HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - 11/21/2023 - 2058 a j 0 • m THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT, AND PARTICIPATING POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM (PACT) LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FY 2023-2024 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP• 'T 1 NT, . 1 POST-'_ LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY r CO I'LI. CE TE FOR P :LIC SAFETY ' :ALIGN I NT `MO DUM OF 1 ERSTA KING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Background 3 2.0 Parties and Purpose 3 3.0 Probation Officer Role 4 4.0 Term 4 5.0 Amendment or Termination of MOU 4 6.0 Audits 5 7.0 Records Retention 5 8.0 Financial Reports 6 9.0 Confidentiality 6 10.0 Hold Harmless and Indemnification 6 11.0 Assignment 6 12.0 License and Certifications 7 13.0 Compliance,Governing Law and Severability 7 14.0 Compensation 7 14.1 Maximum Amount 7 14.2 Method,Time and Schedule/Condition of Payments 7 14.3 Use of Funds 8 14.4 Disallowance 9 14.5 Availability of Funding 9 15.0 Notices 9 16.0 Merger Clause 10 17.0 Electronic Signatures 10 SIGNATURE PAGES 11 Exhibit A:Quarterly Financial Summary Report Template 24 Exhibit B: PACT Invoice Template 25 Exhibit C: Distribution of Annual PACT Allocation by City 26 Exhibit D: PACT Frequently Asked Questions 27 Exhibit E: Funding& Reimbursement Policy&Guidelines for Regional PAC Teams 30 Page 12 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP- 'T I NT, , D POST-* LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND CO 'LIANCE TE- �� FOR P LIC SAFETY ' ALIGN I NT | �0 MO DX0M0kF0NDDCRST- DING 1.0 BACKGROUND , �� � - The Public Safety Realignment Act of 2011 (Realignment) implementation resulted in specified convicted felons and parolees who were previously monitored by State Parole to be supervised by the Riverside County Probation Department (hereinafter Probation). On August 30, 2011,the Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCPEC) of Riverside County (County) voted unanimously for the need of a county-wide |axv enforcement component. The eleven (11)city police chiefs,the Riverside County Sheriff,the Riverside County District Attorney and Probation have built the infrastructure to support this type of critical enforcement. The Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team (hereinafter PACT) is a county-wide, multi-jurisdictional team composed of Probation, the Banning Police Department, Beaumont Police Department, Blythe Police Department,Cathedral City Police Department, Corona Police Department, Desert Hot Springs Police Department, Hemet Police Department, Indio Police Department, K8enihee Police Department, KAurrieta Police Department, Riverside Police Department, Riverside County District Attorney, and the Riverside County Sheriff's Department representing the seventeen Sheriffs contract cities within the County. The primary mission of PACT is to work with Probation to focus on"high-risk"and"at-large" realignment offenders that pose the most risk to public safety. PACT is dedicated to: ° Identifying and investigating "non-com pliant" realignment offenders, w Locating and apprehending "at-large" and "high-risk" realignment offenders, and • Performing probation compliance sweeps. Through sustained, proactive and coordinated investigations, PACT will be able to share information, serve warrants, locate and apprehend violators, and reduce the number of realignment offenders who abscond.The support of the PACT allows Probation more time and resources to focus on case management, addressing treatment needs, and ensuring compliance with Court-ordered conditions. 2.0 PARTIES AND PURPOSE This Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) is entered into by and between Probation,the Banning Police Department, Beaumont Police Department, Blythe Police Department, Cathedral City Police Department, Corona Police Department, Desert Hot Springs Police THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Department, Hemet Police Department, Indio Police Department, Menifee Police Department, K4urrieta Police Department, Riverside Police Department, Riverside County Sheriff's Department Coachella, Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto stations for monetary reimbursement from realignment funds for expenses related to their participation in PACT. The police chief of the Murrieta Police Department is the voting member of the CCPECond represents the PACT local law enforcement agencies participating in this K8C>U, including for receipt of notices under section 15. The parties agree to the terms and conditions of this K4OU, which will be effective immediately and remain in effect until terminated or modified as defined in section 4'0of thisK4(]U. 3.0 PROBATION OFFICER ROLE: Probation Officers are peace officers under Penal Code section 830.5 whose authority extends to any place in the state while engaged in the performance of the duties of their respective employment and for the purpose of carrying out the primary function of their employment, asfollows: l) To conditions of parole, probation, mandatory supervision, or post-release community supervision by any person in this state on parole, probation, mandatory supervision, or post-release community supervision. 