HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1576-1 Contract No.CVAG-99-339-01 Project: Date Palm Drive Between 1-10 and Varner Road AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CVAG AND THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF DATE PALM DRIVE BETWEEN INTERSTATE 10 AND VARNER ROAD This AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE is made and entered into this 26th day of June 2023, by and between the City of Cathedral City (Agency), and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), a California joint powers agency, and is made with reference to the following background facts and circumstances. All other terms and conditions shall remain the same as stated in the original Agreement dated October 28, 2013 for the Data Palm Drive Improvement Project between Interstate 10 and Varner Road. 1. This Amendment Number One increases the existing design and construction estimate by an additional $688,000 for the necessary design revisions as specified in the attached letter dated May 23, 2023 from the City of Cathedral City, Engineering Division. 2. This Amendment Number One authorizes CVAG to amend the cost-sharing agreements between CVAG and the City of Cathedral City for design and construction costs related to the Date Palm Drive Improvement Project, by adding $688,000 to the total costs for a revised total of $3,804,000 which represents an additional $516,000 totaling $2,853,000 for the 75 percent CVAG share and an additional $172,000 totaling $951,000 for the 25 percent local share. Regional Local Share Share Original Contract October 28,2013 $3,116,000 $2,337,000 $779,000 Amendment Number One June 26, 2023 $ 688,000 $ 516,000 $172,000 Total Contract estimate: $3,804,000 3. This Amendment Number One authorizes reimbursement in regional funding for an amount not-to-exceed $516,000 for the design and construction with the following split: CVAG Regional Share (75(1/0): $516,000 City of Cathedral City(25%): $172,000 Total estimate: $688,000 Contract No. CVAG-99-339-01 Project:Date Palm Drive Between I-10 and Varner Road IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number One to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on this date: ATTEST CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY By: r By: arlie McClendon, City Manager Rita amb, Mayor ATTEST COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS By: By: Tom , CVAG Executive Director Steven Hernandez, CVAG Chair Contract No.CVAG-99-339-01 Project: Date Palm Drive Between I-10 and Varner Road Attachment A-1 Additional Scope of Services and Funding Please refer to the following City of Cathedral City— Engineering Division letter dated May 23, 2023. • Page 2 May 23,2023 The reimbursement agreement between CVAG and the City has a remaining balance of $2,497,155.27 as shown below. Phase Amount Expend d Bal c by Ph s Preliminary Eng.(phase I) $ 246,000.00 $ 204,163 59 $ 41,83 Co struction E g.(Phase II) $ 1,200,000.00 $ 6,419.24 $ 1,193,580.7 Co struc (Phase Ill) $ 1,670,000.00 $ 408,261.90 $ 1,261,738.10 T I : $ 3,116,000.00 $ 618,844.73 $ 2,497,155.27 The City is requesting that CVAG amend the Reimbursement Agreement to include the cost submitted by MSA for the completion of the phased design of Date Palm Drive between the Interstate 10 Interchange and Varner Road($688,000 plus 10%contingency=total$756,800)to the ultimate right of way condition utilizing the funds available in the Project budget ($2,497,155.27). The City is also requesting that,once the design of the Project is completed,and after MSA provides a comprehensive engineer's estimate for the construction work, that the remaining funds of $1,740,355.27 be for the completion of the construction work The $1,966,500 contribution from RCFCD will be applied to the Long Canyon Wash drainage improvement line item only. Sincerely, Arm. - : : . arcia Baldi one, P.E. City Engineer cc.:John Corella,PE.Director of Public Works/Engineering-City of Cathedral City