HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - 08/28/2023 - 2052 TE PI ' • ' Y CO NST ' UCTI I N EASE ENT EE 1 • 1 AG ' E ENT (Tropical Storm Hilary Event Soil Stockpile) FOR VALU I LE CONSIDE ' TION,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Lloyd Kasman, an unmarried man hereinafter referred to as"Grantor" hereby grants to CITY OF CATHED" - CITY, a California charter city and municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement for temporary construction purposes in, over, upon, and across that certain real property("Easement Area")described in Exhibit A,and depicted on Exhibit B,which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Grantor and City may sometimes hereinafter be individually referred to as "Party" or jointly as "Parties." City's rights shall be limited to the rights of City, its officers, agents, employees, contractors,and subcontractors,to utilize the surface of the Easement Area to park,place, store,and stockpile soil, tools, vehicles, storage containers, implements, and other construction-related equipment and materials (collectively, "City's equipment and material"), as the case may be, during clean-up activities related to the impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary ("Project") in the vicinity of the Easement Area. The rights granted under this Temporary Construction Easement Deed ("Easement") expressly prohibit the construction or placement of any improvements or facilities in, on, over, or across the Easement Area. It is understood and agreed by the Parties hereto and their successors and assigns that the rights granted in this Easement shall be subject to the following terms, conditions, and reservations. 1. TERM This Easement shall be effective from August 28, 2023 ("Commencement Date")to February 16, 2024 ("Term"), and shall terminate at the end of the Term, or upon recordation of a Notice of Completion, whichever occurs first. 2. EXTENSIONS Provided that City is not in default of any of City's obligations hereunder following applicable notice and right to cure, City shall have the right to extend the term once for a period not to exceed forty-five(45)days,by providing written notice to Grantor by email at least fifteen(15)days prior to the expiration of the Term ("City Extension'). Except for the aforementioned City Extension, the Term may be extended by mutual written agreement of the City and Grantor ("Mutual Extension").Any request for a Mutual Extension must be in writing, and shall state the requested extension period, and be forwarded to the Grantor via Express or Certified U. S. Postal Service, personal delivery, by courier or by overnight delivery service and addressed as provided herein below in Section 13 (Notices) no less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the City Extension. Approval of such request shall be deemed denied unless, in Grantor's sole discretion, Grantor provides City written approval of the requested extension within ten (10) days of receipt of the request to extend. 3. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES City shall, at no cost to Grantor,maintain the Easement Area in good repair and in safe condition, and protect in place any slope features, trees, and/or landscaping within the Easement Area throughout the Term, including any extension period, of this Easement. City shall be solely responsible for any loss, damage, vandalism or theft to the City's equipment and material. City shall take commercially reasonable efforts to protect the City's equipment and material. City shall, at no cost to Grantor, conduct all activities, including but not limited to the storage of City's equipment and material, in, on, or about the Easement Area in a safe, good and workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable building, fire and sanitary laws, ordinances, and regulations and shall maintain all equipment,used in,on or about the Easement Area in good repair and in safe condition. The Easement Area consists of four (4) subareas, including Area 1 consisting of approximately 41,485 square feet, Area 2 consisting of approximately 43,576 square feet, Area 3 consisting of approximately 100,800 square feet, and Area 4 consisting of approximately 8,400 square feet (each, a"Subarea"), as depicted and labeled in Exhibit B. City shall, at its own cost and expense, cause an independent qualified environmental engineers to; (i) perform testing, by means of representative soil sampling including at least two(2)samples in Subarea one(1) and in Subarea 2, four(4) samples appropriately spaced within Subarea 3 and one (1) sample in Subarea 4 of the soils already placed by City within the Subareas; and (ii) within ten (10)business days following completion of the removal of all fill material from all of the Subareas, certify to Grantor that