2) Tw the escape of any inmate or ward from a state mr local institution. 3\ To the transportation of persons on parole, probation, mandatory supervision, or post-release community supervision. 4\ To violations of any penal provisions mf law which are discovered while performing the usual or authorized duties of his or her employment. 5\ To the rendering of mutual aid to any other law enforcement agency. 4.0 TERM This K4C)U shall be effective upon execution by signature of the Chief Probation Officer of Riverside County and the Chiefs or City Managers of each participating PACT agency or their respective designees. The term mf this K8OU shall commence on July 1, IOI3,and effective through June 3[l2OI4. Thereafter this K8OU will automatically renew, annually, for each m fiscal year from July 1� to June 30 and shall remain in effect until June 30\ 3028, unless terminated or modified as defined in section S.Oof this K4(]U. 5'0 AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF MOU � Page 14 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This MC)U may be amended at any time with the written concurrence of all parties. This K4OU, along with any incorporated attachments, fully expresses all understandings of the parties concerning all matters covered and shall constitute the total MOU. No addition to or alteration of, the terms of this MOU whether by written or verbal understanding of the parties, their officers, agents oremployees, shall be valid unless made in the form of written amendment 1mthis N1C>U formally approved and executed by both Probation and each participating PACT agency. Consideration for amendment will be given upon written notification by one party tm the others. The parties will review this MC}Uat least annually and modify asneeded. Any participating PACT agency can withdraw participation in this &4[)U with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notification to the other parties. Participation withdrawal will take effect thirty (30) days following receipt ofnotification and terms and conditions of this K4OU continue in full force for the remaining PACT agencies. This K4OU can be terminated with or without cause by any party upon thirty (30) days written notification to the other parties or due to unavailability of funding. Termination of the K1OU will take effect thirty (30) days following receipt of the written notice of termination or upon effective date of funding expiration. 6.0 AUDITS The parties agree that any duly authorized representative of the Federal, State, or local government shall have the right to audit, inspect, copy or transcribe any pertinent records, electronic data and documentation relating tothis K4C)U. Any audit exception, as it relates to this W1OU, resulting from an audit conducted by any duly authorized representative of the Federal, State, or local government shall be the responsibility of the participating PACT agencies. Any audit disallowance adjustments must be paid in full upon demand if required, or may be withheld at the discretion of the Chief Probation Officer against amounts due to PACT agencies under this K4[>Uor any PACT agreement with Probation. 7-0 RECORDS RET ENTION � Each party agrees tm retain all records pertaining to this K4QU for the period indicated in the Riverside County Records Retention General Schedule per Board of Supervisors Policy A-43 unless otherwise indicated by the source of funds. If, at the end of the retention period,there is ongoing litigation or an audit involving those records,each party shall retain the original records until the resolution mf such litigation oraudit. � THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP, 1 T I NT, I I POST- ' LEASE ACCOUNT- '-DL0[Y I CO 0~LIANCE TE- �'� FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ALIGN U N][ �N MO ' - ]0 OF ER0TA m0NG 8.0 .FINANCIAL REPORTS Four financial reports are to be submitted quarterly by each PACT partner during each fiscal year covering the following reporting periods: Quarter Reporting Period l July 1—September 3O 2 July 1—December 31 | 3 ]u|Y l—March 31 4 July l—June 3Q The [[PEC-approved template for financial report submission is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. The summary PACT report for each quarter will be compiled and presented to CCPE[ by Probation' Due dates for quarterly financial reports are established annually by the CCPEC' 9'0 CONFIDENTIALITY All parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. 10,0 HOLD HARMLESS AND A�����U�U��UON � �� Each participating agency agrees to indemnify and hold the other participating agencies harmless from any and all liability for death, injury and/or damage, actual or alleged, to persons or property, arising out of, or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying party or its employees. When Probation,PACT itself,any participating agency, mr its agents, are held liable for deaths or injuries to persons orproperty, each party's liability for contribution or indemnity for such injuries shall be based proportionately upon the contributions of each participating agency. |n the event mf liability imposed upon any of the participating agencies for death, injury, and/or damage which is caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any of the parties in the performance of this MOU, the contribution of the party or parties not directly responsible for the negligent or wrongful act or omission shall be limited to $100.00. The party or parties directly responsible for the negligent orwrongful acts or omissions shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other parties harmless from any liability for death, injury and/or damage arising out of the performance of this K4[]U. 11.0 ASSIGNMENT THE COUNTY OF ' "~S^^^E�ON BEHALF OF ITS � � PROBATION DEP- '][ I NT, - I POST-' ��D�D��kSDI����K�K����][��ILIT�� - I K�K�0� 'D�l� ��E TD�, �� � FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN I NT �U MO ' - D0M0oF oDIRS][, I*ING This MOU shall not be assigned by any party hereto,either in whole or in part,without prior written consent mf the other parties. Any assignment or purported assignment of this NYOU / ` without the prior written consent will be deemed void and of no force or effect. 12.0 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATIONS When applicable, all parties verify upon execution of this K4OU, that all work performed pursuant to this KHC}U will be performed by properly trained and licensed/certified staff who possess current and valid license/certifications in compliance with any local,State,and Federal laws. 13.0 COMPLIANCE, GOVERNING LAW, AND SEVERABULUTY The parties shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. In the event there is o conflict between the various applicable laws and regulations, the parties shall comply with the more restrictive law orregulation. Any legal action related tm this K4<]U shall be filed only in the Superior Court for the State ofCalifornia in Riverside, California. All parties shall be obligated to attend o mediation session before a neutral third-party mediator prior to the filing of any legal action. If any provision in this MOU is held by court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or enforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 14'0 COMPEPWSATAON. 14.1 Maximum Amount: The maximum allowable costs under this MOU shall not exceed the approved CCPEC for each annual fiscal year's budget.Annual allocations assigned to each PACT agency are detailed in the annual budget proposal Exhibit C, attached hereto, and incorporated herein. |tis agreed that arevised budget will be submitted to the[[PE[ for approval each FISCAL year. 14.2 Method, Time and Schedulp/[onditionofPayments: Within thirty (30) days of the end of each nnmn1h in which services were rendered, each participating PACT agency will prepare and submit to Probation's Accounts Payable, via ennei| Acctspayab|e@rixco.or0' a reinnbursennen1dainn/journa| entry for THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEH- D? OF ITS PROBATION DEP- *T I NT, D POST- ' LEASE ACCO T- I ILITY , DCO 'L - CE TE- �'� FOR PUBLIC SAFETY * ALIGN I NT � I MO ' , I UM OF UNDERS]C- I ING services and expenditures performed and incurred during the month. Using the � invoice template, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B, claim | � documentation will include, but is not limited to, an invoice with an itemized | expenditure summary of Salaries & Benefits and Services J& Supplies; and copies of timesheets, pay registers, and vendor invoices or receipts, as applicable. Upon review and approval, Probation shall process each claim within fifteen /15\ business days. The corresponding payment voucher will be forwarded to the County /\uditor-Cmntro||er's office for processing. Invoices will be held beyond the fifteen(15) business days when an annual fiscal year realignment budget has not been approved by the CCPEC and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Upon approval byboth governing bodies, held invoices will be released tm the AuditopContno||er's office for processing. Each year, estimates for the month ending June 3O should be provided toProbation bV June I0 with the final invoice due July 3lor next available working day. If PACT ceases provision of services for any period,then no payment will apply for that period. Probation will reimburse participating PACT agencies for services provided in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. Additional clarifications on the reimbursement process are provided as part of the Frequently Asked Questions, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit D. 14'3 Use of PACT agencies shall not use any funds received pursuant to this MOU for any other program, project,or purpose. The parties shall not use realignment funds to supplant by claiming reimbursement from