice to the other party, terminate this AGREEMENT, in whole or in part, for convenience by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. 14.2 Effect of Termination for Convenience. In the event that RECIPIENT terminates this AGREEMENT for convenience, RECIPIENT shall, within 180 days, repay to RCTC in full all PROGRAM funds provided to RECIPIENT under this AGREEMENT. In the event that RCTC terminates this AGREEMENT for convenience, RCTC shall, within 90 days, distribute to the RECIPIENT PROGRAM funds in an amount equal to the aggregate total of all unpaid invoices which have been received from RECIPIENT regarding the SCOPE OF WORK for the PROJECT at the time of the notice of termination;provided, however, that RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6, including but not limited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information from RECIPIENT. This AGREEMENT shall terminate upon receipt by the non-terminating party of the amounts due it under this Section 14. 14.3 Termination for Cause. Either RCTC or RECIPIENT may, by written notice to the other party, terminate this AGREEMENT, in whole or in part, in response to a material breach hereof by the other Party, by giving written notice to the other Party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof The written notice shall provide a thirty (30) day period to cure any alleged breach. During the 30 day cure period, the Parties shall discuss, in good faith,the manner in which the breach can be cured. 14.4 Effect of Termination for Cause. In the event that RECIPIENT terminates this AGREEMENT in response to RCTC's uncured material breach hereof, RCTC shall, within ninety (90) days, distribute to the RECIPIENT PROGRAM funds in an amount equal to the aggregate total of all unpaid invoices which have been received from RECIPIENT regarding the SCOPE OF WORK for the PROJECT at the time of the notice of termination. In the event that RCTC terminates this AGREEMENT in response to the RECIPIENT's uncured material breach hereof, the RECIPIENT shall, within one hundred eighty (180) days, repay to RCTC in full all 6 17336.00005141471305.2 PROGRAM funds provided to RECIPIENT under this AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding termination of this AGREEMENT by RCTC pursuant to this Section 14.4, RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6, including but not limited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information. This AGREEMENT shall terminate upon receipt by the terminating Party of the amounts due it under this Section 14.4. 14.5 No_progom Fundim. In the event that RCTC determines there are inadequate PROGRAM funds for whatever reason, RCTC shall have the right to immediately terminate the AGREEMENT with written notice to RECIPIENT. In the event that RCTC terminates this AGREEMENT under this Section 14.5,RCTC shall,within 90 days, distribute to the RECIPIENT PROGRAM funds in an amount equal to the aggregate total of all unpaid invoices which have been received from RECIPIENT regarding the SCOPE OF WORK for the PROJECT at the time of the notice of termination; provided, however, that RCTC shall be entitled to exercise its rights under Section 2.6, including but not limited to conducting a review of the invoices and requesting additional information from RECIPIENT. 14.6 Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Parties provided in this Section 14 are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this AGREEMENT. 15. Notice. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be effective upon receipt by the other Party. All notices and communications between the Parties to this AGREEMENT shall be addressed as set forth below and provided by any of the following methods (i)personally delivered; (ii) sent by electronic mail, with a subject line clearly identifying this AGREEMENT,read receipt requested, and a cc:provided to the identified staff; (iii) sent by first-class mail, return receipt requested; or (iv) sent by overnight express delivery service with postage or other charges fully prepaid. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notices of dispute or termination sent by electronic mail must be followed by hard copy mailed notice to be effective. Notwithstanding the foregoing, invoices and requests for changes to the SCOPE OF WORK, shall be submitted through the Rivtrack system as specified in this AGREEMENT. TO RCTC: TO RECIPIENT: Anne Mayer Armando Baldizzone Executive Director City Engineer RCTC Cathedral City 4080 Lemon Street,3rd Floor 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Riverside, California 92501 Cathedral City, CA 92234 Phone: (951) 787-7141 (760) 770-0329 e-mail: amayer@rctc.org abaldizzone@cathedralcity.gov cc: .1Chan@RCTC.org Any party may update its address and contact information by providing written notice of the new information to the other Parties in accordance with this Section 15. 16. prevailing_Wages. RECIPIENT is alerted to the requirements of California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq., which require the payment of prevailing wages where the SCOPE OF WORK or any portion thereof is determined to be a "public work," as defined therein. 7 17336.00005\41471305.2 RECIPIENT shall ensure compliance with applicable prevailing wage requirements by any person or entity hired to perform the SCOPE OF WORK or any portion thereof falling within the definition of"public work." RECIPIENT shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RCTC, its officers, employees, consultants, and agents from any claim or liability, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from any failure or alleged failure to comply with California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seg. on the PROJECT. 17.Equal Opportunity Employment. The Parties represent that they are equal opportunity employers and they shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race,religion,color,national origin,sexual orientation, ancestry,sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. 18.EntireAgreement. This AGREEMENT embodies the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties pertaining to the matters described herein and supersedes and cancels all prior oral or written agreements between the Parties with respect to these matters. Each Party acknowledges that no Party, agent or representative of the other Party has made any promise, representation or warranty, express or implied, not expressly contained in this AGREEMENT, that induced the other Party to sign this document. Modifications to this AGREEMENT shall be in the form of a written amendment executed by authorized representatives of the Parties to be bound. 19 Governing Law. Venue and Severability. This AGREEMENT shall be governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Riverside County. if any portion of this AGREEMENT is found to be unenforceable by a court of law with appropriate jurisdiction, the remainder of the AGREEMENT shall be severable and survive as binding on the Parties. 20. Attorneys' and Other Fees. If any legal action is initiated for the enforcement/interpretation of this AGREEMENT, or because of any alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this AGREEMENT, the successful or prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, witness fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled as determined by a court of law or appointed decider under alternative legal proceedings. 21.No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 22. Section Headings and Interpretation. The section headings contained herein are for convenience only and shall not affect in any way the interpretation of any of the provisions contained herein. The AGREEMENT shall not be interpreted as being drafted by any Party or its counsel. 23. No Waiver. Failure of RCTC to insist on any one occasion upon strict compliance with any of the terms,covenants or conditions in this AGREEMENT shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any rights or powers hereunder at any one time or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such other right or power provided under applicable law. 8 I 7336.00005 414'71305.2 24. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this AGREEMENT. 25. Countematts. This AGREEMENT may be executed in any nu er of counterparts,each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all which together will constitute but one agreement. 26. Form of Signatures. A manually signed copy of this Agreement which is transmitted by facsimile, email or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Agreement for all purposes. This Agreement may be signed using an electronic signature. 27. Survival. All rights and obligations under this AGREEMENT that by their nature are to continue after any expiration or termination of this AGREEMENT shall survive any such expiration or termination. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] 9 17336.00005 141471305 2 SIGNATU 'E PAGE TO AGREE NT NO. 246201100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION CO ISSION AGREE ENT FOR F DING UNDER SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDEST' N FACILITIES PROGRA IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date, RCTC RECIPIENT CAT E IITAL CITY By: //Gen X 7/1/0/ W. Anne Mayer, Executive Director Name: Ce M(Xlei P. 0,C1--(9-viovi Title: rn eel/ APPROVED AS TO PORK1 APPROVED AS TO FOR TT- ) Best,Best&Krieger LLP B By: Name Ge r a to TC eine' Title: „„. ene .txT 10 1 7336.00005‘41471305 2 ATTACH I NT I (RECIPIENT APPLICATION FOR DING) Attachment 1 J7336330005i414713 5.2 uestionnair?Tab. Email address: ashley.adamos@stctraffic.com Project Name: Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes Hos this Project been previously awarded in a post SB 821 Cycle? 0,, No Yes,in 17-18 FY Cycle Yes,in 19-20 FY Cycle Yes,in 21-22 FY Cycle Lead Agency: Cathedral City Memorandum of Understanding By October 1,2023,awordees will execute the Project MOU with the Commission.To streamline the process,please provide the name and contact information or the individual who will be the signatory on the MOU. 1 his is typically the City Manager,City Engineer,or Public Works Director. MOU Signatory • Title: • Armando Baldizione City Engineer Email address: • abaldizione@cathedralcity,gov Project Contact Person Provide contact information for Project's contact person.This could be the Public Works Director,the Project Manager,or other City/County Stall Project Contact is the same as current user Project Contact Person: Title: • Andrew Lee Assistant Engineer Email address: • Phone Number: alee@catheciralcity.gav (760)710-0319 Project Overview Project Type(check all that apply)• • Bicycle Project Pedestrian Project Multi-use Trail Project Non-Infrastructure/Plan Project locate in a Disadvantage Community,per SB-535?• Yes No • Partial Does the proposed project include any of the following(check all that apply)?• Curb Gutter Driveway Ramp to. Project does not include any of the above Prpiect Applicoption Project Number:000188 Agency:Cathedral Project Name:Whispering Palms Trail Class Ill Status:Submitted To RCTC City Bike Routes Project Type:Bicycle Project ,i. ,.,,,q.:Fty,,:,S,'Aw7MVrSWAMWW39tDIX!WP;A,KSWVVftifrzUaiNeAAMRRWP3nWMMqO99.MIP,P312MF,RMMP'PZ3PNMPjPRMSrrtSA4STF 2h9lf,WSIWOUVOY,ire4q1;VPOWSMOBAWASIWISMNB9MNISOSSMOOMINOMA09401009004000010NWOIStASSiBWOMrOigiSSOMOSSar OV.0.410v*A0460140.6944W6AWW%,,AmW**rer04$Www5A4A.mW04440090M4,1"00&04140,WAWWWWWOMOA8SAOPV049441~~4AmAk.mmr,worwWwhh.mw Kmm.,:i.,,.w4Nwwwsoorrftskting,i*stv,,'NtStywqmoomr03,, ,,,,,,,,foomiAtNotlootOrPiNSAPWAW.VOIregre4Ww?,,MMA:',otakt!WWWIMWS:.:0,WW"SOVWXworMNAMM, Improvements on Whispering Palms Trait from 30th Avenue to Dinah Shore Drive(2 miles): •Class III bike routes •Shared lane/sharrow pavement markings •Bicycle boxes for northbound and southbound approaches at Ramon Rood 364 of 500 Characters ,,,m5%,,,,Arvemtotzmsf,.l:„.Rczqq:iwyor;emrm,c.W.N.gr,CRrNVAMQrnrnprVr92NpfgS9APQPSENPVNRWPW.N"'rMV,VPMRBHaW'5 kg?;,f, VPTMAVPWISISIIURIUHEOVAZWOZMPIMVSPOVMMRSHWKINRNMBOSYSAOOOSNZRVIZJMEIIOAIMSPISOMBOVEPXPOVXW !!!'4404011/06940t1904105*WMVONMARWOIWOIWOOUnAgOOMOMINg9a00099%00:004t64*~ROWWWSWAIMOIWWWWW44#034344W3eit Enter the project costs for PA/ED,PS&E,ROW,Construction and Local Match in the fields provided below.The gray fields contain formulas that will calculate the Total Project Cost,SB 821 Request,and the Percentage Splits. 