HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - 09/19/2022 - 2045 • COOPS' TIVE AGREEME BETN EN CO OF RI ': IDE RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEAL SYSTEM-BEHAVIO+' >L II • LTH A t THE Cl OF CA ED';; L FOR CRISIS/TRIAGE ME AL HEAL SERVICES THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ("AGREEME ') is entered into by and between the County of Riverside, Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health (hereinafter "RUMS-Bli") and the City of Cathedral, a California charter city and municipal corporation, through the Cathedral City Police Department (hereinafter "C ') and is based on the following representations and statements of purpose(collectively"Parties"and each a"Party"). A. WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of the General Community Outreach through the Mental Healt w Enforcement Collaborative, is to allow Mental Health Service Staff to team with Law Enforcement and respond to 9-1-1 calls involving mental health issues;and B. WHEREAS, C desires to enter into a Cooperative Ag ent for Crisis/Triage Mental Health Services;and C. WHEREAS, C desires to enter into the Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team program in order to decrease adverse incidents involving mentally ill people;and D. WHEREAS, RUNS-BH and C desire to enter into the program detailed in the Cooperative Agreement;and E. WHEREAS, RUNS-BEI is qualified to provide crisis/triage mental health service employees;and F. WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT will serve as an understanding of the roles, responsibilities and services to be provided by CITY and RUHS-BH;and NOW,THEREFORE,Participants mutually agree as follows: SCOPE OF SERVICE The purpose of the AGREEMENT between participants is to outline the roles and duties of these agencies to provide crisis/triage mental health and homeless outreach services. 1[. PR tt._RAM GOALS A. Provide alternatives to those at risk of injury or death without appropriate mental health/substance use crisis/triage services provided directly in the community in collaboration with local law enforcement. B. Reduce jail incarcerations and involun ; MH treatment/hospitalizations for individuals whose behavior is influenced by a mental health disorder/crisis and who are the subject of 9-1-1 calls. C. Attempt to divert individuals with behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use)problems into appropriate community services and supports. D. Engage hard to reach homeless who suffer from a serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder and link them to all available RUHS-BH and community resources in a coordinated and effective manner. III. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. RUHS-BH RESPONSIBILITIES Attachment I is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. B. C RESPONSIBILITIES Attachment I is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. IV. FISCAL PROVISIONS A. RUHS-BH shall fully fund one (I) CT II position and no offset is required from C . B. Equipment purchased by either party will remain their property and shall be returned to them upon termination of this AGREEMENT. C. C is not responsible for reimbursement of any costs to offset the Clinical Therapist 11 (CT II) position. If in subsequent terms of this AGREEMENT, the Parties desire to provide for such reimbursement, it shall be done through an amendment to this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT shall be funded through funds identified in the annual RUHS- BH budgets and is subject to change dependant on funding fluctuations. Page 2 ell! C'..peralr.ARree.eewe. W I S elr..f Ctry.f C hea.rrAT1IEDRAL C7rr PO Crisis lwge Newts Meta a Services FT)orl/A-FY 20Lr74 V. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. EFFECTIVE PERIOD This AGREEMENT shall be effective for three (3) y beginning July I,2021 and ending June 30, 2024. This AG'.. EM may be renewed annually upon mutual consent by both parties (RUHS-BII and C ) and upon availability of funding. B. ALTERATION OF TERMS AND ENTIRE AGREEM The body of this AGREEMENT fully expresses all enders . ding of the parties concerning all matters covered and shall constitute the total AGREEMENT. No addition to, or alteration of, the terms of this AGREEMENT, whether by written or verbal understanding of the parties, their officers, agents, or employees, shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this AGREEMENT, which is formally approved and executed by Participants. C. AMENDM $ In the event that either party desires to amend the terms of this AGREEMENT, P. -cipants will comply with the terms of this AGREEMENT until such time as the amendment is approved or formal action is taken by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors and the CITY Council. D. TERMINATION This AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party