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Contract - 01/05/2024 - 2055
Fd OFF, dd ad .0 PROPOSAL FoR r+"V v"M',"i.R!.7';x 9 u'�y"J;.X,".Mw':,w,',„ rww TEAMBUftDING 0. SERVICES ..,.,.:.., 'te"s' OA e :r!°,' PROPOSAL FOR " Hot Air itt, ,4 ' ''''VA:, , s y,l Cathedral City Nati': -ui;:., .'ati'."MP,M!" 'w'PrrnmM :`r'hi>:„:�'�wfi.: ;M�;,;.y.. on��:. ��'� m�llll "nmu n u Via. . m6pdd .,, 4 o: ASSOCIATES — .„„ 4.i g,u 1i µ '..;... �e�r::...,.�@v"''"'::^.d:.,,...„m no:...,"'.. �„` traImamss'animasw%wpix�mwawaamnx'wm«m'.v'.�:vvamw:i.rawnnaA', 'dA„NhH�, uw�4atdkF'a'r4at�:•:w , m�. fir: �,y S . 1" ^i'Y` '„,nil. M a .»»,. ����� ; "r. ;:,.��m��i�'�i: %;:�,:M ��� 13217 Jamboree Rd. #248 �;,' i�r' �� P� '�`w���„„'iid.� ,nl('joel� ,m °',ny, r..,"w, t ,�,r Tustin,CA 92782 gib`" ,I x ' , * , ,,, 888.4.1GA.1ST 4,, ,: , , . ,,, . ,,,.,,,,, ,,, , ;,, ,,,44i ,, l ‘.. .4 •, ititi*' �' A" u,g� z+' � � ` .Yr� \»,. ,@'.' \'•;Y RaNP X' I�m 'Y;•arvd'.uw'i+,, '+0't,. i, '.4 a 4IR,,:,v,;:.'n.....::: .r t' Ili qwy, �Sys.., , .u4:::::,x:�r��""�:'.........:...'>+,e 'PA, w, ri, I,rt,,,,,k's^»i ,e.4.., ti,/, "'M 4 :At, r 'y .,d"y.Mt 5:,�.;YPS.a.1.,."k�,` M'x., " v °;k'{,a^,,. `�,.y„ti'••: _."„-*r;r',>>* _ ''.' sW. ";` Piii:;',�';���!"' 44 its, T E O "" . .„,„„, TENSareas„ � „, ems,. , Cover Letter LETTER FROM CEO JACOB GREEN Page 1 Section A SCOPE OF SERVICES Pages 2-4 Section g YOUR TEAM Pages 5-8 Section C PROPOSAL COST Pages 9-10 JACOB GREEN AiSOrarrs•— • .‘. 1.8884.IGAAST INFO@JACOBGREENANDASSOCIATES.COM JACOB GREEN vo,0(.1,,f November 20,2023 Charlie McClendon,City Manager Cathedral City 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Dear City Manager McClendon, Thank you very much for your interest in having Jacob Green &Associates NA) provide Teambuilding Services for Cathedral City. JGA understands the City has gone through some recent changes to key leadership positions, including the appointment of a new Assistant City Manager, and it has been a number of years since the executive team has engaged in a teambuilding retreat.We further understand that the team is functioning relatively well and that the retreat is an opportunity to build stronger bonds between team members, enhance the team's understanding of individual strengths,and to optimize team cohension and communication. At JGA, we specialize in delivering tailored teambuilding experiences designed to foster alignment and cultivate a shared vision among team members. We understand that the success of any organization relies on the synergy and collaboration of its leadership team. Therefore, we propose a one-day comprehensive teambuilding retreat that will not only address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the recent changes in leadership but also provide a platform for establishing a collective understanding of the City's goals and priorities. Our approach to teambuilding goes beyond traditional activities; we offer a customized program that combines strategic discussions, interactive exercises, and facilitated sessions to promote effective communication, trust, and collaboration. Our experienced facilitators are skilled in guiding groups through activities that encourage team members to discover common values, strengthen relationships, and develop a shared commitment to the City's mission. The team at JGA has over 600 combined years of experience serving as leaders in local government and overseeing the vision for organizational success. We have worked with a diverse range of organizations, including government agencies, non-profits, and private enterprises. Our approach to facilitating teambuilding is deeply rooted in the principles of active listening, collaboration, and achieving actionable outcomes. Thank you for considering JGA as your partner in building a stronger, more unified leadership team. We look forward to the possibility of working together to enhance the effectiveness and success of Cathedral City. Sincerely, Jacob Green President&CEO GREEN PAGE 1 Iv',q.'„Vekt..„.,„„,,,,,,,..,,,,,„ ''''''''';,",'„', ,i'„':','•.':',"',;.::,,;,''''',,,:;::',';: e:) ,;',AiiVati0,'L:144;g14,:tki3O,„„iix,,,,,,a***Ittilyiktiii.„*&.\ PCIe. tqfk\NAk„.,0„., ¢4ktOtti\s8C:31kiiktigii4V • AZtks„Vi.V.,Ki,i,'"ir'.:',.': ' „ 'H,,,,'I,,',"": '',':'Id'„„',:':,, ,:' ','''', ,':::,...'...1„„:::?:„.:::::-::.,,,,,Cit:',,,*":,,,,,C ,44,4i,V:'61,1,44044.04ktiA4t4tkA0144:4Wyk,1•As* :$6,:4 i;14'4::: '„• 4:111404:Kgat:','::::,,,„„„„„ ,.,'„'„:::',,,'::::',„:„,',;„„„',,,,,'„ „' ,,, ',,:,',,' ',, „ , "'",,,,,,,,,::"':,:•"'”,:i;,,,4AAVIK0040i0M4040044*AltA,t,,,Oht4tIOkka**R411kikr \\*4,0N61'409!!„WAe';:::'..;,': Ar,....",,,,.41,4400`0:305,0?4,414,0%*4,kkUlbhghAWNV41001410:44,1.4,'",.4,•:,:*4VP.V''''' ''` ."14•60`00000t,t ,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,„, ,„,„,,,,:„„,,:„,,',,,,,,„:,,,„„,„,,,, ,„„,, t'iV',,$'?;:?,'ii,'IllaktriltiAlttiONAriattilk101,114104,10.feiettatest4„.4,41}.‘*e:‘,••\„,•,':::.,),,,41v•`..„1,•*'44.,„ ,,,,,, ,VV'ttgBg ,...,elltii,.til„ttit*, %00641$414, ••' ''.1irtiqkatiVI,„,it;',45: 7,1,"',:,,,,::':„'„‘i!!",`„i„,',,,,,,",',: , , ' ''' Orgn,DNiNgAletta0tAttk;i0100,44iiiit.„0),VitAki,\\*N.W: N\11,1,,4„, ":.:•k'.„ ,,,,,,A,4,104.*.i,t,P, ,,'..4,;itotikt,gemtotli„..,N.„ „„,, ,,,,,,„,„„,,,„ ,4,„„,„„.„....;,„,„,,,„,,A,„,,,Ae.,,,,„\,,..,,A,vi,‘,AWNO,,,.*,,,,t.,NAN,...„,,.,:l N,\ „„„ ,„,N,•, ,„''' ''' ,',,!',,',,:!','''..',..:';',.';',,':,.,i';',.;.''':':',:'11,,.',,iii.4,\ks:„,,,.:•,,It,k,„,,,,41„:*,„"\t,',,,;10\1*!Itc4t.,!;),,r;:!,,:.!.,j,tilf,:.\ii,IN,',,,44.,,::'::•„<',, ,'„' "„„„„„',„":„"1„,„„„':,'.>,...":„•,„„„„r„,,„„:4,,,V ,',„"„','7`,T'`,„(4? ;*;,;&„:,'!:,',',,'„,,:::',',',..,',.;„.iic,Oe:,:„ ,r,''N':::144447:"""• '::',::'' ' ::,,,„,',,,:,:',,:1111::1!,, 'kfaft,„::,:,,,, ,.;P.,,,,,,,,,,,,;,:,,,,r ' •s,* 44z,v4+4,\NTItotz,k ,,,, 0 # 1.014.011,00...%.1.1.011 ' r , , ,„:.. ,,,y, ,,,, ,Titcliat414,„‘4.:"‘"Okk*, ,., , „ ,„A,„1,..„.„1„,*,::*„,,41,Nt, ' „,,,,,,,,,,,,v.vws‘s,,,,,„*.?„,,,, 4''''''''''''''''''' ::',50,1::,""":: e : „,'„etaltv,:,%eak,,,,v„,::Ak,At°. , ,,,,,00000.10,040,000..........00...*'„ . ,......,.....001)00.401000.0400, . , '. .....,.......0.,.,1..,,,,, ,,, , „,, 1.0.000010°001000.***.,."*01:11a04.0,„ , : ':*40410•Att,e4wkweaTer:::::::::::::::::;:: „, '::":,'''' ':',fi,t4gre "AIRREA;;;„,„',..,,', LIT;„,„„, ",.1 0,4404.0° .01.""",0, ,.:„ iftwyK,,, 414, ,e: ,,. .' 00..0%...... °"" -.........S;00.10t „IA I ,,... ,a0 0. , •„„„„„„, • SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION A ., , -41ilk 4 Irkitt,\fi. ,WN.1 J NCOB GREEN &PAGE 2 TEAMBUILDING FACILITATION JGA's facilitation team will build a customized one-day teambuilding experience for your executive team. Top-performing teams take time away from the daily workplace lace grind to enhance team cohesion, engagement, and build alignment for future JGA's teambuilding facilitation services are customized to meet client needs and include the opportunity to reflect on the existing operation and ensure the team is ready for inevitable future change and challenges. Facilitation services enable all members of the team to actively engage in the meeting process instead of having a designated team member take the role of facilitator and be excluded from group discussion. In advance of the off-site facilitation, jGA will survey a selection of attendees to explore expectations, topics of interest, and uncover individual and department needs. While maintaining participant confidentiality, findings will be shared with the leadership team in advance of the session, to solidify the agenda and seek any additional direction necessary for event success. While the final agenda is subject to client direction,we propose focusing on team cohesion and strategic alignment activities, integrating the AEM-Cube Assessment tool as a foundation for building cognitive will diversity and team optimization. This sessionstrengthenconnections between team members and the functions they are responsible for; while exploring innovations for future growth and success. We will then build upon these tools and focus on helping your team communicate and interact successfully. Customized facilitated services may include all or some components of the following services depending on the needs of the team: 4, Building Alignment a1 Organizational Culture Development 44 • Building Trust and Respect niP ' 44. • Operational Enhancement Facilitation IF • Conflict Resolution • Workflow Assessments • Crucial Conversations At. • Leadership Facilitation • Stress Management • Team Dynamics-AEM-Cube Assessment itf? These sessions typically result in the following: 1. Improved communication 6. Focused collaboration 2. Greater trust between team members 7. Stronger alignment 3. Silo removal 8. Mission clarity 4. Teamwork solidification 9. Embrace of purpose and nobility of profession 5. Shared Vision 10. Stronger connection and lower attrition Jnin •I',A(t GRFFN PAGE 3 . , ,....,„......„,... TEAM DYNAMICS ASSESSMENT TOOL - AE/NA-CUBE .4 JGA's certified professional facilitators will administer the AEM-Cube team dynamics assessment to all teambuilding participants. The assessment was created as the result of decades of research focused on understanding how high-performing teams tackle complex challenges and enhance performance. peopm TtodershiP 0 V Y 0 0 6 „A , 'AA 000°4 r44rAr ''“Ak44,4 Z A ro srA Prol*rosiASAA The AEM-Cube is a cutting-edge management tool that identifies and aligns the strategic diversity an organization so that performance is optimized. Findingsh . howdihveidlpuaml,atneaamge,manendtdiedpeanrttimfyent, within get the greatest contribution from each interact andwhich in turn maximizes both productivity. and collaboration. This exinc.lusivesuite Tohfe3ADEmto-oclsuhveisiusadliezleivsewrehdeares individuals contribute optimally to overall team and organization growth. an online questionnaire that provides. each team member withacom psreetthieungs.ilvae dirveidpuoartl results sibainrge where they add value and what this means in a team and ,organizational. . . also compiled to provide a deeper understanding of the team s limitations and opportunities. . , JACOB GREEN . --- ' ASS * CIATES- artri.:\)tj raw . , t ' 04‘,X040 404 I 4 40 4 ,. ) 4ksv‘, ..,t, '), A 0000k '', , 4, 14 44 VVVVVvVV,VNIV ,,v,,k;wA,'4,v, k,. 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YOUR TEAM :, SECTION B t'{T, Y 4. .0 1 i,„'ly$,, dt PAGE 5 ijAOBGR.EE JGA's Team Video Link: ae, , Green anri Associates _ JGA - Your First Call J JACOB GREEN, MPA Jacob is a nationally recognized local government expert in organization and leadership ;: development.As an Assistant City Manager for the City of San Juan Capistrano and the City of Ontario, he has managed hundreds of employees and managed numerous government departments.As a trainer,keynote speaker,facilitator and coach,Jacob has worked with municipal clients, as well as commercial clients such as Mattel, FedEx, Hyundai Capital, ADP and many others. In 2019, Jacob distilled his personal and professional experiences into an Amazon Best-Selling book: "See Change Clearly: Leveraging Adversity to Sharpen Your Vision and Build Resilient Teams." Jacob has received numerous awards for his leadership,including the National Caring Award,the Orange County Human Relations Award,Most Inspiring Student at UC Irvine,and is the youngest recipient of the Gene Lentzner Humanitarian Award.Jacob has his Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with a Minor in Management from the University of