none of the removed soils contain"Hazardous Material"(defined in Section 6 below),or specify which samples contained Hazardous Materials. City, at its sole expense, shall also cause independent qualified environmental engineers to: (i) perform a close-out testing, by means of representative soil sampling including, two (2) samples in Subareas 1 and 2, four (4) samples in Subarea 3 and one (1) sample in Subarea 4. Once all stockpiled materials have been removed from each such Subarea and within ten(10)business days following completion of the testing, certify to Grantor that none of the Subareas contain Hazardous Material. City, at its sole expense, shall also cause independent qualified civil engineers within ten (10) business days following completion of the testing described above,certify to Grantor that the height of each Subarea is not less than the higher of the height of the Subareas prior to the City's placing materials on the Subareas or twenty-four inches (24") above curb height. City shall ensure that such testing conforms to all applicable standards for identifying contaminated soil with Hazardous Material (as defined in Section 6 below),that exceed any federal state or City statutory or regulatory maximum limits of Hazardous Material for any uses permitted under applicable zoning in effect on the date(s) prior to the date that City placed soils and particulates on the Easement Area. In the event contaminants are identified that constitute a Hazardous Material(as defined in Section 6 below), City shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section 6 below. City shall, at its own cost and expense,promptly and at all times observe, comply with and carry out all present and future orders, regulations, directions, rules, laws, ordinances, permits and requirements of all applicable governmental authorities,including but not limited to environmental regulatory authorities,with jurisdiction in,on,over and about the Easement Area,which arise from City's use of or performance of any activities permitted to be conducted in, on, over or across the Easement Area. City shall ensure that all activities in, on, over or about the Easement Area are performed in accordance with any NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit requirements or other water quality statutes,regulations,ordinances,or permits,applicable to such activities,including but not limited to use of appropriate best management practices,so as to ensure that pollutants are properly discharged and erosion from the stored soils do not migrate to other property. In consideration of Grantor's grant of the Easement, City shall compensate Grantor by paying,on execution of this Easement by City the sum of seven and one half cents ($.075)per square foot per month (based on a lot area by lot area basis as described on Exhibit "C," attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference) ("License Fee") for the period from the Commencement Date through the date of City's execution of this Easement,and thereafter, until the completion of the removal of all material from all of the Subareas and Grantor's receipt from the independent environmental and civil engineers of the certifications required hereunder. City shall pay the License Fee on or before the first (1st) day of each subsequent calendar month, with the amount paid for the first month from the commencement date and last month pro-rated to the expiration date. 4. CONDITION OF EASEMENT AREA UPON TERMINATION Upon City's completion of Project related activities on a Subarea or prior to the expiration of this Easement,whichever occurs first,City agrees at its expense,to restore each of the Subareas to the condition that existed prior to the granting of this Easement, to Grantor's reasonable satisfaction. Said restoration shall include,but not be limited to,the removal of all stockpiled soil and material, equipment,trash,and debris and soils testing as set forth in Section 3 above. Soil shall be leveled to a height specified in Paragraph 3 above. In the event that City does not timely and in compliance with its covenants hereunder fulfill its obligations, Grantor may provide not less than five (5) business days' notice to City of such failure to fulfill its obligations. In the event City fails to cure its failure to fulfill its obligations within such five (5) business day business day period, Grantor reserves all of its rights and remedies at law and equity. Upon fulfillment of all of the City's obligations hereunder,the City shall be released from its obligation to pay a monthly License Fee. 5. HOLD HARMLESS City hereby releases and waives all claims and recourse against Grantor, including the right of contribution for loss or damage of persons or property, arising from, growing out of or in any way connected with or related