by giving 30 days written notice by certified mail of intention to terminate, such period beginning upon receipt of notice, and may be terminated for cause, such as a willful and/or material breach of the AGREEMENT by either party by giving five (5) days written notice of intention to terminate by certified mail. E. NOTICES All notices, claims correspondence, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this AGREEMENT shall be addressed as follows: RUNS-BH: County of Riverside Riverside University Health System-Behavioral Health Program Support Unit 4095 County Circle Drive Riverside,CA 92503 C City of Cathedral Cathedral City Police Department 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City,CA 92234 NO ism Cooperative r Berwee 11:113,811 wad City of Ca oebtlG4 77IEDR4L CITY Pei owl Mee Hewed Heart*Strokes FY 2021/22—FT NMI Unless the persons or addresses are otherwise identified by notice given in the manner specified by this paragraph, all notices shall be deemed effective when they are reduced to writing and deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as above. Any notices, correspondences, reports, and/or statements authorized or required by this AGREEMENT addressed in any other fashion shall not be acceptable. E. CONFIDENTIALITY, CITY and RUHS-BH agree to maintain the confidentiality of all mental health and substance use client information in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. CITY and RUI[S-BH will ensure that names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other individually identifiable information concerning mental health and/or substance use clients and the services they may be receiving are kept confidential. CITY and RUHS-BH will not divulge any mental health and/or substance use client information to any unauthorized person. CITY and RUHS-BIl shall maintain the confidentiality of all mental health and substance use health records that it maintains, receives, or sends to RUHS-BIl. Records include, but may not be limited to, claims that include individual identifying client information, individually identifiable health records and information, and/or Management Information System records. CITY and RUHS- Bil shall have reasonable safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access to records. Applicable Confidentiality Laws include, but may not be limited to, California Welfare & Institutions Code, Sections 5328 through 5330, inclusive, 45 CFR Section 205.50,42 CFR-Chapter 1-Part 2. CITY and RUHS-BH shall require all its officers, employees, and agents providing services hereunder to acknowledge the understanding of and agreement to fully comply with, such confidentiality provisions. The CITY and RUHS-BH shall indemnify and hold harmless each of their respective officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, and expense arising from any disclosure of such records and information by each party's own officers,employees,or agents. RUHS-BH agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all criminal and law enforcement information in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. RUHS-BH will ensure that names, addresses, phone numbers, and any other individually identifiable information concerning criminal violations and related law enforcement activities they may be receiving are kept confidential. RUHS-BH will not divulge CITY confidential information to any unauthorized person. RUHS-BH shall maintain the confidentiality of all mental health and substance use health records that it maintains, receives, or sends to CITY. Records include, Pole 44110 cameretiveAgreementBetween RL`HS-&Na..d ay eCardrd-CATPFEDR4LCTYPD Crisis?Triage Mein!PPeebi Services FT 2021i22—FT 2022?1 but may not be limited to, claims that include individual identifying client information, individually identifiable health records and information, and/or Management Information System records. RUHS-BH shall have reasonable safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access to records. VI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. SEVERABILITY: If any provision in this AGREEMENT is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. B. HOLD HARMLESS-INDEPENDENT PARTNER: It is understood and agreed CITY is an independent entity and that no relationship of employer-employee exists between the parties hereto. CITY shall not be entitled to any benefits payable to employees of the County of Riverside or RUHS-BII, including County Workers' Compensation Benefits. RUHS-BH is not required to make any deductions from the compensation payable to CITY under the provisions of this AGREEMENT; and as an independent entity, CITY hereby hold RUHS-Bil and/or the County of Riverside harmless from any and all claims that may be made against RUHS-B11 and/or County of Riverside based upon any contention by any third party that an employer-employee relationship exists by reason of this AGREEMENT. C. INSURANCE-INDEMNIFICATION: Each party hereto agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its agency,officers,agents and employees, free and harmless from any liability whatsoever, including wrongful death, based or asserted upon any acts or omission of such Indemnifying Party, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from the accomplishment of the work by the Indemnifying Party. Each party further agrees to protect,indemnify and defend at it expense including attorney fees, the other party, its agency officers, agents and employees in any legal action(s)or claim(s) based upon such alleged acts or omissions whether the subject action(s) or claim(s) are well-founded, properly filed or pleaded, or not commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction. Without limiting such indemnification, each party shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this AGREEMENT, insurance policies evidencing coverage during the entire term of the AGREEMENT as follows: 1. General liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. 2. Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with statutory requirements. lige I ef If Copermire Agreement Between RCIIS-H11 and City qf Ceikeitral-C4771EDRAL CITY Pa Oriels Triage Memel Reelrk&Mors FT 21,21/2.1.•FY11121124 3. If motor vehicles are used pursuant to this AGREEMENT, not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for d. age to property and injury to persons. These requirements may be met by a progr. of self-insurance. D. RECORD RETENTION: RIVERSIDE agrees to in all records pertaining to this AGREEMENT for a period of three years after termination of this AGREEMENT, or such federal and state provisions in effect. If, at the end of three years,there is ongoing litigation or an audit involving those records, RM.'S- MI shall retain the original records until the resolution of such litigation or audit; C shall retain copies of the records until the resolution of such litigation or audit. F. JURISDICTION, VENUE, ATTORNEY'S FEES: This AGREEMENT is to be construed under the laws of the State of California. The parties agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the appropriate courts in the County of Riverside, State of California. Should action be brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney's fees in addition to whatever other relief is granted. lege do/I* Cooperation Agreement• 111111.5•Itlf emit ary et Ceriegrat•CA771EMIL C777 PD Cris!,71.1age Mental Neagh - FY 2021122-FY 2023124 • ATTACHMENT 1 A. RUMS-BH RESPONSIBILITIES RUNS-BH wilI provide one full time Clinical Therapist to work with CITY. CITY Assignments: 1. RUHS-BH Staff will work directly with police officers on patrol and with police department administrators to bring direct knowledge and experience regarding mental health resources. 2. All assigned RUHS-BH staff will be required to pass security background requirements as determined by CITY. 3. RUFIS-BH Staff shall be required to adhere to dress code requirements as specified by CITY for Crisis Intervention Team members. 4. RUHS-BH shall furnish polo shirts and light jackets with logos or insignia as approved by CITY. 5. RUHS-BH will provide MH staff with cell phones that have e-mail functionality. 6. RUHS-BH Information Technology (IT) staff will coordinate IT installation of RUHS-BH ELMR database and e-mail with CITY IT staff. 7. RUHS-BH Staff will routinely attend CITY daily roll calls in order to provide consultation and brief training as it is identified and requested by CITY. 8. RUHS-BH Staff will routinely be assigned by CITY to ride with patrol officers in the field in order to respond to 9-1-1 calls as requested by CITY Dispatch. 9. RUHS-BH Staff will work to find alternatives to divert mental health consumers into MU services and supports including emergency housing, hospitalization, outpatient MH services and other MH support services. 10. RUHS-BH Staff will provide alternatives to incarceration and arrest through referral and linkage to other community based mental health,substance use(SU), and/or social services resources. 11. RUHS-BH Staff will provide alternatives to mental health involuntary treatment through referral and linkage to other community based Mil/SU and social services resources. 12. RUHS-BH Staff will provide crisis intervention service planning for individuals with mental health issues who are frequently the subject of 9-1-1 calls. 13. RUHS-BH Staff will work directly with police to improve the appropriateness and quality of mental health detentions. Aker J.f10 Cooperative Affee.eeRr&MOM RUHS-Rrr root Clip of CoAebd-C 4THEflML CITY AD Crisis Triage Mattel Health Services FY 2021,22—FT 2021,21 14. RUHS-BH Staff will work with police to provide direct intervention from the perspective of mental health background and training. 