10%Programming Cap:$690,120.20 20%Programming Cap:$1,3110,240.40 Agency Split% RCTC Split% PA&ED: Local Match: Local Match: 5,000.00 372,000.00 35% 372,000.00 35% PS&E: eq S Request:uest:B 821 SB 821 30,000.00 690,000.00 65% 690,000.00 65% R ROW: 0.00 100% 100% Construction: 1,017,000.00 Administration: 10,000.00 Total Project 1,062,000.00 Cost: For completed phases,provide supporting documentation such as copies of environmental clearance,title sheet of 100%plans with engineer's stc3mp,or right of way clearance and attach in section J. Start End PA&ED: 07/01/2023 12/01/2023 PS&E: 12/01/2023 06/01/2024 ROW: Construction: 09/01/2024 03/01/200 Close out 03/01/2025 06/01/2025 falltanWPRICORSINUPWISNWMINNONNIMINIRM"'"4"70PERinifrWriteqW7VIA,ORW tosook*Mi,v4, AA11.11AVOM,0„4,*olf4RAMOstOtarti#V1140,NOtiNt,,NOWSOZIr Iftd*,'iL1 $4,014%)V, t4J." 0100,00:(' Varkrofrkm,h40,11NNANdenloolUMM*406,trAoroNotolsogontemti, .91morroA:•01 NOtrio* **,, ItokfAl 11,444torro, 011101NWAMOSOOMOWskeittgallOrttrOMMISMOVE191,8810MatiallairMA‘A .„4‘,Mildittik:14461064,41nett,,,, tutaggirtmo Describe the project background and the existing conditions of the larger project area and or project vicinity. Discussion can include background information on current roadway configuration,missing bike and pedestrian facilities,and importance of project to local active transportation users.If possible,upload photographs of existing conditions. Describe the project in its entirety.Include the purpose and need,benefit,and location of the project.Provide a map showing existing and proposed project improvements.If available,upload typical cross-sections showing vehicular lane widths,active transportation facilities width,and any landscaping or lighting features in section J. Cathedral City recently adopted on Active Transportation Plan(ATP)in February 2023,which provides a framework for improving mobility conditions for pedestrians,bicyclists,and transit users and supporting safe connections to key destinations throughout the City.Bicycle projects were identified based on extensive community outreach and analysis of existing conditions.Outreach included stakeholder working group meetings,In-person events,multiple rounds of bicycling audits,and surveys.Existing conditions assessments Included network connectivity, roadway conditions environmental issues,safety,crash data,equity,and considerations for the most vulnerable roadway users such as children,seniors,and historically disadvantaged populations were evaluated Based on additional ATP scoring factors for technical complexity, cost,community priority,and whether improvements were already included within local/community plans,Class III bicycle routes on Whispering Palms Trail were identified as a top-scoring priority project. Improvements to Whispering Palms Trail will be from 30th Avenue to Dinah Shore Drive.Whispering Palm Trail runs north-south and is a 2-lane undivided local roadway with a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH)and curb-to-curb width of 40 feet.There are curbs,gutters,and intermittent sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps along both sides of the roadway.The projectcorridor Is zoned for single family residential except near the intersection with Ramon Road,which is a commercial area.Landau Elementary School and Mount San Jacinto High School are located adjacent to the north end of the project corridor.Sunline Transit Agency Route 4 runs along 30th Avenue and there are two bus stops located to the east near the Intersections of 30th Avenue with Avenida Maravilla and Avenida Ximino.SunLine Transit Agency Route 2 runs along Ramon Road and there are four bus stop shelters located adjacent to the signalized intersection of Whispering Palms Trail and Ramon Road,including two to the west near Landau Boulevard and two to the east near Sky Blue Water Trail.Socioeconomic analyses conducted in the Cathedral City ATP identifies Whispering Palms Trail as having the highest population density in the City with 2020 data indicating between 4,063 and 13,660 people per square mile;having o population of low income households(low income/total households)between 41%and 60%;having a school age population(ages 5 to 17)between 11%and 25%;having a population of households with limited English proficiency between 0%and 7%;and being an Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)environmental justice priority area.Communities impacted by environmental justice include low-income communities that are commonly affected by environmental degradation and air pollution,are correlated with higher percentage of zero-care household communities,and have transportation analysis zones(742s)with a higher concentration of minority populations and households in poverty compared to the greater SCAG region.Landau Elementary School and Mount San Jacinto High School are Title I schools that receive federal education program support for low-Income students.Landau Elementary School has a 2022-2023 school year enrollment of 608 students,with 98.3%of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals(FRPM).Mount San Jacinto High School has a 2022-2023 school year enrollment of 426 students with 983%FRPM.The majority of students at both schools walk or bike to travel toand from school. The proposed project will provide a critically needed north-south bicycle facility that will connect residential areas to local schools,transit,and adjacent key community destinations.Landau Boulevard is a parallel roadway just west of Whispering Palms Trail,that runs from Vista Chino to Ramon Road.It is a 4-lane major highway divided by a two-way left-turn lane with a posted speed limit of 45 MPH and conventional Class II bicycle lanes.Based on counts collected between 2017 and 2018,Landau Boulevard has 19,000 average daily traffic(ADT).Community outreach feedback and bicycle audits that were conducted during the day and at night found that residents utilize Whispering Palms Trail as an alternative to walking and bicycling on Landau Boulevard due to lower vehicular volumes and speeds.Residents with school age children have students from age 5 to 17 that walk and bike along the project corridor to local schools.Residents have expressed a desire for pavement improvements to create an even surface for bicycling and for bicycle and wayfinding signage to enhance safety.Outreach feedback also demonstrated a strong community desire for the Class III bike routes to enhance connectivity to the recently constructed 2.3 mile segment of the CV Link,a Class I multi-use bicycle,pedestrian, and low-speed electric vehicles(I.SEV)path,between Ramon Road in Cathedral City and Vista Chino in Polm Springs.The CV Link-Romon Road access point is located approximately 0.5 mile east of the project intersection of Whispering Palms Trails and Ramon Road.The Class III bicycle routes project will Include shared lane/sharrow pavement markings,bicycle route and wayfinding slgnage,and bicycle boxes and bicycle detection for the northbound and southbound approaches of Whispering Palm Trails at the signalized Intersection at Ramon Road, pavement improvements to ensure a smooth and level surface for bicyclists,and new roadway signage and striping.The Class III bicycle route improvements will be installed on both sides of the project corridor,utilizing the existing public right-of-way.lire proposed project will increase the active transportation network connectivity and provide enhanced safety for residents that walk and bike on the project corridor to reach key local and regional community destinations. Attachment 1,provided in section J,includes project vicinity and area maps,existing and proposed project improvement exhibits,typical cross-section exhibits,photos of existing conditions,and a SB-535 disadvantaged community map. . . Briefly summarize and list all the destinations served by the proposed project.Provide a project vicinity map identifying all the destinations served by the proposed project within a%mile or a 2-mile radius.Destinations are schools or higher education facilities,commercial centers,municipal or any other civic centers,medical facilities,and recreational centers. For pedestrian projects,the destinations need to be within%mile radius to be eligible.For bicycle or multi-use trail projects,destinations need to be within a 2-mile radius.Each destination served will receive 2 points each. On the map,provide a%mile buffer or a 2-mile buffer surrounding the project site.Maps without the marked buffer will receive half of its eligible points. The Whispering Palms Trail Class Ill Bike Routes project will enhance connectivity to 53 community destinations that are within a 2-mile radius of the project corridor,including 11 arts/tourist attraction destinations,4 medical facilities,B open space destinations,B public facility/civic destinations,10 schools,and 12 shopping center destinations.Attachment 2,provided in section includes vicinity and project area maps that illustrate the community destinations relative to the project corridor. Arts/tourist attraction destinations: •Desert Princess Country Club Cimarron Golf Resort•Palm Springs Lanes•Big League Dreams Cathedral City Sports Complex•Regency Cathedral City 10 Theater•Cathedral Canyon Golf Club.Boomers Amusement Center•Date Palm Country Club•Pickford Theater•Coachella Valley Repertory Theater•Agua Caliente Casino Medical facility destinations:.Stonewall Medical Center•Centro Medico Cathedral City•Eisenhower Primary Care Center• Eisenhower Health Center at Cathedral City-North Open space destinations:•Rio Vista Circle Park Panorama Park•Dennis Keat Soccer Park• Century Park•Ocotillo Park.Patriot Park•Cathedral City Festival Lawn•Town Square Park Public facility/civic destinations:•Canyon Springs Developmental Center•United Stated Postal Service Office•Cathedral City Branch Library•County of Riverside Adult/Public Social Services- Cathedral City Police Department•Cathedral City City Hall•Cathedra)City Fire Department Station 411•Cathedral City Community/Senior Center School destinations:•Rio Vista Elementary School•James Workman Middle School•Landau Elementary School•Ague Caliente Elementary School•Mt San Jacinto High School•Sunny Sands Elementary School•Nellie N Coffman Middle School Mayfield College•Cathedral City Elementary School•Palm Valley School*Mt San Jacinto High School•Sunny Sands Elementary School•Cathedral City Elementary School• Palm Valley School Shopping center destinations:•Ramon Plaza Century Plaza Shopping Center•Cathedral Village Shopping Center• Cathedral City Marketplace•Canyon Plaza Shopping Center Esplanade Shopping Center•Mission Plaza Shopping Center•Jessup Auto Plaza• Perez Business Park•Cathedral City Plaza•Palm Canyon Plaza•Cathedral Canyon Gateway Plaza tliW- ,;;KaltrOWISTW7R7ITT41,1e."4[V,WIVRMT7"'''''WTONTV''''''r,N itowiiimip4z0z0v,Awizt4400,M riT,T4Tart4,ToTesin" 4t$04140,-, -.) AI5‘' \\4If'Icw4tioNom kaii4,04440 lVkA.;„lo,I,t)I,MM5Mooig*l'VMWW**Vtg*ifiwrWttttVrkttlk` "Nle' , -q,',i$))*INR;t4C14 .94t4 VtiitAlniAttietiOWANVInkftWtqatingnaNtagliWiititA1110i0aAggW14170110iagOtigALI%%6 Describe the extent to which the proposed project will increase safety for the non-motorized public.Additionally, explain any safety enhancement features included in the project scope,such as rectangular rapid flashing beacons, bicycle box(see https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/provencountermeasures/).Include information about project characteristics such as:no existing shoulder within project limits,no existing/planned sidewalk or bikeway adjacent to the project,etc.Applicants may wish to consider including documented pedestrian/bicycle collision or injury history, most current and valid 85th percentile speed of motorized traffic in project limits,photos of existing safety hazards the project will address,existing pedestrian/bicycle traffic counts,student attendance figures for school served by project. Additionally generate a collision heat map for the project site using collision data from the last ten years,Heat map can be generated using the ATP Maps&Summary interface from TIMS(https://tims.berkeley.edu/)or Crossroads. Upload map in section J. The Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes project will enhance bicycle safety by repairing unsafe pavement conditions and providing enhanced signing and striping to increase bicycle safety.The United States Department of Transportation(USDOT)Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)Bikeway Selection Guide notes that shored lanes,where bicyclists ride in mixed traffic,can be o positive and affordable solution when designed correctly and used in the correct context.Research indicates that shared lane markings(SLM)and signs can inform people driving that bicyclists may operate in the lane,show where to expect cyclists,and can decrease the prevalence of sidewalk riding.The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices(CA MUTCD)recommends that bike routes that are shared with motor vehicles be restricted to low-volume and low-speed roadways with operating speeds of 35 MPH or less and that SLM or"sharrow•roadway markings and signs be utilized to enhance bicycle awareness and safety Crash data from the University of California,Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center(SafeTREC)Transportation InjuryMapping System(TIMS)for the most recent ten years of data,from January1,2011to December 31,2020,identified 3 bicycle collisions and 5 pedestrian collisions that occurred along the project corridor.The bicycle collisions included 1 other visible injury of a 13-year old and 2 complaint of pain injuries,involving a 9-year old and 12-yeat old.The primary collision factors were 1 unsafe speed and 2 wrong side of road.The pedestrian collisions included 1 fatality of a 52-yeor old and 4 other visible injuries,involving on age range from 16-years old to 54-years old.The primary collision factors were 3 pedestrian violations,1 pedestrian right-of-way violation,and other hazardous violation,Attachment 3,provided in section J,includes the TIMS Active Transportation Program(ATP)Maps&Summary Data Report with a County/City heat map,community heat map,project area crash map,crash summary,and crash list The proposed project Includes improvements,within the existing right-of-way,to both sides of the roadway for shared lone/sharrow pavement markings,bicycle route and waytinding signoge,and bicycle boxes and bicycle detection for the northbound and southbound approaches of Whispering Palm Trails at the signalized intersection at Ramon Road,pavement Improvements to ensure a smooth and level surface for bicyclists,and new roadway signage and striping.Based on an assessment of pavement conditions,improvements were identified for the project corridor.The City Is providing matching funds,as part of the fiscal year 2023-2024 annual budget,by removing and replacing 3 inches of AC along the project corridor from Vega Road to Baristo Rood.A rubberized emulsion asphalt slurry will be applied to remainder of the corridor from 30th Avenue to Vega Road and from Baristo Road to Dinah Shore Drive.This will further enhance bicyclist safety by creating a level,smooth,and rideable surface.Solar radar speed feedback signs will also be installed along the project corridor near 30th Avenue,Ramon Road,and Dinah Shore Drive to provide a visual warning to drivers that ore travelling over the speed limit.Speed surveys conducted along the project corridor found that the 85th percentile speed rose from 2?MPH in 2017 to 35 MPH in 2020,which are above the 25 MPH posted speed limit.The City recently performed a speed survey analysis for the project corridor in March 2023 and found that the 85th percentile speed were 35 MPH,which is 10 MPH above the posted speed limit They study recommended the installation of speed display signage.Project improvements are in accordance with USDOT, FHWA,CA MUTCD,and Caltrans guidelines,including the July 2020 Highway Design Manual Chapter 1000 Bicycle Transportation Design for Class III bike routes,The goal of the project is to enhance safety for some of the City's most vulnerable roadway users,school-age children and seniors, who utilize active transportation along the project corridor to access important community destinations such as schools,retail,and transit.This project directly addresses the community needs and feedback identified in the Cathedral City ATP.Attachment 3,provided in section J,includes the UC Berkeley SofeTREC TIMS ATP Maps and Summary Data Report,Tandua Elementary School and Mount San Jacinto High School Demographics,2017 and 2020 Whispering Palms Trail Speed Surveys,and 20203 Whispering Palms Trail Speed Survey Analysis and Recommendations. In a project vicinity map,identify all the bus routes,Metrolink stations,park-and-ride facilities,bicycle lanes,sidewalks or crosswalks improved by the proposed project within a%mile or a 2-mile radius. For pedestrian projects,these amenities need to be within% mile radius to be eligible.For bicycle or multi-use trail projects,amenities need to be within a 2-mile radius.Each amenity will receive 1 point. On the map,provide a%mile buffer or a 2-mile buffer surrounding the project site.Maps without the marked buffer will receive half of its eligible points. Upload map in section J. Below,discuss how the project along with its nearby amenities encourage multi-modcilism.Briefly summarize and list all the bus stops,Metrolink Stations,park-and-ride facilities,missing bicycle or sidewalks,or crosswalks enhanced by the proposed project and indicate if the items are existing or planned. The Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes project will enhance and encourage multi-modallsm by providing connections to the bicycle, pedestrian,and transit networks.The project would provide a north-south bicycle connection between 30th Avenue and Dinah Shore Drive. There are Class II bicycle lanes along 30th Avenue and Landau Boulevard.There are intermittent sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps along the project corridor on both sides of the roadway,which connect to sidewalks along the major roadway crossings at 30th Avenue,McCallum Way,Roman Road,Ortega Road,and Dinah Shore Drive,Sunline Transit Agency Route 4 runs along 30th Avenue and there are two bus stops located to the east near the intersections of 30th Avenue with Avenida Maravilla and Avenida Ximino.Sunline Transit Agency Route 2 runs along Ramon Road and there are four bus stop shelters located adjacent to the signalized intersection of Whispering Palms Trail and Ramon Road, including two to the west near Landau Boulevard and two to the east near Sky Blue Water Trail The proposed project would provide additional first and lost-mile connections for transit users to reach community destinations within Cathedral City,Palm Springs,Thousand Palms,Rancho Mirage,Palm Desert,and Indian Wells.Attachment 4,provided in section J,includes vicinity and project area maps that illustrate the bike lanes, sidewalks,and transit routes and stops that are within a 2-mile radius of the project corridor, Bicycle Facilities CV Link Class I multi-use bicycle, pedestrian,and low-speed electric vehicles(LSEV)path•Class II bicycle lanes along Vista Chino,Landau Boulevard,30th Avenue,Cathedral Canyon Drive,Date Palm Drive,and Gerland Ford Drive•Class UI bicycle routes along Verona Road,Avenida Quintana,Avenida Maravilla, Tachevah Drive,Avenida del Yermo,Ortega Road,Plumley Road,Victoria Dhve,Converse Road,Buddy Rodgers Avenue,Van Fleet Street,D Street Hillcrest Road,and Bankside Drive Pedestrian Facilities•Sidewalks and curb ramps along both sides of the roadway along the project corridor. Sidewalks along the major roadways that intersect with the project corridor,including 30th Avenue,McCallum Way,Ramon Road,Ortega Road, and Dinah Shore Drive•Sidewalks along Vista Chino,Landau Boulevard,Avenida Maravilla,Date Palm Drive,Tachevah Drive,Cathedral Canyon Drive,Plumley Road,Do Vail Drive,Victoria Drive,Converse Road,Gerald Ford Drive,Perez Road,and East Palm Canyon Drive Transit Facilities• Sunline Transit Agency Route 1WV:Palm Springs-Cathedral City-Rancho Mirage•Sunline Transit Agency Route 2:Desert Hot Springs-Palm Springs-Cathedral Canyon•Sunline Transit Agency Route 4:Palm Springs-Cathedral City-Thousand Palms-Rancho Mirage-Palm Desert•76 Sunline Transit Agency Bus Stops,including 4 bus shelters adjacent to the project corridor near the intersection of Whispeting Palms Trail and Ramon Road Park-and-Ride Facility at Cathedral City Downtown Parking Structure 01/10111PROMINTINIttilarlieleall,1101rIVRIOOPONWT1411,,MMIN4rWc,Mil 8030444,,i,4,110ilt*4:4 L4,41:,414,412N,‘8101,81222012448128Arti&VDM02222101141124N,02,108k, IPY-skP-44 '..:0),‘,14444&N)A0 DOPlataetStd"blltd"titgat*M"OtMINg~883tAgDSIDSMINMIDTMMD112,8111221r:TAMIWSV:AN,NDDatWaf 10%Programming Cap:$690,120.20 20%Programming Cap: 81,380,240.40 Match% Points Agency Sprit% Match Points Local Match: 372,000.00 35% 7.00 45% 9 SB 821 Request: 690,000.00 40% 8 65% 35% 7 100% 30% 6 25% 5 20% 4 15% 3 10% 2 5% 1 0% 0 4K:unromo,,,,,44,0LoLLsoompokowsfolVimeitssomertos34, ,,,j4,644,41,0„044„,,,,,,„„.4,,,",;;4„,,,,,„ ,, pnr.F.k.70:T=Mitk",01e(1041:4tt'IrMILWALMUMLOONSMASIAL5ftw:romo,:emodospipmgamm,0:001:agvwuroonkew,OLow*sLovam.4*440w0A4F0044imookmAgm NoLCA'Z'''''4,004:4:it,'04:0-',,A,:isLLULLolftiki0:404aLAAALPARLAVALAMPPAIALLEILWAVOLOWILISKOSILLLSIOLLLAALSOMALRAPLAVLSBALMALLSALOLLANDSALIALIMSAMASSAIIALMBSSIM' i '''!',4'z', M1'.4>': O'''Y'tAII"LSF,M;;'L'2''''X'WLR:sis',CgLOaXILRWBMWAILLZ4K'Ai:WINB:LLVBig',gWL:ZMLWL49K:M'LWag.PMI:LlkgiafeLLiga*:::MSBL*L*LqjLMAAAWLT Agency:Cathedral City Population Equity Points 2.00 iiif:,,Mi:iA'AiLiiiRaiNgale0PaOUV*%0141,0MijA5481"PW:40LRMA:PASZALLAftp*Ore,SLARILL2WAgLILLW:ipiiLIOSPLIAMPLIALWALAPPAILALMWALOWAy' v;,LL Upload attachments indicated from previous sections. Title Document Type D_Project Background&Project Description.pdf Project Background&Project Description Map 2-E_Destinations Served.pdf Destinations Served Project Map 3-F_Safety.pdf Safety Project Map 4-G_Multimodal Access.pdf Multimodal Access Project Map 5_Commitment to Local Match.pdf Commitment to Local Match 6_Projects Engineers Estimate.pdf Project's Engineers Estimate flifi I certify that the information presented herein is complete and accurate. Name:Ashley Adamos Title:Senior Management Analyst Date:04/27/2023 04/05/2023 TIMS-lbansportabon!spry Wapping Systmn A 4 i 4 O . a The tool is designed to support the California Active Transportation Program (ATP), as well as active transportation users and practitioners throughout California, The tool utilizes interactive crash maps to allow users to track and document pedestrian and bicycle crashes and generate data summaries within specified project and/or co unity limits, Step 1: Select a County/City, :Ike 'ed, Severity, and Years County: Riverside City: Cathedral City Include 1 mile buffer outside of selected County/City: No Include State Highway Related Crashes: Yes Involved With: Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Severity: Fatal, Severe Injury,Other Visible Injury, and Complaint of Pain Year: 2011 -2020 Crash Summary for initial parameters defined above: Number of Crashes by Crash Severity involved With Fatal Severe Injury Visible Injury Complaint of Pain Total Bicycle 4 5 31 24 64 Pedestrian 22 16 40 31 109 Imps Mans berkeley eriukools/atp/ F1-1 1/6 0410512023 TIMS-Transpon tation fmury Mappkng System County/City Heat Map: Step 2: Identi your project area to develop a o ore localized Co II o unity eat ap Select the size of your proposed project limits: <!--Project has limits that are -->Less than 3 miles across. #or Crashes 424 se 14 littps anus belkeicy eduhoolstatp/ F1-2 2/6 04/05/2023 TIMS Tisnsportatioli Injuly Slag3pIng System Co unity Heat Map: Step 3: l raw the project boundaries to get detailed crash data suit aries and uap '1•A' I Yf Nc6.Z.' #of Crashes ° The heat map filtetistly scale s castotra gene;(Ited for the selected commactcrtv httl)s berkeley eduttools/ati)/ F1-3 3/6 04/05/2023 TI 38 S-13 crape]twice Injury lailapptila System Project Area Crash Map: 8 total crashes. i p , Step 4: ' eview the ® crash i ap 'Ataaitiya.V.E.d. ' .7 ....0.5% % avogg some Pr % , i If 5 A2t • 5 5 a tio sat Maloof. 4% d 5 2d la i o i I ED.-run, cky, re''''''''114 38 a 3 a 3 Te4 E idi. Diane Lo i E' '' 'p.thiaiiia Pt ga i tio tioRil g i 1 0 _ 1 , . 2 2 a Otor.sa ita 7? / 5 td Yoga Rd ,,k t ... - . . i `iig 1 StRialta 4 It'.' L'eta‘ai 333 ist83 f gEt 8 a t3 3 s ; 11 1 e 3- i c, Rd a :a- . i ail „EEleadata Rd 33 VI a t , g g ; E g e g yes•dr,I Pleas: a'at C a 6, at a a ; 76' Non . Drly t ,- l, 0 at t, ascssessetas f ft a 3 3 f 3 22 w % 2 '4'. VkaDDODlld 1 t a 1 1 il .:g" 1 t ES trataba Rd E!7! Pasta 30°' It as8 a 0 a Et DM la Rd 5 CO id di Tit o o t - d d a le P. 1 6 00 0 g Id'i ';'" I 2 ; iii i Ratak 5 V)'9 g li iil: iy; ; 1 c v yet eg ei ...g ,,1 ti I i is ! -, 8 l2 i I' ' 8 t 1 8 g it a a_ a 73I kaf at Garnar Me i l''a g e 3 se 3 a 3 ti 33a, 3 3 3 ' '13 apa a San taa Ina a A r a 0 It i Vje tit.5 la ., 'i rd I 7 Sat SustanaAva a 3- 3 5 it Sarah St 1 Rho Rd - d R Ramon Rd 1 ttatnoti Rd 'Ramon Rd " i i 7° Sunset Dr * 1 i durddrip Rd att. 8 3 g .•1 r' 4d:a a E tagParocalaIt' g a E al l 8 v v al rai a ig v 0 , Saigg v 0418,61erl RD t Corti Rd 5 Pt a 5 'S 1 = E Sunny Min es R6 o a Ud a 5 ,I. g i sit. g,I4 Via Feat; a Rio Ritnica,E, 4 ; 1110 a it oiS Rit Void, at i 5 iia - 5 ik- Via Grattle - die g Ft ' it 133id 04 Dinah Sae D CD ';'11 1 ti 61a ;CDOZDDr I . a t f. ; g 8 - a 3 s a 8 s a 3 a 1 13 g i i Raid/Rti , Salmi% 1 '4 0 tadiroaqa ad I .Surnat Cii 0 I I oo,Ortega Rd o i 5 , Rate Rails.Rd 0 tit 1 Rd Rd Di hal ,1 H.111 In Fa/NE.6 4.7, ei i'd at g .38 Para Pal . . 0 kaiond itt OlEdoh 51,5it Or .4* Vglit.. i Sea..FtitdE E E,6 % ta' a Crash Severity Fata1 Severe Injury Other Visible injury Complaint of Pain cog face brake ley eau/tools/atm F1®4 es 04/05/2023 11MS-Transportation Moly Mapping System Step 5: Mew the crash su ary data, graphs and tables provided. Summary Results Involved With Fatal Severe Injury Visible Injury Complaint of Pain Total Bicycle 0 0 1 2 3 Pedestnan 1 0 4 0 5 Pedestrian Crashes Annual Growth (N/A) 4 05a 3 -2555 L'.3 2 -5055 d 4 '26 -750 0 -1800 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 No.of Crashes Annual Growth Rate Bicycle Crashes Annual Growth (N/A) 4 054 3 -2555 4.4 2 -5654 c5 -755S 0 s sets ''S‘tes -1 COM. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Y5 No.of Crashes Annual Growth Rate https tetimmbe rade),.edu/tools/a tp/ 81-5 5/6 01/05/2023 TIMS-Transportation Injury Mapping System Crash List CASE ID D. - Ti - Primary Rd Secondary Rd Dist&Dir Bike Ped Killed Injured from Int. 5603338 03/13/2011 19:59 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Trl At Int No Yes 0 2 7138880 09/28/2015 07:32 Whispering Palms Trl Perlita Rd At Int Yes No 0 1 8127032 06/27/2016 20:02 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Tr At Int Yes No 0 1 8305030 10/23/2016 21:25 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Trl At Int No Yes 0 1 8534672 10/02/2017 14:57 Galardo Rd Whispering Palms Trl At Int Yes No 0 1 8663039 12/10/2017 23:19 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Trl 30 ft East No Yes 0 1 9064124 01/13/2020 07:31 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Trl At Int No Yes 0 1 8911792 07/18/2020 20:18 Ramon Rd Whispering Palms Trl At Int No Yes 1 0 Inips://tinisberkeley.eduitools/atp/ F 1-6 6/6 it ' . t California Department of Education Fiscal Year 2022-23 Legend: CDS = County District School 4 February2023 A!of $:0` ,*1) *0' a n,'`‘‘',A. 3 fi`v ars'ids 33671733331121 palm Springs unifieci Mt an Jacinto Hgh 333 Riverside 33671736107601 Palm Springs Unified Landau Elementary Prepared by: California Department of Education Improvement and Accountability Division February 2023 F2-1 fatibrofN.—. SPEED SURVEY (Radar Survey Report #192) Date: MAY 28,2020 To: (See distribution below) From: Robert L.Mohler,Traffic Consultant Location: WHISPERING PALMS(Ramon Rd.to Baristo Rd.)-25 MPH Seed Ltmft Recording Period: MAY 22-28 2020(7 DAYS)via ATS STAT-TRAK Radar Sign Requested by:Edith Van Horn at 31720 Whispering Palms(Her 2nd Speed Survey request)` Reason for Survey: Reported Speeding(See also Speed Survey#131 in Dec.2017)' SPEED SUMMARY REPORT(Based on Radar Sign recordings taken 24/7 during survey) SPEED LIMIT: , — 25 MPH AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC(ADT)s ,2,387 Vehicles per day_198 cars per hour avg.) AVERAGE SPEED Recorded 30 MPH(5 mph over speed limit) �, � .. SN.`k`ru"v+�,'t."':, tl"'�'*''r�d"R§4 '4 ti.. -?t S Y 'a:�., u'.`a"waaAh -oSs':L� S.vY*.k"'�t`� 8�P CENTtLE SPEED 35 MPH(10 mph over posted Speed LiAil�`� s�i.�ns. i.... „.~.�e�ax...--�,c�ta .--: ---e--. �,..x was,�----.4a.,-*. �avat,Ua4`,ti5�,AM ""Ms� ��WM. i . c. ,,,,.,� PERCENT WITHIN POSTED SPEED LIMIT 7 21%of Vehicles(non speedersT PERCENT OVER THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT 79,G C of Vehicles �78 speeders per Kalif avo.L Average Speeder:35 MPH MAXIMUM SPEED RECORDED: 176 MPH on 5/25/20 at 3:34 PM AM a PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUME HOURS . 01 am-Noon)and(5-6 pm)Peak Volumes AM&PM PEAK WEEDING HOURS: f Peak Speedinq(Tlme of Day): (6-6 AM): 86% Speeders (3.4 PM): 100%Speeders (5-6 PM) 85% Speeders The City's portable tAT STAT-TRAICt(Mfg.by All Traffic Solutions,Inc.)records speeds&traffic axm1124/7(R` ed1n{non- displaying"Stealth"mode),specifically Intended to not alert speeders. DISTRIBUTION: Noli Department:Traffic Sgt.Nick Chapman:and Police Chief George Crum Ensrineatiog:John Corella,Director of EngineeringlPubllc Works,and Shawn Maddox,Senior inspector Public Works:Carlos Rodriguez,Field Supervisor,Deanna Pressgrove,Manager Requesting Property Owner,or persons requesting Survey(Noted above) 'Attachment(Previous Speed Survey#131 completed on Whispering Palms in Dec.2017) 1 Carr &intf City SPEED . SURVEYw. (Radar Survey Report #131 . Date: December 20, 2017 To: (See distribution below) From: Robert L. Mohler,Traffic Consultant Location: yvkigpEitplq PALMS tRamon Rd.to Baristo Rd.) (Speed Limit: 25 MPHI Recording Period: NOV. 27-DEC. 12017(5 DAYS)via SPEEDsentr Radar Sigh* Requesting Party: Edith Van Horn, resident on Whispering Palms Reason: Reported speeding on Whispering Palms, north of Ramon Rd. SPEED SUMMARY,REPORT(Based on*Radar Sigri recordings): SPEED LIMN: 25 MPH AVERAGE DAILY VOLUME: 2.595 Vo rr. Vehicles per day(108 per hour overarm) SPEEDS RECORDED:(Ma lorIty 61%at 21-30 mph) (1-10 mpli 0.3%):(11-20 mph:10 of vehicles), (see Vehicle Percentage breakdown to right)> (41--550 m�'2%)`(51 0 mph:0,1%)1-40 mph: ?(81-70mph:1 car) 71.80 daces. 81-90 mph:0% fl tonPERCENTILE SPEED: 27 MPH PERCENT WITHIN SPEED—LIMIT: 71%of vehicles I PERCENT OF SPEEDERS: 29%of vehicles NUMBERS OF SPEEDERS PER DAY:(over 25 MPH) 31-40 mph:(880 cars per day average) 41-50 mph:(42 carstday);51-0 mph:(3 carsfday) 181-70 mph:(1 car in 5 days),71-80 mph:{none) Y PEAK SPEEDING PERIODS(Daily): (7-8 am)and(1-3 pm) `The CiI s portable fSPEEDsenkvl(Mfg,by All Traffic Solutions,Inc.)records speeds&traffic counts 24l7(recording In 10 MPH Increments).Recopied In(non-displaying"Stealth"mode),specificaly Inarnded to not alert speeders. DISTRIBUTION: t>eaaronent Traffic Sgt.Nick Chapman;Motorcycle Officers:Mark Robles&Garin Smith Community Development:Pat Milos,Director gnoineerkntt;John Coreita,City Engineer Public Works;Codas Rodriguez,Field Manager,Deanna Pressgrove,Director Requesting Property Owner:Noted above 1 ����,le 0 RA DNNN� � Date: ;an� 12023 To: John A. Corella, Director of Public Works and Engineering From: Robert L. Mohler, Traffic Consultant 0k Transportation OonnmissimnUabon) Re: WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL- SPEED SURVEY This report pnaaenbo the results of the speed surveys completed in the City of Cathedral Cdv. California, on Whispering Pm|rn Trail between Bahsbo Rood and Ramon Road as requested at the City Council meeting qn December 14. 2O22. Roadway Characteristics Whispering Palms Trail is two-lane local (residential)street with parking on both sides that extends north- south between Durango Road and Dinah Shore Drive. The posted speed limit on Whispering Palms Trail |m25mph. Speed Survey Analysis Current literature suggests that appropriate AOT volumes on |oom| residential sdnaebm range from greater than 1,500 vehicles per day I (vpd) up to 5,000 vpd 2. The literature also recommends that, for livability, local neighborhood streets should have low traffic volumes in the range of2.00Dvpd o upbn3.OUOvpd 4. California Vehicle Code pdmnmfa�|� mpeed |imn|to are the innate speed limits on the roadway established by the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Section 22352 of the CVC indicates the following prima facie speed limits |a applicable for residential areas: w 25 mph: in any business or residence district as defined by Division 1 of the CVC, when approaching or passing a school building or Qnzunds, or when passing a senior center or other facility primarily used by senior citizens. The bey measure for analysis is the 85th percentile or critical speed of nzmdvmny segment. The 85th percentile speed im that speed at which 85 percent cf free-flowing vehicles are traveling amor below the posted'speedUVmit and was used omm baseline comparison to the posted speed limit. The C\/C and K8mnum| on Uniform Tnmffio Control Devices (K4UTCD) allow consideration mf other factors besides the 85th percentile speed when setting posted speed limits. Theme factors include existing roadway conditions (e.g., pavement width), on-street residential dens|h/, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and speed-related collision data. 1 The CVC define Residential density where upon both sides of the street, collectively, within one- quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 16 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures. Speed Survey Data Collection The Engineering Department conducted two (2) Radar Speed Surveys on the road segment of Whispering Palm Trail between Ramon Road and Baristo Road within the following periods of time: • December 28, 2022, thru January 13, 2023 (13 days) • January 23,2023,thru February 1, 2023(10 Days) This section represents the results of the speed surveys conducted in Whispering Palms Trail in December 2022 and January 2023. Average Daily Traffic Volumes The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes for the roadway segment analyzed for this report were 2,516 and 2,917 vehicles per day (vpd) respectively for each speed survey completed within the above- mentioned periods of time. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes The Peak Hour Traffic typically occurs from 7:00 to 8:00 A.M. and from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. on weekdays. The average of vehicles speeding are10% and 8% during the A.M. and P.M. peak hours respectively. Speed SupLay Results-Sem/lent:Whispering Palms Trail Ramon Road- Baristo Road, The observed 85th percentile speed was 35 mph or 10 mph greater than the posted speed limit. The calculated average speeds were 31 mph for the period between January 23, 2023, thru February 1, 2023, and 29.8 mph for the period between January 23, 2023, thru February 1, 2023. An average of 78%of the vehicles were over the posted speed limit. The maximum speeds registered were 67 mph on January 4, 2023, at 10:34 PM, and 66 mph on January 24, 2023, at 9:08 PM, Conclusion Based on the analysis and the review of the Speed Surveys results: • The posted speed limit on Whispering Palms Trail is 25 mph. • Whispering Palms Trail is within the appropriate threshold for daily volumes in establishing livable residential local streets. • More than 16 separate dwellings units exist on both side of the street within a quarter mile along the road segment. Additionally, Whispering Palms Trail has a 5-foot sidewalk on both side of the street with limited space for pedestrians or bicyclists where mailboxes are installed. Recommendation Due to the residential nature of Whispering Palms Trail and the lack of pedestrian/bicycle facilities, the Engineering Department recommends that the City maintain the current speed limit at 25 mph and implement the following traffic calming measures: 1. Relocate the northbound 25 mph speed within the distance of 55 feet to 110 feet from the end of the northeast curb return at the intersection between Ramon Road and Whispering Palm Trail, and update with 2 yellow solar flashing beacons. 2. Upgrade the southbound 25 mph speed with 2 yellow solar flashing beacons. 2 3. Re-strip double yellow centerline from the stop bar at the intersection of Ramon Road and � Whispering Palm for approximately 130 feet bm the north toxardsthe-exim — Alley behind Circle K Store. 4. |nmbmU a one yellow centerline stripped as a two-way passing zone from the Alley behind Circle N to the northbound traffic stop bar at the intersection of Whispering Palms Trail and Baristo Road. Additional tnmffio calming measures to be considered after the implementation of the above mentioned measures are: 5. Police Enforcement 8. Speed display signs Armando J. Garcia Bo|dizzone City Engineer. Exhibit A' SPEED SURVEY#OO1 on Whispering Palm TO. (Ramon Rd. to @ahmto Rd.). Exhibit[}- SPEED SURVEY#0O2on Whispering Palm TM. (Ramon Rd.bmBm,isbmRd.) Exhibit C-Whispering Palm TrI. (Ramon Rd. to Baristo Rd.) Report- Dec 2022-Jan 2023 Exhibit D-Whispering Palm TM' (Ramon Rd. toBahoboRd.) Report-Jan 2O23' Fmb2O23 Referenced Material Residential streets,3ndGd;Walter M.Kulash,Principa I Author;Urban Land Institute,National Association of Home Builders, American Society of Civil Engineers,and Institute of Transportation Engineers;2002; Washignton'D.C. 2 Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines,a Proposed Recommended Practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003,Washington D.C. 'Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guidelines, Anecummended Practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1999'YxashiQntnn'D.C. ^Transportation and Land Development, 2nd Ed.,Vergil G.Stover and Frank J.Koepke;Institute of Transportation Engineers; 2002'vvashiVnton D.C. ' ' ' � 3 Cathedral City SPEED SURVEY (Radar Survey Report .#2023-1) Date: January 12,2023 To: (See distribution below) From: Andres Perez,Assistant Engineer Location: Whisterim Palm TrI. ,RamanRd.to Baristo Rd. -25MPHSReed Limit Period:December 28„2022-January,09 2023(13 DAYS)via Armadillo Tracker Traffic Collector Recording eriod: mm, .-_... .....---_ ��....__� Requested by: City Council Reason for Survey: Reported Speeding on Whispering Palms Trl between Ramon Rd and Baristo Rd. SPEED,SUMMARY REPORT(Based on Radar Sign recordings taken 24/7 during survey) SPEED LIMIT: ; 25 MPH �.wM..._ ...__ D T 6 eeh cll per AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC ADT� 2516 Vehicles per day(104 cars hour avg..) AVERAGE SPEED Recorded: 29.5 MPH (4.5 mph over speed limW 85th PERCENTILE SPEED: 35.0 MPH PERCENT WITHIN POSTED SPEED LIMIT: 23%of Vehicles(24 cars per hour avg.) _ PERCENT OVER THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT: 77%of Vehicles (80 cars per hour avg.) Average Speeder: 31 MPH MAXIMUM SPEED RECORDED: 67.0 MPH on 1/04/23 at 10:34 PM [ AM&PM PEAK,TRAFFICVOLUME HOURS: (7 00__8 00 am)&(4:00-5:00 pm)Peak Volumes AM&PM PEAK SPEEDING HOURS: Peak SpeedingJTime of Day): (7-8 AM): 10.7% Speeders (2-3 PM): 7.2% Speeders The City's portable Armadillo®Tracker Traffic Collector(Mfg.by Houston Radar.)records speeds&traffic counts 24/7 m (Recorded mm M(non- displaying"Stealth mode),specifically intended to not alert speeders. DISTRIBUTION: Fnineering John Corella,Director of Engineering/Public Works,Armando J.G.Baldiz2one,City Engineer and Shawn Maddox,Senior Inspector. 1 \ FOUR SEASONS R. -1—......'' . I MU- . 4 DESERT PARK I I I ISTAIES I 1 ..' RACQUET COOS ((ann. I I isrAns SOUTH , . TA NORTE I GENE AttrY ,i. 1 FL',AMEND N 1ST e esTetCS . , • V AV Mk 0 . r COLONY KAST - liFISPERING PALMS i 7 ' , TRAIL CLASS III 1 Palm SHIRR% iri IrrueRunit # rj I V BIKE ROUTES i Ain 14 o e , 1%, I 1 , A4. 1 1 oR SWARM PARK W"4.3 I 1 i .t,....-.,was. L ...., 1 ,‘ :1 UTO PARA 4 •er.c I '1,,,,' I t I sftd-urz.,- i , mos fun f gi/miI '.0ILLS I ''. fOnninGAR f. i i en..Van A. i LtH SO AA i R I . Ctiatx 4 I 1 1 4 , R. SONORA I I i I SUNRISE e - n . LOS CARTON# funy. .nil .! i PALMS APART COMMONS I .. ARAM(1# I , 1 I I 1 I I I , 1 L It, i 3 1 i I i ,,most N ,k SEE JEET--, i i G1-2 ft G1-3 ...F.--Ns.,' t, :1,...,0.: I SHILLS I ...,.....—n ,--....—.. ....Ann.. ...—,.... CATHEDRAL ,,,, r("'"- i rAxraN cow \‘') , b LEGEND: MULTIMODAL ACCESS MAP PROJECT CORRIDOR --- CITY BOUNDARY • 2-MILE BUFFER 1 i i I 2750 1375 0 2750 5500 8250 ....._ ,_ SC 4,,LE ;3333' I ,I.4 4 1 VICINITY MAP , , ATTACHMENT , CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES Cathedral City i FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM , , t , I ; 4 , '4 . , I RIO VISTA i 1; GENE AUTRY i LA PAS* I 4 ! I I I IN / „ i --..)...,,.....,........ -.; FL RANCHO 0 I VISTA ESTATES I 4 I „ : \ II / L0a,. .4.“....*ool NS'Sk , I tr c st, Prwrom , , I Count,/ . , I '.CFA 1 I .''44,4 '''''', N Palm SpTingg To..,. 1 I I IT i , ' WHISPERING PALMS SUNIAOR 4., ;,., \ E i /4 TRAIL CLASS III t . _BIKE ROUTES I ' — r.....t,F,..4144U.4t4,,,, ,,K.WFF4,400,,W41 Freld44 ' st j. Oasil 4 f 4 , I 1 i ltrti ; MtrnatO SCFF,C4 I j t i i 4 4 Parki — n 1 I 4 I ? if I c4...4 , I I % I 1 I E t 1 o......1 — LITTLE -.. i I i; Atatol : BEVERLY HILES , 1 i I tl Yillm , CIEFAU114 PAIR 4 t t SpringE VhatIBIALIOw tu isainIt \ i 1 I (; Hi:h&ary,b Pia,.Stionatwt F4ertt G44444 I WHITIWATER A ki.AMED/1 I 1 'I : i 4 I 4 if.u 14hq 1 : 4.1:1F CORA PADRES ' 1ft E ; vt I i E E COMARON ,4 ' " l',4 t1..... .....:E a- ,.. . 4',,,,,, OD •.,,,t,,oc_,, t .1 , ,44 z WO PaIrr4 I ARABY COVE \txtIli 4; WO : rn o4 „ soNoal 11Ad I i r 4'‘ -41 1144montsty i „ 5644,41 I 144,4,CP4W14,•:, J i. * ..e I — t 4 ‘ r -1 F a THE GROVE li 41 IA r j N - ,..,,. CRAM. 4,44.444,Er .5 5 f , I . i chA 1 9 t..,.....T 4414xvit.1 , • 4. „ LEGEND: WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES 1 EXISTING CLASS I BIKE PATH EXISTING CLASS II BIKE LANE EXISTING CLASS III BICYCLE ROUTE EXISTING PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS FUTURE CLASS I BIKE PATH FUTURE CLASS II BIKE LANE i FUTURE CLASS IV SEPARATED BIKEWAY FUTURE PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS k : -,- CITY BOUNDARY U 2250 1 125 9, 2250 4500 5750 SCALE, 1 1. 1 4 Vk l' PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE FACILITIES MAP' ATTACHMENT t V t 1 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY , G1-2 WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES Cathedral City ; FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM 1 , VISTA I 1 : 1 I 14 , 1 LA DAVIDE GERI AUTR S Y' i 1 A I ,.1 L Et RANCHO .I. VISTA ESTATES i ,...... 1, Elemib 1 DM,. eiralon 1,-„,:, -N* G PIMEGGA V : S Galt ES CE NA 1 Comity '11 , ! E , International ;4 A , km./ 'II I I I AguaReedstriatIV01m . ISPERING PALMS SUMMER TRAIL CLASS III 1 1 : BIKE ROUTES ..,,xn%Ey SuMME soma,' Sanaa i I do tr i Nkk i 1 itctut 1 ' 1 1 I. . I N 4 1 . „ i 4 ! . - LITTLE ,, , 111.441 AEVERLY HILLS Smingt 1 1 3 et nor,,, 1 DEMUTH PARK t i 1111eGlin lAbstim i EE'Isttit I I 1 * 1 KR/Garr, "op,EirGEsta t ' C COWIE :IItt I ;WHITEWATES 4 ALAMEDA t 4 p EaElqUilz I : I WGGEG, LOS COMPASSES '..wk G'0 I' I 1 i Ott Czne”12,,1ma owsst.,.or "".,--......N. l''''Lati.': rA I t BintA Uwe D, 4, coanicalaN...„4 cwt a 4 e C. : EIEEEPIE I Palm LEA , ARABY COVE L.0443/444 irl 1 Vary ! 1091 r t ) sth.4 And a at•nwouni, r $ School t I , '"'") 4a 4t5 EX 11car, THE GROVE --1111,, 1 Zp`t fuJ 1 farnafKi&. Ne t I !:),'—" COUntt7 - i 1 e .: will i IIEGEEE GE LEGEND: WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES --- TRANSIT ROUTE 1WV TRANSIT ROUTE 2 TRANSIT ROUTE 4 1 0 BUS STOP ROUTE 1WV ; o BUS STOP ROUTE 2 BUS STOP ROUTE 4 BUS STOP ROUTE 1 & 2 1 I 0 .PARK AND RIDE FACILITY 't 1 --- CITY BOUNDARY 1250 1125 0 2250 4500 5750 : — .... WALL 1'.4.500' EL l' 1 TRANSIT ACCESS MAP ATTACHMENT % 1 i CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 1 G1-3 WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES i Cathedral City FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB B21 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM April 27, 2023 Riverside Co ty Transportation Commission Attn: Je y Chan 4080 Lemon St, 3rd Floor Riverside, CA 92502 Subject: Commitment to Local atch for T I A Article 3 (SB 821)Whispering Palms Trail Class HI Bike mites Grant Application Dear Riverside County Transportation Commission, This letter provides confirmation of the City of Cathedral City's commitment to providing $372,000 of local share matching funds for the Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes project. Funding for this project will be provided by the City Traffic Safety Fund, Assessment District Fund, and General Fund. This project provides an important opportunity to improve the City's bicycle network connectivity, enhance roadway safety for vulnerable roadway users — including school age children and seniors, and increase access to alternative modes of transportation. Cathedral City appreciates the opportunity to apply for TDA Article 3 (SB 821)program funding.Should you have any questions regarding this letter of commitment,please do not hesitate to contact me at(760)770-0327 or at abaldizzonvo,cathedralcit iov.Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Armando J.Garcia Balizzone,P.E. City Engineer Engineering Department 760-770-0329 68700 Avenida halo Guerrero Cathedral City California 192234 wwwcathedfalciti. 09 i 11 i„ a9E Vista China .................. r l„..., Et.RANCHO 110 VISTA ESTATES • , '...‘ . i : 0 ' 1....Aan...1.2..4. Rindort, assail Ltstat N Prir.*.sir I r*WHISPERING PALMS 'Llti. felibgrNe . e Entente, 1 ' - TRA IL CLASS III Palm Springs Iniernational ... 1 ,,, i 44 / BIKE ROUTES 4.pcd-t 1., N. „ 1 Rd Agua CaltentE It Man Reservation I ARMOR P,A, ,It 4'id(4,4,1 I I I 4 FapflO C,I ub i„ % I h.'.`.gp'f" 1.% .4 '4,:kkl.111 : i a p:kri!I Hiram , mtstiti High Schad: 8 3 L ., . I ; , . - - , i 1 1 i It ...a Prim .. I Cemetery t ,L I i i 1 — . 0 1 Veld ,de Rd i nr..01‘ ,r .i'• 3 Ouor LITTLE A Aoura 1 ISEVEALY HILLS °A 3 NMI Spiingt ii , Moan AtIssLor rmin?PARK Hi*Gar} biremartu'Oolf , 3 't CIA 1 I F Poor Sibumme t Coarse Eel Me r MEMO/ATER I ALAM 1 EOA Ritmo 3 EkiattOi Aim 1 , . I t. 4 I I I ti r I Ft, , . . ,.„,„,...,.........4......ere...a I telmulte I, ' 1 g Megrim , IS LOS COM PA ORM Lreasyr Le 't Has g .r 1 I m g Country Club 1 ..e I POO St,*(1 IT-0 I 1.491, 17 lainIT, , a 4 5 i v,PiiTys RUBY COMMONS ChM V I MC g e.. Royal Palms 1 , t t O s [ ARABY COVE S c.h.N1 . , a r---i Etmeutoy . , , School L., %reit., L _J I a_ South L.. 1 g 1 4 '' 1 s eec 1 a i 1 ; : -Ti, ; THE I GROVE sun • Same kr I ' Ores I I a r''' ontarm tm :-' [ i S a a S i LEGEND: PROJECT AREA MAP --- PROPOSED CLASS III BIKE ROUTES ' -- EXISTING CLASS I BIKE PATH '-..- ,....; . EXISTING CLASS II BIKE LANE - -----— : ! [" EXISTING CLASS III BICYCLE ROUTE ‘ 1 ' *,* CITY BOUNDARY .•.. T.- v fi..... i lErv...) PROJECT LOCATION . t. -_ 2000 I OCK:s 0 2003 4000 6000 VICINITY MAP scA,r * 1 PROJECT VICINITY AND AREA MAPS 1 ATTACHMENT 4, A CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY Di WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES Cathedral City i FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3 i SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM 30TH AVE VERANO RD PERLIT/ POSTED SPEED,. POSTED SPEED 25114 POSTED SPEID: 3SMPH 4„I " 2110,1 :; l'11111fIrg', 1 i, 011-IN IP 4'4 1 '.*1 i' ''',--' ,4,,,,V,.„).t..' ...,,,,, 4: Pi Fft;• -' '4',.0 „.. i4tx.as_kiWii(Str. 77.,'„.„i„.........„.„„.., ''''' , 4:—7, .. .,',.-,1i.„.;;„7,...,;.' 1' '711*. 11,.„ .-77:1;11'1144,1,-,,,,,--,4,--,-,43g-M,-7------7-7- --*-4,44',44": 44'''''''' 77144;°'4 WHISPERING PALMS --- .„, ,,,, itsbED 0Epl 2,47V tAAA4MIC IA i I AAKAA,A,JA,A,,,,, E Ri-Itsdild ' 11 RI-/ TYPICAL EXISTING CROSS-SECTIONS 7 i. RA I -4 t , .• i I 1 I vg-ockArA WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL GARLARDO RD _1,..„. CORTA RD POSTED SPEED: 2SMPH POSTED SPEED: 251&11 !. Ex Rpq--,,t1 II o 0 Nil 1-1,- -I 1 WHISPERING PALMS TRL;, ' TYPICAL EXISTING CROSS-SECTIONS LEGEND: K 1 (RV) EXISTING LANE WIDTH EXISTING SIGN 1 t DS& f 0 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INIERSECTION .4. \\ EXISTING NON-ADA CURB RAMP 1 -21 DO s EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT aEQIIDN__E=B WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL EXISTING CURB EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING STRIPING — ——— RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING . : CITY OF CATI WHISPERING PALMS TRA . Cathedra! City FY 23-24 MA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE _„„„................................................. „._„.„„.„„ .„„„„„_„.......„__... , „..................„„„.4 L,„„...„..„._„„„„.....„.„. „„..„ r„. L p- .....„_„...,„„,„,„„... ..,..„...„„„„- 491,'4, i <4.' 1,,''''A,-- ','•-,',,.!!,,t'„'T`-',22:0LL,,' 1 , 1 .14 L,' •44;it,' 1",- Iiitk! „L..*-i' —” •-'" ::,.:',„..._ -.i • ....",L.„„„;"‘: „,,,,,,,,Lifii,:777.L., 77-,--,,,",--,-- c'4 t. . --i it,"4$A.H4 H 1.sPE r..' ,nc „i.44,!. ,.,". 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V-NA:V.,.,, Fi is pE R,,,,,,,,,.,, Zr Itg"‘"sig,{04*'.:::thi',' ,,Lidit4:'i ' •' - 4'41.J1'.174L•',',.. . ,,A,,,';', :0,,, _..:* .L,,,,, 1 r411F.fittV,ILL,2101''',t±tr.,,7,7r,',1,i7„4:;;Pttgit#14:0:ik,„,,,Z;4":4,, , ,,:,.t,,,;;:,:' 07. —V, g ,, ,,,, ,‘,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, , iti,,,,, ,,, ,, „ , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ° ,,,,,, ki,,,„4 ,E''." ,s,, ,,,,,,,,„,„„„:„4„„E,,„„:4,..:,,, ::,,, ,E' ,lir :, , ., ,E ,.....Ecx. !,,,,,,,„,,,,c.E...... ,A4,,„,:,..k,*,,,,t‘1,,,,,,,,,,,Er..,10.,,,,,,—•,,,,,,,,,,-„Egrz,,,„,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,A„, .,:i: "s ..,ii . ,,,,,1„t,,.;'4",-,'„ : tAi iiii.i ttiNtti 1":-. 14.'.'',, Ek„, i,,,,,,,E. ,,, , ,, . ,,,, ' .,„,.- ,z.,,esitzt,,4,S,L LEGEND: 4"""'""74.;'''''I 'N,IlitrII"I'IoIrI; ,,,." ,,,,, ,'..'...I.,.'r r I SECTIONS ,I 0 INTERSECTION AUZE TYPICAL EXISTING CROSS- to pt,t =. 1 USING GN Re RAMP [ 0 0 NON-ADA CURS T. .t.. —I 1 1(t .'"I I TYPICAL EXISTING CROSS-SECTIONS I 1 I 1 0, 1 .,....... ENG I i :THANT 26 4____T„tii - .rn i A Ai EXISTING FIRE NM 1-1-- 1 , (x.1.) EXISTING LIAINDGREN4ECURB RAMP EXISTING STREET LIGHT POLE Ve.TiON E- ., --,-, EXISTING CVR8 oEwA__ • - 1 EXISTING Si ;K SECTIO____D EXISTING STRIPING wAY WHISPERING PALMSK - TRAIL WHISPERiNG PALMS TRAIL RIGHT-0,- -— EXISTING CITY OF Ac TI , - - „,,,,... . WHISPERING Cathedral City LE „.„.,„... PALBMICSYTCRALE MISSION INDIAN TRAIL _____ POSTED SPEC 1 251PH , , ,....,, ,,..,,: , . ,,,,..,,, k, ,..,,it41,';';. ..„..'',...;:i.,1.','.',4,Z;i-hY.;'.0.),4%.',4,,',. k lig -,,,., , ' *.- G r p � k t �Q�k :� 1 14 i6PERNGFALMSTR �lE z z 4 s r —1,..� a 4s l� is v, ° tp S s 4114 °`�yt,�iiiiiiiiiiitif 1, y Q N w, s�, x 'e i' �_ :Za to N ''!' ,amp a: 74 Ø•%,., �" se ;� .„, .. ,. a� ".a TYPICAL EXISTING CROSSSECTIONS 0F Kr. L — . ` 5EC.iJ9C.+E WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL 33RD AVE POS D SPEED: 25iFH ,.,.,. �`° v ' ?y,, sr a t t)ii'nr r':'aL s—: 'R'" I .ts; L i :w s' 4 LUg s sii. s,~.,, y _�n rae a s t�xx s ne , s ?;"" s t ' a aR TYPICAL EXISTING CROSSSECTIONS.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,',,t',::littitr'''''Z'a- 'Illit''.14"41; '''''' ' LEGEND: ro!, C Aa k '-- j ..< ,..... I (X7i) EXISTING LANE VADTN f f I 41 EXISTING SIGN I I I EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION EXISTRiG NON—ADA CURB RAMP BEMON �_� ,��.,"? E%ISTING ARA CURB RASP WI SPERM PALMS TRAIL SOS EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING CURB E5STING SIDEWALK —— —— RIGHT—OF—WAYEXISTINGSTRIPING 3 EXISTING z I Cath@C�Cal CityWHPERINGCITY PALMSTROFCATA FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE rn„ T ORTEGA RD (;) I POSTED SPEED 2-9MPN tt,I 7,-'. r'1°, X1 1,1 ':411 1 4..P ' ''''\MAN -4'"e'4, WIN A Itki. " C„. ., 4N,, ... ,, :,k, . .„.', : 'A : ,,,..,,,, ' '' , .. . . p a*i'''''',...1%, , 40,0.,',,',,I.',.,,,;''iaik.',L. '.i• l'It l' ' 11::!:''''`::%,,'"41''''*'44' - '''''' .'...;.-.°"WHISPERING PALMS TR ......, ' 4,',.-' i .m..., ,.-....,„,,,,*; ?,„,r:t7.7,7,3;77,7,44000:0Mgezvotop.#4,1„4,40,,,,,IV •-10'*'..,.o.g,,,otx,,,,,,,„...:;:Ng,;::,i,d,,,,:i,gotfso't.ptc.::MvvN.,:ofttrAeevmtg,-viorsrg,v,. lie,,,,c18,,,,N...it,,,,,,,troo X,VaIMPW,atth14,0DN,',' V*•.4.01,011,'''''''' ,I''',,,,4:1;,,,,;,:i1:.,;.1„ 7;"*", ., A,'*iVNNNgPKL'''V'rft- -1_ 1 •-• n ..,,, ;1,..,,,.,,.P,1,.1...0%4..,,„.i:,%',„-,',:,,,-'.f. ,,.''.-'-,' ' '•4...k„,.:,,:;'.;.: „t,ar. ,'''',''-''',','','''-"-'',,,' t-"'''. , ,,,A.'.:!';',''''' . ',. -- .1-',,,,.,,,„,,,,,',,'.., ,4,',:',.`." 'iWtt 41. 1 , TYPICAL EXISTING CROSS-SECTIONS I fir. t wt. i I 1 I .: SECTQN H1,-1 WHISPFPPJD Pm mg TRAIL 1 I 1 1 I 1 t I I LEGEND: (XX') EXISTING LANE WIDTH , ill EXISTING SIGN 0 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION EXISTING NON-ADA CURB RAMP 1 1 Doi EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING CURB --- ----------- EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING STRIPING 1 —-— RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING , CITY OF CATI , 1 [ WHISPERING PALMS IRA Cathedral City 1 FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE „. .,.. 30TH AVE VERANO RD PERLITI POSTED SPEED 35MPH POSTED SPED 25MPH POSTED SPEED: ' :•[ TriArtc•tlt — — tmott,:tt,,:tfrtANT:” ,," ': :i tt k f 4'''':1 .::fitki '17''''''''i V,0,,,,' :VP 1,!,, A ' Z,,,„„,„, .%, ,,,k, ,, ,,,, \\,4 4' ,,,A ',"t ' 9 ';'.i''': ',.,P,444,,,t, \10 ,,,, , , ,,,,,*.!ik..ii,,,,..„ ''‘,,i, ,, ,, ' It ,' A ,,„ i ,..4 4 4.,2 ,,, <1 * ' „' .,,,, ,.-\N. ,,„..',„,;,,,,,,,,,i „.,0,. p.„4,,,,,tvi ''''4',0^. ..7!..4,0%,„:7-'..,',7'.',' .,;.' ,Vilf) .-,:7k:7.1....777 r:---,--'t-'--- -''''''.. .:St''''"4'4.'''''L't'•4.4.:''...„„:2 ...„.12L.„.„.,„:f.,L_Yr f..'_..1!::::::: --'-::,...,,,,,"----'''2',-.—TH.—---------.:,--÷v 77---.::—---:::, t-- 7—, ,,-- , e': ' .,', „..,.„.„.±:,r,„ '1.5.7,-77.7b„:7-.7,717,7;7"77,1,7,71,,,Z17 '" ,. 1 ,.c'N.--t,'!:::;!',71:41:11,1:11(1'. \:-----A7-- —''''''''''':;;'`"' '-- -1. E 4 WHISPERING PALMS TR ON„, i 12-1-RI5VED 2W: - Akettik„:4: ,. og:Itt-t(sial), , ,, ,. ti I '1 A:,,,t„ 1,,, iii ,. ,.•.:{o.,,, ',•,, ,,,,, •'',. 1, - i.':'I I I-, mtb - M ,' ,,',,,,' 11 s L,1„,:n i 1 , ' ,1 TYPICAL PROPOSED CROSS-SECTIONS I I I "--+- •i . 'itTi..I '1 , I SEaDOD.11.A WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL GARLARDO RD CORTA RD POSTED SPEED 251.PH POSTED SPEED: MPH • • ttmee vt","OW ' • 41 114, "s;ntiSt , E t 1 „iM-(741 '• ' ,„, • ,, krtt1.410 :0"'‘''' ; ,-•010,,,,F l• ..g, ,, • ti t.-1"'• .3,- •0,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,„ fOOP; Ig ,, , R, .1-\,11 it P,.' '''t:::::,,,',Atiltrt",:,„,,,t4t,„,•••4t k• f i ' ---""--"xf.---.-.44,. , ' ' **,,''' 38.1 ' 'Y' AA% AO• t"' i --, ,.,„L.,,:vmtalw,- * -' - , ,,,,-,, , 4,'.„,tgit,r,;,„,•--.i.:,• •--ts:,,,,,.„,,,,,,,00k,,,,,,,i,- .•,,,„„,.„ ,.. •.•t•,•,:,,,,,•..,,Nf:•.. • 0,t,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.;,,:o..g. .,,,,,,:„.,„„,„,,,isa:,, it,:,:,,,,,,z,,,,,,,,, I --1 '•'• ''' '''-'41"11C:,;"''''"4"4""*"'''' t4. r rt,:::::1:".A..kLn2 WHISPERING PALMS TR".:.'" -- LEGEND: TYPICAL PROPOSED CROSS-SECTIONS (EC EXISTING LANE MOTH 6i EXISTING SIGN F.-- -a: 1 EXISTING SIGN LEGEND EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION I I /1 EXISTING NON-ADA CURB RAMP i.f_ ii STOP 6 ,,i,,,, wi. ...e. _ Ncx/ EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT i"" ---- .1— EXISTING CURB SECTIOLI.84.B. WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL RI-I SI- EXISTING SIDEWALK 4-WAY j EX N OUTING STRIPING —--— RIGHT-OF--RIM' RI-Io SI-• ci PROPOSED SON PROPOSED STRIPING 1- ------ , , .• , PROPOSEE ,. , ,.. CITY OF CATP WHISPERING PALMS TRA Cathedral City FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE ...4„.._„ „.- if e _ „.111't..,,;,r ..1 F44-10 4„,,, , ,, ii,,,',- , 44::;,:,:::4 po 1,4,,'' ,!4• t : .' ,i "I 4 'f,'''', 4' 44"'''',,.,„.,,,,,,, -'<:':4- , 4v- ';,, s ,: ", ' - '14:,,,4.1::'''.1-,0:,,, ,,4;,,,,.4':; „,—'7',',,', ''''',,,, 'f''''''''''''4E."4!:' ,,, ,,,, wr7114 g ''' ''' ''; :54'-'*,:::4,, : iLitk•kti4;i;Tthi;i',E4d; 47,7:;'-::''::t4: ,,f:;tittt,ttl',;,;tI:',,e;v,44!,4:ittr,k*i,'Clg..„!,I,a:1:4!,',:r1;1i:lfft7: MO.*41 itir.:::.4.111410if.51714:grrill.F:!9.!'':';',11:f:7'''''! :.,'!''''' 1:7 A 4' ''''''''''''''''!:;;VITT,' .'''' - r- ,.- -• • --•• • - sr' - ''itlo'.:•'''"' 4111r NAltatittlt***TrAT#411.4444\I-t'.'"' *t.t,tf- 't't ' ' to ,•,..., ; it.••••,., -• ••.. • ,--t• ••,,,- •,•:. ,.: ,,sit,. ,, ,, 'i,,,„,„,,,twit„..; •ttE•tiiitttrtlii,!trtpopos. st.;`.7."'.77:;,, .t i --,t,so r. ..,. ‘• 0 t. •-•.,,-"vt :-7.tr-Tt .,-, - tal,,,:;',';',,:Ni.,<,Ilt,',::: :44:4,'''''''' ,,:4 -'''r!.r'. ti:: .!'''tik‘ ',,,:k Itt!!!'l'.'..!: ..! !, .. . '''S.1."",. TYPICAL PROPOSED CRPAG7SECTIONS LEGEND: PP. I ' EXISTING STRIPING EXISTING LANE WOTH i' 1<. 4 1a:. EASTING SIGN —— RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 EMSTING SIGNAUZEO INTERSECTION 111 PROPOSED SIGN EXISTING NON-ADA CURB RAMP PROPOSED MCYCLE BOX --- I ,------ EXISTING ADA CURB RAMP PROPOSED SIT/WING CFCTION C-C IIITISPERING PALMS TRAIL @ PROPOSED TYPE E ROMEO LODP DETECTOR PROPOSED TYPE E vENICLE DOG ED:SSINDNGG FICURERBHYDRANT 0 LOOP DETECTOR EXISTING SIDEWALK q' ,''' ''. 4.:11,,•,„ '.i.',.:„ .'il‘%'Ailf.P. tilt,144, t.t;-•;-:;.,-;:ttt t.';:i lit''' ';'''''''''"'"4; 11, „,,,,,,,,;0,,•,,,,„.t•-• ,,,,,,. ,.• ,,,t,,,,, ti : , IrT,Titc':f:'!.!!'.1.4 Tt.:...t.:';'''4,q" iii''''''''''"%.,:: ',' "' '' 1 ',,, ',„ -,Ys."1','*:''',q:*;.;!•:40.,..;',:',,,,,,,,,:„A., ,.,‘‘..0.11..g.: ' .1; It . ,#4,,t';',,,„ ,41,4,, I,T ,,,,'i, '44,•tF:,,4, 4' ge-4:44',,,,, 4 , „,„,'4 ' 4*'''''', 'ISFER1NG PALMS TR , ,,,L' .4,. . .-..-„„, ° -",:=;:„,1°- .,,:.!,...`t.',7g,„„ ,i:i.VZ:i5,1,F3h4444•Kait44402414ketiP,K.V 'I:,4t.V.',',4 ,''''ILi,.'k 7-4:i7i,717,777,7,77,;;;;;:,,R„„ 5„,'1,41 ,!"„„„;i,kislikiikiii."0:11:4ittraltilfillattitigA,-,t„,,,,,,Fteel4,V44„,42,k-k:', ' -4'4,4 .4;;;;;;;:iNt,,O,,,NMAtelknWielNkAimitte'4"1,1r1tWit, '3,14,ININ.,6%."N<L3,Ni 111ilitlitig 't —1 k,',,k,,,,:„.,1,,4:i',&atVil!i,P,;::Pkqokggr,rZA:;:,:„7,,,;.;:,F::*,,„-:'Nii.41.. •i,tkiiiett,';t :" ''',-g ,:,!,,..,,,,'-',, r,,,,,;::::„;y:,:,-ttit v , !,,,i!,, .,'‘ ' ies,,,,,,,,,,,— , .:(N4 EXISTING SIGN LEGEND: -SECTIONS TYPICAL PRORPS.PC.PP4a....„.......„_„„. TYPICAL PROPOSED CROSS-SECTIONS ,,2011..k116011. (fl 1V. AN .,.z.: AA, E . —I .m. - 1, '''' —d 1 z' I I o ( SLPI mE Ei TD STOP •'i' 25 t yit,tt tt Milk 1 sAi.Zt,I I t I I I i R1-1 R2-1(25) ..,./1:1 1[1 .ittt.tt,:ttttIt! .* ill 1 t"-titttt lig/ _ "". ----- SEC1ONI g D_=1/ CTILIN.E-,C, i F 4-WAY 1 ONL Y: _ WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL RI-la IL3-8 PROPOSEL CITY OF CAT WHISPERING PALMS TRA Cathedral City — . FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 8218CYCLE MISSION,1,.,:D:11N::FT1 LP1tD .: ''TN,. , ti ;' ',Ti',,— --1---.7,=:,...;,;;;44.--„-:•„,..„•„,,, iWHS 'kPALMS TRke ''''','•',' • ::::.,''1 i:',:„,,,Ksi,4t,..''''-t'"''''''''':,:' ' '. .: t'''''''''''''7!.':'''''''''„„„„: p - "INC, „-. , '''.4,,,,,,4.„ 'i ''''' ..',„4,,,,,,,,,'• „,,' %.„:"'W -',4 ,„,„....„757a';'„;;i„.'iQi„.4114.4iblint.ket,,,,,,,,,:;„: ---, iiiiitt, t?,!t' ,,..,?,,'' L::„:,:',,', ':,,:t:,::: ::::':::- :, -------r7:;',,,,::::;,tH,':',':'E'':.,„ !:,„, 1„,.:L.7-,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,\,,,,„,_:,„,,, ,-. 0 ;.1777\, . ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,.,,.''..N,- ? ,,tr, ,,,:,,-„'-,k.,,,,, '-',,,:' „,,, ' i...„ i , e'll TYPICAL PROPOSEDi. CROSS-SECTION: rA .I '• •--A' . 1 5'I II;:..,.irt„. gA, i ... „--•,_ srsnom-f-,E milSPERING PALMS TRAIL 33RD AVE PO1 . 25W ST-D EE SPD' ftt4', S -:::'''''''''t, ;',,.' ,'.(14ktv'g,itislh.,,,, i..... WHISPERING 7..liDAi--1,‘11,, TRff: ,':. ''''---: : '- ,,,,:,,,,,,,::.",,::::::::,ti.,,,,,,'„,i - ''' ul ,,,A,,'i,,4 •.','g:,;.,',,;''.'il . ,f.'-,....;''.,t,„,, f:;:::'.4,„, ,._,..''''''''.';',.-444,1ib --.7"--,,,,, ....N2,::.,,,,,,,liam:A:z4:''"1, 4:,-,'' ' „ , ',,. ---..„ . ,., ...,--.7%.„,:,:i., ...'....,:..t.. ::::.::::::„.„..,,,,r.;:rml.W1.0‘,',4, -' ! E n . ! !. ..,:.;;„.,.„,.,...,,,:.:.„.„ ,,„'„„''„::... ."," s A. ,14 :,4.-.!.' ' '„...i.::',..,:rn,,,...::.N."'::,.:7:,';',':',-.''''.' ',-,:''.-.'' '''''.( ......,„....,„„„...,-----7;i: ...-. .,....1,,, ,..,,,,„!...r.7,..z.„,„„,,,,=,,,,,,,07",,,,,,,,„, ,,,,t„,-%:,,,,,,,:;;44.0, , 0 ,..„,----t-t.,:,„,,,,,,,,Alb„..'-„IN .3.y ' '',' 47.41,iiktItteetl, flatilik,.„,4001Z ,.,.!. r , rorrr, I . — - - rrorrro" :,,.:_. , r r ortor rrrr 0„ .,, ‘1144,..k ' , ,..f-'.1"„'.!,-,1,,f';:i "4' 1-z , ,,,, -1,..i," '1,..,,,,',,,,,k445fk„.4dithb.I:, LEGEND: 1,,,A — '"'' '— TYPICAL EXISTING LANE MTH (./0‘) ... el S. PROPOSED CROSS-SECTIONS I 'INTERSECTION I r... pit,or I I ' I EEXTYjSSTTIINNGG S7GNALI710 E:SN NON-ADA CURB RAMP RAMP E ::AA0B COQ gslIQN--C,:z TRAIL ExEE)aXii:STilIT:NGGG:Cu:RE:HA:RANT EXISTING STRIPING WHISPERING PALMS _ T-OF-WAY ....__.- 4i PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED STRIPING PROPOSE[ CITY OF CATI S WHISPERING PALMS IRA Cathedral City ,,,' 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821P BICYCLE ir (2T3 ORTEGA RD PS SPEED 2SIN , , ,," III,:,,,, ,,,, .,,,„,.. ,,,g,.: „,,,,v,4,::',:.„i„,M.,',1r,,, * If: WHISPERING PALMS TR' ' 5 Er'--1.5,55,5574.7P ,„': ;.I,Tigigiiiii/krirtetit ligaNigiK ',It '''010416411,2aittienia 41#14'"4,Mtalf'Nit tiallea, ".411'6'! ',. 7.6',!4!",,,iti,:',' :4...,ARK,04,01oppRomatio memipitkim'Argifc*:-104,,,A6 NA:,,,,,,,4::,0„.,,'A,, ,!,,,„:„,*.:,1:, t:,,,,,i1, ,_,,:, :4.',,,,.• .,,,,mta=2. 2.,„ u.2i,:;,,w,v2,2, ,,,4,.,, ,,,,,,,,, faA .55-5-5 ' •555,55,55555555555555:' • 555;55,153.5555— :", -, 5,5, -15,5 5,„,,,,,t ,,1‘ 5., li ,,, 5„. 5.,44. .., , \„ 1 ,,t7 .. -.4 a r ,.,T •.5,,,tt 5'' '''' ',g gg„ „'g I NAMFMt,', ''',.''? ,... ' ' 'g •;,,,E:?,''gsgg' . ,gg-g,' '4..`.\:'1 '-g i±,g1'117:: '',., ''' ,'','. k,'. ,',„ ,* 4.1 g g '-'.. .:, .„„,„PC.4 . .f.,:.,..:'' TIPTIMAISEDDGUMALummaugaidwwure on i 1 ro . 1 A. .p ...,. . 4;4. I'll SFCTIDM H-li WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL LEGEND: (104) EXISTING LANE MOTH XISTING S EXISTING SIGN LEGEND: °I EIGN 0 DOMING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 'III 1 SPEED „ ,,,,..--. LIMIT IE.:11 A r„, 04STING NON-ADA CURS RAMP ,, I STOP 25 ,i H.TO DCAI DOMING PRE HYDRANT „ cORNER 4,.........,.....,. DOTTING CURD RI-I R2-1(20 R2S(CA) HE-I EWSTING SIDE WALK COSTING SIPJPING 4-MT —--— RIGHT-OF-WAY gi PROPOSED SIGN RI-la PROPOSED STRIPING , r PROPOSEL , CITY OF CATI WHISPERJNG PALMS TRA Cathedral City , FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/SB 821 BICYCLE . ....____.„„..„.