to this Easement except claims arising from the concurrent active or sole negligence of Grantor, its officers, agents, employees and contractors. City hereby agrees to indemnify, defend (with counsel approved by Grantor), and hold harmless, Grantor, its, officers, agents, partners, members, managers and their respective employees, and contractors against any and all claims, including mechanics liens, losses, demands,damages, cost, expenses or liability for injury or death to any persons or property, arising out of City's use,presence, and the operation or maintenance of the property described herein, and/or City's exercise of the rights under this Easement, except for liability arising out of the concurrent active or sole negligence of Grantor, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees or contractors including the cost of defense of any lawsuit arising therefrom. If Grantor is named as co-defendant in a lawsuit, City shall notify Grantor of such fact and shall represent Grantor in such legal action unless Grantor undertakes to represent itself as co-defendant in such legal action, in which event, City shall pay to Grantor its litigation costs,expenses,and attorneys'fees.If judgment is entered against Grantor and City by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active negligence of Grantor and City, Grantor and City agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither Party shall request a jury apportionment.The City's covenants in this Section shall survive the expiration and termination of the Term. Grantor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees, agents, elected or appointed officials, licensees, and representative (hereafter, the "City Indemnitees")and each of the,and its and their property from any injury to or death of any person or persons, loss or damage to adjoining or other properties, liability, claims, cost and expenses, whether incurred by or made against City Indemnitees (including attorney fees and court costs) arising out of: A) Breach of this Easement by Grantor; or B) Willful misconduct or negligent acts of Grantor and/or Grantor's officers, employees, agents, directors, representatives, contractors or subcontractors in connection with this Easement; Nothing contained in this Section shall operate to relieve City from any loss, injury, liability, damages, claims, costs, or expenses to the extent determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been caused by the willful misconduct or negligent acts of City Indemnitees, or any of them. City acknowledges that it is familiar with the language and provisions of California Civil Code Section 1542 which provides as follows: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him or her, must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor. City,being aware of and understanding the terms of Section 1542,hereby waives all benefit of its provisions. 6. CITY'S LIABILITY FOR HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS City or City's employees, agents, independent contractors or invitees ("Grantee Parties") shall not cause or permit any"Hazardous Material,"as hereinafter defined,to be brought upon, kept, stored, used, generated, released into the environment or disposed of on under, from, in, on or about the Easement Area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City or City's Parties may use or keep small quantities of Hazardous Materials on the Easement Area that are used in the ordinary, customary, and lawful construction operations conducted on the Easement Area. If City, or City's Parties breach(es)the obligations stated herein, or if contamination of the Easement Area by Hazardous Material otherwise occurs for which City is legally liable to Grantor for damage resulting therefrom, then City shall indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by Grantor, and hold harmless Grantor, and its elected or appointed officials, officers, agents,partners,members,managers and their respective employees from any and all claims,judgments, damages,penalties, fines, costs, liabilities, or losses (including, without limitation, diminution in value of the Easement Area, sums paid in settlement of claims, attorney fees, consultant fees, and expert witness fees), which arise during or after City's use of the Easement Area as a result of such contamination. This indemnification includes, without limitation, costs incurred by Grantor in connection with any investigation of site conditions or any cleanup, remedial, removal, or restoration work required by any federal, state, or local governmental entity or agency because of Hazardous Material having been introduced,placed, or released by City and therefore, being present in the soil or ground water under the Easement Area. To the extent that Grantor undertakes the removal of