15. RUHS-BH Staff will provide engagement and outreach services to homeless mentally ill persons who come in contact with police officers. 16. RUHS-BH Staff will provide assistance in dealing with calls involving domestic disturbances or violence that involve potential mentally ill or substance use consumers. RUHS-BH Staff will provide assistance and support to children and families in crisis,and linkage to appropriate community services. 17. RUHS-BH Staff will assist the CITY in establishing Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs) consisting of police officers who arc specialty trained and certified by CITY in mental health crisis intervention to be deployed to 5150/9-1-1 calls. 18. RUHS-BII Staff working within the Police Department will have computer and telephone access, RUHS-BII enrollment, and service contact information to utilize and assist enrolled clients and police officers responding to 5150 calls. 19. When direct services with police patrol officers are not needed, RUHS-BH staff will remain at the police department offices and will provide consultation in- person,by telephone or radio for police officers responding to mental health crisis situations. 20. Police officers often go to locations where homeless persons congregate. RUHS- BEI Staff will go with police to work with homeless people where they congregate in order to identify and engage persons that may be eligible for RUHS-BH services and/or to facilitate referrals and linkage to community resources that may assist general population and homeless persons. RUHS-BH Staff will coordinate follow-up outreach with RUHS-BH Homeless Outreach Teams and/or City of Cathedral Homeless Outreach Teams as needed. RUHS-BH Staff will work in the office to arrange social service supports and coordinate services with other agencies and programs. 21. RUHS-BH Staff will coordinate with jail incarceration diversion teams and programs including mental health and drug courts to intervene and help to divert persons with a serious mental health disorder into appropriate and recommended MU treatment services and supports, and persons with impairing substance use disorders into substance abuse treatment services and supports. 22. RUHS-BH Staff may work directly with RUNS-BH Detention Mental Health staff to coordinate MH/SU services and assist with issues involving inmates detained through CITY in post-booking, pre-trial diversion and linkage to community resources upon release from incarceration. Pear itofI* Easperselve Agreement Aoweal R[:IIS-RU set CLry of Cw*r*sit.CATIIEWNL CITY PD Cti#de thisqre Melds'Medrk Services FT 1021M—FY 102.11I 23. RUHS-BH Staff may work with other mental health crisis response services involving 9-I-1 calls, such as training and support to . bulance emergency medical technicians and Riverside Fire Depa ent(RFD)par• edics. 24. RUHS-BEI Staff will develop public information brochures regarding police/MH collaboration, contact information and phone numbers for community resources and referrals,and Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs). 25. And other duties as agreed upon by both parties. B. CI RESPONSIBILITIES I. C will assign law enforcement personnel and RUEIS-BH staff to respond to requests for assistance in the field. 2. Work stations at each of the C substations that RUHS-BH staff will be assigned with computers and Internet access. 3. Each staff member will n • general access Honeywell cards into C Police Stations as identified by C . 4. CITY IT staff will coordinate IT installations with RUHS-BH IT, this includes compliance with Federal HIPAA required level of security and providing RUHS- BH staff with a City of Cathedral e-mail account. 5. C will conduct security background investigations for designated RUEIS-BH staff and maintain the confidential records of the investigation outcomes. 6. CITY shall provide a ballistic vest to RUHS-BEl liaison/staff. 7. CITY will provide training, based on a curriculum developed and approved by RUHS-BH,regarding field operations and safety. 8. And other duties as agreed upon between by both parties. Page It el It C we A AL715-d!1 a,/Cr'j c(GrheM1.CAMEDIUL 07Y PA C1We r r ge Mental IMAM§ FY2021/72—Fr 2623/24 SIGNATORIES ,.. i .a ~ II . . 1:all ."% ®i. f. In i _ ' [ u. •• les a - to have theirduly auth. . signatories sign this AG E r S ADDRESS: 0 AT1ON COPY: County of Riverside County of Riverside : .: Riv ide Univity Health -Behavi. : Health 4080 . on S, Floor : • . I Sup.. 1 Box 7549 Riverside,CA 9253- •• II : Ode ., , ' - +>r Riverside University Health S - Title: T, .� -4(A Behavi. Health b ' ° : I' ate: - ACity Le 1 a. � • . - City of : r edral 687 Avenida Lto Gu Ad. s•• Cath . I City,CA 34 • ' • CO COUNSEL: Approvedto Form GREGORY P. • Approved Os to a y: De City Attorney s wry County Co 1 R "' arrrp Heel*OM Mar Nom: FT 1