Probation for any costs which have been paid by another source ofrevenue. The parties agree not tm use funds received pursuant to this MOU,either directly or indirectly,for purposes of obtaining funds under any other program without prior written approval mfProbation. Additional guidelines for use mf funds received pursuant to this MOU are provided in the Funding and Reimbursement Policy and Guidelines for Regional PAC Teams as developed by the Association of Riverside County Chiefs of Police and Sheriff /ARCC[)PS\ in cooperation with Probation, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit E. Any revisions by ARCCOPSto the guidelines will supersede the attached exhibit. THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNM[ENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 14.4 Disallowance: In the event a party receives payment for services pursuant to this MOU which is later disallowed for nonconformance with the terms and conditions herein by Probation, the party shall promptly refund the disallowed amount to Probation upon request, or at its option, Probation may offset the amount disallowed from any payment due to the party under any PACT agreement with Probation. 14.5 Availability ofFunding: Probation's obligation for payment under this MOU is contingent upon the availability of funds from which payment can bemade. 15.0 NOTICES All notices, claims, correspondence, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this K1OU shall be addressed for each location as follows: Riverside County Probation Department Probation Administration Administrative Services Manager III—Fiscal Services Division P.O. Box 03S Riverside, CA9IS02 (951) 955-3983 Post-release Accuun1abi|bx.and Compliance Team Tony Conrad, Chief ufPolice K4urrieta Police Department 2 Town Square Murriete, [4925G2 (951)461-6368 tconnad@nnurr|etaca.gov All notices shall be deemed effective when they are made in writing, addressed as indicated above, and deposited in the United States mail. Any notices, correspondence, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this MOU addressed in any other fashion will not beacceptable. THE COUNTY OF P ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP- '][ I NT, - 0 POST-" LEASE ACCOUNT� '-ILITY I CO IpL - CE TE- �� | FOR PUBLIC SAFETY DGN I NT �N MO ' , o0MOFKJ ERSTA I ING 16.0. MERGER CLAUSE � . ~ � This MOU,including any attachments or exhibits,constitutes the entire agreement of the ' parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous representations, proposals, discussions and communications, whether oral or in writing, including the FY22-23K8[)U. 17.0. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Each party of this K8OU agrees to the use of electronic signatures, such as digital signatures that meet the requirements of the California Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (/"CUETA"\ Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1G33.1tml633.17),for executing this W1OU' The parties further agree that the electronic signature(s) included herein are intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as manual signatures. Electronic signature means an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with on electronic record and executed or adopted by person with the intent to sign the electronic record pursuant to the CUETA as amended from time to time. Digital signature means an electronic identifier, created by computer, intended by the party using it to have the same force and effect as the use of a manual signature,and shall be reasonably relied upon by the parties. For purposes of this section, a digital signature is a type of"electronic signature" as defined in subdivision (i) of Section 1633.2 of the Civil Code. Page | 1O THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMO' • NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. r 1t4 ) Z `Z 3 Mallory Crecelius, City Manager Date City of Blythe Page 111 siE COUNTY OF VERSIDE,ON BEIIALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,A POSTRELEASE ACCOUNT :ILITY AND CO PLI CE TEA FOR PUBLIC SAFETY RE• IGN NT EMI) • NDU OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. Christopher H. right,Chief Pro ation Officer Date Riverside County Probation Department APPROVED AS TO FORM Minh C.Tran County Counsel BY: Lisa'Sanchez Deputy County Counsel DATE: I Page I 12 THE COU Y OF VE IDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP 'T I NT,AND POST-RELE E ACCOUNT• :ILITY D CO PLIANCE TE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN NT MEMO' y I U OF UNDE' TAND G SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents, as of the day and year written herein below. r 1 Doug c e ,City Manage) Date City of Banning Page 113 THE COUNTY OF ' ' IDE,ON BE: • 1'OF ITS PROBATION DEP• T I NT, POST-' LEASE ACCO T• :ILITY • I CO I'L CE TE• FOR P LIC SAFETY ALIG I NT I MO' D OFIJ /E" T• SING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOD has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. Saari Thuilliez, Chief of Police Date Beaumont Police Department Page 14 T I CO OF ' " ' l I E,ON BE• OF ITS PROBATION DEP ' 1 , 1 POST-' LE• E ACCO T .ILI I CO t'L CE TE• FOR P LIC SAFETY ' IG I NT 1; O' 1 OFU IE' T 11 'G SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. ` i'` Charles P. McClendon, City Manager Date Cathedral City Page 115 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND CO PLIANCE TEA FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. 4/7 Robert Newman, Chief of Police Date Corona Police Department Page 116 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-` LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ALIGNMENT MEMO';_•.NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS HEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents, as of the day and year written herein below. 1t _ Frank J. Luckino, City Manager Date City of Desert Hot Springs Page 117 ® . m CO OF ' ' I a ! i ! I " : I • r Co a'' 1 ' { 1 OF 1 CI SIGNA IN I WHEREOF, this MOU hasbeen executed I Riverside n Probation ici ti Post-release cc ili Compliance local law nforc agencies y the signatures f the duly authorized respective nts, as of the r written hereinbelow. Eddie Pust,Chief of-Police Date Hemet Police Department Page I 1 THE COU OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPART ! NT,A E POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIG NT MEMO NDUM OF UNDERST• j ING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. I • i Brya ontgomery, City na r Date City of Indio Page 119 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-' LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents, as of the day and year written herein below. Rebekah Kramer, Acting City Manager Date City of Menifee Page I 20 THE COUNTY OF '. VERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ALIGNMENT MEMO',_ NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents, as of the day and year written herein below. e,r Kim Summers, City Manager Date City of Murrieta Page 121 T COUNTY OF ` ''VERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS POST-` LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY •__ FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN 1 NT MO' • NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE IN IT ES WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of iversi a County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents,as of the day and year written herein below. / tt ' 1 ' e trell, Can.. er Date' ,City of iversi e ATTEST: Donesia Gause, City Clerk APPROVED AS T FORM BY: Rahman N. Gerren Deputy City Attorney CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABILITY: RY CHIEF FINANI IeFFIB Page 122 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPART NT,AND POST-' LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY D COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMO' NDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this MOU has been executed by and on behalf of Riverside County Probation Department and the participating Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team local law enforcement agencies by the signatures of the duly authorized respective agents, as of the day and year written herein below. Chad Bianco--' Date Riverside County Sheriff-Coroner (Coachella, Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Stations) APPROVED AS TO FORM Minh C.Iran County Counsel BY: 4 Arnrit P. Dhillon Deputy County Counsel DATE: Page I 23 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMPLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ELM*,A,,Mtactortly tat SANTRatary fitmetTemplak FY a4Fea molt-Orrermangrun8% Roper ,. i 0000E ,,� 0000. limes ,p.A,3,ar 4) ratEECZia j m 0 1 - M k - 1E FY k , 5 g T , * * T , w. AEI airvass , C ffs: i swN » �.4t di s ?A .eiUl f ,,A M ' S � i?l t*A3flrktil l RS�i,Zg l?�z r° 1 A - COMES a1`tisi*E4 %VOW::a-v?-: ,4,41.ff Attkft tt,ct.t4" liVm IVAV V e r; : .riVAVV.«A,u N, u u I*LIss1,44,,ih n talavt*WV.'#t,., ,,:ii g0 ks 60° ,.aav, , ; Ite Au a'St+'A M fat"„ �`VVO VW,Al. �n2".a&�+ E Z�F�nd..nat.M �s 1 •_ •• -- W , C*C A gq,t,x *,414,410xin;t *ato ve,k€ass,y go itorke OrkAtpi 4,-,fta k 444,4A w,k O k*4X;PFe 4,4W NV,s,** dt Ragerfav tiemd, Msra rese i-me tW ea' Via' ow- Page Page 124 THE COUNTY OF RSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP• 'T I NT, • D POST-' LEASE ACCO T• ILITY • D CO 'LIANCE TE• FOR PUBLIC SAFETY " ALIGN I NT I MO ' • /UM OF I ERSTA I ING EXHIBIT B PACT INVOICE TEMPLATE (City Logo/Letterhead) INVOICE: DATE: DUE DATE: Bill to: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT FISCAL UNIT ADMIN SVC MGR PO BOX 833 RIVERSIDE,CA 92502 Invoice Type: PACT Description: (Month)Invoice Description Total Price PACT (City Name) Reimbursement for (Month) Services 1) Salaries and Benefits(Period:MM/DD/YR-MM/DD/YR) 2) Supplies (receipts attached) Total Due $ Documentation with invoice includes copies of timesheets for billing period and verification of salary and benefits rates charged.Please note, for confidentiality purpose,original timesheets and any further verification of employees compensation will be on file with the City of(City Name),Human Resources Department and available to an authorized auditing official for review. I,the undersigned,hereby certify the above claim submitted for reimburesement are true and correct Realignment expenditures in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)between the Riverside County Probation Department and the Post-release Accountability and Compliance Team(PACT). Signature Title Date Please remit payment to: nn n (Provide city information) Page 25 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP 'T I NT, I POST-' LEASE ACCO T ILITY AND COMPLIANCE TE• FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN I NT I MO ' • I UM OF UNDERST• DING EXHIBIT C DISTRIBUTION OF ANNUAL PACT ALLOCATION BY CITY FY23-24 EAST ALLOCATION O&M City of Cathedral City(Sergeant) $297,000.00* $100,000.00 City of Cathedral City $238,150.00 City of Coachella $238,150.00 City of Desert Hot Springs $238,150.00 City of Indio $238,150.00 City of Blythe $238,150.00 WEST City of Corona $238,150.00 City of Corona (Corporal) $261,800.00 City of Riverside(Sergeant) $297,000.00 $100,000.00 CENTRAL City of Banning $238,150.00 City of Beaumont $238,150.00 City of Hemet(Sergeant) $297,000.00 $100,000.00 City of Lake Elsinore $238,150.00 City of Menifee $238,150.00 City of Murrieta $238,150.00 City of San Jacinto $238,150.00 Total Annual Pact Allocation FY23/24 $4,010,600.00 $300,000.00 Combined Total $4,310,600.00 • PACT agencies with sergeants assigned to the teams receive$297,000 each. PACT agencies without sergeants assigned to the teams receive$238,150,and corporal receives$261,800 as dictated by the approved ARCCOPS memorandum (Exhibit E) revised FY 23/24. • Host PACT agencies to receive$100,000 in FY 23/24 to offset Operation and Maintenance Page I 26 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP^ 'T I NT, - D POST-' LEASE ACCOUNTABILITY , ICOMPLIANCE TE, �� FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN N N]7 �0I MO —� ]0UM40Dr IrER0TANDING Exhibit Frequently Asked Questions 1. Year End: a' What isayear-end estimate claim and what needs to be included? � i. A year-end estimate claim a||mvva Probation to encumber funds for payment from the current fiscal year into the beginning of the next to ' cover expenditures incurred during the month of June and have o record ! that the final submittal is pending. |i. |f funds are not encumbered to cover final year-end claims and e claim is submitted,the reimbursement may be charged against the PACT agency's allocation for the next fiscal year. iii. To submit a year-end estimate claim form: l. Use the Invoice Template (Exhibit 8) provided, 2' |n the location on the form for listing the month/year of the claim, please mark as the June Estimate, 3. Based on remaining annual funds and use of funds to date generate estimated expenditures for the month ofJune; 4. Attach any advance approvals for services/supply/equipment purchases, and 5. Submit estimate to Probation no later than June 30mf each year. b. What if the claim for actual year-end expenditures is not submitted before the County's year-end submission deadline? i. If the claim for actual year-end expenditures is not received by the deadline, Probation will process payment tothe PACT agency using the estimate provided. ii. When the claim is received (after the deadline), if expenditures exceed the estimate, Probation will process payment for the difference and the difference will be paid from any rollover funds. |f the expenditures are less than the estimate,the PACT agency is required tm refund the overpayment back tmProbation. c. What documentation is needed to include major purchases in the year-end estimate? Pege | Z7 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP, 9 T I NT, , I POST-I LEASE ACCOUNT- '0LITY , D CO 'LIANCE TE- �� FOR '-LXC SAFETY ' ALIGN I N][ �JI MO ' , Im0M OF DDCRS][- DING i. To include year-end expenditures that will not complete processing in the current fiscal year, the submitting PACT agency needs to provide proof of i intent to purchase the major item, such asvehicles. ! � ii. Proof ofintent to purchase can be represented by approval documents from a City Council, an approved purchase order, an approved requisition, � or e copy of the documents used by the City to encumber funds in their own fiscal year budget allowing Probation sufficient documentation to encumber funds to reimburse the submitting PACT agency. ) d. What if the estimate isoverstated? I. If any unused funds are remaining after the final year-end reimbursement claim issubmitted (prior tm year-end dead|ine), the funds will bareleased for use within Realignment. 2. Staff Substitution for Another PACT Agencv a. What is the process to submit claims when substituting PACT staff by another police department due tV staff shortages? i. The Police Department providing the staff substitution must bill the PACT Agency suffering the staff shortage. ii. The PACT Agency suffering the staff shortage will then submit their monthly claim to Probation. The claim should include back-up documentation reflecting invoices and payment to the substituting Police Department for staff services rendered. Any back-up documentation provided by the substituting Police Department (such as tinnesheets\ should be included in the monthly claim. iii. PACT Agencies cannot bill against another PACT Agency's allocation. 3. Mileage Claims a. What documentation is required to submit for mileage claims? i. A mileage log reflecting record of what miles are used for PACT specific duties is sufficient back-up for a mileage claim. b. What if vehicle is 10096 PACT? i. Fuel reimbursement statements reflecting the vehicle's mileage use over the course of the fiscal year is sufficient back-up for mileage reimbursement. Page | 20 THE COUNTY OF ' VERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP- 'T I NT. - I POST-' LEASE ACCO T- *-DLITY - DXCO I'LD., CE TE- �� FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ' ALIGN NNT � I MO ' - I UM OF UNDERSTANDING 4. Staff Time a. Can vacation, sick, and compensation time earned bepaid? i. Yes,vacation, sick, and compensation time earned while performing PACT duties can be paid. ' ii. Detailed tracking of when the time is earned and when it is paid will need tobe provided as back-up to the claim. The tracking is necessary toensure no duplication of payment is requested (i.e. reimbursement for compensation time on one pay period and on the next pay period � requesting reimbursement for time-off using those same backed � compensation time hours).A tracking sheet can be provided upon request. iii' PACT Agencies that a||mm/ their officers to 'sell back' their compensation time at the end of the year can claim those hours as port of their reimbursement. Detailed tracking reflecting that the compensation time is earned while performing PACT duties must be submitted as back-up. b. Our police department uses electronic tinnesheets. |sa report from the tinneshee1 system acceptable bach-up? i. Yes, a report from the timesheet system is acceptable as long as it reflects when the employee approved their tirnesheet and when the supervisors counter-approved their t|nnesheets. Page | 29 THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIODE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEPARTMENT,AND POST-RELEASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND COWLIANCE TEAM FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING Exhibit E Funding&&Reimbursement Policy and Guidelines for Regional PAC Teams of FUNDING AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY AND GUIDELINES FOR REGIONAL P.A.C.TEAAHS Rem.5/2023 |. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to set forth standardized procedures for oversight and funding of personal assigned 10 Regional PAC Teams. ||. ORGANIZATION: Each regional PAC Team will establish a governing board, including on command- level representatk/efnomaachpartidpadng agency. A. The regional governing board will provide operational and financial support and oversight 1m the regional team. B. The regional board may also determine when a financial need merits a request for additional funding to one of the funding entities(CCPECorARCCOP8). |||. MEMBERSHIP: PAC Team membership is open to all |axx enforcement agencies who are members ofAR[[OPS. The voting membership ofARCCOPS shall determine which agencies will receive funding. A. Agencies interested in participating and receiving reimbursement shall submit o request to the AR[[OP5 voting membership. 1. &R[COP6w||| determine agency participation and reimbursement as requested based on available funding and regional needs. |V. FUNDING_/& REIMBURSEMENT: Funding for PACT personal is provided through the Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCPE[) and the Riverside County allocation mfAB- 1D9 mitigation grant(Cal Ch|efs). A. Participating PAC Team agencies may submit for reimbursement for direct costs associated with deploying personnel dedicated to the PACT Team. B. Reimbursement will be limited tm the following: Pgge | 3D THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,ON BEHALF OF ITS PROBATION DEP- '][ ILNT, . I POST-' LEASE ACCO TABILDTY - I CO I'L , CE TE- �D FOR P *1 L8C0AFETY ALIGN I NT �I MO ' / DUMOFXJ ERS][^ DING 1. Actual cost of all salary,benefits,paid leave and overtime paid to agency employees for work while assigned and working for o PAC Team. Z. Mileage (at the published IRS rote) for miles traveled using an agency vehicle for | travel to,from and during PAC Team activities. 3. Equipment as needed for each PACT Officer, Deputy, and/or PAC Team. � C. Total reimbursement shall not exceed $238,150 per fiscal year for each police officer or � detective assigned;$261,800 per fiscal year for corporal assigned;and$297,000 per fiscal year for each sergeant assigned to supervise a PAC Team. D. Participating agencies shall submit detailed expenditure claims on a monthly basis tothe appropriate funding entity(CCPEC via County Probation or ARCCOPS via city of Corona). Page | 3l