Hazardous Material from on, in or under the Easement Area, including any ground water,the City and not Grantor shall be named on any hazardous waste manifest for the transportation and placement of the Hazardous Material in appropriate sites. City shall promptly take all action, at its sole cost and expense, as is necessary to remediate, any Hazardous Material from on, in or under the Easement Area, including any ground water, clean, remove, and restore the Easement Area to its condition prior to the introduction of such Hazardous Material by City,provided City shall first have obtained Grantor's written approval and the approval of any necessary governmental entities or agencies for any such remedial action. As used herein,the term"Hazardous Material"means any substance that is (1) defined as a hazardous substance, hazardous material, hazardous waste,pollutant, or contaminant under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended; (2) any substance the disposal of which, or the presence of which, in air, soil or water is subject to or regulated by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control; and(3)any hazardous or toxic substance, material, or waste which is or shall become regulated by any governmental entity or agency, including, without limitation,the State of California, or the United States government or City. 7. CONVEYANCE SUBJECT TO EXISTING INTERESTS This Easement is subject to existing contracts, leases, licenses, easements, encumbrances, and claims which may affect the Easement Area, and the use of the word "grant" herein shall not be construed as a covenant against the existence of any thereof. Nothing contained herein, or in any document related hereto, shall be construed to imply the conveyance to City of rights in the property which exceed those owned by Grantor, or the limited rights specified herein or any representation or warranty, either express or implied, relating to the nature or condition of the property or Grantor's interest therein. 8. VENUE The Parties hereto agree that this Easement has been negotiated and executed in the State of California and shall be governed by and construed under the laws of State of California. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret this Easement, the sole and exclusive venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Riverside County,California,and the Parties hereto agree to and do hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such court, notwithstanding Code of Civil Procedure Section 394. Furthermore, the Parties hereto specifically agree to waive any and all rights to request that an action be transferred for trial to another county. 9. SEVE' • ILITY If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Easement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. 10. ATTO ' EYS' FEES In any action or proceeding brought to enforce or interpret any provision of this Easement, or where any provision hereof is validly asserted as a defense, the prevailing Party shall be awarded attorneys' fees and costs. 11. AUTHO ' TY The Parties represent and warrant that this Easement has been duly authorized and executed, and constitutes the legally binding obligation of their respective organization or entity, enforceable in accordance with its terms. 12. WAIVER OF ' GHTS The failure of the Grantor to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Easement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or remedy that Grantor may have, and shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to require strict performance of all the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Easement thereafter, nor a waiver of any remedy for the subsequent breach or default of any term,covenant,or condition of the Easement. 13. NOTICES All notices, documents, correspondence, and communications concerning this Easement shall be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or by commercial courier, provided the courier's regular business is delivery service and provided further that it guarantees delivery to the addressee by the end of the next business day following the courier's receipt from the sender, addressed as set forth below (or any other address that the party to be notified may have designated to the sender by like notice). Notice shall be effective upon actual receipt or refusal as shown on the receipt obtained pursuant to the foregoing. To Grantor: Lloyd Kasman 672 Vista Lago Circle N. Palm Desert, CA 92211 213 746 2560 Office 310 283 4297 Cellular Lloyd Kasman To City: City of Cathedral City 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Attn: John A. Corella, Director of Public Works Phone: (760) 770-0390 14. ' CORDATION PROHIBITED The Parties agree this Easement shall not be recorded unless mutually agreed upon by Grantor and City. If recorded, City agrees to execute and deliver to Grantor for recordation in the Official Records of Riverside County, California, a Quitclaim Deed sufficient to remove the encumbrance of this Easement from title,within sixty (60) days of the expiration or sooner termination of this Easement. 