California, Irvine, his Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree from California State University, Long Beach,and was recently awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Western University School of Health Sciences. JUSTIN CLIFTON Justin Clifton is a senior executive with a history of building high-performing teams with clear strategic focus and a track record of exceptional performance. Justin has approximately 20 years of experience as a City Manager of multiple communities in the Western US and experience as a Senior Executive for one of the world's largest Tech companies. Justin specializes in designing and implementing systems and practices that unleash the power of teams and teaching leadership and management across a broad portfolio of service areas including general administration, emergency management, finance, human resources and operations. Justin holds a Master's Degree in Public Policy from Colorado University, Denver and a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy from Fort Lewis. He holds specialized credentials in LEAN process improvement, conflict resolution and consent building, high-performing organization models,performance management and leadership. JAC.C)B Cau E1\1 A L;8 < :, 3„ NICOLE BEACH SiiiiiiiiiiiiM1111106111001.111110211RMffill Nicole Beach is a Project Management and Strategic Portfolio leader who helps organizations realize value by tying strategy to execution. Her greatest strengths lie in supporting teams to achieve measurable and lasting outcomes through effective project delivery. Over the last 15 years,Nicole has led complex technology, organizational,and strategic projects including M&A integrations, ERP implementations, and process improvement initiatives. Most recently, Nicole oversaw Project Management Offices and Strategic Portfolio Management for Safebuilt, Citrix,and Sport Clips. Nicole is PMP and SAFe certified, a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and holds an MBA (Process Improvement Concentration)from Nova Southeastern University. N.°,N,VSJ JOHN ANDREWS s s`;p‘', §1111■111111611111 414 John Andrews spent more than 37 years serving in various capacities with four 014,' different Southern California municipal agencies. From January 2009 to September 2020,he served as Director of Economic Development&Redevelopment for the City of "qe Ontario, responsible for the oversight and implementation of Ontario's Economic Development, Business Retention and Attraction, and Communications/Marketing programs. John spent most of his local government career with the Community 1441/44,4644"",`„; Development Commission of the City of Pasadena. He also served as Director of Economic Development/Redevelopment for the City of Azusa, and Downtown Development Manager for the City of Riverside. John has represented two local agencies on Business Improvement District boards and participated in the development and implementation of comprehensive downtown revitalization strategies. He served as a member of the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board and currently serves as an economic development advisor to the City of Ontario.John holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and has completed graduate studies in Public Administration at California State University,Northridge. ° lAcinb° Ciiti IN 1 MEGHAN MURRAY Meghan Murray has over 20 years of experience in the Federal Government.She retired from the United States Air Force and has a background in Data Analytics, Operations Management, Program Management, Executive Administration, and Continuous Process Improvement. Meghan has directed multiple programs valued at $1 billion while managing risk, safety, and compliance. Additionally, Meghan holds a Master of Science degree with a specialty in Human Resource Management,bringing to the team extensive knowledge in team