„..„.. , I Cat •ra1 Ei i 3 i ! i a a s s 4 'I,‘I Cliib 4,' Dirridv Tor ' (toil d ' IS RI p i. ' AIL 0. •i., III SUN Y SA r S BI 1 RI ES ,. ReLNurt N — ' g 1 5 5 2' to 1 ‘5 r Ranieri Rd I a Reset t i t , k .. f ' u i f li ITEW 71' AL . E Itt. I t ! t di 1 i a fldi A. i li d t - :rt L D: KEY AP - -- - PROJECT CORRIDOR CITY BOUNDARY PHOTO LOCATION X PHOTO REFERENCE NUMBER '4 's I 1..4 5ao 0 law 2.*4 3000 ft 'Mai' TFW I? SCALE 15,2000 P ITS SF XI T1 CI, BIT!' K Y AP ATTACHMENT \ \ 1 i 1,k CITY OF BATHED- •L CITY I -1 1 : 1 WHISPERING PALMS T" • L C S III BIKE ROUTES '1 Cathedral City i FY 23-24 TOA ARTICLE 3 i SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROS 1. 30th Ave West of Whispering Palms Trail(Looking Eastbound) .' I ,.: . ., — . - - f „t. ' tl%:„':,:','„: ',.,),i';• '' q —„-„,--- Existing class II bicycle lanes on 30th Ave that would connect to the proposed class III shared bike route improvements on Perez Road. 2. 30th Ave East of Whispering Palms Trail(Looking Westbound) t ‘ ,. , 1 , I „: :; „:„,',,,,h„,:„„ , ;-,,,,,--„,-,,-,,,-„,„,::,,,,';',),,,,,t:,T,,r,,,,,-„,,,,,,„:,i,„,,,r,-,,-,,T,,,,,::-,-,,,77,7,„4,4„,c„re.:, ,,,,,,,-,;,-p,,,,,,,,'!"'''' '?,,„„,''''?,,,,,L „„•.„,,,,':',p,,,,,,,,,,„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*4,-,,,,,,,,,,,y1-:,,,:<„,A4' ,' ,i,,,,„„--,,/,,,,,,P,2",,:,,,4:;,„„,;,;„:'''-,,„„,,„,-'„:.',e, ,e,.-,,,,,,,,,'„,...'„,7„,,,,',,' ' ,' ,,',,. ,,,,,,,, .•,,,A01,,,'-.4,4,m,, ,,4,,,-,gm-,„'',',IF:3'.,V.:-.:':-"Mn. ,,,-,„:„,t-,„"MliXAMV.V4A' - ,,„„„,„,,,,,,-„:„„,„v,4,b&,„ „, ,,,' ,,„„,,t,„!!k,.r,,,,a,,,,,,n,,,,r,,,,':,,Y•-,,,,,,,',,,,, , ,:, ,,,,,:.,,,cv:,,',400C,ROV,,',,v,',.'42.-:,,,z,:nt'..;:,,,,,,,'',K;:,,ni,,X'.',4,::-,%R-,::,4,-,„,„f4o-r:k-i3-,',',t,:'„;„Vg'ii''ai,i„,WV,,,,A-'. ASktept,N:,:,-rgow,A,0,4,,,,,,,,,7„4,,Xonevr,,,,,:umiatoiomo,x,weitQlmm,a`, , , , , ,00.0044„NSFiklcatlitagi*SlogogNIVMSIVNII.M*400- ,, „:„:„.„,„„,„„,„,,,,,,A,,,,,,„,,,,,:,,,„,,,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„.„,,„,,,,,'„,fte c ''''''''', ' „A•00,0# 4.i,c-4,-40-Aml,,,,4„N„witiavk,,„41k,,,,-,A0c:,:::„,v,iszoonmt,;,,,x, --,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,„:,"„:v•,,,,%-,,,,,,,,,,,r.,,,,m--,,,-,,,,„:„-,::'.,,,,,e',',',,,',',,,,":'„'„,',„,::,,,,,,,-,,--,:-,'i,T:'',,,-t,„,0„,,,,L!'„%,,-„,,,,,c,FigeeNgittgkoMMaas,41,;itAlfi,.`4,.,„th:,V,417.':,,,,,1%TiO3„-,C,V,,,'„'",e,A0ik'te Existing class II bicycle lanes on 30th Ave that would connect to the proposed class III shared bike route improvements on Perez Road. Attachment D3-2 3. Whispering Palms Trail North of Verano Road(Looking Southbound) z 'r is Existing uneven pavement,utility covers,and cross gutters pose a hazard for cyclists in the proposed class Ill shared bike route. 4. Whispering Palms Trail North of Vega Road(Looking Southbound) n as „tut a . ?^es. S ay3s .' c a \ V ....�� � u .. � `'� L ' .1,t2Nt `nx4\°.. � \ iI_ S MkVt.1�33�ry Yt N i'xnn;fl`��4L°�.�'i Existing uneven pavement and utility covers pose a hazard for cyclists in the proposed class ill shared bike route. Attachment D3-3 5. Whispering Palms Trail South of Baristo Road(Looking Northbound) ', 7 .1.C4404 4444 444, 4:" ' 41 44444 4 4.14444 444 4444, „ 4 1 4 4 -41414.;',44 4. oro, 000v,,,o , t I " , o. olowto, "" - - AAL ''' ' .„„„e, , , .....;;,,,,,..7,;•....... , . „. . „ Start of recent slurry seal on Whispering Palms Trail between Baristo Road and 33rd Avenue. 6. 334 Avenue East of Whispering Palms Trail(Looking Westbound) . 4 , ..too, itt o, ooto!.o....ititg.4041.",,o.00„.,00r.000got:,.:1111!' - ot '' "oz, " ': ;,,, „44 ,44, 444444,4444,4444444444444 4 444"C44‘424444444C'44,44 4.4,4,, , , '4444,44 44''444444,444444444,0144.44444:44444,444444444,4444,44443 44 4'' c' 4 , ,4'',,,,444,444C,...44444404444 44444444CCC'44,444444.44,k„14,444C4444,44,44,44,44,46444,CC '4 "'444 44'4C4C444444%44,4444W4 C444444414444404444 4 4444444444444444' 044,4444.4 44 4 , 4 Cis 44444444,144*444444,C,KCCCW4C%4444,43'444 4 4,,k,44'4.:4 444,-'" "444 4444 , ,. .1,414.„f:A:t.,„,,,*„4.,Ns,,,zo:01--.--„ ,rzat4„..w7-, ;',44,,,,44,4444444S4.44444.4'44 4444'4,44C 44, 4 ''',4444 4444444 4 44,. , ' 44 , -,f,e,„,,,,ts„„:„,„:v ,, t'kai.E. 4.4.,:,"•';';'',':".,f,0"4,,i4-,-,1,;,'„4,,, , , ,q.,..!,,,,,m„ , , , . 4704:1`,;,,,i,...,Ihri:' End of recent slurry seal on Whispering Palms Trail between Baristo Rd and 33rd Avenue. Attachment D3-4 7. Whispering Palms Trail North of 33rd Avenue(Looking Southbound) 4 ,,,,,0440414'4 44 < `,1044414441"0 - 'a, 1,e* t'Ygte''17Vgk4twt,,,..4t4-444-44- - , Existing uneven pavement,utility covers,and cross gutters pose a hazard for cyclists in the proposed class III shared bike route. 8. Whispering Palms Trail North of Ortega Road(Looking Southbound) iiiiIttittt Ack - , 44glet*AVAA AAA,- -Al\\A. :14100.* AVAA.A1'''\\4444"A44,4"' , 's \S"A\''l; 4An '444\ AAA ,44 i.kt,V*RZ\kolll'S*tititi*XAA)4'ctA.l;4:. '44kA44.14: 1,, \ ;,..;41\ 441414,10k4NIXPlittitft*Wita*AttiViStge*XlaN*",**l0° ,' "444'444,4k, AAtit*Ittltif; is.`AIAN:k 4,,,,0','..Z*,14,4044)40:4\301alt00q-AitOlittigtalk atop***40,0*,,. ..,,,s, t4?ksti•titotto*ritekNitt,,, t,,,,,,,,.$110)4431,4,01/204064,04A%;.Ixik0OrNorii,44,,C AlkOMOVAttittrAitZ,V.," 100#4rn4kvA*qmo:oot h\.;,A,*A k, \AIAWAAl s.rt,bloo,*,44A-A,,A lltAel. A,.„ ll,&4AtatlA,..*4,4,A+40 t*f4k1A00404AzN44,0444Xt'tiliOtV tivkA4Sil\NAIM.C•044-JA ;4' NA41'SARNMATOMPAitiN* 1ktithl440,44:144VAZW, ''‘Ak", ‘AW.,.,Al'AVtkitA '10,:10040k5"Atk,k,,,x ‘.; -- Existing uneven pavement and utility covers pose a hazard for cyclists in the proposed class HI shared bike route. Attachment D3-5 9. Whispering Palms Trail North ofp17a!1t!"."or!!!..,,,!:.:r7.11!dppriori:!7,1L,,,,.6„,..„: ' -''-''''''''''''''-'4"'"":-,'''':-''''''''''''''" ' ' '' ' "Vfi5Atl:;.lto,,,,i ,.-,,"',,,,,*-• • tiOt.'VA " I P. .,,,"--44t,';:2'4.,;',',":,,,?',','7,.",:-., ""':';:7140'':',.,*:',„41,,,,•',''''',1*.it,„.., 'iP .,,,,ti,!,,,,,,- •,,,,,i,i.o.,,e,c4.,N, -,,:.i.v.,:;,".c.0:,:',,,,!.,.'-,.. -‘,..,.'4,'!!,,i,,,,,!0',. =h.lox, ,.—'i,'viNaii::.%..,.6.,,14.1kr':' :'':,..' '' '..iwi,,,.Nomil,* ,7.7„*.to, ,,,,''' i,:.,. ,' '',• , -- ',,,v-,„. ,!" -,,,,::',..,..:. •'', t.,.,-...„,;:ik.'",:t „,'.:„-..,,;-, ,,,T'sit.1,.... ,...3. ',. ,,,,4-.:,i,:::,.'.,.1-,,,A, 45,', ,,,,,-4,':,r44,.." ,, ' ', ,,:v.,,,. . ,,,,,, „,,..,„„„i4- . ', ," ,•,,,,,,,4 4„,,,,:, ,,,,, 0 , ,,VIlliesa,;‘,N-, ,'44„,,,,fht',,,,„,„,,,,,,',,,,,:,'''' ' 00.00.4„, ;;,',.....1"'' ‘11.: iligiigii it, ,.. Existing uneven pavement in extent of proposed class III shared bike route ends.Project corridor ends. Attachment D3-6 I ; 1 , [ , - -, , -, /- WHISPERING PAUWSj ',..... i_-_ _ ... _ _ / TRAIL CLASS III '...N, / BIKE ROUTES / N. V i 4 ..,,, — n i N. i i , 1 i 1 . i k $ i ' 3 I .. ....; j Ill 9. 1\ ! - L„ ..i 1........„,...; -I k 'I LEGEND: PROPOSED CLASS III BIKE ROUTES SB-535 DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES 2022 (CENSUS TRACTS AND TRIBAL AREAS) - - CITY BOUNDARY t 0 116J PA I r- ,,,,„, l 1 ir SB-535 DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY MAP ATTACHMENT CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY D4 i1 PEREZ ROAD CLASS IV SEPARATED BIKEWAYS Cathedral City FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3/BB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM Cathedral City 1 Active Transportation Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS FEBRUARY 2023 . , FIGURE 2: CATHEDRAL CITY EXISTING POPULATION DENSITY (2020) -- Legend 13-050 o --- - - ---------1 Population Density(Pe opleiSqiili),, Xi ! , I 651-2.434 i I 2.435-4.062 ,r.. I .1 4 063-8.532 • , ,, . • 8.533-13,860 • • 1 Cathedral City • r - • ..._, 1 I 4 i 1 t , 0 0 zrn 1 in i 2$ 1 C 0 ' VililiCkINO', f. i.t4,. 0 s 1 . 6 tic61:: '''' -3m' .6,46 a i ,it,0 p t, _FA.,.‘1., a 1St ,,, 0 P s • i '1 g,14y442 ' ' a 1 "t- ' ;:rlitii. — 0 1 s• I • i r x I tiMit" ' M 3°ThAVE i ! ..., I a , p 'Alt:0***t.t - 111 , 'MAPVMAtztvVet p `, ' s P' t , 2222222 ' 22222221.\ nk4A.N < 2,2 222242222224222.' To .. `4,4,...vixs.:VA.%Or,s, r- • ,. in ''.., # ' 0 L 2 2' . 22222 , '124422,2,22222;Xi222!222'242N2r22t2s<,or- t4KM,NTR:k*I'l 72 RAMON RD VI RAMON RD ', ' 0 MESCIUITEAVE "z 0 . 2 DINAH SHORE DR 0 x t EpAtio , II, , It A csito, .... . ' a DR, 1. ", , -'' \g' ,8 GERALD FORD DR — t ' I , ; tv\, V r I \ I I T. I, , . I ,.\\..4 , 7 '..., FRNAK SINAIRA DR I_1 , • ../ ' , '..u• - »I I * — .,.4, ..• COUNTRY CLUB DR livoy Source:2020 Connect SoCal(RTP/SCS)growth forecast Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan N I B I „ .,, ovt, 2''''2 2' Existing Population Density 2020 0 i 2 i„.. . .....\.li iienno.=._--,---__LI Miss At L. , ....j Cathedrat City FEBRUARY 2023 LOW INCOME Legend _ a *'" " Percent Low Income Households (Low Income/Total Households) Ast,\kkv oo1.1olo‘tk,,,,t•4, 31% 40% i ‘,,k'A\i\\I\VoNA so so,okS\ ,,, w*, ,, {,10,,I "`iv ,Iss' t,,,, ',ON 0'k. **,,, 'f ''\ 41%•50% • -,,,,o oo,\\\\\ \\\, \1 ,,\‘.y,\ ,0 u\\,\,,Z 51%-60%1 • ,", \,otl, `A,,Fls'i, '1 61%-75% o on.t,,io Noot; r e I r k 4 Ir..s. , ....at.0.11....., — ' 1 I k t 1 0 III 1 li z In —— ...,:rti, 3 ,. a .:4 ,,t0 C7 P 1 1, ',‘\ , ••• . OThAVE I < , 1 m Pukr.tp0073 P s, r— IrietrialKoNA • n _-.. RAMON RD bxrcd 1'71 RAMON RD . r- a i , g, IdEsOUllE AVE t•t.,! At, t DINAH SHORE DR 8 GERALD FORD DR ( ' 1 1 1 ** l• ( ' FRNAK SINA1RA DR I.' II° ...•1 / a 6, ,,,, : COUNTRY CLUB DR _ . .. •,A e.76 Source:2020 Connect SoCal(RTP/SCS)growth forecast r......--i Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan N I B I , i Existing Low Income Households 2020 - Mlles A i _4 Cathedral City Cathedral City I Active Transportation Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS FEBRUARY 2023 FIGURE 7: CATHEDRAL CITY SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN (2020) c ' Legend $ --_ - Percent School Aged Population (Apes S o 17) v r 1 6%-10% r I 1 1t%-25% ,`. 4 t v 26%-50% • _ •♦ r School. College t t ! Elementary Schad 1 j 4 High School 1..- � �,, Middle Sdsool %�.pmmrta� to M '` VISTCHINO ._- a r` k yy: ro6 r t R 3 ! 4- r ��� m -30THAVE.; `. i v 19 ! i RAMON RD 1 !! RAMON RD _ ___ C 111 MESQUIIEAVE 1 „O �. k DINAH SHORE DR firo z 0 1A ! xl i. i k:! -`,m GERALD FORD DR 4 I,,.!/--PP/ . ,a r f r 1 1 o -, i I k e 1 - —'•, FRNAK SINAIRA DR ! k r ar ! r �4 ! T:t 7 1 I. 11/� .,h r! • COUNTRY CLUB DR Atilt'r Source:2020 Connect SoCal(RTP/SCS)growth forecast r--"--1 _, — Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan N I2 o t Existing School Aged Population 2020 ..� Mlfas i _J Cathedral City 16 CatherarW ely 1 Act ve 1 rzmsrormtior ----- ' CITY LIMITED Legend ' a -- :1 % of Households with Limited English Proficiency I 0% : 3' %Nit 12:- / / -S s %vr , 11111 4%-5% , NM 6% 7% k Cathedral City vtvvv vov, z m ,,,. ,„":.., \4.14. N-yA ,N,011' 1 c tAvISTAttift4D'' ', '),\jog' 7' '-'IiIk ,t, ..4. .10 o r .'1:7.11"1-1'' p. ..., r,s, P ' , 1 , ri 8 le ,4 ? a , , , 1 al Nr ' ,, , ,.... ez i,malkt 5IkAgb t 414$4,14:9,-, r, Mil .A. kIMONOSPMeki k$ ',,, NAC00,04.51,,4 P ,, , l'' , 0 ! LI Airrxt ILI RAMON RD iv,,, v '''' -, 751 RAMON RD l 0 I .11i i MESQUITE AVE i m 1 t El ......... DINAH SHORE DR 8 , i EA444 ttvii P:•:itfitIC A : %Vv. IN ffi4t S , ° oR GERALD FORD DR II . g 1 D i ii, i ! 0 i FRNAK SINATRA DR 1 I I' i I / -•.!7'' it. . .. COUNTRY CLUB DR Sourg..US Census Bureau,American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates(2016)_ ,(,, Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan N I B I i ,,,, ° 1 2 ' ' ' Households with Limited English Proficiency lmnes i j Cathedra(City Cathedral City I Active TranspartatIon EXISTING CONDITIONS FEBRUARY 2023 FIGURE 25: CATHEDRAL CITY ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AREAS 3 - Legend i 0 v m Environmental Justice Areas 1 1 1 [ 'Cathedra;Ck, L...,.. l 4... I ‘M 1 1 I or t 22 1 g .7f4, m le$ r r a Z 1 )1* 6 s 79: I he, 1 73 S m g MN AYE_: • 1 0,„, TO, ,...,. F ... < „ › ..„... . m P An-141ro # F , I; Lo-47,114nal RAMON RD RA MON RD b ' 9 1 th, MESQUITE AVE IF, DINAH SHORE DR o I. CD 2 ,' X e -c sI 0 I i 0 X IS z t m 0 s V $ -, 4 ' GERALD FORD DR I t 1..,$ t.•••-40,FREZ,t.,.. 3i„t. 1 1,'I * I , I ( —...‘..,: FRNAK SINATRA DR ' 8 i ---_ r;+, / ,•#,P:,,I" gr ; I. .•i;; 1 F w .... h ,. COUNTRY CLUB DR w J, Source:SCAG 1 rommommon : Cathedral City Active Transportation Plan N I B I ' ' ,, Environmental Justice Areas o 1 2 Miles 1 I Cathedral City 47 ` . • 'P I b I R C TDA Article 3(58 821)Grant Program Project: Cathedral City Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes Construction Cost Estimate Unit Description Quantity Unit Amount Price 1 Mobilization 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 2 Traffic Control 1 LS $35,000 $35,000 3 SWPPP Preparation & Implementation 1 LS $30,000 $30,000 4 Signing and Striping Improvements 1 LS $70 000 $70 000 5 Install Traffic Loop Detectors for Vehicles and Bicycles 1 IS $4,000 $4,000 i - 6 Purchase and Install Radar Speed Feedback Signs 4 EA $15,000 $60,000 7 Remove and Replace 3"AC 1 1 LS $300,000 $300,000 1 _ i 8 Apply Rubberized Emulsion Asphalt Slurry 1 LS I $240,000 $240,000 _ _ Construction Subtotal $789,000 Contingency(15%) $118,000 _ . Construction Management $110,000 , . Construction Grand Total I $1,017,000 Total Project Costs Project Phase , Total PA&ED $5,000 PS&E r $30,000 ROW I $0 -- - Construction $1,017,000 Administration .L $10,000 Total Project Cost $1,062,000 Local atch(35%) $372,000 SB 821 Request(65%) $690,000 6-1 IYOU I sta.t,gt - , t'4'..e. 1 4 : „ ... OSSIR7 PARE A I ESTATES • i 4 , 4 Vi.mtwro RACQU IET CLUS 1 i I rsrar es soul,. TA NOM; i GENE Mr I i I I : *CA. CAD A Sitathba , . z EL AMMO „ A., / i 1STA CSTATSS , SUNRISE ,, Vi51.11 ciliti6 • m WHISPERING PALMS • / TRAIL cuss III COLONY EMT I 1, .! / F / BIKE ROUTES `I I. !atm SprhIgs. %. 6 V A In Litirld / * 1 l 4ir 1.4 • / • • I I "'... 1 I 01 [ . I • t 1 1 t it I ''"tth dr 1 .3/67 POres Pigrrt I .. oil • • MOS 1 IM ,11.14 PLY fLL5 1 f • II f Pi ! Wale.1.440, 1 1 1 ! i tONLIVIA , 1 • • i I MASSE ' 1 eo „ Les COM DM ' 1 i e , -.....b• :g....-r. a PALMS MILO'COMPESMIC 0 1 a: I: .,:fi, ,t i : AWAY ClE a $ • ! AA , a Z., FC n \\.) I ) , : X . I Lim„,1 • 1 . „ , • i . . , kri. i I 0041 4, 5 1 .,,....- i 1 a a.SEE SEE SHEET El-2- i rj N i ......4.1.. , I Haiti .-•••••— ••••••••••.. --,....... 7': :-7'7, CATMEOPIAL ,,,, '"- r 1 COMVOrtl COV6 ff \) 1 ; A 4 LEGEND: DESTINATIONS SERVED MAP , --- PROJECT CORRIDOR • DESTINATIONS SERVED I --- CITY BOUNDARY I wom 2-MILE BUFFER 1 , 2750 1375 0 2750 5500 8250 SXALL 1.-5500 ,4 VICINITY MAP ATTACHMENT ti t 1 4 1444 A A , CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY E11 1 WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES Cathedral City FY 23-24 TDA ARTICLE 3 i SB 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM - , i 1 a , RIO VISTA G 2 is,rar,fi 1 i 1 Lk IMSADA til I GENE AUTRY i ) IS Vitra Chino I EL RANCHO - VISTA ESTATES I y T-WISPERING PALMS t Drain / TRAIL CLASS III .,. MINC113 41 I Cavalry CIO 1 a I / BIKE ROUTES Palm 5 primp , 5 , InterPaiiP nal -..; I 41,Port *..... I *8 Pmmm OathadralCity ,1" ' , 7 xtpia cAkEnte IPP:Pan SUNMOR i y Pampland 10 .12 IDTDestination Seivad / 1 . 7 11 Cherinut •Mt , i. won.,tro Doti 1 Rio Vista Circle Park 2 Rlo Vista Elensentary School t --weet Dar' - — .7 , j ,,,,,,, 3 Desert Prinons Country Club 6 I. P"I 4 i Panorama Park I - 18 5 Dennis Mat Soccer park I 6 James Workman Middle School 14 a•• s 17 outdoor LITTLE 1,, k 16 R*Ort , 7 [Landau Elemental*School HM BEVERLY S I 3 •19 Rum46.19, B,ICimarron Golf Resort DEMUTH PARK , i 9 9 iCentury Park ft Pc*nit . I Iola ll' 10!Mira Callen,Elemental;School 2;LI ti.: i WHITEWATER ALAMEDA 11 i Mt San Jacinto Nish School * 20 12 iStusrei Sands Elornentary a S i t, ; 1 .21 , -..,in nrcer•12d 13 i Ramon Plaza --- nryali. 14 L Palm Sprina*Lanes LOS COM PADRES .4e.t.G41 1 4123 , 24 15 s Century Plaza$hop pine Center 16,StarrawaliMadical Center ,17 ICathadralVillazeShoppincCenter *25 1 18 Canyon Seines Developmental Center 11 a COMMONS 19 -Cantra Medico Cathedral Crty f Royal Pane i ,_, 8 20 Ocotillo Park F r 21 Unload Stated Postai Saryice Dina tt C*0*.P '''c';" 33r 22,Calhadral City liranch Library ARABY COVE z*Erje30 r_l It l'5 ,.! _ 23 181a League Dreams Cathedral City Sports Complex - cgt ! ! r 37 24;Patriot Pads ,,,; •-I ....L.., ,.. L - 25 Cathedral City Marketplace i , s- .,Li- , s r 38 26;Regency Cathedral CRY 10Theater * 11 38f .j,4°L., ''''``I-r . 22!Cathedral Canyon Golf Club IP .9e, I ..„42.4 28'Nellie N Coffman Middla School '"--1 4, 44r 4:111'44 45*4 c..,1 *50 ,g0"' 5 1 083 rs m 29 Eisenhower Pitmen Care at Rimrock Pate : 30 Boome Amuseent Center now/ 31 Eisenhowartlealth Centerat Cathedral City-North 1 . i 32 can;on Plaza Shopping Center 33 Esalanade Shoat int Center LEGEND: 34„Mayfield Collate__ ; 35 Cathedral City Elementary School ft PROJECT CORR I DOR ,36„Palm Valley Eianyrtaa and Rich School 37`MisSfors Plaza Sheopiny Center ,. tt.'tttt CITY BOUNDARY MiDanr Pallet COLintry Club I - • ARTS/ATTRACTION 39-Jessup Auto NaL4 • MEDICAL FACILITY 40 County Of Riverside Adult/Pubic Social Services i 41 Perez Business Pare OPEN SPACE 47 Cmhiadral City Police Department - * PUBLIC FACILITY 0 1 43 Cathedral City CityHall'— I ' 44 I Pitliforsi Theater • SCHOOL 45!Cathedral City Plaza * SHOPPING 46 Palm Canuon Plaza k , ;Destination Type i Total 47;4C-cache&Valley Remeory Theater 1 r Arts/Attraction l 11 48 Cathedral; City Fen n,Lawn ,, i; Medical Facility l 4 49 1TownSouare Park •Opm5eace I1 8 53 Cathedral City Fire Department Station 411 2250 1125 0 2250 4500 57P0 „Public Facility t' 8 51 Z Cathedral Oty Community/Senior Center School I 1 10 52 ase ya Caliente Casino ft AID 1 -4670 !Shops in t l 12 L53 Cathedral Canton Gateway Plan SC " ' it i PROJECT MAP i ATTACHMENT CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY , El-2 WHISPERING PALMS TRAIL CLASS III BIKE ROUTES ! Cathed rat City FY 23-24 WA ARTICLE 3/S8 821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM ____ ATTACHMENT 2 (PROGRAM POLICIES) RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM ADOPTED POLICIES Transportation DeveloiLment Act Policies 1. Up to 5%of Article 3 apportionment can be used to supplement other funding sources used for bicycle and safety education programs; the allocation cannot be used to fully fund the salary of a person working on these programs. 2. Article 3 money shall be allocated for the construction, including related engineering expenses,of the facilities,or for bicycle safety educationprograms. 3. Money may be allocated for the maintenance of bicycling trails,which are closed to motorized traffic. 4. Facilities provided for the use of bicycles may include projects that serve the needs of commuting bicyclists, including, but not limited to, new trails serving major transportation corridors,secure bicycle parking at employment centers,park and ride lots, and transit terminals where other funds are available. 5. Within 30 days after receiving a request for a review from any city or county, the transportation-planning agency shall review its allocations. 6. Up to 20 percent of the amount available each year to a city or county may be allocated to restripe Class II bicycle lanes. 7. A portion of each city's allocation may also be used to develop comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plans. Plans must emphasize bike/pedestrian facilities that support utilitarian bike/pedestrian travel rather than solely recreational activities; a maximum of one entire allocation per five years may be used for plan development. 6. Allowable maintenance activities for the local funds are limited to maintenance and repairs of Class I off-street bicycle facilities only. RCTC Policies 1• The SB 821 Call for Projects will occur on a biennial basis, with a release date of the first Monday of every other February and a close date of the last Thursday of every other April, beginning in 2015. 2. If a project cannot be fully funded, RCTC may recommend partial funding for award. To handle tiebreakers, RCTC will use, in terms of priority, the safety question first then construction readiness. 3. Agencies awarded funds will not be reimbursed for any project cost overruns. 4. Agencies being awarded an allocation will be reimbursed in arrears only upon submitting adequate proof of satisfactory project completion. Claims need to Attachment 2 17336.00005\41471 3 05.2 include: the claim form, copies of paid invoices, a copy of the Notice of Completion(NOC),and photographs of the completed project. 5. The allocated amount represents the maximum amount eligible for reimbursement. For projects completed under the allocated amount, the agency will be reimbursed at the matching ratio as presented in the application. 6. An agency will have thirty-six(36)months from the time of the allocation to complete the project. There will be no time extensions granted unless the reason for the delay can be demonstrated. Where substantial progress or a compelling reason for delay can be shown,the agency may be granted administrative extensions in twelve-month increments at the discretion of the Executive Director. 7. Any programmed and unused Article 3 Program funds will be forfeited unless that agency can a)utilize the unused funds to complete projects that are the same or similar in scope and/or are contiguous to the approved project or b) apply the funds to a project previously submitted under an Article 3 call for projects and approved by the Commission, subject to Executive Director approval. 8. Design and construction of facilities must conform to the general design criteria for non-motorized facilities as outlined in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. 9. Temporary facilities,projects in the bid process,or projects that are under construction will not be funded. 10. The SB 821 evaluation committee will be comprised of a minimum of five evaluators representing a wide range of interests; such as: accessibility,bicycling,Coachella Valley,public transit,and the region. Staff, consultants, and other representatives from agencies submitting project proposals will not be eligible to participate on the evaluation committee that year. 11. Following each call, staff will monitor the equity of allocations to Coachella Valley versus Western Riverside County; the allocation should be relative to what the Coachella Valley's share would have been if distributed on a per capita basis(the percentage of funds applied for should also be taken into consideration). If the allocation is often found to be inequitable to the Coachella Valley, staff will recommend adoption of a new policy to correct the imbalance. 12. Certain costs at times associated with bicycle/pedestrian projects are not eligible when the benefit provided is not the exclusive use of bicyclists/pedestrians, such as: curb and gutter as part of roadway drainage system, driveway ramps installed across sidewalks, and where roadway design standards require a roadway shoulder width that is at least as wide as a standard bike lane. 13. For each Call for Projects, a city is eligible to submit up to three(3) applications, and the County of Riverside is eligible to submit up to two (2)applications per Supervisorial District. 14. Each application is limited to a maximum request of 10%of the current Call for Projects programming capacity. 15. Total award to one jurisdiction is limited to 20%of current Call for Project's programming capacity, 16. Awarded agencies can commence reimbursable project activities on July 1 of the Call Attachment 2 17336.00005 414713052 for Project fiscal year cycle.E.g.: for FY 23/24 Call for Projects, reimbursable work starts on July 1, 2023. 17. Awarded agencies have until October 1 of the Call for Project fiscal year cycle to execute the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with RCTC. E.g.: for FY 23/24 Call for Projects,MOUs must be executed by October 1,2023 Attachment 2 17336.00005\41471305.2 Vdd,,M.,d %%WON IdAMIN wmtbE kmmummoummuwommmamwmrxtmwmanamm, uwavms, -. , , VVvim%.,ImaVt In It VtIn, „ IIi Cathedral City - Funding Agreement No. 9S ° 24-62-011 -00 - SB 821 Whispering Palms Train Class Ill Bike Routes Project Final Audit Report 2023-10-05 1 , t :4 r Created: 2023-10-05 r r 4' By: Shirley Gooding(sgooding@rotc.org) r r Status: Signed rt: l, r r Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAX-Lz3Zrn_ALmsSSVBL-HRolzEiFW56YL 44 '4. "Cathedral City - Funding Agreement No. 24-62-011-00 - SB 821 it Whispering Palms Trail! Class Ill Bike Routes Project" History t, Document created by Shirley Gooding(sgooding@rctc.org) 1 t 1 11: 2023-10-05-5:40:15 PM GMT-IP address: kr g.. Document emailed to Anne Mayer(amayer@rctc.org)for signature 2023-10-05-5:41:33 PM GMT r' t 4 Email viewed by Anne Mayer(amayer@rctc.org) t‘t 2023-10-05-5:51:58 PM GMT-IP address: Document e-signed by Anne Mayer(amayer@rctc.org) 4 c Signature Date:2023-10-05-5:52:20 PM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address: irr' r il Agreement completed. r 2023-10-05-5:52:20 PM GMT r • i lr r r , 1,r Ir t: , r r r ir Adobe Acrobat Sign dradMIddVwdadern,"Irn,,dAdd,ildsdMddEddl".,,ddarntdldadrna.,MVAWUPAIMWMIM ',IInftd,d,,d , ddddVdd-dd ddyddAIM , Vd. .dZ,UdX., ,'V,Idtdd, ,addddVid dddrdd Widdd dlaSMIMUT, ddVdMIRMAddadend,MdMMOMAdd%