15. ENTI' EASEMENT This Easement contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the matters herein and there are no restrictions, promises,warranties or undertaking other than those set forth or referred to herein. [Signatures follow] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by and through their duly authorized representatives. OWNER: Date: Dec 7,2023 2023 Lloyd Kasman, an unmarried man Lloyd Kasman APPROVED AS TO FO : Donfeld& Rollman By: Jefiry Donfeial Jeffrey onft41(,E)171 P,T1 Jeffrey Donfeld, Esq. , Counsel CITY: CITY OF CATHED' L CITY, a charter city and municipal corporation Date: Dec 7,2023 , 2023 By ,Nr.Mah Alon Me,2.0 nOkt& CHARLES MCCLENDON City Manager ATTEST: T' ACEYR, HEI OSILLO, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO ' AA) By: I SVA tsa 21 ERIC S.VAIL City Attorney EX BIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION EASEMENT AREA THE LAND REFE ` D TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 33-36,40-43, 58-69,AND 75 OF TRACT 2232, 43/40-44 EXHIBIT B DEPICTION EASE I NT , 1 A h...,..0*6 ;,,,,, 1 ,,,,,, ,,,,f41. ,V•Ka 7 , ,tt,,9 !RA offl / 4 06 ),,t1', ettf%): Ittaffift tvi(zits 9599, AAA, TO 5 5', :;'..;. t?.. 4, 4" " 4" r4,44 4 , 0 ,„,, 4,1,4_625,4) ,,'''' °,.„°:`44.,4`' II, f$4,11 A4 (41A4'',4 ° ' A 4 4 , i : :„.,,,,.,-4-, t,i4= ,, ,, a : qt.A A 4,,41,4%,-, IA4 4' ''),,, ,,i...-„,., - „,,,,,A, 0,-;) . -- ...„1 ' ,., A ., ,,,,,,, e ,,, .0 4 f If) / ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' ,,,„ ,,,,,,....1 ett t.,,,,(")) ,,... ,,, , , („„),,,,,, 1 '1"1 "ft 1 '1'11' 11' m 1'1'11 '1111111ft (ff'') '''''')),, 11 tit - f.ff f"(titf((t,(1(W .t its1 631 t ( ttf J),), ftzt,, , Aft) (,). ,.t., , .,,,,,,„.„,,,,„,)) (,),. 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MONTH PER MONTH MONTH MAX MONTHS MAX 1 33-36 41,485 0.0750 2 40-43 43,576 0.0750 3 58-69 100,800 0.0750 4 75 8,400 0.0750 $14,569.58 $87 417.48 athara onstructton Eas ent g t. xecution Version Final Audit Report 2023-12-07 Created: 2023-12-06 By: Tracey R.Hermosillo(thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAxGI8LZx0kr6aaxpJ3G711jLuFBzZoUSL "Cathedral City Temp Construction Easement Agmt.Execution V ersion" History 1!) Document created by Tracey Hermosillo(thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov) 2023-12-06-0:56:48 AM GMT Document emailed to evail@bwslaw.com for signature 2023-12-06-1:04:25 AM GMT 111 Email viewed by evail@bwslaw.com 2023-12-06-1:33:52 AM GMT 06, Signer evail@bwslaw.com entered name at signing as Eric S Vail 2023-12-06-1:41:36 AM GMT Document e-signed by Eric S Vail (evail@bwslaw.com) Signature Date:2023-12-06-1:41:38 AM GMT-Time Source:server 1:4 Document emailed to Charles McClendon (cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov)for signature 2023-12-06-1:41:39 AM GMT tlr'2). Email viewed by Charles McClendon(cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov) 2023-12-06-4:06:12 PM GMT a1C,,E4 Document e-signed by Charles McClendon(cmcclendon@cathedralcity.gov) Signature Date:2023-12-06-4:06:28 PM GMT-Time Source:server E7 4 Document emailed to jdonfeld@dkrlaw.com for signature 2023-12-06-4:06:30 PM GMT In Email viewed by jdonfeld@dkrlaw.com 2023-12-07-5:12:47 AM GMT 6,2, Adobe Acrobat Sign Signer jdonfeld@dkrlaw.com entered name at signing as Jeffrey Donfeld 2023-12-07-6:00:00 AM GMT Document e-signed by Jeffrey Donfeld (jdonfeld@dkrlaw.com) Signature Date:2023-12-07-6:00:02 AM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Ikasman@facetofaceindustries.com for signature 2023-12-07-6:00:04 AM GMT L„ Email viewed by Ikasman@facetofaceindustries.com 2023-12-07-6:02:20 AM GMT Ljrc4, Signer Ikasman@facetofaceindustries.com entered name at signing as Lloyd A. Kasman 2023-12-07-2:22:26 PM GMT Document e-signed by Lloyd A. Kasman (Ikasman@facetofaceindustries.com) Signature Date:2023-12-07-2:22:28 PM GMT-Time Source:server 4 Document emailed to Tracey Hermosillo(thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov)for signature 2023-12-07-2:22:30 PM GMT t 1) Email viewed by Tracey Hermosillo (thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov) 2023-12-07-3:21:29 PM GMT Signer Tracey Hermosillo(thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov)entered name at signing as Tracey R. Hermosillo 2023-12-07-3:21:56 PM GMT CA') Document e-signed by Tracey R. Hermosillo(thermosillo@cathedralcity.gov) Signature Date:2023-12-07-3:21:58 PM GMT-Time Source:server 0 Agreement completed. 2023-12-07-3:21:58 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign