HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - 11/07/2023 - 2056 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF BANNING, BEAUMONT,CATHEDRAL CITY, COACHELLA, CORONA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, HEMET, INDIO,JURUPA VALLEY, LAKE ELSINORE, MENIFEE, MORENO VALLEY, PALM SPRINGS, PERRIS, CITY OF RIVERSIDE, TEMECULA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CA CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF THE 2023 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARD -H- This Interlocal Agreement("Agreement")is made and entered into this day of NW. ,2023,by and between THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, acting by and through its governing body, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors(hereinafter referred to as"COUNTY"),and named CITIES as referenced in Appendix 1 (hereinafter referred to as "CITIES"), acting by and through their respective governing bodies,the City Councils, all of whom are situated within the County of Riverside, State of California, as follows: WHEREAS,each governing body, in performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party;and WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties,that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this Agreement;and WHEREAS,the COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent(10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected on Appendix 1, here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement, on a reimbursement basis; and COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY's and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs; and additionally the COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines; and WHEREAS,the COUNTY and CITIES believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds. NOW THEREFORE,the COUNTY and CITIES agree as follows: Section I. COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES up to their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award,less ten percent (10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected in Appendix 1 on a reimbursement basis, from the JAG Award within (45) days upon receipt of fully documented reimbursement request, and; COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY's and CITIES'programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs. Section 2. COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines. MOU-2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page I NOV 7 2023 ?A' Section 3. COUNTY and CITIES agree to comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines,and requirements, including OMB Circulars that apply to the 2023 Justice Assistance Grant; and 2 CFR Part 200(Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles,and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards)and also -cifically assures and certifies all items as written in the attached Addendum A°Riverside County Sheriff's Department Certified Standard Assuran« -." Section 4. CITIES agree to provide COUNTY performance reports every month demonstrating progress in achieving desired goals and outcomes in a form and manner as required under the 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Program. Section 6. CITIES agree to provide COUNTY with sufficient,timely information within five business days after receiving a written request from COUNTY to meet JAG requirements for quarterly,semi-annual,and annual financial and performance reports. Section 6. Nothing arising from this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims or actions against COUNTY other than what is authorized by law. Section 7, Nothing arising from this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims or actions against CITIES other than what is authorized by law. Section 8. Each party to this Agreement will be responsible for its own actions in providing servi_ under this Agreement and shall not be liable to any other party to this Agreement for any claim or action arising from the services provided under this Agreement. Section 8. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Ag ment. 5.-.--,'on 10. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not intend to create any obligations,either express or implied,other than those set out herein;further,this Agreement shall not ate any rights in any party not a signatory hereto. MOU-2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 12 EREFORE,all parties ly and voluntarily. r to all of the abovet . COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, Chair, County Boardof Supervisors ATTEST: Rector erk of e Board of Supervisors APPROVED TO Minh .Train `t -Z Deputyoun Counsel lJ- , r Grant Pagel 3 ' 2 2 { Appendix 1 Eligible Agencies in FY 2023 JAG Disparate Area Riverside County(Sheriffs Department) To Fiscal Agent Adjusted FA BJA Formula (Sheriffs Departmen#) Individual .. . . Allocation Banning $10,902 $1,090 $9,812 Beaumont $12,197 $1,220 $10,977 Cathedral City $12,279 $1,228 $11,051 Coachella $10,159 $1,016 $9,143 Corona $21,860 $2,186 $19,674 Desert Hot Springs $21,530 $2,153 $19,377 Hemet $30,890 $3,089 $27,801 Indio $42,921 $4,292 $38,629 Jurupa Valley $25,742 $2,574 $23,168 Lake Elsinore $14,674 $1,467 $13,207 Menifee $12,086 $1,209 $10,877 Moreno Valley $67,588 $6,759 $60,829 Palm Springs $21,970.. $2,197 $19,773 Perris $21,530 $2,153 $19,377 Riverside City $133,883 $13,388 $120,495 Temecula $12,472 $1,247 $11,225 . Riverside County $75,022 $47,268 $122,290 Total $547,705 $547,705 %To Fiscal Agent $0 IMIZI11111111111111111111111111111. $47,268 MOU-2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 14 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms, CITY OF BANNING,CA /7 7) 1.1 7 ATTEST: • /-c777-N, 'V 6 4 11441 44 City erk APPRO S TO FORM: City Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 5 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF BEAUMONT,CA t‘, kitht.':7? City Manager ATTEST: iy,cer APPROVED AS TO FORM: City ik,.ttoiney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 6 EREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CA City Manager ATTEST City CI erk --- APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Page 7 MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of t ove terms. CITY OF COACHELLA, CA City anager ATTEST City le APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7 City Atto MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:02BFDOAO-CE3A-4669-B5A8-9C491C14DFA5 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CFTY OF CORONA,CA Doos cb—DocuSigned by: Ait2 t ty yYSY4B4 CO Manager ATTEST: uStned by: 'Obis EDEE6404 Cit y Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dons •. Moab by; ‘1Y, MU:ADE City Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 9 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA Cit ager ATTEST: it lark APPROVED AS TO FORM: City rney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 110 DaceSign Envelope ID:6D4D1A7B-4ABO-48ED-gD5C-C6A2AD4B67F3 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms, CITY OF HEMET, CA DocuSigned by: , pvtitwithi ; , , br VA IF rAs.x,F4t71 ' Crty ‘4anager ATTEST: DocuSlyned by; 91 ityrerel'146"" APPROVED AS TO FORM: batned by.; „...„..x.zpoapq7).,efezrit,r,,t111 Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:BF6CAD14-01AE-123B43B54-6E2F50E4519D WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF INDIO, CA DocuSignod by: City RhiEriss's- ATTEST: • —by: City. erk APPROVED AS TO FOR : - DemaSigned by: City Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 12 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF JURUPA VALLEY, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 13 EREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE,CA I 011 iiiiii f 1440 i anal er Ar' — Fr ATTEST: . PROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 1 14 Do. '!n Envelope ID:FFE63 20C74C7A-8880-7047D3813E8A WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF MENIFEE,CA Ly Rebekah Kramer,Acting City Manager ATTEST: , Lr Sarah Manwaring,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: or; • Jeffrey T.Melching,City Attorney MOu 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 15 DocuSig n Envelope ID:BD1A1567-E41C-44A8-8288-9FC7BDA56B9B WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY'OF MORENO VALLEY, CA „ER aug by: E anager 11/27/2023 1:32:26 PM PST ATTEST: 3333.• -•by .3524FO„.31/27/2023 2:32:16 PM PST APPROVED AS TO FORM: uMgaled by: 'd y$4114,3 4E37 11/27E2023 1:13:47 PM PST MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:5396927A-F882-446F-A0F8-416EF75CCA3A WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, CA by. 5 , 51i s 2/6/2024 tdil?Eti-ii/aVe ATTEST: frit, 2/6/2024 ,tits,i0 tut APPROVED AS TO FORM: R.slaned 2/6/2024 616055 MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 17 EREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PERRISp) City Mngr ,Clara Mirarnontes ATTEST: .,„ , r iitreit,r1 batcyr KatiKazar APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorneitlabert KEuu Page I le MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant EREFORE, II parties freely and voluntarily ree to ll of a above terms. CITY OF I I ,CA ATTEST: CityARPRO:ED ASVO FORM: CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABILITY: : AS AN IEF r' �,s;CIAL OFFICER MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page 119 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF TEMECULA, CA City Manager ATTEST City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU 2023 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 20