HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Study Session/Regular Meeting Minutes - 03/13/2024 AACITY COUNCIL Cathedral City MINUTES Study Session Wednesday, March 13, 2024 3:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 3:00 PM Nancy Ross _ 1 Mayor Pro Tern Present 3:00 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 3:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Bob McKechnie, Cathedra/ City Peace Initiative, discussed their vision statement_ He stated that Ryan Hunt, Communications and Events Manager, and -Ion Enos, Cathedra/ City Po/ice Commander, have been very helpful_ Karen Riley, S.C.R.A_P_ Gallery, discussed her partnership with the Cathedral City Peace Initiative. 2_ CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items listed on the agenda_ A_ Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6 Agency Negotiator_ Charles McClendon, City Manager Represented Employees: Non-represented Employees B. Discussion with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code 54956.6 Unrepresented Employee: City Manager The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 3:08 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 3:53 p.m. City Attorney Eric Vail announced the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss item 2A. Conference with Labor Negotiator for Non-represented Employees, and item 28. Conference with Labor Negotiator for City Manager. There was no reportable action taken. 3. STUDY SESSION A. Follow Up Discussion on Public Art Funding Recommendation: This item is for information and discussion only. Anne Ambrose, Assistant City Manager, provided an overview of staff's recommendation related to public art funding. The following points were presented: • Background • City Council's Previous Discussion and Direction o Establishing a Grants Program o Establishing a Budget for the Public Arts Commission • New Proposed Budget The City Council provided their feedback and asked clarifying questions, which were responded to by staff. The Council expressed their support of the following proposed budget: • $20,000 for a Public Arts Grant Program • $10,000 for a Public Art Commission budget • $30,000 for maintenance of the City's public art collection The City Council also expressed their desire that the Grant Program be used for the expression of art and programming, which will be available to the public here in Cathedral City. They indicated that when defining the program, the language should mirror the restrictions for the use of funds as outlined in the Municipal Code. This item was for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. B. Gregory S. Pettis Fountain of Life - Fencing Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and direction only. Kevin Biersack, Director of Financial Services, provided an update on the Gregory S. Pettis Fountain of Life fencing project and provided options for the City Council to consider. After discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to move Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 3/21/2024 forward with the following: • Install a fence at a height of 42 inches • Paint the fence to match the existing green railing on the building of City Hall • Mix the surrounding concrete with Earth Yellow They also directed staff to have the Public Arts Commission review colors and possible art installations on the fencing at a later date. C. Discussion of Council Meeting Schedule Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and direction only. City Manager Charles McClendon stated that the City Council has traditionally vacated at least one meeting during the summer months in order to provide a summer break. He provided several options to consider and to help facilitate discussion. After discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council to vacate the following City Council Meetings: • June 12, 2024 • July 10, 2024 • August 28, 2024 ADJOURN Mayor Carnevale adjourned the Study Session meeting at 5:04 p.m. MrY �itY o athedral City City Cler City of Cathedral kfr Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 3/21/2024 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Regular Meeting Wednesday, March 13, 2024 5:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Rita Lamb offered a moment of silence in observance of those who died in the Elks Lodge building fire, followed by an Invocation. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 5:00 PM Nancy Ross Mayor Pro Tem Present 5:00 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Absent 5:00 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 5:00 PM Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 5:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Yasmine Espinoza, Tramview Mobile Home Park Resident, expressed her concern with a water issue at her mobile home park. Mark Bachelder, Tramview Mobile Home Park Resident, expressed his concern with a water issue at his mobile home park. He presented a copy of a letter he received from the Department of Housing and Community Development for the Council's review. Tony Sanfrantello, Tramview Mobile Home Park Resident, expressed his concern with multiple health and safety issues at his mobile home park. Jens Mueller, Cathedral City Resident, stated that he expects more from the City related to code violations and citations. He discussed the City of Rancho Mirage and their citation process. He would like to see the City come up with a better solution. Martha Vistica, Cathedral City Resident, discussed two issues the City is having related to noise. She would like the City to use a drone to mitigate the issues. Thomas Moen, Desert Hot Springs Resident, expressed his concern with the condition of Varner Road. He feels promises were made and nothing has happened on Varner Road or in the surrounding area. He urged the Council to do something. Dolly Moen, Desert Hot Springs Resident, expressed her concern with the condition of Varner Road and she discussed her experience with a flat tire. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Rita Lamb reported on the following: • She expressed how fortunate the City is to have great staff, who responded to the fire at the Elks Lodge building • She announced that Cathedral City High School was named as a 2024 California Distinguished School • Her attendance at the College of the Desert's State of the College Event • She stated that the Yoga program in the Amphitheater is great, and she thanked the Communications Department • Her meeting with a cannabis industry representative • She read an article from Desert Magazine, which recognized Cathedral City Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez reported on the following: • His participation in the Cathedral City Boys and Girls Club Golf Tournament Fundraiser • His attendance at the LGBT Days Events • His attendance at the Tastes and Sounds of Cathedral City • His meeting with City Manager McClendon and Assistant City Manager Ambrose to discuss the agenda and other issues within the City • The phone calls he received from residents related to illegal food vendors and other code violations Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Ross reported on the following: • Her recent trip to Mexico with her Spouse • Her attendance at the Tastes and Sounds of Cathedral City • Her meeting with Assembly Member Greg Wallis regarding Varner Road • The upcoming Senior Scam Awareness Seminar at the Senior Center • The repainting of the Rainbow Crossing Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 3/21/2024 • She announced that it is Women's History Month • Her attendance at the LGBT Days Events • Her attendance at Date Palm Country Club's Citizens on Patrol Pancake Breakfast • Her attendance at the Mosquito and Vector Control Board Meeting • Her attendance at the SunLine Transit Agency Board Meeting • Her attendance at the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Energy and Sustainability Meeting • Her attendance at the College of the Desert State of the College Event • The upcoming Emergency Preparedness Event at the Date Palm Country Club • The upcoming Boys and Girls Club's Annual Meatball Festival • Her meeting with the Salvation Army to discuss their Annual Veteran's Event • Her meetings with various builders and communities • Her attendance at the upcoming picnic at the Montage Community Mayor Mark Carnevale reported on the following: • His attendance at College of the Desert's State of the College Event • His attendance at Date Palm Country Club's Citizens on Patrol Pancake Breakfast • His attendance at the upcoming State of the County Fourth District Event • The fire at the Elks Lodge building, and he thanked the first responders for doing an excellent job • His attendance at the LGBT Days Events • The upcoming St. Patrick's Day, and planned DUI stops • The upcoming Butterfly Festival at Panorama Park 3. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Ross and seconded by Councilmember Lamb to approve the following Consent Agenda items: RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Nancy Ross, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, Nancy Ross, Ernesto Gutierrez, Rita Lamb ABSENT: Raymond Gregory A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda M.O. 2024-37 B. Minutes Approval M.O. 2024-38 1. City Council - Study Session - Feb 28, 2024 3:00 PM 2. City Council - Regular Meeting - Feb 28, 2024 5:30 PM Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 3/21/2024 C. Receive and File Payment of Claims and Demands for February 2024 Recommendation: The City Council acting in its capacity for the City, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Successor Agency and the Cathedral City Public Finance Authority Board receive and file payment of claims and demands in the aggregate sum of$9,657,863.92 for the month of February 2024. M.O. 2024-39 D. Budget Amendment for Public Education Consulting Services Recommendation: To authorize a budget amendment in the amount of $29,250 in FY 23-24 and $29,250 in FY 24-25 to cover the cost of a contract to provide public education consulting services. M.O. 2024-40 4. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 23-002 - Amend the Zoning Ordinance to add Chapter 9.116 Two-Unit Residential Developments and Urban Lot Splits Recommendation: To introduce an ordinance adding Chapter 9.116 Two-Unit Residential Developments and Urban Lot Splits to Title 9 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code, provide first reading by title only and waive further reading. Sandra Molina, Deputy Director of Development Services, provided a presentation on proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment 23-002, which would add Chapter 9.116 Two-Unit Residential Development and Urban Lot Splits to the Cathedral City Municipal Code. The City Council asked clarifying questions, which were responded to by staff and the City Attorney. City Attorney Eric Vail discussed the requirements of the City, by law, related to Senate Bill 9. Mayor Mark Carnevale opened the Public Hearing to receive public comments, seeing none, he closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the City Council. M.O. 2024-41 A motion was made by Councilmember Lamb and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Ross to introduce an Ordinance, by title only and wave further reading, adding Chapter 9. 116, two-unit residential developments and urban lot splits to Title 9 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 3/21/2024 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember SECONDER: Nancy Ross, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Mark Carnevale, Nancy Ross, Ernesto Gutierrez, Rita Lamb ABSENT: Raymond Gregory 6. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. FY 2024/2025 Community Assistance Grant Review, Appointing an Ad- Hoc Subcommittee Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council appoint an Ad Hoc subcommittee to review grant applications. M.O. 2024-42 A motion was made by Councilmember Lamb and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Ross to appoint Councilmember Lamb and Councilmember Gutierrez to an Ad- Hoc Subcommittee to review Community Assistance Grant applications, the Subcommittee will decide which dates to convene to review and make recommendations for grant funding. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember SECONDER: Nancy Ross, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Mark Carnevale, Nancy Ross, Ernesto Gutierrez, Rita Lamb ABSENT: Raymond Gregory B. Presentation on EnerGov Implementation Recommendation: This item is for information and discussion only. Matthew Levy, Enterprise Systems Analyst, provided an update on the Implementation of EnerGov. This item was for information and discussion only, there was no formal action taken by the Council. 7. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There was no discussion on future agenda items. 8. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN Mayor Carnevale adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:05 p.m. �l t,( - I(F�\,n'� Th (Lk M or, of Cathedral City City Clerk. City of Cathedral City Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 3/21/2024