leadership, strategic planning, and data-driven decision- making. One of Meghan's most notable projects was being a strategic team lead of the Organization of the Future,which led to the establishment of the latest branch of the military, the United States Space Force. Leveraging her extensive knowledge in team management, the team successfully transitioned over 300 subject matter experts to become the face of the Space Force. NICOLI HILSCHER Nicoli Hilscher has over 21 years of experience in Federal and Local Government She retired from the United States Air Force in the top two percent of the active enlisted Y s force, as a Senior Master Sergeant. Nicoli has an extensive background in Leadership Development, Training Facilitation, Project Management, and Instructional r Development. She has held positions internationally in various levels of leadership providing long-term organizational growth in diverse, fast-paced environments. Nicoli M4 is a cross-functional leader overseeing operations, professional development, and recognition programs for organizations ranging from 20 to 300 personnel. She oversees JGA's Project Management Office,ensuring high-quality service delivery to all JGA clients. JAcc}4;, GR1.[ gym' , IDIDID,W.V,W.W.W.um a arr w N p rd & �' ^i a M a -... 4. �YeAp� �' �wpIDID ,....\:.,:. .....‘111 " a as" roa� ten... 4 s a 24 t� y�i`� b• n "� 4. 'fir ,m tl tip A W M'm ',' VV r X VIIW° u M tiX W�V �'Y M X' W Wx'm m N V , a :.:., V, VW r;l n,," b W'. x r'w''ww��. C 0 ST p RO p 0 SAL �M,iVr, ,:, ,,::,,,.,,,,:,,,,,,.::!::;..,,,,,,,.:::,„,,,,;;:;, ,,, SECTION C .. ..„,„,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,..,,, ,,,,„,,,,,4,,„,,,,„,,,, ",,,,,,,„,40A„ - PAGE 9 JAG G V Description Cost Teambuilding Facilitation(One-day) $13,200 Team Dynamics Assessment Tool-AEM-Cube $75/participant Travel Included Materials Printed materials invoiced at cost. EXCLUSIONS The following program expenses are not included in consultant fees and are the responsibility of the City,if necessary. • Venue rental fees for retreat • Food and beverages for retreat INVOICING SCHEDULE FOR TEAMBUILDING FACILITATION: 25%-Upon Execution of Contract 75% -Upon Completion of Event The prices, specifications, and conditions covered within this proposal are satisfactory and hereby accepted.JGA is authorized to do the work as specified. Signature:i 04; Name/Title:Charles McClendon Date:J a n 5 2024 JACOBGREENANDASSOCIATES.COM ogiMalaMMIN4 ,t4SWEIRMIIMION The costs outlined in this proposal are considered valid and binding for a period of 90 days, commencing from the date of the proposal's issuance. During this timeframe, the provided pricing and estimates for products, services, and associated expenses will remain unchanged, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the proposal document. Any modifications or alterations to the proposal, as well as adjustments to the costs,will require mutual agreement between the involved parties. 11ACOB GREFN PAGE 10 •the ral ity T ull Facilit bon e cs Final Audit Report 2024-01-05 Created: 2024-01-05 By: Eugenia Torres(etorres©cathedralcity.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAJPEUgtgs2G4PQ7uDvsUz4_0-_,OR10Jx "Cathedral City - Teambuilding Facilitation Services" History tn Document created by Eugenia Torres (etorres@cathedralcity.gov) 2024-01-05-2:13:31 AM GMT Ll Document emailed to Charles McClendon (cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov)for signature 2024-01-05-2:16:24 AM GMT n Email viewed by Charles McClendon (cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov) 2024-01-05-5:51:52 AM GMT e, Document e-signed by Charles McClendon (cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov) Signature Date:2024-01-05-4:57:22 PM GMT-Time Source:server O Agreement completed. 2024-01-05-4:57:22 PM GMT El Adobe Acrobat Sign